How does Gladio extend into the present day?

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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:49 pm

Elvis » Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:25 pm wrote:
It reads perfectly real to me, but on the other hand, any hints that it's fake?

Aside from the fact it's using every other paragraph to make a political point, I'd have to do some digging. At no point during secure comms do you ever engage in a free-wheeling discourse about not only the entire parameters of your mission, but a dozen other classified facts, conducted in plain language. It's quite strange for a meeting about covert tactics to immediately become "Hey, Let's Recap Everything That Happened So Far."

That said, of course, idiots abound. Although it's certainly curious that whoever did this transcript had such an intimate working knowledge of every single sentence they discussed and had access to such a remarkably clear recording.

The structure bears a strong resemblance to a recent John Schindler satire: ... y-clinton/

The original "leak" appears to come from the url, which is registered from Canada.
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby zangtang » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:33 pm

ahhh, Dr Basilov Expositionski !
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby Elvis » Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:49 pm

zangtang » Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:33 am wrote:ahhh, Dr Basilov Expositionski !


Hm, well, I did marvel at how well it matched my expectations. Now I'm uncertain, thanks, Wombat. But are any of these guys -- McCain?? -- geniuses exactly?
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby stillrobertpaulsen » Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:55 pm

stillrobertpaulsen » Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:47 pm wrote:if you really want to understand how Gladio extends into the present day, you must look at ISIS.

ISIS Is BS: It's Just the Latest Greatest Gladio Operation

Ok, the Radical Establishment Media says ISIS did the Paris attacks, President Hollande says so, and apparently ISIS themselves have claimed responsibility for the Friday the 13th attacks.

Not that that makes it necessarily so, but in the event that that is the case, I'm kicking this so everyone in the Eagles of Death Metal thread who don't understand the relationship between NATO and ISIS can click the link above.
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby JackRiddler » Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:02 pm

M. Sit down, David! Everything should be done on time, as we discussed. You understand the importance of everything! Wait a second, I will turn on anti-surveillance.

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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby semper occultus » Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:34 pm

Polish military police raid Nato centre in Warsaw

New rightwing government moves to take control of counterintelligence centre in attempt to consolidate grip on power

Julian Borger Diplomatic editor
Friday 18 December 2015 17.21 GMT

The sealed entry to the Nato Counter-Intelligence Centre of Excellence in Warsaw.

Polish military police have raided a Nato-affiliated counterintelligence centre in Warsaw in the latest of a series of moves by the country’s new rightwing government to consolidate its hold on power.

The raid took place at 1.30am on Friday at the temporary offices of the Nato Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence. According to the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper, senior aides of Antoni Macierewicz, the defence minister, accompanied by military police, entered the building using a duplicate key.

The centre’s night staff called the director, Col Krzysztof Dusza, but he was prevented from entering. A defence ministry spokesman said Dusza had not responded to an order to step down from the post.

Any such change of management was supposed to have been a matter of consultation with Nato and the Slovak government, which is a partner in the centre. Neither Nato nor Slovak officials could confirm whether any such consultation had taken place.

The former Polish defence minister Tomasz Siemoniak told reporters: “Nothing like this has happened in the history of Nato, that a member state attacks a Nato facility.”

The Slovak defence ministry said: “The Slovak side is following the situation in Poland very closely. Intensive consultations at various levels are currently ongoing. We expect a thorough clarification of the situation from our Polish partners.”

A Nato official said the raid was “an issue for the Polish authorities”, adding that the centre had yet to be accredited by Nato.

However, its creation was the subject of a formal signing ceremony in the US at the end of September attended by the Nato head of alliance transformation, General Jean-Paul Paloméros, ministers from Poland and Slovakia, as well as representatives from eight other Nato members sponsoring the institution.

Nato centres of excellence are not run directly under Nato command but are coordinated by the alliance as affiliated bodies cultivating expertise.

A Nato statement on the signing ceremony said the centre would be “the primary hub of Nato expertise in military counterintelligence”. The main facility in Krakow is due to be fully operational and accredited next year, but while it was being completed, the temporary offices were in Warsaw.

The raid represented an attempt by Macierewicz to wrest immediate control of the centre from Dusza, who had been appointed to run it by Poland’s former centre-right government ousted in October elections by the radical Law and Justice party.

Since then, the new ruling party has moved fast to put loyalists in charge of the intelligence and security agencies, and had its nominees sworn in as constitutional court judges in the middle of the night in violation of constitutional procedure. The party is also preparing a bill that would open up senior civil service jobs to political appointments.

