All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby Iamwhomiam » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:14 am

chump » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:38 pm wrote:Bet you wore bell bottoms

Nope! Not until '69. But correctly, they were low-waisted or hip-hugging bell bottoms. I was still pretty conservative in '66 and really wasn't big on bell bottoms. I believe I had only one pair of that style of pants, preferring peg leg or narrow, close-fitting slacks. My purple phase also emerged in '69, and was a big hit with my ultra-conservative co-workers in Union Carbide's accounting department at their 5th Ave. international HQ. They loved my purple velvet tie, especially when I wore it with my solid purple shirt and purple plaid corduroy pants. Having seen my chromatic harmonica, my immediate supervisor, 2 down in authority in the division, a woman and former Marine reservist during WWII, grabbed it from me and began wailing away - which absolutely floored me and all in the crowd her tunes had gathered. Quite the spectacle!
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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:35 am

Nordic » Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:03 am wrote:
Nordic » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:45 pm wrote:May I declare this the winner of the 2016 Crisis Actor Academy Awards?

Just had the rather horrifying realization that the White Helmets are probably going to ACTUALLY WIN an Academy Award one week from tonight.


Consider yourself Nostradamus, because those vile beasts won an Oscar (though it's really no surprise...)

conniption » Mon Feb 27, 2017 6:34 pm wrote:
(embedded links)

February 27, 2017

Al-Qaeda Gets An Oscar

Hollywood is all about fake. That is what movies are - fake depictions of a fake reality that only exist in the mind of scriptwriters, directors and a usually gullible audience. (Disclosure: I do like some movies.)

Hollywood has never been shy of plagiarizing. Every idea, tale of cinematographic trick that made a splash somewhere - and is thereby a potential money generator - will get copied again and again. Every successful make gets a remake. And another one.

In 2015 the promoting host of the Miss Universe franchise "misread" the name of the winner. He announced "Columbia" when the chosen winner was "Philippines". After he few minutes he "corrected" himself. That "mistake" brought a lot of additional media attention - and financial value - to the event owner.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the U.S. marketing and lobby organization of the movie makers, hands out some yearly rewards arranged to promote specific movies or persons in the movie business. The academy award ceremony is a rather boring event but it gets a lot of hype and media attention (and thereby generates lots of advertisement revenue).

To further increase its value this years event plagiarized the idea of the Miss Universe promoters. One of the hosts announced the wrong winning movie for some category and then reversed himself to announce a different "real" winner. It was a "mistake" just as surely as Hollywood's latest movie was a description of real life.

Those without memory went into the desired frenzy, the insiders yawned. "Oh, that clumsy fake again."

One of this years prices went to a fake "documentary" about a fake "rescuer" group which makes and distributes fake videos, staged photos and fake victims of the war on Syria. These al-Qaeda propaganda sidekicks, the White Helmets, are a British disinformation operation that is financed by more than $100 million of U.S. and UK taxpayer money. Its general task is to convince the "western" public that the war on Syria is justified because of the "cruelty of the Syrian government" which the fakes intend to establish in the mind of its consumers.

Hollywood never was shy of taking government money to promote war on this or that country or "enemy". The Pentagon's liaison office in Hollywood finances many movies. If there are some tanks needed and military heroes in a script the Pentagon will organize the props, real tanks and soldiers, at no cost - provided of course that it can read and "correct" the script the way it sees fit. The makers of "Top Gun" need planes, air craft carriers and lots of explosions? No problem at all and at no costs to the producers. In exchange military recruitment staff will wait to trap moviegoers when they leave the theaters. Congress will happily pass the money for more useless planes.

An Academy Award reinforces the message a production carries and gives the people behind the message additional value. The marketing companies that create and run the "White Helmets" will surely receive a few extra millions for yesterday's Oscar promotion.

Hollywood is all fake. The wrong winner is announced and al-Qaeda gets an Oscar. "No harm done," the promoters of such fakes might say.

Except to the people of Syria. For them the destruction and death promoted by the fancy people in Los Angeles is all too real.

