The Media Zionism and 9-11

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Postby Dreams End » Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:59 am

Sorry Alice...I had trouble hearing you.

Your list of Jews was too loud.
Dreams End

Postby darkbeforedawn » Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:43 am

And please while you're at it (fullfilling Alice's request for a single name of any media powerhouse that has stood up to zionism) can you also provide one that has given 9-11 truth half a fair shake?
Ask yourself why these two seem so entwined...

Postby darkbeforedawn » Sat Mar 03, 2007 9:14 am

Let's be realistic about Zionism--composed mostly of elite jews--zionists have always worked against the best interest of Jews.
For example after WW11 Leonard Dinnerstein in his book America and the Survivors of the Holocaust documents how zionist elites here and abroad actually worked feverishly to stop America from saving jews in Europe during the war and immediately after.
They worked to prevent them from emigrating here so that their only option would be to move to Palistine to people the new "Jewish" state. These zionists openly attacked Morris Ernst an advisor to President Roosevelt who made the disgusting mistake of urging the president to open the borders and allow 20,000 Jewish children slated to be murdered brought to the states.
After the the war the gangters--Mennachem Begin and yitzach Shamir-- openly bulled and terrorized holocaust survivors forcing them to move to Israel.
During the war these monsters didn't care about saving Jews from Hitler and after the war wanted to use the few remaining for their own purposes.
Now that these wars and horrors are upon us, we see what their long range plans were really about--
Can we stop them before they nuke Iran?

Postby Dreams End » Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:38 am

Jew hear something?
Dreams End

Postby AlicetheKurious » Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:27 am

Sorry Alice...I had trouble hearing you.

Your list of Jews was too loud.

How very typical. Why don't you just admit that you can't come up with ONE name? Just one? Hmmm... Now why do you suppose that is?

BTW, guess what? Dr. Rice just hired herself a new advisor, Eliot A. Cohen, to replace neoconservative Philip Zelikow:

In hiring Cohen, a professor at the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies whose son served a tour of duty as an Army officer in Iraq, Rice has lured a leading figure of the neoconservative movement as her policies toward North Korea and Iran draw fierce attack from the Republican Party's right wing. Cohen has connections in that circle and deep roots in the military establishment, and he is likely to concentrate initially on Iraq and Afghanistan and on reshaping the State Department to better handle post-conflict environments.

Cohen, who has described himself as sympathetic to Israel, also denounced a paper last year by two prominent professors on the influence of the "Israel Lobby" as "inept, even kooky academic work" that was undeniably anti-Semitic.

Cohen is a member of Defense Policy Advisory Board and has on several occasions met with Bush to provide advice on Iraq, but he said he generally has been "perched on the margins [of government] for some time."

Washington Post

Just what the world needed, another neocon "advising" the US decision-makers about the Middle East. Image

If you had answered my first question, I would have asked you a second: why do you think Condi replaced one neocon 'adviser' with another? Is it because neocons have such a wonderful track record? Or what? (You must be so relieved you don't have to answer that one, either).
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Postby Dreams End » Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:03 pm

The world according to Alice, Lister of Jews.

1. There are Jews in the media.

2. The media is pro-war.

3. Some unquantified percentage of Jews are Zionist warmongers (to get around the accusation that "zionist = Jew" in Alice's lexicon)

4. Therefore the Media is controlled by Jews. (or zionists, depending on which of your posts someone lowers themselves to read. You went for the Jew thing this time.)

Here's a newsflash, Alice. The media has ALWAYS been pro-war.

"Your furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
--Randolph Hearst (allegedly) in his effort to get the Spanish American War going. The U.S. would gain the Phillipines and then quash an insurrection there with the deaths of 100,000 or so Filipinos. That was at the end of the NINETEENTH century. And Hearst was the Murdoch of his day. Lotta Jews in the Phillipines you reckon?

Speaking of Murdoch, ...ever wonder why it was FOX that broke the "dancing Israeli" and Israeli art student spy ring stories? I mean as in a very long segment by Brit Hume (whom we cannot blame as he was merely attempting to earn enough money to have that sneer surgically removed from his face.) FOX may not have been the very first to run it, but they sure gave it some mainstream airing. What are those wacky Zionists up to? And that Brit Hume...doesn't he look know...Jewish? And I heard a rumor that Murdoch's mom was Jewish. God..they are EVERYWHERE!

