UFO event in Norway

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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue May 25, 2010 3:31 am

crikkett wrote:
Haka's and Hula's are probably very similar

It seems that one makes love, one makes war (at least in the examples cited)
and yes love does offer a psychological advantage

They aren't the only similarities between Maori and Hawaiian culture either.

Maui (with a dash thingee) is the name of the culture hero in both places that restrained the sun to slow the day and make it last, discovered fire and various other things.

The polynesian solar names and stories are more similar than the egyptian ones...


Sorry what was the topic?
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby 82_28 » Tue May 25, 2010 3:34 am

Hahaha. I am the Morrissey fan here, as you know. So I really do not know how I fit in.

Do I find it intimidating personally? I don't give a shit. It's just rugby. I'd run and hide as fast as I could if any of those fuckers came after me. But I would laugh my ass off if somebody I knew took me to a game that featured such a show of single minded dancing in a way to be all cool and shit and I am sure it all goes over well with the fans of this team. It's like, we get it, you're sports stars yay and you're bad-asses, again I get it. Leave your collective ego at the door and play the game. It's like the euro floppers who have infiltrated the NBA by way of soccer (football, futbol). I hate it. I hate the stupid schtick LeBron James pulls off by throwing chalk in the air like some god as well. But man, that shit should be embarrassing. I'm a hockey fan too. I love how they play the game and then they shake hands. Since we're on a .ca domain, let me say, hockey is the only real sport left on the profitable, professional level. And hence it remains the least profitable of all north American sports.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue May 25, 2010 3:56 am

Thats the real traditional original Haka.

The only reason the All Blacks started doing it was because they ended up with a side that had heaps of Maori. Rugby gels with their culture alot. I spose since the ABs are representing NZ and NZ has the politics it does its actually appropriate.

I think all the Polynesian Rugby teams do hakas tho.

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Postby Perelandra » Wed May 26, 2010 1:07 am

Joe Hillshoist wrote:Spirals are everywhere. Especially among people who are near the sea, and no doubt they inspired the same thoughts in many people on different continents.

Like swastikas actually, and they represent similar things most of the time.
My original point was that the spiral is so fundamental that it couldn't be otherwise. I could go on for pages, but I won't. I did enjoy the tangent, though. It seems to me I read something else interesting about these symbols related to Polynesian peoples, but I didn't save it.

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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed May 26, 2010 2:44 am

I think one aspect of those spiral face tattoos (they have a name but ... wiki should be a good enough source for this cos the Maori are pretty onto defending their culture.)

Its a distraction, when you die and the soul eater comes for you it gets confused by the tattoo spirals and eats them instead of your soul. Your soul then gets to escape.

I';m not sure tho. I have heard that story somewhere but where and how accurate it is ... who knows.

Its a mad idea tho isn't it.

I mean if its a true tale then it implies that the Maori think souls are spiral shaped.

Thats pretty interesting.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Ben D » Wed May 26, 2010 3:17 am

Also interesting that the sanskrit term 'kundalini', the life force of a human being, means 'coil', so it seems to be a universal concept.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed May 26, 2010 3:36 am

Yeah, good point BenD.

Cos there is also the association of swastikas with body energy, the chi points, sometimes chakras, I've even seen it in indigenous art in Australia, at the Hara point.

Point being that all these things are spiral - ish.

And of course so is the obvious - DNA.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Penguin » Wed May 26, 2010 7:44 am

Ive also noticed that one of my favorite doodling forms, ie. what I draw while in certain states of mind, are universally spirals and forms arising of spirals, often in ratios of phi as well.

I think one aspect of those spiral face tattoos (they have a name but ... wiki should be a good enough source for this cos the Maori are pretty onto defending their culture.)

Its a distraction, when you die and the soul eater comes for you it gets confused by the tattoo spirals and eats them instead of your soul. Your soul then gets to escape.

Escape sounds good.
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Re: I like spirals

Postby AhabsOtherLeg » Fri May 28, 2010 4:39 am

Perelandra wrote:
AhabsOtherLeg wrote:Hoax or not, there is something about the idea of these spirals of light in the sky, and perhaps the spiral design in general, that speaks to something deep in the collective unconscious. At least, I think it does. It does to me.

Spirals feature prominently, whether as decoration, spiritual symbol, or astronomical observation, in every form of ancient art from the Australian Aboriginal to the Norse, Celtic, and, obviously, Mediterranean.

