"Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby JackRiddler » Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:53 pm

By the way, this other thread collected a few (which have mostly ended up here as well) and has a classic title:

How many billionaires have to die?

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Spiro C. Thiery » Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:59 am

REPORT: Executive At Scandal-Ridden Italian Bank Commits Suicide
Matthew Boesler | Mar. 6, 2013, 4:30 PM |

Italian newspaper La Stampa reports that David Rossi, head of communications for Monte dei Paschi, has jumped to his death.

According to the report, Rossi was fell from the window of his office into the courtyard of Rocca Salimbeni, where Monte dei Paschi is headquartered.

Monte dei Paschi has been dragged down in a derivatives scandal that has taken the Italian political scene by storm recently.

La Stampa says Rossi had been raided in the ongoing investigation but was not under investigation himself.

Monte dei Paschi – the world's oldest bank and one of Italy's biggest – had engaged in shady derivatives deals with Deutsche Bank to cover up hundreds of millions of euros in losses, then employed some creative accounting to hide the trades from shareholders and the public.

Below is a picture of the courtyard:

http://www.businessinsider.com/david-ro ... z2Mr0awxYQ
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby DrVolin » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:44 pm

So what is it with bankers and windows and balconies?
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By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Spiro C. Thiery » Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:05 am

DrVolin wrote:So what is it with bankers and windows and balconies?

I think you may onto a new idiom. Something along the lines of "the lifespan of a banker with a courtyard view"
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby AhabsOtherLeg » Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:36 am

I don't know if Blanc is still around (hope so) but I remember she was interested in the assassination of Gerald Bull and the Iraq Supergun scandal. This is an old story, but definitely belongs here.

Supergun inventor 'feared Foreign Office': Chris Blackhurst examines letters from Dr Gerald Bull which reveal his deep concern for his safety

THE INVENTOR of the Supergun, Gerald Bull, feared he was being targeted by the British Foreign Office in the months leading up to his mysterious murder in Brussels in March 1990.

Bull's killer has never been found. It has always been assumed that his professional execution - he was shot on his doorstep in the back of the head at point-blank range - was carried out by an agent from Mossad, the Israeli secret service, which was desperate to prevent Iraq acquiring the supergun technology. But letters passed to the Independent reveal that he was also deeply worried about the behaviour of the Foreign Office.

The letters are from Bull to Philippe Glibert, deputy general manager and sales director at PRB, a Belgian munitions company. They were both sent on the same day, 31 October 1989.

In them, he complained that the Foreign Office was spreading false stories about him and he had been warned his life was in danger. 'I addressed a blunt memorandum to the Foreign Office on the whole matter,' he wrote. 'I was advised in a letter of an imminent 'accident'.' Following his memo, Bull says 'we were assured that the action was by a 'few irresponsible juniors and did not reflect the Foreign Office views of myself, our companies, the past etc'.'

William Waldegrave, who last week gave evidence to the Scott inquiry into arms to Iraq, was a Foreign Office minister at the time the letters were written.

The breakdown in relations with the Government, Bull said, was a recent occurrence. Until the late summer he had been on the point of receiving state aid to redevelop the old Lear Fan aircraft factory in Belfast. His company, Space Research Corporation, was interested in the plant's carbon fibre facility, vital in the production of nose cones for missiles and ammunition. But the deal did not go ahead - at the time the Government said it was concerned at Bull's Iraqi links. However, according to the letters, that was not the case at all: the Government had known about them.

SRC, Bull wrote, 'worked with the Industrial Development Board and Peat Marwick (Brussels) to develop the business plan. One issue brought up at the outset was the question of acceptability. Was SRC acceptable? Were the Iraqis acceptable? The Northern Ireland authorities were most affirmative on both and were given full background details'.

