P.I.E. and Magpie docs

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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby coffin_dodger » Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:58 am

and the famous TV comedy actor are among well-known faces

Interesting use of the word 'the', right there. Why didn't the journo use the word 'a' as in a labour MP, used in the same line of text.

That's because the journo knows who 'the' comedian is. But can't say.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby RocketMan » Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:11 am

-I don't like hoodlums.
-That's just a word, Marlowe. We have that kind of world. Two wars gave it to us and we are going to keep it.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby semper occultus » Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:18 pm


http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest- ... afterwards

A newspaper gave the lad a camera after he volunteered to expose the high-class perverts abusing youngsters at sex parties in the early 1980s.

The lad named then-Home Secretary Leon Brittan as an attendee at the parties.

But he disappeared hours after starting his probe – and was never seen again.

The investigation was launched by journalists on a Sunday newspaper after a panicked late-night phone call from a different rent boy, who told reporters he feared for his life because a policeman tasked with protecting him had been ordered to close the case.

In a shocking hour-long cry for help, the sex worker had told the newsmen: “Please, please help me. I’m in terrible danger. They will know I’ve been talking to the police.”

Sobbing, he went on: “You cannot imagine what they will do to me if I’m caught. I have seen what they have done to others.”

Reporters working on the 1980s case last week recalled they had no doubts the caller’s fears were real.

The lad told them how he had become a rent boy working in London’s Leicester Square having arrived in the capital some years earlier.

He began attending what he called “sex parties” in luxury houses and flats, and described the guests as “important, wealthy people, some very well-spoken”.

He said he and other rent boys would be sent messages telling them when and where to wait for a car that would arrive and take them to a party.

There would be good food and drink on offer for the lads – some of who were “quite young”, the worker said.

He said he had no idea where the other lads came from, although some were runaways.

When reporters pressed him about who the adults were attending these parties, the lad said they included MPs, and added: “Leon Brittan, he’s the Home Secretary.”

Many other important men were present, but he said he didn’t know names.

Some jetted in to an airfield on the outskirts of London – possibly RAF Northolt – and some of the UK-based men would fly abroad to join in orgies there. The teen said he thought Belgium was one destination.

But one night he witnessed something – he wouldn’t say what – that left him fearing for his own and other boys’ safety.

It was those fears that led to him contacting detectives at the Metropolitan police, sparking the investigation that had just collapsed when he contacted reporters.

It was in that first conversation with journalists at the Sunday Mirror that he said a detective had told him that the investigation had been stopped.

“He told me that he’d been ordered to stop the investigation and could do nothing to help me,” the teen said.

The boy then gave reporters the detective’s name and his direct telephone number.

But when the paper called up, the detective said: “Don’t ever ring or try to contact me again.”

The reporter said he knew Leon Brittan was involved and asked to meet up – but that terrified the policeman.

“Look please – go away,” he said. “Don’t tell anyone you have spoken to me. I’ve been ordered to stop the investigation. All my files are gone.”

Asked who had ordered the investigation stopped, he said: “The very top. It comes from there right down to my boss.

“It has been made clear to me my job is on the line, my whole career. Please, leave me alone.”

And he hung up.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby semper occultus » Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:42 pm


http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nationa ... 7202714827

THE Australian high commission in London is at the centre of the perplexing disappearance of a British teenager as Scotland Yard investigates again a 35-year-old mystery.

And the brother of the missing “cold-case” boy has revealed to The Weekend Australian, for the first time, that the Australian high commission’s use of a private chauffeur firm to supplement its full-time drivers in the late 1970s linked it to men who are now serving life sentences for pedophilia and murder.

Martin Allen, who turned 15 two weeks before his disappearance on Guy Fawkes night in 1979, was the son of Tom Allen, the head chauffeur of Australian high commissioner Gordon Freeth.

Now, as fresh evidence emerges about a VIP pedophile ­network implicating British diplomats, intelligence officers, household staff of the royal family, police and politicians, Kevin Allen ­believes his brother Martin was the victim of “someone high up”.

Kevin Allen, now 51, believes Martin might have been targeted by a pedophile network after coming into its orbit through Australia’s diplomatic links.

The Allen family lived in the caretaker’s cottage adjoining the high commissioner’s residence, called Stoke Lodge, near Hyde Park, London. Many business leaders and government ministers would frequently visit Stoke Lodge, dropped off by their waiting chauffeurs.