Hey, where was the media outrage at the bombing of Yugoslavia? That wasn't that long ago, was it now? Think the media has changed ownership radically since then? I believe the U.S. was blowing up Serbs at the time. Guess what, Sherlock: Israel was SUPPORTING the Serbs. The U.S. was arming radical Bosnian Muslims and bringing in "Al Qaeda" mercs while Israel was trying to defend the one regional power who stood up to the Nazis in World War 2.

Those Zionists are such tricksy hobbitses.

How about that media outcry when Bush Sr. decided Panama would make a fine testing ground for the latest high tech boom booms. Where was the media outcry then? Maybe they confused "Panamanians" with "Palestinians"? How does your "lack of anti-war coverage proves Zionist control" theory work on that one?

Meanwhile, I guarantee you that most of the 77% of Jews who are against the war are "Zionists" in the original use of the term...supporters of Israel and its right to exist. And yet they oppose the war. Wrap your narrow mind around that one. Try not to hurt yourself.

So now you will redefine Zionist only to mean the subset of actual Zionists who are supporters of the war. And yet in your list you made no effort to demonstrate that any of them was anything more than part of the mainstream corporate media complex. Meanwhile, it is maddening to the rightwing that "liberal Hollywood" continues to support the Dems. Dems may not be much real opposition, but that's not really the neocon power base is it?

Look, the bottom line is that this board is now a place where listing of Jews as evidence of conspiracy is considered an acceptable practice.

Here is a list of the sites on the first page of a google search for the simple expression "jews in the media." (I left off the ADL page decrying this theme but you know it's the ADL, where the Elders of Zion actually meet to dine on the blood of gentile children. Bib napkins provided.) (national alliance) (serbian defense league...despite what I said about Serbs, this is not what it appears...part of a network of fascist organizations....worth a blog post actually.) (the website of the National Prayer Network. They have a much more extensive list of filthy Jews in the media, Alice, so this may save you some time. ... media.html
) (no, I'm not making that up and who also posted this exact list.) (Their only point was why can't the Muslim community do better with PR and media stuff...) (something called the demographic, environmental and Security Issues Project, who also reprinted this list. It's a sight by a self-described Malthusian concerned with 9/11, Israel and overpopulation)

And a Daniel Pipes piece not exactly related but complaining about a PBS documentary on Muhammad.

Now I realize this list comes from "Judaism online". It's not the list that is at issue, other than to suggest that the "Jewish conspiracy" is not a particularly secret one. It is the use to which that list is put...a collection of Jews with no context whatsoever given on a list to show that Jews run the world, or whatever way you guys are spinning it these days. The Google search was an example of the illustrious company you keep in following this practice. Maybe if you are lucky, IBM will design a computer system for you so you can keep even better track of those nefarious Jews. They have experience in that area, I understand.

That's it for me. I've wasted too much time on this as it is. Jeff and the moderators have decided that this sort of Jew listing is acceptable on this site. That's their decision...ultimately Jeff's. And it is his board, after all. He'll live without my posting here and I'm happy enough tapping away at my keyboard for the few dozen readers I get per day on my own blog.

Say hello to Lyn Marcus for me.
Dreams End

Postby darkbeforedawn » Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:44 pm

Someone should start having to be responsible for the huge scandal that is our controlled press and media.
Since the 2000 election we have had an unrecognized disasterous shift towards fascism and the loss of our basic constituional rights and freedoms.
The media has aided and abetted in this shift and at every turn strives mightily to keep the sleeping masses snoring.
The conscienceless bureauocrats are criminals and they really are to blame.
If they are Jewish then I blame them. If they are Christian I still blame them.
There is an undeniable convergence of interests involving the Israeli gangsters and the elite here and the media has aided in their joint effort to disempower the people and destroy what we had of democracy.
This is not about antisemitism. It is about the truth.
And since there really are all these Jews in prominent positions in media, why don't all the rabbis and schules everywhere put extreme pressure on these people to change their agenda-- if it is really true that 77% of Jews don't support the war.
Why do all their rabbis keep supporting the war, and Israel and the fascists who are destroying the country and every country on earth?
If they don't support the war why aren't they doing something about it?
If they can brag in a website about how successful the Jews are in the media--then why the f*** can't they pressure these people to stop their criminal enabling of monsters, mass murderers, genocidal maniacs and sadistic torturers.
Tell me DE, if Jews are so proud of their own in media--why don't they make them accountable?

Postby AlicetheKurious » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:49 am

Dream's End, you've got your panties in a knot again, building a wall of noise, all to avoid answering my very simple question. I can see why you don't want to address it.