“It is becoming a sad rule these days that the Law and Justice party chooses night time to introduce important decisions. Poles have bad memories of such incidents in the past,” said Michal Kobosko, director of the Poland office of the Atlantic Council, a pro-Nato thinktank, in a reference to communist declaration of martial law in December 1981.

“Poles are starting to makes jokes about what might happen the next night. But this incident is not a joke. In 200 days from now Poland will be hosting a Nato summit in Warsaw. Polish authorities should be extremely careful before undertaking any moves which might surprise our Nato western allies.”

Macierewicz is the most controversial figure in the new government. The defence minister has given credence to conspiracy theories about Jewish world domination and once accused the Solidarity leader and godfather of Polish democracy, Lech Walesa, of being a communist agent.

“This new government doesn’t take hostages,” said Eugeniusz Smolar, an analyst at the Centre for International Relations, adding that he thought the raid had been ordered by Macierewicz without consultation with the rest of the government. “They didn’t have to do this in this manner, that will alineate Nato partners and will be damaging to Polish standing in Nato.”
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby Luther Blissett » Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:27 am

I'm sorry for the bump without much if anything to add, but I keep having to search for this thread regarding some of these sources.
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby tapitsbo » Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:36 pm

How are we even supposed to interpret that story abou the Polish government? Fat chance they could get away with that unless it was premeditated between various parties...
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby Luther Blissett » Wed Mar 29, 2017 2:35 pm

Air Force tried to get CIA and FBI to cooperate on the Alaskan Stay-Behind network

TOP SECRET documents show it would take more than the threat of Soviet invasion to get the two rival agencies to play nice

While the FBI’s Stay-Behind network in Alaska has been previously explored - including how it was partially driven to spite the CIA - the Agency’s role in the Cold War contingency has largely been kept secret. Previously classified records reveal that the military specifically sought to get the CIA involved in the earliest months of the program.

The extent of the Agency’s involvement remains unclear, as does whether or not the Agency ever interacted with the FBI on the project. Given Bureau’s animus towards the Agency - including, but not limited to the Alaskan project - it seems unlikely that the FBI would have reached out if they could have avoided it, though documents released in the CREST mention that it was “discussed informally.”

While the Bureau had been discussing programs to create “sleeper agents” in Alaska since as early as January 1950, it seems that CIA may not have been consulted until March. A memo with the subject “United States Armed Forces Underground Intelligence Activities in the event of Enemy Occupation of Alaska” from the Air Force’s Chief of Staff solicited the opinions of both the CIA and FBI Directors. The memo sought to establish a policy for the program in order to avoid duplication of effort or interference between the various agencies.

It seems that little progress was made in the next two months beyond some discussions. A memo dated May 16 reiterated the desire to create a coordinated policy and approach to the issue. It’s only after this point that the Agency has released any of its replies to the program. Copies reviewed in 2003 remain heavily redacted, with whole pages excised while copies reviewed in 2004 include several other significant pieces of information.

One of the memos which was originally excised, from May 23, shows that there was immediate concern about how CIA could become involved in the project. Army intelligence in Alaska draw up a formal paper signed by the appropriate Commanding General and forwarded through channels to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to Lt. Colonel Marchant of the U.S. Air Force, this was the only way that CIA could officially recognize the request and coordinate with the FBI.

The memo also recognized “that CIA does not have formal authority to conduct operations in the United States or its territories (including Alaska).” Nevertheless, Lt. Colonel Marchant was of the opinion that it was not “wholly an internal FBI-Air Force matter.” The rest of the paragraph remains completely redacted.

The memo concluded with the recommendation that CIA and FBI coordinate the matter between themselves, either directly between the Directors of the two agencies or between their appointed representatives.

Within a few days, the Agency had apparently discussed the matter with FBI “informally” and decided not to become involved at that time as “Alaska is not within the jurisdiction of the activities of this Agency, but rather within the responsibilities of the FBI.” As a result, the CIA Director recommended that the Defense Department coordinate with the FBI. If the DoD and FBI desired for the Agency to “give assistance with personnel or equipment,” then CIA would have been “glad to collaborate to the extent of its capabilities.”
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby Luther Blissett » Wed May 17, 2017 3:38 pm

The Rich and the Corporate remain in their hundred-year fever visions of Bolsheviks taking their stuff - JackRiddler
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed May 17, 2017 4:03 pm

that's the way we like be my guest beat up a few protesters..they're on me

sorry about Flynn not getting to kidnap that guy for you ..
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby 0_0 » Wed May 17, 2017 4:27 pm

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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby Freitag » Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:16 pm

There has apparently been a deathbed confession in the Brabant case. The suspect known as "The Giant" confessed to his brother that he was involved in the killings.

