New Film "Traitor" Deals With CIA Creating Terrori

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New Film "Traitor" Deals With CIA Creating Terrori

Postby 8bitagent » Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:24 am

Just saw the new Don Cheadle drama "Traitor"
(trailer )
It feels like Syriana/Rendition/The Kingdom as far as the look

It's basically about a rogue faction of the CIA who uses Don Cheadle("Samir Horn") to lure in young would be jihadists to stage terror bombings across Europe and eventually America. The Cheadle character teachers young Muslim men how to make bombs, avoid detection, how to inflict the most damage, and which targets to pick. In the movie he's said to have been
used in the Afghan Mujahadeen and Bosnia training jihadists by the CIA.

So basically, it's a film about real life, and how virtually EVERY major terror attack since the 70's has had the guiding hand of intelligence agencies or other inside job elements.

There are many cases where provocateur agents are used to infiltrate or gather a group of would be bombers, and orchestrate plots. Such as the World Trade Center 1993, Madrid Spain 2004 plot, ect.

Sick part is, at the end of the film his character is considered a hero.

Well in real life there are FBI/CIA provocatuer agents in America under witness protection who were used to help orchestrate some of the most famous terror attacks(WTC 1993, OKC 1995, 9/11, African embassy bombings of 1998, ect)
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Postby Nordic » Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:03 am

I'd be very interested to hear more about the plot.

Does he know he's being used by the CIA? Does the movie present the CIA as using him in false-flag ops?

Does he turn on them at some point after he realizes he's being used?

More, please!
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Postby 8bitagent » Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:47 am

Nordic wrote:I'd be very interested to hear more about the plot.

Does he know he's being used by the CIA? Does the movie present the CIA as using him in false-flag ops?

Does he turn on them at some point after he realizes he's being used?

More, please!

Want spoilers?

The film keeps the secret under wraps for awhile. It's clear the Cheadle character is helping to orchestrate terror attacks across Europe and elsewhere, blowing up consulate buildings, busses, resorts, ect.

Two tenacious FBI agents are hot on his trail, but it's clear that despite being born in Sudan and being Muslim, his character is American.
So why is he going to such great lengths to help orchestrate such evil plots?

In the 2nd act we see he goes to a motel to meet his CIA handler.

It's interesting, as I've researched real life cases where terrorists would secretly meet their intelligence handlers(such as the case with the world trade center 1993 attack, where one of the bombers made secret tapes with his handler in the FBI)

In the end, he decides to carry out helping with the bombing of an American bus, but he also turns on the "Islamic terrorists" too.

It's kind of a bizarre movie, as the FBI guy at the end comes off like "well you had to do what you had to do", never even knowing that he was being used by rogue CIA.
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Postby AhabsOtherLeg » Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:30 am

This should be called Charlie Wilson's War: Part Deux.

Mark Kermode said that Charlie Wilson's War was the only film he'd seen in ten years that could've been improved by a two hour epilogue. Well, here are the missing two hours (maybe stick a few bits of The Bourne Identity, Three Kings, The Road To 9/11, and that French film about the Algerian conflict into the edit too, in the interests of full and frank disclosure).

"Producers only make films that they can't get out of making. They make more money waiting on a project to come along than they do by working on it. Bear that in mind. And executive producers are just corporate lawyers with delusions of artistry."

Why are these films and programmes being made?

I don't know. Not a media expert, by any means. I only just started watching the Sopranos online (it's as good as everybody telled me).

But why all the sudden obvious filmic foot-shooting on the part of the Secret Team? It surely can't be good for anyone involved - in the reality, rather than the fictional accounts.
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Postby geogeo » Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:24 am


Note the use of the presently popular meme 'it's complicated'
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Postby Penguin » Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:06 pm

geogeo wrote:Intriguing!

Note the use of the presently popular meme 'it's complicated'

Indeed...And is this a kind of limited-hangout scenario? Spill the beans in entertainment, muddles the waters..
Edit: And especially the part about "rogue CIA". Is there something else besides rogue CIA?
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Postby MinM » Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:29 pm

I wonder about Steve Martin's role in this project?

While his work is not as brain-addling as the insipid Dane Cook.
Steve Martin is no Lenny Bruce, Mort Sahl or Bill Hicks either...

AhabsOtherLeg wrote:Why are these films and programmes being made?

