Where Did The Towers Go?

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Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby dickdecent » Fri May 27, 2011 2:59 pm


Has anyone read this book?

As far as I can make out Dr. Judy is a lovely, brilliantly clever, total non-spook, who has already had to face some media disinfo and totally unjustified 'conspiracy loon' smearing. Not to mention her original publishers squarely putting the boot in as severely as possible.

Just to 'fess up, I've always been a MIHOP nano-thermiter, (and I still think it was used!) but the EVIDENTIAL and FORENSIC basis and nature of this research has me impressed and enthralled. It may well join many of the dots in my opinion! (Certainly in my own version of events)
Dr Judy is essentially supplying an extremely credible, EVIDENTIAL alternative to the conventional demolition theories.
500 pages and 800 photos of text book research which I believe, as discussed in the link, is essential reading for anyone left with an open mind and a thirst for truth on 9/11 after all these years.
Hutchison-effect style energy weapon anybody?
Like I say, personally I feel nano thermite was involved also...
but please don't let my opinions or flippancy put you off reading this book for yourself.

I really think it might be important.
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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby lupercal » Fri May 27, 2011 4:24 pm

dickdecent wrote:As far as I can make out Dr. Judy is a lovely, brilliantly clever, total non-spook, who has already had to face some media disinfo and totally unjustified 'conspiracy loon' smearing. Not to mention her original publishers squarely putting the boot in as severely as possible.

That's been my impression too. She also basically lost her uni teaching job a couple of years back so she's taken a lot of heat. How she's supporting herself I don't know, whether she's wholly sane I don't know, whether she's right about the energy weapons I don't know, but as much as I know about any of this, I have to say that her theory is nearly as plausible as mini-nukes, which are pretty much what I'm leaning toward mainly because we know they exist and have had untold trillions of research dollars poured into their development. That the Tesla stuff could have gotten as far without some public awareness seems hard to believe, not that it's necessarily that far-fetched. But nukes as we know them, or at least as I do, don't really explain the disintegration, or the holes, or the cars, so she gets props for pointing out that stuff and trying to account for it. My best guess currently is that they tried out some new gizmos but nukes did the heavy lifting.

Anyway there are many views on this but I agree that Steven Jones is a disinfo plant. For credibility and serious research my top three would be Fetzer, Griffin, and Wood, not necessarily in that order.
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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby dickdecent » Fri May 27, 2011 6:19 pm

Exactly as you say...

I only lean toward nano-thermite because of the lack of trace evidence for mini nukes, and the positive trace evidence for fairly hefty amounts of weapons grade (nano) thermite found quite unequivocally in those very few samples of genuine dust that made it out of the "cleanup".

This book though, and it's rigorously researched theory, is the first convincing/plausible account of why probably around 1500 people threw themselves (mostly in a state of undress) out of the building, very many from floors seemingly completely as yet undamaged by the fires, and not in any imminent danger... -and at the same time explains all of the VERY anomalous GENUINE footage of steel, and other materials simply disintegrating to dust before our very eyes. (check the OP link part 2 I think, for footage) ...not to mention diffraction, and circular and other patterning in the damage shown in the very few original pictures of the debris that were shot before the "cleanup"... AND anomalous so called 'jellified' metals (that melted but were not burned/found melted around/bonded with material such as paper etc.) along with the strange straight line divisions between severely heat-destroyed/undamaged parts of the same vehicles, why some were upside down but parked near several untouched cars... the patterning in the parking lot damage etc. etc.
potentially ALL the anomalous physical evidence I have heard of gets covered with this ONE explanation... and that I like.
Wood has the towers 'under processing' for want of a better phrase, whilst people were inside, seemingly suffering immense heat problems, yet with no burning, and not physically near the fires.

As regards your perceptive linking of Hutchison and Tesla, I think Tesla's work MUST have been continued...
There is simply no doubt in my mind that this would have, and did happen, It's just lucky for us that Hutchison exists, which allowed Wood to notice some distinct similarities between the large array of anomalous 9/11 PHYSICAL EVIDENCE, and his (Hutchison's) results.

Steve Jones is DEFINITELY some kind of schill... and it was always obvious that just saying 'controlled demolition' never really had it covered.
That's why I'm excited by the book, it brings the CD scenario up to absolute speed, and as far as the actual mechanics of the job are concerned, pretty much wraps things up nicely for me.

As a previous subject of the church of thermite... I wanna Testify!

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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby Searcher08 » Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:30 pm

Hey, I just saw this - are you feeling any better now? I saw your blog and it looked horredous... anyways - warm welcome back!

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Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby chump » Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:13 pm

Have you heard the one about Hurricane Erin?


Where did the towers go? I remember Dr. Judy Woods, B.S.,M.S., Ph.D. Back in 2009, I posted my query, based incorrectly on her theory, that HAARP destroyed them. I've seen what tornadoes and lightning can do; and Tesla lived in the Springs, you know... right near where I used to live. There were incidents... It must have been spectacular! http://www.magnetricity.com/Tesla/Tesla_Colorado.php I read a few books and her theory made sense! To me... It was a feeling. A hunch. Intuition.

I broached the subject at RI, http://www.rigorousintuition.ca/board2/ ... 8&p=308171, http://www.rigorousintuition.ca/board2/ ... 8&p=312545, because of the wide range of informed and well written opinions here. (I've never posted anywhere else.) HMW said she was a disinfo agent. I have yet to substantiate that. As I recall someone pointed out that the theory wasn't plausible because of the energy that would be required to produce such an effect. I had to agree with that!

Well... I recently stumbled onto this video interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmmQ6OWMHTI of Dr. Judy Woods promoting her book, Where Did the Towers Go? , which was almost ten years in the making. She shows a lot of pictures; effectively llustrating that there should have been a much larger pile of rubble - especially in the wake of a "pancake" collapse, but even if it was a "controlled demolition". Million of tons of steel, concrete, and the stuff inside those gargantuan towers are plainly gone! Where did it go!?", she rhetorically asks.

"Sold to China as scrap!?", the moderator half-heartedly retorts.

"Prove it", she says, "... I can't!... Look at the evidence. You rule out the impossible, and what remains is got to be among what is possible. And the biggest things that I discovered in looking at this evidence, the three main things: The buildings didn't burn up, or slam to the ground, but turned into dust in mid-air. And I know that because if they slammed to the ground, you'd see a big pile of debris there... A lot of mass was missing."

"Well then, what happened to the towers?"

The professor pauses for a moment, throws up her hands and shrugs her shoulders... "Dust. Gone with the wind. Blown away... Most of it." And she shows some more pictures: Lots of paper, and tons of dust.


She explains that the Twin Towers each weighed 500,000 tons! If the towers had just fallen, as in a conventional demolition, all those heavy "chunks" would have ruptured the "bathtub" surrounding the area. The "bathtub" holds back the Hudson and East Rivers. So, something special had to be arranged so Manhatten wouldn't flood. Firefighters actually describe fireballs and the buildings evaporating above them. If you look at the videos, you can see portions of the towers disintegrating in the air; sprinkling dust and pebbles, rather than chunks.


Her webpage, http://drjudywood.com/ , is quite an archive of photos and eyewitness statements! Don't let her picture fool ya'! She also points out the twisted steel, "a Toasted Bus", "cars that were witnessed going into spontaneous combustion" - some of them many blocks away from the towers, and other anomalies that indicate "something extraordinary was going on." There were "many round holes around the windows in the Banker's Trust Building accross the street", and "a peculiar rust on the steel beams". She says that the thin aluminum wings of a jetliner wouldn't have cut through the steel exterior columns to leave the outlines of a plane. At the Pentagon, btw, the windows were not even broken.