After all, at the elite level, there are all kinds of people, with all kinds of opinions. If you can't name ONE who opposes zionism, well, that fact speaks for itself, and no amount of hot air can hide it.

BTW, it was Carl Cameron who ran that story about the "Israeli art student spy ring", not Brit Hume. You can check it out at the Fox website...uh, no you can't.

Two cheap tricks you use, that are getting very boring:

1) guilt by spurious association. What with zionism's history of warm alliances with brutal colonialists and murderous racists around the world, from the likes of Apartheid South Africa (including cooperation to develop a "gene-specific" bomb), to its current love affair with the fanatics of the "Christian" Right, that is a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black. I am VERY careful about which company I keep. And I am VERY open about my opinions and the factual, logical and moral basis for those opinions.

My beliefs are founded on a solid basis of respect for human rights, for international law, and an urgent desire to stop the murder of innocent people by war criminals who covet their victims' land and resources for their own, superior 'race'.


2) barking "you're an anti-semite!", the worn-out fig leaf of the intellectually and morally bankrupt zionists.

I know this will come as a profound shock to you, but my world does not revolve around "the Jews". Injustice, real racism (or sexism), the kind that dehumanizes people, that makes them feel helpless while the powerful smash and grab even the little that they have, is what stokes my engine.

If, in your twisted mind, that makes me an anti-semite, that says a lot more about you than it does about me.

While you've been too busy weeping into your beer about the urgent problem of anti-semitism in our world today, your ears are deaf to the victims of actual, ongoing atrocities. You may be blind to the racism that your twisted priorities reveal; don't expect others to share your selective vision. Watch these two videos. This is what racism looks like. This is what zionism looks like, once you get past the apartheid wall. This is why I oppose zionism.

Israeli army embarrassed by video broadcast

Last Updated Tue Mar 19 19:52:12 2002 |

JERUSALEM - The Israeli army has expressed a note of contrition after a television station aired a videotape showing an army assault on a Palestinian home in which a mother of five children died.

When CBC News spoke with Ismail Hawarjeh at Bethlehem's hospital earlier this month, there was no way to verify the story he told about how his wife had died, until Israel's Channel 2 broadcast the tape last weekend. The Palestinian school administrator said his wife Huda had been killed in their home by an Israeli tank shell during the army's March 8 assault on the Aida refugee camp. The army wouldn't comment and foreign journalists weren't allowed inside the camp.

But Israeli media were allowed to ride along with the soldiers
, and they went right into the Hawarjeh home. An Israeli camera recorded the army blowing off the door, and found Huda Hawarjeh bleeding on the floor.

The pictures conformed to Ismail Hawarjeh's story about his wife being hit by shrapnel in the front hallway of the house, and about the Israeli soldiers doing little to help her for an hour while she bled to death in front of her five children.

Finally, the soldiers allowed an ambulance to come to a nearby street, and soldiers helped Hawarjeh carry his wife to it. Doctors tried to revive her at the hospital but couldn't.

Huda Hawarjeh was one of seven people to die in the Bethlehem area that day.

The Israeli army allows the media such close access on the understanding it can embargo anything it doesn't want broadcast.

The tapes of the assault on the Hawarjeh home fell into that category. But Channel 2 broke the embargo anyway.

The army, government and many Israeli citizens didn't like what they saw.

Channel 2 showed Hawarjeh begging soldiers to allow an ambulance through. The camera captured the terror of the woman's daughter, and her brother's attempt to stop her from showing the soldiers her fear.

After the woman was finally taken out, one of the soldiers looked into the camera and said: "I don't know what we're doing here. Purification, maybe. It's dirty here. I don't know why a good Hebrew boy should be here, so far from his home."

The soldiers tore the home apart, evidently looking for weapons.

Another daughter begged them not to demolish the home's wall. Soldiers commonly smash walls to move into adjacent houses.

Israeli spokesman Ranaan Gissin said the government was disappointed by the decision to air the tapes. "I would have expected a little bit more self-censorship on the part of the Israeli media," he said.

Ma'ariv, Israel's second-biggest newspaper, ran the story on its front page on Monday, under a banner headline that read "Gaffe!"

The army, after trying to suppress distribution of the pictures, admitted the soldiers' actions pushed the boundaries of public acceptance.

"Our action is so difficult to be done that it is to the extremities of acceptance," said Olivier Rafowicz, an Israeli Defence Force spokesman.

He called what happened in the Hawarjeh home "a mistake."

