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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:46 am


http://www.policeprostitutionandpolitic ... &Itemid=50
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:36 pm

> Date: December 5, 2013 at 11:02:03 AM EST
> Subject: Tune in to The Free Speech Zone on Sunday night December 8th at 7 pm
> Tune in to The Free Speech Zone on Sunday night December 8th at 7 pm to hear a 2007 talk by Alfred W. McCoy titled: A Short History of Psychological Terror. McCoy, a Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin, explores the history and use by the CIA of psychological torture in terms of how this particular form of torture was discovered, perfected and made legal. His latest study, Torture and Impunity, explores the political and cultural dynamics of America’s post 9/11 debate over interrogation. He has researched and written about Southeast Asia, and in particular about the Golden Triangle drug trades of opium and heroin. His book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, documented the interactions between the CIA and drug cartels in that region. In his 2006 book "A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror", McCoy shows how from the start of the Cold War to the early nineteen-sixties, the C.I.A. spent billions of dollars developing psychological tools for interrogation.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:26 am

see link for full story ... 17960.html

NSA, GCHQ Caught Spying on Online Games
December 9, 2013

If you thought you could evade the National Security Agency (NSA) and its British counterpart, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) by slipping into an online multiplayer game, think again: Both agencies have infiltrated "World of Warcraft" and "Second Life" in an effort to foil terrorist conspiracies.

Reports from The New York Times and the Guardian explain that, according to documents leaked by NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden, the NSA and GCHQ viewed online games as a potentially rich source of information.

While it's not clear how many agents were involved, how they gathered information or whether monitoring games yielded any useful anti-terrorist info, the documents reveal that "World of Warcraft" and "Second Life" were both monitored, as was Xbox Live.

MORE: 15 Best Classic PC Games Gone Free

Since Xbox Live is a comprehensive online service and not a single game, it's possible that agents monitored text and voice messages and content consumption history, in addition to in-game communications. Microsoft has a history of being cooperative with the NSA.

What the documents do reveal is that the NSA and GCHQ, along with the FBI and the CIA, viewed online games as an "opportunity" for potential terrorists to "hide in plain sight."

Since online games foster very easy communication and provide tools for large groups of people to organize and communicate (as with guilds in "World of Warcraft" or clans in multiplayer shooters), they could foster terrorist networks in a much less obvious fashion than traditional email or chat rooms.

What's more, so many CIA, FBI, GCHQ and NSA employees and contractors dove headfirst into online games that they needed an advisory group to ensure that they weren't spying on each other.

Blizzard, the company behind "World of Warcraft," told the Times and the Guardian that it did not give permission to spy on its players, although it's not clear if anything could have prevented the surveillance. Nothing prohibits players from recording conversations from "World of Warcraft," or from reporting suspicious ones to law-enforcement authorities.

Microsoft and Linden Realms (the developer of social simulator "Second Life") did not provide any comments on the issue.

In-game spying has been going on since 2008, and the NSA theorizes that Islamic extremists, arms dealers and even purveyors of nuclear-weapons technology use video games as an under-the-radar hub.

MORE: 6 Ways Tech Companies' 'Reform Government Surveillance' Fails

As always, unless you use online games as a way to discuss your plans to destabilize the Western world, you probably have nothing to fear from government agents in your online games. In fact, those agents will have spent so much time building up their characters and honing their skills that they may actually make very useful teammates.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:21 am

70 year old grandmother slammed into ground after handcuffing by police.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:45 am


Dansby bullet evidence challenged
The scientific basis of testimony by a Federal Bureau of Investigation bullet science expert in the 1997 murder trial of a Nevada County man has been disavowed by the FBI after the science was discredited and the analyst found guilty of lying about results in a Kentucky case.
Dec. 16, 2013
The scientific basis of testimony by a Federal Bureau of Investigation bullet science expert in the 1997 murder trial of a Nevada County man has been disavowed by the FBI after the science was discredited and the analyst found guilty of lying about results in a Kentucky case.

Those facts have been introduced in an appellate brief in behalf of Joe Louis Dansby, 61, of Redland in Nevada County, who has been on Arkansas' Death Row for 16 years after his conviction in Miller County Circuit Court in 1997 for the 1992 shooting deaths of Jeff Lewis and Malissa Clark, both of Nevada County.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Dec 25, 2013 6:37 pm

you can replace the word Utah with any state.....

Today's word in the Smart Criminal Justice Consumer's Neighborhood is "recidivism".
Recidivism is a word used by the American Industrial Prison complex to describe how many
men and women return to prison once they are released from the taxpayer funded electronic cesspools called prisons oops
excuse me I meant correctional institutions. Helps to use the right brand name ,eh?

Recidivism is the word Utah Commissioner of Corrections Rollin Cook uses when he appears before the legislature
to ask for funding. The word is supposed to be an active barometer of the success or failure of Utah Department of Corrections
use of the Utah taxpayer tax dollar. Of course this word does not tell you how many men and women commit new crimes once
they are released from "correctional institutions" because these person have to first get caught before they become a recidivist.
So if a former inmate commits dozens of crimes before being caught what does that tell you about using the word recidivism?
Of course being a smart criminal justice consumer you already knew this.
Recidivism does not tell you of the tremendous contamination that takes places in these taxpayer funded electronic cesspools
when pedophiles murderers, arsonists, rapists ,armed robbers live with each other 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for years at a time. Yea I know you are going to say "at least they are not sleeping next to anyone from Goldman Sachs and Bank of America.

Think what might happen if these inmates were serving their sentences at the Utah Center for the Research Into Alternative Energy?
Where they spent their time alongside physicists,chemists and engineers 24/7 for years at a time.

The current criminal justice system crime family component known as the Department of Corrections is staffed by men and women who are former vets who invaded Iraq for Exxon Mobil and BP managing to kill tens of thousands of women and children and an occasional freedom fighter trying to protect his family from this US invasion of high school drop outs. Over 85% of the men and women working at the Utah DOC are former vets who have the ethics, and morality of serial killing mercenaries.
I know some of you will say the reason a lot of people turn to crime is because they cannot find jobs because the economy has tanked
because our tax dime goes to funding invasions of middle east and African countries for their vast reserves of oil.
But as a smart criminal justice consumer you already knew this, eh?