Image Image

Those anomalies cannot be explained by thermite, or mini-nukes, or other explosives. In fact, those probably were not even used. Those anomalies "can be reproduced by creating a static field, and within that static field interfere radio frequency signals...and it acts like a key, unlocking these effects". So she and this other goofball, John Hutchison ( http://www.hutchisoneffect.ca/ ), rehashed some of Tesla's work. and that of a guy named George Piggott, and replicated those phenomena witnessed in NYC on 9/11. She coined the term "Magnetic-electro-gravitic-nuclear reaction", "for lack of a better term", to explain the energy that ultimately demolished not two, not three, but six WTC towers.

Just when I'm thinking, she was asked the question, If "directed energy" or "cold fusion" was used, where did they get the power to do it?"

Well... that's when she blew me away!

Remember last August when Hurricane Irene http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=n ... ll0&aqi=s1 was splashed all over the news and feared as a threat to NYC and the eastern seaboard? Irene was a category 1 hurricane, okay? Remember Hurricane Erin? http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=n ... icane+erin


I didn't! I thought the skies were blue on 9/11! Judy Woods hadn't either! She found it in the weather data as she was tracking dust from the towers on NOAA maps from that day. Incredibly, I had never heard of, or had entirely forgotten a category 3 hurricane off the coast of Manhatten on the morning of September 11th, 2001!! "Hurricanes produce these static effects!", Dr. Woods tells us, "the three major airports around Manhatten - JFK, LaGuardia and Newark Airport, all reported thunder on 911. That says there were field effects there, a static field." The hurricane abruptly turned to sea, and we never heard about it - you know... compared to Irene. The events of 9/11 probably drowned the media coverage.

Now, I'm not the big brain here, but perhaps her analysis deserves more rigorous scrutiny. I read her book, and it is definitely interesting. "Her evidence is undisputed". How do you explain the toasted cars and the buildings that were obliterated into dust? How did that happen? Is the lightning out of the bottle? The implications of this are profound. How many times since 2001 have they weaponized the Earth? Katrina? Haiti? So many Tsunamis! Who is doing that?? Will "Free Energy" destroy the world? Or could it be our salvation?
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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby elfismiles » Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:17 pm

StarmanSkye wrote:GAWD, but those StarWarBeams photos are spooky, like scenes out of some synthetic kind of hell. At first viewing, it sure DOES make one receptive to wild ideas in order to reconcile the many apparant anomalies, bizarro effects, strangeness and hard-to-explain weirdness. However, on deeper analysis and observation I can find much more commonsense explanations for what was observed than reaching for space-based weapons.

I rather think the fire/melting/burn damage of vehicles was caused by flash-fire-type events related to the pyroclastic debris clouds of superheated particles of concrete, gypsum, glass, metal, etc. as a result of the towers falling with their 5 million cubic feet of air being driven in hurricane-force carrying burning and red-hot debris -- being heated like a forge, with properties similiar to volcanic ejecta. The weird photos of burned cars along the side of FDR Drive are most likely the result of emergency towing/storage to clear the area around Ground Zero to make way for fire/rescue and salvage/deconstruction-clearing operations, staging of heavy equipment and emergency Command/recovery operations. In any case, I think there's a perfectly rational, reasonable explanation for the pattern of damage inflicted on 1400 some vehicles due to superheated debris and patterns of insulating dust that caused spotty destruction and burning, as observed on the vehicles that were most likely parked within a block or two of ground zero. The paper debris could have been blown around AFTER the pyroclastic clouds had cooled, or were insulated or coated by cooler gypsum/concrete particles, etc. (But nothing shown is evidence that CD was not, or could not have been, employed to bring the towers down. Thermate/Thermite MIGHT help explain the incredibly high temperature fires and burning debris that COULD have helped cause this amount of flame damage to parked cars and trucks).

As best I can make out, the Fire Engine depicted from Chinatown on the Star Wars Beam site is Engine 9 attached to Engine Company 9; Companion to Ladder Company 6 -- a hook-and-ladder rig that was parked at the base of WTC 1 after the crew responded to a two-alarm call for assistance and subsequently crushed when WTC 1 collapsed. The entire Engine 9 and Ladder 6 company crews survived, the crew from Ladder 6 being pinned in the WTC 1 stairwell by a quirky fluke as the building collapsed around them while they were almost out of the building, in the process of rescuing a victim and following an order to retreat (after WTC 2 fell). VERY interesting account -- http://multimedia.belointeractive.com/a ... mpany.html

From what I was able to gather, the OTHER rig, Engine Company 9 equipment/crew truck was apparently parked far-enough away from the collapse and not seriously damaged by falling debris, having its windows broken and body dented and covered with masses of powdered junk.
It was driven to its station but conked-out before it could be parked inside. My guess is THAT is what and where the pictures featuring the damaged firetruck on the Starbeam's site were taken. I don't think anything like energy-beams are needed to account for the broken glass and mirrors. I suspect windshields of large-trucks like fire engines are designed to fall outward when damaged -- or else the windshield was heavily cracked/broken and covered with junk and so the crew just removed it (if so, so they could drive it back to their station).
Story mentioning this detail about its survival and being driven at:
http://multimedia.belointeractive.com/a ... mpany.html
"Engine 6 sits in front of the firehouse, with windows blown out and sides pocked by flying debris. The guys drove it back, but it conked out before they could get it inside the station." (The companion firetruck was a Hook-and-Ladder rig, with rear-steering to accomodate it's 50 ft+ length -- There seems to be some discrepancy as I've read both rigs referred to as "engine 6". The accurate name for the Hook-and-Ladder rig is 'Ladder 6', as the above-link refers to its crew, while the firetruck featured is actually 'Engine 9'. I suspect this was an error of the sloppy reporting variety. As I mentioned above, Ladder 6 was completely destroyed, crushed to its axles, tho its crew miraculously survived. In fact, the Engine 9/Ladder 6 station was the ONLY NYFD station to not lose any crew on 911. Engine 9/Ladder 6, based in Chinatown, were known as 'The Dragonfighters'. Ladder 6 had brass Dragons mounted on its front doors -- the only part of them to remain (when the fire engine was unburied) was a bit of one tail. The saga of the miraculously surviving crew of Ladder 6 is popularly known as 911's most amazing survival story "The single most incredible story of the 911 survival tragedy: http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stori ... 558&EDATE= This story was also told in the History Channel's 'Miracle of Stairway B' and Dateline NBC's 'Miracle of Ladder Company 6' --Starman)
I found a site featuring the Engine 9/Ladder 6/Satellite 1 Chinatown Station, and was perplexed to see what looked like another engine than the one cited on the Star War Beams site -- until I looked closely and observed the engine is a newer model 2004 Seagraves. Obviously, the older engine damaged on 911 was replaced -- more pictures of which I found here:
http://www.dragonfighters.com/html/imag ... 11_002.jpg
at: http://www.dragonfighters.com/html/911photos.html

Note the windshield is only partly collapsed, clearly in no condition to safely drive the vehicle the 20 blocks back to the Dragonfighter's Chinatown station -- and so most likely cleared by the engine's crew. No mysterious weapon explanation needed here! Note that the front bumper pump fitting has a fire hose attached, suggesting it was being used to actively fight a fire on-scene; The exhausted fireman sitting on the bumper also indicates this engine saw active service and wasn't inexplicitly damaged by an energy weapon (or else the crew would have suffered from the energy-beam effects, eh? And they clearly weren't.)

