Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby 82_28 » Fri May 06, 2016 8:32 am

This is a top trending link at popurls this morning: ... 1774867229

Just FYI. . .
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Fri May 06, 2016 10:10 am

MacCruiskeen » 06 May 2016 06:36 wrote:
Maybe Meng's family is fishy too, wouldn't surprise me in the least. [Takes a look: Yes, looks fishy.] But it is at best a minor and marginal side-note to what is already a blatantly obvious and extremely brutal miscarriage of justice. So why obsess over Meng's family?

"[Takes a look]" what? That's why I'm "obsessed", i.e., why I care. Because we don't know the first thing about Meng's family. They're apparently wealthy enough to ship their child to America to study at an expensive college. Meng says he (and his team of handlers) maintained his anonymity for so long because he wanted to deflect attention away from his family. Why? If they were peasants, surely he wouldn't care. So, they're not peasants. So, then, who are they? Meng matters, doesn't he? Meng is among the fishiest of elements in the official narrative, right? If you think the Tsarnaevs were innocent patsies, then Meng plays a crucial role in setting them up. (Even if you think the Tsarnaevs were guilty as hell, Meng reeks like a co-conspirator.) So, Meng really fucking matters. Baker sure thinks so, given how much he's been "obsessed" over Meng. So the questions of who, what, and why regarding Meng's family should matter no less than Meng. And yet, Baker seemingly gives no fucks about them. How do you feel about that?

The kindest thing I can call your style and manner throughout this thread is adolescent; in fact I find it repulsive, and if you addressed Russ Baker in that facetiously pseudo-tough manner, then I am not surprised that he tired of the correspondence very quickly. He is an adult, he is busy, and he has serious things to attend to seriously.

I addressed Baker just as I quoted above, with total respect but with dwindling patience, as he first declared my questions to be good but then a year later winds up shrugging them off as unserious. He's not busy investigating Meng's family or Peter Furth, that's for sure. Not yet, anyway. Again, ask him yourself why. Please.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby Iamwhomiam » Fri May 06, 2016 10:24 am

Mac, I think I was the one who mentioned Dzhokhar going insane in solitary; 4th B just wrote he was "...utterly indifferent to whatever anguish an admitted murderer might feel from spending 23 hours a day alone." after having said he, "....could not give a billionth of a diddly shit about his suffering in solitary confinement.

I wrote, "He'll go mad in a few years." 4th B just said he didn't care. I had seen just the day before this video and was projecting, I suppose.

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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby fruhmenschen » Wed May 11, 2016 3:41 pm ... bombshell/

see link for full stories

MAY 11, 2016 | JAMES HENRY
Important New Info on Boston Marathon Bombing

Tamerlan Tsarnaev  Photo credit:  Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Dave Newman / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
WhoWhatWhy has discovered that the FBI secretly flagged at least one of the “Boston Marathon bombers” as a terrorist threat in his immigration records, despite publicly denying it had done so.

This designation existed right up to the time the bombs went off at Boylston St. on April 15, 2013.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s heavily redacted immigration records, known as an A-file (alien file), were released in February under the Freedom of Information Act and posted online by US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). FOIA has a “frequently requested record” provision where multiple request for the same record triggers a “reading room” (posted online) treatment of the records. WhoWhatWhy was one of those requesters.

For context, it’s important to note that soon after the bombing, uncomfortable questions were raised by WhoWhatWhy when it became clear the FBI had long been aware of Tsarnaev. Even some of the mainstream outlets, which almost uniformly have accepted the government’s version of events, couldn’t ignore this reality.

The Bureau steadfastly maintains that it determined the elder Tsarnaev (who died in an altercation with police three days after the bombing) was not any kind of a national security threat. It also denies ever having asked him to be an informant.

And yet a shadowy program used by the feds to keep individuals deemed a “national security concern” from obtaining citizenship looks like the reason Tsarnaev’s naturalization application was held up — to the very moment of his death. This program is called the Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program (CARRP).

