Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby cptmarginal » Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:58 pm

Came to the forum just now to post this extract about Wackenhut that I just read in Spy Magazine, but found the information contained in a footnote in this thread.

"Within the WNP Marcel Barbier is considered the right hand of Latinus... It is clear, Latinus would build the WNP in top secret to an intelligence service. The info-section came under the authority of 'captain' Michel Libert, the security department was entrusted to 'captain' Barbier."

*) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 112: "Until 1981 he [Jean-Francis Calmette] was a security agent at the security firm Wackenhut where he, amongst others, recruited Marcel Barbier and Eric Lammers."

*) September 1992, Spy Magazine: "In 1977, Wackenhut obtained special permission to operate in Belgium; according to Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan's The Terrorism Industry, Wackenhut 'quickly got involved with right-wing terrorists who were themselves linked to state security agents.' Wackenhut's local director in Brussels, Jean-Francis Calmette, was a rightist who had hired and given combat instruction to members of Westland New Post, a Belgian fascist group. Wackenhut left Belgium in the early 1980s, following accusations that its guards were luring immigrant children into basements and beating them."

*) March 1, 1994, The Humanist, 'Inman's friends and other enemies. (the troubling history and media treatment of Bobby Ray Inman)': "During the heyday of Reagan's foreign policy, Inman served on the board of directors of the Wackenhut Corporation... Wackenhut employees seem to have a thing for indigenous paramilitaries. In the late 1970s, TWC sought and obtained special permission from the Belgian government to operate there. By 1982, however, the company had succeeded in hiring several neo-Nazi thugs from Belgium's notoriously violent and anti-Semitic Westland New Post. One such employee was Marcel Barbier, who Wackenhut assigned to guard a synagogue (!) on the Rue de la Regence in 1982. The synagogue mysteriously blew up on Barbier's watch. Ah, you may say, but Barbier was just a low-level employee.

Unfortunately, TWC's local director for the city of Brussels turned out to be Jean-Francis Calmette, who both trained and armed members of the Westland New Post. Not surprisingly, some other like-minded TWC employees were caught luring immigrant children into basements and beating them (see Jan Capelle, "Westland New Post: Ombres et Lumieres," Article 31, Belgique, July 30, 1987). Wackenhut beat a hasty retreat out of Belgium shortly after these disclosures. "

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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby cptmarginal » Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:58 pm

While looking for more information I happened to notice this Wikileaks release from 2009. I can't read any of it, but there it is:

Investigation into the death of Westland New Post founder Paul Latinus, 689 pages

See also:

(French) (Dutch) Belgian Chamber (1997). "Parliamentary investigation into the Nijvel gang".
(French) (Dutch) Belgian Senate (1991). "Parliamentary investigation into Gladio (report)" (PDF).
(French) (Dutch) Belgian Chamber (1990). "Parliamentary investigation into banditism".
(French) (Dutch) Belgian Senate (1981). "Parliamentary investigation into private militias (report)" (PDF).
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby cptmarginal » Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:00 pm

While on the topic (and since this is the data dump) here's two recent mentions of WNP from other threads:


RocketMan wrote:http://www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2014/10/23/belgique-un-ex-neonazi-interpelle-dans-l-affaire-des-tueurs-du-brabant_4510803_3214.html

Plus de 30 ans après l'affaire des « tueurs du Brabant », la plus sanglante de l'histoire de Belgique avec 28 morts en plusieurs attaques au début des années 1980, l'enquête continue de chercher les responsables de ces braquages mortels. Celle-ci a mené à l'arrestation, mercredi 22 octobre, d'un ancien membre d'un groupuscule néonazi, selon des médias belges.

Michel Libert, un ancien dirigeant de l'organisation clandestine d'extrême droite Westland New Post (WNP) a été interpellé dans la matinée à son domicile en région bruxelloise, précise la chaîne publique RTBF. L'homme, un ancien sous-officier de l'armée belge et ex-« numéro 2 » du WNP, avait déjà été entendu à plusieurs reprises en tant que témoin, mais jamais comme suspect. Il avait notamment reconnu avoir organisé des « repérages » aux alentours de grands magasins.

This caught my eye. Apparently the Brabant killings are still very much on the agenda in Belgium. A neo-nazi named Michel Libert has been arrested. He used to belong to a far right group called Westland New Post. He was also an officer in the Belgian army.