Kevin and Martin would also wash the cars of the commissioner’s fleet and came into contact with “subbie” drivers who were hired from the private chauffeur firm in South London. Kevin said he had just discovered this particular hire firm employed one of Britain’s most reviled pedophiles, Sidney Cooke, and some of his criminal associates in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Cooke was the ringleader of the “Dirty Dozen” gang, members of which were convicted and jailed for heinous torture and the murder of three young boys in the 1980s. Jimmy Savile’s chauffeur, David Smith, who killed himself last year before he was due to stand trial on sex charges, is believed to be linked to the same car company.

Kevin said Cooke and his associates would pick up and deliver vulnerable young boys to orgies attended by VIPs in London suburbs. Scotland Yard is now investigating these historic child abuse claims after decades of cover-ups, government-issued “D” notices banning media reports, and the strange disappearance of 114 related files. One man who was the victim of the pedophile network has told police he witnessed the murder of three boys by network members and ­believes one of the victims was Martin.

“At about at the same time as Martin’s disappearance, all of these pedophiles were linked to the (known pedophile) houses and a couple of them worked for the one car company that Australia House used as subbies if they didn’t have enough drivers,” Kevin said.

Long-serving and former staff at the high commission remain unnerved about the disappearance of Martin. Tom Allen, who stayed with the high commission until his retirement in the mid-80s, was a much-loved employee.

“All he ever wanted was to be able to find out what happened and ease the strain on his wife,” a friend of the family said. Tom Allen died three years ago.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby RocketMan » Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:12 pm

Via Naomi Wolf on Facebook (she did not neglect a caveat regarding The Mirror as a source):

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/we ... gb-5080120

Both Russian and US intelligence knew about a group of powerful paedophiles operating in Britain and the KGB hoped to blackmail them in exchange for information

Man, that Cyril Smith was gross. Monstrous.

-I don't like hoodlums.
-That's just a word, Marlowe. We have that kind of world. Two wars gave it to us and we are going to keep it.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby RocketMan » Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:35 am

https://shamocracy.org/2015/02/02/westm ... ing-arent/

The Westminster sex abuse scandal we should all be talking about, but aren’t

In December of last year, Scotland Yard was handed a dossier by MPs containing the names of 22 high profile figures, including three current MPs and three members of the House of Lords, who it alleged were involved in a Westminster paedophile ring that operated in locations throughout the country in the 1970s and 80s. Labour MP John Mann, who spent months going through public reports about historic sex abuse cases, has said he expects the number of victims to come forward to total “many tens of thousands of people across the country”. The National Association for People Abused in Childhood, meanwhile, says politicians have been named by victims “again and again” on calls to a sex abuse helpline.

Police have also called a witness’s claims that the so-called ‘VIP sex abuse ring’ murdered three boys in front of him in the early 80s “credible and true”. ‘Nick’ told Exaro News how “he saw a former Conservative MP – before he left Parliament – strangle a boy to death during a sexual assault”, while a second child was killed “during a savage physical attack in front of a separate MP, a former Conservative cabinet minister”. A third boy was deliberately run over and killed in broad daylight as a “warning” to Nick, he says.

The father of an eight-year-old boy found murdered in 1981 also says he was informed by anonymous call that his child was killed by “judges and politicians” at the infamous Elm Guest House, apparently frequented by the VIP paedophile ring, while the brother of a 15-year-old boy who went missing in 1979 and whose disappearance has been linked to the Guest House was told by police he could “get hurt” for asking questions. Another witness – ‘Darren’ – has claimed a girl of 15, one of the regulars at the similarly notorious Dolphin Square apartment complex, disappeared after one VIP orgy. When asked what he thinks happened to her, Darren told Exaro News: “She’s dead.”

‘Darren’ says he was driven to sex parties in the early 90s by Peter Righton, and Righton’s really where it all begins. A child care expert that advised the Home Office of the Thatcher government on changes to residential child care, we now know Righton was a paedophile and founder of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange, a group that campaigned for the age of consent to be lowered to four when it was active from 1974 until it disbanded in 1984. A raid of Righton’s house in 1992 apparently uncovered ties to a paedophile ring made up of a powerful elite, but the detective on the case claims this was covered up, saying, “At the time there was a culture to protect the establishment”. Righton died in 2007.

Beyond Righton, Sir Nicholas Fairbairn, a Conservative MP who died in 1995, Sir Peter Morrison, a Conservative MP and Private Secretary to Margaret Thatcher who died in 1995, Sir Cyril Smith, a Liberal MP who died in 2010, Lord Greville Janner, a Labour MP now into his 80s and apparently suffering from dementia, Sir Peter Hayman, a diplomat who worked for the MI6 that died in 1992, and Ron Brown, a controversial Labour MP who died in 2007, have all been linked to the paedophile ring that operated in the 70s, 80s and early 90s. The most recent suspect to be named, however, provides perhaps the most morbid piece of the puzzle yet.

