The Media Zionism and 9-11

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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:49 pm

Well, all I can say Joe, is if youre that concerned about cheap shots and ugly insinuations, youve stuck youre oar in on this thread a little late in the piece wouldnt you say ?

Not to mention your insinuation that people like me never put up and should shut up as I hold my middle class wankfest, or whatever you called it.

Hey guess what, you got that wrong too didnt ya ?

Cool now we are both making hurtful, untrue accusations or insinuations about other people we know nothing about.

Great way to act like civilised humans don't you think?
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Postby darkbeforedawn » Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:33 pm

Before the making of lists became such a fascinating issue, I would like to remind you all what this thread was originally about.
It was started because many among us are concerned about the horrible state our media has descended to and that 9-11 and the subsequent wars happened when citizens no longer had access to real news.
They told us lies and we believed them.
Now entire countries lie devastated and monstrous war crimes have been committed as a result.
Who are these people who used our trust for such abominable ends and why aren't they being held accountable for their lies?

Here is what I stated originally:
Dreams End makes many loud noises about Jew listing and pretends that we actually have a variety of views and opinions represented on our media which are then expressed by these various Jews and others..

[color=blue]We do not. In fact we have no media.
What we have is a tightly controlled state run propaganda distribution mechanism.
It is run by neocon warmongering, bloodthirsty, ruthlessly destructive and conscienceless globalists out to make a buck and f*** everyone else.
Americans will pay for letting them use our country as their base
And so will their children and their children's children.
Dreams End speaks as if the media is filled with diversity and encourages the workings of a real democracy
This is a grevious lie DE and you know it.
How many of these diverse media voices have said one word about the BBC building 7 scandal now raging?
I know the answer: one--a small news paper in Santa fe
There may be many different Jews with many different voices, but the zionists that run our media have only one voice and it is that of Molock.

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:10 pm

It was started because many among us are concerned about the horrible state our media has descended to and that 9-11 and the subsequent wars happened when citizens no longer had access to real news.
They told us lies and we believed them.
Now entire countries lie devastated and monstrous war crimes have been committed as a result.
Who are these people who used our trust for such abominable ends and why aren't they being held accountable for their lies?

Yeah thats a valid statement.

Why invalidate it with the crap about it being all down to Zionism.

And are you seriously naive enough to believe that this started with 911 or even Israel?

When newscorp papers start dictating an agenda to our politicians:

It’s taken them a fortnight, but Rupert Murdoch’s dancing bears have finally lumbered out of hibernation and are sharpening their claws for the kill.
Led by The Australian’s quaintly titled Editor-at-Large, Paul Kelly, they are now lining up to tell the new Labor leader Kevin Rudd exactly what he has to do if he wishes to avoid disembowelment at the next election.
And it is not an enticing prospect, either for Rudd or for the rest of us. Basically our alternative Prime Minister has been told: stop attacking economic fundamentalism and commit to a Murdoch-style free market – or die.
Kelly’s ultimatum in the Weekend Australian’s Enquirer section is bookended by a couple of the real crazies, Christopher Pearson (“Rudd must renege on IR”) and Kevin Donnelly (“Comrade Rudd is a closet leftie”) to fill in the details, but the core message has been left to the man his colleagues have christened “The Professor” – for much the same reason that our Dear Leader received the sobriquet “Honest John.”
In Kelly’s case the name has less to do with erudition than with pomposity, a sanctimonious self-importance that has been nurtured by decades of duchessing by the rich and powerful. These days Kelly is so far up himself he has almost turned inside-out; from once being an avid Whitlamite he is now an unquestioning acolyte of Murdoch Mark II, the American version.
So when Rupert’s flagship announces that he has The Questions Rudd Must Answer, little Kevin had better believe it. Actually they are not questions but orders, and Kelly takes several hundred words of turgid propagandising to get to them. But here is the brutal list.
“What,” demands Rupert’s alpha grizzly, “is the economic task for the next Labor government? It will be to cut the fat from government spending; expand competition policy (except, it goes without saying, in the media – my interpolation); deregulate universities; introduce more market signals into health, education, transport and energy; eliminate red tape from business; simplify the tax and industrial systems; cut marginal tax rates; encourage the welfare to work transition and more labour force participation by assisting the work-family balance; invest more in education and training; encourage entrepreneurs in the market place; and aspire for a more competitive economy.

WTF has that got to do with Zionism.

There is a trail of lies and falsehoods that follows that agenda and it has everything to do with dismantling democracy and returning to the feudal system.

Hence lies like "the new IR system and dismantling of basic worker protections to serve the economy and benefits all Australians."

Quite frankly your analysis is simplistic and self centred and ignores the real, dangerous trends that groups marked as Zionist actually promote.