Posted by b on February 27, 2017

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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby Elvis » Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:13 am

Al-Qaeda Gets An Oscar

I'll bet that among the eligible documentaries, they had by far the largest publicity budget.
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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby chump » Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:21 am ... -surprise/
Video of Alleged ISIS Bombing in Baghdad Reveals a ‘Surprise’

People inspect the aftermath of a deadly car bomb explosion that hit a popular fruit and vegetable market in a commercial street in Baghdad's northwestern neighborhood of Hurriyah, Iraq, Monday, Oct. 31, 2016. Iraqi police say a parked car bomb exploded in Baghdad's northwestern neighborhood of Hurriyah on Sunday, killed at least 10 and wounding many. PHOTO: AP/Karim Kadim

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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby chump » Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:42 am


... As I worked on a recent biography of Mother Jones, however, I came to appreciate her significance for our own times. With dramatic speeches and street theater, she organized workers, women, and minorities, drawing public attention to their hardships and giving them a voice. Mary Jones’ greatest achievement may have been creating the persona of Mother Jones. She was born Mary Harris in Cork, Ireland, in 1837. When she was barely 10 years old, she witnessed the horrors of the potato famine, which drove her family from their homeland to Toronto, Canada. Her parents established a stable, working-class household, and young Mary learned the skills of dressmaking, and also trained to be a teacher, a high ambition for an Irish immigrant woman of her day.

Wanderlust struck her in early adulthood–she taught for a few months in Monroe, Michigan, then moved on to Chicago, and another few months later to Memphis, Tennessee. There, on the eve of the Civil War, she met and married George Jones, a skilled foundry worker and a member of the International Iron Molders Union. They had four children together. In 1867 a yellow fever epidemic struck Memphis, killing George and their four children. Now a 30-year-old widow, Jones returned to Chicago and dressmaking, where her tiny shop was burned out in the great fire of 1871. For the next quarter century, she worked in obscurity. As the new 20th century approached, Mary Jones was an aging, poor, widowed Irish immigrant, nearly as dispossessed as an American could be. She had survived plague, famine, and fire, only to confront a lonely old age.

But then she invented Mother Jones. Or, to put it more precisely, she began to play a role that she and her followers made up as they went along. By 1900, no one called her Mary, but always Mother; she wore antique black dresses in public, and she began exaggerating her age.

The new role freed Mary Jones. Most American women of that era led quiet, homebound lives devoted to their families. Women, especially elderly ones, were not supposed to have opinions; if they had them, they were not to voice them publicly–and certainly not in the fiery tones of a street orator.

Yet by casting herself as the mother of downtrodden people everywhere, Mary Jones went where she pleased, spoke out on the great issues of her day, and did so with sharp irreverence (she referred to John D. Rockefeller as “Oily John” and Governor William Glasscock of West Virginia as “Crystal Peter”). Paradoxically, by embracing the very role of family matriarch that restricted most women, Mother Jones shattered the limits that confined her.... ... r-history/

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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby barracuda » Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:30 pm

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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby stefano » Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:53 am

"What is my people saying?"
"'Damn, that sucks.'"
"I need more milk!"

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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby Iamwhomiam » Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:50 pm

What a warrior!
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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby chump » Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:31 pm

...Baked Alaska

This circus clown, named Tim “Treadstone” Gionet, gained his fame by being a massive Trumptard, rapping about how Trump is going to build the wall and how much he loves police. He was even chanting “Blue Lives Matter” as the agents of ZOG marched into Charlottesville.

Somehow he was still able to keep a perfect hold on his selfie stick after being sprayed with bear mace...

================== ... le-ambush/

Bird-Dogging Cutout Operations at Charlottesville Ambush

August 15, 2017 The New Nationalist Articles by Russ Winter, Culture, Media, New Nationalist Articles, Politics, US News 21

PHOTO: via Renegade Tribune

Jason Kessler was the organizer of the Charlottesville ambush. Mr. Kessler is a late comer to “Alt-Right” activism. Indeed, a thinking person looking at his resume might give real pause before attending a rally that he organized. For example, how does an individual who was an assignment editor for faux news CNN suddenly emerge as the leader of the Charlottesville (C-ville) fiasco?

In addition, Kessler was a big President Obama supporter throughout his term. He received $1,320 as a consultant for assisting a Democrat running for Senate in 2012. He started his blog, called “Jason Kessler, American Author,” in late 2015 and spent the majority of the following year dispensing mindset and lifestyle advice and promoting two books authored during a period of “worldwide travel.”

