11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby battleshipkropotkin » Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:27 pm

Knock Knock. :wallhead:

Who's there? :shock:

9/11. 8)

9/11 who? :confused

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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 82_28 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:33 pm

But dude, of course they didn't engineer it, as it were. They were the fall guys, too big to fall far, thus why our gov is totally fucked and is a government in name only and basically an advertising unit of the corporations that keep us all down so low. They probably weren't aware of anything specific and/or swore to some cultic oath. Money was put up to do it and it got done.

The question is, is why was the psychological operation needed and what does that say about our past and what we know about how we got to where we are? Shit like this must have happened before, right? It would have had to.

Here's one thing that occurred to me and another friend while watching "Man on a Wire" like a year ago, is that it seems like the whole of WTC was built with a built in conspiracy to unfold some decades later. But you only see it or can notice it, by looking back on your life, your own life and recognize what strategic psychological structures they were -- whether you even ever visited them or not. Buildings that meant world domination to begin with and with their destruction, brought the pedal to the metal -- in your face -- world domination. Whether that is the case, it sure fit the bill.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Hammer of Los » Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:37 pm


There is Providence in the Fall of the Sparrowhawk.

I know we are afraid to name names.

Remember this gem;

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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Hammer of Los » Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:40 pm


The 9/11 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq. To put it briefly, the 9/11 events were an instance of the strategy of tension enacted by political and economic powers in the USA to seek advantages for the oil and arms industries.

Thanks for that Taz, my dear fellow.

History has judged.

The verdict is in.

LIHOP/MIHOP is a false dichotomy.

Look up the definition of "Inside Job."

Not too hard to say.

"Inside Job."

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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 8bitagent » Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:22 pm

Also...in astrological terms, September 11th 2001 was THIS

Image meets Image

The esoterica so stacked in every which way, the universe must have had quite the belly ache
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Hammer of Los » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:12 pm



The Cosmic Giggle is a hoot.

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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 8bitagent » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:40 pm

82_28 wrote:But dude, of course they didn't engineer it, as it were. They were the fall guys, too big to fall far, thus why our gov is totally fucked and is a government in name only and basically an advertising unit of the corporations that keep us all down so low. They probably weren't aware of anything specific and/or swore to some cultic oath. Money was put up to do it and it got done.

The question is, is why was the psychological operation needed and what does that say about our past and what we know about how we got to where we are? Shit like this must have happened before, right? It would have had to.

Here's one thing that occurred to me and another friend while watching "Man on a Wire" like a year ago, is that it seems like the whole of WTC was built with a built in conspiracy to unfold some decades later. But you only see it or can notice it, by looking back on your life, your own life and recognize what strategic psychological structures they were -- whether you even ever visited them or not. Buildings that meant world domination to begin with and with their destruction, brought the pedal to the metal -- in your face -- world domination. Whether that is the case, it sure fit the bill.

Yeah Man On Wire, fantastic stuff. I think in a strange way there was something fiercely occultic, meditative with the two towers. I was reminded that the towers were not actually next to eachother, but kind of kitty corner and only in photos did they appear side by side. But what Lefite did...walking back and forth on a tiny thin cable for 45 minutes...and just getting the grappling hook to the other side. It's sheer will. I'm open to believe bin Laden was not in some Dubai hospital, but in a quiet place listening to the radio regarding 9/11. Meditating. Believing he had "out done" the "great devil". Im even willing to bet, trigger manchurian programmed as they have been, that Mohammed Atta and company had an unshakeable will when game time came.
But I believe no greater meditation was enacted that day than those or they one might call the black lodge.

I believe the destruction of the Twin Bamiyan Buddhist statues in Southern Afghanistan was a precursor ritual and foreshadow of 9/11.
I absolutely believe the towers were created to be brought down Samson style. Everything about the towers was symbolism. The "sphere" was designed to represent the Ka'ba at Mecca.
And if youve ever seen aerial footage of the swirling pilgrimage there, it's quite stunning. Bin Laden company's star architect made the WTC, directly influenced by Islamic design
http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/cult ... merce.html

Everything about the WTC, even the Pentagon, is ritual.


Amerika(ba) has been in an odd slumber, but to what ends?

The question is, is why was the psychological operation needed and what does that say about our past and what we know about how we got to where we are?

