Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby abel danger » Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:58 pm

Does anyone else find the writing & information obtuse and difficult to make sense of?

I agree. Very difficult to grasp but understand most of the information is meant or directed at the perpetrators. What you cannot note, is this info is sent to the highest levels of government and intelligence. It's not meant for those with a brief attention span otherwise. Quite difficult to absorb. The lesbian part, I understand the difficulty in absorbing. But despite my own confusion in this accusation, I've yet to disprove the theorem. It's about oaths and mind perception, and lesbians are the deadliest of them. You must do your own research to understand the extreme, which is not the norm.

Your comments are most welcome and very constructive. Doing my best to help break down the research and info dumping. I think this video is the easiest to assess any opinion before you post something referencing Abel Danger with disinfo. Field Mc Connell 2011: The Face of Abel Danger

A recent believer shared with us info on a disposed of child, which AD shared with the police and they responded. Sick as it may be, we are there with thousands of people who know a singular voice may bounce but a united voice means we can't be silenced, as in the silence Larry King created after he sung the national anthem at the republican convention...twice.

Judge as you may, form opinions as you must, but in the end do what is most humane. That's a value worth living for.
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby abel danger » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:12 am

Campbell Settlement attacks from Tehran 1979 to Olympic threat now below message as you listen to

Lou Reed - Last Great American Whale

Its not a cereal killer, as they wish you to believe. The horror is much greater. Read with your own discretion yet know we are committed to finding the truth. Hence, you won't find Abel Danger on any main stream media outlets. Tune in when you want truth at and live broadcasts every Wednesday.


I mentioned this Campbell guy below in re the three strikes against him for CAGW fraud i.e. the imposition of a BC carbon tax, the elimination of 60+ hookers’ carbon footprints and the transfer of the $80 billion bcIMC pension fund into the $71 trillion Carbon Disclosure Project and the ultra vires custody of the Treasury Solicitor’s office.

"Gordon Muir Campbell Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .. After graduating from university that year, Campbell and Nancy Chipperfield were married in New Westminster on July 4, 1970. Under the Canadian University Service Overseas program, they went to Nigeria to teach. There he coached basketball and track and field and launched literacy initiatives. Campbell was accepted to Stanford to pursue a master’s degree in education, but the couple instead returned to Vancouver where Campbell entered law school at UBC and Nancy completed her education degree. Campbell's law education was short-lived; he soon returned to the City of Vancouver to work for Art Phillips on his mayoral campaign. When Phillips was elected in 1972, Campbell became his executive assistant, a job he held until 1976. When he left Mayor Phillips's office, at 28 years old, Campbell went to work for Marathon Realty as a project manager. In 1976 Geoffrey, the Campbells' first child, was born. In 1978, the Campbells bought a house in Point Grey, which was their home for the next 26 years. From 1975 to 1978 he pursued his MBA at Simon Fraser University. In 1979, Nancy Campbell gave birth to their second child, Nicholas. .. British Columbia won the right to host the 2010 Winter Olympics on July 2, 2003. This was a joint Winter Olympics bid by Vancouver and the ski resort of Whistler. Campbell attended the final presentations in Prague, the Czech Republic. He also went to the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, attending the Games' competitions, as well as the closing ceremonies. On August 8, 2008, he attended the Opening Ceremonies for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. He went to Beijing to promote the province of British Columbia at the 2008 Summer Olympics. On February 12, 2010, Campbell was in attendance at the opening ceremony for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver and attended events during the games, including games in the ice hockey tournament. He made a lot of television appearances during the Olympics, talking about Vancouver and the province of British Columbia hosting the games. He was also present at the closing ceremony.”

Our research show that Campbell had procured a mobile radio system from Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates to support Vancouver-based man-in-the-middle contract hits by leaders of the International Settlement Movement, including Jack 'Bullingdon' Profumo, Harold MacMillan’s late and former Secretary for [Economic] War at Toynbee Hall.

We allege that Campbell and his Settlement friends procured Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates’ EW/ELINT and guidance and control systems used by Iranian special forces to knock out the helicopters sent by President Carter to relieve the U.S. Embassy in 1979.