Significantly, CARRP is also used to manipulate foreign nationals (mostly Muslims) to do the FBI’s bidding by — ironically — flagging them as a “national security concern,” according to an extensive ACLU investigation into the program.

Reeled in by CARRP?
So, what is the significance of holding Tsarnaev’s naturalization application under CARRP?

It would mean that, by definition, the FBI had not ruled out whether Tsarnaev was a  “Known or Suspected Terrorist” (KST) by the time of the bombing.

A KST is a designation under CARRP automatically given to anyone listed on the terrorist “watch list,” which Tsarnaev most certainly was. A lower threat level, or “non-Known or Suspected Terrorist” (non-KST), can also be labeled a “national security concern” if certain “indicators” are present.

There’s also a good possibility that the FBI wasn’t worried about him at all. Instead a ”false” or trumped up KST designation and subsequent delay was used as leverage to get Tsarnaev to play some “informant” role. In FBI parlance, the word “informant” encompasses a wide range of roles — both official and unofficial — that an individual might be asked to perform.

The FBI, as a matter of policy, does not confirm or deny whether an applicant has been subjected to CARRP. And the Bureau almost never confirms or denies whether an individual was asked to become an informant.

Notably, however, the latter policy was ignored when it became patently obvious to observers that Tsarnaev fit the archetypal informant profile: young male Muslim, native speaker from a geopolitically important area, citizenship applicant, with minor legal troubles (which can provide even more leverage over a potential recruit). So, the FBI broke its own policy by explicitly denying they ever pushed him to be an informant.


There are two key documents in Tsarnaev’s A-file.

One is a “Naturalization Applications Routing Slip.” This is an internal routing sheet used to track the movement of files through USCIS.

The other is a copy of an e-mail from USCIS’s Fraud Detection & National Security (FDNS) Directorate instructing an Immigration Services Officer. It instructs the officer to “de-schedule and place in suspense” Tsarnaev’s naturalization application.

Both documents use the CARRP acronym. Taken together, it’s clear that Tsarnaev’s application wa
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Thu May 12, 2016 7:34 am

It's not hard to imagine how the Tsarnaevs (or at the very least, Tamerlan) could have been pressured to work for the FBI and wound up playing a role in Urban Shield and then either 1) set up as semi-guilty patsies or 2) conditioned to become bona fide terrorists. It is, in my opinion, harder to imagine the purpose. Meaning, here, that there are at least two schemes of ulterior perps and purposes which work just about as well as each other as explanatory lenses for each type of taboo scenario, and which may not be an either-one-or-the-other but may be overlapping (or, piggybacking) at cross-purposes in the very same events.

1) The same kind of shadowy petro-military-industrial-spook right wing junta that assassinated JFK and planned 9/11 either a) hoodwinked or b) brainwashed two H.A.M. asylees into a) playing the role of or b) actually becoming terrorists, in order to manufacture normalcy for a police state and reasons for more lucrative militaristic civilizational clashing.

2) A version of that but where the junta and the purposes involve shadowy Fabian and Islamic anti-imperialist cooperation to, uh, heighten contradictions in American society, perhaps where well-placed infiltrators a) pervert an already-existing dry run drill or b) guide a false flag "drill" from its inception.

I'm guessing I'd be the only person here to take #2 seriously as a scenario or co-scenario.

But a neat thing is: Either way, Fuller and Glyn Williams are suspicious as fuck. Right?
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:17 pm

Judge orders Glenn Beck to reveal sources for story linking innocent man to Boston Marathon bombing
By Derek Hawkins August 10 at 7:04 AM

Glenn Beck had found the Boston Marathon bombing’s “money man.” Or at least his sources said so.

In the weeks after the 2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264 others, the conservative media host reported that a Saudi Arabian student was part of the plot. Authorities had “tagged” 20-year-old Abdulrahman Alharbi as a “proven terrorist” who funded the operation, Beck alleged.

“You know who the Saudi is?” Beck, formerly of Fox News, said. “He’s the guy who paid for it.”