In November 2016, Kessler suddenly emerged in the spotlight during a publicized WWE bruhaha with Charlottesville’s sleazy, anti-white vice mayor and cutout Wes Bellamy. Kessler unearthed Bellamy’s sexist and bigoted anti-white tweets. It’s hard to imagine how this unlikely cutout actor Bellamy could have managed to get elected, let alone have a voice on the national stage. And to highlight one’s political career with a highly divisive effort to remove Robert E. Lee’s statue in C-ville seems highly contrived on its face.

After Kessler had his sudden red-pill epiphany in November 2016, he established his group, “Unity & Security For America,” in January 2017. Kessler organized this rally around free speech and to counter the Lee monument removal. The hash tag used was #UniteTheRight. Like mushrooms in a forest, somehow money and publicity materialized.
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. — George Orwell

Another day, another statue at the hands of hysterics: Durham, North Carolina. The monument, about 15 feet in height, depicts an armed and uniformed soldier.

“In memory of the boys who wore the gray,” reads the inscription on its granite base, which also bears the Confederate seal.

Yours truly, as a descendant of Confederate soldiers and quite sensitive about historical replacement, decided to roll the dice in support. I sometimes have a weakness for the glass half full.

After recruiting as many mainstream conservatives, monument preservationists and Trump supporters as possible, Kessler went on to invite so-called neo-Nazi and KKK cutouts and controlled-opposition groups to smear everyone attending.

This psyops is the modus operandi of Scott Foval and Bob Creamer, Democratic operatives who organized “bird-dogging” at Trump rallies last year to smear regular Trump supporters as racist and violent. Now that C-ville crashed and burned, Kessler is fundraising for a supposed legal defense and lawsuits against C-ville.

Among the jaw-dropping, in-your-face attendees was a contingent from The Right Stuff and Daily Stormer, the latter of which is a website that now appears shut down. They showed up just long enough to present the worst possible optics and face to the movement with a contrived and toxic theme of white sharia. White sharia is another cutout meme that holds that white women need to be put back in their place with a program resembling extreme Muslim sharia law.

With this two-fer, the cutouts can both smear Islam and look juvenile and mentally ill to “normal people.” Then, as if by script, a member of this sharia-chant nutwing element — one James Fields — is soon involved in surreal, terroristic vehicular homicide. TNN covered that psyops in depth yesterday.

After the vehicular attack, Daily Stormer engaged in stupid, highly distasteful grave dancing on the alleged dead woman in the C-ville vehicle incident.

One individual who has great awareness of all this cutout fakery and bird dogging is Renegade Tribune and Broadcasting’s Kyle Hunt. He has great instincts about the characters involved and about controlled opposition. Indeed, he has pointed out that some are Jewish operatives and moles. Others are easily manipulated. He demonstrates that “somehow” these actors often get regular exposure and voice. Most of them are intellectual lightweights. People like Richard Spencer, for example, has always struck me as an empty suit at best and a cutout Judas Goat at worst.

For calling out Judas Goats, cutouts and Trump the Red Queen, Kyle and his partner, Sinead McCarthy, have been labeled divisive and not team players. They have also been isolated and ignored by the faux Alt-Right and Trumptard movement. And so have I.

Even though I am a big Renegade fan and also contributor, I too at times have thought it unfortunate that Kyle and Sinead devote so much energy to calling these actors and Judas Goats out. But now — and especially after the Charlottesville hijacking and ambush — I am fully eyes wide open about what has transpired.

C-ville and the vehicle staged deception have allowed the lugenpresse and their cognoscenti to unload and smear anybody and everybody who opposes the sleazy white replacement tactics of cutouts like Wes Bellamy and his fellow Anti-Fa travelers. They can now engage in one-sided framing of what transpired at C-ville.

For those who care, the time has come to scrutinize who you listen to within what’s left of the movement. Be very skeptical of those who are given a platform and a spotlight. We are on the defensive, but this is an opportunity to purge, clean house and reinvent.

To Daily Stormer: good riddance, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. Maybe some of this younger cohort will grow up and mature enough to get back in the game, perhaps wiser for the experience. We all need to constantly observe and learn.

Kyle wrote a must-read article that espouses more tight-knit flash demonstrations and localized activism, as opposed to getting sucked in by the Jason Kesslers of the world. I propose targeted economic boycotts. Be aware of who you support economically. The state of Virginia is now off limits for me, as is Airbnb. Hunt’s article goes on to detail the bad actors and some further insights. I will let Kyle speak for himself in his piece, as he knows the ins and outs far better than I.
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UPDATE: An Examination of the Charlottesville Car Crash: Accident, Assault or Staged Deception?

