Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2014

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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby Nordic » Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:59 pm

Good point. They have declared themselves as powerful as Santa Claus over children.

Treating us like children in the process.

I've always wondered in the back of my mind if that's what "Snowden" is really all about. Snowed in. Trapped.

I know people think I'm nuts but I also wondered about Bradley "Manning" too, if that whole thing wasn't a psyop in the same fashion.
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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby nashvillebrook » Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:09 pm

Something that leaped out at me -- so many other movies promo'd on posters and in trailers featured "imminent collapse" themes. Our dominant narrative is the end of the world is upon us. It's in science fiction, thrillers, supernatural thrillers, xtian bullshit movies, and comedies. The end of the world can have plagues, tech failure, environmental collapse, asteroids, monsters, or just greed. So, it was good to see a story of how collapse is interrupted. Captain America is allowed to be unironic and things don't have to go all the way to hell before people fight back. I'm down.

In terms of "being allowed" to say what is painfully obvious (that mass surveillance + assassination drones = cultural/ethnic cleansing), I have no doubt that there are people stupid and smart enough to let that cat out of the bag. "Yes, they have a kill list. No, you can't crash at my place." These are good stories, why wouldn't they want to tell these stories? It could totally be a fluke, or the power of the Marvel brand that allows some of these ideas out in public.

Or, it might be that the cultural tide is shifting and it's being reflected back to us.

At any rate, the movie spoke to my inner mid-life crisis. "Do I stay on this corrupt and sinking ship, or do I cast off on my own and/or fix something?" I felt a little manipulated in that, but whatever.
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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby brekin » Sun Apr 20, 2014 8:21 pm

Finally saw it. I think it is good, albeit 40 minutes could have been shaved off without effecting the story or flow. But I don't think it is altogether much of an expose or conspiracy buster in the genre.

First, "the conspiracy" is not much of a deep state one, but more of a shallow state one. They flirted with Shield being basically to the core a rotten crypto-nazi org, but the vast majority of people employed by Shield weren't in on it and when they found out, resisted. A handful (or a softball teams worth) of rogue agents working from within with the aid of few well heeled collaborators isn't the Third Reich rising but your typical action movie plot starter. And all the old heroes, Stark's old man, Bucky, etc were either not in on the grand conspiracy or victim's of it. A small org that have a few (just a few, because remember the system is good after all) of well placed baddies is a pretty shallow state conspiracy even if they are in positions of power and are far reaching. The film would have been ground breaking if:

1. The president is in on it. (And not a clone or someone in disguise, but the actual president. In Capt. A 2 he is on the kill list.)
2. The council that Redford holds hostage is on it.
3. Other orgs are in on it.

I'll give the Hydra-conspiracy credit that they did have the long game down. But the conspiracy was too isolated and limited in power to be much of deep state one, and more of an attempted deep state one. Real conspiracy's use their real power to get and maintain control and cover their tracks. Hydra is a self professed parasite inside the power structure that doesn't really ever or more than briefly take control or manipulate the host. Granted, they do eliminate those in Shield who come in their way and create havoc around the globe- but ultimately this is all put on an old Nazi computer.
That's the equivalent of blaming a great percentage of traffic fatalities on an evil traffic algorithm and a handful of transportation engineers. The power structure doesn't know that the old Nazi computer is moon lighting on rebooting the Third Reich. If the President or Fury did know, but made allowances because of mutual results then that would have been more compelling and more of complex conspiracy consideration. Instead they both can throw up their hands and cry "We didn't know he was going to stay Nazi!" It is hard to have a vast conspiracy when the plot provides the plausible deniabilty of a secret Nazi computer chugging away in the darkness faxing out work orders that are responsible for most of the disorder around the world. I loved the aesthetic though.

This film really just used a homeopathic dose of deep state conspiracy to pull in the demographic of R.I. inclined peeps as well as the popular core. And ultimately it just re-legitimizes the current structure without any real criticism or analysis.Captain America was really well done and almost thoughtful in places, but I think it covered as much revolutionary road as G.I. Joe 2. The giant drones were a nice wrinkle, but really they are equivalent of the old trope of nuclear missiles pointed at the big cities. But they inadvertently bring up some crazy questions. First, it assumes those selected are those who are going to bring "disorder", Redford doesn't specify if these are future Unabombers to be eliminated or people who would canvass against Hydra if they took power, but the assumption is that those not eliminated from the sky are going to be fine with their friends, family and co-workers machined gun down next to them. Unless the floating ships are up in the sky permanently in much greater numbers than the original three they aren't going to be able to pacify a population that has revolted because 1 out of 4 or 1 out 8 of the population have been machined gun down. It begs the question of how do you rule over a population that is fine with mass executions unless they are ok with it? I could see trying to subdue a population with the always floating ships and a every growing kill list, but in the film they don't have the numbers for the ships and are assuming on, I guess, somehow a super "get tough on crime" up swell from the remaining population which isn't a great statement about the perceived human nature of the U.S. public.

