Just had major UFO Sighting

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Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Mon May 05, 2014 5:18 am

I just had a major sighting and thought you guys would be interested.

First of all, I live in downtown Houston TX (a very big city for those who may not know). This event occurred at about 1:30am earlier this evening, while my gf and I were outside walking our dog.

I'm always looking in the sky, and I noticed a purplish-red colored light in the distance, not too far above the tree/house line. I pointed the light out to my gf, and almost immediately afterwards it began flying in a bizarre manner. It started zig zagging around, and changed colors from purple-red to bluish-green to yellow. The colors followed no discernible pattern. It would move erratically, and then straight up and down, at various speeds from very fast to slow. I said to my gf "That is not normal!!" and we sped up our walk towards the light.

At this point it was very close to the edge of the tree/house line, and I ran across the street into a parking lot to try and get a better view. From there I could see the object again, and now I could see that there was a second object not far from it. This second object had the same lights as the first object, and it was also flying with the same bizarre acrobatics. At one point they actually circled one another very closely, and one of the objects flashed a very bright golden yellow.

I definitely had the impression that they were putting on a show, and I even kind of got the impression of squirrels in mating season or something, like two creatures flirting with one another. They had the same colored lights, but my girlfriend says that she had a distinct impression that they were different sizes.

At this point I decided that I would run home to get my car and my cell phone. My gf decided to wait there, I ran home and when I returned with the car she told me that the objects had both descended below the tree-line shortly after I had left.

We drove down the street to look for them. We drove quite a distance down the street but were unable to see anything. I noticed that there were very few cars on the street, I guess that wasn't too strange considering it was past midnight on a Sunday.

I really hope that there is some report about this tomorrow, this city is huge surely many people saw this.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby RocketMan » Mon May 05, 2014 5:39 am

Wow, thanks for sharing this! Muy interesting.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby semper occultus » Mon May 05, 2014 8:27 am

......swamp gas.....
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Mon May 05, 2014 10:06 am

I wish I'd captured video, you guys wouldn't have believed it - I didn't see the sort of instant acceleration into "light speed" that you read about, but I definitely saw very quick speeds and sharp turns and stopping on a dime. If this was ours, then it was definitely something exotic. According to my gf (who has better eyesight than myself) the second object was larger than the first. I estimate they were larger than a helicopter, but smaller than a plane.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby NeonLX » Mon May 05, 2014 10:09 am

Dang. I never get to see the cool stuff.

You know, if a mommy drone and a daddy drone really love each other, they do a dance that creates a baby drone.

Sorry, lame humor on a dismal Monday morning.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Mon May 05, 2014 10:56 am

NeonLX » Mon May 05, 2014 9:09 am wrote:Dang. I never get to see the cool stuff.

You know, if a mommy drone and a daddy drone really love each other, they do a dance that creates a baby drone.

Sorry, lame humor on a dismal Monday morning.

I'm very surprised I saw it, it seems that the people who are really into UFOs are never the people who have the sightings. I've been kind of a fanatic about the subject since I was a kid. This was just so dramatic and unmistakably extraordinary.

The only somewhat "conventional" thing that these objects could be attributed to is some sort of unmanned remote control drones perhaps, but even then I don't see how that is possible. They were very large and totally silent (pretty low to the ground), zipped around like blinking fireflies and hovered and circled right next to one another, what flying vehicle can do this?

A friend sent me a link to a May 2 UFO report in Houston, 2 objects hovering in the sky with one slightly larger than the other. The two objects we saw last night were also different relative sizes according to my gf (who has better eyesight than myself, they were just lights to me but she could see a bit more detail). Possibly related, I don't know.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby 82_28 » Mon May 05, 2014 11:35 am

I saw something similar a couple of years ago. I think I've related it here somewhere. Who knows where anymore.