Over 60% of the men and women released from the Utah Department of Corrections will return to prison,usually within 2 years.
Of course Commissioner of Correction Rollin does not tell the Utah Legislature the person is released from prison as a more vicious and competent criminal. i know you are going to tell me it is common practice in Utah to buy a product from a company that has a 60% failure rate. Here is the the Utah DOC crime family brand public relations press release. But as a smart criminal justice consumer you already knew this. see link


Our dedicated team of professionals ensures public safety by effectively managing offenders while maintaining close collaboration with partner agencies and the community. Our team is devoted to providing maximum opportunities for offenders to make lasting changes through accountability, treatment, education, and positive reinforcement within a safe environment.

Food Behind Bars Isn’t Fit for Your Dog
see link for full story viewtopic.php?f=8&t=37544
Dec 22, 2013

By Chris Hedges

Shares in the Philadelphia-based Aramark Holdings Corp., which contracts through Aramark Correctional Services to provide the food to 600 correctional institutions across the United States, went public Thursday. The corporation, acquired in 2007 for $8.3 billion by investors that included Goldman Sachs, raised $725 million last week from the sale of the stock. It is one more sign that the business of locking up poor people in corporate America is booming.

Aramark, whose website says it provides 1 million meals a day to prisoners, does what corporations are doing throughout the society: It lavishes campaign donations on pliable politicians, who in turn hand out state and federal contracts to political contributors, as well as write laws and regulations to benefit their corporate sponsors at the expense of the poor. Aramark fires unionized workers inside prisons and jails and replaces them with underpaid, nonunionized employees. And it makes sure the food is low enough in both quality and portion to produce huge profits.

Aramark, often contracted to provide food to prisoners at about a dollar a meal, is one of numerous corporations, from phone companies to construction firms, that have found our grotesque system of mass incarceration to be very profitable. The bodies of the poor, when they are not captive, are worth little to corporations. But bodies behind bars can each generate $40,000 to $50,000 a year for corporate coffers. More than 2.2 million men and women are in prisons and jails in the U.S.

Crystal Jordan, who has spent 23 years as a corrections officer in New Jersey and who works at the Burlington County Jail, and another corrections officer at the jail, who did not want to be named, told me that the food doled out to prisoners by Aramark is not only substandard but often spoiled. For nearly a decade Jordan has filed complaints about the conditions in the jail, including persistent mold on walls and elsewhere, with the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and state and county officials. The results of her complaints have been negligible.

“The big shift came in 2004 when the state got rid of the employees who worked in the kitchen and gave the food service contract to Aramark,” said Jordan, who has sent several complaints about jail kitchen conditions to state and county authorities. “The food was not great [earlier], but the officers ate it along with the prisoners. Once Aramark came in, that changed. The bread was stale. I saw food in the kitchen with mold on it. The refrigerator broke down and the food was left outside in the cold or trucked in from another facility. Those who ate the food began to get sick. The officers demanded the right to bring in their own food or order out, which the jail authorities granted. But the prisoners had no choice. Diarrhea and vomiting is common among the prisoners. A few weeks ago one of the officers got a bowl of the prisoners’ chili. We all told him not to eat it. He ended up with diarrhea in the bathroom.”

Many of those incarcerated in prisons or jails such as Union County Jail in Elizabeth, N.J., where Aramark runs the food service, echo Jordan’s account. They say that sickness and persistent hunger are becoming a routine part of being incarcerated.

“The food gives everybody in the jail diarrhea,” said James Gibbs, 52, who recently spent two weeks in Union County Jail and previously had spent two years there. “There was never enough food. People were hungry all the time.”

Al Gordon, 45, said he was in Union County Jail when nearly everyone came down with food poisoning from tacos. “It was awful,” he said when we spoke in Elizabeth. “All the prisoners, except the ones who were vegetarian and who did not eat the meat in the tacos, had diarrhea for three days. Whenever we tried to eat anything for those three days we threw it back up. We were all sweating and felt dizzy.”

Gordon had a job in the jail’s kitchen, where he helped prepare the food, usually under the supervision of two Aramark employees. “There were mice running around and mice droppings everywhere,” he said. “The utensils for cooking were dirty. Many of the prisoners preparing the food would use the bathroom and then not wash their hands or wear gloves. Hair fell into the food. The bread was stale and hard. And the portions we were required to serve were real small. You could eat six portions like the ones we served ... and still be hungry. If we put more than the required portion on the tray the Aramark people would make us take it off. It wasn’t civilized. I lost 30 pounds. I would wake up at night and put toothpaste in my mouth to get rid of the hunger urge. The only way a person survived in there was to have money on the books to order from the canteen, but I didn’t have no money. It was especially bad for the diabetics, and there are a lot of diabetics behind bars.”
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:31 pm

see link for full story

January 7 2014 ... d=21445783

Huge 9/11 Fraud Case Accuses Retired New York Cops, Firefighters

Huge 9/11 Fraud Case Accuses Retired …

Scores of retired New York City police, fire and corrections officers were arrested today in a crackdown on disability fraud stemming from the Sept. 11 terror attacks. The fraud cost taxpayers millions of dollars, prosecutors claim.

The Manhattan district attorney's office accuses the retired workers, along with their lawyers and doctors, of faking work-related stress, including feigned psychiatric disorders related to 9/11.

Among those busted today was John Minerva, the disability consultant for the Detectives Endowment Association, officials said.

Today's arrests cap a two year investigation, aided by federal investigators, the city's Department of Investigation and the NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau.

The alleged fraud cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in improper Social Security benefits.

None of the accused actually suffered from debilitating stress, officials claim. Many were caught working after retirement, a violation of disability benefits.

And some of the retired officers retained their gun permits. Retired officers cannot possess guns if they are being treated for stress.

Most of the arrests in the fraud sweep took place in the city, with others being busted in Florida and elsewhere in New York State.

It was the second 9/11 scam to be revealed this week. On Monday, two New Jersey men pleaded guilty to raising and keeping $50,000 for a Sept. 11 charity that was supposed to help families who lost loved one in the catastrophe.