The claim was untrue. Police did question Alharbi, who had attended the marathon and was injured in the blast. They even searched his apartment and Facebook account. Within a day of the attack, authorities had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

That didn’t stop Beck from pushing the “money man” theory. In several radio broadcasts and posts on his website TheBlaze, Beck claimed that Alharbi recruited the two brothers who carried out the attack, and ultimately gave them the “go order” for the bombing.

The information, he later revealed, came from confidential sources interviewed by two of his top editors.

Now, a judge says Beck has to give up those sources.

In an order issued Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patti B. Saris in Massachusetts ruled that Beck must identify at least two officials from the Department of Homeland Security who, according to Beck, gave TheBlaze the information purportedly linking Alharbi to the bombing.

The ruling came in a defamation lawsuit Alharbi filed after the attack alleging that Beck falsely accused him of participating in it, causing him “grave injury.”

Saris’s order could set up a First Amendment battle. If Beck refuses to comply, the judge could impose sanctions or even take the extreme step of jailing Beck for contempt.

Massachusetts, where Alharbi filed his suit, is one of about a dozen states that does not have a shield law protecting journalists from revealing anonymous sources.

Saris acknowledged that her ruling would raise “First Amendment concerns,” but said the document production that she ordered failed to show that authorities indeed thought Alharbi had funded the bombing.

“None of the documents supports the idea that Alharbi was the ‘the money man’ financing the Boston Marathon attacks,” Saris said in the 61-page order.

Attorneys for Beck and Alharbi didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on the order.

At the time TheBlaze’s reports came out, Beck was ambiguous about where he’d gotten his information. When a co-host asked Beck in one broadcast whether his claims were reporting or “speculation,” he ignored the question.

But in depositions earlier this year, Beck said two counterparts, Joe Weasel and Joel Cheatwood, had communicated with a half-dozen sources — four from DHS and two congressional aides, according to the judge’s order.

Weasel, formerly head of TheBlaze’s investigations unit, testified that he spoke with five of them, while Cheatwood, TheBlaze’s chief content officer, testified that he spoke with one. Saris said the men ultimately based their conclusions about Alharbi on a pair of documents they received from one source and discussed with a second. The documents, dated April 15 and 16 2013, refer to Alharbi as a “suspected terrorist” and “armed and dangerous,” but make no mention of him being the attackers’ benefactor, according to the order.

Weasel said in deposition that the sources didn’t discuss how the attack was financed or whether funds were transferred — a move Saris said may end up helping Alharbi show the defendants were negligent. On top of that, the judge criticized Weasel and Cheatwood for offering “vague and contradictory” accounts of what the sources told them. Weasel, she said, took notes from his discussions on Post-its, “which he then discarded,” and couldn’t recall during his deposition specifically what the sources told him about Alharbi’s involvement in the bombing.

“The plaintiff has a strong need for the sources’ identities to meet his burden of demonstrating that the defendants did not act with the proper standard of care in their reporting about Alharbi,” Saris said.

Saris’s order directs Beck — along with his co-defendants TheBlaze, Mercury Radio Arts and Premier Radio Networks — to disclose the identity of the two sources. They described one as a “founding member” and 13-year veteran of the Department of Homeland Security who is an expert on Islamic terrorism, according to the order; Weasel claimed to have spoken with that source hundreds of times, according to the order. The other source was described as a 20-year veteran of the department with whom Weasel corresponds “routinely.”

The Boston Marathon bombing occurred on April 15, 2013, when Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, detonated two pressure-cooker bombs near the race’s finish line. Tamerlan was shot and killed by police on April 18, and Dzhokar was arrested the following day. After a trial on terrorism charges, Dzhokar was sentenced to death in April 2015.

About a dozen states have shield laws that offer journalists an absolute privilege protecting them from revealing anonymous sources, and more than 20 others offer qualified protections. It’s rare for judges to jail journalists who don’t reveal their sources, but in one of the highest-profile cases in recent memory, New York Times reporter Judith Miller spent nearly three months in jail in 2005 for refusing to identify a government official who divulged the name of a covert CIA officer. Miller later revealed the source to be I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, then-Vice President Richard B. Cheney’s chief of staff. ... n-bombing/

Glenn Beck says Boston Marathon bombing sources could be killed by ‘our government or our politicians or political institutions’ ... -1.2746521
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:23 pm

I remember very early in this thread describing a WHDH interview with one of this Saudi kid's roommates in Revere. Suspect as fucking hell then, feel no differently now.

