Guns (Yawn)

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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby minime » Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:49 pm

I was just going to post something about this in the 'Better Nature of Humanity' thread.
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:52 pm

minime » Sat Mar 24, 2018 11:49 am wrote:I was just going to post something about this in the 'Better Nature of Humanity' thread.

please do .....quote my post because this is the best of humanity
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:40 pm

Washington, D.C. — Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington requested the Internal Revenue Service open an examination into the finances of the National Rifle Association after the group failed to disclose more than $33.5 million it spent on political activity over six years. CREW also called on the Federal Election Commission to audit the NRA’s campaign arm, the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF), and its lobbying arm, the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), after the group apparently violated federal election law by soliciting donations for the NRA-ILA that went instead to the NRA-PVF.

Read the letter to the IRS and supporting exhibits.

Read the letter to the FEC and supporting exhibits.

Between 2008 and 2013, the NRA-ILA, an internal division of the NRA, reported to the FEC and in annual financial statements that it spent more than $33.5 million on political activity. However, for each of those years, the NRA stated on its Form 990 tax return that it did not engage in any political activity at all, and the group did not once file a Schedule C disclosing its political expenditures. This failure to disclose political activity appears to violate federal law and, if it was intentional, could violate several criminal statutes. The NRA blamed the failure to disclose its political activity on a “clerical error” but did not express any intention to amend its Form 990 returns or file Schedule Cs.

“The idea that the NRA, one of the most sophisticated and influential advocacy organizations in the country, doesn’t know how to fill out a simple tax return just does not ring true,” said CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder. “The NRA should be transparent about its multi-million dollar investment in politics. It is highly disturbing that the NRA failed to disclose these political activities in its tax filings and then tried to simply wave off such a serious failure to meet its legal obligations.”

The NRA-ILA reported to the FEC nearly $11 million in independent expenditures and member communications expressly advocating election or defeat of candidates for federal office between 2008 and 2013, and disclosed on annual financial statements prepared by an independent auditor spending more than $22.5 million on fundraising and administrative expenses for its political action committee, NRA-PVF, during the same period. All of these expenditures were for political activities that needed to be reported on the organization’s tax filings but were not.

CREW also called on the FEC to audit the NRA-PVF and NRA-ILA because it appears these groups may have solicited donations in violation of federal election law by failing to disclose to donors that their money would be used for political purposes. The NRA also appears to have violated federal election law by soliciting donations from the general public, which it is prohibited from doing as a member organization, and by failing to disclose the employer and/or occupation of its contributors.

In an April 2015 report for Yahoo News, reporter Alan Berlow described making several donations through a website branded with banners for the NRA-ILA, after which he received thank-you emails from the NRA-ILA. Mr. Berlow’s credit card statements, however, showed that his donations went to the NRA’s political action committee, the NRA-PVF. These solicitations appeared to violate federal election law. In response to Mr. Berlow’s report, the NRA blamed the misallocated donations on a “coding error” affecting roughly $125,000 worth of donations.

“The NRA appears to have deceived both the federal government and its own donors, in violation of federal laws and rules,” Bookbinder said. “It is supposed to be clear who donors are giving to and where their money is going.”

“The appropriate agencies need to subject the NRA’s finances to full scrutiny to determine whether the organization made a surprising series of separate, innocent mistakes, or simply isn’t bothering to follow the rules about disclosing its political activities,” Bookbinder continued.

Read the letter to the IRS and supporting exhibits.

Read the letter to the FEC and supporting exhibits.

Read the IRS’ response. ... ularities/
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby 82_28 » Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:09 pm

Hoo boy! I am also seeing rumblings on the right drawing parallels between yesterday's marches and the hitler youth. Using this quote/meme:

One man wrote to Newsday to suggest that if the United States cracks down on gun ownership, it will be following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler. He wrote, "Adolf Hitler said in 1933, 'to conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens.' “

This quote is easy to find on gun rights websites, but nowhere else. It struck me as the kind of thing people could keep repeating until they believed it was accurate.

So, I tried the Nexis archive to search newspaper and magazine articles. Nothing. Famous quotation websites produced many Hitler quotes, but not this one. A search of Google Books also turned up no matches.

It’s hard to prove a negative. Hitler may have said this. He may also have said he likes cornflakes for breakfast, but then we say a lot of things that aren’t recorded.

At any rate, here's frothy mixture today:

Santorum: Instead of calling for gun laws, kids should take CPR classes

Washington (CNN) CNN commentator and former Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Rick Santorum on Sunday suggested students protesting for gun control legislation would be better served by taking CPR classes and preparing for active shooter scenarios.

"How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that," Santorum said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Santorum's comments came a day after protesters assembled at March for Our Lives events in Washington and across the country to demand gun control legislation in the wake of the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Santorum dismissed the usefulness of "phony gun laws" and appeared to call on students and others to improve their communities and to prepare to respond to further shootings instead of calling for new laws.