Thomas Scalgione and Mark Niemczyk never gave any of the more than $50,000 in proceeds to the victims' families or to charities as promised, they told the court.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:04 am

couple of reads

1st read
NOVEMBER 23, 2011 ... th-squads/
Police War on the Poor
The Return of the Albuquerque Death Squads

On November 13 of this year the Albuquerque police oversight commission cleared one of its own for the fatal shooting in September of 2010 of 19-year old Chandler Barr. The officer, a bicycle cop on her first day on the job, shot the mentally ill Barr twice in the chest after he threatened her with a butter knife. Barr is one of 20 young men shot by Albuquerque police in the last two years, and one of 14 dead from their injuries. The long list of young men—mostly Hispanic and many of them mentally ill or drug users—incudes also Dominic Robert Smith shot and killed on October 1, 2009 by an officer that, according to Margaret Ann Saiz, Robert’s mother, “said that my soon looked like he was mentally retarded.” Smith was behaving erratically and shoving pills in his mouth when an Albuquerque Police officer, using his favorite hunting rifle, fired a round into the unarmed man’s chest.

In May of this year Mark Gomez found his brother Alan high on drugs and “acting crazy.” Not knowing how to intervene and scared that his brother would hurt himself, he called 911. Alan Gomez became another statistic when an APD officer shot him in the back. Gomez was armed at the time with a plastic spoon.

On February 9, 2011, APD officer Trey Economidy pulled over Jacob Mitschelen on a traffic violation. Economidy claimed Mitschelen ran from the scene with a weapon in his hand. Mitschelen’s mother asked “They had him down with the first shot, why did they have to go up and pump two more shots in him?”

One answer to the question, both the specific question regarding any one of the 14 deaths and the more general question about the spike in Police shootings, may be that APD officers are violent by nature, self-selected to the force because of the opportunity to kill with impunity. The numbers seems to suggest as much. Police killings in Albuquerque are three-times what is found in comparably sized cities and is similar to New York, which has 14-times the population and a police force 34-times larger than APD.

And there’s ample evidence of a frightening blood lust among some APD officers. Trey Economidy, the police shooter in the Mitschelen death, posted his job description on Facebook as “human waste disposal.” He was suspended for four days. Detective Jim Dwyer listed his occupation as “oxygen thief removal technician” on his MySpace page, a page that included alarming posts like “Some people are only alive because killing them is illegal.” Police Chief Ray Schultz called some of his posts “concerning” and “very clearly inappropriate,” but refused to discipline Dwyer.

There exists, however, another possibility. The refusal by APD leadership to discipline officers (none of the officers involved in any of the shootings has been removed from the force), and the refusal of Mayor Richard Berry to seek an independent, outside investigation by the Department of Justice (The Albuquerque City Council voted in August to request the investigation but Berry remains intransigent in his support for the troops), suggests that what’s developing in Albuquerque is a frightening return to the extrajudicial police shootings that turned 1970s Albuquerque into a killing field. Endemic violence in New Mexico against Native Americans and racialized policing patterns focused on young, Chicano men began to shift in the early 1970s in reaction to the rise of Red Power and Chicano Movement groups into efforts to target and kill Chicano and Indigenous activists by the dozens.

In 1969 a Vista volunteer named Bobby Garcia disappeared and was later found in an arroyo with a bullet in the back of his head. The killing marked the moment when activists throughout the state began to see a pattern in the violence. A series of police shootings and the deaths of almost a dozen Chicano activists from Taos to Albuquerque, some unarmed and shot in the back, produced rumors of death squads operating within the Albuquerque Police Department and the New Mexico State Police.

And the evidence began piling up along with the bodies. On February 28, 1972 Rito Canales and Antonio Cordova were killed in a barrage of gunfire while the two were reportedly trying to steal dynamite from a roadside construction bunker. Both men were members of a group known as the Black Berets, a multi-ethnic, community-based social movement organization modeled on the Black Panthers and inspired by Che Guevara. Canales and Cordova were outspoken and prominent community activists, particularly on issues of police brutality, New Mexico prison conditions and the institutional racism facing Chicano communities in New Mexico. Their organization operated a free community health clinic (named in honor of Bobby Garcia), established cultural schools for Chicano preschoolers, organized film nights and offered tutoring sessions for local teenagers, among other things. Members traveled to Cuba on Venceremos Brigades, brought Vietnamese students to Albuquerque to talk about the war in Vietnam, and provided childcare for local union members during strikes.

Their killing came the day before both were scheduled to hold a news conference on an investigation into prison violence and police brutality. Police had been harassing the Black Berets for years before the Canales and Cordova shootings. As one former Black Beret leaders recalls it “[The police] would pull out their guns while their vehicle was driving and say ‘Bang, Bang’.” The Berets, it seems, uncovered evidence of a secret interagency group called the Metro Squad, made up of officers from APD and the New Mexico State Police along with Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputies and involvement from federal agents. The Metro Squad worked with the John Birch Society, the Minutemen, and other reactionary groups who opposed civil rights.

The killings of Chicano activists should also be understood as part of a much larger pattern of violence that included, and made possible, police violence.

John Harvey and Herrman Benally were murdered on April 21, 1974. After being stripped of their clothes, they were beaten with rocks, castrated with burning sticks and set on fire. The men were found in a ditch along a dusty stretch of highway outside the Navajo nation in Northwest New Mexico. Less than a week later, a third Navajo man was found in a ditch. Like Harvey and Benally, David Ignacio was beaten savagely. His attackers left him to die from suffocation after caving in his chest with rocks.

The April deaths came during a bloody spring as ten violent deaths rocked the Navajo nation and turned the initial horror into an almost weekly event. In the days following the discovery of Ignacio, 60 people called the funeral home wondering if he were a missing relative. When three white Farmington, New Mexico high school students confessed to the murders, stories of constant racial violence in the area came to light. The murders, it turns out, were a consequence of a blood sport among Farmington high school students who for years had made robbing, beating, and mutilating inebriated men outside the scores of liquor stores that ringed the Navajo nation into a weekly Saturday night event. Some white students at Farmington, it seems, displayed the cut-off fingers of their Navajo victims in their lockers. Until the tortures and murders were revealed the cause of death for the dozens of Navajo men found dead in the ditches along lonely highways was said to be “exposure” from passing out following drinking bouts. Meanwhile the police, some remarked at the time, continued to recruit at the local high school for new cadets.