According to Amnistia.net, Luc Jouret, founder of the Order of the Solar Temple with Joseph di Mambro, had helped far-right activist Jean Thiriart organize a split in the Communist Party of Belgium (PCB) in the 1970s, creating the "Parti Communautaire Européen, a "Nazi-Maoist" party which succeeded to the Jeune Europe far-right group. According to Bruno Fouchereau, author of La mafia des sectes and collaborator of Le Monde Diplomatique, quoted by Amnistia, this Belgium "Nazi-Maoist group" was in fact controlled by the SDRA-8, Belgium's branch of Gladio. SDRA-8 other's creation was the Westland New Post group.
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby semper occultus » Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:51 am

According to Bruno Fouchereau, author of La mafia des sectes

.....these sort of references - particularly re Solar Temple / Dutroux / Dossier X areas seriously make me wish I could read French..... :starz:
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby semper occultus » Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:43 pm

Belgian paedophile who kidnapped and murdered children planned to abduct as many youngsters as he could and create an 'underground city' in an abandoned mineshaft

Marc Dutroux kidnapped and molested six girls and murdered four of them
The 59-year-old was sentenced to life in prison in Belgium after conviction
His lawyer says Dutroux planned to kidnap as many children as possible
Julien Pierre says Dutroux wanted to imprison them all in an abandoned mine shaft

PUBLISHED: 16:02, 9 March 2016 | UPDATED: 17:10, 9 March 2016


Belgian paedophile Marc Dutroux planned to 'kidnap many children as possible' and create an 'underground city' in an abandoned mine to imprison them, according to his former lawyer.
Dutroux was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for kidnapping, molesting and imprisoning six girls and murdering four of them, in a case that sparked demonstrations across Belgium and an overhaul of the nation's criminal justice system.

Julien Pierre, who was Dutroux's lawyer from his arrest in 1996 until 2003, the year before he was sentenced, gave Belgian weekly magazine Soir Mag details of conversations with the convicted murderer.

Belgian paedophile Marc Dutroux, who kidnapped and murdered children. His lawyer Julien Pierre said that Dutroux wanted to kidnap as many children as possible

Dutroux, now 59, reportedly told his lawyer: 'Do you realise that no one has ever asked why I chose that house, that region?
'My idea was to carry out mass kidnappings of children and then to create, in a mine shaft, a sort of underground city where good, harmony and security would prevail.'

He was arrested in August 1996 and two days later two missing teenage girls, Laetitia Delhez and Sabine Dardenne, were found alive in a hidden cellar in one of his houses in Marcinelle, close to Charleroi in Belgium's south west.
In the following weeks, the bodies of eight-year-old friends Julie and Melissa who had been kidnapped in Liege in June 1995 were found in a basement at one of Dutroux's houses, having died of starvation.

Mr Pierre added that Dutroux wanted to create an 'underground city' in an abandoned mine to imprison children he kidnapped

Following the grim discovery, Belgian authorities subsequently found the bodies of An Marchal, 17, and Efeje Lambrecks, 19, buried in a garden at another of Dutroux's properties.

During his trial, Dardenne explained that her tormentor had adopted an alternative name and insisted that he was protecting her from mysterious 'wicked' people, all the while subjecting her to sustained sexual abuse. He also claimed to her that he had kidnapped Laetitia Delhez to 'bring her a companion'.

During the kidnapping of Delhez that Dutroux's van was spotted by people in her hometown, which led to his arrest. Dutroux admitted his crimes and was duly found guilty of the kidnap and sexual abuse of six girls, and the killing of four of them. He was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby semper occultus » Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:46 am

My Name Is Anneke Lucas and I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite at Age 6

By Anneke Lucas| Dec. 19, 2016


When I was a little girl in my native Belgium, I was put to work as a sex slave.

My mother sold me, and drove me wherever, whenever she got the call. The boss of this pedophile network was a Belgian cabinet minister. The clients were members of the elite. I recognized people from television. Their faces were familiar to the masses, while I was confronted with the dark side of their power addiction — the side no one would believe existed. I came across VIP's, European heads of state, and even a member of a royal family.

Around my sixth birthday, in 1969, I was taken to an orgy for the first time, in a castle. I was used for an S&M show, on a low stage, chained up with an iron dog collar, and made to eat human feces. Afterwards, left lying there like a broken object, I felt so humiliated, I had to do something to save my soul, or else — and this I knew for certain — I would have withered and died.

I raised myself up, and stood looking at the bizarre crowd of aristocrats dressed up as hippies, swaying to the music in various levels of sexual interaction, busily availing themselves of little pills and pre-rolled joints passed around on silver trays by sober waiters. I trembled in fear, but my body straightened and stilled itself like a bow in suspense before the shot, and I heard my voice as though it were not my own, chiding the adults, telling them that this was wrong – that I was going to tell on them, and that they would all go to jail.

Trippy, spacey music was oozing through the atmosphere and most people were too high to notice me. One man, wearing a business suit, caught my eye. He looked scared, but he held my gaze for a brief moment, and seemed to feel for me. Then he was gone. I never saw him again in the network, but years later I did spot him on TV. He became a prominent Belgian politician.