The Iraqis accepted the business plan and agreed to be a 50 per cent partner, 'but only after they sent their own group . . . to receive assurances from the Northern Ireland authorities that they were welcomed . . ' Bull maintained that it was not the case that SRC sought state backing - it was the Government that wanted to be seen to be investing in a project in Northern Ireland. 'We did not need the money . . . the IDB insisted on the grant for political reasons.'

However, the Government money never materialised. Bull alleged that the intervention of a senior civil servant caused a rethink.

The Foreign Office said: 'The whole question of the supply of arms to Iraq is a matter Lord Justice Scott is pursuing at the moment.' Mr Glibert refused to comment. The Scott inquiry resumes today.
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/su ... 11687.html
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby ShinShinKid » Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:20 pm

Well played, God. Well played".
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby semper occultus » Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:11 pm

JackRiddler wrote:How many billionaires have to die?
http://www.rigorousintuition.ca/board2/ ... hp?t=22273

...do "ex"-bilionaires count....?

....the legal profession make the average cocaine dealer look like a model of philanhropic generosity,,

Boris Berezovsky found dead

Speculation that Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky may have taken his own life after losing much of his personal fortune

Mark Townsend and Simon Goodley

The Observer, Saturday 23 March 2013 18.26 GMT

Boris Berezovsky has died in Britain at the age of 67. The news emerged on a Facebook post that appeared to have been made by his son-in-law.

The Russian oligarch and fierce Kremlin critic Boris Berezovsky has been found dead in his Surrey home at the age of 67.

The circumstances of his death were unclear, although there were unconfirmed claims that the former power-broker of Russian politics had killed himself.

Berezovsky's death comes only months after he lost a high-profile and personally disastrous court case against fellow Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich. He had accused the Chelsea football club owner of blackmail, breach of trust and breach of contract in relation to a Russian oil company. After the claims were dismissed, he was ordered by the high court to pay £35m of Abramovich's legal costs.

His financial difficulties were recently further exacerbated after his former mistress Elena Gorbunova, 43, claimed that Berezovsky owed her $8m (£5m) in compensation over the sale of their $40m residence in Surrey.

News of Berezovsky's death emerged on a Facebook post that appeared to have been made by his son-in-law, Egor Schuppe. According to the post, Berezovsky was recently depressed and had failed to keep in touch with friends, often choosing to stay at home rather than socialise.

Aleksandr Dobrovinksy, head of the Moscow-based Alexander Dobrovinsky & Partners law firm, claimed on his social network page that the 67-year-old former billionaire had killed himself. The statement read: "Just got a call from London. Boris Berezovsky committed suicide. He was a difficult man. A move of disparity? Impossible to live poor? A strike of blows? I am afraid no one will get to know now."Berezovsky had become a colourful and controversial figure in London life, firing off regular salvos at his nemesis in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin. But his decision to take on the financial might of his former protege, Abramovich proved a grievous error.

The case left Berezovsky's reputation in tatters, as the high court judge ruling in the case described him as an "inherently unreliable witness", who was "deliberately dishonest" and viewed truth as a "transitory, flexible concept".

Berezovsky's legal bill is thought to have generated total fees of over £100m.

Details from the second high court battle in January, with Gorbunova, heard how his former partner of 20 years won a freezing order, reported to be $200m, on Berezovsky's assets after they split up last year amid claims he owed her money and was in dire financial straits.

The asset freeze was thought to include two luxury properties Berezovsky was allegedly trying to sell in France which, she maintained, were promised to her.

Evidence that the businessman was in serious financial difficulties also surfaced with recent reports that the exiled oligarch was attempting to auction off an Andy Warhol limited-edition portrait of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin in the hope of paying off creditors and legal bills.

The 1987 portrait by the Pop Art pioneer has been estimated by Christie's to be worth between $45,000 and $75,000.

A Kremlin insider in the days of Boris Yeltsin, Berezovsky left Russia in the late 1990s after a money-laundering scandal involving Aeroflot airlines and has been the subject of an extradition order by Russia. He has appeared on Moscow's most wanted list since 2001 on charges of fraud, money-laundering and attempted interference in the Russian political process. A Russian court sentenced Berezovsky in absentia for embezzling $2bn from two major state companies. Moscow has repeatedly requested his extradition although British authorities have not complied.