Well, I long stopped believing "Afghanistan and Iraq invasion", or oil or whatever was the true desire. Though, I kind of miss my early truther days...the rabbit hole seemed quite less abyss-ful.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 82_28 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:26 pm

8bit, what I was saying is that if it was that easy to infiltrate whatever security the buildings had by watching Man on a Wire, it must have been much the same for decades. It belies the fact that, if indeed it was CD (which I think it was), it was that fucking easy to pull the stunt with cameras rolling and everything and then release it some 30 odd years later. It goes back to my interpolation of missing history thread in a way. Also my thread of observable time having stopped.

Before MoaW, I long said that this shit was planned way out into the past and the very reason for the existence of the buildings in the first place, was for this. They were built in order to be surprisingly and spectacularly demolished.

We keep looking at them as mere office buildings which just so happened to be also a generational tourist attraction. They were icons. I know, we see that and it is agreed. Both icon and office building. But they were stupid buildings coming from a time when people just saw building that shit, two of them, that high was just a sign of progress. Movies made, deals made, marriages made, children spawned from chance meetings around and about there and beyond just by dint of their spectacular nature -- even in a city like NYC.

The liberal northeast or I guess both coasts couldn't have given a fuck one about this shit, but everybody when you left town found this shit compelling:


But it was all the people who couldn't stand liberal NY and everywhere else judged liberal who jumped on the bandwagon of firing up the military for action because we were all turncoats and shit and couldn't see shit for shinola. People who could never afford one hotel stay in Manhattan just for the fuck of it, stoked on by their rightist absurdities handed down to them by their affront to democracy, took the fascist mantle and forgot about the actual motherfuckers living in NYC. You'd think motherfuckers that actually live and work there would have like "Crying Eagle Fridays" or some shit.

I'm talking about the Beastie Boys version of NYC. Not the cocksuckers of wall street. I'm talking about the people who still go there because of a dream and a head on their shoulders. Hopes and fears and maybe, just maybe a little bit of money.

Now that it's obvious that it was a strike at the heart of any rightwing douchebag who was actually honest (which there aren't any QED), honesty can now be made up and a new honesty begins and they are using the tragedy to milk people of all kinds of natural compassion because of the fear they leveraged it with in order to profit.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Elvis » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:04 pm

I found this while surfing...love the FB "share this"...I added a some carriage returns for easier reading. At once hilarious and horrifying:

Facebook issues 'mental health' warning to CLG editor over posts

September 10, 2012 by legitgov

Facebook issues 'mental health' warning to CLG editor over posts --'You're receiving this message because a friend is concerned about something you posted on Facebook.'

By Lori Price, http://www.legitgov.org/ 11 Sep 2012

On Monday, I received a 'substance abuse' warning email from Facebook. The CLG Facebook page has over 4,200 'likes' and frequently includes '9/11 inside job' commentary. A trace of the email header indicates that the email was actually from Facebook. The email is posted below. [Hey, Zuckerberg: I don't need 'Psychology Today.' I need a real investigation into the pre-9/11 put options, why Building 7 fell after the BBC reported its collapse following the command by 'Lucky' Larry Silverstein to 'pull' it.]

This is not my first tango with Facebook. In February, I was forced to change my profile name. Facebook Disables CLG Editor's Account Name, Claiming It Is 'Illegitimate' --'The name you entered was not approved by our system.' 17 Feb 2012 Facebook has decided that 'Lori Price Legitgov,' the personal Facebook account title of the Editor-in-Chief of Citizens for Legitimate Government, is (suddenly) not 'legitimate' and therefore disabled. Price's Facebook account was established in September 2007 as 'Lori Price Legitgov,' and she never received any notifications or warnings from Facebook regarding the account. The official page for Citizens for Legitimate Government was not affected.

Update: On September 11, Facebook would *not allow me access* until I checked a box on a pop-up to acknowledge their 'substance abuse warning,' purportedly issued due to the 'nature' of my posts. The message was identical to the email I received from Facebook below, with this additional wording: 'I have read the message above,' and a box which had to be checked in order to access my account.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Facebook" <notification+ovzlcgzz@facebookmail.com>
To: <lori at legitgov dot org>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 8:36 AM
Subject: Facebook Warning


You're receiving this message because a friend is concerned about something you posted on Facebook. Facebook is working with the the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to provide resources and support for those who may be struggling with substance abuse.

You can contact the SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-487-4889 (TDD), where help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Helpline provides free and confidential information and treatment referrals, in English and Spanish.

SAMHSA also offers a Treatment Facility Locator (http://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/), which provides a comprehensive listing of drug and alcohol treatment programs across the United States.

To learn more about SAMHSA, please visit http://www.samhsa.gov/.

You can also find support through resources like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Psychology Today's online listing of counselors and therapists.

Note that we provide these resources whenever this type of content is reported to us.

