Temples to which gods?

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Temples to which gods?

Postby Pants Elk » Sat Jun 11, 2005 9:10 am

From today's "Independent" -<br><br>Found: Europe's oldest civilisation<br>By David Keys, Archaeology Correspondent<br>11 June 2005<br><br>Found: Europe's oldest civilisation<br><br>How 7,000-year-old temples reveal the elaborate culture of Europe<br><br>Archaeologists have discovered Europe's oldest civilisation, a network of dozens of temples, 2,000 years older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids.<br><br>More than 150 gigantic monuments have been located beneath the fields and cities of modern-day Germany, Austria and Slovakia. They were built 7,000 years ago, between 4800BC and 4600BC. Their discovery, revealed today by The Independent, will revolutionise the study of prehistoric Europe, where an appetite for monumental architecture was thought to have developed later than in Mesopotamia and Egypt.<br><br>In all, more than 150 temples have been identified. Constructed of earth and wood, they had ramparts and palisades that stretched for up to half a mile. They were built by a religious people who lived in communal longhouses up to 50 metres long, grouped around substantial villages. Evidence suggests their economy was based on cattle, sheep, goat and pig farming.<br><br>Their civilisation seems to have died out after about 200 years and the recent archaeological discoveries are so new that the temple building culture does not even have a name yet.<br><br>Excavations have been taking place over the past few years - and have triggered a re-evaluation of similar, though hitherto mostly undated, complexes identified from aerial photographs throughout central Europe.<br><br>Archaeologists are now beginning to suspect that hundreds of these very early monumental religious centres, each up to 150 metres across, were constructed across a 400-mile swath of land in what is now Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and eastern Germany.<br><br>The most complex excavated so far - located inside the city of Dresden - consisted of an apparently sacred internal space surrounded by two palisades, three earthen banks and four ditches.<br><br>The monuments seem to be a phenomenon associated exclusively with a period of consolidation and growth that followed the initial establishment of farming cultures in the centre of the continent.<br><br>It is possible that the newly revealed early Neolithic monument phenomenon was the consequence of an increase in the size of - and competition between - emerging Neolithic tribal or pan-tribal groups, arguably Europe's earliest mini-states.<br><br>After a relatively brief period - perhaps just one or two hundred years - either the need or the socio-political ability to build them disappeared, and monuments of this scale were not built again until the Middle Bronze Age, 3,000 years later. Why this monumental culture collapsed is a mystery.<br><br>The archaeological investigation into these vast Stone Age temples over the past three years has also revealed several other mysteries. First, each complex was only used for a few generations - perhaps 100 years maximum. Second, the central sacred area was nearly always the same size, about a third of a hectare. Third, each circular enclosure ditch - irrespective of diameter - involved the removal of the same volume of earth. In other words, the builders reduced the depth and/or width of each ditch in inverse proportion to its diameter, so as to always keep volume (and thus time spent) constant .<br><br>Archaeologists are speculating that this may have been in order to allow each earthwork to be dug by a set number of special status workers in a set number of days - perhaps to satisfy the ritual requirements of some sort of religious calendar.<br><br>The multiple bank, ditch and palisade systems "protecting" the inner space seem not to have been built for defensive purposes - and were instead probably designed to prevent ordinary tribespeople from seeing the sacred and presumably secret rituals which were performed in the "inner sanctum" .<br><br>The investigation so far suggests that each religious complex was ritually decommissioned at the end of its life, with the ditches, each of which had been dug successively, being deliberately filled in.<br><br>"Our excavations have revealed the degree of monumental vision and sophistication used by these early farming communities to create Europe's first truly large scale earthwork complexes," said the senior archaeologist, Harald Staeuble of the Saxony state government's heritage department, who has been directing the archaeological investigations. Scientific investigations into the recently excavated material are taking place in Dresden.<br><br>The people who built the huge circular temples were the descendants of migrants who arrived many centuries earlier from the Danube plain in what is now northern Serbia and Hungary. The temple-builders were pastoralists, controlling large herds of cattle, sheep and goats as well as pigs. They made tools of stone, bone and wood, and small ceramic statues of humans and animals. They manufactured substantial amounts of geometrically decorated pottery, and they lived in large longhouses in substantial villages.<br><br>One village complex and temple at Aythra, near Leipzig, covers an area of 25 hectares. Two hundred longhouses have been found there. The population would have been up to 300 people living in a highly organised settlement of 15 to 20 very large communal buildings.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Temples to which gods?