This picture apparently shows the Engine 9 unit cleared of broken glass, debris and junk in order for the crew to try to drive it back to their station. (The street and parked car show NO evidence that this was where the engine was originally damaged).
http://www.dragonfighters.com/html/imag ... 11_003.jpg

This shows the engine parked right in front of its Chinatown station garage -- surrounding details shows this is the same location shown at the Space Beam War site -- and probably identical with the photo cited above and others.
http://www.dragonfighters.com/html/imag ... _11_04.jpg

Some other weird oddities claimed but that there was no evidence of were several claims that vehicle engine blocks were mysteriously 'missing'. The photos did NOT indicate such. I could readily identify the areas where engines would be located in cars and fire-engines and trucks/ambulances, and only noted damaged/crushed radiators and other front-end components. Similiarly, the 'missing' door handles were likely made of plastic and simply melted in proximity to superhot debris -- as did the tires which burned.

In all, there sure seems to be an awful lot of wishful-thinking hype involved in that site, perhaps to contaminate the so-called Truth Movement or Classic Conspiracy observations/theories with wild-eyed fantastic, unproveable theories re: energy beams.

Disinfo, anyone?

PS: Gotta say, tho -- GREAT photos!

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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby elfismiles » Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:19 pm

ivanbo2003 wrote:Can some one provide a plausible and logical explanation for this:
5. Toasted cars over half a mile from Ground Zero.

Some of the pictures are from here:
http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/ ... Beam5.html

I must say i am not quite buying the "star wars beam weaponry" theory,BUT what can explain this anomaly?


orz wrote:
ivanbo2003 wrote:Can some one provide a plausible and logical explanation for this:

That the site you got them from is full of cherry picked selective "evidence" and/or misinterpretation of the photos?

I mean, most of the comments on those are gibberish. Supposedly it's suspicious that a car engine is burning rather than the gas tank. Ok... so space lasers would make that "anomaly" happen... how?

I'm guessing many of those photos are of burned out cars which have been moved from the place where they burned. A lot of them look very much so, especially the ones with various parts missing.

If it's true that cars were 'melted' 5 miles away or whatever then that's unusual sure, but the vague idea of Akira-style 'space lasers' doesn't really get you anywhere towards explaining such an 'anomaly'.

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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby DrEvil » Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:38 pm

I'm not going into the how of 911, I'd rather know who, but I did take a look at
http://www.hutchisoneffect.ca/ ,
and I have to say - what a pile of crap. First of all - the web page itself is god-damn ugly and painful to read. Second - the videos showing "proof" of his magical machine are laughably bad. The short flash videos are obviously shot upside down, and the longer youtube compilation is shot on a boat. And third - no real science anywhere on the page, and a plea for donations (Only 40 bucks for a video-compilation!).
I also started on the interview with Judy Woods, but turned it off after they used a disappearing white line-like smudge from a video as proof that the metal was disintegrating.
I'm sure there was absolutely no chance of the falling debris being obscured by dust, or possibly a ray of sunlight reflecting off a falling beam. No - It MUST have been nano-thermites, or nukes, or space lazors or static fields being fiddled with by radio-waves.
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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby elfismiles » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:38 am

Yeah, I was intrigued by Hutchison when I first heard of him but the first thing that struck me when I watched his vids was ... WOW, they are shot in a forced-perspective trick kinda way so you can't tell which way is really up. It's so simple it's painfully stupid that folks are taken in by that BS.

Strangely enough, another alt-911-truther of the tv-fakery variety (Ace Baker) did his own expose of this technique...

911 Truther Shoots Movement in Foot – Commits Pseudocide
January 11th, 2009

ImageI’d come across Baker’s videos before, taking some time to watch his replication of the “Hutchison Effect” that proved to me what I’d suspected all along regarding the claims of gravity defying movements and levitations allegedly created by intense electromagnetic apparatus wielded by John Hutchison; that they are fake.

http://www.anomalymagazine.com/zine/200 ... seudocide/

DrEvil wrote:I'm not going into the how of 911, I'd rather know who, but I did take a look at
http://www.hutchisoneffect.ca/ ,
and I have to say - what a pile of crap. First of all - the web page itself is god-damn ugly and painful to read. Second - the videos showing "proof" of his magical machine are laughably bad. The short flash videos are obviously shot upside down, and the longer youtube compilation is shot on a boat. And third - no real science anywhere on the page, and a plea for donations (Only 40 bucks for a video-compilation!).
I also started on the interview with Judy Woods, but turned it off after they used a disappearing white line-like smudge from a video as proof that the metal was disintegrating.
I'm sure there was absolutely no chance of the falling debris being obscured by dust, or possibly a ray of sunlight reflecting off a falling beam. No - It MUST have been nano-thermites, or nukes, or space lazors or static fields being fiddled with by radio-waves.
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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby chump » Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:19 pm

You're right, DrEvil : That Hutchison webpage stinks! I thought it would be helpful, but perhaps I didn't peruse it as much as I should have before including it in my post. I won't remove it, but sorry it was a waste of time.

Thank you for the links Elf. Time does fly... Starmansky seemed to suggest that cars were toasted on 9/11 because the rolling dust clouds were super hot. Conversely, this link has several pictures and descriptions which tend to cool that theory.


Have you heard any stories of people being burned by a "pyroclastic" cloud?

Interesting summation by "crazy Laura" (posted by yesferatu), also in 2007:


yesferatu wrote:Gotta go to the link to see the pics she refers to.
Not a bad article for crazy Laura.

<<15 September 2007

Ultra-terrestrials and 9/11...

... Controlled demolitions at the WTC has been scientifically proven long ago since the government's version defies basic laws of physics (not to mention an amazing series of coincidences all over the place on that day.). At this point it's just a matter of figuring out what method was used for the demolition.


1. Seismic readings too low to account for two 500,000 ton towers

(On Dec 14, 2006, a NIST scientist said "...the collapse of the towers were not of any magnitude that was seismically significant...")

2. Concrete pulverized to powder in a way that cannot be accounted in a standard controlled demolition. (i.e. more than 50% of samples under 100 microns)

3. Steel spire turns to dust and trickles down in news videos.

4. Photographs of Ground Zero lacking enough concrete and steel to account for two 110 story towers.

5. Toasted cars over half a mile from Ground Zero.

6. Large sections of buildings "vanish"

Round holes in WTC 5 roof

Large vertical chunks "missing" from WTC 3

and WTC 6

7. Downtown Manhattan not flooded. If one million tons of towers collapsed on the slurry wall / bathtub at freefall speed, it would have broken through and flooded New York.

8. All airplanes ordered to land about fifteen minutes before the South Tower is destroyed. Right after the North Tower goes, government allows military aircraft back up.

9. Evidence for existence of Space-based weapons. (Let's remember, the government is always at least 15-20 years ahead in technology from where they publicly admit.)

Introducing the Particle-Beam Weapon by Dr. Richard M. Roberds; published in Air University Review, July-August 1984

Millimeter-wave energy to be used in a weapon by Peter Clarke; published in EE Times June 6, 2001

US hails airborne laser as weapons milestone, ABC News, October 29, 2006

So, ask yourself... what can explain ALL the anomalies listed above?