I don't know. Not a media expert, by any means. I only just started watching the Sopranos online (it's as good as everybody telled me).

But why all the sudden obvious filmic foot-shooting on the part of the Secret Team? It surely can't be good for anyone involved - in the reality, rather than the fictional accounts.

Inoculation Theory?

In 1996 you had The Long Kiss Goodnight portraying a false-flag operation .. Back in the summer of 2001 you had The Lone Gunmen episode that foreshadowed 9/11 .. Last year there was another summer replacement series, Traveler, which had the Homeland Security Secretary admitting that false-flag operations were needed in order to 'control the people' (btw the actor that played him is also in Traitor).
America’s cognitive dissonance

While I am not suggesting some sort of Grand Conspiracy here. Just positing the theory that filmmakers are subject to the same sorts of propaganda from the media that we all are. And as such are susceptible to this stuff creeping into their subconscious as both producers and consumers of mass media.

So, when we see forms of martial law, or false-flag ops carried out IRL we don't question it. Thus the predictable Pavlovian response of -- Yeah I've seen this before and it is somehow perversely reassuring -- creates the requisite complacency.
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Postby geogeo » Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:43 pm

Of course it is scientifically proven that Chertoff is a Reptilian shape-shifter. That's beyond debate. He's playing himself in the upcoming made-for-TV drama, 'Gustav: the storm that rescued the Republicans and got McCain elected.'
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Postby Penguin » Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:42 pm

You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008)

An Israeli Special Forces Soldier fakes his death so he can re-emerge in New York City as a hair stylist."

The movie begins with Zohan (Adam Sandler), a Mossad agent, on vacation at Bat Yam beach (Tel Aviv) attracting several women and capturing the attention of every beach-goer with his Hacky Sack prowess. He cooks fish in the nude (using copious amounts of hummus) for himself, his friend and several women. As he finishes cooking, an Israeli Defense Forces helicopter arrives, stealing him away from his presumed well-earned vacation.

During a subsequent briefing, Zohan expresses his displeasure about having his vacation cut short. After being heckled by his officer, he eventually agrees to do yet another mission of recapturing a key Palestinian terrorist, the "Phantom" (John Turturro), who had been freed by the Israeli government in exchange for a captured Mossad agent, plus an additional "to-be-named-later" spy. Later, as Zohan expresses his desire to leave Israel and become a hairdresser in New York City, his wishes are met with laughter by his mother and his father, who had fought in Israel's Six-Day War.

The disgruntled Zohan fakes his own death during the pursuit of the Phantom, who is tricked into believing he had killed Zohan. Zohan smuggles himself into a flight to New York City in a pet crate of two dogs named Scrappy and Coco. Changing his hairstyle into a 1980s Paul Mitchell's Avalon style and taking "Scrappy Coco" as a new alias, he sets out to pursue his dreams in the Big Apple.

Initially unsuccessful in getting hired at an upscale Paul Mitchell salon (as well as an African American salon and a children's salon), Zohan's military expertise earns him a new friend, Michael (Nick Swardson), who gives him a place to stay. However, Michael feels uncomfortable with Zohan's sexual activities with Michael's mother, Gail (Lainie Kazan). Zohan's passion for 1970s disco runs him into a fellow Israeli named Uri (Ido Mosseri), a Zohan fan who is aware of Scrappy Coco's true identity but agrees to keep it a secret. Uri introduces him to a block in lower Manhattan filled with Middle Eastern Americans, who are split between a Palestinian side and an Israeli side of the street.

Zohan attempts to land a job in a struggling salon of a Palestinian woman named Dhalia (Emmanuelle Chriqui). After first only allowing the ostentatious Zohan to sweep floors for free, she eventually allows him to be a stylist after he pleases a senior lady with a satisfactory haircut and back room sexual service. Zohan's reputation spreads instantly among the elder women of lower Manhattan, who comment that "besides the sex, he gives a pretty good haircut." Dhalia's business booms, upsetting Walbridge (Michael Buffer), a corporate magnate who has been trying to force out all the local tenants on the block so that he may build a huge mall. Zohan brags to his colleague Claude (Alec Mapa) that he has a big one, which is understood as big penis, but he meant big amount of pubic hair.