Postby robertdreed » Sat Jun 11, 2005 9:36 am

"Earth and wood"?<br><br>Fat chance figuring out any of the cultural details from that material legacy. <br><br>Not that it will stop the imaginative...<br><br>Still, quite significant finds, archaeologically speaking. I wonder what will be found in the trash heaps. That's usually where the action is. That and the burials... <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p097.ezboard.com/brigorousintuition.showUserPublicProfile?gid=robertdreed>robertdreed</A> at: 6/11/05 7:41 am<br></i>
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Re: Temples to which gods?

Postby Rigorous Intuition » Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:37 am

Reminds me of Colin Wilson's Cthulhu mythos novel, <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>The Philosopher's Stone</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. A scientist develops the ability to perceive the past by handling artifacts. When he handles a shockingly ancient artifact, the "Old Ones" begin to perceive him, too. <p></p><i></i>
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Passage Tomb at Newgrange

Postby bindare » Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:34 pm

I am a bit surprised at the tone of the article especially its neglect to mention the pagan ritual mound at Newgrange. This Megalithic Passage Tomb was built about 3200 BC at least 600 years before the first pyramid. The kidney shaped mound covers an area of over one acre and is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are richly decorated with megalithic art. The 19 metre long inner passage leads to a cruciform chamber with a corbelled roof. It is the weirdest experience being inside (unfortunately, access is restricted these days). <br><br>At the time it was built, it was the tallest man-made structure in the worls. It is estimated that the construction of the Passage Tomb would have taken a work force of 300 at least 20 years.<br><br>a good collection of images can be found at<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.knowth.com/newgrange.htm">www.knowth.com/newgrange.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Passage Tomb at Newgrange

Postby Seventhsonjr » Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:55 am

For the record there are many archaeologists that believe the pyramids and Sphynx are closer to 10,000 years old. I watched a program on Nova or PBS or Nat. Geographic on it and it was pretty convincing based on erosion and other patterns in the stones. Also the astronomical allusions in some petroglyphs/alignments would not have been visible 5-7 thousand years ago but had to have been some 3000 years earlier.<br><br>They have matchups with the Thai/Cambodian pyramids too in astronomical alignments and images, etc.<br><br>I wish I had a link but I am sure you could google "Sphynx" or pyramids and 10,000 years and find it. My back hurts too much to sit for long periods due to a crunched disk from lifting stones.<br><br>As for the earth and wood stuff. Natives were doing that here too along with stones. Perhaps the temples were meant to be temporary. But the alignments etc. will tell a lot.<br><br><br>Check out a book called "Manitou"<br><br>by Mavor and Dix<br><br>on Native sites like these with underground chambers, sweat lodges, and sacred geometry and astronomical/solar sacred sites.<br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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too wierd.

Postby slimmouse » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:26 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>For the record there are many archaeologists that believe the pyramids and Sphynx are closer to 10,000 years old. I watched a program on Nova or PBS or Nat. Geographic on it and it was pretty convincing based on erosion and other patterns in the stones. Also the astronomical allusions in some petroglyphs/alignments would not have been visible 5-7 thousand years ago but had to have been some 3000 years earlier.<br><br>They have matchups with the Thai/Cambodian pyramids too in astronomical alignments and images, etc.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br> Glad you brought this up again 7th, since its a topic well worthy of further consideration IMHO.<br><br> Particularly when you consider;<br><br> a. The actual knowledge, technology required to build the Giza pyramid for instance, and its REAL purpose.<br><br> b. The actual alignment of the eyes of the Sphinx with both other pyramids and the Sirius A star, which appears on the Eastern horizon on July 23rd - The same day as the Bohemia grove gatherings. Some kind of weird coincidence no doubt<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >D --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/grin.gif ALT=" >D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br> In fact the Sirius star and its satellites is a fascinating study when you consider that;<br><br> c. Many ancient civilisations were aware of the existence of both Sirius b and c, way before "modern science" were actually capable of seeing these planets through powerful telescopes in the 1970s<br><br> Indeed It appears that Sirius is a major object of worship for many - including modern day "brotherhoods"<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/wink.gif ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br> Even more fascinating when you think that ;<br><br> d. with ever advancing modern scientific techniques including dna analysis, microbiology and all the rest, it would now appear that Darwins theories of evolution and Natural selection are desperately in need of demotion to the land of the fairy story.<br><br> Which leaves us with What exactly, in terms of established knowledge of the origin of the Speces ? <br><br> Not a lot would be my best estimate.<br><br> But of course, anyone who would believe that we might easily have originated via creation by intelligent life forms that predate mankind by millenia, and have interdimensional understanding, and possibly extraterrestial origins, is considered ready for some serious medication <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :\ --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br> Im over here Nurse ! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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The Sirius stuff goes very deep,

