Active Shooter Drills Thread

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Active Shooter Drills Thread

Postby elfismiles » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:24 pm

[EDIT: Going to put a timeline here at the head of this thread. MODS - should this thread be moved to the DATA DUMP forum?]


I've heard Alex Jones claim for several years that a child was shot in the face by a shotgun during one of these exercise drills. I've never found a source for that claim.

But this is a weird trend that reeks of PsyOps...

School Shooting Drill Gets Cops, Kids on Same Page

School shooting drill gets cops, kids on same page

School Shooting Drill Terrifies Unknowing Teachers

This video was posted by MarzuqVision.

If the link doesn't work copy and paste the headline in Google or on the site it's supposed to be on.

More to come...
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Postby elfismiles » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:25 pm

School Shooting Drill Terrifies Unknowing Teachers - WCAU Philadelphia School Shooting Drill Terrifies Unknowing Teachers.

POSTED: 7:08 am EDT September 9, 2008.
UPDATED: 10:48 am EDT September 9, 2008.

About 50 teachers at a New Jersey school experienced a terrifying moment when a shooting rampage turned out to be a drill, but the teachers didn’t know it.

It happened Aug. 28 at the Phillipsburg New Jersey Early Learning Center.

A man burst into the library and started shooting. But the gun didn’t have any bullets, just blanks.

Teachers took cover under child-sized tables, crying and trembling.

“People are crying. The girl next to me is trembling and shaking. You heard people crying. You heard other people praying. It was pretty dramatic,” one teacher said.

The school district put the drill in place to test staff readiness.

The Phillipsburg School Board heard from angry teachers and parents Monday night.

The board is reviewing the drill.

School Shooting Drill Terrifies Unknowing Teachers - Local News Story - WCAU | Philadelphia

Original removed from web. Archives here: ... ladelphia/ ... -teachers/

Friday, September 19, 2008
School Shooting in Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Just A Drill

"PHILLIPSBURG | Teachers dove for cover under tables and some feared for their lives Thursday during an unannounced drill that featured a gunman firing blanks in the Phillipsburg School District.

Organizers hailed the drill as a success, but some staff members remained shaken Friday.

"The only reason it was not the scariest day of my life was because it wasn't real," said a teacher, who requested anonymity for fear of reprisal.
The so-called hostile intruder drill was conducted at the Phillipsburg Early Learning Center, where elementary teachers had gathered for a workshop before next week's opening of school.

The drill was coordinated between Phillipsburg police and school administrators to create a realistic scenario. It included an actor dressed as a gunman firing blanks, said acting Superintendent George Chando.

"It was done as means of assessing the security readiness," he said.

Bill Merrick, the school district's security director, said two unannounced drills have occurred before in the district, at both the middle and high schools. Thursday's drill, which occurred in a new building with which many staff members are unfamiliar, was a success, he said."

Article ... xml&coll=3 ... g-new.html

NWO FAKE TERROR UPDATE: School Shooting just a Drill (VIDEO)

About 50 teachers at a New Jersey school experienced a terrifying moment when a shooting rampage turned out to be a drill, but the teachers didn't know it.

It happened Aug. 28 at the Phillipsburg New Jersey Early Learning Center.

A man burst into the library and started shooting. But the gun didn't have any bullets, just blanks.

Teachers took cover under child-sized tables, crying a More..nd trembling.

"People are crying. The girl next to me is trembling and shaking. You heard people crying. You heard other people praying. It was pretty dramatic," one teacher said.

The school district put the drill in place to test staff readiness.

Do you think the teachers should have been warned about the drill?

The Phillipsburg School Board heard from angry teachers and parents Monday night.

The board is reviewing the drill.
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Postby elfismiles » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:30 pm

School Shooting Drill Terrifies Unknowing Teachers.

WCAU-TV, Sept. 9, 2008.

About 50 teachers at a New Jersey school experienced a terrifying moment when a shooting rampage turned out to be a drill, but the teachers didn’t know it.

It happened Aug. 28 at the Phillipsburg New Jersey Early Learning Center.

A man burst into the library and started shooting. But the gun didn’t have any bullets, just blanks.

Teachers took cover under child-sized tables, crying and trembling.

“People are crying. The girl next to me is trembling and shaking. You heard people crying. You heard other people praying. It was pretty dramatic,” one teacher said.