Thanks for posting your interesting spiral images, Ahab.

All the forms and patterns of nature are progressively more complex variations of the primary archetypes of creation: The point, line, circle/sphere (realm of structure), and spiral (realm of process).
Not only does the spiral include history in its spiritual sweep, but it also encompasses biology, even allowing for the theory of evolution. Just as a cart, one with innumerable wheels perhaps, slowly moves forward in a straight line, so the process of evolution is simultaneously cyclic and linear. Again, Cirlot's dictionary states that the spiral is in fact "A schematic image of the evolution of the universe." It is no coincidence, then, that the term evolution (e- "out" + volvere "to roll") means "to unroll" or "to open outward"-- the precise motion of the spiral.

Come to think of it, though, Dahmer also painted spirals on the skulls of some of his victims, the ones he intended to use for his "shrine."
It sounds possible that he mimicked something he read about.

That's what I thought. After all, he was said to be obsessed with pre-history and geology. His father Lionel - now a prominent Christian Scientist, who doesn't believe in evolution - would probably just say that he was obsessed with dead things, because in his view there IS no pre-history. Jeffrey was just misled by Satan. I would probably find a way of saying that too if he was my son.

Should say, though, I wasn't suggesting that the ancient people of Malta were all cannibals and beheaders, or that Dahmer haphazardly got in touch with some eternal pagan spirit of all ancient cultures, which somehow made him into a modern-day Windigo. His biggest influence was the Emperor at the end of Return of The Jedi.

Sadly, as Joe pointed out, it's true that there are people who still have an awful lot invested in their own interpretations of Celtic and Nordic mythology and symbology, and in the racial theories they have built around those symbols. I wasn't talking about any of that, or about anything along those lines, though. I don't want anybody to think I was.

Spirals are everywhere, though. There's no denying it.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby AhabsOtherLeg » Fri May 28, 2010 4:59 am

Just wanted to add, in the interests of disclaiming myself from being any kind of cultural anthroplogist, that one of the questions I got asked in the pub quiz earlier was:

What does the circle in a Celtic Cross represent?

Now I should know that. Everyone should know that. But I should know it a lot more than most.

Thing is, though, I didn't. So I said it represented Eternity/the circular cycle of life.

The official answer was that it represents The Sun.

So the official answer was, let's face it, pagan.
While my answer, believe or not, is the official position of the Catholic Church on the issue of the Celtic Cross - so apparently we're allowed to be Buddhist now and then, so long as we don't go back to sun worship.

Sun worship. Spirals. You can't look at the sun dead on, but it would look like a spiral if you tried for a while, I suppose. It's in the nature of light.

Symbols are all kinds of messy.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Nordic » Fri May 28, 2010 4:10 pm

Circles and spirals are both very intense if you think about them. A circle represents eternity in that when you travel in a circle, well, it's eternal, an eternal line. A spiral represents a path which spreads off in both directions of infinity, i.e. if you extrapolate where the path goes, it goes inward, to infinitely small, and outward, to infinitely large.

I like to think about how a sphere is actually a flat shape, just eternal, connected everywhere. This is why I don't need pot.
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby 82_28 » Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:18 am

Hubble Spies an Amazing Cosmic Spiral


An Extraordinary Celestial Spiral. Credit: ESA/NASA & R. Sahai

The Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys has captured a remarkable image of a spiral in space. No, not a spiral galaxy, (and not another Norway Spiral!) but the formation of an unusual pre-planetary nebula in one of the most perfect geometrical spirals ever seen. The nebula, called IRAS 23166+1655, is forming around the star LL Pegasi (also known as AFGL 3068) in the constellation of Pegasus.

The image shows what appears to be a thin spiral pattern of amazing precision winding around the star, which is itself hidden behind thick dust. Mark Morris from UCLA and an international team of astronomers say that material forming the spiral is moving outwards at a speed of about 50,000 km/hour and by combining this speed with the distance between layers, they calculate that the shells are each separated by about 800 years.

The spiral pattern suggests a regular periodic origin for the nebula’s shape, and astronomers believe that shape is forming because LL Pegasi is a binary star system. One star is losing material as it and the companion star are orbiting each other. The spacing between layers in the spiral is expected to directly reflect the orbital period of the binary, which is estimated to be also about 800 years.

A progression of quasi-concentric shells has been observed around a number of preplanetary nebulae, but this almost perfect spiral shape is unique.