Postby Rigorous Intuition » Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:44 pm

and is <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/satanism_dc2.htm" target="top">very weird</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->:<br><br>Noted Astrologer David Ovason published a book in 1999 entitled The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capitol: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C., in which he uncovered the historic fact that the Masonic Fraternity dedicated the young United States of America to the stars generally, and to the Dog Star Sirius . Listen to the stated goal of this book:<br><br>"Today, there are more than twenty complete zodiacs in Washington, D.C., each one pointing to an extraordinary mystery. David Ovason, who has studied these astrological devices for ten years, now reveals why they have been placed in such abundance in the center of our nation's capitol and explains their interconnections. His richly illustrated text tells the story of how Washington, from its foundation in 1791, was linked with the Zodiac, with the meaning of certain stars, and with a hidden cosmological symbolism that he uncovers here for the first time." [Jacket flyleaf]<br><br>Immediately, we are told that the capitol city of the United States of America was founded according to the Biblically forbidden practice of Astrology from the beginning of its serious construction. Further, as we get into this material, you will discover that Washington, D.C. and its key government buildings, were specifically oriented and dedicated to the Dog Star Sirius, which we will later study, is the occult designation of Satan .<br><br>...<br><br>The Egyptians also called him <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Set</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->, or Seth. New Age author and founder of the Luciferian secret society called House of Theosophy, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, writes of the god, Set. "... Hermes, the god of wisdom, called also Thoth, Tat, Seth, Set, and Sat-an, and that he was, furthermore, when viewed under his bad aspect, Typhon, the Egyptian Satan, who was also Set." [Isis Unveiled, Vol. I, Science, New York, Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company, 1877, p. 554, xxxiii.; Emphasis was in original]<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: The Sirius stuff goes very deep,

Postby marykmusic » Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:12 pm

I checked out your link above, RI, and am disappointed that there is a tenuous connection made between Sirius the Dog-Star and Satan... this is misleading in the extreme.<br><br>The real Sirius connection can be found in the Annunaki, purported to be our ancestors (from Sirius) by way of interbreeding with, and DNA manipulation of the primitive hominids here on Earth, and the actual "missing link." Zechariah Sitchin started the studies in that direction. There is much to be found along that line... --MaryK <p></p><i></i>
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this is what NOVA actually says about age of pyramids

Postby bindare » Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:15 pm

<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/">www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>ZAHI HAWASS, Director General of Giza<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>NOVA: There have been claims that a great civilization predates ancient dynastic Egypt -- one that existed some 10,500 years B.C. -- and that this civilization was responsible for building the pyramids and sculpting the Sphinx. Is this possible?<br><br>HAWASS: Of course it is not possible for one reason. Until now there is no evidence at all that has been found in any place, not only at Giza, but also in Egypt. People have been excavating in Egypt for the last 200 years. No single artifact, no single inscription, or pottery, or anything has been found until now, in any place to predate the Egyptian civilization more than 5,000 years ago.<br><br>NOVA: What evidence do you have that the pyramids and tombs at Giza were from, as you say, no more than 5,000 years ago.<br><br>HAWASS: First of all you have inscriptions that are written inside the tombs, the tombs that are located on the west side of the Great Pyramid for the officials, and the tombs that are located on the east side of the Great Pyramid for the nobles, the family of the King Khufu. And you have this lady, the daughter of Khufu. And this man was the vizier of the king. This one was the inspector of the pyramids, the chief inspector of the pyramids, the wife of the pyramid, the priest of the pyramid. You have the inscriptions and you have pottery dated to Dynasty 4. You have inscriptions that they found of someone who was the overseer of the side of the Pyramid of Khufu. And another one who was the overseer of the west side of the pyramid. You have tombs of the workmen who built the pyramids that we found, with at least 30 titles that have been found on them to connect the Great Pyramid of Khufu to Dynasty 4. You have the bakery that Mark Lehner found. And all the evidence that we excavate here.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br><br>MARK LEHNER, Archaeologist, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, and Harvard Semitic Museum<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>NOVA: How do we know how old the pyramids are?<br><br>LEHNER: It's not a direct approach. There are people coming from a New Age perspective who want the pyramids to be very old, much older than Egyptologists are willing to agree. There are people who want them to be built by extraterrestrials, or inspired by extraterrestrials, or built by a lost civilization whose records are otherwise unknown to us. And similar ideas are said about the Sphinx. And in response to the evidence that we have for the time in which the pyramids are built, the criticism is often leveled at scholars that they're only dealing with circumstantial information. It's all just circumstantial. And sometimes we smile at that, because virtually all information in archaeology is circumstantial.<br><br>Rarely do we have people from thousands of years ago who are writing, who are signing confessions. So there's no one easy way that we know what the date of the pyramids happens to be. It's mostly by context. The pyramids are surrounded by cemeteries of other tombs. In these tombs we find bodies. Sometimes we find organic materials, like fragments of reed, and wood, wooden coffins. We find the bones of the people who lived and were buried in these tombs. All that can be radiocarbon dated, for example. But primarily we date the pyramids by their position in the development of Egyptian architecture and material culture over the broad sweep of 3,000 years. So we're not dealing with any one foothold of factual knowledge at Giza itself. We're dealing with basically the entirety of Egyptology and Egyptian archaeology.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: too wierd.