You will find Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates has built the public key infrastructure needed by Settlement leaders in your Coalition Government’s Treasury Solicitor office to co-ordinate physical, electronic and financial attacks on sovereign states such as Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Greece and the United Kingdom itself.

Campbell – then mayor of Vancouver – arranged for Russell Williams, a homicidal pedophile EW/ELINT pilot, to take charge of Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates’ war rooms needed for airborne security of Vancouver’s 2010 Winter Olympic Games!

In August 2009 we personally warned Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper of an airborne threat to the Vancouver Olympic Games due to start early February 2010.

Russell Williams was arrested four days before the start of the games and we believe we helped thwart an attack by Campbell and his International Settlement colleagues on the U.S.- Canadian men/women’s ice-hockey finals or the closing ceremony itself.

Boris ‘Bullingdon’ Johnston has an equivalent position in re a possible Settlement man-in-the-middle propaganda attack on London’s 2012 Olympics as Campbell had in re the attack which we helped to thwart on Vancouver’s 2010 Winter Olympics.

We suggest Boris checks out Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates’ PKI systems, procured by Campbell, to ensure his missile batteries do not trigger a false flag attack.

Dismiss us as flakes if you will, but first check out what Campbell and Profumo did to raise money for ‘Settlement 9/11’; that is, of course, when Campbell wasn’t placing the B.C. pension fund (‘bcIMC’) in the-now $71 trillion Carbon Disclosure Project and Profumo wasn’t pimping children to donors in a Toynbee Hall toilet bowl tradition which goes back to Jane the Ripper Addams’s visit to Ashbee pere et gay fils in June 1888.
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby Peregrine » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:15 am

abel danger wrote: and lesbians are the deadliest of them..

~don't let your mouth write a cheque your ass can't cash~
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby Plutonia » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:25 am

Peregrine wrote:
abel danger wrote: and lesbians are the deadliest of them..


Quack quack.

[the British] government always kept a kind of standing army of news writers who without any regard to truth, or to what should be like truth, invented & put into the papers whatever might serve the minister

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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby Allegro » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:36 am

ONCE AGAIN :megaphone:
Plutonia wrote:Elvis, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a poison pill.

Recipe for Disinfo Coup

1. Take one white-washed Official Narrative

2. Spin it on Official Media through several cycles

3. Add Counter-Narrative minced with bizarro unsubstantiated allegations

4. Bake in the Hot Climate of internet discussion boards

5. Cool on rack of tinfoil Conspiracy Theorists derision

6. Let the victims eat their hearts out while the perps relocate and recommence operations

:!: :!: :!:
Plutonia wrote:
Peregrine wrote:
abel danger wrote: and lesbians are the deadliest of them..
Quack quack.

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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby abel danger » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:58 am

I see, the truthers, I suspect. But when we speak in billions of dollars I'm sure the quacks are well paid. Controlled thought didn't pay for my education. Just hard facts, which you seem to spout yet give testimony to. Expected..

Hegelianism is a collective term for schools of thought following or referring to G. W. F. Hegel's philosophy which can be summed up by the dictum that "the rational alone is real", which means that all reality is capable of being expressed in rational categories. His goal was to reduce reality to a more synthetic unity within the system of transcendental idealism.


1 Method
2 Doctrine of development
3 Categorization of philosophies
3.1 Division of philosophy
3.2 Philosophy of nature
3.3 Philosophy of mind
3.4 Philosophy of history
3.5 Philosophy of absolute mind
4 Influence of Hegel
5 The Hegelian schools
6 References

Hegel's method in philosophy consists of the triadic development (Entwicklung) in each concept and each thing. Thus, he hopes, philosophy will not contradict experience, but will give data of experience to the philosophical, which is the ultimately true explanation. If, for instance, we wish to know what liberty is, we take that concept where we first find it—the unrestrained action of the savage, who does not feel the need of repressing any thought, feeling, or tendency to act. Next, we find that the savage has given up this freedom in exchange for its opposite, the restraint, or, as he considers it, the tyranny, of civilization and law. Finally, in the citizen under the rule of law, we find the third stage of development, namely liberty in a higher and a fuller sense than how the savage possessed it—the liberty to do, say, and think many things beyond the power of the savage. In this triadic process, the second stage is the direct opposite, the annihilation, or at least the sublation, of the first. The third stage is the first returned to itself in a higher, truer, richer, and fuller form. The three stages are, therefore, styled:
in itself (An-sich) out of itself (Anderssein) in and for itself (An-und-für-sich).