Nota bene:

FourthBase » 29 Aug 2015 01:19 wrote:
FourthBase » 24 May 2015 23:25 wrote:As far as better questions, here's a couple I posed in an email a few days ago to Russ Baker, who said they were good questions:

Why hasn't Peter Furth's name ever appeared in print anywhere in connection to the carjacking story of Dun/Manny/Danny Meng given that he was Meng's advisor and was also quoted in a Moskowitz article circa 2011?

Also, is there any way to find out what Meng's family does in China? Perhaps they're prominent and that's the reason why he maintained anonymity for so long?

As far as I can tell, this post will be the first place anywhere online that mentions the name Peter Furth in the context of the bombings/carjacking. All I did was google "Dun Meng" + advisor. Second result. Then I googled "Peter Furth" + Moskowitz. First result. Voila, there's the mysterious advisor who hooked "Danny" up with Fox, and the mysterious Northeastern contact who got Moskowitz the scoop. He doesn't seem all that special, just a dry urban planning academic, except maybe for his position on the staff of the Dukakis Center. Looking forward to see if Baker turns up anything of significance or not.

So, still nothing from Russ Baker re: Peter Furth. You would think that, given all the attention on WhoWhatWhy to Danny/Dun's mysterious saga especially regarding the network of handlers, finally identifying the Northeastern advisor who connected Danny/Dun to both Fox and Moskowitz would be a significant step toward puzzle-completion. I guess not? And there's no urgency to further investigate Meng's background, to search for elite family connections, and so forth? No curiosity, even?

This -- the quoted post, and this post I'm writing now -- still seems to be literally the only place in the entire fucking world which mentions Furth in the context of "Danny" and the Tsarnaevs, etc. Although, technically, there is one other place from a month after mine which nearly does so, by providing a hyperlink to the abstract with Furth's name embedded but nothing more:

http://marathon-bombing-discussion.2346 ... 6p489.html

By the way, check out that whole thread. Whatever board that is, it's fucking awesome. Puts other wannabe sleuthers to shame. For example:

Ironically (or not), it appears Meng used to live at 3_4 Ocean Drive in Revere, virtually the same address for the Saudi national that was arrested after the bombing.

What a coincidence, eh?
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:28 pm

Just an FYI, I have not forgotten about Meng and Furth.

Also, I bow my head in shame and offer my belated apologies to anyone who I lashed out at for proposing crisis actor scenarios. Nothing is beyond the pale anymore to me. Not even that. As I said elsewhere, my Bayesian assessment of the plausibility of such things has basically gone from 0.1% to an entire 1 percent. Pizzagate has changed everything. Although, I still cannot imagine that it would've been more than a small crew of them, if there were any, and I still believe with absolute certainty that most of the victims were 100% real people who really died or got maimed for life.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby Sounder » Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:47 pm

Also, I bow my head in shame and offer my belated apologies to anyone who I lashed out at for proposing crisis actor scenarios. Nothing is beyond the pale anymore to me. Not even that. As I said elsewhere, my Bayesian assessment of the plausibility of such things has basically gone from 0.1% to an entire 1 percent. Pizzagate has changed everything.

Because of an impatient nature and some years of driving cab, I may find myself approaching too closely at times to the driver in front. Its fine to let the person know you are there, but then you got too back off and let the other person drive the speed they are comfortable with. (It is wrong when people use these 3000 pound projectiles as if they are potential weapons.)

My conditioning reflects incites into three elite families, one good, two bad.

One hard incite resulted from an explanation that was felt to be owed to me, by the partner of a client who splashed some paint around. Long story short, she said that this person’s grandfather was already filthy rich from wartime electronics patents, but he could not get into a certain ‘set’ until he could show that he hated regular people. Nuff said.

