Las Vegas Shooting Spree, June 2014

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Las Vegas Shooting Spree, June 2014

Postby elfismiles » Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:31 pm

EDIT: I have changed the thread title from "Joker Juggalo Slender Man Terrorist" ... it was sensationalistic of me and is based on a loose interpretation of "the facts" as we know them so far. For instance, I've been using the word Juggalo to describe them when I know full-well I've not seen anything indicating that - the initial pic of them in comic character costumes just got me thinking about ICP/Juggalos as a look.

Luther Blissett » 09 Jun 2014 17:22 wrote:This story is absolutely wild, for many of the reasons you posted about Elfismiles. Maybe it deserves its own thread.

elfismiles » 09 Jun 2014 17:00 wrote:
Luther Blissett » 09 Jun 2014 16:16 wrote:Elfismiles - The male suspect in the Las Vegas shooting spree reportedly liked to dress up "as slenderman."

Cosplayers, Juggalos, or "Neo Nazi Socialists"? ... e-neo-Nazi ... ocialists/


Las Vegas Shooters 'were White Supremacists who Wore Comics Costumes'
Umberto Bacchi
By Umberto Bacchi
June 9, 2014 12:35 BST

A neighbour said the man would often disguise himself as the Joker from Batman or the fictional character Slender Man while the woman would dress up as Harley Quinn. ... es-1451884

conniption » 09 Jun 2014 00:39 wrote:

Three killed, suspects commit suicide after Las Vegas shooting spree

Published time: June 08, 2014

Two Las Vegas police officers and a civilian have been reportedly killed in a shooting spree that started at a pizza restaurant and spilled over to a neighboring Walmart store. Two suspects – a man and a woman – are reportedly down.

The two shooters have committed suicide, according to police. Suspects told shoppers they were part of a "revolution" and wanted a shootout with Metro police force – and had a "suicide pact." Their bodies were found in the back of the store.

Details are yet to emerge, but police sources told Las Vegas Review-Journalthat the two officers were killed by a man and a woman who approached them at the CiCi’s Pizza just before 11:38 am local time.

As the couple was leaving the restaurant, one yelled “This is the start of a revolution!” witnesses report. The shooters stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and went into the Walmart at 201 North Nellis.

Inside the Walmart, according to another unconfirmed account, the couple exchanged fire with a citizen who was carrying a concealed gun.

At a news conference at 13:00 deputy Sheriff Kevin McMahill told reporters that the male shooter, described as a tall white man, yelled “everyone get out” before shooting in Wallmart. The man and woman then proceed to the back of the store and “there was some kind of suicide pact,” McMahill said.

It was reported the shooters were carrying bags so a bomb squad was called to the scene. It’s unclear at this time if something was found in the bags.

The emergency dispatcher received a call at 11:50 am claiming an armed men with a rifle and a bullet-proof vest was shooting inside the Walmart. An earlier distress call said that police two officers were down in a pizzeria at Nellis Boulevard and Stewart Avenue, where two unidentified assailants reportedly walked up to two policemen and shot them point blank.

The two Metro officers were eating when one person shot one officer in the head while the second person shot the second officer, Channel 8 news reports, citing police sources. Witnesses claim that the suspects took the police officers' gear, saying before they left the restaurant – “tell the police the revolution has begun.”

Police have surrounded the area and ambulances are being summoned to the site. A photographer for News 3 saw three body bags carried out of the store around noon local time on the intersection of North Nellis and Stewart


4 hours ago
Shooters At Las Vegas Walmart Kill 5, Proclaim 'The Revolution Has Begun' (UPDATED) - Bustle
Last edited by elfismiles on Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Joker Juggalo Slender Man Terrorist

Postby stillrobertpaulsen » Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:21 pm

The ironies of being a 21st century right-wing revolutionary are stunningly pathetic.

Jerad Miller outlined his political views, which were largely based on conspiracy theories promoted by Fox News and Alex Jones, in his social media postings, and he posted frequently about firearms and violent revolution.

“We can hope for peace,” he posted June 2. “We must, however, prepare for war. We face an enemy that is not only well funded, but who believe they fight for freedom and justice. Those of us who know the truth and dare speak it, know that the enemy we face are indeed our brothers. Even though they share the same masters as we all do. They fail to recognize the chains that bind them. To stop this oppression, I fear, can only be accomplished with bloodshed.”

A May 28, 2012, post on Jones’ InfoWars site appears to have been made by Jerad Miller, who expressed frustration with his arrest on drug charges and vowed he would rather die than be labeled a criminal.

“I am like a wild coyote,” he wrote, using the user name “Jerad” and a Gadsden flag as his avatar. “You corner me, I will fight to the death.”