In 2007, Berezovsky said he had been told to leave England by British police for his own safety after the British security services claimed they had evidence of an assassination plot against him.

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby elfismiles » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:39 pm

Just found out that Dr Fred Bell died "mysteriously" in 2011 after appearing on Jesse Ventura's CONSPIRACY THEORY show.




(I have that exact same green-white-blue shirt he's wearing in the pic above.)

I think there have only ever been 2 past posts mentioning him:

http://www.rigorousintuition.ca/board2/ ... =8&t=23506

American Dream wrote:8 ) Greer has used very unreliable witnesses. Probably the best example is Dr. Fred Bell, who appears under the alias "Dr. B." in the Disclosure Project briefing document. It makes me wonder, is it Dr. Bell or Dr. Greer who decided to keep the name "Fred Bell" out of the Disclosure Project briefing document? In the document "Dr. B." is described as "a scientist and engineer who has worked on top-secret projects almost all his life." What is left out is that Dr. Bell has been somewhat prominent in California's New Age circuit since the 1980s (selling his extremely overpriced garbage), and that Dr. Bell claims to be a Pleiadean contactee, that we are all going to die in 2012, that no-757 hit the Pentagon, and that Grey aliens eat humans dissolved in acid. At the very least Greer would normally consider this last point to be pure disinformation, but somehow did think Dr. Bell - who certainly knows his physics, engineering, chemistry, and biology - was credible enough to be a Disclosure Project witness. Very strange.

... and ...

Sane girlfriend reports picking up TV signals in her head

elfismiles wrote:Well, unless one also accepts the words of "Dr." Fred Bell whom I once saw a video lecture of during which one of his less sensational claims was that people on acid tune into tv-stations. Actually, I think John C. Lilly may have also claimed that.

PYRADYNE | "The Science of the future, creating health and energy ...
Dr. Fred Bell, a practicing naturopath, scientist, environmentalist, inventor, performing world class ... Sadly, Dr. Fred Bell passed away September 25th 2011.

The Mysterious Death of Dr. Fred Bell (Jesse Ventura on C2C) HD ...

Jul 29, 2012 - Uploaded by DrDrewPeacock
"conrolled by mainstream". and you are controlled by drugs, since you can't type proper English. Tell me ...

Dr Fred Bell Dies Mysteriously after Jesse Ventura Conspiracy ...
http://imaginativeworlds.com/forum/show ... erview-RIP
13 posts - 7 authors - Sep 28, 2011
Jessie Ventura announced this yesterday on Alex Jones Radio show. Here is where Jesse speaks of this...at the 8 minute mark.

Fred Bell




Rays of Truth - Crystals of Light
The Inside Track


Fred Bell, a flying saucer contactee, was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. After high school he joined the Air Force. He was trained to work on radar and was stationed at a facility where numerous UFO contacts were tracked. Following his time in the Air Force, he worked with Rockwell International and then as a consultant to various companies in the aerospace industry. It was during this time that he became interested in Eastern spirituality and studied with several spiritual masters. He also obtained a degree in alternative medicine and became a lecturer on behalf of the National Health Federation (an organization advocating freedom of medical choice for the public).