Second family, they practiced trauma conditioning on the whole family.

Third family, very loving, with wonderful children.

So, as you may know, my bias is to assume fakery. Because there are powerful people out there who’s biggest sport is to make fools and worse of regular people so that they can maintain their psychotically poor opinion of regular people.

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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby Elvis » Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:49 am

Video at link
Tsarnaev Denied Extremism to FBI, Said Mystery Men Came to See Him

Apr 10 2017, 4:11 pm ET
by Tom Winter

The FBI has released a summary of an interview summary that agents conducted with Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in April 2011, two years before the April 2013 bombing, and it includes Tsarnaev's claim that four mysterious men claiming to be FBI agents had previously tried to contact him.

The document, called a 302, does not speculate on who the four men might have been. Prior to the FBI interview, Russian intelligence was aware of Tsarnaev and had alerted the FBI that he had traveled to Chechnya, a region known for Islamist training camps.

Tsarnaev was approached by the FBI Boston Field Office after Russian intelligence told the FBI of his travels abroad.

The FBI agent who prepared the document wrote that Tsarnaev said four "young, handsome men in suits" had previously approached a person whose name was redacted by the FBI, saying they wanted to speak to Tamerlan Tsarnaev and claimed they were FBI. The four men provided no identification and left no business cards. It says "Tamerlan was open to all contact with the FBI and [will] report any additional contact with the four unidentified individuals (UI) who claimed to be FBI."

Related: Tsarnaev Sentenced to Death In Boston Marathon Bombing Trial

The summary also notes that Tsarnaev said he didn't read any extremist material online, that he went to the mosque once a week, and that he had not traveled to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj because it was costly.

The document says that Tsarnaev told the FBI that he had "respect for all religions and feels that any religion makes your life better."

According to the 302, Tsarnaev "expressed an interest in the Spartan warrior culture." In addition, it says he wanted to box for the U.S. Olympic team but didn't have his citizenship yet. The Russian-born Tsarnaev never received U.S. citizenship. He was killed in a shootout with police soon after law enforcement released his picture to the public as a suspect in the Marathon bombing.

Related: Tamerlan Tsarnaev Passed Citizenship Test, Denied Terrorism Links

The 302 notes that on the date of the interview, April 22, 2011, he had recently quit a job at a pizzeria and had previously worked at a Home Depot.

Tsarnaev's brother, Dzhokhar, has been sentenced to die for his role in the death of MIT police officer Sean Collier and the murder of four spectators at the Boston Marathon. ... im-n744881
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:03 pm


Michele McPhee author of Maximum Harm. Photo credit: ForeEdge and Michele McPhee
Editor’s Note:

Check in tomorrow for an exclusive WhoWhatWhy conversation with author Michele McPhee.


For almost four years, WhoWhatWhy has been a lone voice casting doubt on the FBI’s official narrative of the Boston marathon bombing. Now, investigative journalist and Boston-based ABC news producer Michele McPhee has raised many of the same questions we’ve been asking since two explosions and the subsequent manhunt traumatized New England’s largest metropolitan area.

In her new book, Maximum Harm: The Tsarnaev Brothers, the FBI, and the Road to the Marathon Bombing, McPhee adds weight to WhoWhatWhy’s skepticism that the feds have fully disclosed their dealings with the Tsarnaevs prior to the 2013 bombing.

The reason: Many in Boston’s local law enforcement don’t buy it either.

McPhee, with deep connections to the rank-and-file of Boston area law enforcement, documents an apparent widespread skepticism among many of the cops who were tasked with confronting the violence and bloodshed that week.

A seasoned crime reporter, McPhee is currently the Boston producer for ABC News In the Brian Ross investigative unit and was formerly the Police Bureau Chief for the New York Daily News where she has covered corruption cases, murders, mobsters and terrorism trials. In Maximum Harm, she uses that experience to lay bare the feds’ interactions with Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the years before the bombing. She comes to some disturbing conclusions.

Most shocking of all, McPhee claims that the government played a “direct role in creating the monster that Tamerlan Tsarnaev became.”

