Ruppert died

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Re: Ruppert died

Postby stillrobertpaulsen » Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:33 pm

American Dream » Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:32 pm wrote:Still almost no "real" news coverage of this at all- though I did see one post at Raw Story.

I'm wondering what the actual truth of the situation is...

Here's some news coverage, but not much confirmation beyond what we already know. Wish they didn't feel compelled like Raw Story to sully the story with quotes from his "detractors". Solomon and Corn can stick it.

9/11 conspiracy theorist and investigative journalist 'commits suicide'

The 63-year-old former narcotics investigator with the LAPD, shot himself after a final radio show broadcast, a friend reported
Mr Ruppert gained notoriety for theories that the U.S. government and Wall Street were behind 9/11 attacks
A friend told MailOnline today: 'He believed what he believed. All of his work was motivated by his love of humanity'

By Louise Boyle

9/11 conspiracy theorist and investigative journalist Michael Ruppert has reportedly committed suicide.

The 63-year-old former narcotics investigator with the LAPD shot himself after his radio show, according to an announcement by author Carolyn Baker who was a guest on his final broadcast on Sunday.

Mr Ruppert was famous for his litany of conspiracy theories which encompassed the CIA to drugs, international politics, the oil industry, Wall Street and 9/11.

On her Facebook page, Ms Baker wrote: 'This was not a ''fake'' suicide. It was very well planned by Mike who gave us few clues but elaborate instructions for how to proceed without him.

'It was my privilege to have known Mike for 14 years, to have worked with him, to have been mentored by him, and to have supported him in some of his darkest hours, including the more recent ones.... Thank you Mike for all of the truth you courageously exposed and for the legacy of truth-telling you left us. Goodbye my friend. Your memory will live in hour hearts forever.'

Dozens of fans left tributes to Mr Ruppert on his Facebook profile page.

Attempts by MailOnline to confirm Mr Ruppert's suicide were unsuccessful.

42 West, the New York publicity department for his 2009 documentary Collapse hung up the phone when contacted while the Milwaukee production office could offer no information.

Attempts to contact author Carolyn Baker were so far unsuccessful.

Phone numbers connected to Mr Ruppert's businesses were disconnected.

Max Mogren, who worked with Mr Ruppert for 15 months between 2011 and 2012, could not confirm his death today but said that a lot of his former colleagues' close friends had posted messages of condolence online.

Mr Mogren told MailOnline today that Mr Ruppert was very passionate and very committed to his work.

Mr Mogren said: 'He believed what he believed. All of his work was motivated by his love of humanity.'

After leaving the LAPD, Mr Ruppert started a website From The Wilderness which claimed to expose government corruption. It included his claims that he had seen drug-dealing at the CIA.

Mr Ruppert gained notoriety by confronting
then-CIA Director John Deutch during a meeting in 1995 and telling him that he had seen CIA officers involved in drug-dealing.

He later claimed on his website that the CIA and American government was involved in 9/11.

In 2004, he published Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.

The book alleged than former VP Dick Cheney had conspired with Wall Street and other government officials over the September 11 World Trade Center attacks.

In 2009, he starred in a documentary called Collapse where he spoke about his theories involving the demise of mankind following the economic and energy crises.

His work was not without detractors. Many claimed that the investigator only used partial sources to qualify his work. Activist and writer Norman Solomon wrote: 'Some of the problem is in how he characterizes news reports. These citations can be narrowly factual yet presented in a misleading way. Yes, such-and-such newspaper reported that thus-and-so claim was made by so-and-so. The paper reported on the claim, but that doesn't mean the claim is true.'

Mr Ruppert had recently moved to the Rocky Mountains.

He is survived by his partner Jesse Re.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby Laodicean » Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:43 am

From Wesley Miller at (comment section):

WesleyMiller 2014-04-15 07:54
I can confirm after to speaking with the Napa County Sheriff's Office that yes, Micheal C. Ruppert is dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. 100% confirmed.