He goes on to say he’s “broken hearted” to see other Americans placated by materialism and celebrity worship as they submitted to tyranny.

“So, do I kill cops and make a stand when they come to get me?” the post continues. “I would prefer to die than sit in their jail, when I have done nothing to hurt anyone.”

That post attracted an appreciative comment from another InfoWars user, Amanda, whose profile uses the same maiden name – Woodruff – as Amanda Miller, along with the same birth year and hometown as the shooting suspect.

“Jerad, baby, I love you with all my heart and I’ll stand behind you no matter what,” wrote Amanda, whose avatar appears to be Amanda Miller. “It’s true that its not fair that i can’t have a gun because you live with me. I know its not right that my rights get taken away from me because I live in the same home as you but I would love to see them try and enforce that. My love for you is deep and forever and f-ck what they have to say cause they have no right to do what they say is not right.”

The InfoWars user Amanda also claims the same job — head of the needlepoint department for Hobby Lobby — as Amanda Miller’s Facebook profile.


Jerad Miller also shared a post by David Lory VanDerBeek, the Independent American Party candidate for Nevada governor, that suggested last month’s fatal shooting spree near the University of California, Santa Barbara, was a “false flag” operation enacted by the government to suppress gun rights.

“I see Obama’s Socialist agenda of anti-2nd Amendment, pro-amnesty, Agenda 21 de-industrialization is in trouble,” VanDerBeek posted. “They need to grease the wheels of fear and politicizing a shooting in CA is not going to do it. People become numbed to the politics of shootings.” ... deathwish/

InfoWars Thinks Las Vegas Shooting Is False Flag, 'Custom-Made To Demonize The Patriot Movement'
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 6/9/2014 12:30 pm

Alex Jones’ InfoWars is responding to reports that the Las Vegas shooting of two police officers and one bystander were committed by fringe conspiracy theorists bent on starting a revolution by calling the incident a false flag operation.

The incident is custom-made to demonize the patriot movement. The Southern Poverty Law Center has consistently attempted to forge a link between white supremacists and members of the patriot and constitutional movements.

The murder of two police officers will undoubtedly further polarize law enforcement and turn many of them against the patriot movement. For a large number of police officers, the Gadsden flag will now represent the murder of law enforcement officers.

Evidence shows, however, that calls for violence often comes from government inserted agents provocateurs. The FBI specializes in this sort of behavior. The government has also controlled an infinitesimally small white supremacist movement. This fact was highlighted by the prosecution of white supremacist radio talk show host Hal Turner. ... t-movement
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Re: Joker Juggalo Slender Man Terrorist

Postby JackRiddler » Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:38 pm

Won't be up on FB for long, but these will be making the rounds elsewhere.


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Re: Joker Juggalo Slender Man Terrorist

Postby NeonLX » Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:13 pm

He goes on to say he’s “broken hearted” to see other Americans placated by materialism and celebrity worship as they submitted to tyranny.

Well...this particular issue is the right tree to bark up, at least in my idiotic opinion.

On edit: But we part company on pret'near every other issue.
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Re: Joker Juggalo Slender Man Terrorist

Postby Hunter » Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:11 pm

Is it me or is this shit becoming a little but more common lately? Holy hell, crazy fucking times we live in.

Looking at her and his FB pages. She has some posts about quitting smoking (cigs) and no more drinking pop, eating healthy etc, not your typical meth head stuff. Some have suggested they are meth heads so I was just looking for some evidence of that and I dont see it, I dont know what that means though. He definitely appears kooky and some of his pics he does look strung out, her not as much.

She has a lot of interesting pics on her page including this one captioned on christmas day 2013 "The new books grandma got me."


I have no idea what to make of any of this crap but I am not apt to believe much Alex Jones has to say wrt all these being false flags, I think it is just mostly mentally unstable people who read too much in to the crap posted on those right wing conspiracy sites. There are plenty of conspiracies to read about and believe in you dont need to make shit up out of whole cloth to turn it in to a cottage industry and make a living pushing the crap on everyone who will listen. Some people are just not wired properly and are unable, like most of us, to read that sort of crap, laugh at it or shrug it off and go on with your life and this is the result that we get from such unstable people, IMO.

They both do have a VERY weird fixation with Batman stuff, like really fixated on it all. She also seems to have a good relationship with her family, they dont appear to be a couple of loners, there is lots of loving family interaction on her FB page.

It appears they moved about 3 months ago to Las Vegas from Indiana, she had a job waiting for her there at Hobby Lobby, there is no mention of him working that I can see but I havent really looked that closely yet.

