Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

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Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby divideandconquer » Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:11 am

...while greedy, power hungry, elitist lawmakers destroy, engineer, manipulate, transform, weaponize, control, etc., nature at will is the epitome of insanity, is it not?

The CDC, EPA, DEA, FDA, etc. are experts at one thing: fear-mongering. From restricting plants and herbs to banning the collection of rain water and the use of wood-burning stoves, these laws continue to proliferate and little old ladies pay the price.

The DEA has long been working to restrict plant medicines, herbal products, and anything effective that the pharmaceutical companies are unable to profit from. In a month, kratom will be a Schedule-1 substance… deemed as dangerous; a public health menace with no medical use. It is made from the leaf of a tree similar to the coffee tree, and like most plant medicines it has been used for a long time. In its unadulterated powder form it is an excellent pain reliever. Since I began using kratom nearly a year ago, I’ve been able to stop taking the synthetic opiate Tramadol.

Please do not make Kratom a Schedule I Substance

Meanwhile as we continue to kill nutritious and healing plants--commonly and conveniently referred to as "weeds"--with extraordinarily toxic substances that grow for free right in out backyard, people are suffering the severe consequences--oftentimes including death--from taking their uber-expensive synthetic replacements.

The following includes seven weeds you should stop killing:

1. Dandelions. There isn’t a piece of land that the little yellow flowers doesn’t grow. Instead of hitting them with weed killer, pick them and eat them. The flowers and leaves are edible and are quite tasty raw or sautéed and tossed in a salad. Dandelion is rich in vitamin C, and the roots are packed with fiber, just in case you need to get things moving. It is a diuretic and can help cleanse the liver.

2. Mullein. This is a monstrous plant that tends to grow along highways or in areas with lots of sun and a rocky soil. It is a nuisance, but it is also going to be a great way to treat a cold and bronchitis. Drying and chopping the leaves and using them to make a tea can relieve chest congestion. The little yellow flowers can be plucked and infused in oil to make a soothing ear drop for an ear infection. The leaves are incredibly soft and can be used as a toilet paper substitute.

3. Plantain. This common plant loves rocky, dry soil and pops up everywhere. It is your saving grace should you get a bee sting, cut or a burn. The leaves can be macerated a bit (some people will pop the leaves in their mouth and give a couple of good chews) and applied directly to the injury.

4. Purslane. This one is an absolute monster and can spread out and choke out small shoots in the garden, but it is just as edible as the other plants you are trying to grow. The leaves are high in healthy Omega-3 fatty acid and are actually a very common ingredient in stir-fry recipes all around the world. It is also very high in calcium. It can make up for the lack of dairy and other calcium-rich foods. I use it in potato salad...very good.

5. Red clover. It covers the lawn in the height of summer and is often attacked with horrible chemicals. It is actually more of a purple, and not red, so don’t be fooled. Stop killing the red clover and start plucking it! Grind up the clover and put it on itchy skin rashes and eczema. Boil the flowers in water to use as a cough remedy. If you can get your hands on some red clover seeds, toss the seeds into your garden plot in the fall and use it as a cover crop.

6. Oxeye daisies. These are common wildflowers that cover acres of prairies and along the highways. The pretty flowers are similar to the daisies planted in flower beds, but offer a little extra something with their medicinal properties. The flowers can be used to make a tea to cure asthma and chronic coughs. Grinding up the tiny leaves and applying to bruises, sprains and swollen joints is an old-fashioned folk remedy.

7. Yarrow. This is found growing along highways and in fields. A variety of yarrow is often purposely planted in flower beds, but it isn’t the same. You want the wild stuff. It is an excellent way to stop bleeding, which is going to be very important after a disaster. The root can be put directly on a toothache to help stop pain while drawing out any infection.

Canada’s C-51 Law To Outlaw 60% of Natural Health Products

FDA’s Sneak Attempt to Ban Another B Vitamin

[b][u]Why is raw milk illegal in some states?[/u][/b]
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby Burnt Hill » Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:18 pm

Thanks for posting this dandc.
Kratom helped me beat a prescribed oxycodone addiction after
I fractured my scapula and ruptured a lumbar disc.
I am so glad I live in a rural area and can grow herbs that thrive in this climate!
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby PufPuf93 » Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:25 pm

A poultice of plantain is the most effective remedy I have ever observed for treating a poison / poison ivy infection.