The school district put the drill in place to test staff readiness.

The Phillipsburg School Board heard from angry teachers and parents Monday night.

The board is reviewing the drill.


School Shooting Drill Terrifies Unknowing Teachers - News-

Again, originals gone from the web. Archives here: ... ladelphia/ ... -teachers/

Surprise school gun drill too realistic for teachers
By Bea Chang
A group of teachers in New Jersey were meeting in a school library when suddenly a man with a gun bursts in and starts shooting! Turns out, it's all a drill and the gun doesn't have any bullets, just blanks, but the teachers don't know that!

A teacher says "he opened the door. He stood there. He yelled some profanities threw some papers and fired a gun!"

The PA system kept repeating that the Phillipsburg, New Jersey Early Learning Center was in lockdown and the 50 teachers meeting in the library tried to talk cover under the kid-sized tables.

Teacher Arlene Levine says "people are crying! The girl next to me is trembling and shaking! You heard people crying! You heard other people praying! It was pretty dramatic!"

For those teachers the trauma that caused some to dial 911 was real the gunman as it turns out was not.

Teacher Debbie Carty says "I could see from under the table the head of security come in and open the door and say, 'It's a drill!' And at that point I was little bit more relieved. But I was very frightened!"

The so-called "active shooter" drill was the school district's way of testing staff readiness.

Barbara English of the Teachers' Union says "we're not against having drills. We think it's very important to have drills. But I think the way this was conducted might've been a little bit disastrous!"

The Phillipsburg School Board began hearing from angry teachers and parents.

The school district would only say that student safety is their primary concern.

Superintendent George Chando says "once we complete our review, the district will determine if any modifications or adjustments are to be made and they will be communicated to all of our staffs." ... 2&catid=18
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Postby elfismiles » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:32 pm

Teachers stage fake gun attack on kids
Posted 5/13/2007 5:38 PM ... tack_N.htm

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (AP) — Staff members of an elementary school staged a fictitious gun attack on students during a class trip, telling them it was not a drill as the children cried and hid under tables.

The mock attack Thursday night was intended as a learning experience and lasted five minutes during the week-long trip to a state park, said Scales Elementary School Assistant Principal Don Bartch, who led the trip.

"We got together and discussed what we would have done in a real situation," he said.

But parents of the sixth-grade students were outraged.

"The children were in that room in the dark, begging for their lives, because they thought there was someone with a gun after them," said Brandy Cole, whose son went on the trip.

Some parents said they were upset by the staff's poor judgment in light of the April 16 shootings at Virginia Tech that left 33 students and professors dead, including the gunman.

During the last night of the trip, staff members convinced the 69 students that there was a gunman on the loose. They were told to lie on the floor or hide underneath tables and stay quiet. A teacher, disguised in a hooded sweat shirt, even pulled on locked door.

After the lights went out, about 20 kids started to cry, 11-year-old Shay Naylor said.

"I was like, 'Oh My God,' " she said. "At first I thought I was going to die. We flipped out."

Principal Catherine Stephens declined to say whether the staff members involved would face disciplinary action, but said the situation "involved poor judgment."

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Postby elfismiles » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:39 pm

... and of course, Jeff's take on such things:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Little School of Horrors


I thought about Coleman the other day when I read of the teachers of an elementary school in Tennessee who convinced their sixth graders a gunman was attacking, and repeatedly told the hysterical children it wasn't a drill.

One hooded teacher pulled on a locked door, "pretending to be a suspicious subject," and another told the students there had been a shooting, and that they were to lie on the floor in the dark and keep quiet. Twenty kids started to cry and tremble and beg for their lives. Some held hands.

"I was like, 'Oh my God,'" said 11-year old Shay Naylor. "At first I thought I was going to die. We flipped out - I was freaked out. I thought it was serious."

School officials cite "poor judgment," but it's a prank worthy of Joe Coleman. They told them as hard as they could without killing them. And when Coleman would lead his classrooms beyond endurance and up to the edge of their own oblivion, he didn't do it simply because he was an artist, but because he had also had visceral contempt for his audience and all of humanity. "You say the man who hates his fellow man is the problem," he wrote in a poem/rant. "But they ain't the problem. You're the problem. The sexual deviant, the murderer, the serial killer, the taker of human life is the cure. You're the problem...."