BTW the pic of them dressed up as Joker and HQ above if from her FB page and her comments indicate they work dressed like that as street performers on Fremont in Vegas, so the pic may be slightly misleading but there is no doubt they do have a fixation with it all. However, she does mention that he usually dresses as batman but it was too hot to he was doing joker for now. So, the media will of course make that picture in to something that it may not be, just wanted to clarify that it appears it is a work related photo and it doesnt appear they prance around like that every day like a couple of wackadoos, tho wackadoos they may be anyway, and I see no evidence at all they are Juggalos but again I have not dug all the way yet.
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Re: Joker Juggalo Slender Man Terrorist

Postby Hunter » Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:46 pm

I wanted to add I see nothing at all to indicate they are white supremacist or neo nazi, where do people come up with this. In fact I see several posts of him apologizing to illegal immigrants for the state of our nation nothing insulting towards them, he invites them to rise up with his patriot comrades in fact, she has posts about helping homeless people with blankets, he has several "likes" for politicians running for office who appear to be minorities.

Seems to be this is very irresponsible reporting, if we are going to figure why people do this we need to be honest about who and what they are, I dont claim to know who and what these two are but I dont see any evidence to support what some media are saying they are, then again, I may have missed something.

I see he is a so called 'patriot' he likes guns, he likes Alex Jones, he has the typical anti Obama tea party posts up, she hasnt posted for a few months he posts everyday, but I am not seeing anything WHITE SUPREMACIST or NEO NAZI those are very specific things and being a patriot or gun owner doesnt make one those things. I am not defending any of that crap, I am not in to any of it but calling someone a neo nazi white supremacist means something very specific to me and I DONT SEE IT HERE? AM I MISSING SOMETHING? I am sort of a math guy and like things to add up nicely and they dont seem to be adding up here, I have no doubt they did this and right wing patriot BS may have led them on but again white supremacist neo nazi is a pretty specific ideology THAT IS HARD TO MISS WHEN YOU SEE IT.

He posts this for example:


Is that something a neo nazi WHITE SUPREMACIST would post. I dont see any ravings against Jews, Blacks etc, no N WORD but maybe I have not went far enough in to his TL?
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Re: Joker Juggalo Slender Man Terrorist

Postby stillrobertpaulsen » Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:40 pm


Photos That Complicate the Whole Vegas Shooter Narrative
So the Rude Pundit was a-perusin' Las Vegas cop and Walmart shopper killer Jerad Miller's Facebook page, which is what we do now, obviously. Miller and his wife, Amanda, who understood privacy settings on Facebook a little better than her husband, went full tea-rrorist, shooting two cops dead at a CiCi's pizza before continuing their murder spree of the places of the damned by heading to Walmart, where Jerad Miller killed a good guy with a gun (so that makes him a dead guy with a gun). Then the couple killed themselves.

The crazy-ass details pouring out are practically a lefty wet-dream of right-wing fucknuts, clinging to their conspiracy theories and guns. They covered the dead cops and their shitty pizza with a Gadsden flag (you know, the "Don't Tread on Me" bullshit that the Tea Party sports everywhere). They had a swastika-emblazoned manifesto they left behind (um, they did realize that the Nazis were all about centralized government control, right?). They said they were starting a "revolution" by killing the two officers, both of whom were family men.

And more: before Vegas, they lived in Lafayette, Indiana, which, if you've ever been there, is a boring, flat, shithole enlivened only by Purdue and meth. Amanda was into needlepoint and Hobby Lobby. Jerad had multiple arrests on his record, and he was all about the chem trails and government control, and he posted on InfoWars (motto: "Jackbooted thugs are knocking on your door now. Shoot! Shoot!") about cop-killing. They dressed up as the Joker and Harley Quinn. In some photos, Amanda is wearing a Batman shirt, so they played both sides of that fictional world.

They had spent time helping Cliven Bundy and his merry band of fee-defying cockknobs. They belonged to a bunch of Facebook groups that are filled with lies, liars, and paranoiacs, everything from Freedomworks to Drudge to Operation American Spring, that group of millions of people who totally took over the government back in May.

And they loved guns and wanted everyone to have access to the weapons that the police had.

That's where the narrative gets just a bit messy. 'Cause, see, here's what the Rude Pundit found a little further down the rabbit's asshole of Jerad Miller's Facebook page:


Huh. In today's New York Times, there's an article about the increasing militarization of local police forces all over the country. "During the Obama administration, according to Pentagon data, police departments have received tens of thousands of machine guns; nearly 200,000 ammunition magazines; thousands of pieces of camouflage and night-vision equipment; and hundreds of silencers, armored cars and aircraft," it reads. That includes mine-resistant vehicles meant for patrolling Kandahar, as well as, well, shit, black helicopters and drones. The use of SWAT teams for stupid shit has increased, too, because you've got all this fancy crap and, fuck, yeah, it's gotta be go time at some point.