In Albuquerque the Berets went public with their claims of police brutality at a rally that turned into a pitched street battle with police and Anglo provocateurs. In Farmington, young Navajo activists of the Coalition for Navajo Liberation marched in the streets against violence until the Sheriff’s posse showed up. The ensuing melee sent dozens of marchers to the hospital and the rest to jail.

The violence and police killings of the 1970s have returned. But there are differences between the violence of the 1970s and the eruption of this new pattern of police violence. The killings in the 1970s should be placed in the context of liberation movement activism around civil rights issues by groups like the Black Berets and the Coalition for Navajo Liberation. The killings today find another context, namely three decades of a bulldozing neoliberal restructuring that has ground its way through poor communities amid the parallel expansion of a violent and dehumanizing drug economy.

There are, however, similarities. Police violence against civil rights activists in the 1970s was a function of the way in which race and class became a proxy for subversion by the agents of social control such as the police. In the strange logic of the Albuquerque Police Department, poor, urban Chicanos became targets of police violence because of the social chaos that racism and poverty had created. Likewise today, APD is at war with the poor because it has come to equate any expression of poverty or drug addiction not as an effect of structural inequality, but rather as another opportunity to dispose of what its officers call “human waste.” Like elsewhere being poor, suffering from a mentally illness or battling a drug addiction is a crime. Dwyer was wrong, detectives like Enconomidy and Dwyer have thrived at APD because for the Albuquerque Police Department, killing is not an illegal act.

David Correia is an Assistant Professor of American Studies at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He was inspired to write about Police violence in Albuquerque by the work of an anonymous graffiti artist whose art can be found along the railroad tracks in Albuquerque. He can be reached at dcorreia(at)

2nd read ... d=11229567
Albuquerque police face protests, cyberattack

12:30 PM Monday Mar 31, 2014

Hundreds of protesters marched past riot police in downtown Albuquerque on Sunday, days after a YouTube video emerged threatening retaliation for a recent deadly police shooting.

The video, which bore the logo of the computer hacking collective Anonymous, warned of a cyberattack on city websites and called for the protest march.

Albuquerque police said their site had been breached early Sunday afternoon and remained down hours later.

Investigators had not uncovered the source of the hack, police spokesman Simon Drobik said.

"We can confirm that the website disruption is due to a cyberattack," he said. The site was not "connected to any critical services" and IT personnel are working on the problem, Drobik said.

The demonstrators, meanwhile, arrived at Civic Plaza holding signs protesting recent police shootings, and activists called on various city officials to resign. They marched about two miles (three kilometers) toward the University of New Mexico.

Albuquerque police have been involved in 37 shootings, 23 of them fatal since 2010.

Critics say that's far too many for a department serving a city of about 555,000.

The U.S. Justice Department has been investigating the department for more than a year, looking into complaints of civil rights violations and allegations of excessive use of force.

Last week, Albuquerque police fatally shot a man at a public housing complex. Authorities said he shot at officers before they returned fire.

In the shooting on March 16 that led to the YouTube posting Tuesday, a homeless man was killed in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains on the east side of Albuquerque. The shooting was captured on video and followed a long standoff.

James Boyd, 38, died after officers fired stun guns, bean bags and six live rounds. Police said Boyd had threatened to kill officers and held onto knives as an unarmed officer from the canine unit approached him. The shooting followed a long standoff during which Boyd claimed he was a federal government agent.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:23 pm

see link for full story ... n-charges/
L.I. New York State Police Investigator Nabbed On Child Porn Charges

April 4, 2014
a A New York State Police investigator based out of Long Island has been arrested on federal child pornography .
Darcy Wells, a state police spokeswoman, said Pagano, a 14-year veteran assigned to barracks in East Farmingdale was suspended without pay.
Pagano also was fired from his position as an assistant lacrosse coach at Rocky Point High School. Superintendent Michael Ring said Pagano was hired for the part-time position in December and had cleared all background checks.
“The safety and security of our students is paramount and we will cooperate throughout the investigation,” Ring added in a statement.
Pagano coached the Briarcliffe College men’s lacrosse team from 2009 to 2013. Briarcliffe spokesman Mark Spencer said there was no indication the coach had any contact with minors; he declined to say why Pagano was no longer coaching there, citing personnel reasons.

In June 2013, investigators uncovered evidence that Pagano had contacted a website run by the suspect in Alaska. Pagano allegedly downloaded or previewed five videos involving young girls being molested by adult men.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:45 am

see link for new hit taxpayer funded series from the creators of WACO ... /12800195/

Investigation: ATF drug stings targeted minorities
July 21 2014

Michael Eberhardt, special agent with the New Orleans field division of the ATF, in a section of the now closed Calliope public housing development in New Orleans July 13, 2007.

WASHINGTON — The nation's top gun-enforcement agency overwhelmingly targeted racial and ethnic minorities as it expanded its use of controversial drug sting operations, a USA TODAY investigation shows.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has more than quadrupled its use of those stings during the past decade, quietly making them a central part of its attempts to combat gun crime. The operations are designed to produce long prison sentences for suspects enticed by the promise of pocketing as much as $100,000 for robbing a drug stash house that does not actually exist.

At least 91% of the people agents have locked up using those stings were racial or ethnic minorities, USA TODAY found after reviewing court files and prison records from across the United States. Nearly all were either black or Hispanic. That rate is far higher than among people arrested for big-city violent crimes, or for other federal robbery, drug and gun offenses.

The ATF operations raise particular concerns because they seek to enlist suspected criminals in new crimes rather than merely solving old ones, giving agents and their underworld informants unusually wide latitude to select who will be targeted. In some cases, informants said they identified targets for the stings after simply meeting them on the street.

"There's something very wrong going on here," said University of Chicago law professor Alison Siegler, part of a team of lawyers challenging the ATF's tactics in an Illinois federal court. "The government is creating these crimes and then choosing who it's going to target."