Postby wolf pauli » Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:50 pm

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>"with ever advancing modern scientific techniques including dna analysis, microbiology and all the rest, it would now appear that Darwins theories of evolution and Natural selection are desperately in need of demotion to the land of the fairy story."</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Care to elaborate on that? <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Set[h], pyramids, concrete

Postby wolf pauli » Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:51 pm

<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.pyramide-reconstituee.com/pyramide/en/chapitre16.htm">www.pyramide-reconstituee...itre16.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Benou: Reconstituted stone<br><br>"In Egypt, precious stones were called the stones of truth as they were transparent.<br>Soft stone, suitable for sculpting, was associated with evil and wrong as opposed to right, with stupidity, ignorance, error and lies.<br>Called Set, its determinant was a knife representing the idea of separation, cutting up, carving and division.<br>The god Set personified evil and this particular type of stone. He was sometimes represented by a donkey, and even today this animal evokes stubborn stupidity. He represented unfruitful, vile matter symbolised by the desert. The word has gone down the ages with little change as at the time it was written deshert.<br>All other stone was called in (pronounced ine). Reconstituted stone was called inir (consisting of in + ir, to create).<br>Hard stone (not cut, dressed or sculpted) symbolised truth and eternity.<br>In the ancient texts, the stones used in the pyramids were called eternal or truth stones which suggests that they had not been dressed or sculpted.<br>Was this perhaps the philosopher's stone that alchemists were seeking?"<br><br>Notice that the text classifies "reconstituted stone" (concrete) as a form of "hard stone" (not cut, dressed or sculpted), i.e., "eternal or truth stone", in contrast with the "soft stone" (cut, dressed or sculpted) called <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Set</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> (<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Seth</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->) after the god who "personified evil". <br><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,625686,00.html">observer.guardian.co.uk/i...86,00.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Riddle of the Pyramids<br>Why De Mille didn't need all those slaves on screen <br><br>"To the uninitiated eye, the 2.3 million blocks of stones rising to a 146-metre peak on the 4,500-year-old Great Pyramid near Cairo look as solid as pure granite. But French architects and scientists believe they are nothing more than weathered concrete blocks, moulded on the spot, stone by stone and layer by layer, from the ground upwards.<br><br>"The theory, being explored by scientists at Montpellier University, has thrown Egyptology into turmoil. It could destroy thousands of years of speculation on the greatest of all riddles of the sands ... Researchers believe that only the reluctance of the Egyptian authorities to allow more samples to be examined stands between them and final proof. ..."<br><br><br>A much more detailed, multi-part article:<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.geopolymer.org/science_archaeology/pyramids_egypt/carving_pyramid_stones.html">www.geopolymer.org/scienc...tones.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete?<br><br>"... How could the Ancient Egyptians have cut these stones ...?<br><br>"How was it possible to transport the large stones when the wheel had not yet been invented and there were no pulleys to hoist them into the air?<br>If the stones were carved, as most people believe, where are the fragments of broken stone left over? ... not a trace of them has ever been found.<br><br>"How could a civilization without hard metals have carved the millions of blocks of the Great Pyramid to ten different and exactly-calculated lengths in order to set them in patterns throughout the whole structure to eliminate the formation of vertical joints?<br><br>"How could these joints between adjacent blocks be achieved so perfectly? The joints between millions of blocks,vertically and horizontaly are not more that 2 mm wide. How were the blocks cut and leveled without motor-driven machinery or diamond drills?<br><br>"The answer has at last been found, and it totally contradicts the stone-carving theories. The pyramids were cast in situ. ..."<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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re: More Sirius deep stuff, and 'Grek-5' communication ...