Teachers and staff may tell themselves and the parents of their charges that it was an exercise in preparedness, but it takes a special antipathy for an adult to terrorize a child, even when they have already told themselves they're terrorizing the children for their own good. And this is often what children brutalized by ritual cult abuse and trauma-based mind control are told: that it's for their own good, and that it will transfigure their minds and flesh into something which mundane experience is incapable of producing. As perhaps other teachers in another small town told themselves and their nursery age children before they drugged and raped them and forced their participation in candle-lit ceremonies.

... ... rrors.html

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Postby elfismiles » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:43 pm

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Postby elfismiles » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:48 pm

Fake Attack at Elementary School
Status: News

Sixty-nine elementary students from Scales Elementary School got quite a scare during a recent field trip to Fall Creek Falls. Their teachers told them that a gunman was on the loose in the area:

The students were told to lie on the floor or crawl underneath tables and keep quiet. The lights went out, and about 20 kids started to cry, 11-year-old Shay Naylor said. Some held hands and shook.

“I was like, ‘Oh my God,’ ” Shay said Saturday afternoon as she recounted the incident. “At first I thought I was going to die. We flipped out. (A teacher) told us, ‘We just got a call that there’s been a random shooting.’ I was freaked out.

As the students lay cowering on the floor, a man in a hooded sweatshirt pulled on a locked door, trying to get into the room. But here's the punchline -- it turned out that the threat was just a prank. And the pranksters were none other than the teachers, who were trying to make the kids think about what it would be like to be in a real situation like that. Two of the school employees responsible for the prank have now been suspended.

I can understand why it might be useful to stage a fake drill for an emergency such as a fire, but the logic of staging fake terror attacks escapes me. After all, what if someone were to fight back? Nevertheless, this is not the first time we've seen a situation like this. Back in August 2004 I posted about a fake terrorism drill that took place in a government office in Carter County, Tennessee, in which the local Emergency Management Director secretly arranged for armed intruders to burst into the office, fire shots in the air, and take hostages... prompting the workers to panic and run for cover. ... ents/4548/
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Postby elfismiles » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:52 pm

School shooting drill goes awry
Armed man burst into classroom; students and professor didn't know it was a security drill
The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C.
Updated: 02-6-2009 1:36 pm

Feb. 27--An armed man who burst into a classroom at Elizabeth City State University was role-playing in an emergency response drill, but neither the students nor assistant professor Jingbin Wang knew that.

"I was prepared to die at that moment," Wang said Tuesday.

The Friday drill, in which a mock gunman threatened panicked students in the American foreign policy class with death, prompted university officials to apologize this week to Wang and offer counseling to faculty and students.

Anthony Brown, vice chancellor for student affairs, said the university was testing its response to shootings of the sort that have shaken campuses around the country. "The intent was not to frighten them but to test our system and also to test the response of the security that was on campus and the people that were notified," Brown said.

The drill was conducted just eight days after a gunman stormed a Northern Illinois University classroom, killing five people before he took his own life. Brown said students, staff and faculty were notified five days in advance that a drill would take place. The word went out via e-mail and text messages. Not everyone got the word.

At 1:31 p.m. Friday, e-mail and text messages kicked off the drill with the announcement: "This is a test. ECSU is holding a test drill where an armed intruder will enter a room in Moore Hall and be detained by campus police."

The mock intruder, a campus police officer, carried a red plastic model gun, according to a university news release.

Wang, who teaches history and political science, said Tuesday in a telephone interview he was having a discussion in his foreign policy class when the man came to the door and said he wanted to talk with him.

"Suddenly the man pointed the gun at me," he said.

Wang said he did not know whether the gun was real. "I saw the gun but didn't have too much time to think about that," he said. "The man was serious."

Up against the wall

The intruder instructed Wang to close the door and then ordered the seven students to line up along the wall. Wang said the man told them that he had been kicked out of school and that he needed a lung transplant.

At one point, Wang said, the man threatened to kill the student who had the lowest grade point average. Wang offered to let him sit in his class, he said, but the man rejected attempts at negotiation.

Wang said some students thought the gun was fake, but they were not sure. "I was the guy who was feeling the gun on my back," he said.

After about 10 minutes, the class heard people talking outside the door, and campus police rushed in and subdued the man. "Even after this was over, nobody explained it," Wang said.