Current and former ATF officials insist that race plays no part in the operations. Instead, they said, agents seek to identify people already committing violent robberies in crime-ridden areas, usually focusing on those who have amassed long and violent rap sheets.

"There is no profiling going on here," said Melvin King, ATF's deputy assistant director for field operations, who has supervised some of the investigations. "We're targeting the worst of the worst, and we're looking for violent criminals that are using firearms in furtherance of other illegal activities."


The ATF's stash-house investigations already face a legal backlash. Two federal judges in California ruled this year that agents violated the Constitution by setting people up for "fictitious crime" they wouldn't otherwise commit; a federal appeals court in Chicago is weighing whether an operation there amounted to entrapment. Even some of the judges who have signed off on the operations have expressed misgivings about them.

On top of that, defense lawyers in three states have charged that ATF is profiling minority suspects. They asked judges to force the Justice Department to turn over records they hope will prove those claims. Last year, the chief federal judge in Chicago, U.S. District Court Judge Ruben Castillo, agreed and ordered government lawyers to produce a trove of information, saying there was a "strong showing of potential bias."

Justice Department lawyers fought to block the disclosures. In one case in Chicago, the department refused to comply with another judge's order that it produce information about the stings. The records it has so far produced in other cases remain sealed.

Because of that secrecy, the data compiled by USA TODAY offer the broadest evidence yet that ATF's operations have overwhelmingly had minority suspects in their cross hairs. The newspaper identified a sample of 635 defendants arrested in stash-house stings during the past decade, and found 579, or 91%, were minorities.

The ATF said it could not confirm those figures because the agency does not track the demographics of the people it arrests in stash-house cases.

That alone is troubling, said Emma Andersson, a staff attorney for the ACLU's Criminal Law Reform Project. "Management is simply putting its head in the sand," she said.

Other police agencies routinely collect that type of information to monitor racial profiling, and Attorney General Eric Holder said in April that the Justice Department would attempt to do so, as well. "To be successful in reducing both the experience and the perception of bias, we must have verifiable data about the problem," Holder said at the time.

"It's not enough to say we're not purposely targeting young men of color," said Katharine Tinto, a professor at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law who has studied the ATF's tactics. "When you have a possibly discriminatory effect, it should still require you to go back and look at the structure of the operation," including where and how agents choose to conduct the operations
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:42 pm

To view a partial list of taxpayer funded bodyguards/police officers arrested
for pedophilia and rape over 1,000 pages long see ... ... /140729017

Waltham cop sentenced to five years for child porn possession

Waltham Police officer Paul Manganelli was sentenced to five years in prison on July 22 for child porn possession. FILE PHOTO

Posted Jul. 22, 2014 @ 5:35 pm
Updated Jul 22, 2014 at 9:44 PM


A former veteran Waltham Police officer, guilty of possessing child pornography, was sentenced to five years in federal prison Tuesday afternoon.

Paul Manganelli Jr., 47, of Waltham, broke into tears several times during the hearing at Moakley Courthouse in Boston. U.S. District Court Judge F. Dennis Saylor sentenced him to 60 months in prison followed by five years of supervised release. When he gets out, Manganelli will have to register as a sex offender.

"Police are not normally the type of people who come through my court for sentencing," Saylor said. "...Most people looking at that [sentence] will think it too lenient, and the remainder will think it too harsh."

Manganelli’s sentencing fell well short of the maximum. He pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison with a lifetime of supervised release and a $250,000 fine.

The defense asked for 30 months and the prosecution asked for 70. Saylor said maximum sentencing is high for this crime he characterized as the "toughest to judge."

About 20 of Manganelli's relatives and friends were in the courtroom, which defense attorney Charles Rankin and Saylor agreed was uncommon in a case involving a sex offender.

Manganelli was taken into custody after the sentencing and will be held in jail until the federal Bureau of Prisons designates a prison for him. Saylor said he’d recommend Manganelli be sent to a penitentiary close to eastern Massachusetts. The nearest federal prison is FMC Devens.

Manganelli, addressing the court, called special agent Eric Slaton – the FBI agent who compiled the evidence that led to his arrest – a "saving angel."

"I was in a very dark place in my life when I was doing these things," Manganelli said. "[Slaton] came along and stopped me and I thank God that he stopped me."

Assistant U.S. Attorney Stacy Dawson Belf, who tried the case, argued that the ex-cop has a history of lying to people closest to him. Belf, who called Manganelli’s actions "difficult to overstate," was especially concerned with his relationship with an 11-year-old girl – identified as Jane Doe.

Although no physical evidence suggested he ever touched her, several recovered emails revealed his overt wish to do so.

"He was breaking the law every day as a sworn police officer," Belf said.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:19 am

see link for full story ... s-scandal/

GRENADEWALKER: Inspector General Reports Blasts DOJ For ANOTHER Fast & Furious Scandal
November 1, 2014 at 1:02 pm

The Department of Justice Inspector General is blasting the agency for yet another “Fast and Furious” style program that armed Mexican narco-terrorists as Obama Administration officials stood by and watched.

Federal agents and prosecutors in Arizona made multiple errors in their investigation of a U.S. citizen who was suspected of smuggling grenade components to Mexico, including failing to arrest him when there was more than enough evidence to do so, the Justice Department watchdog said in a harshly critical report Thursday.

The inspector general’s report found parallels between the investigation into Jean Baptiste Kingery by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and “Operation Fast and Furious,” an ATF gun-running operation along the Southwest border that relied on flawed tactics and became a political firestorm for the Justice Department. Those similarities include poor supervision, weak oversight and a failure “to take or insist on overt enforcement action against the subjects of the investigations.”

“Our reviews of both cases concluded that, in failing to act, they did not adequately consider the risk to public safety in the United States and Mexico created by the subjects’ illegal activities,” the report states.

Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkission has reported that there have been multiple weapon-smuggling operations led out of the Department Of Justice.

In addition to Fast & Furious, there is evidence suggesting the existence of other cartel-supplying gun smuggling operations in Florida, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California, plus the Kingergy grenade component smuggling case, and an internal effort to increase violent crime in the midwest by supplying weapons to Chicago gangs, dubbed Gangwalker.