In 1984, Conservative MP Geoffrey Dickens handed a dossier detailing serious allegations of a Westminster paedophile ring over to the Home Office. Dickens was ignored, and the dossier is one of 114 files relevant to historic child abuse allegations that have since disappeared from government records. The man in charge of Home Office at the time Dickens handed over his dossier was Leon Brittan. Lord Brittan died not two weeks ago, at which point allegations that he had been a predatory paedophile and part of the VIP sex abuse ring immediately surfaced.

Scandal surrounding Brittan is nothing new. In 1967, Brittan was cautioned after a 19-year-old woman accused him of raping her, while in 1984, the then-Home Secretary’s name was mentioned by the press in relation to a child sex scandal, before the papers suddenly went silent. Following his death on January 21st, it was revealed Brittan had been under investigation by the Metropolitan Police for sexually abusing young boys at St James’s Carlton Club in London, Dolphin Square and elsewhere, as well as for being witness to the murder of a boy in around 1981/82. Brittan was also photographed by police entering an underage sex den in 1986, but that investigation, Operation Orchid, was disbanded before any action was taken.

Customs also allegedly seized a video – in which Brittan appears – in 1982 depicting graphic child sex abuse, while a separate video of an ‘abuse party’ in which Brittan appears was seized in December 2013. Labour MP Tom Watson – who has been pursuing the case since being handed documents by Exaro News – was told by ‘Nick’ that Brittan, who he said was “as close to evil as a human being could get”, allegedly abused him and others dozens of times. Two other witnesses who have come forward back up his claims.

If the accusations against Brittan are found true, then it’s perhaps no great surprise that no one has been talking about it until now. Former Conservative MP Tim Fortescue, who acted as a government whip between 1970 and 1973, said the following in a 1995 documentary:

“For anyone with any sense, who was in trouble, would come to the whips and tell them the truth, and say now, I’m in a jam, can you help? It might be debt, it might be… a scandal involving small boys, or any kind of scandal in which a member seemed likely to be mixed up in, they’d come and ask if we could help and if we could, we did. And we would do everything we can because we would store up brownie points… and if I mean, that sounds a pretty, pretty nasty reason, but it’s one of the reasons because if we could get a chap out of trouble then, he will do as we ask forever more.”

-I don't like hoodlums.
-That's just a word, Marlowe. We have that kind of world. Two wars gave it to us and we are going to keep it.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby cptmarginal » Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:26 pm

http://exaronews.com/articles/5478/ther ... al-meeting

Not literally wielding knife, mind you

Theresa May stunned members of CSA inquiry at final meeting

Home secretary asked each panel member how they were feeling before ‘wielding knife’

By David Hencke and Mark Watts | 7 February 2015

Panel members for the inquiry into child sex abuse were stunned into silence when home secretary Theresa May told them that they were being “dissolved”.

Exaro can reveal the extraordinary inside story of the tense meeting between May and panel members at the Home Office on Wednesday.

They were left shocked and humiliated, even though Exaro revealed in December that May would scrap the panel.

One source said: “Everyone knew what was going to happen because of the Exaro story, but it still came as a shock when May actually wielded the knife.”

Panel members were summoned by e-mail on Tuesday to see the home secretary at 9.15am the following day.

They were ushered into a conference room on the ground floor of the Home Office’s headquarters in Westminster.

Officials asked the nervous group to sit at desks that were arranged as a large rectangle, and wait for the secretary of state.

At least two panel members had said that they could not make the meeting because they were ill: Sharon Evans, chief executive of Dot Com Children’s Foundation, which promotes child safeguarding, and herself an abuse survivor; and Barbara Hearn, former deputy chief executive of the National Children’s Bureau.

Also present was Ben Emmerson, counsel to the inquiry. He faced accusations in Parliament from Evans that he had been bullying her.

Emmerson denied the allegations, and called for Evans to be sacked.

Emmerson had also told panel members to keep to a detailed document of “lines to take” at a hearing before MPs on the House of Commons home affairs committee.

Alexis Jay, expert advisor to the overarching inquiry into child sex abuse (CSA), was absent, although it remains unclear why. Glasgow-based Jay is also author of the report last year that exposed the extent of child sex abuse in Rotherham.

May entered the room. She was “very polite and kind”, according to well-placed sources. She made a point of talking personally to each panel member there, asking how they were feeling.

What happened next stunned each of them, despite knowing what was coming.

May settled in the middle of a row of desks nearest the door, and said: “The panel will be dissolved and replaced by a statutory panel inquiry chaired by an overseas judge.”

She did not name the judge, but said that every panel member would be invited to re-apply for their jobs after the criteria for the appointments were published.