The ending is where the status quo hand is played. Scarlett Johansens character is a war criminal with a war crimes pedigree that is so bad that its used as virtual blackmail against her if she tries to go Snowden. And tellingly, her crimes are so verboten that the audience isn't told either because we'd probably realize we'd been cheering on a spandex clad former facist who has done high crimes along the lines of Hydra. She at the congressional inquest (which remember would be the equivalent of The Church Committee) tells them to fuck off and arrest her, but that they know they won't because they know they need people like her. See what is happening here is she's actually stating the real conspiracy. U.S. Democracy is addicted to using deep state political tools to maintain power which undermines real democracy. Johansen is saying there's going to be more Project Paper Clips and MKultra's and Shield black book orgs because they are efficient and successful while the usual slow process of transparency, debate and following the law is just too slow and cumbersome. The ghost of Robert Redford's ghost can be heard screaming in the background "That was what I was pushing, remember!" at this point because remember that was his ethos all along. It just seems the flying gun ships were too PC when what people wanted was the Mac version of outside of the law, clandestine kill lists performed in a more organic, hands on way with super heroes knocking down the door and bringing "justice" to those who have been tagged fair game outside the constitution.

And even more laughingly, while Shield it seems is disbanded we see all the former employees go to work for, wait for it,... THE C.I.A & "benevolent" defense contractors like Stark industries which remember helped make the giant drone Hindenburgs with millions long kill lists in the first place. This further validates the ptb because the C.I.A. and corporations like Stark (Haliburton) are legitimized as seeming to be not in league or the equivalent to the Hydra cell in Shield at all. How is this revelatory or genre-defying at all? This is the equivalent of flashing on the screen to millions of viewers "God Bless The C.I.A. & Haliburton." That there remains remnants of Hydra that Fury is going to track down only increases paranoia and the Orwellian sense of having to constantly watch and investigate others.

As the system evolves the message is adapted. Captain America 2 is just Top Gun for 2014. Both were fun popcorn propaganda but there is nothing revolutionary in them. Captain America 2 intentionally or not, for all its circulations goes out of its way to reinforce the status quo. It could have been made by Leni Riefenstahl really.
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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:56 pm

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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby MayDay » Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:58 pm

I nominate 8bit- most RI member ever.

Seriously, though, this shit rots the brain. Remember to get your ten dollars worth of toxic popcorn to go along with the show.
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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby JackRiddler » Sun Apr 27, 2014 4:01 pm

Nordic » Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:59 pm wrote:I've always wondered in the back of my mind if that's what "Snowden" is really all about. Snowed in. Trapped.

I know people think I'm nuts but I also wondered about Bradley "Manning" too, if that whole thing wasn't a psyop in the same fashion.

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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby Rory » Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:32 pm

@Brekin - you love this shite but hate True Detective?

You're a perverse man
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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby brekin » Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:29 pm

Rory » Sun Apr 27, 2014 4:32 pm wrote:@Brekin - you love this shite but hate True Detective?

You're a perverse man

I'll except your definition, only so far as my thoughts on True Detective and Captain America are contrary to the accepted or expected standard or practice. But no farther. And if you read my thoughts on Captain America it is more nuanced then a "loved this shite" or even Face Book "Like." But as Bukowski said, its all shit, but its either hot or cold shit. So yes, for me The captain, hot shit, True Detective, cold shit.

See, I have a strong aversion to pretenders.Captain America made gestures to dabble in the conspiracy realm but really never stopped being what he was from day one: America's version of the Aryan Ubermensch perfect soldier. In many ways Captain America is too pure, sweet and dumb to be entangled in complexity for too long and that is why everyone has to protect him from his own knowledge of how bad his paymasters are. That is why he's America's hero. He's perennially innocent of the darkness he represents. While True Detective was a Yellow King pretender to the throne of earnest conspiracy and occult investigation that drove up to the house of elite organized ritual abuse and never got out of the car. While Rust said, let's dive deep down into the darkness and untangle the complexity of the octopus of elite occult and conspiratorial power and wrestle it up to the surface.

