Update - another RA attack (warning: triggering)

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Update - another RA attack (warning: triggering)

Postby biaothanatoi » Sun Jun 19, 2005 9:32 pm

On the 8th of June, my friend received an email appearing to be from a lecturer, telling her that her class had a meeting that afternoon. She went to a room at the university, and there was a woman waiting for her in an empty classroom with a tray of drinks. <br><br>My friend didn’t suspect anything untoward, since it’s a masters class, and there have been some pre-class drinks before. The woman offered her a drink, which my friend declined. The woman became visibly agitated and asked her again whether she wanted a drink. My friend accepted.<br><br>When she woke up, she was being sexually assaulted. She was blinded (the perpetrators often use pepper spray) but she couldn’t hear any other victims and she presumes that she was the only one present. There were a number of men there, although one man appeared to be “in charge”. She could smell/hear a fire, and particularly the smell of meat burning. She was told that people were being thrown onto the fire, and that she would be the next to be killed. She was given meat to consume, which she was told was human flesh.<br><br>The perpetrators told her that they had names of other survivors, like her, and that if she went out and “bought one back” (eg tricked a survivor into being assaulted) then they would stop hurting her. She refused.<br><br>They had her from 5:00pm until 3:30am, when I found her dumped in an alleyway around the corner from our house. She couldn’t walk, so I carried her back to her bed. I stayed in her room and took the next day off.<br><br>A few weird(er) things:<br><br>When she first came back, her stomach was raw, as though she’d been burnt. The marks are still visible now, a week and a half later, and they are much clearer – the perpetrators have actually written on her. I couldn’t make out the letters, I don’t think that it’s English.<br><br>The perpetrators are using the female survivors to ensure other survivors don’t get away. The woman in the classroom is not the first contact she’s had over the last few months from other women trying to “bring her back”. <br><br>My friend had a bunch of flashbacks last night, much worse and earlier then normal. It’s the winter solstice tomorrow – I think we are going to have to be very, very careful. <p></p><i></i>
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re: update

Postby anon » Sun Jun 19, 2005 11:09 pm

I guess the message being sent by these criminal perps is --You can't hide: You can't resist: We HAVE you whenever and however we want. Abandon hope--<br><br>This is not the least of the unspeakably foul atrocities these anonymous monsters have done.<br><br>I can't imagine how completely confused and ineffectual your friend has been rendered through her history of abuse. One would imagine that a longtime targetted victim would develop an acute sensitivity to risky, dangerous situations, and develop protocols to avoid compromising her security.<br><br>I assume you ARE making all efforts to analyze and discuss how your friend's security has been compromised before, in order to take all practical precautions?<br><br>Your friend didn't recognize three big danger-signals.<br><br>Is private e-mail communication standard method for announcing planned university class events? Did they evade her e-mail filter? Is she accepting unfiltered e-mails from unknown senders? If so, is that smart? A class announcement is likely the only approved method for communicating meetings -- at least in your friend's case, it sure should be. Not everybody checks their e-mails regularly, or even depends on the system for critical communication. Does the university accept e-mails as valid for scheduled, enrolled academic functions? If so, they may be partly culpable for resulting security or abuse issues, as in your friend's case. <br><br>The event was supposed to be a 'class' activity. Wasn't your friend alarmed at finding the class empty?<br><br>Your friend was quite right to refuse accepting drinks from a stranger --even if it was a classmate. Why was she so easily manipulated into accepting thru the stranger's agitated behavior? This totally mystifies me. <br><br>All I can imagine is that I can't understand to what degree your friend is incapable of making common-sense, consistent, safety-first decisions -- likely due to her history. At that point, having accomodated to an apparant drugging, your friend was incapable of resisting and was in their hand. Alternatively, two or three assailants could have hidden in the room and simply rushed her, chloroforming and gagging her. The related question is -- is the security at this university so poor that an apparantly drugged woman could be kidnapped off the property without arousing any suspician? This is a MAJOR problem that needs to be addressed, by the university and public.<br><br>How has the resulting investigation proceeded? Has there been a suitably outraged outcry on campus? Has the media exposure been appropriate, with high degree of well-motivated official and public attention and heightened awareness to the issue of abuse attacks? Surely, somebody had to have seen something suspicious -- I would think there might be some hope that leads would be called in to an anonymous tip phone line to develop a case against these perps -- after all, they're not operating in a vacuum. The increased awareness would make it much harder for this group to operate at-will -- something that has led to many, many cases of kidnapping and sexual attacks being solved, and stopping a great many others. Do the authorities have any leads? With corraboration by the coerced classmate, there should be more information that can be developed about how these perps operate and how they are organized. What's especially hideous is how organized this whole thing is. Thank god these perps didn't do anything worse. But this latest attack would make it impossible for officials to ignore or deny that something on this scale is obvious happening.<br><br>But I'm stumped by something -- You didn't mention anything about taking your friend to the hospital for rape examination and reporting this as a crime -- in which case, much of the day would have been spent answering questions in treating this as the horrendous crime that it is, in order to best defend agains these monsters and hopefully prevent further victims. In this case, with such extensive links with classmates and the university as the scene of such a foul crime, and the evident danger these people present, NOT reporting it wouldn't seem to be an option -- not if it was taken seriously. Even the alley where your friend was dumped was a crime scene that could have revealed evidence, as with her clothing and finding the computer terminal where her e-mail was sent from.<br><br>If there's no medical or psychological reason to prohibit it, I think your friend could make good use of a fully trained attack-dog to act in the public role of Medical Aid animal much as a trained dog aids in detecting epilepsy or helping to adjust one's gait and balance, or aiding someone who is sight or mobility impaired, but in her case acting as a private guard dog, who would present an extra impediment to her kidnapping and alert her to suspicious, dangerous situations -- providing an extra layer of security that would have to be defeated. Your friend's situation may be one of the most appropriate uses for a personal guard dog accompanying her wherever she goes in public at all times. I would be optimistic that the costs associated with such a highly-trained dog or even the providing of a trained dog could be met by suitable public-service organizations to meet your friend's particular needs (if she couldn't afford it).<br><br>BTW: Is this being treated as a rape or kidnapping-attack, or what? I'd like to read the newspaper account -- what city/university did this happen in? (In Australia, right? I did a google news search but couldn't find anything since I didn't know any geo details.) Since these perps know precisely where your friend is, it seems like maximum publicity is now the best and probably only chance of nailing these thugs and making your friend safe again.<br><br>Know the best wishes and hopes are with the both of you.<br>Stay strong. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: re: update