He said colleagues told him that students in another classroom blocked a door with a table and chair -- just as students did in Norris Hall at Virginia Tech in April, when 32 students were killed by student gunman Seung-Hui Cho.

During ECSU's drill, some students sent text messages to their parents, Wang said. Another staffer told Wang that students said they were prepared to jump out of a window.

The Virginia Tech shooting has led universities across the United States to re-evaluate safety and implement new procedures for identifying troubled students and notifying people in the event of an emergency. Many campuses have conducted safety drills. In January, UNC-Greensboro held an active shooter exercise that was attended by law enforcement and university officials from around the state. But that drill was planned for winter break, when students were not on campus.

'Factor in the safety'

Will Morehead of EnviroSafe Inc., a private company in Mebane that specializes in planning and evaluating emergency response, said he could not speak in detail about the ECSU drill without knowing details of how it was carried out. But he said there should be safeguards in place to protect participants.

"The realism needs to be there, but you need to factor in the safety," he said.

John Pierce of Bristol, Va., a spokesman for a pro-gun Internet group called, said the university's drill was poorly planned and dangerous. He said people in the class could have been killed or injured trying to escape or could have harmed the role player.

He called for the state to make it legal for individuals to carry firearms for self-defense. He said North Carolina is one of 16 states that make it a crime for people to carry firearms on campuses.

University Chancellor Willie J. Gilchrist said in a prepared statement that the drill was a learning experience. He said the university needed to increase the usual scope of scenarios, which generally involve hurricanes, tropical storms and evacuations.

"Unfortunately we learned lessons from frightened students that result when live scenarios are carried out," he said in a news release. "However, we want our campus to be ready in case of such an event."
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Postby elfismiles » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:59 pm

Armed Men Terrorize School
Michigan raid part of unfolding agenda to mould schools into prisons and students into obedient slaves

By Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Wednesday, November 1, 2006

A recent incident in which armed riot police raided a Michigan junior and high school as part of a drill that the children were not aware was about to take place raises the bar in the pursuit of an agenda to fully transform public schools into prison training camps set up to breed continuous generations of obedient slaves.

The Associated Press reports,

"A school safety drill that included police officers in riot gear with weapons has caused concern among some parents who say it was too realistic and frightened some students."

"Students, who were unaware police were conducting a drill, were taken from the classroom into the halls, patted down by officers and asked what they had in their pockets, the newspaper said."

"Some of these kids were so scared, they just about wet their pants," said Marge Bradshaw, a parent with four children in Godfrey-Lee Schools. "I think it's pure wrong that the students and parents were not informed of this."

The students were not told that the drill was about to take place and the teachers were given just a moments notice.

This follows an incident in early October where another Michigan school was locked down for hours after a teenager was seen in the woods wearing a Halloween mask.

The raid is similar to past examples such as Goose Creek South Carolina (video below), where armed police raided a high school with weapons drawn supposedly in search of drugs. Shouting officers aimed guns at students heads as they were ordered face-up against the wall, then into Guantanamo style squats as they were handcuffed and K9 dogs sniffed their backpacks.

No drugs were found and the Goose Creek Police Department, the city, as well as the Berkeley County School District had to pay $1.6 million for violating the rights of nearly 150 students caught in the raid. The three had to sign a consent decree barring similar activities in future but it included a waver where probable cause or voluntary consent could be cited to conduct further raids.

Having armed men terrorize children is by design and it is intended to normalize the police state and train students to accept it as a routine function of society when they leave school.

Footage from other school raid drills where police in riot gear point MP5's at students is included in the footage below, taken from Alex Jones' 9/11: The Road To Tyranny. FBI storm troopers in black uniforms and helmets scream and cuss at children in one instance before loading them on buses and taking them to a local jail. In Fort Worth Texas, the cop of the year was shot in the head by one of his own officers in another school drill.

Also highlighted is the Heartland Christian Academy school siege where CPS and police kidnapped hundreds of children without a warrant. Watch in horror as children filled with terror are forcibly dragged from their screaming mothers and loaded onto prison buses.

A federal judge later barred CPS from removing children from the school in future but vaguely defined provisions remained in place where it could be justified.

Michigan is the epicenter of the agenda to mould all schools into youth internment centers, indoctrinating all children to accept the presence of surveillance cameras, biometric scanning to access buildings and buy food, ID tracking cards and men in uniforms pointing guns at them as normal. Allied to this is the openly stated agenda not to educate but to dumb down students and brainwash them with bizarre humanist rhetoric about the evils of the family, all in preparation for their smooth acquiescence into enslaved adulthood as a downtrodden worker bee under the control matrix of the elite.