These three stages are found succeeding one another throughout the whole realm of thought and being, from the most abstract logical process up to the most complicated concrete activity of organized mind in the succession of states or the production of systems of philosophy.

Doctrine of development

In logic - which, according to Hegel, is really metaphysic - we have to deal with the process of development applied to reality in its most abstract form. According to Hegel, in logic, we deal in concepts robbed of their empirical content: in logic we are discussing the process in vacuo, so to speak. Thus, at the very beginning of Hegel's study of reality, he finds the logical concept of being. Now, being is not a static concept according to Hegel, as Aristotle supposed it was. It is essentially dynamic, because it tends by its very nature to pass over into nothing, and then to return to itself in the higher concept, becoming. For Aristotle, there was nothing more certain than that being equaled being, or, in other words, that being is identical with itself, that everything is what it is. Hegel does not deny this; but, he adds, it is equally certain that being tends to become its opposite, nothing, and that both are united in the concept becoming. For instance, the truth about this table, for Aristotle, is that it is a table. For Hegel, the equally important truth is that it was a tree, and it "will be" ashes. The whole truth, for Hegel, is that the tree became a table and will become ashes. Thus, becoming, not being, is the highest expression of reality. It is also the highest expression of thought because then only do we attain the fullest knowledge of a thing when we know what it was, what it is, and what it will be-in a word, when we know the history of its development.
In the same way as "being" and "nothing" develop into the higher concept becoming, so, farther on in the scale of development, life and mind appear as the third terms of the process and in turn are developed into higher forms of themselves. (It is interesting here to note that Aristotle saw "being" as superior to "becoming", because anything which is still becoming something else is imperfect. Hence, God, for Aristotle, is perfect because He never changes, but is eternally complete.) But one cannot help asking what is it that develops or is developed? Its name, Hegel answers, is different in each stage. In the lowest form it is "being", higher up it is "life", and in still higher form it is "mind". The only thing always present is the process (das Werden). We may, however, call the process by the name of "spirit" (Geist) or "idea" (Begriff). We may even call it God, because at least in the third term of every triadic development the process is God.

]Categorization of philosophies

]Division of philosophy

The first and most wide-reaching consideration of the process of spirit, God, or the idea, reveals to us the truth that the idea must be studied (1) in itself; this is the subject of logic or metaphysics; (2) out of itself, in nature; this is the subject of the philosophy of nature; and (3) in and for itself, as mind; this is the subject of the philosophy of mind (Geistesphilosophie).

Philosophy of nature

Passing over the rather abstract considerations by which Hegel shows in his "Logik" the process of the idea-in-itself through being to becoming, and finally through essence to notion, we take up the study of the development of the idea at the point where it enters into otherness in nature. In nature the idea has lost itself, because it has lost its unity and is splintered, as it were, into a thousand fragments. But the loss of unity is only apparent, because in reality the idea has merely concealed its unity. Studied philosophically, nature reveals itself as so many successful attempts of the idea to emerge out of the state of otherness and present itself to us as a better, fuller, richer idea, namely, spirit, or mind. Mind is, therefore, the goal of nature. It is also the truth of nature. For whatever is in nature is realized in a higher form in the mind which emerges from nature.
[edit]Philosophy of mind
The philosophy of mind begins with the consideration of the individual, or subjective, mind. It is soon perceived, however, that individual, or subjective, mind is only the first stage, the in-itself stage, of mind. The next stage is objective mind, or mind objectified in law, morality, and the State. This is mind in the condition of out-of-itself. There follows the condition of absolute mind, the state in which mind rises above all the limitations of nature and instituitions, and is subjected to itself alone in art, religion, and philosophy. For the essence of mind is freedom, and its development must consist in breaking away from the restrictions imposed on it in it otherness by nature and human institutions.