Anyhow, I was outside having a smoke and it was about sunset and I was staring up as I always do. There was a stationary light in the sky that I thought was Jupiter, but remembered that I'd seen Jupiter the night before and much later and on a different horizontal plane relative to Earth and Sun. So I puzzled over it standing there -- what could it be? Then I saw this other light streak toward it and stop right beside it. They "hovered" there for about a minute and then the streaking one moved off and then streaked away leaving the stationary one. I ran in to tell the guys to tell me I'm not just "seeing shit" and everyone ran out. I wanted some sort of confirmation, you know? Because I couldn't believe what I saw. So, sure enough they all go out there and now it's gone. But it's true. It happened.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon May 05, 2014 11:50 am


May as well throw in an observation I had years ago that I've (to this point) never conveyed to anyone outside immediate family/friends that's similar to the OP.

I was in my late teens (I'm currently in my later 30s) and was visiting my parents' home in the NYC area. The house (an attached townhouse) had a large glass sliding door that led to a backyard porch.

It was night time; looked out the sliding glass doors and saw out in the distance -- roughly 2-3 miles away but close enough to obtain a clear view of the lights and the object itseld -- an object just "sitting" out there, from my perspective/distance about the size of a lemon. Hovering but utterly still and very quiet, with multi-colored lights seemingly 'revolving' around the perimeter of the object (object itself appeared somewhat oval in shape). No wavering. Just sitting there in the sky. I suddenly had the distinct sensation that it was observing me as I was observing it -- though perhaps it was just my fear F'ing with my brain -- and I temporarily hid behind curtains, and then took several steps away from the sliding doors and behind a wall so I couldn't keep my eyes trained on it (and vice-versa, it [hopefully] couldn't see me).

Debated whether to mention it to others downstairs or try to snag a camera... after a few minutes I did run up and by the time I returned it was gone.

True story. Not a dream. It was there. It existed (in as far as I myself "exist" and am not simply a figment of another's imagination).

Can't think of any 'vessel' or craft that would be able to mimic or replicate such behavior, even with today's improved technology.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Mon May 05, 2014 12:06 pm

Belligerent Savant » Mon May 05, 2014 10:50 am wrote:.

May as well throw in an observation I had years ago that I've (to this point) never conveyed to anyone outside immediate family/friends that's similar to the OP.

I was in my late teens (I'm currently in my later 30s) and was visiting my parents' home in the NYC area. The house (an attached townhouse) had a large glass sliding door that led to a backyard porch.

It was night time; looked out the sliding glass doors and saw out in the distance -- roughly 2-3 miles away but close enough to obtain a clear view of the lights and the object itseld -- an object just "sitting" out there, from my perspective/distance about the size of a lemon. Hovering but utterly still and very quiet, with multi-colored lights seemingly 'revolving' around the perimeter of the object (object itself appeared somewhat oval in shape). No wavering. Just sitting there in the sky. I suddenly had the distinct sensation that it was observing me as I was observing it -- though perhaps it was just my fear F'ing with my brain -- and I temporarily hid behind curtains, and then took several steps away from the sliding doors and behind a wall so I couldn't keep my eyes trained on it (and vice-versa, it [hopefully] couldn't see me).

Debated whether to mention it to others downstairs or try to snag a camera... after a few minutes I did run up and by the time I returned it was gone.

True story. Not a dream. It was there. It existed (in as far as I myself "exist" and am not simply a figment of another's imagination).

Can't think of any 'vessel' or craft that would be able to mimic or replicate such behavior, even with today's improved technology.

Thanks for the story, it actually reminded me of an observation during the sighting. I've often heard impressions like yours from UFO witnesses, that feeling of some sort of connection between their consciousness and the ufo somehow.

I did not get this impression from the event and I remember making note of it. There was no feeling of "altered reality" in any way, my consciousness felt totally normal. I didn't get an impression that the ships knew we were there, but I was actually hoping that they did know we were there so they might fly a little closer and I could get a better look at them.

I think that I was feeling so courageous because I was in the familiar territory of my neighborhood (a large city) and I was with someone else. Because later in the night, around 5am after my gf had fallen asleep, I went back outside in the hopes that I might see something else. I saw nothing, but at that time every little sound was making me jump and I was definitely on edge.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby freemason9 » Mon May 05, 2014 9:31 pm

Chinese lanterns are beautiful.
The real issue is that there is extremely low likelihood that the speculations of the untrained, on a topic almost pathologically riddled by dynamic considerations and feedback effects, will offer anything new.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Mon May 05, 2014 9:47 pm

freemason9 » Mon May 05, 2014 8:31 pm wrote:Chinese lanterns are beautiful.

