Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby PufPuf93 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:24 pm

Crisis actors most certainly exist just maybe not so much mass events as made popular by purveyors (such as Alex Jones).

The alleged mass events provide a cover and in place debunking for smaller, better controlled events such as what happened in an assassination or supposed terrorists that are really agents or what happened at closed high level functions of the powerful or ...

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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:45 pm

I contend that Crisis Actor Theory today is mostly toxic- or at the very best null, a never ending generator of unfalsifiable claims/innuendo based in a profoundly flawed method of understanding the world.
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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Sat Oct 21, 2017 6:51 pm

Wayne Allyn Root Says Las Vegas Shooter Was Laundering Money For ‘Some Major Crime Syndicate,’ Possibly ISIS Or Antifa

As we noted last week, right-wing radio host, commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root has insisted, from the moment that news broke of a mass shooting in Las Vegas earlier this month, that the massacre was a “clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack.” While Root hasn’t managed to find any evidence to support his claim, that has not stopped him from endlessly promoting any piece of information that he believes supports his theory.

Root’s willingness to spread unsubstantiated information was noted by various media outlets, which did not sit well with him. During an appearance on “The Financial Survival Network” with Kerry Lutz earlier this week, Root lashed out at those who have dared to report on his promotion of baseless claims.

“I ask real questions and good questions,” Root insisted. “I have never had a crazy conspiracy theory in my life. As a matter of fact, every theory I’ve ever had and every question I’ve ever asked has turned out to be correct. So I’m not a crazy conspiracy theorist, I’m the only honest person in the media asking real questions.”

At one point, Root insisted that the official narrative of the Las Vegas attack makes no sense, citing the fact that Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard who first encountered the shooter, had not made any media appearances.

“You’re a hero,” Root said. “Instead of being a security guard who makes eight dollars an hour, suddenly you have a chance to be on the cover of People magazine and Us magazine and on the major talk shows in America. You should be on—name the talk show—’Ellen.’ He should be on Ellen DeGeneres’ show. He is hidden from the media.”

The day after Root made this statement, Campos did in fact appear on “Ellen” but Root predictably dismissed it as part of the cover-up.

Insisting that he is not a spreading conspiracy theories but simply asking questions, Root asserted that the shooter had been laundering money for “some major crime syndicate.”

“There are so many parts of this story that stink,” Root said. “All my law enforcement friends believe the reason this guy was such a huge gambler, millions of dollars risked, is because he was laundering money for some major crime syndicate. Whether that be ISIS, whether it be al Qaeda, whether it be Antifa, whether it be the mafia, whether it be the CIA, I don’t know who it was but this guy was laundering somebody’s money.” ... or-antifa/
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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Thu Oct 26, 2017 5:58 pm

'I hope someone truly shoots you': online conspiracy theorists harass Vegas victims

Those who lived to describe the mass shooting face flood of abuse on social media accusing them of being actors, as hoax claims flourish on YouTube

Braden Matejka and his girlfriend, Amanda Homulos. Matejka is among the shooting survivors facing harassment from conspiracy theorists.

Thursday 26 October 2017 03.01 EDT Last modified on Thursday 26 October 2017 17.00 EDT

Braden Matejka survived a bullet to the head in the Las Vegas massacre. Then, the death threats started coming.

“You are a lying piece of shit and I hope someone truly shoots you in the head,” a commenter wrote to Matejka on Facebook, one week after a gunman killed 58 people and injured hundreds more. “Your soul is disgusting and dark! You will pay for the consequences!” said another. A Facebook meme quickly spread with a photo of him after the shooting, captioned: “I’m a lying cunt!”

The 30-year-old victim – who narrowly escaped death in the worst mass shooting in modern US history – has faced a torrent of online abuse and harassment, forcing him to shut down his social media accounts and disappear from the internet. The bullying, taunting and graphic threats have also spread to his family and friends.

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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby elfismiles » Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:18 am

Agreed... Cheers to that!