I will be going to investigate the circumstances of MCR's death in person to confirm the facts, but I can tell you without equivocation that MCR had discussed taking his own life on more than one occasion, with me and with other people. His suicidal ideation exists on video and in writing, which I will produce in the days ahead to quiet the noise and speculation. But first, I want to see the facts for myself, as Mike and I promised each other we would do for each other under these kind of circumstances. I am a former prosecutor, I've been to my share of autopsies, and if there was/is anything nefarious about Mike's death, I will know it, and report it.

Right now, I am just very, very sad... - Wes


# WesleyMiller 2014-04-15 15:28
Just spoke to the coroner's office. The autopsy is being performed this morning, so there is no way I can be there. They will be sending me the coroner's report later today, followed by the complete autopsy results (with toxicology, etc.) within a few months. I will report it here directly as those reports come in.

I also spoke with the man who found MCR's body. He was a friend of Mike's whom I had met several years ago in Sebastopol. There was no question about it being a suicide - it was all planned out by MCR. MCR used a Glock 30 .45 caliber pistol and shot himself in the head. It hurts me even more because I recommended that gun to him (it's my carry gun) and I even gave him a quick-draw holster for it on MCR's birthday a few years ago. Yes, I am still very emotional about all...

Wes ... ed-suicide
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eye often dream of heaven

Postby IanEye » Wed Apr 16, 2014 6:43 am


he used to stay so strong unafraid to die
unafraid of the death that left me hypnotized

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Re: Ruppert died

Postby self&steam » Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:19 am

It feels strange this is my first post here (I joined years ago) but I am compelled to say something about his passing since I grew up around people with the same spiritual 'thumbprint' as this man. It feels disturbingly familiar, anyway. I think he laboured under self-esteem so compromised that the only way he felt he existed was by observing the reactions he elicited in others. I don't think he had a sense of self outside of satisfying this need. When the attention began to diminish, he felt diminished and reacted by mounting an increasingly desperate campaign of self aggrandisement. Every video I saw since his return from self-exile in Venezuela made me cringe. The misery, anger and frustration rolled off him like a bad smell. He was the definition of a self-loathing narcissist and a cautionary tale for anyone seeking self-worth in the public eye. Trying to reclaim the attention generated by confronting Deutch and publishing Crossing the Rubicon and seeing it dissipate over the years must have been like trying to squeeze a fistful of water.

Included among his last messages was this quote: "I will be offline much of next week but will be checking emails. At 8 AM tomorrow a chauffeured town car will be picking me up from my 26 foot trailer in a very nice junkyard (with a garden) to take me to the Santa Rosa airport for a flight to Seattle where I will be until late Thursday. I'll be staying in a nice room at a Marriott. Don't ya just love the image?"

For myself, the passive-agressive subtext throughout is, "twenty-six foot trailer in a junkyard - staying in a Marriott - back to the junkyard on thursday - how did I come to this? I am better than this. How can I get back what I once had? Isn't it fascinating how much I suffer? Aren't you as fascinated with me as me? Hello? Hello?"

By the end, he literally could not get arrested. When no one cared enough to talk about him, he did it himself, and at great length. When no one even cared enough to have him killed, he did that himself, as well. He was a product he no longer knew how to market. He was entirely dependent upon creating a reaction in other people in order to feel alive. I cannot imagine how lonely he must have felt in his own company. Even his dog appeared to need a break and took off for a few days.