Trolls are not.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Mon May 05, 2014 9:55 pm

I have to assume that comment was either trolling or a joke, because I think too highly of the general intelligence of the contributors here to consider it as serious.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby Sounder » Mon May 05, 2014 10:57 pm

I wonder if poltergeist activity might be seen as somewhat of an analogue to UFO events. In those cases physical objects are moved around, seemingly as a by-product of psychical ferment of usually adolescent people. If psychical activity can reshape 'fields' around objects with enough energy to move those objects, perhaps also psychical activity plays a role in either 'unmasking' existing objects or making a tulpa or thought object.

A nemonic (unconscious) attempt to show the world as being much more fantastic than we normally take it to be.

It's trite perhaps, but UFO's may come from inner space rather than from outer space or black budget programs.

Or from all three.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby BrandonD » Tue May 06, 2014 3:22 am

Sounder » Mon May 05, 2014 9:57 pm wrote:I wonder if poltergeist activity might be seen as somewhat of an analogue to UFO events. In those cases physical objects are moved around, seemingly as a by-product of psychical ferment of usually adolescent people. If psychical activity can reshape 'fields' around objects with enough energy to move those objects, perhaps also psychical activity plays a role in either 'unmasking' existing objects or making a tulpa or thought object.

A nemonic (unconscious) attempt to show the world as being much more fantastic than we normally take it to be.

It's trite perhaps, but UFO's may come from inner space rather than from outer space or black budget programs.

Or from all three.

If you are implying that I was somehow utilizing imagination to unconsciously or "psychically" embellish what was essentially a pair of conventional flying objects, then I'm afraid you are mistaken. These were huge and bright objects, larger than a helicopter to my estimation, and witnessed by two people in completely sober and ordinary consciousness.

On the other hand, if you are implying that consciousness has a directly interactive role in our perceptions, than I would agree - and I will raise you the idea that this is not in any way limited to UFOs and the "paranormal", but applies to all external perceptions. It only expresses itself most acutely through the UFO because that phenomenon (for whatever reason) continues to defy the boundaries that our inadequate human intellect desperately tries to circumscribe around it.

It did occur to me that these lights (because of their very strange and organic behavior) possibly represented a direct expression of consciousness, rather than the typical mechanical contraption of metal and wires being piloted by a creature at a steering wheel. The objects almost behaved like giant fireflies in the sky, and I wondered how a conventional pilot could so skillfully fly in the dark of night, in such close proximity to another flying object and not crash into it.

I did not, however, get the impression that these objects were in any way connected to my own consciousness or will.

I think we desperately want to tame this UFO problem, like cowboys breaking a wild horse. The problem is, from the perspective of this phenomenon we are not the rider, I think we are the horse. It is an unpleasant position to be in, so we'd prefer to imagine that we are the rider and can patch up all the loose ends.
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Re: Just had major UFO Sighting

Postby justdrew » Tue May 06, 2014 4:40 am

I think it's very odd behavior on the part of the ufos. It's like, we find out about an uncontacted tribe of people, and rather than go talk to them, attempt to establish communication in any way, we project monty python's confuse-a-cat sketch from an overflying airplane, then act surprised they don't respond by performing cheese shop. So why are they behaving in this strange purposely purposeless manner?

possibilities (that would apply to these sort of seemingly not-of-this-earth ufo):
1. acclimatization campaign. Like Jane Goodall, they're just flying by and showing themselves to the primates, until eventually we get used to them flying around and just ignore them. (I might be there :wink: )

2. a pressure tactic against governments that refuse to talk to their public about contact.

3. they're some kind of animal(s)

4. We're a "road side attraction" that travelers from across the galaxies/universe just swing by out of curiosity to gawk at from time to time.

you're sure there's no missing time from when you went back to get the car and...
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