American Dream » 20 Oct 2017 20:45 wrote:I contend that Crisis Actor Theory today is mostly toxic- or at the very best null, a never ending generator of unfalsifiable claims/innuendo based in a profoundly flawed method of understanding the world.
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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:28 am

No, NAMBLA Is Not Protesting the Alt-Right for 'Pedo Bashing'

Far-right luminaries like Mike Cernovich would love nothing more than for child molesters to pick a fight with them. But that's not really happening.


The banner demands: "No White Supremacy" (a pretty cool thing to demand) followed by "No Pedo Bashing" (an extremely weird thing to demand). Below, there's the red and black flags of the internationally recognizable antifa symbol, followed by the logo of the North American Man-Boy Love Association, or NAMBLA, a group for child rapists who want their crimes to be legalized. (In case you need a refresher, Cernovich made a name for himself largely by perpetuating the asinine Pizzagate conspiracy, which posits that prominent Democrats are members of an evil Eyes Wide Shut cabal that uses the word "pizza" as a code word for its secret child rape orgies.)

What's implied here is that NAMBLA is A) in cahoots with the American left, and B) uniquely mad at Cernovich, of all people. That's pretty farfetched, not least because NAMBLA essentially doesn't exist anymore. Years ago the group pulled the plug on meetings and public activism, and has shut down almost all of its activities apart from collecting dues from a handful of members in order to maintain its website, according to my investigation last year for VICE.

But the idea that leftist protesters are simpatico with molesters is just too delicious for the right to resist publicizing, even if it is a horrible lie. Cernovich's post about the banner was reportedly removed by Twitter, but alt-right also-rans like Jack Posobiec circulated Offenhartz's photo as if it proved NAMBLA was allied with the left.

Later, when cooler heads had largely prevailed, and even the right began to doubt their interpretation of events, Paul Joseph Watson, the Fallout Boy to Alex Jones's Radioactive Man, wondered on his YouTube channel, "Does it matter whether or not it was a false flag given how funny it is?"

Witnesses who know The Real Story behind the Las Vegas shooting keep mysteriously dying

I've written before that the Las Vegas shooting on October 1 had (sadly and predictably) become fodder for hoaxes—including the ever-popular multiple shooter theory. It pains me to report that these conspiracy theories are probably never going away. A new theory posits that witnesses who know the Real Story (whatever that may be) are dropping like flies.

A blog called Neon Nettle went to quite a bit of trouble to find seven reported deaths that were somewhere in the orbit of the Vegas tragedy, and to claim that some nefarious entity is knocking these people off for knowing too much. Each death supposedly has some element of mystery. Snopes (bless them) went to even more trouble fact-checking Neon Nettle's extremely sloppy fake sleuthing. It turns out some of these "witnesses" aren't dead at all, while others died in completely un-mysterious circumstances.

Unfortunately, it's likely only a matter of time before someone who believes this stuff starts harassing real victims, like that happened with Sandy Hook truther-ism.

George Soros is about to cut off America's electricity so antifa can kill Trump or something

Starting on November 4, the Pentagon is teaming up with a few hundred ham radio operators to practice a few emergency procedures, just as it has every year since 2013.

But because this is 2017, and the internet is in full effect, a huge contingent of cranks believes the drill is meant to cover up (takes deep breath) an electromagnetic pulse that will knock out the power grid nationwide, allowing billionaire George Soros to funnel billions of dollars into an effort by antifa to override the rule of law and replace Donald Trump as president.

I've already written about this insanity and it is—to make a long story extremely short—not true. There are anti-Trump protests planned on November 4, but despite rumors spread by (among other places) Fox News, it's not an effort to overthrow the president any more than the Tea Party actions seven years ago were meant to overthrow Barack Obama.

Or, if you're reading this after November 4 and the coast is clear: greetings comrade! It's wonderful to live in our new, gun-free, communist utopia for non-white, transgender Muslims, isn't it? Hail Soros!

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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:55 pm

Russian accounts and a fake news site are reviving the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Website baselessly claims Clinton is in a "pedophile sex tape" with aide


A prominent fake news website whose Facebook page has been verified by Facebook and which has been accused by experts of being a Russian proxy has revived the debunked fake news conspiracy theory known as “Pizzagate” in a new article. The article has also been promoted by Michael Flynn Jr., who played a role in generating significant exposure for the first iteration of the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory.