Some are concerned that in excess of 20,000 firearms—primarily the sort of semi-automatic rifles and pistols that the Obama Administration wants to ban—were used as part of an intentional effort by the Administration to manufacture crime with specific weapons in order to push for gun control laws.

There have been no firings nor charges brought against any of the ATF, FBI, or DOJ officials and agents responsibly for supplying enough firepower to narco-terrorists to equip an army infantry division.

Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting cabinet member in American history to be held in criminal contempt of Congress due to his stonewalling of the investigation into operation Fast and Furious.

Judicial Watch has recently obtained documentation that suggests that Holder intentionally lied to Congress.

Holder announced his resignation within 48 hours of Judicial Watch winning access to Fast & Furious documentation that the Obama Administration tried to protect.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:10 pm

link du jour ... rs-7265785

Bonus read

New Batman comic opens with superhero saving young black man from police ... ge%2Fstory

November 30 at 5:21 AM


L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. investigating reports that deputy sexually
abused female inmates

Hermann Kreimann Jr., who was hired by the Sheriff's Department in
2009, worked as a bailiff at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal
Justice Center for at least two years.

November 29 2015 ... story.html


Here's Why the Alleged Planned Parenthood Killer Isn't Called a
Domestic Terrorist
Posted: 11/29/2015 9:27 pm EST Updated: 1 minute ago

The two words that were glaringly missing in the reams of news clips,
press reports and news features on alleged Colorado Springs Planned

3. ... freed-dna/

November 29, 2015
Los Angeles Man Wrongly Convicted Of Rape 16 Years Ago Freed After DNA
Testing Proves Him Innocent
Mohit Priyadarshi

A Los Angeles man who was wrongly convicted of rape 16 years ago has
been cleared after DNA evidence linked the crimes to another man,
according to USA Today.

Los Angeles was rocked by a series of brutal rapes in the late 1990s,
where the suspect allegedly grabbed his hapless victims and threatened
them with a weapon
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:05 pm

The Narco Terror Trap
The DEA warns that drugs are funding terror. An examination of cases raises questions about whether the agency is stopping threats or staging them.
By Ginger Thompson / Pro Publica
December 7, 2015

IN DECEMBER 2009, Harouna Touré and Idriss Abdelrahman, smugglers from northern Mali, walked through the doors of the Golden Tulip, a hotel in Accra, Ghana. They were there to meet with two men who had offered them an opportunity to make millions of dollars, transporting cocaine across the Sahara. Touré wore a dashiki, and Abdelrahman had on tattered clothes and a turban that hid much of his face. They tipped the guards at the entrance and then greeted Mohamed, a Lebanese radical, in the lobby. Mohamed took them up to a hotel room to see David, a drug trafficker and a member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. “Hola, Colombiano,” Touré said, as he entered the room. Abdelrahman tried to call David “007” in Spanish, but said “477” instead. David, who was dressed in a short-sleeved pullover and Bermuda shorts, laughed and offered his guests bottles of water.

Touré and Abdelrahman came from Gao, a parched and remote city in northern Mali which has long been used as a base for smuggling of all kinds, from immigrants to cigarettes. In recent years, the surrounding region has also been the scene of conflict between violent bands of nomadic insurgents, including members of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). During months of meetings and phone calls, David and Mohamed had told Touré that the FARC had some 30,000 fighters at war with the United States, and that it wanted to work with al-Qaida, because the groups shared the same enemy. “They are our brothers,” Mohamed said. “We have he same cause.” Touré had explained that he had connections to the organization: he ran a transport company, and, in return for safe passage for his trucks, he provided al-Qaida with food and fuel.

Still, David remained skeptical. He needed assurances that Touré’s organization was up to the task. The FARC had a lot of money riding on the deal and was willing to pay Touré and Abdelrahman as much as $3,000 per kilo, beginning with a 50-kilo test run to Melilla, a Spanish city on the North African mainland. Loads ten times that size would follow, David said, if the first trip went well.

“If you’re done, I’m going to speak,” Touré said. He told David and Mohamed that he was tired of all the “blah, blah, blah.” He had operatives along the smuggling route, which stretched from Ghana to Morocco. Abdelrahman, whom Touré had introduced as the leader of a Malian militia, said that he had hired a driver with links to al-Qaida. They had also bribed a Malian military official, who would help them cross the border without inspection.

David was reassured. “I want us to keep working together, because we’re not doing this for the money — we’re doing this for our people,” he said.

Two days later, Touré and Abdelrahman went back to the Golden Tulip to collect their initial payment. Oumar Issa, a friend from Gao who was also involved in the plan, waited at another hotel to receive his portion. Instead, the smugglers were met by Ghanaian police officers. David and Mohamed, it turned out, were not drug traffickers but undercover informants for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. Within days, Touré, Abdelrahman, and Issa were turned over to the DEA, put on a private jet, and flown to New York, where they were arraigned in a federal courthouse. They were charged under a little-known provision of the Patriot Act, passed in 2006, which established a new crime, known as narco-­terrorism, committed by violent offenders who had one hand in terrorism and the other in the drug trade.

In announcing the charges, Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said, “As terrorists diversify into drugs, they provide us more opportunities to incapacitate them and cut off funding for future acts of terror.” The case marked the first time that the narco-­terrorism provision had been used against al-Qaida. The suspects appeared to be precisely the kind of hybrid whom the law, which does not require that any of the targeted activities take place in the U.S., had been written to catch. Michele Leonhart, the DEA administrator at the time, said, “Today’s arrests are further proof of the direct link between dangerous terrorist organizations, including al-Qaida, and international drug trafficking that fuels their activities.”

As the Malians’ case proceeded, however, its flaws became apparent. The defendants emerged as more hapless than hardened, childhood friends who believed that the DEA’s informants were going to make them rich. “They were lying to us. And we were lying to them,” Touré told me from prison. Judge Barbara Jones, who oversaw the final phases of the case, said, “There was no actual involvement by the defendants or the undercovers … in the activities of either al-Qaida or the FARC.” Another judge saw as many problems with the statute as with the merits of the case. “Congress has passed a law that attempts to bind the world,” he said to me.