Postby Starman » Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:36 pm

Jeff; Interesting stuff alright, I hadn't seen this before.<br>Hmmmm .....<br>Found this intriguing reference while following-up additional info re: your post -- not sure what it means, but there are some fascinating suggestions of extra-temporal/spatial correspondences and linkages, esp. some connection of crop circles with microwave radiations (something I've long suspected but haven't seen discussed anywhere before) and ET mind-telepathy communication -- as well as the following re: esp. to early layout of Wash DC. and orientation of Sirius:<br><br>Impossible Correspondence re: calculation of Washington Monument (phallic Baal) Celestial coordinates with New Year's 2000 midnight 'event' -- marking the date when all ASM 'sky positions' are synchronized -- pointing to crossing of Sirius at 33 degrees above horizon;<br><br>from: <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://rgrace.org/99/99LLelectrons.html">rgrace.org/99/99LLelectrons.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>Electrons and Mythologies<br>--quote--<br>Note: 1.745329252 .. is a decimal harmonic of the_reciprocal_of the Radian (deg) value 57.29577951 .. (1 / 57.29577951) = 0.01745329252 <br><br>Now .. notice this equation .. <br><br>(13131.2254 / 9549.296586) = (1.745329252 X 0.787873524). <br><br>Recall, please .. that 13131.2254 .. is the generic Area of a Square. 0.787873524 .. is a decimal harmonic of the generic Volume of a Sphere. <br><br>Using the standard math formula for Volume of a Sphere .. (4Pi / 3) X (radius Cubed) .. = 4.188790205 X (57.29577951 ^ 3) .. = 787873.524 Cubic arc-deg. <br><br>"ASM" Grid POINT Value of The White House<br>In 1998, I found the_centered_Grid POINT Value ("ASM") for The White House in Washington, D.C. .. to be .. 7.87873524 .. (Morton, 1998, Internet). Here are the "ASM" figures I found .. <br><br>Grid LAT .. 38 (deg) X 53 (min) X 51.4796425 (sec) North .. = 103680 North. <br><br>Grid LONG .. 108 (deg) X 10 (min) X 12.18469679 (sec) W.Giza .. = 13159.47253 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 77 deg 02 min 11.38469679 sec ] <br><br>Grid POINT Value .. 103680 / 13159.47253 = 7.87873524 <br><br>Recall New Year's Eve of 1999/2000<br>The Clintons were on live national TV on New Year's Eve of 1999/2000, and at the stroke of midnight, The Washington Monument appeared to "burst" into an incredibly bright, white-light display. The scaffolding around The Washington Monument (for renovation work) had been fitted with some sort of "pyrotechnic" surprise .. timed for midnight. Also at midnight, SIRIUS was 'appearing' to cross the sky-meridian .. 33 degrees above the horizon over Washington, D.C. !! { See the series of articles by Mike Bara, on TEM website .. <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.enterprisemission.com">www.enterprisemission.com</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> .. "Has the 'End of Days' Begun?" }. <br><br>I posted this equation on The Internet, almost a year ago .. (Morton, 2000, Internet) .. <br><br>(2.368705056 / 5.411616169) X (360 /2000) = 0.0787873524 <br><br>It describes, in numbers, that very *event/moment* .. at midnight on New Year's Eve of 1999/2000 .. at the change of the millennium at Washington, D.C., with SIRIUS "crossing" the sky-meridian .. at 33 degrees above the horizon. 2.368705056 is the_Jan.1, 2000_"ASM" Grid POINT Value of SIRIUS !! (Morton, 1999, Internet). 5.411616169 .. is the Grid POINT of the_centered_location of .. The Washington Monument ! (Morton, 1998, Internet). <br><br>360 is "our" ancient (very ancient) figure for the number of arc-degrees on one circumference. And 2000, of course, is the calendar_year_"we" were then beginning .. signaled by that "crossing" of the sky-meridian by SIRIUS. And Jan.1, 2000 is the date at which time all of the *sky-positions* in the "ASM" are synchronized_mathematically_(Morton, 1999, Internet) .. relative to the ecliptic_and_relative to the ecliptic prime meridian that "appears", from Earth, to pass through the Orion belt-star ALNITAK. 0.0787873524 .. is a decimal harmonic of The White House Grid POINT Value of 7.87873524 .. of 0.787873524, as described a bit earlier, and, of 787873.524 .. the generic Volume of a Sphere. <br>***********<br>Some Strange, eh?<br><br>Also, from the same site, suggesting a kind of telpathic 'portal' event with an extra-sol intelligent entity via experiments with a Ouji board -- Note the reference to Sitchin which Marymusic indirectly references in her comment re: Sirius;<br>Sumthin' to mess your mind with;<br>Starman<br>(BTW: Bizzare site with neat mind-tickling ideas ...)<br><br>posted by CodeUFO:<br>--quote--<br>27 yrs to return? Jerry does that number ring any bells? 