Brabant killers: new trace that could lead to "the Giant"

Sat 21/10/2017 - 09:55 Michaël Torfs

Police detectives are investigating new links in the notorious case of the "Bende van Nijvel" (Nivelles Gang). One is about the identity of one of the gang members, who was dubbed the Giant at the time, Het Laatste Nieuws and De Morgen report. The Nivelles Gang committed a series of horrendous raids on supermarkets in the 80ies, killing 28 people and leaving dozens of others injured or traumatised.

The identity of the killers has not been unveiled until now, despite various investigations. While the case remains shrouded in mystery, there is new hope that it may be solved, at least partly, after all. "Interesting new clues" have emerged recently, the Liège attorney-general Christian De Valkeneer confirmed.

It is said that a former member of the federal police, who used to work the special intervention unit called Diane, made a confession just before he died. He allegedly confessed to having been "the Giant" - (one of the gang members was very tall, red). The man's family took this information to the police; it is now being investigated whether this is right.

The judicial authorities say that "there are indications" but that "there is no hard evidence yet". It could take several more months to get more clarity, but detectives hope that this case may lead to unveiling other members of the notorious gang.

As one Redditor said:

The "gladio gone wrong" theories are looking more and more probable. The political backlash is going to be huge if there is more evidence that the government has to do with this.
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby conniption » Sun Apr 07, 2019 7:24 pm


Published on Apr, 6, 2019
Comments 40

Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance

Between the Vatican, the CIA and the Mafia: Overview of the book by Paul L. Williams

Antony C. Black


On the hot summer morning of Aug. 2, 1980 a massive explosion ripped apart the main waiting room of the Bologna railway station. Eighty-five people were killed and hundreds more injured. Though at first blamed on Italy’s legendary urban guerrillas, The Red Brigades, it soon emerged that the attack had, in fact, originated from within the ‘deep state’ of the Italian government itself.

The full nature of this secret parallel state would only come to light a decade later when the Italian premier, Giulio Andreotti, under questioning from a special commission of inquiry, revealed the existence of arms caches stashed all around the country and which were at the disposal of an organization which later came to be identified as ‘Gladio’.

The members of this group turned out to include not only hundreds of far-right figures in the intelligence, military, government, media, Church and corporate sectors, but a motley assortment of unreconstructed WW2 fascists, psychopaths and criminal underworld types to boot. And despite Andreotti’s attempts to airbrush the group as ‘patriots’ it appeared evident to much of the rest of the Italian polity that these seemed rather more like pretty bad folk indeed. Little did they know. Follow-up research by the likes of Daniele Ganser, Claudio Celani, Jurgen Roth and Henrik Kruger traced connections to similar groups spread throughout Europe of which all were found to be deep state terrorist organizations, and all of which were found, ultimately, to be subservient unto the highest levels of the CIA and NATO command structures.

The moniker ‘Gladio’ (after the two-edged sword used in classical Rome) was eventually broadened to include a bewildering host of related deep state terrorist structures including: ‘P2’ In Italy, ‘P26’ in Switzerland, ‘Sveaborg’ in Sweden, ‘Counter-Guerrilla’ in Turkey and ‘Sheepskin’ in Greece. This (hardly definitive) European list was then found to have connections not only to virtually every US sponsored secret state terrorist organization the world over (including the likes of Operation Condor in Latin America), but also to many of the global drug cartels that provided the secretive wealth needed to fund and otherwise lubricate the whole rotting, corrupt shebang.

If all this sounds sinister enough, it pales in light of the detailed structure of the dazzlingly diabolical Gladio edifice. And it is to those details we now repair vis a vis an overview of the remarkable, if otherwise unheralded, 2015 work by journalist Paul L. Williams entitled, ‘Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA and the Mafia’. Though there are other books on the subject worthy of honourable mention (including Daniele Ganser’s seminal tome, ‘NATO’s Secret Armies’, and Richard Cottrell’s recent and stylishly written, ‘Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe’), it is to Williams that I believe we owe a particular debt of gratitude in having provided a more or less fully integrated portrait of the global machinations of Operation Gladio.

Before embarking on our grim, if yet fascinating, journey it is worth first noting that whilst ‘Gladio’ was officially acknowledged and condemned by the European Parliament (in Nov., 1990; Washington and NATO having ever after refused ‘comment’ on the matter), and its multifarious organs and factions ordered dismantled, it is hardly likely that the latter was ever fully enacted. The historical context of ‘Gladio’, then, is really the quintessential backdrop to understanding the trademark false flag events of the modern era.