The investigation continues to be cited by the DEA as an example of its national-security achievements. Since the narco-terrorism provision was passed, the DEA has pursued dozens of cases that fit the broad description of crimes under the statute. The agency has claimed victories against al-Qaida, Hezbollah, the Taliban, and the FARC and established the figure of the narco-terrorist as a preeminent threat to the United States.

With each purported success, the DEA has lobbied Congress to increase its funding. In 2012, Michael Braun, who had served as the DEA’s chief of operations, testified before Congress about the link between terrorists and drug traffickers: “Based on over 37 years in the law-­enforcement and security sectors, you can mark my word that they are most assuredly talking business and sharing lessons learned.”

That may well be true. In a number of regions, most notably Colombia and Afghanistan, there is con­vincing evidence that terrorists have worked with drug traffickers. But a close examination of the cases that the DEA has pursued reveals a disturbing number that resemble that of the Malians. When these cases were prosecuted, the only links between drug trafficking and terrorism entered into evidence were provided by the DEA, using agents or informants who were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to lure the targets into staged narco-­terrorism conspiracies.

The DEA strongly defends the effectiveness of such sting operations, claiming that they are a useful way to identify criminals who pose a threat to the United States before they act. Lou Milione, a senior official at the agency, told me, “One of the things the DEA is kind of in the business of is almost all of our investigations are proactive.” But Russell Hanks, a former senior American diplomat, who got a firsthand look at some of the DEA’s narco-­terrorism targets during the time he served in West Africa, told me, “The DEA provided everything these men needed to commit a crime, then said, ‘Wow, look what they did.’” He added, “This wasn’t terrorism — this was the manipulation of weak-minded people, in weak countries, in order to pad arrest records.”

ON sEPT. 11, 2001, when
 American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, DEA agents were among the first to respond, racing from their headquarters, less than half a mile away. A former special agent named Edward Follis, in his memoir, “The Dark Art,” recalls how he and dozens of his colleagues “rushed over … to pull out bodies, but there were no bodies to pull out.” The agency had outposts in more than 60 countries around the world, the most of any federal law-enforcement agency. And it had some 5,000 informants and confidential sources. Michael Vigil, who was the DEA’s head of international operations at the time, told me, “We called in every source we could find, looking for information about what had happened, who was responsible, and whether there were plans for an imminent attack.” He added, “Since the end of the Cold War, we had seen signs that terrorist groups had started relying on drug trafficking for funding. After 9/11, we were sure that trend was going to spread.”

But other intelligence agencies saw the DEA’s sources as drug traffickers — and drug traffickers didn’t know anything about terrorism. A former senior money-laundering investigator at the Justice Department told me that there wasn’t any substantive proof to support the DEA’s assertions.

“What is going on after 9/11 is that a lot of resources move out of drug enforcement and into terrorism,” he said. “The DEA doesn’t want to be the stepchild that is last in line.” Narco-­terrorism, the former investigator said, became an
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:57 pm

couple of reads about FBI agents and the use
of deadly force

1. ... /151219576

Massachusetts FBI agent Callahan publishes
new book. Thr book makes a perfect xmas gift
in Feguson Missouri.

Former FBI agent pens book about legal use of deadly force

Former FBI agent John Michael Callahan published his second book in August about the use of deadly force as a law enforcement officer. Wicked Local Staff Photo / Kaila Braley

Posted Dec 12, 2015 at 4:53 AM

“Officers sign up to protect and serve, not to die. They have families, and the right to go home at night,” former FBI agent John Michael Callahan.

Callahan, now retired, published his second book about deadly force in August titled “Lethal Force and the Objectively Reasonable Officer.” The book chronicles numerous investigations, court cases and scientific studies dealing


Did Memphis police officer Earl Clark use the required
amount of deadly force when he assassinated Martin Luther King
for FBI Director Hoover?

Loyd Jowers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jowers said that he hired Memphis police Lieutenant Earl Clark to fire the fatal ... in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr... the Mafia, local, ...
How the Government Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.
Apr 3, 2013 - While Dr. King was in Memphis, he was under open or eye-to-eye federal ... Young and Dexter King, Jowers says after he heard the shot, Lt. Earl Clark, ... The corporate media says it was James Earl Ray who shot MLK, and ...

Martin Luther King Assassination Conspiracy Exposed in Memphis ...
King saw the Memphis sanitation workers' strike as the beginning of a nonviolent ..... said he received at his back door from Earl Clark right after the shooting.

3. ... /30619475/

Family of Muslim leader killed by FBI in Dearborn seeks answers

Jul 27, 2015

More than five years after the FBI's shooting death of a Muslim leader in Dearborn, his family is still trying to find out what happened and the names of those who shot him during a sting operation, maintaining there was a cover-up by federal authorities.

This month, the family asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear its case.

Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, of Detroit, was struck 20 times on October 28, 2009, inside a Dearborn warehouse as part of an undercover counterterrorism operation investigating what the FBI said were his extremist views and trafficking in stolen goods.

Supporters of Abdullah and some civil rights advocates called it overkill in the war on terrorism while the FBI said its agents acted properly in shooting him dead. Involving surveillance and informants, the case has drawn widespread attention in the debate over how to balance civil liberties and national security after the Sept. 11 attacks.

From the archives: Exam doesn't clarify who shot FBI dog during raid

According to the FBI, Abdullah opened fire on the FBI's police dog that their agents had sicced on him after he refused to surrender, prompting four federal agents to return fire with 20 bullets that killed the leader of a Detroit mosque. Three investigations - by Dearborn Police, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox and the U.S. Dept. of Justice - said the FBI did not violate any laws in the shooting.

But in a series of legal filings over the past two years that came out of a 2012 lawsuit, attorneys representing the estate of Abdullah challenge that view, saying that Abdullah was not armed and never fired at agents.They said in an amended complaint that the Detroit FBI "engaged in a concerted effort to manipulate and conceal the evidence concerning the brutal death of Abdullah."

U.S. District Court Judge Lawrence Paul Zatkoff and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Ohio both have dismissed the lawsuit, saying that it failed to specify who they are suing within the three-year statue of limitations. They ruled that the FBI didn't conceal what happened.