Link to article and video

Despite the Palestinians' cries for help during 60 years of dispossession and ethnic cleansing, the so-called international community does not lift a finger to stop the war criminals, because its members are either complicit, or they are afraid of the powerful zionists. Zionist organizations, far from being the voice of the down-trodden, are exclusive, elite institutions whose leadership is selected from billionaires' boardrooms, not refugee camps or ghettoes.

The zionist-dominated media has primed the ethnic cleansing pump for decades, in books, magazines, movies and tv shows, promoting hatred and fear of Arabs and Muslims. Over and over and over, almost without exception, Arabs and Muslims are portrayed as evil, as subhuman, as unworthy of life.

And you, who has not ONCE expressed any opposition to this fascism, this race-hatred in its ultimate expression as genocide, dare to accuse those who speak out against this appalling, ongoing crime, of anti-semitism?

Snap out of it: anti-Arab hatred is the real anti-semitism today:

Although we cannot be entirely sure if '24' is doing this on purpose or by accident, it is doing a superb job of indoctrinating Americans into fear and paranoia, with the government being the only thing that can save them.

Television itself is teaching Americans that torture and hate, in particular, ethnic hatred, such as racial profiling, are acceptable, and that most Muslims living in America are part of a vast sleeper cell conspiracy in the country only to destroy it. RNY

Torture As Entertainment

Under the guise of "entertainment" there's a political agenda which delights 15 million American viewers and millions more throughout the world, including thousands of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm referring to "24," the hit series on Fox whose entire premise is the ticking bomb scenario: Los Angeles is about to be nuked or otherwise mass-destroyed by Arabs.

Jack Bauer, the all-purpose agent who's worked in every counter-terrorism capacity imaginable, has 24 hours (spread over 24 episodes) to save the city.

Season after season he does so, busting every rule, law and moral in the book, usually by torturing Arabs, murdering them with a hacksaw, belittling the "niceties" of law and civil liberties and repeating the juvenile mantra, "Whatever it takes."

Most expert interrogators and military analysts say torture doesn't work and is more likely to backfire -- as it has: America's credibility in the Arab world is at an all-time low.

The Iraq war, the torture and illegal detention scandals of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the death of more than 100 prisoners in American detention in Iraq and Afghanistan, and President Bush condoning torture as "an alternative set of procedures" have disillusioned Arabs of American intentions.

The popularity of "24" isn't reassuring them. On "24," torturing Arabs is the ultimate charm. It not only works. There's nothing like it. It's the patriotic thing to do. And it has no side-effects -- not on America's image, not on the torturers' psychology. ... inment.htm

All you zionists out there, take a rest from the urgent breaking news coverage about the Nazi Holocaust, to see a rare, unique glimpse of what's happening in 2007. Notice that nobody was killed, nobody was maimed, no one's home was destroyed in this video. This is what a GOOD day looks like:
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Postby Dreams End » Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:42 pm

Hume was the anchor on that piece. I don't know Cameron so the sneer joke wouldn't have worked.

And I didn't say you were an anti-Semite, Alice. I think I was quite clear.

Alice the Kurious -- Lister of Jews.

You are a Jew lister. I'm not sure how you could deny this, having provided a list of Jews.

Then you go on talking about human rights abuses of Palestinians, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the list of Jews you provided us.

No context on that list. No proof that these folks are even Zionist in the bizarre way you define it (as opposed to the actual meaning, which is supporting the right of Israel to exist and under that definition, yes, most Jews are Zionist. )

I invite everyone to just grab the first couple of entries on Alice's Jew list...copy and paste the exact phrasing into a search engine and then see who else is posting that list and what they have to say.

Now, Alice, you fucked up. You know it and you can't weasel out of it. You did not provide us a list of Zionists in the media. You provided a list of Jews in the media. You and your EIR fan club bend over backwards to claim that you are only talking about Zionists, a small subset of Jews who indeed manipulate the majority of well meaning Jews, and then provide a list of Jews with no effort whatsoever to somehow classify them as "Zionists". So, either you can tell they are Zionist because they are Jewish, which means your claims not to equate the two is a lie, or else you have some evidence that this list of Jews are particularly involved in the Zionist plot. (still using Alice's warped definition of Zionist, here...obviously nearly all American Jews support Israel's right to exist, whether or not they support the policies of the Israeli government.) And I'm sorry, but citing the mainstream media's overall propensity to tow the establishment line won't cut it.

