More Morgellons

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Re: thinner

Postby Fat Lady Singing » Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:30 am

When I saw your video, my first, immediate reaction was, "Oh! Those things!" Like, of course, I see those all the time.<br><br>Weird thing is, though, I don't. But they seemed utterly familiar to me.<br><br>One possibility to consider is spider *mites*, which leave webby stuff all over the place. One year it was all over our yard.<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Initial infestations tend to occur in fields bordering clover fields or grassy areas. Field perimeters and corners tend to exhibit the earliest symptoms of infestation. Dispersal over a wide area occurs when spider mites are carried on a balloon of their webbing by the wind.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Many spider mites produce webbing, particularly when they occur in high populations. This webbing gives the mites and their eggs some protection from natural enemies and environmental fluctuations. Webbing produced by spiders, as well as fluff produced by cottonwoods, often is confused with the webbing of spider mites.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Here's a picture of one kind of spider mite web:<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Not saying that's what your stuff is--just that it's another possibility. I've noticed that spider mite webs are more delicate than spider webs. Interesting that you're making a correlation with weather patterns, as spider mites tend to infest areas according to the weather (some species during hot, dry conditions; others, cooler and moist). If they haven't been around too long, they're pretty easy to get rid of with a squirt of water. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: thinner

Postby Fat Lady Singing » Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:34 am

Replying to my own post, which, upon rereading, made it sound as if the familiarity I felt when watching the video was because of my familiarity with spider mites. Not so. I don't know why I had the reaction I did, but it just seems like I see that stuff all the time, when, in fact, I don't. It kind of gave me the willies, frankly. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: thinner

Postby rocco32 » Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:43 am

Et in arcadia, this isn't hostile. I just do not agree with your assessment of chemtrails and J8 fuel. I explained why, from my own observations, but cut the thread as it was too long. I'm sure you've heard it before. I can only account for what I've documentated myself. Which coincides with much of what I've found myself through researching on the net. <br><br> I am convinced there is a connection between these aerosols and Morgellons. California, by the way, is the state with the most reported and documentated cases of Morgellons. 28 percent of all reported Morgellons households. Cal, coincidentally, also seems to have the most online activist/researchers with CT websites. The worst states, according to the Morgellons Research foundation, are California way up front, then Texas and Florida.<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br> All, seemingly, in pocketed urban areas of those states. Now it seems, areas of Canada are getting nailed. Toronto during the past fall and winter. Vancouver getting it in spring and now summer. England is getting it bad right now as well as you can see for yourselves if you type in chemtrails to YouTube. <br><br>My personal observations...since my area started getting hit with these aerosols in late 2005, I noticed quite a few strange episodes. 3 air ionic air filters that I have in my home. I have owned 2 of these for the 4 years I've lived here. I clean them regularly as my GF is slightlty asthmatic and they've always worked great. When this spraying started late last year, these filters would become filled with a never-before seen type of fibrous dust material in the span of a week! My house suddenly became filled with this never-ending dust on days the skies were filled with this polymer-like material spray. <br><br>In the 3+ prior years, it would take on average, 2 to 3 months for these filters to become dirty enough to signal the filter "cleaning light". The environment in my neighborhood is very stable. No seasonal changes or activities that would account for this. And that was a familiar type of dirt-dust I'd become used to seeing for years. I even bought another new additional high-end filter unit to make sure it wasn't the age of the older filters. Same results. That's a big, big difference that never happened any year before. What always accompanied this physically, was a sluggish feeling, achey joints, headaches, fatigue, and a ringing in my ears. We all felt it. <br><br>I started posting my findings and photos online, after a couple more months of this aerosol onslaught. Within weeks, I soon found all kinds of strange occurences happening. Strange emails to my blog, email, hang-up phone calls with no caller ID, someone posting my email online with my name, stalking suspicions, threatening emails to "leave the subject alone for my own good", etc. It was defintely enough to get me to stop posting photos and the revealing research I was uncovering. Something is definitely to this.<br><br> Then my computer was hacked. 4 times. I reformatted, flashed the bios, even f-disked, changed machines, and stubbornly loaded up on routers and firewalls galore. We documentated just who was snooping on my router and firewall logs. A strange alliance to be sure.all gov and mil. Over and over again. nascom.nasa and the epa were the most frequent. <br><br> I got the point and don't want to tangle with these guys. They seem to only want you to shut up about it. Still, what would any of our ultimate goals be? To simply find out more for health concerns, no? How is this worthy of surveillance and/or a threat of any kind? It would seem there is a real effort to keep people either ignorant or convinced it's all normal. Huxley and Orwell come to mind. <br><br>Yet isn't it these same exact organizations that are the most fervent and active in claiming that 'nothing is going on', it's all a "hoax", everything is normal, etc., etc.<br><br><br> In the past year, I've witnessed this on each and every board that may try to find answers. I would not be surprised at all if they will be on this site shortly, now that Ive probably typed in a wrong flagged word or two. It really is worth looking up the Google cache of the ongoing debate on for example, arianaonline's cached science forums just to witness these debunkers at work. <br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br> Cliff's website, who has a seemingly reputable resume and background, has tracked "visitors" to his website multiple times. He also is a victim of Morgellons, having evicted a mass of fibers from under his gums, and also discovering biological material in this "fibers", backed by reputable microbiologists who were "threatened" if they did anymore work. <br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><br>ad-lib edit...<br><br>OK, good. And funny you should mention what you did about flagging as I feel I am still under the gun most likely. Damn man, which so much else going on in the world, and me being of such limited influence, being just an "average joe" and all, why even bother with us types? What do you think Et? I'm sure they've ascertained that we are "of no consequence", as one anonymous emailer cryptically informed me in my weeks of experiencing CT terrorism. But your experiences with the surveil when becoming moderator is downright creepy. Can you point me to a link where you might've related this experience? <br><br>All I want ultimately want is my health, damnit. I wasn't looking to step into no damn hornets nest, ya know? Your thoughts ? <br><br>Also, I commend you for hanging tough through the insanity of 25 page debunking drivel and threats. You're a better man than I. I folded much sooner, but then it seems 'they' like to argue and play mindgames, don't they? . <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>rocco32</A> at: 7/27/06 7:25 am<br></i>
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Re: thinner

Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:06 am

rocco32:<br><br>Been there , done that.<br><br>I was a moderator on chemtrailcentral until early this year when the place self-destructed. I'm very familiar with carnicom, and have posted links to some of his work here at the RI board, but regardless, his findings have never been independantly verified, and that makes accepting his results difficult.<br><br>I'm also very, <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>VERY</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> familiar with the triangualted madness found on the Arianna fourm between halva, R*eynolds, and Phelps. I've fought long and exhaustive battles with Phelps only to get absolutely nowhere; as far as chemtrails are concerened, the entire internet is the plaything of the Phelps/R*eynolds phenomenon. The link you posted includes several pages of my own arguments with the two scourges.<br><br>* Speak not these names lest you desire to see them arrive here, and once here, we will not be rid of them..<br><br>My machine has been hacked several times in the last 6 months, including one so severe it required a complete replacement of my machine with a 100% loss of data, including ALL my own chemtrail images, which were considered by many to be the 'best' online.<br><br>The only thing I can say about all of it is, whatever meme is pushed online, it's not true, or it utilizes enough truth that it successfully occludes the real deal, and whatever <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>that</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> is, I'm convinced it's not a good thing..And that's not something I'll be easily swayed against. I've done some serious time in the chemtrail discussions..I have no intention of slamming anyone aside from those who nee to be slammed(and you already know who thoey are), but you're going to need more than Carnicom to presuade me otherwise.<br><br>I had <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>*someone*</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> outisde my house taking pictures within 2 hours of my accepting a moderator position at CTC witnessed by my(at the time) neighbor who's an investigator for Georgia's State's Attorney's Office, so I know all about unwanted guests..<br><br>Give me something else to chew on, cause I've already knawed on this root.. <p>____________________<br>Some are born to sweet delight, some are born to endless night.</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>et in Arcadia ego</A>  <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 7/27/06 12:18 pm<br></i>
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Re: thinner

Postby rocco32 » Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:36 am

I had the same unwanted guests in front of my house and had to mail photos to a judge friend of mine! My neighbors also noticed. And I hardly did sh@t. Posted a few photos. COnsidering all the subjects being censored these days, this two, the morg and the CT, seem to bring out some real thought police gestapo types. I wonder what these guys are really like. <br><br> IN any case, thanks for the info. It's something I've stayed away from as much as possible, though I do have some real concerns over my health. <br><br>As I stated above, you're a better man than I for dueling with that particular crew. I've heard some real terroristic-type horror stories involving people in the alt. media. I just wonder if this is a Bush admin. directive and if things would be as bad no matter who was at the White House. I imagine so, huh? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: More Morgellons

Postby Wolfmoon Lady » Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:15 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>One of the most prominent victims is former Chicago White Sox pitcher Billy Koch, who along with his wife, Brandi, was stricken several years ago, Brandi Koch confirmed.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END-->Sad that the average, everyday sufferers are called "delusional." When sports stars and celebs start coming down with it, it becomes a real disease, worth paying attention to. As if sports stars and celebs could never be delusional.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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