IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

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Postby §ê¢rꆧ » Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:18 am

Correspondent Mariana van Zeller reports from South Florida, the epicenter of the prescription drug abuse epidemic in America. She follows America's largest pill pipeline from the Sunshine State to Appalachia, where OxyContin is in high demand.

^@^ Vanguard - The Oxycontin Express (HULU Video)
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Postby brainpanhandler » Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:28 am

Jellyfish tossing helps land Madeira Beach man in jail

By Brant James, Times Staff Writer
Posted: Sep 08, 2009 02:27 PM

MADEIRA BEACH — A 41-year-old man who witnesses said had been drinking since 9 a.m. was arrested Monday afternoon after authorities say he created a disturbance by pretending to drown and throwing jellyfish on teenagers.

Keith Edward Marriott, of 100 154th Ave. in Madeira Beach, faces charges of disorderly intoxication and carrying a concealed weapon after a pocketknife was found in his shorts, Pinellas County sheriff's deputies said. Marriott repeatedly submerged himself and floated to the surface, "causing concern for his safety," and was "loud and disruptive," according to a sheriff's report.

Then he started throwing sea creatures.

Marriott, who is listed on arrest reports as working for a brokerage company, remained at the Pinellas County Jail medical care division on Thursday although his bail is just $250. Pinellas County Sheriff's spokeswoman Marianne Pasha said Marriott came into the jail "quite intoxicated" and "somewhat uncooperative," and in need of care for a wound unrelated to his arrest. He can leave the facility as soon as he comes up with the clams. ... il/1034519
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Postby brainpanhandler » Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:13 am

[url=]Myths Over Miami

Captured on South Beach, Satan later escaped. His demons and the horrible Bloody Mary are now killing people. God has fled. Avenging angels hide out in the Everglades. And other tales from children in Dade's homeless shelters.[/url]
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Postby MinM » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:02 pm

George Armistead Smathers
George Smathers - The Education Forum
John Simkin wrote:I am very interested in the role played by George Smathers in the assassination. Although he claims to have been JFK’s friend, he had long ceased to have supported him and appears to have been LBJ’s man (Smathers was definitely closer to LBJ political views).

I am also interested in George Smathers relationship with Bobby Baker and Fred Black (the Serve-U Corporation).

Smathers was also the man who was trying to link the Kennedys with the death of Marilyn Monroe
. At the time of the assassination of JFK his secretary was Mary Jo Kopechne...

Mary Jo Kopechne : Biography

Jim DiEugenio wrote:Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:37 AM

Uh Bob, before you quote someone like Smathers, who actually was a backer of Eladio Del Valle,you should know two things about him.

First, there is a famous story about JFK braking a plate over a dinner table when someone was pushing him to order the CIA to kill Castro. It turns out that person doing the pushing was Smathers.

Second, for a number of years after the assassination, Smathers played the loyal pal to his deceased friend. This suddenly changed at the request of guess who? Lucianna Goldberg! She was prepping a Jackie Kennedy book for her client Kitty Kelly. Now suddenly Smathers did a pirouettee and started dishing all this dirt on his pal, which he had not done before.

Bob, what you "believe" about Kennedy and his affairs is ultimately inconsequential. Maybe he did, maybe he did not. Big deal.

I mean if we started judging each and every president and politician by his loyalty to his wife, then guys like FDR and Eisenhower would be impeached and Nixon would not have. I mean Big Deal. Alexander Hamilton had numerous affairs also. We all know that Jefferson had an affair with a black slave, and had kids by her. That screaming segregationist Strom Thurmond was a lying hypocrite. He had an affair with a black woman and covered it up for decades. George H. W. Bush very likely cheated on his wife. His son had an out of wedlock child and paid off the woman to shut her up.

Repeat: BIG DEAL! Who the hell cares? American history is strewn with this stuff.

What I object to is when it becomes an independent business. Which is what it has become in this case. Certain political enemies have used these people and completely exaggerated their stories for monetary and political gain. With Exner it was to somehow say that the Kennedys were not al that mad at the Mafia,they were actually in cahoots with them to off Castro. Which turned out to be a damned lie generated by Russo and Hersh, and BTW exposed by Exner herself on TV. Where, in an unguarded and unrehearsed moment, she admitted to having never meeting RFK.

As per Mary Meyer, again, maybe he did, maybe he did not. It doesn' t matter does it? See, but these people then make it more than it is to make it matter. The Mary Meyer story now gets blown up into doing LSD in the White House by a lying Tim Leary. It is then accepted by biographers like rightwing shills David Horowitz and Peter Collier. And put on the cover of his magazine by the likes of Martin Peretz, who drove the once proud New Republic into the ground.