Past Shows:
Electronic Harassment & Warfare
Tuesday February 22, 2011

Scientist and innovator Dr. Fred Bell discussed reports of electronic harassment and holographic warfare technology. Electronic harassment comes in a variety of forms-- it can be imposed surveillance of people's belongings or surroundings, sabotaging of computers, directed high energy devices, as well as voice/data imaging, in which voices are beamed into a person's head. First hour guest, earth changes expert Mitch Battros reported on the deadly New Zealand earthquake. ... More »
Host: George Noory
Mind Control & One World Order
Thursday February 4, 2010

Fred Bell spoke about his recent work on how an "evil" emergence and one-world government has manipulated the population via mind control and other methods. We've seen attacks on the banking and education systems, as well as decreases in mental health and moral values, he said. First hour guest, Gerald Celente offered analysis on the state of the economy. We've never seen a system where so few banks have taken control of so much, he commented. ... More »
Host: George Noory
Quantum Healing
Monday November 5, 2007

Appearing during the middle two hours, scientist and inventor Dr. Fred Bell gave an update on his work with quantum mechanics and healing technologies. ... More »
Host: George Noory
A Conversation with Dr. Fred Bell
Monday December 18, 2006

Former NASA scientist and contactee, Dr. Fred Bell spoke about his current project involving the use of wireless transmitters to monitor cargo ships and containers via satellite. He provided updates on the situation in the Middle East, the US government's current remote viewing program and holography. ... More »
Host: George Noory
Health & Science Devices
Saturday August 13, 2005

Dr. Fred Bell, a scientist who has worked for NASA and was involved with government programs such as MK Ultra, discussed the nuclear threat posed by terrorism and the benefits of carrying a personal radiation detection device, as well as his various consciousness and health enhancement projects, including wearable pyramids. Bell said a pyramid worn on the head produces an alpha state in the wearer which helps detox the brain. He detailed his Holographic Projector (see article below), which he claims sets up an energy field within the user that can increase health and help fight diseases, ... More »
Host: Ian Punnett
The Projector & Virtual Fields
Thursday September 16, 2004

Scientist, inventor and musician Dr. Fred Bell (pyradyne.com) returned to the show to discuss his various projects. One is the "holographic projector" which he said uses a wave technology that is transmitted through a small jeweled object and can increase a person's health and energy. He also spoke about his Virtual Field research, claiming that through machines he has set up in his home, he has been able to create various unusual fields such as time shifts, tunnel effects and vortexes. Such fields may be related to increasing a person's longevity he noted. Delving into some of his past projects, Bell mentioned his involvement with "Project Awareness" which he explained was geared towards ET disclosure. Related to this project, he said that Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus had spent $10 million putting together an ET exhibit featuring an alien corpse and crashed disc artifacts that was to tour the country in a special train in 1992, but that the Pentagon pulled the plu ... More »
Host: George Noory
Inventions & Aliens
Wednesday December 10, 2003

Dr. Fred Bell (pyradyne.com), an alien contactee, and inventor of such devices as the "Nuclear Receptor," was the guest on Wednesday night. Differentiating the three types of aliens he has communicated with, he described the "Greys," as insect-like "energy scavengers" whose lifespan runs from 200-400 years, the Pleiadians, as non-interfering telepaths who live up to 1,500 years, and the Andromedans, with an age span of 5,000 years, as capable of making sweeping changes on our planet. The technology for one of Bell's newest inventions, the "Projector" came from the Andromedans, he claimed. It's a "holographic device," Bell said, that functions by "taking the negative energy out of wave packets," serving as a kind of hi-tech amulet that wards off harmful patterns.Bell also discussed his theories about "shape energy," and how the proper shape of cells is critical for performance. Similarly the shape of objects such as pyramids, can increase well being, Bell said, mentioning that ... More »
Host: George Noory
Fascinating Fred
Sunday January 19, 2003

Dr. Fred Bell shared his life story with Barbara Simpson on Sunday night's show. Speaking about everything from HAARP and MK-ULTRA to his involvement with Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure project, Bell also said he is an alien contactee. Among his inventions are the "Nuclear Receptor." Bell's web site is http://www.pyradyne.com. ... More »

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby elfismiles » Thu May 02, 2013 3:11 pm

Guantanamo attorney dead in apparent suicide
Get short URL Published time: May 02, 2013 03:37
Edited time: May 02, 2013 14:43

An American lawyer representing detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp has been found dead in an apparent suicide.