See I can enjoy Captain America, even though it never ends up challenging the standard narrative, because its use of actual conspiracies is daring. Captain America could have made just as much money, and probably more, if it stayed away from Project Paper Clip, long entrenched Intelligence Agency dominance by coup, MKultra, allusions to killer drones, kill lists, Snowden, etc. In its feeble way it was like Captain Planet doing a show about Global Warming or dioxins and using actual valid material that was delivered in a cartoonish medium without completely distorting it.

True Detective was the complete opposite. It created a earnest exploration of very disturbing real life material that hadn't been handled or showcased in a wide or intelligent way-- and ultimately cartoonized it with its "that's all folks" and philosophy for dummies ending. Captain America used true conspiracies when it didn't need to and didn't botch the job. True Detective relied solely and wholly on true conspiracies as its whole reason of being and audience draw and bungled it completely. Without the material True Detective was exploring it would have just been another dumb cop show chasing serial killers (which it became basically) with the happy, good guy ending. You can't even argue that it was fulfilling and sticking to its pulp-noir roots, because those genres usually defy the happy pat ending without ambiguity. And don't tell me it was ambiguous. Light and Dark? And the light is winning? (as I believe he mumbled.) You don't get more black and white than that. And dare I say cartoonish.

How about that. I guess I liked Captain America more, because it ultimately was more ambiguous, more complex, more nuanced and not as cartoonish as True Detective was. I guess I like my cartoons to be honest is all. Does that make me a pervert?

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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby Rory » Sun Apr 27, 2014 8:18 pm

Horses for courses, is all. Just astonished that your taste is so,..contrarian.

I liked True Detective because it was good TV. I hated the Captain Avenger Marvel(TM) because it was vapid and risible.

but, Hey ho
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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby brekin » Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:47 pm

Rory wrote:Horses for courses, is all. Just astonished that your taste is so,..contrarian

Ha, if you only knew the half of it. Just how I flow bro.

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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby conniption » Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:54 pm

Thought some might be interested in the film analysis of Jay Dyer who was interviewed by 21st Century Wire back in July:

"In the second hour we’ll be joined by writer and film analyst Jay Dyer to break down two incredible cultural bombshells – ‘twilight language’ and mass psychological conditioning through TV and film, included in one Hollywood film, The Prestige, inspired partly by Nikola Tesla."
21st Century Wire

Jay's Analysis

Captain America 2: Winter Soldier is Real
(embedded links)

By: Jay
April 13, 2014

Film poster. The film was released on 4-4-14.

The new Captain America film is heavily laced with either revelation of the method programming, or genuine artistic rebellion against the corrupt, globalist establishment. The plot is one of the most anti-new world order films I’ve seen, in terms of plot. Granted, Marvel now owned by Disney is 100% establishment, regurgitating decades of Disney mind control, but apparently that doesn’t prevent a positive message to seep out.

Or, from a darker perspective, was the completely revelatory plot of Captain America 2 purposefully released as another middle finger? Does the intentional selection of sentimental old Americana (represented by Captain America) perhaps signal the establishment’s statement they know the truth of the opposition’s side better than the opposition, associating anti-establishment impetus with childish comic book plots? Let us analyze. The plot begins with a French “terrorist” organization hijacking a high-tech SHIELD warship called “The Lemurian Star.” Lemuria is associated with Atlantis in the writings of occultists like Blavatsky and Leadbetter, giving us a clue that the key to interpreting the meaning will be the attempt to restore Atlantis. This false flag attack is designed to frame SHIELD commander, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), disabling the Avengers and Captain America.

The state-sponsored terror is actually led by Hydra, a kind of World War 2 analogue for the Bilderberg Group. Hydra, like Bilderberg, was founded by former Nazis seeking to implement a worldwide technocratic government. Like the actual Bilderberg Group, it has the same goals and motivations, but what was so surprising about Captain America 2 was the revelation of the AI control/kill grid that is Hydra’s real weapon. The Avengers discover that the AI kill grid is put in place to utilize all the data that the government surveillance has captured over the last several decades using complex algorithms that predict who the likely threats will be in the future.