Postby biaothanatoi » Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:03 am

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>One would imagine that a longtime targetted victim would develop an acute sensitivity to risky, dangerous situations, and develop protocols to avoid compromising her security.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>The opposite is true. <br><br>Viscerally, what cult survivors are taught is that ANY situation can be turned against them – that ANYONE can betray them – so developing these ‘rational’ sensitivities is actually quite difficult. <br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>I assume you ARE making all efforts to analyze and discuss how your friend's security has been compromised before, in order to take all practical precautions?</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Of course. This was a completely new tactic for them, so it took us off-guard.<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Why was she so easily manipulated into accepting thru the stranger's agitated behavior? This totally mystifies me.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br>My friend has quite good boundaries, but not the self-confidence to back them up eg She refused the initial offer of wine, but accepted it once her refusal caused the other woman distress. She gets confused easily. You'll find that all abuse survivors have problems negotiating social situations - torture survivors most of all. <br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>is the security at this university so poor that an apparantly drugged woman could be kidnapped off the property without arousing any suspician?</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br>University security is there to make sure that nobody walks out with any computers, not to second-guess a nationwide paedophile ring. <br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>But this latest attack would make it impossible for officials to ignore or deny that something on this scale is obvious happening.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>I used to share this line of thought, but I’ve learnt from experience that many of the systems that we see around us are there to make us feel safe, whilst the nuts and bolts of it all is quite different.<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>But I'm stumped by something -- You didn't mention anything about taking your friend to the hospital for rape examination and reporting this as a crime</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br>I’ve been in to hospital with my friend on half a dozen occasions. It’s really not that simple – at all. The perpetrators have used various hospital ritualisms and doctors/nurses uniforms to instill a deep fear of medical intervention. She's only been able to consent to an internal exam a few times in the last three years. <br><br>Consciousness is structured against change – if what people are seeing is shocking enough to re-order the way they look at the world, they’ll deny it no matter what. The last time we went in to ER, they asked us not to come back. I’ve seen multiple police officers confronted with her burned eyes, rope burn on her wrists and ankles, bruising around her neck … and they’ve (variously) told me that she’s faked it, she wants it, or that I did it to her. Doctors and psychs have done the same thing. How do you think they'd respond if they saw a foreign language burned into her torso?<br><br>I've kept her at home for the last two attacks. She gets a much better level of care if she is in her bed, and I can get her food/water when she needs it. <br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>BTW: Is this being treated as a rape or kidnapping-attack, or what? I'd like to read the newspaper account</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br>I really appreciate your enthusiasm, but you might want to rethink your presumptions. If every gang rape got into the papers, there wouldn’t be room for much else. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby rain » Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:52 am

biao, just a thought,<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.theage.com.au/issues/investigations/index.html">www.theage.com.au/issues/...index.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>along the lines of<br>- you could just email links to the discussions here,<br>- retain your anonymity,<br>- concerted, networked effort, including Reiner,<br> gaiaguys, S.A.,... <p></p><i></i>
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Re: re:update

Postby robertdreed » Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:09 am

biaothanatoi, I assume that you were able to get the victim to an Emergency Room posthaste, for a medical examination of sexual assault, and DNA forensics? <p></p><i></i>
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Postby rain » Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:54 am

sorry - Reina. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby rain » Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:18 am

and, robertd, biao outlined some of the reasons why one might be reluctant to do that. you can read about some more here -<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://www.gaiaguys.net/index.html">www.gaiaguys.net/index.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>and in the thread 'Pedophile link to 4th murder(Australia)' <p></p><i></i>
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Re: re:update