And as Sullivan said about Hoover, there he was blowing all the smoke outward. Well on this site, here is Caddy doing the same with for example the Worthington hoax.

You then throw in out of the blue, Lisa Howard? My God, where did you pull that one from? Then you say Marilyn Monroe "of course"? Have you read Spoto's book? You throw in Jayne Mansfield. My God, where did you get that one? David Heymann? Because he is the only one who ever mentioned it. ... 8741&st=30

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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby wordspeak2 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:41 pm

And Florida takes the lead!- based on Governor Rick Scott's bizarre *executive order* mandating drug testing for all state employees. The latest is that a federal court ruled against the law. ... itutional/
Scott also recently vetoed a bill nearly-unanimously supported by the GOP as well as the Dems that would have given non-violent drug offenders more rehab and less prison time (They will override).

Florida is so fake. The highways paved over marsh lands, the people in the gated communities with their air conditioning never going outside, fucking Boca Raton...

California is an unfair pick, because it's so big it could be a country. From an intelligence perspective we're probably looking at Oklahoma and Nebraska as contenders. From a drug policy perspective- where you're likely to get locked up for a good while for a little weed- Oklahoma, Indiana, Kansas...
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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby nashvillebrook » Wed May 09, 2012 9:06 pm

This is right in my backyard...actually been looking at land south of Orlando. American Front skinheads setting up a fortress in Holopaw, attempting to make ricin, planning to attack city hall on May Day where (they thought) a half-dozen activist groups would be holding forth.

American Front at SPLC -->>

The Orlando Sentinel started reporting on this Monday, and I've since been obsessed with the comments section of the stories. Irony impaired Floridians comparing these arrests to the nazi roundups, while complaining about the "uppity negroes," I'm not kidding, check out the comments section of this latest story reporting on the eleventh arrest:

Here's TPM Muckraker reporting...I hope this story goes national.


White Supremacist Leader, Crew Nabbed In Fla. Terror Probe

The race war, he believed, was coming. So Florida white supremacist leader Marcus Faella instructed his followers over the past two years to prepare for it.

The preparations, according to law enforcement documents made public this week, included stockpiling weapons, experimenting with the creation of ricin and plotting some sort of “disturbance” on Orlando City Hall.

In a series of arrests that began on Friday, a joint terrorism task force that included the FBI and local police moved in on the Florida chapter of the white supremacist organization American Front.

They arrested Faella, his wife Patti Faella and eight other people on suspicion of a number of offenses, including hate crimes and training a paramilitary group. Prosecutors with the Ninth Circuit State Attorney’s Office said on Tuesday they were working on putting together felony charges for the 10 members.
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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby wordspeak2 » Sun May 13, 2012 6:07 pm

How recent is this story? This is the first I've heard of it.

Nashevillebrook, where are you now, also around Orlando? My aunt and uncle are in Winter Park. Strip malls, strip malls everywhere...
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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby MinM » Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:18 am

ImageGiant eyeball found on Florida beach mystifies scientists
7:23 AM, Oct 12, 2012

MIAMI — It's not that body parts never wash ashore on Florida beaches. But usually it's not an eye the size of a softball.

State wildlife officials are trying to determine the species of a blue eyeball found by a man Wednesday at Pompano Beach, north of Fort Lauderdale.

They put the eyeball on ice so it can be analyzed at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg.

Agency spokeswoman Carli Segelson says the eyeball likely came from a marine animal, since it was found on a beach. Possible candidates include a giant squid, a whale or some type of large fish. ... dyssey=tab

Florida at least gets cooler body parts than Vancouver. :cyclops:
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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby Lord Balto » Sat Mar 01, 2014 3:00 pm

annie aronburg » Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:22 am wrote:Devoted readers of dlisted might be inclined to agree.

I've never been and don't want to be unfair to the other potentially Most Evil States out there, but it's ALWAYS Florida!

House of Filth?
Convicted pedophiles having sex in churches?
Children disappearing in state custody?
real estate shenanigans
elections fraud

It's a miracle that the toilet seat lady wasn't there.

so here's my top ten, I tried not to think too hard about it.

10.New York

The Lesser Evils
1.New Mexico

Not so much California as Los Angeles County.

New York rather than Crisp Crispy Land?

Arizona should be higher on the list. And New Mexico is fairly progressive: Home of Spaceport America and possible location of Tesla battery gigafactory.