I was quietly led away and taken to a cellar. I was certain that I was going to be killed, but instead I was shown the fresh body of a young murder victim. I was to remain silent.
During the week, I went to school. I was a shy girl, with few friends. I remember, once, in the second grade, becoming aware of an energetic shift in the room, to realize all eyes were on me. The teacher had been calling on me, and I had been too spaced out to hear. She wondered out loud if I knew the answer to the question she had asked, and I sat in embarrassing silence while the class laughed.

I was a nonentity at school, and at home no one cared for me. I received more attention in the network. It felt good to be viewed as the most perfectly beautiful, sensual object by powerful men with high standards in taste. This was the only positive in my life, and I clung to it as my only raft to keep from drowning in a sea of shame and self-loathing.

After four years of surviving the network, when I was 10, a new guest brought along his 20-year-old son: tall, dashing, blond, and blue-eyed. He boldly advanced toward me. I smiled, and he called me a little whore. Not since the first time I had been brought to an orgy, four years earlier, had I expressed my true feelings. I was furious.
"You think I like it here?" I sneered.

This interaction started the most intense year of my life, in which I would feel more than ever loved, seen, and understood, and would be more than ever abused, all by that same young man. A year later, when he was through with me, I was of no use to the network anymore, and was to be killed. When my torture began, he stood watching, laughing.

This was the third time that my entire being became filled with an otherworldly force. Fierce pride straightened my body. A burning cigarette was put out on my forearm. My energetic body latched onto his in pure defiance. The thought "I don't need you!" had become me, and all I saw was the energy behind the troubled ocean of blue in his eyes, and the love in spite of all the pain he had passed on to me.

I was led away to a small room, and strapped onto a butcher's block. The man who tortured me was one of the defendants in the notorious Dutroux case, which, when it broke the news in 1996, was believed it would blow up the Belgian pedophile network. But instead, eight years later, only Marc Dutroux received a life sentence. I should have died that night in 1974 on that butcher's block, but my life was saved at the last minute.

While I had been tortured, the young man had been negotiating with the politician in charge of the network. They made a deal: he would work for the politician, extend his shady services in exchange for my life. This one good deed eventually cost him his own life. In this milieu, any shred of humanity is a deadly weakness.
My life was spared, and I was told to remain silent forever. It took me 40 years before I could speak up.

In 1988, when I was 25 years old, I was walking downtown Los Angeles, near Skid Row, and got a faint, specific whiff of human feces, and was assaulted with the memory of the extreme humiliation I had suffered as a child. My instant thought was: "If this is true, I'm going to kill myself."

I was too identified with the experience, and the shame was too great. I wasn't ready, and pushed the memory back into the subconscious. It would take several more years, many more hours of therapy, to finally share this memory with one safe person.

I share this experience publicly here for the first time, having finally reached a place in my healing where I have access once again to the strength that came through me in those moments of clarity in the network. I also believe that the world is more than ever ready to confront its darkness. We have to, if we are to survive as a species.
All survivors of incest, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking have my strength. Though I suffer from PTSD, and, for example, I still become nauseous whenever I hear a certain kind of airy, trippy music, I've become so mindful of triggers that they don't control my everyday existence. It takes so much energy to survive not only the physical violence, but to endure the psychic drain of abuse — to carry the shame.

Just surviving daily life while trying to heal from child sexual abuse requires a thousand times the strength it would require for someone without awareness to pursue a successful career. And society still values the career person over the survivor.

Power addicts, world leaders, and corrupt politicians who abuse children are themselves like children who never grew up, driven to power to avoid ever feeling the humiliation of child abuse again, unconsciously seeking revenge from a place of hurt by recycling the abuse. They lack the courage to heal.
Those of us who have suffered sexual abuse, incest or sex trafficking need to learn to harness our survival strength on our own behalf, so we can heal our damaged ego, and channel that strength to lead the way towards a future in which former victims conquer by love, understanding and compassion for all.

Anneke Lucas founded Liberation Prison Yoga in 2014. As a survivor of child sex trafficking and extreme violence, she used elements of her own healing journey to develop programs based on how she would have wished to be treated in her young adult life. She is writing a book about her healing journey, Seeds Beneath the Snow: Post Traumatic Growth and Purpose in Dark Times.
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby Harvey » Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:53 am

And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

Eden Ahbez
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Re: Dutroux- NATO -Belgium- P2 -Lodge

Postby drstrangelove » Sat Sep 09, 2023 9:04 pm

March 24 1988, Daily News.

Alessandro Moncini was on the P2 membership lists.

At the time he was a prominent figure in the Friulian capital. Rich, Rotarian, president of the province's Automobile Club, former vice-president of Triestina football team, and owner of a tire shop in the centre. He had good political connections and had been a Freemason (the man was on the P2 lists).

- https://ricerca.repubblica.it/repubblic ... porte.html
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