Postby biaothanatoi » Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:48 am

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>biaothanatoi, I assume that you were able to get the victim to an Emergency Room posthaste, for a medical examination of sexual assault, and DNA forensics?</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br>Think through the logistics of this. The rational actor 1-2-3 approach looks obvious on paper, but the progression from torture to hospital to forensic exam is a little more fraught in reality.<br><br>The reason why ritual abuse stays invisible is because victims are too traumatised to meet the burden of proof for such a major crime. <br><br>Precisely <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>because</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> the crime is so terrible, the police require that the victim open herself, body and soul, to their scrutiny (to their fingers, their cotton swabs, their tape recorders, their cameras) ... what do you think that means for a woman that has just been raped, electrocuted, forced to ingest faeces and blood, etc, for the last nine hours?<br><br>She can't go through with it. I've learnt that the hard way. I pushed and pushed and pushed on this, and I ended up putting her through hell, alienating us from medical and police assistance ... and we got nothing out of it but more bad memories.<br><br>It's that hard for her, and she gets 24-hour care from yours truly ... imagine what it would be like for a child? Or for a woman without any support? A woman who is systematically told (as my friend has been) that her ordeal is a fantasy?<br><br>We are more vulnerable then we realise. Our health and judicial systems are not built to accomodate atrocity. The systems that are designed to make us feel safe are based on presumptions that don't always hold true, particularly in ritual abuse. All you have to do is commit a crime so horrifying that it fragments the capacity for speech, and then ingrain that trauma so often that it begins to dissolve consciousness, and you'll get away with it. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby biaothanatoi » Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:52 am

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>biao, just a thought,</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>Thanks. I'm in contact with Gary Hughes, who blew the lid on a lot of this in Melbourne (thanks to Reina Michaelson). We are also fairly well connected up here with journalists, through Whistleblowers Australia. <br><br>But it's up to my friend about if she goes public, how, when and why - we'd only do it if it placed us at a strategic advantage. Presently, the shame is too ingrained for her to just leap out into the public arena with allegations of ritual abuse. We have to factor her mental health into our risk calculus. <p></p><i></i>
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Aw Biao...

Postby Project Willow » Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:28 pm

I'm so sorry.<br><br><i>It's that hard for her, and she gets 24-hour care from yours truly ... imagine what it would be like for a child? Or for a woman without any support? A woman who is systematically told (as my friend has been) that her ordeal is a fantasy?</i><br><br>It's a fantasy to everyone in my immediate life, except my caregivers, and my times with them are limited. This has got to change, somehow.<br><br>For those of us with highly structured systems they don't even need drugs. It happens to lots of us all the time, attempted and successful abductions. Another survivor/friend was recently raped.<br><br>They got me through a neighbor a few months ago. I won't go into it. All he did was let "a friend" of his stay in his studio while he went out. He couldn't understand why I had a problem with that. How could I ever explain it?<br><br>There is no going to the police, I know some of them locally are part of the cult. What the hell can we do?<br>The only thing I can do is keep reducing my vulnerability by breaking down amnesia barriers. The perps know that if they keep traumatizing you, they can keep you scared and split. <br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Aw Biao...

Postby biaothanatoi » Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:43 pm

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>The only thing I can do is keep reducing my vulnerability by breaking down amnesia barriers. The perps know that if they keep traumatizing you, they can keep you scared and split.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br>Absolutely - healing is the key to safety. There really isn't anything else within our control at this point. What has to develop, over time, is a more supportive social and professional environment for ritual abuse survivors. Without understanding and belief, what the hell can we do? <p></p><i></i>
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Postby anonymous » Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:12 pm

There are GPS tracking systems available, your friend could carry a little device around and you could track her.<br><br>If you're not in time to stop something, at least you'll know where it took place, which would be a helpful clew. <p></p><i></i>


Postby Dreams End » Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:15 pm

If my wife were undergoing this, I would get her name changed, move from the city or state and leave no forwarding info. Until then, I'm afraid she'd have to limit contact with the public without someone with her to protect. If this is constantly happening, I'm afraid you've got no choice...her "freedom" to go about alone is only causing more opportunities for attacks. <p></p><i></i>
Dreams End

Re: move

Postby tabasco1776 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:33 pm

Willow said: <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>"There is no going to the police, I know some of them locally are part of the cult. What the hell can we do?"</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>How do you know they're part of the cult? <br> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby Avalon » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:45 pm

You describe abductions and attacks when your friend is going to and from school and work, socializing afterward. You are at work yourself and spending 6 hours a week doing martial arts training plus your travel time. <br><br>How is it 24 hours a day if there is regularly a significant amount of time which is an exception to that? <p></p><i></i>
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