August 13, 2017 Russ Winter New Nationalist Articles, US News
The Crime Syndicate behind staged events has been embedding into the minds of masses the notion that vehicles are commonly used as weapons against crowds. Before the last year, this would have been rarely heard of. When pondering your own interaction as a pedestrian with vehicles on roads and streets, you no doubt recall that at a young age you developed an awareness of oncoming traffic. My mother repeatedly told me to look both ways before entering the street.

Most Americans are good drivers, they’re around vehicles continuously and, as such, develop necessary instincts and awareness. But at Charlottesville (and elsewhere, such as the Berlin Christmas and Nice truck attacks), people can be seen standing like deer in the headlights as vehicles careen and bear down upon them.

One such video of the Charlottesville crash, taken by Brennan Gilmore, shows a rear view of the car approaching the crowd, then speeding away in reverse. Examine the 46-second clip below. The majority of the video shows pavement and of the scene well after the car drove off. We are provided brief snippets of usable images. The primary one is between minute 0:02- 0:04, when the grey Dodge Challenger is approaching the crowd. The driver is not moving at a high speed. People are getting out of the way.

After minute 0:04, this film offers no value for analysis, as Gilmore moves left so his angle is blocked by someone I call “Mr. Yellow Hat.” Then at 0:06, when he could have got in position to get valuable money shots of this event, Gilmore starts filming the pavement. Then at 0:21, he managed to get back in the game to film the car in reverse dragging long pieces of metal debris presumed to be the bumper and front grill of the car.

Brennan Gilmore’s Video

Next we go to the impact crash with the white car, which can be seen at minute 0:18. Now, watch it frame by frame and you will notice that this otherwise decent-quality video becomes blurred, as if a filter has been overlaid. CGI? At impact, you will see a heavyset woman hurled into the air. You have to look closely, because it’s blurred and pixelated.

BNO News Footage

At 0:19-0:20 after contact is made, you can see individuals in the crowd well past the impact zone who are just frozen, no reaction. Replay the Gilmore clip above and you will hear loud screams all the way along the car’s approach path from start to impact. Are these people deaf or have a death wish? Here is another photo taken from behind of a large frozen crowd people standing there in close proximity with no reaction. Don’t they notice others fleeing the road?

The following photo offers the perspective from behind the Challenger and shows two men (actually four if you look in front of car) being hurled into the air like acrobats. As the heavyset lady went forward and airborne, the acrobats demonstrate a different type of cartoon physics. Once again, people in front of the charging vehicle are barely budging.

People fly into the air as a vehicle drives into a group of protesters demonstrating against a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017. The nationalists were holding the rally to protest plans by the city of Charlottesville to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. There were several hundred protesters marching in a long line when the car drove into a group of them. (Ryan M. Kelly/The Daily Progress via AP)

People fly into the air as a vehicle drives into a group of protesters at a rally in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017. PHOTO: Ryan M. Kelly/The Daily Progress/AP

This “NewsTube” video emerged. This one is the most revealing and is pure Hollywood. Focus on slow motion full screen starting at 0:23. It shows stunt men failing to react to approaching danger and bouncing off the car coming in. Then they are shown getting right back on their feet unharmed. Light brown haired upside down stunt man in the still shot above is on his feet at 0:49. Then another group gets directly behind the car as it reverses. One zombie jumps on the back hood as the car is backing up. Who would do that? At 1:12 there is a pavement black streak mark at a completely different angle to the momentum of the vehicle and leading to downed zombie guy. What is that all about?

Go to 0:29 and full screen- notice how the gray filter is back on at the front right side of the car. The gray filter is also visible starting at 0:32 on individuals on the back left side of the vehicle. This makes the personas and their motions and conditions indistinguishable. One second you are watching clear imagery and then blurs and grayish filtered fog where and when it matters.


For comparison, here is a smaller kid hit by a car traversing at about the speed we see in the Gilmore footage. He’s swept off of his feet, which go a bit above lateral, but gravity quickly takes hold. Keep in mind that the Charlottesville acrobats were much bigger. Also the vehicle is well past the acrobats, who are still airborne and behind it. This lad is knocked forward and to the right. The same is true of the larger lady in the second example.