The body of Andy P. Hart, a 38-year-old US federal public defender, was found last week with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. According to Truthout, an investigative blog, news of the attorney’s death came only this Wednesday from an investigator working on Guantanamo detainees’ habeas corpus petitions. That investigator requested anonymity.

According to court documents, Hart had previously represented Kahlid Saad Mohammed, a 39-year-old Guantanamo detainee from Saudi Arabia who was transferred back to his home country in 2009 after being identified as having only “low-level” terrorist affiliation.

Perhaps most notably, Hart was assigned to defend Mohammed Rahim al-Afghani, one of 16 detainees at Guantanamo which the US government has designated as “high-value.” Al-Afghani, thought to be Osama bin Laden’s translator, was detained by the CIA and allegedly tortured prior to his arrival in Cuba in 2008.

Reuters / Deborah Gembara
The location of Hart’s death has not been made public, though he left behind a suicide note and a USB storage device, which Truthout believed to contain his case files. The FBI was made aware of his death as Hart worked with sensitive information, though Truthout had not confirmed whether the agency would be investigating further into the matter.

The public defender’s death comes at a highly tense time for the Guantanamo Bay detention center, as 40 US Navy medics arrived there a few days ago to cope with a worsening hunger strike which now includes at least 100 of the prison’s population of 160.

On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights office declared that the force-feeding of hunger strikers at Guantanamo amounted to torture and a breach of international law.

Andy Hart was one of several lawyers who signed a March letter addressed to Secretary of Defense Charles Hagel urging for immediate action to end the growing hunger strike. He is survived by an 11-year-old daughter.

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby FourthBase » Thu May 02, 2013 3:18 pm

elfismiles wrote:
Guantanamo attorney dead in apparent suicide
Get short URL Published time: May 02, 2013 03:37
Edited time: May 02, 2013 14:43

An American lawyer representing detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp has been found dead in an apparent suicide.

The body of Andy P. Hart, a 38-year-old US federal public defender, was found last week with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. According to Truthout, an investigative blog, news of the attorney’s death came only this Wednesday from an investigator working on Guantanamo detainees’ habeas corpus petitions. That investigator requested anonymity.

According to court documents, Hart had previously represented Kahlid Saad Mohammed, a 39-year-old Guantanamo detainee from Saudi Arabia who was transferred back to his home country in 2009 after being identified as having only “low-level” terrorist affiliation.

Perhaps most notably, Hart was assigned to defend Mohammed Rahim al-Afghani, one of 16 detainees at Guantanamo which the US government has designated as “high-value.” Al-Afghani, thought to be Osama bin Laden’s translator, was detained by the CIA and allegedly tortured prior to his arrival in Cuba in 2008.

Reuters / Deborah Gembara
The location of Hart’s death has not been made public, though he left behind a suicide note and a USB storage device, which Truthout believed to contain his case files. The FBI was made aware of his death as Hart worked with sensitive information, though Truthout had not confirmed whether the agency would be investigating further into the matter.

The public defender’s death comes at a highly tense time for the Guantanamo Bay detention center, as 40 US Navy medics arrived there a few days ago to cope with a worsening hunger strike which now includes at least 100 of the prison’s population of 160.

On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights office declared that the force-feeding of hunger strikers at Guantanamo amounted to torture and a breach of international law.

Andy Hart was one of several lawyers who signed a March letter addressed to Secretary of Defense Charles Hagel urging for immediate action to end the growing hunger strike. He is survived by an 11-year-old daughter.


Well, if it was foul play, the only -- literally, the ONLY -- way to honor this man and seek justice is for as many people as possible to focus 10 times as much attention on all his clients and insights and connections and conflicts. Nothing else is useful. If I'm wrong about that let me know. Same goes for every other apparently suicided or assassinated person, ever, anywhere. If 10 times isn't enough, then 20, 100, 1000, etc.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby slimmouse » Wed May 29, 2013 3:06 pm

Heres a link to what might normally be a terrifying interview to people not familiar with how the State works, with Julia Davis and her partner. She is that DEA whistleblower associated with the probably not now so mysterious death of Brittany Murphy, as mentioned by Divide and Conquer above.