Nature is full of traditional remedies.

Huge problems with corporate Pharma are the need to maximize profit and removing individuals from direct access/ knowledge of low risk traditional remedies
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby backtoiam » Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:11 pm

There are different varieties such as red vein, white vein, green malaysian, etc...What is the difference burnt hill and which did you use?
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby Burnt Hill » Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:15 pm

backtoiam » Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:11 pm wrote:There are different varieties such as red vein, white vein, green malaysian, etc...What is the difference burnt hill and which did you use?

I used them all and never noticed a distinct difference,
though I would say I did better with the white.
I can't say for sure what differences I noticed weren't psychological, or placebo,
based on my interpretations of the meaning of the colors.
I did notice better relief came with the fresher leaves.
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby Burnt Hill » Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:22 pm

Here's one medication that will never make it to market, or will be astoundingly expensive-

New opioid douses pain without being addictive or deadly in primates


* warning about the testing on the monkeys
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby divideandconquer » Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:53 pm

Where do you get kratom?

DEA Plan to Ban Kratom in the United States: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced August 31 that they plan to ban kratom in the United States as of September 30, causing panic and outrage to the thousands who use the leaves, which are closely related in makeup to the coffee plant. They’re specifically looking to outlaw the compounds mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine found in in the herb.

Advocates of kratom argue that the leaves do not make you “high” per se, but rather offer a great alternative to traditional and addicting pharmaceutical pain relief. It has also been used to treat psychological disorders and those coming off of opiates, taking the edge off from the excruciating withdrawal process.

Heavy spoke with several advocates of the plant, which is mainly used in powder and leaf form for tea, and was overwhelmed by responses of those wanting to share their experiences. Consumers of kratom cannot be categorized into one group and include veterans, lawyers, teachers, health care workers, the young, elderly and just about everyone in between. You can see more of this diversity firsthand by clicking this gallery with corresponding stories.

Many believe that by taking away this seemingly harmless herb, innocent and valuable members of society will lose their lives in the process.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Those in Possession of Kratom Could Face the Same Penalties as Possessing Heroin & Other Heavy Drugs

According to Dale Jerue of the United Kratom Association, “Found primarily in South East Asia, kratom is a relative to the coffee tree. The pain relief effects found in kratom are produced by alkaloids found in the leaves. Historically, because of its reported analgesic and energizing effects kratom was used for centuries by farmers and tribes people in the region.”

Consumers of kratom emphasize the fact that the chance of overdosing on the plant is extremely low, if not impossible. That’s because your body forms a natural reaction of vomiting before you would ever likely be able to consume too much.

However, the DEA “argues that public comment is unnecessary” before banning kratom, as reported by Forbes. In regards to this news, Matt Cameron stated:

Even in the face of all of this — including, again, federally-funded research recommending further study — the DEA has had the audacity to declare that the conversation around kratom is over and that users should expect to be subject to arrest.

According to the DEA’s website, “Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” This directly contradicts the thousands who have reportedly found medical relief from kratom.

Examples of drugs fitting the Schedule I category include heroin, LSD, marijuana and ecstasy.

If the ban goes through, Kratom could end up being penalized at the same level of drugs such as heroin that do actually kill people, whereas kratom alone has never caused death, as reported by kratommarchdc.com.

Many believe pharmaceutical companies are to blame, as they receive no financial gain from those consuming natural plants which are both inexpensive and readily available. They also believe the drugs offered, such as Oxycontin, have a much higher potential for abuse and overdose deaths.

“If a person who switches from methamphetamine to kratom or what have you is considered trading one addiction for another then what do you call people on methadone and Suboxone?,” a kratom vendor who goes by Dan H. told Heavy.

2. The DEA is Citing Poison Control as a Reason to Ban the Plant

As an example of the supposed risks of kratom, the DEA cited a CDC study published this summer that counted 660 poison control calls during a five-year period from 2010 to 2015 on behalf of people suffering adverse reactions to the herb or teas made from the plant material.