He's one of the saddest stories I have ever observed. I grieve for him in the same way I grieve for any addict and feel certain he is in a better place now, but even more do I grieve for all the people who tried to keep him alive and help him create a sense of purpose and peace, gave him shelter and succor. People who demand the attention of the world in order to feel alive will never settle for the hoop-jumping ministrations of a handful of caretakers, and I can guess that helping Mr Ruppert feel alive was beyond a full-time job towards the end. My heart now goes out to the people who tried to help: please don’t feel too bad for too long and in future, it may serve you to invest your energy in something or someone with a better rate of return. Sometimes it really is better to see a lost cause and let it stay lost.
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they don't mind, but they oughta

Postby IanEye » Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:47 am

self&steam » Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:19 am wrote:Sometimes it really is better to see a lost cause and let it stay lost.

is it as easy as it may seem?
just remember, yer self is steam.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby KUAN » Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:00 am


Damned fine first post self&steam - Welcome

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Re: Ruppert died

Postby RocketMan » Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:50 am

self&steam » Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:19 pm wrote:It feels strange this is my first post here (I joined years ago) but I am compelled to say something about his passing since I grew up around people with the same spiritual 'thumbprint' as this man. It feels disturbingly familiar, anyway. I think he laboured under self-esteem so compromised that the only way he felt he existed was by observing the reactions he elicited in others. I don't think he had a sense of self outside of satisfying this need. When the attention began to diminish, he felt diminished and reacted by mounting an increasingly desperate campaign of self aggrandisement. Every video I saw since his return from self-exile in Venezuela made me cringe. The misery, anger and frustration rolled off him like a bad smell. He was the definition of a self-loathing narcissist and a cautionary tale for anyone seeking self-worth in the public eye. Trying to reclaim the attention generated by confronting Deutch and publishing Crossing the Rubicon and seeing it dissipate over the years must have been like trying to squeeze a fistful of water.

Included among his last messages was this quote: "I will be offline much of next week but will be checking emails. At 8 AM tomorrow a chauffeured town car will be picking me up from my 26 foot trailer in a very nice junkyard (with a garden) to take me to the Santa Rosa airport for a flight to Seattle where I will be until late Thursday. I'll be staying in a nice room at a Marriott. Don't ya just love the image?"

For myself, the passive-agressive subtext throughout is, "twenty-six foot trailer in a junkyard - staying in a Marriott - back to the junkyard on thursday - how did I come to this? I am better than this. How can I get back what I once had? Isn't it fascinating how much I suffer? Aren't you as fascinated with me as me? Hello? Hello?"

By the end, he literally could not get arrested. When no one cared enough to talk about him, he did it himself, and at great length. When no one even cared enough to have him killed, he did that himself, as well. He was a product he no longer knew how to market. He was entirely dependent upon creating a reaction in other people in order to feel alive. I cannot imagine how lonely he must have felt in his own company. Even his dog appeared to need a break and took off for a few days.

He's one of the saddest stories I have ever observed. I grieve for him in the same way I grieve for any addict and feel certain he is in a better place now, but even more do I grieve for all the people who tried to keep him alive and help him create a sense of purpose and peace, gave him shelter and succor. People who demand the attention of the world in order to feel alive will never settle for the hoop-jumping ministrations of a handful of caretakers, and I can guess that helping Mr Ruppert feel alive was beyond a full-time job towards the end. My heart now goes out to the people who tried to help: please don’t feel too bad for too long and in future, it may serve you to invest your energy in something or someone with a better rate of return. Sometimes it really is better to see a lost cause and let it stay lost.

Wow. This resonates on so many levels, what great writing. Thank you! Reading this I now realize I have someone (or several someones) like Ruppert in my own life, though not equipped with quite the same blistering intelligence. Thankfully I've already disengaged from them to some degree, but these are excellent words of warning. If it feels that someone is taking from you more than they are giving back, time to step back and reassess, IMMEDIATELY. This was especially beautifully put:

I grieve for him in the same way I grieve for any addict and feel certain he is in a better place now, but even more do I grieve for all the people who tried to keep him alive and help him create a sense of purpose and peace, gave him shelter and succor. People who demand the attention of the world in order to feel alive will never settle for the hoop-jumping ministrations of a handful of caretakers, and I can guess that helping Mr Ruppert feel alive was beyond a full-time job towards the end. My heart now goes out to the people who tried to help: please don’t feel too bad for too long and in future, it may serve you to invest your energy in something or someone with a better rate of return.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby semper occultus » Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:01 am

...trying to earn a living as a freelance "conspiracy theorist" navigating the great rabbit-hole is like taking a side-order of arsenic with your hemlock.....a toxic combinaton of stress-factors...
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby self&steam » Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:13 am

KUAN » Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:00 pm wrote:^^^

Damned fine first post self&steam - Welcome


thank you for the warm welcome, KUAN and RocketMan, and for the video-ply, IanEye.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby bks » Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:45 am

Thanks for putting into words some of what I felt about the man, S&S.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby mulebone » Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:24 am

I think he laboured under self-esteem so compromised that the only way he felt he existed was by observing the reactions he elicited in others.