Philosophy of history

Hegel's philosophy of the State, his theory of history, and his account of absolute mind are the most interesting portions of his philosophy[says who?] and the most easily understood. The State, he says, is mind objectified. The individual mind, which, on account of its passions, its prejudices, and its blind impulses, is only partly free, subjects itself to the yoke of necessity—the opposite of freedom—in order to attain a fuller realization of itself in the freedom of the citizen. This yoke of necessity is first met with in the recognition of the rights of others, next in morality, and finally in social morality, of which the primal institution is the family. Aggregates of families form civil society, which, however, is but an imperfect form of organization compared with the State. The State is the perfect social embodiment of the idea, and stands in this stage of development for God Himself. The State, studied in itself, furnishes for our[who?] consideration constitutional law. In relation to other States it develops international law; and in its general course through historical vicissitudes it passes through what Hegel calls the "Dialectics of History".
Hegel teaches that the constitution is the collective spirit of the nation and that the government and the written constitution is the embodiment of that spirit. Each nation has its own individual spirit, and the greatest of crimes is the act by which the tyrant or the conqueror stifles the spirit of a nation.
War, Hegel suggests, can never be ruled out, as one can never know when or if one will occur, an example being the Napoleonic overrunning of Europe and putting down of Royalist systems. Of course war in Hegel's day and for much of history involved mainly combatants unlike today where civilians form the majority of casualties. War represents a crisis in the development of the idea which is embodied in the different States, and out of this crisis usually the State which holds the more advanced spirit wins out though it may also suffer a lost, lick its wounds yet still win in the spiritual sense, as happened for example when the northerners sacked Rome, its form of legality and religion all "won" out in spite of the losses on the battlefield.

A peaceful revolution is also possible according to Hegel when the changes required to solve the crisis are ascertained by thoughtful insight and when this insight spreads throughout the body politic:

If a people [Volk] can no longer accept as implicitly true what its constitution expresses to it as the truth, if its consciousness or Notion and its actuality are not at one, then the people’s spirit is torn asunder. Two things may then occur. First, the people may either by a supreme internal effort dash into fragments this law which still claims authority, or it may more quietly and slowly effect changes on the yet operative law, which is, however, no longer true morality, but which the mind has already passed beyond. In the second place, a people’s intelligence and strength may not suffice for this, and it may hold to the lower law; or it may happen that another nation has reached its higher constitution, thereby rising in the scale, and the first gives up its nationality and becomes subject to the other. Therefore it is of essential importance to know what the true constitution is; for what is in opposition to it has no stability, no truth, and passes away. It has a temporary existence, but cannot hold its ground; it has been accepted, but cannot secure permanent acceptance; that it must be cast aside, lies in the very nature of the constitution. This insight can be reached through Philosophy alone. Revolutions take place in a state without the slightest violence when the insight becomes universal; institutions, somehow or other, crumble and disappear, each man agrees to give up his right. A government must, however, recognize that the time for this has come; should it, on the contrary, knowing not the truth, cling to temporary institutions, taking what — though recognized — is unessential, to be a bulwark guarding it from the essential (and the essential is what is contained in the Idea), that government will fall, along with its institutions, before the force of mind. The breaking up of its government breaks up the nation itself; a new government arises, — or it may be that the government and the unessential retain the upper hand.[1]

The "ground" of historical development is, therefore, rational; since the State, if it is not in contradiction, is the embodiment of reason as spirit. Many, at first considered to be, contingent events of history can become, in reality or in necessity, stages in the logical unfolding of the sovereign reason which gets embodied in an advanced State. Such a "necessary contingency" when expressed in passions, impulse, interest, character, personality, get used by the "cunning of reason", which, in retrospect, was to its own purpose. We[who?] are, therefore, to understand historical happenings as the stern, reluctant working of reason towards the full realization of itself in perfect freedom. Consequently, we must interpret history in rational terms, and throw the succession of events into logical categories and this interpretation is, for Hegel, a mere inference from actual history. Thus, the widest view of history reveals three most important stages of development: Oriental imperial (the stage of oneness, of suppression of freedom), Greek social democracy (the stage of expansion, in which freedom was lost in unstable demagogy), and Christian constitutional monarchy (which represents the reintegration of freedom in constitutional government).