Nevada, Colorado, Utah, and the rest of the mountain states should be part of the state of Mountania and get only 2 senators and a handful of representatives.
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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby scottogle » Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:18 pm

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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby elfismiles » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:11 am

scottogle » 09 Mar 2014 18:18 wrote:

Thanks Scott! Most corrupt town in AmeriKa indeed!

Meanwhile ... Fruh just posted this in one of the boston bombing threads...

Sarasota 9/11 terrorist connection mystery continues
April 1, 2014 ... rylink=cpy

Two Florida newspapers have asked a Fort Lauderdale federal judge to deny the Justice Department's effort to shut down a Freedom of Information lawsuit seeking records from an FBI investigation into apparent terrorist activity in Sarasota shortly before 9/11. filed the suit in September 2012 alleging the government was improperly withholding records on the matter. The government, after unexpectedly releasing 31 highly censored pages last spring, argued the court should end the case because of national security considerations and asserted a "reasonable search" had determined "there are no agency records being improperly withheld."

Court papers filed Tuesday by attorneys for The Miami Herald and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune say they were intervening "to stress that the outcome of this case is a matter of intense interest to the media and the public generally." The newspapers also argued "government officials charged with investigating terrorist connections in our state must also be held fully accountable."

"The Broward Bulldog has provided this court with ample evidence establishing

that the FBI could not have possibly conducted adequate searches in response to its federal Freedom of Information Act request," said the joint brief filed by Tampa attorneys Carol LoCicero and Rachel Fugate. "The stakes are simply too great to accept as a matter of law the government's vague, often second-hand conclusions as to the adequacy of its document searches."

The newspapers' friend-of-the-court brief asks U.S. District Judge William Zloch not to be "too quick" to accept an agency's claim it conducted "an appropriate search," citing examples where records that should have been produced were not.

One cited case involves the conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, which sued in 2012 seeking records about the Obama administration's alleged coordination with the producers of "Zero Dark Thirty," the motion picture about the hunt for Osama bin Laden. Allegations had been made the White House provided the filmmakers with access to highly sensitive national security records to burnish President Obama's reputation prior to the 2012 election.

A judge ordered the CIA to produce records about the matter, "but it was only months later that additional 'overlooked' documents were produced that included illuminating correspondence among the White House, the Department of Defense and the CIA suggesting a coordinated effort to provide a heightened level of access to the filmmakers and a desire that the administration be portrayed positively."

Broward, represented in the suit by Miami attorney Thomas Julin, disclosed the existence of the FBI's Sarasota investigation in September 2011.

The story reported how, a decade earlier, the FBI found direct ties between 9/11 hijackers and a young Saudi couple, Abdulaziz and Anoud al Hijji, who appeared to have hurriedly departed their upscale home in a gated community in the weeks before 9/11 -- leaving behind cars, furniture, clothing, a refrigerator full of food and an open safe in the master bedroom.

Anoud al Hijji is the daughter of the homeowner, Esam Ghazzawi, a longtime adviser to a senior Saudi prince. Ghazzawi was also a focus of FBI interest after 9/11 when agents sought to lure him back to the United States from Saudi Arabia to close the transaction when the home was sold, according to a lawyer for the homeowner's association.

Agents searched gatehouse logbooks and license plate snapshots and found evidence vehicles used by the hijackers, including ringleader Mohamed Atta, had visited the home, according to a counterterrorism agent who spoke on condition of anonymity. A sophisticated analysis of incoming and outgoing phone calls to the home also established links to Atta and other terrorists, including Adman Shukrijumah, the agent said.

Shukrijumah, a former Miramar resident, is on the FBI's "most wanted" list and the State Department is offering a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture.

The FBI publicly acknowledged its investigation but said it had found nothing connecting the Hijjis to 9/11.

Former Florida Sen. Bob Graham, who chaired a congresisonal joint inquiry into the attacks, has said the FBI never informed Congress or the subsequent 9/11 Commission about its Sarasota investigation.

The story has taken several twists since news of the investigation first broke.

In February 2012, Florida Department of Law Enforcement documents obtained using state public records law showed in April 2004, Wissam Hammoud, a now-imprisoned "international terrorist associate" then under arrest in Hillsborough County, told the FBI that Hijji considered Osama bin Laden a "hero" and may have known some of the hijackers who trained at a flight school in Venice, about 10 miles from the Hijji residence. Hammoud also told the FBI that Hijji introduced him to Shukrijumah at a soccer game at a local mosque prior to 9/11. Hammoud confirmed making those statements in an interview.