Then, starting at 0:26, the brilliant BNO photographer starts filming his thumb, completely misses the event and provides a narrative about a Nazi driving into the group. The driver was behind tinted glass, so how would the cameraman have any idea who was driving? Filming the backs of heads, hands, thumbs, pavement, trees overhead, the tops of buildings coupled with narratives that instantly solve the crime are all hallmarks of staged psyops events. We have seen and covered this over and over and over and over again.

In the next video, yet again we have a herky jerky video that is blocked by fingers and theatrics just when things get interesting at minute 0:23. At 0:44, Finger Lady proclaims, “Those cars ran down all these people.” How many do you see? One dead and 26 wounded? Do you see that many casualties in the NewsTube video? Decide for yourselves, but about all I see in this clip is what my old basketball coach referred to as “wasted motion” — wasted motion for the purpose of putting on a performance.

Finger Lady video

Incompetence? In the next video we see this sleight of hand with a so-called award-winning Boston Globe photojournalist at the Boston Marathon bombing. When the smoke clears and he goes to the rail, the upper floors of buildings are filmed with only glimpses of where it matters.

Boston Globe footage

The next clip (The Last Stand) is streamed video from a different angle. I am interested in the part starting at minute 0:14. This sickening image and audio racket are designed to stir the emotions in everybody. But try to examine it and all these videos with an investigator’s eye. Here you see the heavy girl hurled airborne in bizarre fashion over the top of the white car. Consider the speed of the gray car in the first video, described as about 20 mph. Is this physics likely, or even plausible at that speed?

At minute 0:28, you see the blurry image of a small black woman or girl, picking herself off the hood. She looks partially pinned. Seconds later and right when it may become revealing to thinking observers, this photographer begins shooting the top floors of buildings before the video is cut off. At about min. 1:00, they come back to the cameramen “filming chaos,” in this case almost all screaming and images of overhead wires, trees, and surrounding buildings. The rest of the video shows a whirling, jerky camera, poor quality footage, a narrative, and scenes (CGI?) that are a little different from other staged events. An observer would not be able to identify any person in this multitude or really make a whole lot of sense of the scene in which 26 were alleged wounded and one killed. Curiously, the narrator does point out that it took several minutes for police to arrive.

The Last Stand Footage

A state police helicopter was reported to have crashed killing two officers. Here is the photo of the “wreckage.” Nothing combines here either. If two officers do actually turn up dead or missing, keep in mind that many of these deceptions involve tying up the loose ends of honest or untouchable police, such as Commissaire Helric Fredou.

TNN Takeaway: At the end of the day, Virginia’s governor made slurs against those protesting against the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue, called them Nazis and told them to go home and stay home. Free speech in the U.S. is finished. That much is obvious. If you show up to protest legitimate issues, expect to be slurred, gamed and hoaxed to no end. You will go head to head with nasty AntiFa. You may be manipulated by Judas Goat controlled opposition. If you think police will protect you, wrong again. Did Richard Spencer learn a Beavis and Butthead life lesson?

Therefore, we agree in part with the governor’s advice. However, I would add that those working to preserve heritage and not be subject to replacement should organize a boycott. Do not spend a dime in any community like Charlottesville or with any company, such Airbnb, that is involved with skullduggery like we witnessed this week. I would add to that New Orleans, which has already removed its landmarks. I call on those who are organizing these protest events to switch their tactics and optics toward economic boycotts, as I believe there are millions of Americans (of all colors, not just whites) who oppose this replacement agenda.
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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby stefano » Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:59 am

Renegade Tribune wrote:He was even chanting “Blue Lives Matter” as the agents of ZOG marched into Charlottesville.


Russ Winter wrote:One individual who has great awareness of all this cutout fakery and bird dogging is Renegade Tribune and Broadcasting’s Kyle Hunt. He has great instincts about the characters involved and about controlled opposition. Indeed, he has pointed out that some are Jewish operatives and moles.


Russ Winter wrote:UPDATE: An Examination of the Charlottesville Car Crash: Accident, Assault or Staged Deception?

Christ, what an asshole.
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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby Iamwhomiam » Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:56 pm

Charlottesville, a psy-op.

Further research is necessary... :shock:
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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby chump » Thu Oct 12, 2017 10:50 am

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Re: All Time Crisis Actor Academy Awards

Postby Iamwhomiam » Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:50 pm

And people wonder why crime victims don't want to talk to reporters. Shitty way to profit off of someone's loss, posting that edited video.

You've really enhanced your standing chump, in the mind of this victim of a mass murder.
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