The Facebook Team [Yes, The Facebook Team: NSA, CIA, DHS, FBI, DOD, DARPA, and Facebook.]

Here is a portion of the email header:

Return-Path: <notification+ovzlcgzz@facebookmail.com>
X-Original-To: lori at legitgov.org [redacted info]
Received: from mx-out.facebook.com (outmail003.snc7.facebook.com [])
X-Facebook: from zuckmail ([MTI3LjAuMC4x])
by our.intern.facebook.com with HTTP (ZuckMail);
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 05:36:13 -0700
Subject: Facebook Warning
X-Mailer: ZuckMail [version 1.00]

This says a lot about Facebook, but it's an even bigger statement about 9/11 and the way honest investigation is discouraged.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby StarmanSkye » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:40 pm

HoLy Fukc!
That's not EVEN humorous.
That is one helluva take on insidious back-door intimidation. SpOOky shit!
Downright evil even.
I never have gottin into Facebook and media networks, I'm a real craggy misfit. Sure doesn't inspire me to!
My youtube posts have prob already made me notorious & flagged for 'special attention'.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 82_28 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:44 pm

Had they prevented the "attacks" then all of this would be moot and thus not worth still talking to this day. They went for spectacle first and then explanation later because the speculation of the spectacle was what it was all about. There was no incompetence. There was no knowledge of any of this bullshit at highly public levels. We were massaged with many a film and TV series which forced home the point, of what was meant to be unnaturally pointed out -- yet used as though it was an aberration of nature of a nature that the response was completely natural. Which of course, was the intended response.

Check this shit out. Some dude, who's a believer in the terrorist scam has put up a bunch of screenshots, quite fucking comprehensive of all the ways in which these two (three) buildings have made it into each and every one of ours RAM memory via film.

World Trade Center in Movies:


But somebody is sure obsessed. And I understand why.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Hammer of Los » Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:43 am


The High Priestess?

You oughtta know posting Rider Waite images ain't no good fer me.

But I wish the numbers 8 the best of Fortune.

Though ye look the right way up, yet ye be bent over.

When shall Newton unbend his back?

When shall He Arise?

Everywhere We Arise.

And Point the Earth.

And Point the Heavens.

Gone are the days;

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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 8bitagent » Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:41 pm

82_28 wrote:Had they prevented the "attacks" then all of this would be moot and thus not worth still talking to this day. They went for spectacle first and then explanation later because the speculation of the spectacle was what it was all about. There was no incompetence. There was no knowledge of any of this bullshit at highly public levels. We were massaged with many a film and TV series which forced home the point, of what was meant to be unnaturally pointed out -- yet used as though it was an aberration of nature of a nature that the response was completely natural. Which of course, was the intended response.

Check this shit out. Some dude, who's a believer in the terrorist scam has put up a bunch of screenshots, quite fucking comprehensive of all the ways in which these two (three) buildings have made it into each and every one of ours RAM memory via film.

World Trade Center in Movies:


But somebody is sure obsessed. And I understand why.

The Blue Tuesday Horror Show definitely seemed like it had been gestating in the intestines of a sleeping giant for a few decades. Like a gnarly build up of crap and gas, violently released. It didn't just happen.

Yeah the disconnect is odd: When I would think of New York, I thought of Timothy Speed Levich giving crazy tours. Grafitti everywhere. Jim Jarmusch and Nick Zedd doing guerilla cinema, Jean Michelle Basquiat and Andy Warhol, Beastie Boys, Do The Right Thing. Last time I was in New York before this past April was June of 1986. THAT was the New York I remember. A FARRRRRRR
cry from what Heartland Christian Conservatives would consider their own.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Nordic » Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:00 am


Looks familiar.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby elfismiles » Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:49 am

11th of 9/11: V for Vengeance
by Loren Coleman


The 11th anniversary of 9/11 was dangerous and tragic. The symbolism of 11s has been significant to terrorists for years (which I detailed in The Copycat Effect). Thus, I was upset to see what unfolded, but I was not startled.

The sign reads, "Remember Your Black Day 11 September,"
placed during protests in Cairo, Egypt, on September 11, 2012.

That the Guy Fawkes mask should show up in the middle of the new Arab protests is synchromystically surprising, as well. (I am pondering, again, what I wrote in my exchange with Guy Edwards about these Guy Fawkes/V for Vendetta masks, see here, under #1.)

Egyptian protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks pose for a photo
in front of graffiti on a wall of the U.S. embassy during a protest
in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, September 11, 2012. Photo Nasser Nasser.



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