In stark contrast, poison control centers receive a call every 45 minutes of every day “about a child who has ingested or otherwise been exposed to laundry detergent packets,” Gary Smith, MD, director of the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hopsital in Columbus, Ohio told Forbes.

With that logic, why aren’t laundry detergent pods being banned?

Interestingly enough, when you enter the word “kratom” into the search field of The National Capital Poison Control Center, you’re brought to a page describing “spice” and “bath salts,” with no mention of kratom. To put kratom into that category suggests no real knowledge on what the herb is made up of or the actual effects that it has.

Kratom, after all, is a plant and not a man-made chemical. The American Kratom Association stated:

Kratom is not a drug. Kratom is not an opiate. Kratom is not a synthetic substance. Naturally occurring Kratom is a safe herbal supplement that’s more akin to tea and coffee than any other substances.
Kratom behaves as a partial mu-opioid receptor agonist and is used for pain management, energy, even depression and anxiety that are so common among Americans. Kratom contains no opiates, but it does bind to the same receptor sites in the brain. Chocolate, coffee, exercise and even human breast milk hit these receptor sites in a similar fashion.

3. The Effects of Kratom Cannot Be Compared to Heroin or Other Heavy Drugs

Kratom consumers argue that the ban would be absolutely ludicrous considering you cannot even remotely compare what you get out of it to drugs such as heroin.

“I personally, compare it to the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had. I don’t feel high, foggy, out of it. I feel ready to take the world on. No pain, less anxiety. I just feel…OK,” Dan H. told Heavy.

While some have claimed to have become dependent on kratom, most acknowledge that withdrawal of the herb, if any, is extremely minimal. They also say they don’t feel the “need” like an addict feels a need for heroin or methamphetamine.

“I don’t jones for a next fix, I only need it when the pain is too much,” Dereck Connors said.

Leo Nargeny, owner of Amazing Kratom, told Heavy that “Kratom helps people become sober and clean off drugs. The polar opposite of heavy drugs or prescription medication such as oxycotin.” Nargency believes the people responsible for trying to ban kratom “must not believe in God.” He said:

You cannot make leaves of any tree illegal. People with money believe they are in a position of power and unfortunately lose sight of reality. This is a major issue. This distorted perception of reality is the root of the problem. This is true of all naturally occurring plants. They are putting a ban on God.

“Look at all these heroin overdoses…I mean we’re holding the golden card but we’re the enemy. Government and the citizens should be embracing us,” Dereck Connors stated.

Kratom isn’t limited to helping pain disorders. Many find relief from other ailments such as anxiety. Attorney Matt Cameron wrote in his blog:

For the first time in my life, I have been able to start conversations with strangers in public. I have not only sincerely enjoyed going to large parties, but found myself not wanting to leave. I have made sustained, steady eye contact with other humans while also effortlessly keeping a conversation going with them. I have finally come to understand what people mean when they say that they are ‘working a room.’ I have found a mental space in which I can thrive in settings and situations in which I would have previously risked total mental shutdown.

4. Alternatives May Have Adverse Effects

With a ban on kratom, those who use the plant for medicinal purposes will undoubtedly find alternatives to healing, and that scares the community. Many have gotten off of opiates and other mind-altering and addictive drugs with the use of kratom, and say their pain is gone, along with the awful attributes of pharmaceuticals. If their pain or other disorders can’t be treated with kratom, they may end up in bad situations they found themselves in before they found the herb.

Leonardo Conticello told Heavy:

It is disheartening to see the lies the DEA is spreading about kratom. I have never felt “high” from it like they claim, and have never ever heard of anyone hallucinating on it like they claim. The only reason they are banning it I believe is that the big pharmaceutical companies can’t make money off of it and it works so well to treat a myriad of symptoms that they don’t want it cutting into their profit margin. I am terrified of what’s to come when this ban goes into effect. It is a shame that people’s health and well being are being compromised just so the pharmaceutical companies can get more people hooked on their chemical concoctions and to pad their pocket books.