First of all, my husband, as a physicist, knows for a fact that there are weapons and technology that are already being used that are not known to the public. He developed certain technology himself that has never yet seen the light of day because it was buried in black projects. Sure, word eventually gets out after some years; but often that "word" is disinfo to distract away from what is really being done. Sometimes, it is announced as a "new discovery" because people are noticing strange things going on and the PTB have to do damage control.

This brings me to the topic of the day: Ultra-terrestrials and 9/11...

Okay, okay, okay... Sorcha Faal? She goes on to describe Cointel Pro. Huh? What a tangled web... The noise factor... Scary stuff!

Image Image

I thought the interview with Judy Woods was an excellent presentation of the evidence; with dozens of the pictures and eyewitness testimonies that she has compiled on her extensive websight and in her book. Her examination of that evidence excludes the possiblity of the official story - as well as that of a thermitic controlled demolition. So where did the towers go?

Just to be clear we are not neccesarily talking about space based weapons here. Dr. Woods is the first to admit that she doesn't know what happened on 9/11. If this is a reality we somehow share, can anyone explain the toasted cars and obliterated buildings that turned into dust?

Right now, her best explanation is that it was a "Magnetic-electro-gravitic-nuclear reaction", "for lack of a better term", and it may have been generated by the static field produced by Hurricane Erin. Am I the only one who didn't know that there was a category 3 hurricane just off the coast of NYC on that day? Is it relevent? Do you know of anything that would exclude her theory?
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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby elfismiles » Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:55 pm

I'm not aware of anyone being killed on 911 specifically by pyroclastic flow (though that seems highly likely), however it is considered a source of death for humans:

Pyroclastic Flows

Pyroclastic flows and lahars are the greatest volcanic hazards. More people have died due to these hazards than any other volcanic hazard (Chester, 1993). Pyroclastic flows can incinerate, burn, and asphyxiate people. Gases within a pyroclastic flow can explode and cause ash to rain down on nearby areas as shown in this image near Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines (photo by M.T. Dolan). Pyroclastic flows travel long distances so their threat is far reaching. What is worse is they also can transform into lahars which travel even farther distances from the volcano and can produce even greater hazards.

Scientists recognize the hazards of pyroclastic flows, and so there is currently a lot of research going on in this area. Important research with regard to hazards prevention is the study of past pyroclastic flow deposits. Areas that have old pyroclastic flow deposits are likely to receive new pyroclastic flow deposits if the volcano erupts again. People living near the summit of an active volcano, especially those in valley areas, are most likely to be in danger from a pyroclastic flow. The best course of action for these people to take when a volcano erupts is to evacuate valley areas and head for higher ground away from the volcano. Of course, if the volcano gives ample warning that it is going to erupt, then the best thing to do is evacuate the area and get as far away from the volcano as possible.

Text by C.M. Riley
http://www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/hazard ... /pyro.html

... and ...

Fronts of some pyroclastic density currents are fully dilute; for example, during the eruption of Mount Pelée in 1902 a fully dilute current overwhelmed the city of Saint-Pierre and killed nearly 30,000 people.[4]


The towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, Italy, for example, were famously engulfed by pyroclastic surges in 79 AD with many lives lost.[6]

A pyroclastic surge killed volcanologists Katia and Maurice Krafft and 41 other people on Mount Unzen, in Japan, on June 3, 1991. The surge started as a pyroclastic flow and the more energised surge climbed a spur on which the Kraffts and the others were standing; it engulfed them, and the corpses were covered with about 5 mm of ash.[7]

On 25 June 1997 a pyroclastic flow travelled down Mosquito Ghaut on the Caribbean island of Montserrat. A large energised pyroclastic surge developed. This surge could not be restrained by the Ghaut and spilled out of it, killing 19 people who were in the Streatham village area (which was officially evacuated). Several others in the area suffered severe burns.


As for the list from Laura... most of it just doesn't seem valid to me personaly:

1. Seismic readings too low to account for two 500,000 ton towers

I agree the seismic evidence is interesting but doesn't make me think exotic weaponry.

2. Concrete pulverized to powder in a way that cannot be accounted in a standard controlled demolition. (i.e. more than 50% of samples under 100 microns)

It was a giant falling cuisinart (like the flying cuisinart ball in Phantasm films).

3. Steel spire turns to dust and trickles down in news videos.

BS - it didn't turn to dust it just fell down and appeared to disappear within the cloud of dust it left behind - much like the whole mushroom cloud pyroclastic flow.

4. Photographs of Ground Zero lacking enough concrete and steel to account for two 110 story towers.

It's all there, just aerosolized within the pyroclastic cloud.

5. Toasted cars over half a mile from Ground Zero.

... covered this though not "solved"

6. Large sections of buildings "vanish"
Round holes in WTC 5 roof / Large vertical chunks "missing" from WTC 3 / and WTC 6

Gouged by falling debris? Not sure about these.

7. Downtown Manhattan not flooded. If one million tons of towers collapsed on the slurry wall / bathtub at freefall speed, it would have broken through and flooded New York.

... but would it if it had been pulverized / aerosolized into powder - a ton of feathers is still a tone but ... ?

8. All airplanes ordered to land about fifteen minutes before the South Tower is destroyed. Right after the North Tower goes, government allows military aircraft back up.

"I don't know - therefore: ALIENS!"


9. Evidence for existence of Space-based weapons. (Let's remember, the government is always at least 15-20 years ahead in technology from where they publicly admit.)

Extraordinary claims require ... extraordinary explanations!

chump wrote:You're right, DrEvil : That Hutchison webpage stinks! I thought it would be helpful, but perhaps I didn't peruse it as much as I should have before including it in my post. I won't remove it, but sorry it was a waste of time.

Thank you for the links Elf. Time does fly... Starmansky seemed to suggest that cars were toasted on 9/11 because the rolling dust clouds were super hot. Conversely, this link has several pictures and descriptions which tend to cool that theory.


Have you heard any stories of people being burned by a "pyroclastic" cloud?


Do you know of anything that would exclude her theory?
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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby Alfred Joe's Boy » Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:34 am

"911 Dust by Jeff Prager – Final Version"

By Jeff Prager

In order to cause concrete and steel to turn to micron-sized dust particles at Ground Zero as presented by Dr. Thomas Cahill, UC Davis Delta Group, the speed of sound must be reached in those items. Dr. Cahill is one of the world’s premier atmospheric physicists.

The speed of sound for concrete is 3200-3600mps (meters per second) and for steel the speed of sound is 6100mps.[1] Based on statements by Dr. Stephen Jones he estimates the velocity for his aluminum and iron oxide energetic compound in a silica substrate at 300mps.

According to Lawrence Livermore Laboratories the maximum velocity for an energetic compound made of iron oxide and aluminum in a silica substrate is 895mps. Again, according to Lawrence Livermore the velocity can be increased to above 2000mps if copper is added.

We know that the energetic compound allegedly found by Dr. Jones did not have a copper component.

This energetic compound allegedly found by Dr. Jones is incapable of turning either steel or concrete into the micron sized particles found by Dr. Cahill.

Dr. Cahill set up his sophisticated atmospheric monitoring system on a rooftop adjacent to Ground Zero on or about October of 2001 and took air samples for close to 30 days.

Dr. Cahill stated, “soil and glass were boiling” at Ground Zero well after September 11th, 2001 and up to and including October 30, 2001 and beyond.[2][8]

To vaporize or boil soil and glass rather extraordinary temperatures must be reached and maintained. A fire of this magnitude must have something feeding it oxygen.

Underground fires, whether fed by nanothermite or other incendiaries, require oxygen. There is only ONE source of igniting and maintaining a fire without a constant feed of oxygen.