She stressed: “You have done nothing wrong. It is a matter of transparency that you have to re-apply for your jobs.”

One source said: “The way that it was said, I had the impression that panel members were not being encouraged to re-apply. It was more that they were being told that they could re-apply.” All the panel members were visibly shocked, saying very little.

Emmerson was also remarkably silent throughout the 45-minute meeting. He was behaving like “a cold fish”, according to one person present.

Panel members only learnt afterwards that he was the sole person to keep his position with the new inquiry. All panel members – and even Jay – were out.

Emmerson e-mailed panel members later to warn them not to talk publicly.

Panel members feel “humiliated”, deeply bruised, and think that their professional reputations have been damaged.

Self-styled campaigners had viciously attacked two panel members, even including abuse directed at a relative of one. A member also faced false accusations that were planted in the media.

One panel member thought that nobody would re-apply to sit on the new inquiry.

May then met a group of abuse survivors to tell them what she had done. Again, she did not name who would chair the inquiry.

Survivors and representatives there welcomed her decision, although not all.

Becky, representing the majority of abuse survivors who met the panel, wanted it to continue.

She said: “It was my worst nightmare come true. I had faith in the panel, and I was very unhappy that it was being disbanded. I do not think that I will have enough trust to give evidence to the new inquiry.”

May later that day announced to Parliament that Lowell Goddard, a New Zealand judge, would chair a statutory panel inquiry.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby semper occultus » Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:55 pm



http://www.exaronews.com/articles/5501/ ... tic-murder

...in the oddly named EYE in Suffolk...

Thornham Hall,
Thornham Magna,
IP23 8HA, UK


Peter Righton’s Diaries: Benjamin Britten, Peter Pears and Michael Davidson

Posted: May 11, 2014 | Author: Ian Pace

[EDIT: Since the publication of this post, Kevin Gosling, Director of Communications at the Britten-Pears Foundation, has responded. You can read his response here.]

I am publishing on here some information communicated to me by Tom Watson MP’s source on Peter Righton and networks of child abusers, which led to the infamous question from Watson to the Prime Minister on October 24th 2012 in which Watson identified a high-level paedophile ring linked to the aide of a former Prime Minister and thus to 10 Downing Street. Watson’s source is a former child protection officer who currently does not wish to be identified by name, but was involved in the investigations into leading paedophile and key Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) member Righton (on whom, see this documentary, this article in the Mirror, this Guardian article by Nick Davies, this article by Liz Davies, this article by Christian Wolmar, and the series of articles to be found on the Spotlight and Needle blogs). .

As detailed by Watson himself, after Righton’s 1992 conviction on child pornography, he moved to live in a cottage on the estate of the eighth Lord Henniker, in Thornham Magna, North Suffolk, and was allowed to use the estate for special holidays for vulnerable children from Islington (at the very time when there was an epidemic of child abuse in Islington care homes – see here and here for vital material from the journalist Eileen Fairweather and former social worker Liz Davies (now Reader at London Metropolitan University) who brought the scandal to public attention). The Chief Constable of Suffolk visited Henniker personally to warn him that Righton was a career paedophile, but he ignored this advice, and Righton was able to continue hosting children on the estate until his death in 2008. Just this week one man has spoken out about his experiences being trafficked around the country to be abused by strangers whilst in the Suffolk care system, and named Righton as part of the operation.

The important information is the following: in Righton’s diaries, he frequently referred to Benjamin Britten, Peter Pears and Michael Davidson as ‘fellow boy-lovers’, and also spoke of how important to him (Righton) were their get-togethers at Snape Maltings. A Peter Righton is also thanked in the preface to Donald Mitchell’s book Britten and Auden in the Thirties: The Year 1936: The T.S. Eliot Memorial Lectures delivered in the University of Kent at Canterbury in November 1979 (London: Faber, 1981), and as a translator of some text in Mitchell’s facsimile edition of Mahler’s Seventh Symphony (Amsterdam: Rosbeek Publishers, 1995), and of some of Donald Mitchell and Andrew Nicholson (eds), The Mahler Companion (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999). Mitchell was very close to Britten, edited the first major study of his work, Benjamin Britten : a commentary on his works from a group of specialists (London: Rockliff, 1952), and later became Britten’s principal publisher at Faber Music, becoming a senior trustee of the Britten-Pears Foundation after Britten’s death in 1976. He has also been general editor of the major collections of Britten’s letters and diaries published by Faber & Faber.