“Banning kratom will have devastating effects on American’s everywhere! Chronic pain patients will be forced on the drugs they’re Dr prescribed, possible accidental OD will occur, suicide will begin from chronic pain patients who found hope though kratom with this ban,” Kratom United said. “Addicts that found a sober living with kratom may relapse and the chance of death from street drugs is skyrocketing.”
5. A Petition Has Been Set Up & a March to Washington DC Is Planned

The sense of community of kratom advocates is refreshing. The group has come together and are stronger than ever in doing what they believe is right. A petition has been set up to help stop the ban, and you can sign here. The page, with sources cited, reads:

Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. This is not true for Kratom, it has been shown numerous times in reports from users to help recovering Opiate addicts, treat pain, combat depression and anxiety, and much more. Deaths that involve Kratom being a persons’ system have always been from the result of mixing Kratom with other drugs, rather than Kratom alone. In states that banned Kratom, Alabama specifically, opiate usage and deaths went up after Kratom was banned in the state. Please stop the DEA from scheduling Kratom as Schedule I, there are many people who will suffer from this.

A march to the White House is also planned. “We the people are leading the charge to march in front of The White House to support Kratom and prevent the DEA from labeling Kratom as a Schedule I Substance. Meet us at The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington D.C. on Tuesday, Sept. 13th @ 12:00 Noon,” the website says. According to the page:

We have spoken with many people who have been advised by lawyers that the most effective way to combat this is by having each individual who has a care for this cause to contact your congressman and explain the action going on and the benefits you have had with Kratom, how much the take away of this herb would affect your life, never the less make everyday people felons at months end. What we are trying to accomplish is anyone in State legislation, (congress) do what is called a “demand Letter” to the DEA on this issue. Congressional action is needed to show the lies and false science issued about this plant in order to protect big pharmaceutical company. It is important to call in a polite manner and just share your story in a positive way
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby Burnt Hill » Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:21 pm

Where do you get kratom?

Mitragyna speciosa

Mitragyna speciosa, also known as ketum or kratom, is a tropical deciduous and evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia in the Indochina and Malaysia phytochoria. M. speciosa is indigenous to Thailand where it has been used in traditional medicine.
en.wikipedia.org· Text under CC-BY-SA license

Kratom Tree

I tried various sources and found a plant extract online store in Oregon for my supply.
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby divideandconquer » Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:17 pm

Thanks Burnt Hill!

Pharmaceutical Kratom” Real Reason for Kratom Ban? New Opioid “MGM-15” Derived from Mitragynine

What is the true motivation behind the DEA’s decision to ban kratom? Could it be the fact that enormous swathes of researchers are trying to develop synthetic opioids, patentable, profitable drugs to replace such things as kratom or pharmaceutical painkillers?

Three synthetic opioids in particular were synthesized from the alkaloids in kratom from 2008- 2016: MGM-9, MGM-15, and MGM-16.

They were synthesized from kratom’s alkaloids Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine: to make what is essentially patentable, pharmaceutical kratom.

The first study, published in 2008, took Mitragynine and used it to synthesize “MGM-9”. The study says:

“Mitragynine is a major indole alkaloid isolated from the Thai medicinal plant Mitragyna speciosa that has opium-like properties, although its chemical structure is quite different from that of morphine. We attempted to develop novel analgesics derived from mitragynine, and thus synthesized the ethylene glycol-bridged and C10-fluorinated derivative of mitragynine, MGM-9 [(E)-methyl 2-(3-ethyl-7a,12a-(epoxyethanoxy)-9-fluoro-1,2,3,4,6,7,12,12b-octahydro-8-methoxyindolo[2,3-a]quinolizin-2-yl)-3-methoxyacrylate].”

The second study published in 2014 synthesized MGM-15 and MGM-16 from kratom’s other primary alkaloid, 7-Hydroxymitragynine. The study says:

“In this study, we developed dual-acting μ- and δ-opioid agonists MGM-15 and MGM-16 from 7-hydroxymitragynine for the treatment of acute and chronic pain.”

One can find dozens of studies from the past few years, in which researchers synthesized new opioid compounds and tested them on monkeys (primates). This is a huge market.