Of Spooks and Made Men...

continues... ... -alliance/
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Re: How does Gladio extend into the present day?

Postby cptmarginal » Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:08 pm

I was thinking of making a thread about stay-behind operations in countries that did not directly participate in the NATO activities. The reason being that I have just read this news story out of the Netherlands & it immediately has me wondering:



The police discovered an underworld prison and torture chamber in a warehouse in Wouwse Plantage in Noord-Brabant. Six men were arrested on June 22 on suspicion of preparing for abductions, hostage takings, and torture in the criminal underworld. In a second warehouse in Rotterdam, the police discovered a second location believed to be a base for criminals, the police said in a statement on Monday.

The discovery and arrests were made partly thanks to information from encrypted messages gained access to by hacking encrypted phone provider Encrochat. The police announced last week that this hack gave them access to millions of messages sent between criminals. The prime suspect, a 40-year-old man from The Hague suspected of involvement in drug trafficking, was linked to messages about abduction, torture and the underworld prison discovered in Noord-Brabant.

The Noord-Brabant underworld prison consisted of seven sea containers, the police said. Six of them were equipped to serve as jail cells, the seventh as a torture chamber, the police said. Intercepted messages contained photos of a container with a dental chair, with straps on the armrests and footrest. Abduction and torture were discussed in the messages. The suspects called the facility an 'ebi' - a Dutch acronym used for high security penitentiaries - with a 'treatment room'.

The police had the warehouse in Noord-Brabant under observation since mid-April and saw several men working on the sea containers almost every day. One of these men, a 44-year-old from Nieuwegein, also met with the prime suspect from The Hague and a known accomplice, a 43-yearold man from Rotterdam, the police said. The combination of the Encrochat messages and observations led to their identification.

Investigators decided to step in when the prison seemed to be nearing completion. They found that the containers were equipped with sound insulating plates and heat insulating foils. Handcuffs were attached to the ceiling and floor in each of the cells, with a camera mounted in the corner so that an eye could be kept on the cells from a distance.

In one container, the police found several sets of police clothing, bulletproof vests, and flashing lights. Another container held bags of what the police believe were meant to be torture implements - pruning shears, loppers, branch saws, scalpels, pliers, handcuffs, finger cuffs, tape, balaclavas, and black cotton bags that can be pulled over the head. They also found thee stolen vans and two fast BMWs, and a sleeping area set up in an adjacent room, believed to be for guards.

The chats also spoke of a second warehouse, located right next to the A16 in Rotterdam. There the police found seven handguns and an automatic assault rifle, a Chinese variant of the Kalashnikov AK-47. Several of the suspects were seen at both warehouses. The police also raided eleven other locations. In a home in Rotterdam, they found 24 kilograms of MDMA. A total of 25 weapons were found among the suspects.

According to the police, they could deduce from the messages who the intended targets of the abductions and torture were. These people were warned and went into hiding, the police said.

The six men were arraigned and remanded into custody. They are suspected of preparing for abductions, hostage takings, aggravated assault, extortion, and participation in a criminal organization. Two of them are also suspected of illegal weapons possession.

Operatiën en Inlichtingen - O&I

The Dutch Stay-Behind Organisation during the Cold War

In the Netherlands, a secret stay-behind organisation (SBO) was formed just after WWII had ended, in 1946 or 1947. For many years, this organisation was known as O&I, the abbreviation of Operatiën en Inlichtingen (Operations and Intelligence) 1 although it was also known under other names. Nevertheless, the organisation is often (wrongly) identified as Gladio, after the Italian SBO branch.

Although O&I had a good relationship with NATO and with sister organisations in other countries, like Germany, Belgium and the UK, is was the only fully autonomous and fully self-controlled stay-behind organisation in Europe. It was neither controlled by NATO, nor by any other foreign agency, including MI6 and the CIA [5].

Each agent had a set of manuals, coded information about agents, transmission schedules, code material, financial means (e.g. money and gold), a radio transmitter and receiver (spy radio set) and sometimes a weapon and ammunition. These items were usually stored inside one or more containers that were hidden by the agent, e.g. in the attic or burried in the garden. Some of this material was also stored in other places, known as caches, both in The Netherlands and abroad.

In total, between 100 and 200 agents were involved in the Dutch network, which consisted of a staff and field agents [1]. The staff of ± 20 people was involved with organisational tasks, administration and instruction and training of field agents. In the event of a war with the Warsaw Pact countries, the staff would be moved to a safe base in the UK, North America or Canada.