T. Mark Hightower has worked as an engineer for nearly 30 years, initially in the chemical industry, then in the space program, and currently in the environmental field. He is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). [3]

In 2011 Dr. Neils Harrit was asked in an email by T. Mark Hightower (and several others included in that email) to estimate the amount of Dr. Jones’ energetic compound that would be required to take the Twin Towers down.

Dr. Harrit proposed that a low of 29,000 metric tons and a high of 144,000 metric tons would be required, per tower.[4]

Using the low figure of 29,000 metric tons and assuming a single one-ton crate could be moved from a tractor trailer backed up to a loading dock in the basement area of the towers to its final destination within the towers every 15 minutes it would have required approximately 300 days, working 24/7, just to load the building.

Working in 8 hour day shifts it would have taken almost 3 years.

It would also have required, based on standard freight weights, over 1,500 tractor trailer loads delivered to each tower.

This is a preposterous and patently absurd scenario.

The rate of Multiple Myeloma, a very rare blood plasma cancer, across the general population is 3.0-9.0 per 100,000 people.

The average age of those afflicted with this disease is 71 with 99% of those afflicted being over the age of 65.

Based on a CDC report (see: CDC K25 Workers)[5] we do not know what causes Multiple Myeloma.

We do know that even the most minimal exposure to radioactivity causes a measurable increase in the incidence of Multiple Myeloma.

As of March 1st, 2011, the rate of Multiple Myeloma and death among Ground Zero First Responders was 18 per 100,000 with all of those afflicted being between the ages of 37 and 60.

Reggie Hillaire, a Ground Zero First Responder, was able to beat thyroid cancer only to contract Multiple Myeloma in late 2011.

Some First Responders have succumbed to not one, not two, but in some cases three rare cancers.

The cancer incidence among Ground Zero First Responders, while un-addressed in the mainstream media, is epidemic.

The incidence of Thyroid cancer, brain cancer, pancreatic cancer and many other cancers is significantly elevated among Ground Zero First Responders.

More profound is that never have we seen rapid onset cancers in asbestos workers or other industrial workers exposed to the wide variety of carcinogens found in the Ground Zero dust (see USGS report #01-0429 – Chemistry Table 1)[6]

We have only seen rapid onset cancers in those people exposed to radiation at Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl.[7]

It should be noted that cancers were just recently covered by the US government for Ground Zero First Responders.

In mid-2012 I discussed my findings re: USGS report #01-0429 and the analysis of that reports Chemistry Table 1 which I published [9] to the CDC/NIOSH web site and the internet at large, with Dr. Christopher Busby.

Dr. Christopher Busby is a world renowned nuclear physicist specializing in nuclear demolition.

Dr. Busby is a director of Green Audit Limited, a private company, and scientific advisor to the Low Level Radiation Campaign (LLRC).

He is also a visiting professor at the University of Ulster and was the National Speaker on Science and Technology for the Green Party of England and Wales. Dr. Busby is respected worldwide.

That analysis[9], while wholly inadequate in explaining fully what occurred on 911, was, nevertheless, accurate in many cases as Dr. Busby points out. Yet Dr. Busby goes further and explains that he’s found similar elements at similarly high levels in craters in Fallujah, Iraq and other war torn areas of the globe.

Dr. Busby then offers an opinion as to what may have caused these anomalous levels of the elements in the various dust samples from Fallujah, Iraq, Ground Zero, NYC and other areas across the globe.

Excerpts from that email follow:

From: “xxxxxx@greenaudit.org” To: “jeff prager”

Cc: xxxxxx@greenaudit.org

WTC trace elements arguments

Dear Jeff

I have briefly examined the paper presenting an argument on the basis of “trace element” concentrations in dust and on girder residues from the WTC that the buildings that they were destroyed by nuclear fission.

The arguments are incorrect for a number of reasons. However, the evidence is interesting and I will briefly discuss the issues.

Barium and Strontium are not trace elements, they are common constituents of any material that contains Calcium (concrete) as they are in the same chemical group and occur together. I agree however that they are present in very much higher amounts than they should.
Both elements are toxic but not highly toxic
A correlation between Ba and Ca would be expected in any sample since they occur together and with Ca because they are in Group II of the periodic table and share chemistry.
But it is highly unusual to find such high levels of Barium
I also found high levels Barium and Strontium in war debris in Gaza, Fallujah Iraq and the Lebanon.
You do not get high levels of Bariums and Strontium from nuclear fission. They are both fission products in the form Ba-140 and Sr-89 and Sr-90 but the quantities in grams are ridiculously low. You must not confuse activity (becquerels) with mass (grams). The whole of the Sr-90 releases from Fukushima or from Chernobyl amount to a few grams. A fission yield of a 2 Megaton Test (which would have destroyed New York entirely) would make only which 1014Bq of Sr-90 and represents 18grams. For Barium it is less than a gram. So this argument about too much Sr and Ba does not work. The argument is even more absurd when applied to Thorium (see below).
C-14 is not formed by fission but by neutron activation.
Although Thorium-234 is formed by fission or Uranium, the quantities are even smaller than Ba and Sr because the half-life of Th-234 is less than a month. So the amount of Th-234 made from 1 gram of U-239 is less than 1 x 10-11g.

The ratio of U to Th on this basis would be 1011.

OK let’s move on to what could have happened based on my deconstruction of the data from the war zones:

The concentration of Uranium is a key. This is slightly too high in the dust and much too high in the girder coatings. The activities for 2.7, 3.2, 4.7 and 7.57 are 33, 40, 58 and 93Bq/kg. The graph shows that there is too much U on the girder coatings. Normal levels of U are about 12, at most 40Bq/kg
My belief is that there is a cold fusion weapon or device of some sort. This employs Uranium and Deuterium. The output is neutrons, lots of heat, lots of energy, gamma radiation. The devise is the size of an apple or grapefruit but heavy (20-40kg). No radioactivity after the explosion except from Tritium H-3 which together with He-4 is the product and some short lived gamma radiation from neutron activations products (e.g. Ca-45 from the Ca in the concrete, Fe-55 from the steel). These would be radioactive for a few days only. [emphasis mine]
You would thus expect to find too much Uranium and also Tritium. You find both. There is a paper showing high levels of Tritium in the water at WTC. We also see U levels are too high.
Maybe the Barium is part of this mixture, and the Strontium. I have certainly found high levels of both in the war samples.

