Ruppert died

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Re: Ruppert died

Postby 82_28 » Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:31 pm

Corn was "clearly" in place for the "new-ness" of our new world we inhabit. He was there to rope in the few million Nation readers at the time that they decided to act. They needed someone to carry the water for the left. Who didn't, on the left, in the late 90's subscribe to The Nation and The New Republic? You just had to.

I graduated onto Harper's and found much thoughtful wealth there. Then I found RI and the other people who saw through this shit from the very beginning.

Isn't it funny that a few days after 9/11 the movie American Pie was played without commercials in order to "cheer the country up" after they had exhausted their wall to wall "coverage"?

The year before, I walked out of that movie in the theater because I found it disrespectful to all entities.

Remember too, that this all came on the heels of The Blair Witch Project in which many people totally thought that shit was real. I went into that movie and left going "what the fuck were you thinking?" To my friends who said, "bro, you gotta see this -- it's totally real".

This era is a good place to discover the machinations and observe them when they became live.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby self&steam » Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:23 pm

82_28 » Wed Apr 16, 2014 6:03 pm wrote:The "real" conspiracy here is why you never posted or commented all these years S&S! Great comment and welcome!

I never read Crossing the Rubicon, but my dad did and it changed him. He no longer scoffs at my deep speculations as to the nature of industrial psychic manipulation. Ruppert did that for him. Is that a good thing, I don't know. But he for one now no longer scoffs at the crazy ideas I spout endlessly.

Thank you, you are very kind.

Ruppert changed a lot of people, your dad included. Me included. Probably, the bloke down the road included. The tragedy: even if he had been able to sense the changes he wrought in your father - to set but one example - I don’t think that would have been enough for him. He needed more.

So what did Ruppert really want? The big house, the big car, the hookers and cocaine, the Oscar, the Pulitzer? The groupies? The guest appearances, lecture fees and pundit paycheques? Who knows? I suspect he wanted to appear to the world to not need those things while all the time craving those things and becoming increasingly frustrated the longer those things did not appear. Like most energetically disrupted entities, I suspect he was split down the centre between what he desired and how he demanded to be seen by the world. Narcissists do not see other people, they see mirrors.

When he checked out of America like a teenager flouncing out and slamming the door, he eventually emerged from his room to discover the rest of the family had packed up and moved out of the house. He spent his remaining years hammering together with borrowed nails a wobbly relevance that supported only him. He died alone in the truest sense of the term. Thinking about it makes my blood run cold.

If the Internet has shown me anything, it is the ephemeral solidity of fashion and the fleeting nature of the human attention span. Ruppert was a dinosaur still yammering on about counting coup twenty years ago and dressing up his hunger and anger in the rags of environmental concerns, a desultory flirtation with native American spirituality and the abiding love he held for the dog he left behind.

My comment at the end of my initial post regarding lost causes better off left lost was knowledge purchased by me at great cost. Just like you and just like me, Ruppert was a sovereign soul, and being a sovereign anything implies choice. Someone discovering they have lost their way is one thing, it’s a human thing; staying lost is a choice.

Regarding the caretakers who hung on till the bitter end, I am sad when I think of what they must be going through now. Myself, I have limited patience with those who choose to self-destruct, but you who are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to attempt to quicken another person's happiness, I salute you, I really do. What worries me is that I have never met any saviour who is actually satisfied with the lifestyle choice, and they often end up imploding. It happened to me, at any rate. What brought me back to health was seeing everything in terms of a transaction; whether temporal or spiritual, I figured out what my time and energy are worth and I subsequently never sell myself short.

I leave lost causes to find their own way now because I think we are all eternal and that self-destructive people and the people who try to save them are at some stage in the evolution of their souls. Regarding the eternal viability of the soul, this either may or may not be true, but I choose to live as though it is.

Saviours are like buses, there will be another one along in a few minutes, and the people demanding to be saved know this, and are just patient enough to wait for the next one to chunter along.

Project Willow mentioned the possibility of skullduggerosity, but I am convinced that even if he did not actually pull the trigger, he was still on a collision heading with death.

I’m not sure anyone who commits suicide actually wants to die, they really just want to kill their pain, and in lieu of that, they settle for death, but I choose to believe it’s not the end. I choose to believe that Ruppert changed me, too, by setting an example of behaviour that I simply never want to emulate.

It’s a gift, everything he put himself through, and I feel it in my bones that his soul finally knows that the gift of his example is enough and that, at the end of his day, he did okay.

Still, though, the human man was a white-hot mess.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby 82_28 » Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:36 pm

You are a brilliant writer with fantastic insight, S&S. We can all write here, but I wish to welcome you and you will make (are making) a great contribution to our "who knows" family. Keep it coming!
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby Laodicean » Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:30 pm

Myself, I have limited patience with those who choose to self-destruct...

And this statement, sentiment, and intention expressed is what Michael Ruppert tried to convey to the world. We are choosing to self destruct. It is a choice. He did not have the patience either to watch humanity's self destruction, in doing so showing us his own. The mirror, indeed.

There's a tinge of bitterness to your sweet writing. I think Ruppert planted a seed that is so desperately trying to take root. I hope we're all still around to see the compassionate, more loving and equal "playing field" Ruppert hopefully envisioned humanity could be before pulling the trigger. The man had more love than can currently go around.