Thumbs up to Natasha Romanov

Predictive algorithmic AI computing is precisely the purpose of the Internet itself, as well as Google and all the other tech monstrosities. The purpose of the Internet itself was always to gather reconnaissance on the masses. The AI grid stores basically everything, and based on the vast information stored at the “data vaults” and warehouses around the globe, information is processed for future predictive accuracy. There is a virtual version of everything happening, with a virtual version of you and me, where tests are run to see the outcome of various scenarios. The reconnaissance is for the ultimate goal of the AI takeover. Films like the Terminator series and Oblivion also have this same plot, but rather than art life imitating art, this is art based on actual Pentagon programs. And just like Skynet is real, so is the Avengers’ version of Skynet, where advanced decapitation and space-based weapons (for removing heads of state) are in place since at least the Star Wars Defense initiative of the late 70s.

As I’ve written before, in the 90s Microsoft and the military planned to have a total Skynet grid in place with directed energy weapons and a microchipped populace that would be under global technocratic rule. The declassified document is still available here at Fas.org. Contrary to Gizmodo’s claim that DARPA “tried” to build skynet in the 80s under SDI, the reality is Skynet was built and is still being built. This is the very heart of the entire new world order plan, and why I say Captain America 2: Winter Soldier is the ultimate conspiracy movie. It is also worth noting that Captain America is from another age – he represents old Americana in the film. He sees the world in the classic bipolar, manichaean scheme that Brzezinski described of the past century, where the “free” West struggles against the “tyrannical” axis and eastern powers.

The film’s title “Winter Soldier” refers to Captain’s old war buddy who was cryogenically frozen by Hydra and resurrected under MKULTRA-style mind control programming to become a mass murdering assassin. Hydra thus intends to use the AI kill grid to set up the “new world order,” the film says, where order will reign over chaos. As all utopian propagandists have sought, the goal was to build the New Atlantis. This is crucial to note, as Sir Francis Bacon, the hermeticist philosopher of the new world (America) predicted the continent would become the “new Atlantis.” It is not accidental that Hydra’s goal of creating the New Atlantis occurs in the Captain America film.

Hydra logo with the Totenkopf and the 666 tentacles.

Hydra’s image is similar to the classic Prussian “Death’s Head,” and the Nazi Totenkopf. Consider as well the Hydra symbol is red for war/bloodshed and has three mirrored tentacles that are reversible “666s.” As the film’s villain Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford) states, “To build a better world requires tearing down the old one.” This is the mantra of the new world order in real life, where “order out of chaos” is the formula used for thesis – antithesis – synthesis dialectics, in order to bring about convergence and change. The convergence and change, however, is not meant for good, but for the destruction of the “weak,” as the social Darwinian plan of manufactured “evolution” marches on. So, does Captain America 2 represent authentic rebellion on the part of some of the artistic establishment? Does it represent more revelation of the method indoctrination, subtly using propaganda and psy ops techniques to lull the unwashed masses into acquiescence, as the technocracy advances on? We will have to wait and see where the next Marvel installments take us, but with Iron Man 3 exposing Bin Laden and Captain America 2 exposing Skynet, things are looking better.
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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby MinM » Sun May 21, 2017 2:06 pm


Angry about Steve Rogers being a Nazi? Consider what you think Captain America represents. http://slate.me/2q6NqRs

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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby Grizzly » Mon May 22, 2017 10:03 pm

fuck D.C., Marvel and Disney CA & The Falcon meant everything to me as a young kid. Those stories really made me think back then, as a young white boy growing up in the deep South for them to introduce a Black Hero was earth shaking, in a good way, back then, it shifted my whole idea of segregation, bussing to black schools, equality for everyone; I had my first real black friend and we made up our own comics and hero's he was my best friend. I have life long sadness from losing his friendship as we grew older. I would have given anything had they had the technology back then that they do now. but the writing / story lines today are blasphemous shit... it was propaganda, then too, but in the lines of being civic minded and pro-American in a way that had some sort of integrity and critical thinking. along the lines of this...

fuck this country now. We are a Nation of Suckers.
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Re: Hail Hydra! Disney's Captain America 2=Most RI Film Of 2

Postby BenDhyan » Wed May 24, 2017 8:18 am

Yes Grizzly, the key is to detach from playing the dualistic game of trying to realize either good or evil in this world as a goal, peace that is beyond verbal expression awaits those who realize the non-dual goal.
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