Regards, Chris Busby

My conclusions and assertions are as follows:

Nano thermite is an incendiary. Explosives are classified as having velocities exceeding 3000mps. The incendiary nanothermite allegedly found by Dr. Stephen Jones is incapable of turning any component of the steel structured Twin Towers or the cement to micron sized particles or what is commonly referred to in scientific circles as ‘very fine particles’, as we all saw on 911 and as Dr. Thomas Cahill outlines.
Nanothermite is incapable of maintaining underground, oxygen starved fires at the temperatures required to ‘boil soil and glass’ as Dr. Thomas Cahill stated.
The chain of possession of the dust samples allegedly found at Ground Zero and controlled by Dr. Jones is highly suspect, unverifiable and unscientific. The chain of possession of the dust samples procured by the USGS on September 16th and 17th, 2001 at Ground Zero, NYC, is known and secure. The chain of possession followed standard scientific procedure as outlined in USGS Report #01-0429.[6] Nano thermite and energetic compound residue was not found in the USGS dust samples.
The perpetrators of 911 spent far more time developing strategies to deal with public opinion after the event than they did on the event itself. Public opinion after the fact needed to be carefully managed and that management process was a critical component of the event.
Dr. Stephen Jones spent a significant portion of his career at the Department Of Energy which is the government agency that is responsible for all nuclear research in the United States. He worked specifically with Muon Catalyzed Fusion, Cold Fusion, Deuterium, Lithium Deuteride and other elements of the cold fusion process. Dr. Jones is a knowledgeable and respected physicist.
Dr. Stephen Jones refuses to discuss the issues raised in this essay and maintains adamantly that 911 had no nuclear component whatsoever.
Dr. Christopher Busby states that the dust samples from 911 indicate a cold fusion process using deuterium which is precisely the science and elements Dr. Jones studied at the Department of Energy.
I just as adamantly disagree with Dr. Stephen Jones. That 911 was a nuclear event is certain and anyone attempting to maintain that it was not is part of the cover-up being foisted upon the American people.
Exposure to nuclear radiation is the most odious and repulsive event a human being can experience. That secret is being kept by those in the media spotlight in the 911 movement, to include Dr. Stephen Jones.

Why Use Nuclear Weapons?

Nuclear weapons, 4th generation or even more advanced weapons, are ideal because they are extremely small with very predictable profiles. After decades of underground nuclear testing this science has been refined to an extraordinary level of competence.

With nano-technology the various control systems necessary to a nuclear device are infinitesimally smaller than those we’re familiar with from the 1960s.

Advanced nuclear grenades, nuclear weapons the size of apples or grapefruits as Dr. Busby states, are the most secretive technological advancement in real world weapons systems. Nuclear devices as described herein were the only possible way to destroy the buildings without having enormous chunks of building debris fly all over NYC and smash down on dozens of surrounding buildings.

Theses enormous structures had to be turned to dust. Destruction was kept to a minimum although overall it was still quite devastating. It could have been monumentally worse had standard explosives been used:

Explosive velocities:

DDF – 10,000mps HMX – 9,100mps RDX – 8,750mps TNT – 6,900MPS Jones’ Thermite 300-895mps

The velocity of thermite is far too low yet the velocity of standard explosives is extraordinarily high and the total destruction would have been inconceivable.

Nuclear demolition – turns most of the structure to a fine dust in less than 600 milliseconds, micron sized particles, which could be and were then, carried away by the prevailing winds. The remaining dust settled across New York City and beyond with small portions of the remaining structure piling up in cratered areas of Ground Zero.[10][11][12]

Velocities achieved by a nuclear explosion would be rapidly exceeded by the molecular dissociation caused by the brief but very intense heat. Some structure would be ejected, as we saw, but far less than with conventional explosives.

Nuclear energy is the only type of demolition that carries the total energy budget required to turn 100s of 1000s of tons of material to micron sized very fine particles. While much of the towers were recovered, a substantial portion of the buildings can be seen in dozens of images of both dense pyroclastic clouds emanating from Ground Zero and spreading across the city and the enormous atmospheric clouds swept across the state and out to sea by the prevailing winds.


1. The Engineering Toolbox: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/sound ... d_713.html

2. No Thermite by T. Mark Hightower, commentary by Jeff Prager: http://www.scribd.com/doc/88208233/No-Thermite

3. Has Nanothermite Been Oversold To The 911 Truth Community by T. Mark Hightower: http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/Nan ... 110501.pdf

4. Nanothermite: If It Doesn’t Fit You Must Acquit, Veterans Today: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/08/27 ... st-acquit/

5. Multiple Myeloma: A Study Of K25 Workers: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/pgms/worknotif ... -06-09.pdf

6. For access to this link you must Google: USGS Report #01-0429: the link does not work: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/

7. Ionizing Radiation 911 by Jeff Prager:

Part 1: http://www.scribd.com/doc/88204482/Ioni ... ages-1-243
Part 2: http://www.box.net/shared/h5gvyev9q8
Part 3: http://www.box.net/shared/ctdmz7la4j

8. Aerosol Science and Technology • Volume 38, Issue 2, 2004, Analysis of Aerosols From The World Trade Center Collapse Site, New York, Detection and Evaluation of Long-Range Transport of Aerosols – (Delta Group) October 2 to October 30, 2001:

http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1 ... 0490250836

9. Excerpted from the book ‘Dust,’ pages 19-42, complete chemistry and physics analysis of USGS Report #01-0429 and Chemistry Table 1: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-b128ac41.html

10. AVIRIS – TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) Constructed from LIDAR data: http://www.geo.hunter.cuny.edu/~rdatta/ ... 20copy.jpg

11. 3D Model Rendered from Triangular Irregular Network data – Ground Zero in 3D showing visible craters at Twin Towers:

http://www.geo.hunter.cuny.edu/~rdatta/ ... 20copy.jpg

12. B2level CAD and Oct 18 2001 3D – Below ground view of Ground Zero showing crater depths at the Twin Towers and Building 7 at more than 60 feet deep:

http://www.geo.hunter.cuny.edu/~rdatta/ ... 20copy.jpg

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/09/21 ... l-version/
Alfred Joe's Boy
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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby chump » Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:15 pm

Does the article above rule out a "Magnetic-electro-gravitic-nuclear reaction"?

Yesterday, I noticed on Christopher Bollyn's website that he was on Kevin Barnett's "Truth Jihad" radio show. Bollyn described the explosive power of nano-thermite, the effect of the highly reactive nano dust on responders's health, the theft of gold, the destruction of records, and he names some of those responsible... again. Not a bad hour.

@15 Bollyn talks about asking Jim Long, director for public information for FDNY, about the presence of molten metal. Long answered, "There was no molten metal.", completely denying that there were rivers of molten lava beneathe the rubble... Bollyn and Barrett surmise that Long obviously wants to keep his job.

Nano-dust is described as being 1/1000ths the scale of talcum powder - 1/10 of a micron and smaller - too small for a respirator to be effective, but very toxic. Size of a virus. Almost a gas. Comparable to the symptoms being suffered by soldiers exposed to depleted uranium.

Barrett provides a brief analysis of the three main theories:

Nano thermite based model: Thermite alone wouldn't be explosive or hot enough to produce the dust. HIgh tech explosive nano-thermite possibilities are discussed. Barnett mentions a shredding party at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama where thermitic explosive material is produced?

Mini-nukes: Described as newer generation hydrogen only nukes ignited with a lazer trigger, can be dialed to direct a controllable amount of energy to a specific location. Tritium residue collected in the air samples may be an indication of these. Strong maybe here.

Directed Energy: Judy Wood's theory is interesting, but he doesn't agree with her assessment that the pile wasn't hot and that there was no molten metal. Probably the least likely of the three - though many of her points have merit.

Bollyn points out that the military - and the private corporations who work with the military - have access to designer explosives for every situation.

As luck would have it, Bollyn didn't join Barrett for his second hour with Gordon Duff. GD laughed, when asked of his opinion of Christopher's book; as if he has more savvy than to outright answer the question. I'm part of the 1%, he begins, "Heaven forbid, I sit on the board of one of the largest arms manufacturers in the world... I'm part of the other side of this... "

Duff says that "his people" - who are "top security officers from Army intelligence" - have determined that the towers were demolished with " deuterium, tritium, fifth generation, nuclear weapons, lazer fired, that weighed under two lbs a piece, that are dialable..." to control the tritium supply within the bomb and thus the yield of the explosion. "Uses about as much plutonium as a necca(ph?) wafer, a couple of ounces of tritium, small lazer. Produces 1/10,000ths of a second of heat at 1.8 billion degrees, 1/10,000ths of a second ionizing radiation, only 72 hours of detectable radiation, then zero detectable radiation (by a conventional geiger counter). Fifth generation, fourth generation weapons are not detectable by any means. If you had put a weapon like this on the 80th floor, and set it at the full setting - which is 3 times the output of the Hiroshima bomb - you would see the results that were noticed..." (the powdered steel and concrete, twisted metal, pools of molten metal), "and within an area of about 300 meters all steel and everything would be vaporized, powderized."