On November 4, YourNewsWire published an article headlined “NYPD: Hillary Clinton ‘Pedophile Sex Tape’ About To Be Released.” The article claimed that the New York Police Department had “confirmed that a ‘sickening’ pedophile sex tape featuring Hillary Clinton is about to be released to the public” that depicts “Clinton engaging in a sexual act with her aide Huma Abedin and an underage girl.” The article, which features a photo of Clinton eating pizza, cites a Right Wing Watch article about Liz Crokin, a columnist known for pushing conspiracy theories surrounding slain Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich and who called the October Las Vegas mass shooting a “false flag,” for the claim.

The article is a continuation of the baseless “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory that Clinton and her presidential campaign were using a Washington, D.C. pizzeria to run a pedophila operation. The conspiracy theory was widely pushed by far-right media and fake news websites, including YourNewsWire, resulting in a gunman opening fire inside that pizzeria last December. Flynn Jr., the son of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who had been a transition aide for President Donald Trump (and who could face criminal prosecution from special counsel Robert Mueller), quoted a Twitter user pushing the article, writing, “Oh…” and adding, “I’ll believe it when I see it......” Flynn Jr. was fired from Trump’s transition team last December after continuing to push “Pizzagate” following the pizzeria shooting.

The YourNewsWire article, which was shared on a verified Facebook page run by YourNewsWire’s operators, had nearly 10,000 Facebook engagements and more than 4,000 Twitter shares, according to social media analytics website BuzzSumo, and was shared by a number of other fake news websites. The article was also being heavily pushed by Russian-linked accounts, according to the Alliance for Securing Democracy.

YourNewsWire has a history of pushing fake stories, such as making up that actor Morgan Freeman called for Clinton to be jailed and that Clinton bribed Republicans in order to “destroy Trump.” Experts in the United States and European Union (EU) have reportedly accused the website of being a Russian proxy whose misinformation seems to fit Russia’s aims, such as falsely claiming that the EU lowered the age of consent to 13 and that Austria's new chancellor had targeted billionaire George Soros. ... eor/218457
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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:47 am

BuzzFeed’s Conyers Scoop Shows That, Unfortunately, Mike Cernovich Isn’t Going Away


A couple years ago, the idea of Cernovich being involved in actual, news-breaking journalism would have come across as a bizarre joke. Until recently, he was a toxic manosphere figure who expressed skepticism about the existence of date rape, offered some very, very strange opinions about the bonding qualities of semen, and openly wrote about the sort of taking-one’s-penis-out behavior that is currently (finally) getting a lot of men into trouble.

More to the point, he is an admitted huckster. In a New Yorker profile by Andrew Marantz, Cernovich all but admitted that he simply makes stuff up in order to spark viral content and boost his own profile. And, as BuzzFeed noted, he helped spread a truly unhinged conspiracy theory that led to the discharge of a weapon in a pizzeria often frequented by children. Cernovich isn’t someone with a high regard for the concept of truth or journalistic objectivity.

But we’re well into an age in which anyone who can garner enough internet attention for a long enough period of time can accrue a certain kind of power — a notoriety that isn’t quite the same thing as legitimacy, but is close enough. Being particularly free with quotes for journalists, being shameless to the point of sociopathy, and refusing to hold a consistent line (except what you think your audience might want to hear) — these are strategies that can turn you into, if not a journalist, a player in the weird, new attention economy that drives the media industry. This kind of figure — part troll, part gatekeeper, part chaos agent, part source, part activist, and part ringleader — is fairly new, and journalists and readers alike haven’t quite figured out how to navigate a landscape in which people like Cernovich are given that kind of prominence. They’re going to need to develop some strategies quickly. ... ately.html
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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:15 pm


James Tracy, who was a tenured professor at the Boca Raton-based Florida Atlantic University (FAU), claims the school violated his First Amendment rights when it fired him in 2016.

Tracy, who taught communications theory and a class in conspiracy theories, claimed in multiple online postings that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax perpetrated by the federal government to clamp down on gun ownership.