"They took action to ask someone to pass a law," Santorum said. "They didn't take action to say, 'How do I, as an individual, deal with this problem? How am I going to do something about stopping bullying within my own community? What am I going to do to actually help respond to a shooter?'... Those are the kind of things where you can take it internally, and say, 'Here's how I'm going to deal with this. Here's how I'm going to help the situation,' instead of going and protesting and saying, 'Oh, someone else needs to pass a law to protect me.'"

Van Jones, a liberal CNN commentator, interjected and mentioned his own child was about to start high school.

"I want him focused on algebra and other stuff," Jones said. "If his main way to survive high school is learning CPR so when his friends get shot ... that to me, we've gone too far. I'm proud of these kids. I know you're proud of these kids too."

Santorum responded by continuing to knock gun control efforts.

"I'm proud of them," he said. "But I think everyone should be responsible and deal with the problems that we have to confront in our lives. And ignoring those problems and saying they're not going to come to me and saying some phony gun law is gonna solve it. Phony gun laws don't solve these problems."

Santorum's comments prompted a statement from Everytown for Gun Safety program manager Erica Lafferty, whose mother was shot and killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

The statement read: "Rick Santorum's words are an insult to the kids of Parkland, my family and to the countless others who have had loved ones taken by gun violence. My mother was killed while protecting her students at Sandy Hook School. For anyone to suggest that the solution to gun violence is for kids to learn CPR is outrageous, and indicative of the NRA's desire to do or say anything except strengthen America's weak gun laws." ... index.html
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby JackRiddler » Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:38 pm

82_28 » Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:09 pm wrote:
One man wrote to Newsday to suggest that if the United States cracks down on gun ownership, it will be following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler. He wrote, "Adolf Hitler said in 1933, 'to conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens.' “

Of course he never said it and the Nazi state was all about party militias, shooting clubs, the works, only for Aryans. They had very little fear from "an armed populace." Any laws were applied selectively, against Communists and Jews, and guess what? There was also armed fight-back, but it didn't work.

Also, without any doubt, if he said it, it would have been about people (Volk), not citizens (Bürger). The latter was not positive in the Nazi vocabulary. If he said such a thing, almost without a doubt, he'd be talking about Germany being disarmed by Versailles, not taking of guns from individuals. It's just so transparent from the phrasing already that this is a fabrication of an American gun/militia fetishist who doesn't know or care about Nazi-era history.

Anyway, fuck Santorum and all the right-wing pundits and usual suspects, and for that matter the rest of the talking heads, and fuck their condescension. This is definitely a case for you to turn off the TV soon as they switch from the marches to the "commentators."

What is going on is an awakening and politicization process of the youth, which will not stop. In conventional terms they are turning left. Despite the origins of this wave in the massacre motivating the group who started it, and in the outsize role of the NRA in amping up the general right-wingery of all forms, gun control won't be the main issue for long. Because everything else is wrong and this is the emergent majority who will demand a say on all of the money and justice and war and peace and education and labor and ecology issues. Voting won't be the only mode of action, and the corporate media won't always be so approving, but that may not end up mattering. This is a great thing.

Last edited by JackRiddler on Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby Elvis » Sun Mar 25, 2018 6:29 pm

Teacher accidentally fires gun in class while teaching about gun safety

I had to laugh, frightening as it is. I live in a college town where for years on end the campus cops begged to carry sidearms (just like real police!). In the '90s their wish was finally granted. About a week later I ran into the captain, an acquaintance, and asked about the splint and big, white bandage on his hand. He hung his head and said in a sigh,

"I shot myself."

He was at home about to clean his 9mm semiauto when it "went off." :shock:

Now that I think about it, I've done some really stupid things with guns myself. :oops:
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sun Mar 25, 2018 6:37 pm

At 7am, 12 years ago today, my son and five younger people were killed; two more survived their severe wounds. The gunman then immediately took his own life.

Melissa Moore, 14; Suzanne Thorne, 15; Christopher Williamson, 21; Justin Schwartz, 22; Jeremy Martin, 26; Jason Travers, 32; all killed by a 26 years-old man who wore two bandoliers of bullets across his chest firing a 12 ga. pistol grip shotgun and a .40 caliber semi-automatic pistol. 3 minutes.

I wasn't informed by any authority; no official notified me. I received a phone call at 11:30pm from one of my son's friends who searched his phone bills to find my number. I learned from his message only that my son might have been involved in a terrible accident. Of course, I thought of a traffic accident.

Calling him back superficially informed me of the day's event and that no one was able to reach my son by phone, nor had any heard from him, and they could not get any information from the hospital.

I fared no better in gathering information from the hospital then they had, so I called the State Police, who were useless and only suggested I call the Seattle Police Dept., which I did. They took a message. No detectives available to respond. They're all at a crime scene.

I called the hospital. I was pissed and worried and wanted answers! I demanded to speak with the head of their ER & NOW! Enough of this bullshit. I wanted to know if my son was alive or dead. I demanded to know.