Morris and his team say that the structure of the AFGL 3068 envelope raises the possibility that binary companions are responsible for quasi-concentric shells in most or all of the systems in which they have been observed, and the lack of symmetry in the shells seen elsewhere can perhaps be attributed to orbital eccentricity, to different projections of the orbital planes, and to unfavorable illumination geometries.

Additionally – and remarkably — this object may be illuminated by galactic light.

This image appears like something from the famous "Starry Night" painting by Vincent van Gogh, and reveals what can occur with stars that have masses about half that of the Sun up to about eight times that of the Sun. They do not explode as supernovae at the ends of their lives, but instead can create these striking and intricate features as their outer layers of gas are shed and drift into space. This object is just starting this process and the central star has yet to emerge from the cocoon of enveloping dust.

Abstract: A Binary-Induced Pinwheel Outflow from the Extreme Carbon Star, AFGL 3068

Source: ESA

http://www.universetoday.com/73034/hubb ... ic-spiral/
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby Iamwhomiam » Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:44 pm

That's quite a spectacular display, 82_28; thanks for sharing it with us.

During my October 2006 trip from Seattle on my way to collect my son's effects from his Colorado home, I took only one very short side trip to view petroglyphs, things I had never before seen in person, but had forever been fascinated by. There were many images of the conventional spiral along with different "antennae" clad "aliens" but this spiral is the first of its kind I've ever seen portrayed in North American petrolyphs:
Spiral .JPG
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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby semper occultus » Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:41 pm

Missile or UFO? Thousands of people in Jordan and Israel witness spinning 'Catherine Wheel' in the sky

Sighting at 8.45pm last night left viewers in more than five countries puzzled by aerial display
Believed to be a failed test rocket launched by Russian military
By Eddie Wrenn
PUBLISHED: 12:59, 8 June 2012 | UPDATED: 13:05, 8 June 2012


Thousands of people in Israel, Turkey and Jordan got the shock of their lives yesterday, as they watched a spinning 'UFO' performing cartwheels in the sky.
Police in these countries - as well as in Cyprus and Lebanon - were flooded with phonecalls by panicked residents, as the white, gleaming light danced high up in the atmosphere.
Theories abounded over what this could be - a failing missile test, a satellite breaking up in our atmosphere, or a visit from an alien spacecraft.

Spirals in space: The strange sighting looked like a Catherine Wheel as it span over Jordan, Isreal and other countries last night

The grainy footage shows the beam spinning and spiraling - perhaps a missile breaking up in space
However, the mysterious light does appear to be earth-based technology, with the the spiral of light looking very similar to a Russian missile test which similarly scared people in Norway in 2009 with a light-show which seemed more Doctor Who than anything else.
The event began at around 8:45pm in the evening, and after a few hours of panic, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said a test rocket had been launched just six minutes before that time.

They called it a successful launch, although a leaked and then supressed video apparrently shows the missile beginning to fail.
If this is the case, then the spirals of light in the sky is fuel spewing out from the missile as it burns in a fierce cartwheel through the sky, creating the startling geocentric shapes.
The missile is thought to be 120 to 180 miles in the sky which, at the top end of the scale, is roughly half as high as the International Space Station, at 345miles.

If it was a missile exploding at that height, it explains why the spectacle could be seen from such a wide swathe of countries.
Israeli Astronomical Association Chairman Dr. Yigal Pat-El said it was most likely a missile: 'It most likely spun out of control and its remnants and the fuel was what people saw.
'It reached a height of 200-300 kilometers and that's why it was seen from so many locations.'
A witness said: 'We saw a large trail of light traveling from a distant spot in the sky.
'We could not see the source of the light. The trail was massive. It was an unusual sight. Moments later we saw swirling movement where the light was coming from.'
The Russian Defense Ministry statement said the country had successfully test-fired a Topol strategic intercontinental ballistic missile from Russia’s Astrakhan region, to a testing area in Kazakhstan - approximately 2,000 miles from Israel’s northern border.

In 2009, Norway’s northern town of Tromso were given a similar display. The Russian Defense Ministry admitted later this was a failed test of a Bulava intercontinental missile.
See video of the strange sighting here:

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Re: UFO event in Norway

Postby smoking since 1879 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:20 pm

um... so who is launching missiles over that part of the world at that time of night?
enquiring minds want to know...
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