As I mentioned in my earlier article on Clifford Hindley, various biographers, including the late Humphrey Carpenter in his Benjamin Britten: A Biography (London: Faber & Faber, 1992), John Bridcut in Britten’s Children (London: Faber & Faber, 2006), and Paul Kildea in Benjamin Britten: A Life in the Twentieth Century (London: Allen Lane, 2013) have investigated at some length whether there was anything untoward in Britten’s relationships with the numerous boys with whom he worked for performances of his operas, works of children’s choirs, and so on. Only a small amount of evidence has been uncovered of any exploitation through enactment of these desires, including the testimony of Harry Morris, who did accuse Britten of abuse (see Bridcut, Britten’s Children, pp. 46-53), and also various accounts chronicled by Bridcut of naked swimming and sharing of beds with boys aged as young as 11.

There is no question about the proclivities or activities of journalist Michael Davidson (1897-1976). His 1962 autobiography The World, The Flesh and Myself (London: Arthur Barker, 1962) begins with the line ‘This is the life story of a lover of boys’, whilst his later memoir Some Boys (London: David Bruce & Watson, 1972) is nothing less than a stomach-churning account of international child sex tourism and assault, presented quite shamelessly. Below I reproduce scanned copies of the chapter of the book dealing with London. Davidson’s brother-in-law Christopher Southward taught violin at Gresham School, in the music department run by Walter Greatorex, who taught Britten at the school; Greatorex introduced the 26-year old Davidson to the then 16-year old W.H. Auden (Neil Powell, Benjamin Britten: A Life for Music (London: Hutchinson, 2013), pp. 29-31).

There is other information I am not in a position to print here for legal reasons; furthermore the information from Righton’s diaries of course constitutes claims rather than yet-proven allegations. The possibility that Britten and Pears were part of Righton’s circle (and thus perhaps also to other members of PIE) does not in itself prove anything, but undoubtedly this needs to be investigated, together with the meetings in Snape Maltings. But in order to help get to the bottom of the networks of abusers who have corrupted British society and childhood for decades, I would implore anyone with further information on the connections between and activities of Righton, Britten, Pears and Davidson to come forward if they feel ready to do so (I am happy to let anyone know by private e-mail – ian@ianpace.com – police or other contacts to whom they could speak).

I will add further information at a later date.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby semper occultus » Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:34 am


http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ex ... me-5276965

The home of ex-Tory MP Harvey Proctor is being searched by cops probing historic allegations of child sex abuse.

Detectives from the Met Police's Operation Midland are carrying out the search of his home, which is within the 16,000-acre grounds of Belvoir Castle, in Leicestershire near Grantham.

Mr Proctor, 68, works for the Duke and Duchess of Rutland, who live on the estate with their five children.

A Met Police spokesman said he "can confirm officers from Operation Midland are carrying out a search of an address in Grantham in connection with their inquiries".

Operation Midland was launched by the Met last November following allegations that boys were sexually abused by a paedophile ring more than 30 years ago.

Part of the Operation Midland probe is examining allegations that three boys linked to the alleged ring were murdered.

The operation includes detectives from the child abuse investigation command and the homicide and major crime command.

Sources close to the probe said last night the MP had not been arrested.

Speaking to the BBC this morning, he denied being part of a "rent-boy ring" .

He told Radio 4's Today programme: "I find myself in a very Kafka-esque fantasy situation.

"The police have said basically that they are investigating historical sex abuse allegations going back to the 1970s and 1980s.

"I have never attended sex parties at Dolphin Square or anywhere else. I have not been part of any rent-boy ring with Cabinet ministers, other Members of Parliament or generals or the military.

"I conducted my private life in a discreet manner. It wasn't I who outed myself, it was the press who did an assortment of things to out me.

"I was a discreet person and regarded in the House of Commons as a very independent MP and a loner. The last thing I would have dreamed of doing was talking to other MPs or ministers or anyone else about my private life. It wasn't that I was ashamed of being a homosexual, it was that I didn't think it mattered a damn to the work I did on behalf of my constituents."

Mr Proctor said he was keen to be interviewed by police as soon as possible to clear his name.

"The police wish to interview me," he said. "They talked in terms of that interview taking place in a matter of weeks. I asked for that interview to take place at the earliest opportunity."

Ex-Tory MP Harvey Proctor denies any role in Westminster abuse ring

Detectives from Met’s Operation Midland inquiry into historical abuse allegations search Proctor’s Leicestershire home

Vikram Dodd and Mark Tran
Thursday 5 March 2015 11.57 GMT

http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015 ... se-inquiry

The former Conservative MP Harvey Proctor has denied having been part of any rent-boy ring or any knowledge of a VIP paedophile network alleged to have existed in Westminster, after his home was searched by police on Thursday.

Proctor, who left parliament in 1987 after pleading guilty to acts of gross indecency, took the unusual step of talking to the media about the search of his Grantham home by police investigating historical allegations of child sex abuse.