Philosophy of absolute mind

Even in the State, mind is limited by subjection to other minds. There remains the final step in the process of the acquisition of freedom, namely, that by which absolute mind in art, religion, and philosophy subjects itself to itself alone. In art, mind has the intuitive contemplation of itself as realized in the art material, and the development of the arts has been conditioned by the ever-increasing "docility" with which the art material lends itself to the actualization of mind or the idea. In religion, mind feels the superiority of itself to the particularizing limitations of finite things. Here, as in the philosophy of history, there are three great moments, Oriental religion, which exaggerated the idea of the infinite, Greek religion, which gave undue importance to the finite, and Christianity, which represents the union of the infinite and the finite. Last of all, absolute mind, as philosophy, transcends the limitations imposed on it even in religious feeling, and, discarding representative intuition, attains all truth under the form of reason. Whatever truth there is in art and in religion is contained in philosophy, in a higher form, and free from all limitations. Philosophy is, therefore, "the highest, freest and wisest phase of the union of subjective and objective mind, and the ultimate goal of all development."

Influence of Hegel

The far reaching influence of Hegel is due in a measure to the undoubted vastness of the scheme of philosophical synthesis which he conceived and partly realized. A philosophy which undertook to organize under the single formula of triadic development every department of knowledge, from abstract logic up to the philosophy of history, has a great deal of attractiveness to those who are metaphysically inclined. But Hegel's influence is due in a still larger measure to two extrinsic circumstances. His philosophy is the highest expression of that spirit of collectivism which characterized the nineteenth century. In theology especially Hegel revolutionized the methods of inquiry. The application of his notion of development to Biblical criticism and to historical investigation is obvious to anyone who compares the spirit and purpose of contemporary theology with the spirit and purpose of the theological literature of the first half of the nineteenth century.[citation needed] In science, too, and in literature, the substitution of the category of becoming for the category of being is a very patent fact, and is due to the influence of Hegel's method. In political economy and political science the effect of Hegel's collectivistic conception of the State supplanted to a large extent the individualistic conception which was handed down from the eighteenth century to the nineteenth.

The Hegelian schools

Main articles: Hegelian Rightists and Young Hegelians

Hegel's immediate followers in Germany are generally divided into the "Right Hegelians" and the "Left Hegelians" (the latter also referred to as the "Young Hegelians").
The Rightists developed his philosophy along lines which they considered to be in accordance with Christian theology. They included Karl Friedrich Göschel, Johann Philipp Gabler, Johann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz, and Johann Eduard Erdmann.

The Leftists accentuated the anti-Christian tendencies of Hegel's system and developed schools of materialism, socialism, rationalism, and pantheism. They included Ludwig Feuerbach, Richter, Karl Marx, Bruno Bauer, and David Strauss. Max Stirner socialized with the left Hegelians but built his own philosophical system largely opposing that of these thinkers.

In Britain, Hegelianism was represented during the nineteenth century by, and largely overlapped the British Idealist school of James Hutchison Stirling, Thomas Hill Green, William Wallace, John Caird, Edward Caird, Richard Lewis Nettleship, J. M. E. McTaggart, and Baillie. British interest in Hegel was largely driven by political thought.
In Denmark, Hegelianism was represented by Johan Ludvig Heiberg and Hans Lassen Martensen from the 1820s to the 1850s.
Hegelianism in North America was represented by Thomas Watson and William T. Harris, as well as the St. Louis Hegelians. In its most recent form it seems to take its inspiration from Thomas Hill Green, and whatever influence it exerts is opposed to the prevalent pragmatic tendency.
In Poland, Hegelianism was represented by Karol Libelt, August Cieszkowski and Józef Kremer.
Benedetto Croce and Étienne Vacherot were the leading Hegelians towards the end of the nineteenth century in Italy and France, respectively. Among Catholic philosophers who were influenced by Hegel the most prominent were Georg Hermes and Anton Günther.
Hegelianism also inspired Giovanni Gentile's philosophy of actual idealism and Fascism, the concept that people are motivated by ideas and that social change is brought by the leaders.
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby abel danger » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:13 am