27 level electrons? <br><br>Telepathy? I understand that scalar is a beam thru the axis of a counterwound coil...such as a tesla or a toroidal coil...it is instant...no time..no space...connect it to human / a.lien mind-energy-consciousness and bang!!!...instant communication...not 27 yrs....so.....it took 27 yrs to get there? How many parsecs is the speed of light x 27 yrs? What does the ET antenna remind us of? An antenna with a circle in the middle? A lens in the alien head? What does "A lens" and "A liens" really mean? Gary...some AlphaNumerics on this please? <br><br>Well, I held off on the alphanumerics request here because nothing was really coming up. Okay, I did find A LENS + ALIENS = 111, Greek gematria for "Nine", "Dwelling (or house)" and "Key". Also 111= TIME IS KEY and ONE HALF CIRCLE. It was interesting but I wanted more. So I waited. As so often happens, the alphanumerics takes its cues from something Michael comes up with and now I'm getting even more input from y'all. Just tonight something worth mentioning came about. It relates not only to the question from metphys about the mind-energy-consciousness idea but also to the recent discussion thread concerning right/left brain, circle, square, etc. and also to a possible mechanism by which the crop glyphs might be created. I want to share the numbers with you but in order for it to make any sense I have to give you the nano-compressed version of something I was involved in way back in 1967. I always feel a bit apprehensive about sharing this story because I get that "oh-come-on-give-me-a-break" grin with the rolling of the eyes. Oh well... here goes... <br><br>In 1967, my wife (at the time), my best friend, Tom, and I were experimenting with a Ouija board for a few weeks. It was working extremely well but all the stuff we were getting was your typical communication with the dearly departed. Way cool, but then suddenly one evening, everything changed. Without warning of any kind we began getting a series of 19 words, over and over again Some were in English and some were in an unknown language (Grekian?) and one was in Latin <br><br>(1)SPECTOR, (2)MIND, (3)YOU, (4)EARTH, (5)GREK5, (6)SPECTOR1, (7)GOD, (<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/glasses.gif ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> TIME, (9)LOVE, (10)PAX, (11)SPECTOR11, (12)XESTAO, (13)GOD9, (14)FIRSON, (15)LASON, (16)HABITON, (17)KNOWLEDGE, (1<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/glasses.gif ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> BABION, (19)DIX <br><br>I can't go into the whole long story here but suffice to say we were suddenly getting Ouija board and automatic writing communications from intelligent beings, quite alive and well, living on a planet they called Grek-5; so named because it was the 5th planet from the sun in their solar system. Fantastically, the story they told us about the creation of their planet and of our own earth was very similar to the Marduk/Tiamat scenario published by Sitchin some 10 years later. At one point we asked how it was that they could be manipulating the board to spell out the words? The board immediately went to the number "2". It kept doing this instead of answering the question directly. Finally we remembered the list of 19 words and noticed the 2nd word was "Mind". We asked if that was the key to this transmission and the answer was affirmative. They used the number "2" nearly every time the concept of "mind" came up. Amazingly, again about 10 years later, J.J. Hurtak published his well known and controversial book, "The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch". However it wasn't until sometime around 1993 that I discovered this book and bought a copy. In the back of the book is a glossary. In the glossary (much to my amazement) is this entry: <br><br>"MIND-2: A second world of consciousness development, preceding the world of physical form. A second world of "advanced intelligence" as an Overself governor connecting the planetary mind-body complex with the functions of the Universal Mind. Mind-2 works considerably faster than Mind-1 and interconnects with numerous entities, within the greater universe." <br><br>Well, that blew my 2, I want to tell you! <br><br>Notice: "Interconnects with numerous entities, within the greater universe"? That's exactly what they said was their means of communicating with us. And now I'm wondering if this is the way the crop circles are formed. <br><br>These sessions went on for several nights but that's enough of the background for me to get to the alphanumerics which I just found tonight (or last night, as I see the sun is rising!). Sometimes what happens is that certain words or phrases or even topics will just sort of ring a little bell for me and I kind of get the feeling I need to do some crunching because there's something coming in. Sounds nuts, I know. Anyway, that little bell rang tonight when crop circle researcher, Paul Vigay (on Dreamland) was asked by Linda Moulton Howe what he thought the difference in the "solar system" code of the Arecibo glyph might mean. He said something like, "Well, it could mean that they live on