Yeah, it turns out that Jerad and Amanda Miller had the same fears of government overreach, specifically by the police, that many on the left have. It turns out that it's not just us wacky progressives who think that the heavy-handedness of law enforcement is turning us into subjects, not citizens. We just happen to keep hoping that voting can change things, not guns. Perhaps we're naive.

Of course, this in no way means that he was "liberal" by any stretch of the word. He was an anti-government, gun-huffing, crazy motherfucker, a scary Skeeter-lookin' son of a bitch who was also pro-marijuana legalization because, hell, everyone is now. He was Rand Paul without the money.

And they were both libertarian terrorists who were filled with terrorist rantings on terrorist websites led by people who seek to activate terrorists, white, domestic terrorists, from whom we have far more to fear than from anyone who prays to Allah.

The irony here is that many of the people who have no problem with the arming of the police have no problem with the arming of the citzenry. Wait, that's not irony. That's slaughter-in-waiting.
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Re: Las Vegas Shooting Spree, June 2014

Postby elfismiles » Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:48 pm

Hunter, etal ... per the edited first post:

EDIT: I have changed the thread title from "Joker Juggalo Slender Man Terrorist" ... it was sensationalistic of me and is based on a loose interpretation of "the facts" as we know them so far. For instance, I've been using the word Juggalo to describe them when I know full-well I've not seen anything indicating that - the initial pic of them in comic character costumes just got me thinking about ICP/Juggalos as a look.
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Re: Las Vegas Shooting Spree, June 2014

Postby Hunter » Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:58 pm

Oh that wasnt directed at you my friend. I know where you were coming from, its the media that is misleading, your intentions were not as such.

I was just really trying to find out what these two were about and they may be many things, but I dont see any racism, white supremacism or them being meth heads but like I said, I may be overlooking some elephant in the room that everyone can see but me? LOL

Thanks for sharing this, it is another interesting case, if you can call it that, I am truly scared for my wife to leave the house anymore.
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Re: Las Vegas Shooting Spree, June 2014

Postby Hunter » Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:07 pm

Looks to me, like a lot of people, this guy is all over the map politically and not easy fit in to any ideology. I had not heard that they left a manifesto but Roberts post above mentions it so we should know more about that soon perhaps.
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Re: Las Vegas Shooting Spree, June 2014

Postby Hunter » Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:20 pm

Some reports saying he didnt even take his own life, he was too cowardly and made his wife shoot him then shoot herself. Now that I can believe. Typical.
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Re: Las Vegas Shooting Spree, June 2014

Postby justdrew » Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:31 pm

she's wearing a HQ tshirt in the christmas photo.

being "really into" a psychopathic murderess character is probably not the best thing
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Re: Las Vegas Shooting Spree, June 2014

Postby Hunter » Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:39 pm

I am not certain of this yet but various posts and comments here and there seem to be painting a picture for me. She commented on Alex Jones site that she was mad that someone (maybe his probabtion officer he registered with when they moved) told her she could not own guns if she lived with him because he was a felon. So it may have came down to her being ordered to get rid of her guns and they decided to go out start some misguided 'revolution' in a blaze of glory but it seems to me right now, that may be the catalyst for this event. They were also kicked off Bundy Ranch because he was a felon, they apparently didnt want the bad press of armed felons running around there LOL, now that is funny!

Jerad Miller was eager to support Bundy, who was confronted by federal officials after years of refusing to pay grazing fees. On April 9, he wrote on Facebook:

I will be supporting Clive Bundy and his family from Federal Government slaughter. This is the next Waco! His ranch is under seige right now! The federal gov is stealing his cattle! Arresting his family and beating on them! We must do something. I will be doing something.

During his time on Bundy's ranch, he told a reporter: "I feel sorry for any federal agents that want to come in here and try to push us around or anything like that. I really don't want violence toward them, but if they're gonna come bring violence to us, if that's the language they want to speak, we'll learn it." Not long after the couple made their pilgrimage to Bundy's ranch, Miller noted on Facebook that he and his wife were asked to leave because of his criminal past:

I was out there but they told me and my wife to leave because I am a felon. They don't seem to understand that they are all felons now for intimidating law enforcement with deadly weapons. So don't tell me that they need people. We sold everything we had to buy supplies and quit our jobs to be there 24/7. How dare you ask for help and shun us dedicated patriots.
Last edited by Hunter on Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Las Vegas Shooting Spree, June 2014

Postby Hunter » Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:42 pm

justdrew » Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:31 pm wrote:she's wearing a HQ tshirt in the christmas photo.

being "really into" a psychopathic murderess character is probably not the best thing

Yes she seemed to play both sides of that little fantasy world as she is also seen in A LOT of her photos wearing a Batman jacket.

One example here:

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