In February, a three-judge panel with the Sixth Circuit Court agreed with Zatkoff's ruling last year, and in April the court denied a request for a full hearing.

From the archives: Friends of slain imam remember his generosity

In response, Abdullah's estate filed a petition on July 9th with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the high court to consider their case.

Abdullah's family, which includes his wife and ten children, said the case was dismissed on minor technicalities and that they should have their day in court.

"The family has not been able to get to the truth of what exactly happened," said Shereef Akeel, co-counsel for the estate of Abdullah. "We never had an opportunity to find out...The court is the best place to find out, but the court doors have been closed to the Luqman family to determine what happened. We want to open the doors."

Akeel said that with renewed attention over the past year to the deaths of African-Americans by law enforcement, there should a thorough review of what happened to Abdullah, who was African-American.

The petition filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, called a Writ of Certiorari, is "our last shot," Akeel added. "This is like a Hail Mary pass. Hopefully, finally, the family can get some answers."

One of Abdullah's sons, Omar Regan, said: "We've been fighting in Court for over 5 years and the Government keeps covering it up."

Lena Masri, co-counsel and a staff attorney with the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said the "Sixth Circuit Court's ruling is extremely concerning as it allows the government to cover up the facts and identities of those involved in a wrongful killing, and to ultimately escape liability."

Masri had filed FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests with local, state, and federal officials to get the names of the four agents, but was denied. There were 66 agents in total who took part in the take down of Abdullah and his associates.

Detroit FBI spokesman Supervisory Special Agent David Porter and U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan Barbara McQuade, whose office is representing the FBI in the lawsuit, both declined comment.

In their court responses, the U.S. Attorney's office in Detroit has denied that the FBI concealed anything in the shooting and was open about what happened in press releases and in the media.

They also say that attorneys for Abdullah's family had failed to specify the names of FBI agents within three years after the Oct. 2009 shooting.

The original lawsuit, filed on Oct. 26, 2012, named "Unidentified FBI Agents" as defendants. In April 2013, it was amended to specify Special Agent in Charge of the Detroit FBI Andrew Arena, who led the operation against Abdullah, George Nikolopoulos, head of the FBI Detroit's SWAT team, and four unidentified FBI agents. The U.S. Attorney's office said that was past the three-year statue of limitations after the 2009 shooting.

Akeel replied that the three-year time limit should not have started until after they found out in 2012 a different version of events through a colleague of Abdullah, Muhammad Abdul Salaam, which gave them a cause of action.

The lawsuit was based on an affidavit of Salaam, who was inside the warehouse at the time of the take-down. Salaam testified that Abdullah wasn't armed and didn't fire at agents.

Salaam said the agents shot Abdullah while he was on his back, trying to protect himself from the police dog tearing his face.

The FBI says Salaam was a close associate of Abdullah and had five previous felony convictions. He was known as "the gun man" for his large stash of weapons, the FBI said in 2009.

Family of Abdullah allege the FBI concealed evidence after the shooting

In the amended complaint filed in April 2013, attorneys for Abdullah's family allege that under orders from the head of the Detroit FBI at the time, Arena, the body of Abdullah was moved after the shooting, a semi-automatic handgun was removed, and local investigators were denied access to the crime scene.

Akeel said Abdullah's fingerprints were never found on any gun at the scene.

"Local police crime scene investigators and medical personnel were denied entry into the warehouse to assess the crime scene and provide medical treatment to Abdullah," wrote Abdullah's attorneys. "An alleged semi‐automatic handgun was allegedly removed from the crime scene and taken to FBI Headquarters. Accordingly,the alleged semi‐automatic handgun was unavailable for forensic analysis by local crime scene investigators."

"The body of Abdullah was already moved to a different location inside the warehouse before local crime scene investigators and the medical examiner were allowed to gain access to the crime scene," read the complaint.

In an additional document filed the next month, attorneys for Abdullah's family said "not only did the FBI withhold evidence, but the FBI concocted a story to the public with a media blitz to blame Abdullah for his own horribly painful death by claiming that Abdullah brandished a handgun and fired in the direction of the FBI Agents."

In their legal response, Assistant U.S. Attorney Theresa Urbanic said that the FBI does "not concede" that the FBI concealed evidence at the crime scene. But even if that were true, she wrote, "these allegations would show only concealment of evidence, not concealment of a cause of action."

The U.S. Attorney's office in Detroit point to a press release the FBI put out shortly after the 2009 shooting to show it was not concealing what happened, as well as news articles and a documentary about the shooting by professors at Michigan State University that featured an interview with Arena.

In the documentary, Arena said that he gave the order to release the dog on Abdullah, whom the FBI said had refused to put his hands up and surrender. Arena added that Abdullah had previously threatened violence against law enforcement.

Urbanic also said that Abdullah's family took too long to get information from Salaam. Salaam, who was sent to prison for his role in dealing in stolen goods along with Abdullah, was released from prison in October 2011, and could have been interviewed earlier, she said.

Other Muslim-Americans killed in encounters with FBI since Detroit shooting

Since Abdullah's case, two other Muslim-Americans have been killed in encounters with the FBI. In May 2013, Ibragim Todashev, 27, was killed by a FBI agent when they were questioning him; the FBI said that Todahev, interviewed in connection with one of the Boston Marathon attackers, became violent and lunged at the agent with a pole, according to The Boston Globe.


The FBI Deemed Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings - The New York ... ... less.htm...
Jun 18, 2013 - In most of the shootings, the F.B.I.'s internal investigation was the only official ... the records show, deemed the shooting to have been justified.
FBI 'justified' in every shooting since 1993 - report — RT USA - ... eport-035/
Jun 21, 2013 - It's standard operating procedure for the FBI to conduct an internal investigation when an agent shoots a suspect. Questions are being raised, ...
FBI — Expanded Homicide Data Table 14 ... able_hom...
Year, Total, Total firearms, Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, Firearms, type not stated, Knives or cutting instruments, Other dangerous weapons, Personal weapons ...
The FBI's Nearly Unbelievable Record of "Justified" Shootings - Slate ... njustifi...
Jun 19, 2013 - We're still waiting for the FBI to finish its internal investigation into exactly what happened in an Orlando apartment last month, when an FBI
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