A Metropolitan police spokesman confirmed that officers from Operation Midland were carrying out a search of an address in Grantham.

The Met launched Operation Midland last November following allegations that boys were sexually abused by a paedophile ring centred at a number of addresses more than 30 years ago. An alleged victim of sexual abuse claimed to have witnessed the murder of a 12-year-old boy by a Conservative MP, and said two other boys had been murdered by members of a paedophile network.

One of those addresses was the Dolphin Square apartment block near the Houses of Parliament. Detectives have received claims that have led them to investigate other addresses, to establish whether they can be ruled in or out of their inquiries. The strand of the inquiry that led to Proctor’s home being searched is believed to concern a location other than Dolphin Square.

Proctor, 68, works for the Duke and Duchess of Rutland and lives in a house within the 16,000-acre grounds of their home Belvoir Castle, in Leicestershire, near Grantham.

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I find myself in a very Kafka-esque fantasy situation … I have never attended sex parties at Dolphin Square or anywhere else. I have not been part of any rent-boy ring with cabinet ministers, other members of parliament or generals or the military.

“I conducted my private life in a discreet manner … The last thing I would have dreamed of doing was talking to other MPs or ministers or anyone else about my private life.”

Proctor said he was keen to be interviewed by police as soon as possible to clear his name. Police would not say why they had chosen to search his home, and he is understood not to have been arrested.

Asked whether he had been aware during his time in parliament of the existence of a VIP paedophile ring, Proctor told Today: “Absolutely not, no. If I had known about it at the time, I would have contacted the police. I believe the number of victims grows by the day, and the number of alleged perpetrators – through death – diminishes.”

Proctor pointed out that that his guilty pleas related to homosexual activity with men whom he believed to be above the then age of consent of 21, and who were older than the current age of consent of 16.

“I pleaded guilty to four charges of gross indecency in 1987,” he said. “Those offences related entirely to the age of consent for homosexuality. That age has since been reduced, first to 18 and now to 16.”

Proctor became an MP in 1979, representing Basildon in Essex for four years. He then represented Billericay until 1987. He also sat on the executive of the rightwing pressure group the Monday Club.

So far the only politician to have been implicated is the Liberal MP Cyril Smith, who died in 2010.

Nazi, Pedo, Conspiracy

http://progcontra.blogspot.co.uk/2014/0 ... iracy.html

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

With all the hysteria about historic child abuse - and persistent rumours of cover-ups and conspiracy - I'm starting to wonder whether the spotlight will eventually turn to one dark corner of 1970's Britain that most people seem to have forgotten existed: the far-Right. Now most people will associate neo-Nazism with the most extreme homophobia, but it's also a fact that the far-Right has been riddled with gay men in leading roles. And, it has to be said, some of these gay men had a penchant for teenage boys.

Off the top of my head, I can name Martin Webster (then a leading figure in the National Front), Ray Hill (at the time in the British Movement, later to be outed as working for the state), Peter Marriner and Nicky Crane. All were gay men in leading roles in the neo-Nazi movement, and all were associated with rumours of involvement with under-age boys. And, for example, there were persistent rumours that right-wing Tory MP Harvey Proctor had had links with the National Front, who procured boys for him. Another name from the neo-Nazi scene who is rumoured to be linked to the Elm House scandal is Colin Jordan, one-time World Fuhrer of the Nazi scene.

The combination of secrecy, danger and access to tough young men made the Nazi scene a magnet for some paedophiles - and they made sure they exploited it to the hilt. For those of us on the anti-fascist side of things, there was surprisingly very little made about this at the time. Perhaps it was an unwillingness to be seen to be engaging in activity that might be interpreted as 'homophobic' -- or at the very least to be siding with the Daily Mail and its ilk.



Procter was also funded post-"outing" in a gentleman's shirt emporium by rich contacts in the Tory Party located in Richmond......the borough that plays host to.....Elm Guest House
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby smoking since 1879 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:12 pm

Why are any such investigations termed a 'probe', like it's connected with unsavoury surgical practice ?

It's almost like they don't want you to read past the first paragraph or something...
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby RocketMan » Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:58 pm

http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... er-up.html

How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring

Now that most of the major figures are dead, the truth is emerging about the systematic sexual abuse of children by members of the British government.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby RocketMan » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:26 am

http://www.theguardian.com/politics/201 ... osecutions

Home secretary: Cyril Smith cover-up claims 'could lead to prosecutions'

Theresa May has said the claims a police investigation into the late Liberal MP Cyril Smith was scrapped, and corruption blocked other historic police operations into child abuse, were “shocking and could lead to criminal prosecutions”.