Recipe for Disinfo Coup

1. Take one white-washed Official Narrative

2. Spin it on Official Media through several cycles

3. Add Counter-Narrative minced with bizarro unsubstantiated allegations

4. Bake in the Hot Climate of internet discussion boards

5. Cool on rack of tinfoil Conspiracy Theorists derision

6. Let the victims eat their hearts out while the perps relocate and recommence operations

And I must ask you Allegro, why do you post here?

Simple question

I know why I post here. I speak on behalf of 10,000+ individuals. I read the messages of lost family members and heartache. What do you post your info from? Please do share, which you haven't as of yet.
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby Plutonia » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:22 am

abel danger wrote:Recipe for Disinfo Coup

1. Take one white-washed Official Narrative

2. Spin it on Official Media through several cycles

3. Add Counter-Narrative minced with bizarro unsubstantiated allegations

4. Bake in the Hot Climate of internet discussion boards

5. Cool on rack of tinfoil Conspiracy Theorists derision

6. Let the victims eat their hearts out while the perps relocate and recommence operations

And I must ask you Allegro, why do you post here?

Simple question

I know why I post here. I speak on behalf of 10,000+ individuals. I read the messages of lost family members and heartache. What do you post your info from? Please do share, which you haven't as of yet.

Allegro was simply quoting my posts.

As for why, I'd guess is that she enjoyed the Duck Song, as she seems to have a musical orientation.
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby abel danger » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:25 am

Great tune for my nursery studies. Why do you post?
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby abel danger » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:32 am

I mean, I could post pictures of horror but than I'd be banned.

I could quote emails of truth, but be banned for the gravity of truth.

What do you bring to the table besides quick ad libs and distraction?

We are discussing the reality of dead lives yet you quip with indifference?

Keep reflecting your agenda...I'm sure those who want the truth will find it. And it surely won't be in your quack quack video.
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby Plutonia » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:38 am

I joined this community years ago. Your account dates to Nov 26, 2011.

If you got banned in your first week, that would be a record.
[the British] government always kept a kind of standing army of news writers who without any regard to truth, or to what should be like truth, invented & put into the papers whatever might serve the minister

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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:39 am

abel danger wrote:Keep reflecting your agenda...I'm sure those who want the truth will find it. And it surely won't be in your quack quack video.

It surely won't be your deadly lesbians either.
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby abel danger » Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:21 am

Other than my rants or yours, give information. It's quite simpler and much easier than attacking my proposition. Get off your fat ass and do something besides type behind a keyboard. Really. Have you even been to the crime scene? Have you spoken with the police? Do you know the victims? AD is affirmative in all 3

Really, I'm just wondering. You just spout opinions without fact? You ever do AI research? I doubt it. What qualifications do you bring? I posted ours upfront. You...pound away on your keyboard of bull.
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby barracuda » Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:32 am

abel danger, at the moment it appears you're trolling the members for a fight. Review the guidelines for posting here, and try and change your tack. If you can't, I'm gonna suspend your account pending a review of your credentials by the admin. Return to the topic at hand, please, which for the record, probably doesn't require further cut and pastes regarding the outline of Hegelian philosophy.
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Re: Breaking police scandal re Picton pig farm killings

Postby abel danger » Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:44 am

Will do. And I apologize for my fixation. I was in this mess and don't know how to tell others the reality. It's horrendous.

I have found this board to be filled with very intelligent minds. I know the realities many discuss here as a topic of interest and yet I've experienced the truth of these stories. I, we, deal with cold hard facts.
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