Hijji was reached in London in 2012 where he worked for Aramco Overseas, the European subsidiary of Saudi Aramco, the state oil company. He told The Telegraph he knew Hamalmoud, but denied any involvement with terrorists. He called 9/11 "an awful crime."

One year ago, six months after the lawsuit was filed, the FBI suddenly made public 31 redacted pages about its Sarasota investigation. The records flatly contradicted earlier FBI public statements it found no evidence connecting the Hijjis to the hijackers. Instead, the FBI records said the family had "many connections" to "individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/1 1/2001."

The declassified documents tied three individuals, with names blanked out, to the Venice flight school where Atta and fellow hijacker Marwan al Shehhi trained. One of those individuals was described as a relative of the Hijjis, whose names were also redacted.

Last June, the Justice Department moved to end the lawsuit, citing national security. A senior FBI official told the judge disclosure of certain classified information about the Sarasota Saudis "would reveal current specific targets of the FBI's national security investigations."

The FBI did not explain how an investigation it previously said had no connection between those Saudis and the 9/11 attacks involved information so secret that its disclosure "could be expected to cause serious damage to national security."

Anthony Summers is co-author with Robbyn Swan of The Eleventh Day, an account of 9/11 that was a finalist for the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for History. Broward Bulldog is a not-for-profit online newspaper created to provide local reporting in the public interest,, 954-603-1351.

Read more here: ... rylink=cpy
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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby Col. Quisp » Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:32 pm

Voodoo Funeral Home
A severed hand was discovered washed up on the shore of the Manatee River in Bradenton in November 1997. The Bradenton Police Department fingerprinted the grisly find, and a few months later, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement crime laboratory in Tampa successfully found a match. It was the hand of Willie Suttle of nearby Palmetto. Problem was, Suttle was listed as having died of natural causes at the age of 70 the previous summer and was buried.

Confused and concerned, the police decided to exhume Suttle's body from its grave at the New Memphis Cemetery in Palmetto. Sure enough, the corpse's left hand was missing. But it got even weirder - upon further inspection of the body, the coroner found internal organs removed and small, handmade, fabric voodoo dolls stuffed inside the abdominal cavity, along with some bizarre notes on paper.

"Be gone and may you rot in your grave," said one of the notes, addressing someone named Richard Woodie, who police later determined operated a funeral home in Bradenton. The note went on to invoke Damballah and said "Curse him as I curse him, spoil him as I spoil him, by the fire at night." Even if you don't believe in voodoo, can you imagine the sickening feeling of having Bradenton's finest show up at your door to tell you they just found a piece of paper cursing you, found by accident, sewn up inside a total stranger's buried corpse exhumed at the cemetery?

As detectives pieced together the evidence, they realized that many of the voodoo notes were attacking local funeral home directors. However, Green's Funeral Home wasn't named - and of course, they were the one who performed Mr. Suttle's embalming. Cops interviewed the culprit, one Paula Green-Albritton, who was an unlicensed embalmer. After about an hour and a half of being questioned, Paula finally cracked and admitted the whole thing.

The removal of Suttle's hand was part of what she called a voodoo "Helping Hand" ritual, in which she kept it as a good luck charm to bring prosperity and success. The names of her enemies were written nine times on each note, she explained, because she saw nine as the number of death. In addition to her competitors in the mortuary business, she also had her ex-husband's name included in the curse.

Suttle's hand was placed in a weighted plastic bag and thrown into the river in a second ritual, with various incantations muttered as it disappeared into the water. But she hadn't weighted it enough, and it didn't take long for the plastic bag to tear open and for the hand to wash up on the banks of the river. Had more care been applied to the wrapping of the hand, the crime would never have come to light.

Albritton was sentenced to a year in prison, but an appeals court later overturned the conviction on a technicality. The judge ruled her videotaped confession inadmissable because Bradenton Police had misspoken in promising her that she would not be prosecuted if her acts were found to be part of a religion protected by the U.S. Constitution. For her part, Albritton insisted that the purpose of the ritual was not just for her own benefit, but also to "bring peace" to her friend Willie Suttle, and that the deliberately hyperbolic handwritten notes on the voodoo dolls should not be taken seriously out of context.

read more at the link (above)


Doesn't she look like Divine in Female Trouble?
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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby JackRiddler » Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:54 pm

Here's a high point in the art of presenting data, Florida law-enforcement style:


It may take a minute to see the evil, but when you do, you'll see why it fits the thread title.
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Re: IS FLORIDA the Most Evil State?

Postby Col. Quisp » Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:56 pm

cuz the graph is upside down?
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