Tracy even feuded online with the parents of six-year-old Noah Pozner—one of the 26 people killed in the 2012 massacre. ... uit-745067
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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:52 am

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend Respond to Pizzagate Pedophile Ring Accusation


“Apparently dressing my daughter as Alice in Wonderland and a hot dog and having a pizza emoji on Snapchat has to do with pizzagate and being uhhhh darksided. Holy shit That thread is wild. Enjoy,” the pregnant Teigan wrote.

Legend later chimed in threatening a lawsuit against Conkin. “You need to take my family’s name out of your mouth before you get sued,” the singer tweeted.

Conkin responded by writing that Teigen and Legend “run in circle with people who rape, torture & traffic kids.” Upon mention of a lawsuit, however, the writer attempted to backtrack, saying that that the couple “could be victims themselves” and only “know about” pedophile sex rings in Hollywood.

But Teigen didn’t back down. “Don’t backtrack now and say we ‘run with’ pedophiles. I am taking this FAR, Liz. Your s--- ends here,” the former model wrote. “I don’t care HOW you backtrack or WHAT you deleted. I have it ALL. I’m the last person you are f---ing with. You are DONE with me and my family. You are going to court.”

Teigen summarized the experience, tweeting: “It is INCREDIBLY weird to be two (semi) normal, ridiculously boring human beings who literally make food, watch tv and clean up dog barf in any kind of off time and then be suddenly accused of being in Hollywood’s hottest pedo ring.”

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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:21 pm

Pizzagate: A slice of fake news


“My name has been torn to shreds,” said Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis. “And then there are all these other people that continue to perpetrate these conspiracy theories and lies online, and there are absolutely no repercussions for these people, and I wonder when they will be held accountable.”

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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:26 pm

Mike Cernovich Thinks The Deep State & Hollywood Are Practicing ‘Dark Magic’ And Abusing Children

Last year, Cernovich and Infowars host Alex Jones said they believed the “deep state” was working to undermine them because they discuss conspiracy theories involving pedophilia.
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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:59 pm

Pamela Geller's anti-migrant video is a hoax. There's even a complete film crew in the shot.

Geller was purporting to show anti-police violence by migrants in Italy, but the video was debunked in 2014



Notorious anti-Muslim commentator Pamela Geller uploaded and shared an obviously staged video framing migrants in Italy as anti-police vandalizers in the context of Italy’s highly contested general election.

On February 11, Pamela Geller’s “Morning News Report” newsletter featured a YouTube video titled “Migrants in Italy” which was uploaded on February 7 to Geller’s YouTube channel, and shared on her personal website. The video shows people (who are actors) vandalizing an Italian police car with bats and sticks. Geller presented the video as real without verifying its authenticity in a shameless attempt to smear migrant men.

The video, in reality, is an amateur recording of an Italian film shooting. The drama Mediterranea chronicles two friends from Burkina Faso who experience hostility after immigrating to Italy. The allegation that the video depicts Italian migrants engaged in a criminal act has been debunked since as early as 2014, by Italian, French, and German language websites. (A directional microphone and light-diffusion panel are also visible in the frame, though Geller seemed not to have noticed them.) As of this writing, the video has over 5,000 views.

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Re: Security Theater ("Crisis Actors")

Postby American Dream » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:05 am

‘I Don’t Care If Your Kid Dies At School’: The Alt-Right Attacks Parkland Shooting Survivors


Anyone who’s ever paid attention to the aftermath of these tragedies should have the same sick sense of déjà vu.

They’ll remember the vultures who attacked the families of the children slaughtered at Sandy Hook: bombarding their grieving parents with death threats, accusing them of being “crisis actors,” claiming they looked insufficiently upset over the deaths of their kids.

They’ll think back to every bogus meme shared on Facebook alleging that the same “actors” and “actresses” were seen sobbing at multiple crime scenes — Newtown, Aurora, Boston — and wonder how so many people could be so abjectly stupid.

After every tragedy there’s some cultish group of people who, out of ideology or sincere paranoia, promote outrageous rumors about a sinister plot by the Illuminati or Jews or globalists to restrict their freedoms. All we can do is continue to drown out their ridiculous bullshit. ... survivors/
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