The Conservative home secretary also told a committee of MPs on Tuesday she hoped immunity from prosecution under the Official Secrets Act will be offered to former police officers and intelligence agents who are prepared to testify about allegations of paedophile rings and other child sex abuse to the police, or to the government’s separate public inquiry.

May was speaking after a Newsnight report on Monday that an ex-detective had claimed Smith was arrested in the early 1980s as part of an investigation into child-sex parties, but was released hours later.

Officers were ordered to hand over notebooks and video footage from their undercover operation, the BBC programme claimed, and were told they would be violating the Official Secrets Act if they revealed what had happened.

Newsnight’s report came after Britain’s independent police watchdog, the Independent Police Complaints Commission, announced on Monday it was investigating 14 referrals relating to allegations that Scotland Yard covered up child abuse from the 1970s to the 2000s.

“People will be very concerned about what has been suggested and will want to see justice being done in relation to this,” May told the Commons home affairs committee. “It is important that the work is done thoroughly so there is no suggestion of a further cover-up, or what seems to have been a cover-up.”

Officers who arrested Cyril Smith in the 1980s alleged they were told to keep quiet.

She added: “It is important that the investigations are done properly and thoroughly so that, if criminal prosecutions are brought, they will stand up and there can be no suggestion or hint that the work is not being done properly so that it can be sidelined as has been done in the past.”

The government’s public inquiry will look into how public agencies including government bodies, police, hospitals, churches and the BBC handled child-abuse allegations. Two chairwomen were appointed and then rejected because of their connections to the Establishment. Last month Lowell Goddard, a judge from New Zealand, was selected to lead the probe.

May told MPs she had written to Goddard suggesting she ask the attorney-general to provide written undertakings that immunity from Official Secrets Act prosecutions will be offered to whistleblowers. A similar undertaking has already been provided to the official inquiry into child abuse allegations at the Kincora boys’ home in Northern Ireland in the 1970s.

Other people were rather worried that if Cyril Smith went before a court, he would open his mouth

She agreed with suggestions by Labour’s David Winnick that the investigation of an alleged cover-up of paedophile activity involving politicians and other senior figures had to be undertaken urgently and could not wait for the Goddard inquiry to get fully underway.

Former police officers who investigated sex abuse allegations against Smith believe he was protected by friends in the establishment who were concerned that others would be named too.

One former detective, who served with Lancashire police, told the Guardian any inquiry into abuse at a children’s home in Rochdale was thwarted because “Cyril had people placed at every level in Lancashire – across the police, the judiciary and in the council”.

Smith died in 2010, but another retired officer, Jack Tasker, told Sky News the investigation into his alleged child abuse at Cambridge House care home was stalled because “other people were rather worried that if Cyril Smith went before a court, he would open his mouth”.

The former officer from Lancashire police, who spoke to the Guardian anonymously, said that he knew of the claims against Smith in the 1970s and 1980s in Lancashire but officers knew not to pursue them. Despite allegations that abuse was happening at Knowl View, a home set up by Smith, they were never properly investigated, he said.

“Smith had been the mayor, he was the local MP, he helped set up Knowl View. A lot of people in power owed him favours. He was untouchable,” he said.

Smith was first investigated over abuse allegations in Lancashire in the late 1960s. Despite testimony from young boys at Cambridge House, the Crown Prosecution Service rejected the police file.

Tasker told Sky News that senior officers repeatedly prevented him from properly investigating the case, and that – if Smith had been prosecuted – the case could have led to the fall of the minority Labour government at the time.

He said: “I think he was guilty and I think he should have faced trial. I think circumstances since have probably proved I was right, we were probably right.”

He said he had interviewed the boys and had believed what they had told him, adding: “They were interviewed separately and all had similar stories. But we were warned not to go ahead or talk about it to anyone.”

May agreed with suggestions by Labour’s David Winnick that the investigation of alleged cover-up of paedophile activity involving politicians and other senior figures had to be undertaken urgently and could not wait for the Goddard inquiry to get fully underway.

Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk said police officers had spoken of stand-up rows about being stopped from investigating alleged paedophiles.

Smith was accused of eight counts of sex abuse including six offences at a care home he set up in Rochdale but his family say he always denied the allegations.

Simon Danczuk, the Labour MP for Rochdale, who exposed Smith as an abuser in parliament in 2012, said he had spoken to Metropolitan police officers in the past 24 hours and they had spoken of stand-up rows and swearing in the office about being stopped from investigating alleged paedophiles.

The Labour MP urged David Cameron to guarantee that officers who give evidence over the alleged paedophile ring in Westminster will not be prosecuted.