the 5th planet from the sun in their solar system". Considering what I just told you about Grek-5, you'll understand why the bell rang. Then, just about an hour or so later I read Tom's observations about right brain, left brain, circle, square, and the notion of the need to blend the one with the other, etc, etc, ... this all turned the bell into a damned chinese gong! Yikes, somebody get me an aspirin! LOL! So I began crunching. It didn't take long. The clues had been laid right out for me. <br><br>RIGHT BRAIN = 106 <br>CIRCLE = 50 <br>LEFT BRAIN = 87 <br>SQUARE = 81 <br>Sum: 324 <br><br>I recognized this 324 as being the same digits, rearranged, as 432, an important gematrian number found throughout ancient lore from various cultures. Hmm.. what if I added the 324 to 432? 324 + 432 = 756, base length of the Great Pyramid measured in feet. Okay, that was cool but it really just seemed like a warm up. <br><br>I remembered Tom's comments about bringing the two sides of the brain into a convergence, so to speak. I thought, "United Brain". <br><br>UNITED BRAIN = 117 = FLESH AND BLOOD = NEGATIVE + DARK Interestingly, if you rearrange the 117 to 171 you get POSITIVE + LIGHT. 117 + 171 = 288 = 144x2, double light. <br><br>Okay, but where was this going? Then I thought, again, about Paul Vigay's idea about the 5th planet from the sun in their system, which reminded me of the "Mind-2" thing. After a little crunching nothing seemed to appear. Suddenly I thought, oh! What if that 2 was one of those little 2s as in "squared"? Mind squared? Hmm... <br><br>MIND SQUARED = 99 = THOUGHT <br><br>Okay, now it was beginning to get interesting. Then I thought (no pun intended) about actually squaring the word itself and that's when the really cool stuff began to come out: <br><br>MIND = 40 <br>40 squared is 1600 <br><br>But 1600 was an unusual number for me to work with. It had never come up before. So I went back to the right/left brain thing and looked at the 324. By this time "2" was on my mind so I decided to divide 324 by 2: <br><br>324/2 = 162 <br><br>Ah! A decimal harmonic of Bruce Cathie's 162,000 max. light-speed in nautical miles per second. As Michael once explained, By "max. light-speed", we mean the speed of light in "open space" .. before it is 'slowed-down' incrementally by any given celestial body's atmosphere and magnetic field. <br><br>Alright! Now we're getting somewhere! Back to the 1600: 1600 ("MIND" squared) / 162 = 9.87654321 <br><br>Wow, I thought. Cool number! The whole series backwards! What does it do when it's added to the same series forward, I wondered? 987654321 + 123456789 = 1111111110 Whoa! Binary code? I didn't know and I really don't know beans about binary code but I know it's 1s and 0s. Right? I think so. Someone straighten me out if I'm wrong. <br><br>I knew the sum of that series (1 thru 9) is 45. Since "reversals" seem to yield interesting results in the alphanumeric world I tried it here: 54 + 45 = 99 = MIND SQUARED = THOUGHT !!! <br><br>Okay, great! How about the alphanumeric value of the "alphanumber" <br><br>FORTY FIVE? <br>FORTY FIVE = 126 = SPEED OF LIGHT <br><br>Oh yes, I'm havin fun now. The 126 reminds me of the 162. Now I already know that the alphaforms of these digits is 144, classic gematria for the concept of "light": <br><br>ONE + TWO + SIX = 144 <br><br>What do I get if I put the numeral forms together? <br><br>126 + 162 = 288 = 144x2, or double light. <br><br>So what does all this tell us? Maybe it's all just coincidence. Or maybe... just maybe... it's saying the crop glyphs are created by the transference of thought patterns at the speed of light? And how about that mysterious Eltanin antenna? What the hell is that thing? Michael Morton, in one of his recent posts, has correlated that item with the ASM numbers involved with these latest crop glyphs. Remember Raphiem's discovery of the Eltanin antenna 144 mile radius phenomenon? And is it just coincidence that ELTANIN ANTENNA = 144? And I can't resist ending this with a note about the question regarding the 27 years: <br><br>CODE = 27 <br><br>In all my alphanumerics work over the past few years, the number 27 has only come up twice, not counting that it's encoded into the very structure of the English alphabet. But in terms of it turning up as the alphanumeric value of a case related word or phrase it's only come up twice. The other one is this: <br><br>HALF = 27 <br><br>And speaking of 144, look at half of 144: <br><br>144/2 = 72, the reverse of CODE. <br><br>Do the ol' reverse and combine trick: <br><br>72 + 27 = 99 = MIND SQUARED = THOUGHT <br><br>Interestingly, the same thing happens with all of the double digit numbers which can be reduced to 9, such as 72 and 27 (7+2=9): <br><br>27+72 = 99 <br>36+63 = 99 <br><br>45+54 = 99 <br>81+18 = 99 <br><br>But then I'm not surprised because, as I've noted before: NINE IS THE KEY = 144 <br><br>-Gary- <br> <p></p><i></i>
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Too wierd.