From one of many studies, testing the opioid “TH-030418”:

“Numerous efforts have been made on the chemical modification of opioid compounds, with the ultimate goal of developing new opioid analgesics that is highly potent and low/non-addictive. In a search for such compounds, TH-030418 [7α-[(R)-1-hydroxy-1-methyl-3-(thien-3-yl)-propyl]-6,14-endo-ethanotetrahydrooripavine] was synthesized.”

From another study testing an opioid called “SR 16435”:

“We identified a novel nociceptin/orphanin FQ (NOP)/mu-opioid receptor agonist, SR 16435 [1-(1-(bicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-9-yl)piperidin-4-yl)indolin-2-one], with high binding affinity and partial agonist activity at both receptors.”

From another study testing an opioid called “Cebranopadol”:

“Cebranopadol (trans-6′-fluoro-4′,9′-dihydro-N,N-dimethyl-4-phenyl-spiro[cyclohexane-1,1′(3’H)-pyrano[3,4-b]indol]-4-amine) is a novel analgesic nociceptin/orphanin FQ peptide (NOP) and opioid receptor agonist.”

Regardless of whether or not the kratom ban and pharmaceutical interests are directly connected, the synthesis of new opioid compounds and continued efforts by pharmaceutical interests to patent new opioids should illustrate how kratom’s legality is a potential obstacle in their way.
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby backtoiam » Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:14 am

The reason I asked Burnt Hill is because I feel sort of lost right now. I used to get my bulk herbs and spices from frontiercoop but I recently discovered they don't sell bulk herbs and spices anymore. I also used Mountain Rose Herb and they don't sell bulk either. Both of them have turned into some sort of high priced boutique outfits. I had great luck with both them. They had good fresh products. Herbal medicine saved my ass when mainstream medicine couldn't do fuck all for me. I was miserable as all hell for five or six years and learned how to treat myself and it worked great. I am a hell of a lot better now thanks to natural medicine. I just don't know where to turn now that both my suppliers have changed.

I used to buy pounds at a time and put it in Mason jars and put it in a dark cabinet and it would last a long time. It has been a while since I made a purchase and when I went to my source it had changed.

I don't want to just hit a search engine and throw a dart and hope for the best. Does anybody on this board know of a good reliable vendor for bulk herbs and spices? Some people have reliable fresh product and many do not.

I would appreciate any feedback. I need to place an order, like soon.

on edit:
I must have gotten some sort of click jack redirect. Mountain Rose is still in the bulk business. I kept getting directed some knock off site praying on the Rose name but they are still in business. That is a relief.
Last edited by backtoiam on Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby Nordic » Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:42 am

We all need to grow the hell out of this tree. Everywhere. Quick.
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby backtoiam » Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:27 am

If anybody is looking for product I recommend this company. They don't have Kratom but they have a large inventory of many things and high standards. I will be sad if they ever go out of business. Their prices are very good too.


Make sure you put the "s" on herbs because if you don't you will go to a little shit hole who is piggy backing on their name.
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby divideandconquer » Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:34 am

I never heard of kratom before I saw the article threatening to ban it, but last night, I mentioned it to a friend and he told me that he knows a veteran who uses and relies on it for chronic pain from an old combat injury. He told him it changed this guy's life and that he's not the only veteran who depends on this plant. So I told him about the Sept. 13 march on Washington and of the White House petition and he said he will pass the word.

I know lots of people who could benefit from this plant--including myself, I currently take way too much Alleve for chronic pain-- as I'm sure most of you do so please sign the petition. They're trying to reach 100,000 signatures. Probably won't do any good, but it can't hurt.
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby LolaB » Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:33 am

My favorite source is Starwest Botanicals. They are reasonably priced, very professional and it was easy to get a wholesale discount. Plus they have a huge selection of organics. http://www.starwest-botanicals.com 1 800 800 HERB (4372) :yay
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Re: Outlawing nature in the name of profit...

Postby NeonLX » Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:40 am

I'm a walking pharmacy. PTSD and severe depression. I'm taking four (or is it five?) anti-depressants. I want desperately to get off of them. Weed does everything these expensive pharmaceuticals do. But of course it's a useful plant, so the government made it illegal (and it stays illegal here in Wississippi, with our steaming shitpile of a state government).

How utterly fucked up.
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