Here...have a few White Crows. Here is your favorite organization, Camera, bewailing a 60 Minutes (on your Jew list) piece exposing Israel's policy of "targeted assassination." ... rticle=236

Or, how about the fact that the film Paradise Now, directed by a Palestinian, was brought to the U.S. by Warner Independent Pictures, a subsidiary of Warner Brothers. They, too are on your Jew list.

Here's a quote from Human Rights Watch:

The Israel Defense Forces’ internal inquiry into its artillery shelling of Beit Hanoun, which killed 19 Palestinian civilians and left dozens injured in northern Gaza, failed to address the key questions of whether the attack was a violation of international law and who should be held accountable for the lethal fire, Human Rights Watch said today. The Israeli government should immediately conduct a comprehensive independent investigation to establish these issues

Why do I include a quote from Human Rights Watch? Because a Jew from Human Rights Watch is on your Jew list.

Here's Frontpage Magazine furious at Steven Spielberg (a Jew on your Jew list) for making the film Munich and suggesting that Israeli policies of retaliating for Palestinian attacks is wrong. ... p?ID=20654

Spielberg is clearly a Zionist. And yet he gets criticized for making the Israelis look like bad guys in that film.

I could keep going. But why? Where's your analysis of the non-Jewish elements in the corporate media. After all, if it's about Zionism then the gentile media moguls should look a lot different.

A real media analysis that goes beyond checking CEO's for foreskins, might note that, for example, NBC on your Jew list is owned by General Electric which was, I note in an aside, run for 20 years until 2001 by an Irish Catholic, Jack Welch. In 2005 GE had over two billion dollars in defense contracts. But no, THAT'S not why they pimp for war. It's because they have JEWS at NBC. Here, have a look at this:

The “war on terrorism” has seen GE’s military contracts rise substantially. But the company’s “defense” side has been doing well for a while. GE and other military contractors got a big boost under the Clinton administration from Presidential Directive 41 which stated that it was the job of US diplomats to promote arms sales abroad in order to safeguard American jobs; this directive tied the promotions of diplomats to how effectively they hocked US armaments.

In fact you should get to know the entire corpwatch site as it might help you understand that measuring forelocks is not a helpful way to analyze advanced capitalism and the military industrial complex.

I could do the same sort of analysis for all the media on that list. Anyone could. Or they good list a bunch of Jews. Which is what Alice chose to do.

And now she wants to weasel out of it. Which she'll be allowed to do. In fact, I'm more likely to piss people off by not being "civil" than she is by posting lists of Jews. Which is why I don't post here anymore. It's been a nice little visit, though. Just like old times.

So y'all let Alice keep counting Jews.

Those of you on this board who still care about the might try defending it a bit from the Larouchite takeover. I know that Larouche has many mind-controlled slaves who work 16 hours a day pumping out his garbage so it's a little hard to compete, but it's worth giving the casual reader who may stumble on this board the idea that not everyone here is a Jew lister.

Dreams End

Postby AlicetheKurious » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:52 pm

Oh, Dream's End, get over yourself. Posting factual information is a perfectly legitimate thing to do, your hysterical reaction notwithstanding. If you don't like the facts, that's your problem. You can't bully people into ignoring what you want them to ignore, with your puerile name-calling. "You are a Jew lister"; sheesh.

Now, to the rest of your rantings. If you're a reader of CAMERA, it's no wonder you are the way you are. I'd suggest you pull your head out of the zionist meat grinder, but it's just a friendly suggestion. Here's the subject of CAMERA's outrage:

The program described Israel's policy of arresting terrorist suspects when arrests are possible, but mainly focused on Israel's policy of assassinating terrorists and planners of terrorism.

Wow. Now, that's outrageous, accusing Israel of assassinating terrorists! How dare they, when we know that Israel considers all Palestinians to be terrorists, especially those who actively resist the illegal occupation of their land and the genocide of their people. The murderous occupation kills civilians, more than one-quarter of them children, but 60 Minutes stuck its neck waaaaay out by accusing Israel of assassinating individuals that Israel SAYS are terrorists (along with their wives, relatives, children, and anybody who happens to be standing by...did 60 Minutes mention that? I didn't catch the episode.)

The zionist-controlled media has universally misrepresented Arabs, and especially Palestinians, as terrorists or otherwise violent, criminal and evil, and presented all Jewish characters as universally good, whether heroic or 'just folks', i.e. doctors, teachers, housewives, accountants, fathers, mothers, grandparents, etc.. So, in your triumphant example of the exception to the rule, Paradise Now, the two main Palestinian characters are...suicide bombers. Talk about a break-through!