From the very foundation of the public school system the elite made their plans clear. The goal was to psychologically mould people to create mindless drones and bricks in the wall of the system, via learning monotonously by rote and the day being divided up by pavlovian bells.

In his 1905 dissertation for Columbia Teachers College, Elwood Cubberly—the future Dean of Education at Stanford—wrote that schools should be factories "in which raw products, children, are to be shaped and formed into finished products...manufactured like nails, and the specifications for manufacturing will come from government and industry."

Similarly, the Rockefeller Education Board—which funded the creation of numerous public schools—issued a statement which read in part:

"In our dreams...people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions [intellectual and character education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple...we will organize children...and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way."

These are the founders of the public education system in America. The agenda from the very start was to eliminate all forms of objective thought and use education to produce automatons of the state who would shrink from embracing higher forms of intellectual pursuit and truly understanding their role and potential to advance freedom in human society.

When this insipid abuse of the power that the architects hold to shape minds of the future is homogenized with the jackboot thuggery of the proto-police state cameras and security minions that stalk the hallways and corridors - the result is a pack of trained rats, subdued and conditioned to follow the every command of their masters from cradle to grave.

In September 2004, the Muskegon Chronicle reported on a drill that revolved around a mock terrorist attack on a Michigan school bus. The terrorist group were labeled, "Wackos Against Schools and Education who believe everyone should be homeschooled."

The mock attack was funded by a Homeland Security grant and required the participation of students to act bloody and injured, also involving hospitals, morgues and mannequins painted up to look like dead children, as parents were ordered to dash to emergency rooms frantic in the belief that their child had perished.

The Muskegon Area Intermediate School District later had to apologize for characterizing homeschoolers as terrorists after hundreds of complaints poured in.

Stereotypes consistently propped-up by the media demonize homeschoolers as hicks, retards and extremists, despite the fact the local and national spelling bees are routinely won by homeschooled children.

The ceaseless attack on homeschooling is an attempt to neutralize any alternatives parents have to placing their children in the state run re-education gulags known as the "public school system."

In April 2005 a 5-year-old Florida girl was manhandled and handcuffed by police after she had a tantrum. Cases of zealous clampdowns by the authorities in schools are rife and pretext for the imposition of draconian measures of surveillance and armed security thugs is provided by regular school shootings across the country.

In almost every case the shooter is hopped up on a combination of the Ritalin-style substances that have become prevalent in America as our children are force-drugged with dangerous toxic trash, not to mention the increasing amount of mandatory vaccinations, and turned into mumbling nervous wrecks - all the natural zest and innocence of childhood cruelly raped from them by the state.

One in seven children are on Ritalin and other dangerous psychotropic drugs which make them swing between drooling in the corner at one point and then acting wildly the next. These numbers are only increasing. Children are put on these drugs in the first place for the most inane and insane reasons, such as raising their hand to answer questions in class too often.

In other cases, like Columbine, the shootings are deliberately aided by the state apparatus to manipulate popular opinion and pass gun control legislation as well as increase the chorus for more school lock-downs and restrictive and oppressive control measures.

We will continue to see armed men terrorize our children, aim guns at their head and indoctrinate them to accept living under tyranny unless parents and teacher organizations band together to file huge lawsuits against those responsible and we vehemently denounce the insidious Sovietization of the public school system. ... school.htm
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Postby Avalon » Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:32 pm

How come when these drills terrify unsuspecting kids and staff, we never hear from the people who are so ready to crow after real school shooting tragedies that this wouldn't have happened if teachers and students were allowed to carry pistols for self defense?
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Postby Penguin » Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:46 am

Avalon wrote:How come when these drills terrify unsuspecting kids and staff, we never hear from the people who are so ready to crow after real school shooting tragedies that this wouldn't have happened if teachers and students were allowed to carry pistols for self defense?

Im rather waiting for the day when someone does have that gun at school and decides to be a hero and save the others, and kills the make believe assailant.

That would be a hoot!
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Postby elfismiles » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:20 am

Penguin wrote:
Avalon wrote:How come when these drills terrify unsuspecting kids and staff, we never hear from the people who are so ready to crow after real school shooting tragedies that this wouldn't have happened if teachers and students were allowed to carry pistols for self defense?