Postby slimmouse » Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:12 pm

<br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>"with ever advancing modern scientific techniques including dna analysis, microbiology and all the rest, it would now appear that Darwins theories of evolution and Natural selection are desperately in need of demotion to the land of the fairy story."<br><br>Care to elaborate on that?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <br><br> For a really in depth analysis of the archeological evidence, you might try a coauthored book by Thompson and Cremo called Forbidden Archeology.<br><br> There is evidence of man existing anything up to 2 million years ago ( let alone the 100,000 years ) we are led to believe.<br><br> For a quick snippet on the DNA side, try this ;<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.theunjustmedia.com/Darwinism%20Refuted/The%20Evolution%20Deceit/Evolutionist%20Claims%20and%20the%20Facts.htm">www.theunjustmedia.com/Da...0Facts.htm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br> Meanwhile for general scientific refutal, a cross section of quotes.<br><br> <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=104">www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/...asp?ID=104</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: concrete pyramids

Postby bindare » Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:32 pm

This site gives a pretty good critique of the Concrete Pyramid theory in favor of stone quarrying.<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://doernenburg.alien.de/alternativ/pyramide/pyr17_e.php">doernenburg.alien.de/alte...yr17_e.php</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>This site supports the use of both <br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.margaretmorrisbooks.com/dunn_dead_wrong.html">www.margaretmorrisbooks.c...wrong.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>That is feeling too. <br><br>As for Chris Dunn's "The Giza Power Plant : Technologies of Ancient Egypt"<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1879181509/104-9573788-1475106?v=glance">www.amazon.com/exec/obido...6?v=glance</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br>That is pure hokum.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Too wierd.

Postby wolf pauli » Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:06 pm

slimmouse, your first link leads to a chapter of a book by Turkish creationist and non-scientist 'Harun Yahya', believed to be the pen name of one Adnan Oktar. <br><br>"But Yahya is credited with so many books, articles, videos, and web pages (www.hyahya.org) that it is hard to believe this is a one-man industry."<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www2.truman.edu/~edis/writings/articles/hyahya.html">www2.truman.edu/~edis/wri...yahya.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>According to Michael Hopkins ('Harun Yahya and Holocaust Revisionism'), "while being involved with holocaust denial certainly strongly calls Harun Yahya's judgment into question it does <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>not</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> make his claims about evolution wrong. Most of the claims he and his organization make about evolution are refuted in the many articles of this Archive <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.talkorigins.org/">www.talkorigins.org/</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> . It is those refutations and the positive evidence for evolution <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/">www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> that should command the attention of those who trying to make up their minds about the validity of Yahya's evolution claims."<br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.talkreason.org/articles/YahyaRevision.cfm">www.talkreason.org/articl...vision.cfm</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <br><br>As to your second link, I have nothing to add to what's already been said on this subject by those best qualified to discuss it, some of which you'll find at the talkorigins site linked above. <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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