Julia & BJ Davis - Hour 1 & 2 - Top Priority: The Terror Within
May 26, 2013
"Top Priority: The Terror Within" is a documentary film by Fleur De Lis Film Studios. It features an incredible true story of Julia Davis, a national security whistleblower who was falsely declared a "Domestic Terrorist" and subjected to retaliation of unprecedented proportions by the Department of Homeland Security. She joins us to discuss what happened when she discovered and reported a breach of national security at the largest and busiest land border crossing in the U.S. on 4th of July, 2004. The DHS failed to act on her reports but instead of correcting the shortcomings exposed by Julia’s report, they opened investigations against her. Her husband BJ, a film producer who documented these events with a camera, also joins in to talk about the detailed events of this major story, never reported on by mainstream media, although Julia took her case to court and won. They’ll detail unprecedented retaliation and abuses of the Patriot Act in Julia’s case and talk about how the DHS spent American taxpayer’s money on warrantless surveillance, including aerial surveillance with a Blackhawk helicopter and a fixed-wing airplane, wiretaps, sneak and peek burglaries, Internet monitoring and On-Star tracking of the Davis family. They’ll explain why this story was never reported on by mainstream media and who was involved. In the second hour, we hear about several deaths connected to this story including Julia’s father, her neighbor who filmed the footage of the Blackhawk and the actress Brittany Murphy as well as her husband. Julia and BJ talk about the diminishing of our American rights amongst "terror theatre 101." Don’t miss this astonishing story of the real terror, within the US government.

http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/20 ... 130526.php

Its probably well worth a thread of its own, if anyone cares to expand on it.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby divideandconquer » Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:20 am

Thanks for the link!

First interview I've heard that included her husband, who said the editor of the Hollywood Reporter is covering for Homeland and won't release the tapes. I don't remember that from previous interviews but maybe I missed it. I mean, I know there was an article, but didn't realize there are tapes with a lot more information.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby justdrew » Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:39 pm

well this is sad...

Self-help talk show hosts commit suicide by inhaling helium
By Stephen C. Webster | Wednesday, June 5, 2013 14:42 EDT

Two self-help talk show hosts were found dead in their New York City home on Monday in what police said was an apparent double-suicide.

Lynne Rosen, 46, and John Littig, 48, hosted the call-in talk show “The Pursuit of Happiness” on WBAI-FM. Authorities told The New York Daily News that both were found in their home of more than 20 years with plastic bags over their heads, apparently having inhaled helium until they died.

Rosen, a psychotherapist, frequently encouraged callers to her show to accept changes in their lives and try spontaneous activities.

Littig, a motivational speaker life coach, also performed music under the name Jadex. He appeared in a surreal YouTube video in 2011 dressed in all white, flanked by two bikini-clad women and telling listeners that “beautiful dreams” are what makes people “live for today.”

Police said they were probably dead for more than a week before neighbors began complaining about the smell. It’s not clear why the couple committed suicide.

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Hammer of Los » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:28 am







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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Bruce Dazzling » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:26 am

Michael Hastings, 'Rolling Stone' Contributor, Dead at 33
By Tim Dickinson
June 18, 2013 7:15 PM ET

Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal, has died in a car accident in Los Angeles, Rolling Stone has learned. He was 33.

Hastings' unvarnished 2010 profile of McChrystal in the pages of Rolling Stone, "The Runaway General," captured the then-supreme commander of the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan openly mocking his civilian commanders in the White House. The maelstrom sparked by its publication concluded with President Obama recalling McChrystal to Washington and the general resigning his post. "The conduct represented in the recently published article does not meet the standard that should be met by – set by a commanding general," Obama said, announcing McChrystal's departure. "It undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system."