The field agents were divided into organisers and operators. An organiser was specialised in reconnaissance, forging ID papers, sabotage, information gathering, psychologic warfare, organising illegal press, etc. In the event of a war, the organiser would autonomously built his own clandestine network. Each organiser was assigned an operator who maintained contact with the staff abroad. The operator was specialised in operating the radio equipment, coding and decoding messages, sending these messages in Morse Code and preventing interception and direction finding. Initially, the agents would operate in pairs (organiser and operator), but later, when automatic radio stations were deployed, the single-agent concept was introduced [5].

In 1990, after stories about subversive actions by the Italian SBO 'GLADIO' had reached the press, Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers confirmed the existence of a Dutch SBO. He also stated that, unlike the other SBOs, the Dutch organisation was autonomous and was not controlled by NATO, MI6 or the CIA. Less than two years later he saw himself forced to dismantle the organisation.


O&I was able to carry out its duties more or less undisturbed throughout its existence. Never­theless, some of its caches (hidden storage places with weapons, money and communications equipment) were discovered over time. The following incidents reached the Dutch press:

1966 Discovery of weapons cache in the Wieringermeerpolder.
1980 Discovery of weapons cache near Heythuysen (Limburg).
1983 Discovery of weapons cache near Rheden.
1992 Discovery of weapons and communications equipment in a house in Utrecht.

There were other incidents that reached the press, such as the discovery of a large amount of weapons with Dutch criminals Sam Klepper en John Mieremet in Alkmaar (Netherlands) on 29 August 1991. According to some newspapers, these weapons were robbed from a cache in The Hague (Scheveningse Bosjes). In 1983/84 the robbery was discovered and reported to the police, but it was decided not to take any further action. Although it was suggested that the stay-behind network was involved in this criminal activity, no proof to support this claim was ever found [5].

In 2007, the Dutch Minister of Defense confirmed to the Dutch Parliament that the weapons cache had indeed been robbed but that a re cent investigation had revealed that the weapons found with the criminals were of a different brand and/or model than those taken from the cache [10].

More on 1992, and Operation Delta: ... 94115.html

Justice must still investigate whether the explosives found in a shed near Oudebildtzijl in 1992 came from a weapon depot of the secret government service Gladio. This is the opinion of VVD MP and former public prosecutor Fred Teeven.

On 7 December 1992, during a search on the Nieuwebildtdijk, the police found not only the large batch of drugs about which she had been tipped off by the criminal intelligence service. The shed also had hand grenades and almost 100 kilos of semtex.

That explosive is stronger than dynamite: 250 grams of semtex is enough to blow up an airplane. Where that came from remained a mystery to the Frisian detective and public prosecutor Klaas Bunk.

According to Teeven, there is a link between the drug and weapon find in Oudebildtzijl and the government agency Gladio. That was a super secret organization that dates back to the Cold War. The agency had stored thousands of kilos of explosives in dozens of depots.

At the time, Teeven was a team leader of the customs investigation department and in 1994 he came across the Oudebildtzijl case as a public prosecutor.

(forgive the odd source, I am using Google Translate to learn about all of this)

The criminals of the Delta and the IRT affair

In deepest secrecy, the interregional investigation team (IRT) Noord-Holland / Utrecht started Operation Delta in 1992. The investigators are looking for the successors of the liquidated top criminal Klaas Bruinsma. In order to finally unmask the leaders of this Delta Group, the investigative authorities pass on tons of drugs.

These drug transports do not harm one of the best-known Dutch underworld figures. Mink Kok makes tens of millions from it, writes UN reporter Marian Husken in her recently published book about the career of the top criminal. When the police encounter the large batch of drugs and explosives in Oudebildtzijl on 7 November 1992, Kok and his friend Jan Femer come into the picture.

But the IRT team is not dismantling the criminal organization. In the fall of 1993, the new team leader Johan van Kastel of the Amsterdam police notices which controversial investigation methods his investigators use. They not only let drugs through, but also started setting up their own cocaine line, Van Kastel reports to the police force in Amsterdam. He does not want to take responsibility for that.

In December 1993, the commotion caused by the police, the judiciary and the ministers led to the discontinuation of the IRT team. Data collected by IRT officers during investigations should no longer be used as evidence in criminal matters.

Prosecutor Fred Teeven signed a deal with Mink Kok in 1998 with the permission of the top of the Public Prosecution Service. They have at least ten conversations. In September 1999, the criminal is arrested for the largest weapon discovery ever made in the Netherlands. While in prison, he is arrested again for the murder of drug trafficker Jaap van der Heijden. The court acquitted him of this in June.
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