God bless tortured souls, until the day they're no longer needed.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby self&steam » Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:21 pm

82_28 » Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:36 pm wrote:You are a brilliant writer with fantastic insight, S&S. We can all write here, but I wish to welcome you and you will make (are making) a great contribution to our "who knows" family. Keep it coming!

I'm just jazzed to be on the show. :thumbsup
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby stillrobertpaulsen » Wed Apr 16, 2014 6:13 pm

Laodicean » Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:43 am wrote:From Wesley Miller at (comment section):

# WesleyMiller 2014-04-15 15:28
Just spoke to the coroner's office. The autopsy is being performed this morning, so there is no way I can be there. They will be sending me the coroner's report later today, followed by the complete autopsy results (with toxicology, etc.) within a few months. I will report it here directly as those reports come in. ... ed-suicide

Just want to add it would not surprise me, when the autopsy/toxicology results come in, if Mike was suffering from something terminal or potentially terminal. The only question then would be if it was contracted through years of smoking or through poisoning effects from his time in Venezuela. Not that I don't think he had the potential to kill himself without that motivation, but that could have been the final thorn in his side that prompted this.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby Laodicean » Wed Apr 16, 2014 6:38 pm

Have to say changed my life during that time, I must say. I can empathize with Ruppert. "We can do something about this shit!" Then all of a sudden Obama was elected.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby JackRiddler » Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:00 pm

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Re: Ruppert died

Postby JackRiddler » Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:04 pm

Jamey Hecht on his Facebook page wrote:John Judge is dead, apparently of a stroke. He and Mike Ruppert (who killed himself Sunday) were two of the most important political dissidents in the USA. They were two activists (very different, but each very deep in learning and achievement) whose subject was the real workings of power in this country, including forbidden subjects like the right's use of murder as a tool of politics, as per 11/22/63, 4/4/68, 6/5/68, 9/11/01, and so on. They were personal friends of mine and the bitter coincidence of their deaths so close in the calendar makes it harder to deal with. Below is a note about John Judge from former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, for whom he worked.


Cynthia McKinney wrote:Ya'll say that I'm strong, but my strength is being tested right now. Even the strong need to lean on the people around them sometimes. Now is that time for me. It is with even great sadness that I report to you the loss of my dear, dear, dear, dear friend John Judge of the 9/11 Truth Community. If ever there was a loyal friend to me, it was John Judge. ... -hits-hard

Jamey Hecht wrote:A friend of mine, Michael C. Ruppert, took his own life this weekend. I feel sad. I wish he hadn't done it, and that we could've talked before he made this decision, but that's not how it happened. He's a big part of why I moved to Los Angeles ten years ago. I miss him. He was unique.

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Re: Ruppert died

Postby JackRiddler » Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:07 pm

Cynthia McKinney on her FB page wrote:
OMGosh, Mike Ruppert was my very very best friend. OMGosh, he wrote the foreword in my book, "Ain't Nothing Like Freedom." OMGosh, Mike Ruppert has always been with me, even when we were not together. OMGosh, April 13, 2014 was the last day this man was physically on this earth. What a huge loss . . .

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Re: Ruppert died

Postby Searcher08 » Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:08 pm

Thank you for those, JR
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby justdrew » Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:27 pm

fuck, I don't know. I saw him speak early in Portland ~2002 - 2003? I bought a VHS tape if that dates it at all :wink:

I listened to the last show mp3. Pretty damn doom laden. I'm not exactly clear on what they were talking about regarding 'hospice' planning, sounded like they were talking about 'end of the world' parties in anticipation of. Someone with more gumption should check this out, I'd like to not see a bunch of repetitions of what this sorta looks like. We do not need a wave of suicide parties sweeping the world.

it's possible this was not voluntary, but we'll never know for sure. so just deal with the minimal known facts. could well be there was a diagnosis, he MIGHT kinda look a little cancery, but again, we may never know, I can also think he looked very healthy. I can't really think he sounded like someone who was about to kill themselves though. A non-voluntary suicide might work best if the target is only given a very short duration to make the decision to protect the threatened.
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Re: secretly canadian - eye don't know either

Postby IanEye » Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:36 pm

justdrew » Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:27 pm wrote:fuck, I don't know.
I bought a VHS tape if that dates it at all :wink:

I listened to the last show mp3.

I can't really think he sounded like someone who was about to kill themselves though


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Re: Ruppert died

Postby Hammer of Los » Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:11 am

I ain't even lookin' at the details of the story.

No one wants to be in the xhairs.

I think Mike was a good man.

It is certainly at least as bad a thing to hurt yourself as it is to hurt another.

I always shudder when I hear people tell me tells of their self harm.

And suicide is unspeakable.

I daresay most folk know someone who ended their lives in despair.

That is never the right way.

We all know that.

Stay safe.

Take care of yourselves.
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Re: Ruppert died

Postby 2012 Countdown » Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:23 am

This news of Mr Ruppert brings me to post, to pay my respects to him. Jeffs Coincidence & Rupperts 'Truth and Lies of 9/11' were my first exposures. That DVD of him going through all the financial and market aspects of 9/11. WOW. Then later, the military aspects.

Tortured soul, thank you, his name was Michael Ruppert.
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