Hastings' hallmark as reporter was his refusal to cozy up to power. While other embedded reporters were charmed by McChrystal's bad-boy bravado and might have excused his insubordination as a joke, Hastings was determined to expose the recklessness of a man leading what Hastings believed to be a reckless war. "Runaway General" was a finalist for a National Magazine Award, won the 2010 Polk award for magazine reporting, and was the basis for Hastings' book, The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America's War in Afghanistan.

For Hastings, there was no romance to America's misbegotten wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He had felt the horror of war first-hand: While covering the Iraq war for Newsweek in early 2007, his then-fianceé, an aide worker, was killed in a Baghdad car bombing. Hastings memorialized that relationship in his first book, I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story.

A contributing editor to Rolling Stone, Hastings leaves behind a remarkable legacy of reporting, including an exposé of America's drone war, an exclusive interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at his hideout in the English countryside, an investigation into the Army's illicit use of "psychological operations" to influence sitting Senators and a profile of Taliban captive Bowe Bergdahl, "America's Last Prisoner of War."

"Great reporters exude a certain kind of electricity," says Rolling Stone managing editor Will Dana, "the sense that there are stories burning inside them, and that there's no higher calling or greater way to live life than to be always relentlessly trying to find and tell those stories. I'm sad that I'll never get to publish all the great stories that he was going to write, and sad that he won't be stopping by my office for any more short visits which would stretch for two or three completely engrossing hours. He will be missed."

Hard-charging, unabashedly opinionated, Hastings was original and at times abrasive. He had little patience for flacks and spinmeisters and will be remembered for his enthusiastic breaches of the conventions of access journalism. In a memorable exchange with Hillary Clinton aide Philippe Reines in the aftermath of the Benghazi attacks, Hastings' aggressive line of questioning angered Reines. "Why do you bother to ask questions you've already decided you know the answers to?" Reines asked. "Why don't you give answers that aren't bullshit for a change?" Hastings replied.

In addition to his work as a contributing editor for Rolling Stone, Hastings also reported for BuzzFeed. He leaves behind his wife, the writer Elise Jordan.

Matt Farwell is a veteran of the Afghanistan war who worked as a co-reporter with Hastings on some of his recent pieces. He sent this eulogy to Rolling Stone: "My friend Michael Hastings died last night in a car crash in Los Angeles. Writing this feels almost ghoulish: I still haven't processed the fact that he's gone. Today we all feel that loss: whether we're friends of Michael's, or family, or colleagues or readers, the world has gotten a bit smaller. As a journalist, he specialized in speaking truth to power and laying it all out there. He was irascible in his reporting and sometimes/often/always infuriating in his writing: he lit a bright lamp for those who wanted to follow his example.

"Michael was no stranger to trying to make sense this kind of tragedy nor was he unfamiliar the emptiness felt in the wake of a senseless, random death. After all, he'd already learned about it the only way he ever deemed acceptable for a non hack: first-hand. In the course of his reporting he figured this lesson out again and again in Iraq, Afghanistan and in the United States, and part of his passion stemmed from a desire to make everyone else wake the fuck up and realize the value of the life we're living.

"He did: He always sought out the hard stories, pushed for the truth, let it all hang out on the page. Looking back on the past ten years is tough for anyone, but looking back on Michael's past ten years and you begin to understand how passionate and dedicated to this work he was, a passion that was only equaled by his dedication to his family and friends, and how much more he lived in thirty-three years than most people live in a lifetime. That's part of what makes this all so tough: exiting, he leaves us all with little more than questions and a blank sheet of paper. Maybe that's challenge to continue to use it to write the truth. I hope we can live up to that. He was a great friend and I will miss him terribly."
"Arrogance is experiential and environmental in cause. Human experience can make and unmake arrogance. Ours is about to get unmade."

~ Joe Bageant R.I.P.

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