Im rather waiting for the day when someone does have that gun at school and decides to be a hero and save the others, and kills the make believe assailant.

That would be a hoot!


Man, I can not find one of the earliest articles on this sort of thing that I have seen before ... and I know I went through a lot of trouble to find it last time and I thought I had archived it somewhere; it is the story (out of Florida) circa 1999, 2000 when a mock school shooting drill was staged and supposedly a military man announced over the school's PA something like "Officers take your classrooms." And there is another quote like, "President Clinton wants the students to know what Martial Law feels like." Dang it, I gotta find that article...
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Postby elfismiles » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:23 am

School safety drill upsets some parents
October 28, 2006

WYOMING, Mich. --A school safety drill that included police officers in riot gear with weapons has caused concern among some parents who say it was too realistic and frightened some students.

Police in the western Michigan community of Wyoming entered two classrooms at Lee Middle and High School on Thursday and announced there was a threat to the school, The Grand Rapids Press reported.

Students, who were unaware police were conducting a drill, were taken from the classroom into the halls, patted down by officers and asked what they had in their pockets, the newspaper said.

"Some of these kids were so scared, they just about wet their pants," said Marge Bradshaw, a parent with four children in Godfrey-Lee Schools. "I think it's pure wrong that the students and parents were not informed of this."

Officers wore protective gear, including vests and helmets, and carried rifles that were unloaded and marked with colored tape to indicate they were not live weapons, the newspaper said.

Diana Silva, a parent of an eighth-grade student, said the drill went too far.

"My child was with his face to the wall in the hallway of the high school," Silva said. "I certainly don't want anything like this happening to my child."

Principal David Britten said students weren't told ahead of time to make the drill as realistic as possible. Teachers were informed moments before it took place, he said.

"I think this is the best way to do it," Britten said. "We're not looking to scare anyone, but we want a sense of urgency."

But Wyoming Police Chief James Carmody said his officers were not aware students and parents were not told. He said his department will mandate that parents be notified ahead of time in the future.

"The purpose was to show how we will evacuate the classroom, not to assault the classroom," Carmody said. ... e_parents/


SOURCE: Seattle Post-Intelligencer, November 2006

Michigan Cops Invade School IN FULL RIOT GEAR for a Safety Drill — "Some of these kids were so scared, they just about wet their pants," said Marge Bradshaw, a parent with four children in Godfrey-Lee Schools. "I think it's pure wrong that the students and parents were not informed of this." ... hool_drill

Archived here: ... drill.html ... higan.html
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Postby elfismiles » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:27 am

FBI and police conduct terrorist attack … drill
Youtube / Monday, May 18, 2009

Militarized police swarmed all over a college campus in LA in a mock terrorist attack last weekend.

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Postby elfismiles » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:32 am

Maintaining the Hysteria and Conditioning the Kids: Law enforcement training simulates school shooting


Preparing for the real thing meant making the practice as real as possible. That's why real students volunteered their time to help and real guns - filled with blanks - were used by the simulated attackers. ... -07-03.htm

Law enforcement training simulates school shooting
Publishing date: 10-06-2003 1:25 PM

(KAAL) -- It's a situation that lately seems all too possible, someone bringing a gun to your child's school.

Last month's deadly school shooting in Cold Spring, Minnesota being the latest tragic reminder that, even at school, kids aren't always safe from violence.

With that in mind, a group of area law enforcement officers spent time training just for that very scenario.

While no community ever thinks a school shooting can happen in their town, these days every community must be prepared for that possibility.

It was that one-in-a-million chance that brought more than a dozen law enforcement officers to Washington Elementary School in Osage, Iowa.

Training and learning tactics, each hopes they never have to use.

Preparing for the real thing meant making the practice as real as possible.

That's why real students volunteered their time to help and real guns - filled with blanks - were used by the simulated attackers.

Among the students helping out were the son and daughter of area resident Sue Mills.

While first apprehensive about having her kids participate in the exercise, she now hopes, that like the officers, they can use the experience to learn.

School and law enforcement officials plan to study the training exercise and will use it to make any adjustments that might be needed to their current plans for dealing with someone bringing a gun into a school.

- Kyle Bosch

Watch video ... iew/32286/
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