by sceneshifter » Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:31 am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:maroon;font-family:helvetica;font-size:small;"><br>smithtalk: why do cats fight?<br><br>Thank you, smithtalk, for the point. I gather you are suggesting that violence is caused by human nature. But here is a proof it is not so. If a govt re-arranged hourly payrates to range very widely, from say a million times to a 1000th of the average, we all know already that that would cause a dramatic incrrease in violence. Therefore we know that removal of the very wide range of hourly payrates we have in the world today, from a million times to 1000th of the average, will cause a dramatic reduction in violence. <br><br>Cats will still fight. But you dont need me to point out that cats fight for reasons, territory, sex, and that injury is minimal. The busy tom may get torn ears, but this is rare. And does not compare to the damage humans do. Humans do 1000 times the damage. <br><br>We also know that pay theft is a cause of violence from the fact that money is a joker good, good for millions of things, including all necessities. Therefore money is a matter of first importance to people. It is life, comfort, freedom, power, dignity, etc. Again, imagine yourself reduced permanently to 100th of your present hourly payrate: multiply that 'annoyance' by 5 billion: that is how much violence will disappear with equal hourly payrate for all. <br><br>90% of people are paid between a 10th and a 1000th of the wealth they create by their work. That is, they are from full slavery to the superextreme bitter and deadly slavery. This is a major cause of violence. Is the cause of 99% of violence. With equal hourly payrates, people will still fight over sex a la Carmen. Territory wars can be contained most easily when power is spread widely, in proportion to work. <br><br>With superoverpower and underpower, a few can control many to fight for their ends. The people in the middle and at the bottom are slaves to the purposes of the superoverpowerful. We are very very foolish to allow individuals to accumulate up to a million times their contribution to society by their work, and thus control us. With removal of overunderpay, power to control others will be very much more evenly spread.<br> <br>blanc: criminal earnings<br><br>Thank you, blanc, for your point. A universal maximum fortune set at the utmost one person can contribute to society by their work [minus a lifetime's minimum living costs] will give the police a weapon to attack and defeat any criminal fortunes dangerously large. Unlimited fortunes [for limited contribution to society by work] is an enormous stimulus to criminal acts. So is the enormous underpay that enormous overpay causes. There are people so desperate and hungry, they will kill for 50c. And there are superoverpaid who can buy the services of millions of these super-robbed, super-desperate. <br><br>Our first concern is to reduce the hourly pay range to a survivable violence level. At the moment the range is a billion. Ie, two people working equally, one getting a billion times the pay. With violence proportional. Under a maximum fortune, criminals will still be able to have one maximum fortune more than they have earned. About US$4 million. But this will be minute compared to what they are free to have now. The Mafia bigger than the 5 biggest coroporations together. Overpay makes underpay makes violence makes extinction soon. Overpay is tyranny, unfreedom, undemocracy, uncapitalism. As well as being plain theft. <br><br>Calculations for the maximum fortune given elsewhere. Briefly, maximum fortune = 100 hours x 50 weeks x 50 years x world av. hourly payrate [US$15 in 2006, doubling every 12 years with 6% global inflation. [Minus a lifetime's minimum living costs, say, $1 million - US$20,000 a year.] With the assumption that no one working 100 hours a week for 50 years is working harder per hour than the world av. hardness of working per hour. If we make the further assumption that it is bad and unnecessary for anyone to work more than 50 hours a week [see below], we can halve this max fortune level and thus further reduce overpay, underpay, violence, danger and likelihood of extinction by nuclear winter. We can also limit yearly pay to 100 x 50 x US$15. The first step is getting people to see very clearly that justice would be enormously beneficial to ALL. [Proofs for this in previous posts by sceneshifter in various threads.] Absence of overpay and underpay will mean every family in the world, working average hard, will have around US$75,000 a year [doubling every 12 years]. <br>bajasur: workdeath<br>Thank you, BajaSur, for the posting of that very interesting useful information on workdeath. <br><br>It reinforces my position, that we can set maximum paid weekly work hours to 50, and thus reduce overpay/underpay/violence further. I will add that I have read that housewives do an average of 70 hours a week. The highest worklevel I have heard of is 120 hours, Winston Churchill during the war. But he was a very good catnapper. <br><br>Another point is that people should be paid for travel to and from work. Because this is also time that a person cannot provide for himherself in other ways. But it is a minor point, because if everyone had US$15 an hour, this would be somewhat in proportion to worktravel time anyway, and no one would be being seriously robbed without specific worktravel pay. We want to keep the bureaucracy very simple. We can worry about minor points when we are free from near certainty of extinction in the next 50 years. <br><br>The remark about fear of upsetting the boss is interesting. We ought to understand this means slavery. The ruling classes manufacture and preserve unemployment so they can cower employees. We underestimate our slavery. 99% are paid less than they create by their work. 90% are paid between a 10th and a 1000th of their just pay. And we think slavery is a thing of the past! Anyone on less than US$15 an hour, including housewives and tertiary students, is being robbed, is contributing the difference in order to strengthen the tyranny of overpaid! It is only our asleepness that prevents us knowing this.<br><br>We allow pay up to a million times the average. What this means, what we would realise if we were awake, is that this means we allow 1,000,000 people to work, entirely to pay another. For Bill Gates to get paid a million times the average, a million people have to work average hard and be paid nothing. A legal robbery of 1,000,000 people so that one person can have a million times his earnings! The purpose of govt is justice! And the permanent robbery of 1,000,000 paychecks obviously creates an enormous bed of violence, which all of us have to pay for in lives, taxes, sufferings, destruction and danger! How mad are we! And BG can get little benefit from this overpay, because most desires and needs are satisfied by fairpay of US$15 an hour, US$75,000 a year per family! And the superoverpay isolates and greatly endangers BG! So, to satisfy a few very marginal desires of one person arbitrarily chosen, we all suffer enormously, including BG!<br><br>And it takes only 6000 people being paid between the average and a million times the average hourly pay to take all the earned money off all 3 billion world workers! And we are within 10% of this! With 90% of people having between 90% and 99.9% of earnings stolen! And another 9% having between nothing and 90% stolen! Imagine the anger that causes! Imagine your anger at having you TV stolen! Imagine having 90% of your paypacket stolen every week of your life! <br><br>And the net benefit of overpay is negative! Is the satisfaction of the few, marginal desires of 1% of people that US$75,000 can't satisfy, minus the enormous danger and endless selfprotection trouble of being superoverpaid among superunderpaid! With everyone, rich and poor, wanting to get their hands on the money you have! [The rich have more power to get the money you have, the poor have more drive to get the money.] </span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <p></p><i></i>