Duff also points out that a "confidential informant's" testimony may not be admitted in court because of "National Security" reasons; which in effect affords certain perpetrators immunity from prosecution.

Later, he adds that (while information like this would ordinarily be unspeakable, ) "I can say that because we're on the radio and Kevin and I are just kidding!"

The post below is has been lathering for awhile... A Halloween treat, if you will... Just kidding, of course!

Elfsmiles said,
"It was a giant falling cuisinart (like the flying cuisinart ball in Phantasm films). "

A while ago, at a party far away, a friend of a friend from Bayonne, NJ had tears in her eyes as she described what she saw accross the river on 9/11/2001. The party suddenly fell quiet, like when someone is describing a ghost... "I couldn't believe all the dust!", she exclaimed, "Something else was going on..."

Nobody said nothin' ... What a waste of a party, I thought.

Can you see the Towers in your mind?

One minute, Joachim and Boaz, 110 stories each, like a tuning fork, w-a-a-y above the water, high into a clear blue sky, so vivid and surreal, smoking and gouged, casting a shadow on the grid below. Suddenly, before the minute was up, WHOOSH! , Tower 2 was a pillar of dust! Concrete and steel, and the people and stuff that were inside, blew up and down and all around in a gigantic swirl of powder and pebbles! Then 31 minutes later: WHOOSH Again!! Tower 1 was like Tower 2. Over a million tons of debris surging through the streets and filling the city. T'was the harmatten that Swallowed Manhatten. Or so we were told on the News.

Jet Fuel!? Have another drink! Jet fuel won't fly and I think we know why! It's not my job to be paying attention, and I don't know anybody who was there (except for a friend of a friend); but it sure was on the news, and the news was full of it, so I tried to figure it out - as best as I could... For me... Again and again!!

Cuisinart? Rrrr-o-oll another, Mon Frar. ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvGJvzwKqg0 Place (steel) wrench in blender, fill with kerosene, switch blender on and fire it up! Quickly drop blender off the tallest building in Town... Don't hurt anybody! And let me know if it breaks... I'll buy you a new wrench If it does.

For a long time maverick journalist Christopher Bollyn has purportedly pegged the perps, the public practitioners and priviledged pricks who prettied it up... In his latest book, Solving 911... , he doesn't mention Judy Wood, but a year ago on his website http://www.bollyn.com/architects-engine ... -theory-2/ , Bollyn wrote that, "this theory is clearly disinformation being used to divert people from understanding how a highly energetic (a bi-layered thermitic material made using nano-technology) was used to pulverize the 220 acres-sized concrete floors of the World Trade Center."

Later he posted:

Question: WHO are protected by the 9-11 holographic projection and video fakery narrative? Is there an 'inner sanctum' group of psy-ops professionals who think they can insulate themselves by conjuring a narrative that eliminates them from the suspects list?

Or are these narratives just stall and diversion tactics to divert attention, fragment the solidarity of the 9/11 activists, and mislead people away from the evidence that is very damning and which points to a long list of people and agencies which had the motive, the means, and the opportunity?

Bollyn Responds: A very good question. I would have to agree that these false narratives are primarily designed to serve as diversion tactics to divert attention and fragment the 9-11 truth movement. The Judy Wood theory that the Twin Towers were pulverized by a directed-energy beam weapon is yet another of these red herrings. The purpose of these false theories is to confuse the population, to distract the activists, and divide the 9-11 truth movement. This is not unlike the psychological warfare methods that are employed against the enemy population during war.

It takes me awhile to ponder the notions - much less sort them into words - for a note to myself. Alas... I am a chump - tripping on the daily grind. A little embarrassed. Cold and shriveled like a little, bitty kid... Here it comes (and I decided to share)... An itty, bitty Baby Ruth babbling in the RI brook - floating from one conspiracy to the next. Wading into the Unspeakable http://www.amazon.com/Gandhi-Unspeakabl ... 1570759634 ... You know... When one gazes... The abyss is within. A broken mirror on the shag.


Look: A category 3 Hurricane Erin was closing in on New York City - until just before the towers blew! And it was practically kept a secret!? See the Eye? In my twisted imagination, the pupil is growing.

Bollyn later linked to a rebuttal to Wood's theory at http://www.ae911truth.org/en/news-secti ... hesis.html in which Kevin Ryan, Stephen Jones and Richard Gage explain that it was explosive nano-thermite in the air that toasted those cars and trucks!?


Was anyone toasted by the dust?

http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/ ... Beam6.html

The Three Scholars, (Nyuk,Yuk, 'n Yukk) figure the pile wasn't big enough because the steel was ejected accross the streets! Indeed, Bollyn maintains that most of the steel in those buildings has been accounted for - and even describes the network of family-owned companies who facilitated the destruction of that evidence - by cutting the WTC beams into 6 foot lengths, mixing it up with other scrap and shipping it off to China.

"Prove it?" says Judy, "Show me the receipts! I can't!... Look at the evidence. You rule out the impossible, and what remains has got to be among what is possible. And the biggest things that I discovered in looking at this evidence, the three main things: The buildings didn't burn up, or slam to the ground, but turned into dust in mid-air. And I know that because if they slammed to the ground, you'd see a big pile of debris there... A lot of mass was missing."

When you gaze long into the hole, the hole also gazes into you!


Where's the debris? The hole was empty!


Maybe mainstream media obliquely presented thermite theory "as a diversion tactic to divert attention ..." But, Dr. Judy Wood (Bs MS PHD, btw, and an expert in the pertinent field) isn't on board because she can prove that thermite http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/socio ... 11_154.htm did not demolish the Towers! And neither did nukes, according to her... She can prove it! But she cannot prove that it wasn't a "Magnetic-electro-gravitic-nuclear reaction".

Remember in high school when we learned that, theoretically, a person could pass through a wall - if their molecules were perfectly aligned? Have you never seen Star Trek? Sure, atoms vibrate faster and substances fall apart when you heat things up - but what happens inside a tornado? Or lightning? Where does the energy come from? And where does it go? http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/erin/erin3.html How about on a bigger and more controllable scale? What about ampitude http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplitude ? Interaction of electro-magnetic energy and the vibrational frequency affecting the bond between the atoms? A low energy nuclear reaction changing their structure at the molecular level? The towers' molecules sub-atomically dis-assembling in the static field generated by Hurricane Erin?

Image Image

In his book, I was reminded of something that Bollyn had reported years ago on his website about the 81st floor...

The official final report of the fires does not explain what was on the 81st floor, which seems odd because this is the floor, leased by Fuji Bank, into which the airplane crashed. A former employee of the bank came forward and told me that the bank had reinforced the floor in 1999 to support a very heavy load of computer back-up batteries. "The whole floor was batteries,"he said, "huge battery-looking things" They were "all black" and "solid, very heavy" things, which had been brought in during the night. They had been put in place during the summer prior to 9-11, he said. But were they really batteries? "It's weird," he said, "They were never turned on."