The government argues there is no need to change the law. In November, the home secretary said: “I’m very clear the Official Secrets Act should not get in the way of anybody giving evidence to the inquiry [into historical allegations of child abuse] or bringing forward evidence that is relevant to the issue. So if anybody is worried about the Official Secrets Act they should come forward and speak out.”

But Danczuk said officers were still frightened of coming forward. He said he had spoken to a former officer with the Met on Tuesday night, who claimed investigations into allegations of child abuse were halted because of the prominent individuals involved.

“He is concerned about his pensions and the fact that he has made a commitment not to talk about these investigations – they were sworn to secrecy,” he told the World at One.

Greater Manchester police are now investigating a cover-up around Smith in north west England.

They are also investigating claims that Liz Lynne, the former Lib Dem MP who followed Smith into the Rochdale seat, told her constituency aide to get rid of a document detailing a cover-up at the Knowl View children’s home in Rochdale, which closed in the mid-1990s. Lynne has denied all knowledge of the claims against her.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby gnosticheresy_2 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:13 am

I'm hoping Smith isn't been set up to be the fall guy for all of this, seeing as he's conveniently dead, not a Tory and not close to the blue blood part of the political establishment.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby Searcher08 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:25 am

gnosticheresy_2 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:13 pm wrote:I'm hoping Smith isn't been set up to be the fall guy for all of this, seeing as he's conveniently dead, not a Tory and not close to the blue blood part of the political establishment.

I think it has gone beyond that, as Leon Brittain was the close political mentor of Nick Clegg right from his days at Cambridge University.

Couple of impressions

Theresa May is in a completely fuxored political position as
maintaining transparency will create a public shit-storm of loss of confidence in the political leadership against all three main parties yet
denying transparency will create a public shit-storm of loss of confidence in the social contract with the judiciary, police, royal family etc

Like the dog that didn't bark, I am very puzzled by how the issue of PIE formation and penetration into Government (which seems to have been greatly catalysed by Harman, Beckett, Hodge etc - ie several of the current Shadow Cabinet) has totally sunk without trace, yet the investigation into the Dolphin Square scene and even an IPCC investigation, is hurtling forward.
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Re: P.I.E. and Magpie docs

Postby cptmarginal » Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:46 am

Exaro writers are fantastic, yet again.

Leon Brittan: IPCC investigates claim of ‘cover-up’ for top Tory - Police also accused of shelving investigation into ‘VIP paedophiles’ at Elm Guest House - 21 March 2015

Scotland Yard is under investigation for allegedly shelving operations that might have exposed former home secretary Lord Brittan as a paedophile. Exaro can reveal that the investigation announced by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) on Monday includes allegations that the Yard suppressed evidence of child sex abuse by Brittan as well as by VIPs at Elm Guest House in south London

Scotland Yard’s ‘charge sheet’ for cover-up on ‘VIP paedophiles’ - IPCC lists 14 separate allegations of suppressed evidence and hindered or halted probes - 21 March 2015

(click through for the list of 14)

Police face a staggering list of claims of cover-ups of MPs and other prominent people who were allegedly paedophiles.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) announced on Monday that it “is to investigate 14 referrals detailing allegations of corruption in the Metropolitan Police Service in relation to child sex offences dating from the 1970’s to the 2000’s.”

The allegations include “suppressing evidence, hindering or halting investigations, and covering up the offences because of the involvement of MPs and police officers”, said the IPCC.

Ministers block move to lift Official Secrets Act for CSA scandal - Government rejects immunity for public officials who blow whistle on child sex abuse - 21 March 2015

How MPs voted on move to change Official Secrets Act over CSA - Conservatives and Liberal Democrats defeated ‘OSA immunity’ for abuse whistleblowers - 21 March 2015

Ministers defeated a move to amend the Official Secrets Act to ensure that it bars no one from giving evidence about VIP paedophiles.

Theresa May, home secretary, last week repeated in Parliament assurances that the act should not stop anyone from giving evidence to the overarching inquiry into child sex abuse (CSA). David Cameron even underlined the assurance at prime minister’s questions on Wednesday.

But Exaro can reveal that May and most of her coalition colleagues in the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties blocked an attempt in Parliament to change the Official Secrets Act (OSA) to give legal backing to such assurances.

The government defeated the amendment proposed by John Mann, Labour MP in a night-time vote in February that went unreported. An alert Exaro reader drew it to our attention.

“Notwithstanding the reassurances from the home secretary, will the prime minister please give a cast-iron guarantee that former public officials with knowledge of the cover-ups are given full whistleblower protections?”

Cameron replied: “I am absolutely clear about the fact that I do not want anyone to be prosecuted for uncovering wrongdoing in such a way.”
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