In the years since the bombing, WhoWhatWhy has documented a disturbing number of half-truths, reversals, and outright lies that led us to question whether the FBI is telling the truth about what it knew about the Tsarnaevs prior to the bombing.

But the Bureau, as well as most mainstream news outlets, has consistently discouraged any inquiry that goes beyond the question of whether the Tsarnaev brothers were innocent or guilty.

No one doubts that the Tsarnaev brothers were guilty — of something. However, like a judge who refuses to admit evidence into a trial that might unduly influence a jury to consider anything beyond simple guilt or innocence, the FBI seems to be taking great pains to stifle any information that would cause the public to question the role of the feds in the events leading up to the tragedy of April 15, 2013.

Thanks to McPhee’s reporting, it’s now clear that many in Boston’s law enforcement community have the same suspicions.

Law enforcement officials told her that they suspect “Tamerlan was an informant for the feds… [t]hey believe that he was working for the US government, motivated by the promise of citizenship.” McPhee theorizes that because the government kept denying Tamerlan’s citizenship application, he snapped and went on a murderous rampage.

The FBI adamantly maintains it had no idea who the bombing suspects were until older brother Tamerlan was killed in a shootout three days after the bombing. Younger brother Dzhokhar was taken into custody the following day after he was found hiding in a dry-docked boat. He was convicted and sentenced to death in 2015 for his participation in the bombing.

Within hours of the brothers’ identities being made public, their mother told Russian media that the FBI had investigated her son Tamerlan two years before the bombing. The Bureau put out a statement soon after, acknowledging that they had conducted an “assessment” of him in 2011. This was based on a warning from Russia’s Federal security service (known in English by the acronym FSB) that Tamerlan was becoming radicalized.

It didn’t take long for some observers, including WhoWhatWhy, to point out that Tamerlan Tsarnaev fit the exact description of a prototypical FBI “informant,” a role often played by individuals after having been themselves the target of an FBI investigation. With Tamerlan’s involvement in the bombing, the FBI felt enough pressure to put out a press release denying it had ever used Tamerlan as an informant.

And yet, McPhee claims “[N]o one really believed the FBI’s denials, especially local law enforcement officials.”

Law enforcement officials she spoke with believe that Tamerlan was recruited by the feds as early as 2010 and used as an informant to take down a drug running operation between Boston and Portland, Maine, with international connections. And in a bizarre twist, the pistol allegedly used by the brothers to kill MIT cop Sean Collier traces back to that same drug ring.

McPhee also theorizes that Tamerlan was used by the CIA and/or FSB in a mysterious operation that resulted in the deaths of multiple young men in Dagestan said to be associated with Tsarnaev. This scenario was considered by WhoWhatWhy as well.

Law enforcement officials also told McPhee that Tamerlan was used as a “mosque crawler” to smoke out radicals in Boston area mosques. “Tamerlan was just the man to infiltrate a mosque that had long been in the crosshairs of federal counterterrorism investigators, law enforcement officials in Massachusetts say privately,” McPhee writes.

Other questions about Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s prior interactions with law enforcement surfaced not long after the bombing. He was never questioned about a gruesome 2011 triple murder in Waltham, Massachusetts, despite the fact that some of the victims’ friends suspected his involvement and told investigators as much. Brendan Mess, Erik Weissman, Raphael Teken were found nearly decapitated in Mess’s apartment — with marijuana sprinkled all over the bodies and cash scattered about.

McPhee writes that “seasoned investigators” say Tamerlan was “too valuable as an asset” to be investigated for that murder, even though he was an obvious suspect. The case remained cold until the bombing refocused attention on him.

Boston Marathon bombing
Boston Marathon explosions. Photo credit: Aaron “tango” Tang / Wikimedia (CC BY 2.0)

Although much of this material would likely never have been admitted into the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev — and therefore would not have changed the verdict — it could have certainly raised some questions in the court of public opinion about what kinds of things the national security apparatus is up to in the shadows.