So, what was really on the 81st floor of the South Tower? What was in these heavy "battery looking things?" Were they batteries, or were they Thermite? And is it more than a coincidence that both of the planes flew directly into secure computer rooms in both towers and that both spectacular explosions showed evidence of Thermite-produced white smoke?

Or were the batteries really batteries - designed to be used with Hurricane Erin? (Or nukes? WTF!)

The only buildings that were destroyed, six of them, were within the WTC complex. I think it is safe to say that the planners of the 911 extravaganza did not want to flood Manhatten. It would've been easy! If those towering infernos had fallen over - like it looked - 100's of 1000's of tons of building would have crashed to ground from a quarter mile high, and ruptured the "bathtub" that holds the rivers back! The seismic readings were 'interesting' because the towers fell at (faster than?) free fall speed - but didn't hardly thump the meter! Because they were dust when they hit the ground!

Thermite would've required literally years of ultra-careful preparation; surreptiously trucking literally tons of the stuff into those gigantic buildings, and applying it directly onto the steel structure behind the walls and beneathe the floors - while the buildings were open - full of people, security and bomb sniffing dogs!

Alternatively, Directed Electro-Magnetic technology has been a military semi-secret (at least) since Tesla discovered it - over a hundred years ago! http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienc ... ions36.htm Imagine what the brainiacs have dreamt up since! Mainstream knowledge of Science is merely the tip of what is commonly known. With such an arsenal to choose from, why does one theory have to be embraced and the other excluded? Building 7's collapse looks different from Towers 1 and 2.

911 Disinfo discussion?

Were missiles fired from the planes?

In the video above, Andrew Johnson, who wrote 911: Finding The Truth , points out that Stephen Jones was actually involved with cold fusion research at BYU and Los Alamos, but as MIT cold fusion expert Dr. Eugene Mallove explicitly details in , Fire From Ice http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Ice-Searchin ... e+from+ice , Jones fraudulently discredited his cold fusion experiments to make it look as though it was a farce. Jones also appears in this TV documentary, Heavy Watergate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htgV7fNO-2k , which describes the scientific community's organized PR campaign to put cold fusion into the freezer.


Eugene Franklin Mallove (June 9, 1947 – May 14, 2004) was a scientist, science writer, editor, and publisher of Infinite Energy magazine, and founder of the non-profit organization New Energy Foundation. He was a strong proponent of cold fusion, and a supporter of its research and related exploratory alternative energy topics, some of which are, at times, disparaged as "fringe science".

Mallove authored Fire from Ice, a book detailing the 1989 report of table-top cold fusion from Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann at the University of Utah. Among other things, the book claims the team did produce "greater-than-unity" output energy in an experiment successfully replicated on several occasions, but that the results were suppressed through an organized campaign of ridicule from mainstream physicists, including those studying controlled thermonuclear fusion, trying to protect their research and funding.

Mallove was murdered in 2004 while cleaning out his former childhood home, which had been rented out. Three people have been arrested and charged in connection with the killing. The first trial began April 2012.

Johnson speculates that Mallove was murdered "because he could derive a viable energy source from cold fusion... Cold fusion is a type of nuclear reaction - as was the destruction of the WTC towers." Johnson, like Bollyn, also names a number of companies who were likely to have been involved.

Idiosynchronicomystomically, Van Romero , another vocal proponent of Thermite theory who is prominantly mentioned in Bollyn's book, is also an expert! In 2000, he "gave a short course on Directed Energy Weapons at the Directed Energy Weapons Annual Societal meeting".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWjktDuI ... re=related

Johnson answered some lingering questions that I had about Michael Zebuhr http://michaelzebuhr.blogspot.com/ ; who was a student from Clemson - working with Dr. Judy Wood and Scholars for 9/11Truth - when in March of 2006 he was shot to death in front of his mother and sister during an apparent robbery in downtown Minneapolis. Three suspects were convicted for the crime, but it has been suggested that he too was murdered - because he had access to Mallove's work through his uncle, William Zebuhr, who worked with Mallove "experimenting with free energy technology" at the New Energy Foundation.

Johnson explains how Stephen Jones, Jim Fetzer, Richard Gage, Dr. Alfred Webre, and perhaps Loren Moret were all "brought in to attract and manage the skeptics"; "playing games" and "taking good information and then diluting it with something iffy to cast doubt on it all." "Trying to mix in a whole lot of gibberish with that which was good." "In conclusion", says Johnson, "due to the evidence I have compiled, I have come to consider Jim Fetzer a 911 disinformation operative. How ironic!"

What a mess! There's plenty of mud being slung about who's working for who, or why 'researchers' are saying what they're saying? http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/cc/JJJ.html , http://www.journalof911studies.com/lett ... amples.pdf This guy claims that all of them are Zionist pens! Including Bollyn - who worked for Rupert Murdoch (as a ski guide... ) ! http://www.takeourworldback.com/bollynh ... urdoch.htm

Proutty was probably right: "The cover-up gives away the asassination." Reading between the lines, Bollyn wrote a great book! Johnson too! (I would guess.) And maybe the rest of them! (All I know is what I see on the net.) But considering Hurricane Erin... Wood's book is Epic! "Look at the evidence! The evidence speaks for itself. "

So! Who cares how badly Atta danced in Florida? Bin Ladin and the 19 patsies had nothing to do with the Towers! Thermite, Nano-nukes or Tesla's nightmare: The greedy creeps have their finger on the finest technology money can buy. Indonesia, Fukyshima, Haiti, Louisianna? How many times!? So much potential, potentially abused. They're so smart!? I'm continually amazed at how twisted and evil (and wonderfully creative) the best and the brightest can truly be. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L777RhL_Fz4 Pulling string from the fabric of life to bind the world in a knot...

Or not! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... ibqdwHyZxk

Pretty scary, huh!?
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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby chump » Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:13 am

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Re: Where Did The Towers Go?

Postby 0_0 » Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:26 pm

NYC to Sift Construction Debris for More Remains of 9/11 Victims
Friday, Mar 29, 2013 | Updated 3:22 PM EDT

The city has collected about 60 dump truck loads of debris from construction areas around the World Trade Center site over the past two and a half years that will be sifted for fragments of 9/11 victims' remains, officials announced Friday.

The debris has been collected from the World Financial Center, West Street and a lot near Liberty Street since the last sifting operation in mid-2010.

The material amounts to 590 cubic yards -- 38 from the WTC, 13 from the western edge of the southbound lanes of West Street and 539 from the Liberty Street area, where four pieces of possible human remains have already been found.

The material will be combed for about 10 weeks starting Monday at a mobile sifting unit set up on Staten Island, city officials said.

Any human remains will be analyzed by the medical examiner's office for possible matches to 9/11 victims. Of the 2,750 people killed at the trade center, 1,634 have had remains identified.

"We will continue DNA testing until all recovered remains that can be matched with a victim are identified," Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway wrote Friday in a memo to Mayor Bloomberg.

The city expanded its search for remains of trade center victims in 2006, when several bones were found in a manhole.

Watch a time-lapse video of the 9/11 memorial being constructed from 2004 to 2011.

Since the discovery of the manhole bones, the city has sifted debris from various construction sites and subterranean areas surrounding the 16-acre trade center site. More than 1,800 pieces of potential human remains have been found.

The office has made 34 new identifications since 2006, and hundreds of fragments of remains have been matched to people who were already identified.

http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Wo ... 19641.html
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