Don't you think our pop culture machine is completely fueled by people who could be described in the much the same way. In fact, our "society" eats people like this for breakfast. Then, when they end badly, we tsk tsk & weep crocodile tears right up until we find our next meal & the process begins all over again.

He was a product he no longer knew how to market.

Now, with oodles & oodles of "reality" TV shows on the dial, don't you think that there are legions of folk like Mike. Farrah Abraham comes to mind. Teen mom turned anal sex queen & TV rehab diva. I don't see her end being much different than Mike's. Then you have the Interbutt, where Youtube is overflowing with self esteem damaged narcissists who will post anything, no matter how embarrassing, in order to get the world's attention. It's funny how the world is always willing to oblige them. For a minute or two. It's the voyeur/exhibitionist tango that everyone loves so much.

One small whiff of fame & attention seems to be more addictive than crack.
Well Robert Moore went down heavy
With a crash upon the floor
And over to his thrashin' body
Betty Coltrane she did crawl.
She put the gun to the back of his head
And pulled the trigger once more
And blew his brains out
All over the table.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby Project Willow » Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:45 am

Thanks very much for that post S&S.

I think the degradation and fragmentation of community, the loss of more intimate public places where one could be known beyond a constructed, projected image, contributes to this scenario. The subtle and not so subtle correction that can happen through direct relationship is lost and confounded by the illusion of connection through media, as you point out Mulebone.

PW wrote:Not in any position to know much of anything but my gut says, uh-huh, sure, ya betcha, as in ... nope.

I really did not know enough to be making a comment like that, except that in the back of my mind there's still a suspicion that Ruppert was under some hidden pressure. A decade later and I can't shake the image of the throng of network perps at his lecture. *Shivers*
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby 82_28 » Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:03 pm

The "real" conspiracy here is why you never posted or commented all these years S&S! Great comment and welcome!

I never read Crossing the Rubicon, but my dad did and it changed him. He no longer scoffs at my deep speculations as to the nature of industrial psychic manipulation. Ruppert did that for him. Is that a good thing, I don't know. But he for one now no longer scoffs at the crazy ideas I spout endlessly.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby slimmouse » Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:08 pm

operator kos » 15 Apr 2014 23:00 wrote:Extremely well said, Searcher. Agree, agree, agree.

Also, fuck Raw Story and the shills there who had to end their article about him with the vacuous dig from David Corn. Even if you don't agree with him, show some basic decency and respect.

What else should you expect from Corn?

He was a guy who Ruppert named as CIA.

Its not hard to have sympathy with Ruppert on that belief.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby Gashweir » Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:29 pm

Some nice insights there Self&Steam. I would add that I think he sincerely tried to do the right thing, tried to wake people up to the crime and corruption that he directly witnessed, tried to make the world a better place, and ultimately was confronted by the fact that he had not made any noticeable difference.

Crossing the Rubicon was a very valuable book, though not without its flaws, and could have been the starting point for a mass recognition of the gulf between the myth and reality of American foreign policy, but in the end didn't fundamentally change a thing. I think he sincerely believed and hoped, despite all his experience, that Crossing the Rubicon would cause a mass awakening in this Country. And when it did not, he was left to watch the Empire grind ever onward without even the minutest pause, to the end result of human extinction. I think this knowledge, combined combined with his loss of self worth for the reasons you suggest, were too much for him to bear. I think it would be too much for many people.

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