Human Rights Watch & Beit Hanoun: Israel bombed a home shortly before dawn, where several families were sleeping. Elderly people, men, women and many children woke up to a hell of torn body parts, blood-spattered walls and screaming wounded. Almost half of those killed were children. These people were innocent civilians, even their zionist murderers did not accuse them of do anything to provoke the attack.

What courageous stand did Human Rights Watch take? You know, the one that proves that Israel does NOT get away with its revolting crimes?

The Israeli government should immediately conduct a comprehensive independent investigation to establish these issues

Woah. Human Rights Watch really gave it to those war criminals. That's taking a moral stand. As usual, Israel gave Human Rights Watch, and the shattered survivors, the finger. End of story.

Hmm. What other examples do you gleefully wave, to prove that I'm oh, so wrong about the monolithic zionist media? Ah yes, a movie by Steven Spielberg whose main characters are...Palestinian terrorists.

Anything else? Oh, yeah. The media is not zionist-controlled, because the military-industrial-complex also benefits from the "war on terror". As though the two are mutually exclusive, rather than joined at the hip, with the same names and faces popping up on both sides.

Sorry, pookie. Your silly name-calling and pathetic examples only prove my point.
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Postby philipacentaur » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:54 pm

Jew Lister.
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Postby AlicetheKurious » Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:24 pm


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Postby Dreams End » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:29 pm

Just wanted to clarify one thing, Jew Lister. The CAMERA quote was used because it was opposed to a story put out by one of the Jews on your list. That was the point. Jew-run 60 Minutes on Jew-run CBS put out a story agreeing with YOUR perspective, Alice. That's why CAMERA was upset. I don't favor targeted assassinations either...that wasn't the point. The point was...and try to wrap your little Jew-listing head around this one,


Which brings us to the corollary,


Or are you saying all Jews in Media think alike?

Last I noticed, Paradise Now created a huge firestorm with Jews lining up on both sides. Those cunning Jews...always controlling both sides of the debate.

Your complete failure to get the point about the corporate control of the media and its subservience to the National Security state is typical. Your entire argument is that the lack of anti-war coverage was because of Zionist control. Now, at least, you admit it's "joint" control. That's a step in the right direction I guess.

Now, back to listing Jews. Given the relative silence of others on this board, with a few happy exceptions, you are probably making progress. Why, people will start to look around and notice the Jewish sounding surnames in their own cities and towns. Maybe they'll come here and provide their own lists. Not all Jews, you understand.


No need to prove those listed have done anything wrong. It's just enough that they are Jews. That's exactly what you did and your attempts to tap dance around it are as pathetic as they are amusing. It was worth stopping back in just to watch you squirm.

Oh, but please...though I may or may not actually be Jewish, next time you publish a list of Jews who rule the world, would it be too much to ask for the inclusion of the name "Dream's End." I feel so left out. Though you'll never top antiaristo's name for me of "Talmud Merchant."

Reprehensible, of course, but when it comes to smack talk, anti has you beat, hands down.

I choose not to be creative, as the name I've chosen for you is 100% supported by your actions.

And Alice the Jew-Lister simply can't find a way to wriggle out of it.
Dreams End

Postby AlicetheKurious » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:47 pm

Not all Jews, you understand.


Of course, size matters, but what's more important is what you do with it.
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Postby slimmouse » Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:55 pm

The Onion of veritas returns

Though you'll never top antiaristo's name for me of "Talmud Merchant."

Does that mean that you're a Scottish Rite Freemason too ?

But ,hey, at least you got the none- accuser right this time. Last time, having lectured us on checking our sources, I got the blame for that one, despite the true none- accuser being on the same thread on the same page.

Unless of course you are a Scottish Rite Freemason ?

I guess you were so busy hunting down the Nazis in your 'impartial altruistic' frenzy, that you neglected to understand exactly which talmud merchants Anti was really refferring to.

You see, sometimes DE, a talmud merchant is just a Scottish rite freemason, to paraphrase another metaphor.

And interestingly and oddly enough, unjustifiably calling someone a Nazi (racist/fascist)is perfectly acceptable on this board, whilst justifiably calling someone a Talmud merchant ( none racist within the particular context )isnt

I wonder how that works ?

But at least you "got your own back" for that none insult from Anti, by claiming he was mentally ill, right ?

So should the mods ban people who accuse others of Mental illness,and on multiple occassions of Nazism when they are demonstrably neither.

Or should they ignore such offensive and personal degradations and insults and deal with "Jew listers" ( One dumb post out of hundreds) instead ?
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