Eventually Zohan is identified by a Palestinian cab driver named Salim (Rob Schneider), whose goat Zohan had stolen after Salim threw his shoe at Zohan and spit in his face. Salim convinces his friends to help him exact revenge on Zohan. He rebuffs their advice to "let the professionals" take care of it because Salim wants the glory of killing Zohan for himself. He and his friends decide to build a bomb, but they are unsure how to do so. Thinking that they need "chemicals," Salim and his friends walk into a pharmacy and try to ask for liquid nitroglycerin. Hearing Salim's mispronunciation, the pharmacist instead presents Salim with Neosporin. Seeing that the Neosporin doesn't destroy Zohan's workplace, Salim reluctantly informs Phantom through a Hezbollah hotline. Now a successful fastfood chain owner, Phantom then pays a visit to New York to hunt Zohan down.

Meanwhile, Zohan realizes that he has fallen in love with Dhalia when he discovers that he has unexplainable erectile disfunction except in her presence. However, Dhalia rejects Zohan's feelings for her after he reveals he was formerly an Israeli counter-terrorist operative. Zohan decides to leave Dhalia and confront the Phantom in a Hacky Sack game. His fight is cut short with sudden news of the Middle Eastern block being attacked by racist white arsonists dressed in Arabic clothing. (The arsonists are hired by Walbridge to instigate an inter-ethnic riot between the Israelis and Palestinians and hopefully allow him to take over their stores more easily.)

As Zohan and Phantom are working together to save the block, Dhalia appears, revealing that she is the Phantom's sister – or "Fattoush" as she calls him. Zohan's personal dossier allows him to discover the arsonists' true identities as rednecks hired by Walbridge. Zohan and Phantom lead the united Israelis and Palestinians of the block to save their shops, defeating the rednecks, thwarting Walbridge's plans, and damaging all of the shops on the block by using "The Sound" which is a combination of stereotypical Arabic rhythmic calling and stereotypical Hebrew "chhhh" sounds. The police arrive to arrest Walbridge for his crimes.

With the Israelis and the Palestinians united, the block is transformed into a collectively-owned mall, in which Zohan and Dhalia realize their dream, opening a joint beauty parlor. The Phantom also fulfills his lifelong passion of opening up a shoe store. The movie ends happily as Zohan's parents approve of his new wife (Dhalia) and hair salon, called "Dalohan," becoming customers themselves in a surprise visit."'t_ ... _the_Zohan

Aye, har har!
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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:51 pm

^^That Zohan movie mystified me until I got to Springfield, Illinois and saw the ubiquitious "THE REAL ISRAEL IS DIFFERENT THAN WHAT YOU SEE ON THE NEWS" billboard right next to the cheap seats theatre marquee beaming "YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN".

It's just branding. Pepsi does it, too. They might even have roughly equal death counts @ this point.
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Postby Penguin » Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:58 pm

When I saw the ads for Zohan here, I thought it was a gay movie!
With the rainbow shirt, and vertical split and all. A militant gay movie, assault rifle on the back! Boy was I surprised when I looked it up...
I wonder if that angle is somehow portraying the army and Israel as gay-friendly? Brotherly love, hair stylin, hetero-swayin style! Or maybe just plain liberal leaning?

Yeah, that ones an advertisement all right...
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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:17 pm

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Postby Penguin » Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:31 pm

Bah, your img dont work, so I put these links: ... rch+Images So you wont miss out on military babe hotness..

WR:^^ ! Indeed! This is what that addr gives me:
The remote server refuses to perform the request. This address is not available.

You tried to access the address ... he_IDF.jpg, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
NVMD, back on topic... !
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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:56 pm

^^That's interesting, it actually works on my end.
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Postby timetunneler » Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:57 pm

Penguin wrote:
geogeo wrote:Intriguing!

Note the use of the presently popular meme 'it's complicated'

Indeed...And is this a kind of limited-hangout scenario? Spill the beans in entertainment, muddles the waters..
Edit: And especially the part about "rogue CIA". Is there something else besides rogue CIA?

There might be rogue FBI, DIA too... but the organizations themselves are not necessarily "evil" it is the guys on the inside that do the evil. So to me that implies rogue operators unless you assume every single member of those organizations is in on it and therefore evil.

The movie looks interesting. I just hope they don't stick the rogueness of it all on just Cheadle and like 1 other guy in the CIA... its obvious these types of things ivolve quite a few insiders among more than just the CIA... FBI, DIA, MOSSAD, BUND also have players involved with this shit.
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