That is the real agenda of the Murdoch press.

All the anti muslim sentiment in Australia has everything to do with promoting that agenda using divide and conquer "wedge politics" to further the Fascist agenda here and sweet FA to do with whats actually happening in the Middle east.

Now that striking is effectively illegal what recourse do ordinary working people have against economic powers. None.

Of course workers rights never mattered much in the US anyway so i guess thats irrelevent to you.

Next you will be saying the only reason Chavez is demonised is cos he has a semi cordial relationship with Iran.

- Editeed for this link:
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Postby erosoplier » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:19 pm

sunny wrote: So far as I know, dbd is neither an officer of the court, nor is she an official with power to carry out such a judgement.

dbd, you are a "she" also? I must confess, I've become a she-lister of late. I'm amazed by how many people on this discussion board are turning out to be females - I like it. Interesting, there appears to be a skewed distribution, gender-wise, either side of the debate here on this thread and threads like it.
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Postby orz » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:23 pm

I somehow missed this gem of self-discrediting madness:
darkbeforedawn wrote:I hope they fry in a gas chamber.

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Postby philipacentaur » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:45 pm

Who are these people who used our trust for such abominable ends and why aren't they being held accountable for their lies?

The Jews? Am I right? Why are you asking a question when you're unwilling to accept any answer that doesn't fall in line with what you already believe? It's unfortunate that you see the world consisting of nothing but extremes and caricatures.
What we have is a tightly controlled state run propaganda distribution mechanism.

That might be the perverted dream of certain fascistic currents within the government, and perhaps a twisted nightmare of yours, but it's not reality -- reality is frustratingly nuanced and complex. I see you as a feeble cog in a less cohesive, but still extant, propaganda mechanism -- maybe I'm wrong, but that's how you portray your views. Anyone who expects the corporate media to be responsible to anyone other than their shareholders needs to wake the fuck up. Your simplistic characterization of the media as tools of fascistic Zionists is only helping to construct strawmen for the people you view as the opposition. This is not fascism -- yet.

Who is this Matlock character again? Or was it Murdoch? Modok?

P.S. - The word "fry" would be appropriate for a comment about death by electrocution; gas chambers are used to kill people by asphyxiation, or poisoning. I guess you'd better brush up on your capital punishment. I didn't even notice that comment until it was pointed out -- perhaps "cognitive dissonance" kept me from seeing it the first time.
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KKKurioser and KKKurioser

Postby professorpan » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:55 pm

Wow, so I'm a Zionist now? Shit, man. Why am I not getting my fat payment from ZOG?
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Postby Iroquois » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:17 pm

Why invalidate it with the crap about it being all down to Zionism.

Excellent question, Joe.
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Re: KKKurioser and KKKurioser

Postby erosoplier » Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:11 am

professorpan wrote:Wow, so I'm a Zionist now? Shit, man. Why am I not getting my fat payment from ZOG?

The point is, pan, regardless of our personal opinions we (in Canada, UK, US and Australia etc) are Zionists in the most real terms imaginable. Our governments have stood by and watched for decades as Israel ignores the rulings of international bodies or otherwise never even gets judged by the same standards as every other nation.

You don't get a choice, you are a Zionist.

And by the way, the way zionism works in the diaspora is, you pay for it, OK? It doesn't hand out money to you - you pay for it.

Some people don't like this state of affairs and realise that the only way to change it, initially at least, is to make some noise about it.
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Postby erosoplier » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:06 am

I hope they fry in a gas chamber.

"Holocaust" = wholesale death, especially by fire. But what was the main method of killing in the WWII concentration camps? Gas.

It is quite funny when you think about it.
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Postby philipacentaur » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:08 am

Yeah, that's fucking hilarious.
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Postby professorpan » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:40 am

You don't get a choice, you are a Zionist.

You don't get a choice, either -- you're a fucking idiot.

This thread should have been firepitted with the appearance of the Jew list. But at least some of the hoods have come off -- that's a positively development.

Here's a shout-out from my favorite Zionist of all time:
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Postby professorpan » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:44 am

It is quite funny when you think about it.

Off comes another hood!

This is getting very interesting!
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Postby erosoplier » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:48 am

philipacentaur wrote:Yeah, that's fucking hilarious.

Oh, I understand that dbd is jewish - I wouldn't say something like this if dbd hadn't mentioned it first, and hadn't been subsequently mocked for doing so.

Also, 'funny' can mean strange and/or odd, as well as funny ha ha.

Somethng else I find strange is how gentiles can often be more touchy about holocaust related issues than jews themselves.
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:52 am

Yeah that Holocaust was fucking hilarious.

Had me in stitches.
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