The book also contains some revelations about the night Tamerlan was killed in a shootout with police that beg for further investigation. For one, many of the cops who engaged the brothers in a shootout on Laurel Street in Watertown, Massachusetts, swear they saw two different muzzle flashes, indicating they were being shot at with two different firearms. However, only one firearm was ever recovered.

Watertown cop Jeffrey Pugliese encountered a still unknown individual in the backyard of one of the houses next to the shootout who appeared to be fleeing the scene. He did not pursue the mystery man at the time because he was focused on neutralizing the shooters. Is it possible this individual was the source of the second muzzle flash? Despite FBI pronouncements to the contrary, it appears possible, even likely, the Tsarnaevs had at least one accomplice.

Also, carjacking victim Dun Meng told investigators he first saw Dzhokhar emerge from 89 Dexter Avenue, a house around the corner from the scene of the shootout and an area the Tsarnaevs would return to repeatedly that night. After loading their stockpile of bombs into the back of Meng’s Mercedes SUV on Dexter Avenue, the brothers headed back to Cambridge to get gas, at a station where Meng made his escape.

According to McPhee, some cops suspect that members of a larger cell who may have helped the Tsarnaev brothers lived at 89 Dexter Avenue. When McPhee interviewed the owner of the property days after the shootout, he warned her to watch what she said because “the place is bugged by the FBI,” he said.

Strangest of all, according to McPhee, two of the residents of 89 Dexter have an uncanny resemblance to both Tamerlan and Dzhokhar. McPhee claims the now infamous “Naked Man,” who many still believe was actually Tamerlan Tsarnaev, but who police claim was just an innocent bystander, lived in the apartment. The other was a Saudi national who looked so much like Dzhokhar that he was taken into custody and questioned for hours. To this day, no one else has been named a suspect.

As we approach the fourth anniversary of this traumatic event, it’s clear that there are still many unanswered questions and loose threads that federal investigators and the mainstream press, for that matter, seem all too happy to ignore. It’s encouraging to see that many in Boston’s local law enforcement don’t feel the same.

McPhee’s book is a brave and commendable effort to shed light on some of these questions. We hope it will inspire other law enforcement insiders to come forward with more of the missing pieces of the Boston marathon bombing puzzle. ... n-bombing/
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby PufPuf93 » Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:36 pm

Interesting that there is no mention of the politically and intelligence agency related uncle Rusian Tsarni in the above article.

That aspect of the Boston Marathon bombing is the best reason for conjecture about what exactly happened.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:52 pm

PufPuf93 » Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:36 pm wrote:Interesting that there is no mention of the politically and intelligence agency related uncle Rusian Tsarni in the above article.

That aspect of the Boston Marathon bombing is the best reason for conjecture about what exactly happened.

I disagree, PufPuf. It's one of many good reasons, but the best reason is that we have seen absolutely no proof that either of the alleged culprits actually planted a bomb. None. And neither of them even attempted to escape the city!

One of the alleged culprits was shot dead by a hundred cops before he could ever stand trial. His 19-year-old brother has been rotting in solitary supermax for four years now after miraculously surviving being shot up by a hundred cops. Then he was subjected to a farcical excuse for a trial, in which his "defense" lawyers ignored his insistence that he was innocent, kept him silent, and began their "defense" with the words "He did it."

Dzokhar Tsarnaev was tried and convicted by the mass media before he ever attended that show trial. He's now 23 and and he'll rot in solitary forever.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby PufPuf93 » Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:15 pm


My perception is that all the specific aspects you mention as to what actually happened in Boston flow from the fact that the brothers were the nephews of Rusian Tsarni.

I find it very difficult to conclude that there is no connection.

It is perhaps notable that Rusian Tsarni made a cameo appearance in media that to me raised more questions than answered.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby Iamwhomiam » Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:52 pm

I, too came to the same conclusion PufPuf. While Mac exaggerates, what he claims is also mostly true. But what's been mentioned so far that's reportedly in the book and is new to me, although I suspected Tamerlan was played in such a way through his uncle's connections. Patsies, both were for sure. But in what capacity we'll probably never learn.
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