"Yes, Mr. Travers, I am in charge of the ER, and I understand your frustration. As you know, we are bound by HIPPA not to release..." I just want to know if my son's alive or dead, that's all. He lowered his voice to near whisper and said, I can assure you, Mr. Travers, that no one with your son's name has been admitted as a patient to this hospital. I suggest you call the coroner's office. (I think he said the city morgue)

I did. No information could be released over the telephone, not even confirmation of death.

Sometime after 3am a detective called, but he had no information other than to say one of the deceased victims had my son's wallet in his pocket.

Damn Occam's Razor to Hell!

The police had my son's phone. There could be no mistaking it for anyone else's. His own photo was his home screen. Both parents' numbers were listed as "Mom" and "Dad." By all that is just, the police should have informed me sooner my son had been killed.

It would be two more days before I could get a flight. I booked passage for three, my daughter and ex-wife. Arriving too late on Tuesday to attend the interfaith gathering, my first order of business was identifying my son. I was shocked and greatly disappointed I could not physically see or touch my son; I had to id him by looking at a photocopied photograph of my son's corpse. His head wound was profound and although cleaned of blood, a horror to witness.

4,383 days ago. If that day was today, I would not learn for 10 more hours.

Anyone have a guess as to how many since have died from gunshot?

The number of those who survived their shooting?

Any idea of the economic losses from such firearm injuries and deaths or their aftercare costs?

We all have been negatively impacted by firearms and we all pay the price, some, a bit more than others.

Blessings, Peace and Love to all.

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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby 82_28 » Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:02 pm

Indeed, iam! Thanks for sharing the story so all can know your story. To all, I have known iam's story for a long time but I have kept quiet or vague about it here out of respect for him. The details in finally getting a definitive answer from the police, Harborview or finally the coroner I wasn't aware of. How excruciating. I remain so sorry.

As a side, I lived about two blocks from where the massacre happened. As it was 7am there is no doubt I was passed out, so I missed the commotion. I also didn't know iam at the time either. I was just real close to it. Too close. Same with Columbine and Aurora. They're all too close. I also don't give a fuck if anyone's firearm is ever confiscated for any reason.
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:12 pm

:hug1: Iamwhomiam :hug1:

GOP in crisis as more major donors pull money over guns
By Alison R. Parker - March 24, 201815894

Republicans' intransigence on gun violence is being tested as more big-money donors are joining Al Hoffman Jr. and putting away their checkbooks.

Even in the wake of tragedy upon tragedy, Republicans have governed under the thumb of the NRA. But more funders are joining mega-donor Al Hoffman Jr. to demand action on gun safety. Consequently, the GOP may finally realize the need to make a change.

Days after the mass shooting at a high school in Florida, Hoffman made his stance clear to the party.

“I will not write another check unless they all support a ban on assault weapons,” Hoffman wrote to GOP leaders. “Enough is enough!”

Hoffman isn’t just a donor; he previously served as the National Finance Chairman for the Republican National Committee.

And he warned that he would “email every single donor I know in the Republican Party and try to get them on board.” Two days later, he reiterated that mission. “There’s a movement coming,” Hoffman declared.

And he has made good on that declaration.

Hoffman officially launched his group, Americans for Gun Safety Now, on Saturday. Notably, it was the same day massive crowds turned out for March for Our Lives across the country.

The group has 21 supporters, including Republican congressmen Carlos Curbelo and Brian Mast and former Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair. The list also includes many other major donors like Hoffman.

These supporters have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Republican candidates this election cycle. And Hoffman plans to use this influence to lobby party leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“The federal government better pass legislation … and get it done now, before November,” Hoffman told TIME Magazine. “If they don’t do this, my guess is that they will lose big in November.”

Because he isn’t letting inertia of some congressional Republicans stop him.

“We’re in deep limbo with a number of congressmen and Senators right now, but we’ve got to kick them in the butt and get it going on this,” Hoffman said. He added that he would “encourage [donors] not to give money to these candidates that will not endorse this plan.”

The massacre in Parkland was the 18th school shooting of the year at the time. And it’s the third-deadliest in modern U.S. history.

Yet even faced with those horrifying statistics, and the pleas of survivors, Republicans have largely remained unmoved.

Children begging for their lives ought to be enough for the GOP to join Americans in abandoning the NRA.

If Republicans are immune to such cries, perhaps rapidly emptying campaign bank accounts will ring loud and clear. ... fman-guns/
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:51 pm

Being unable to fly any sooner was heartbreaking. I wanted to share a perspective few who have not had a similar experience might not think about.

Those living in close proximity to where their child had been killed hopefully have had less difficulty. Most of those in Seattle share my frustration when relating their experience. One mother was right there all day, and no one took her aside to inform her her daughter had been a victim. How I hurt for her! And the young woman with her head hung low, crying while waiting outside for word about her boyfriend that I watched in news reports, and cried with, turned out to be my son's girlfriend.
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby peartreed » Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:48 pm

Our home is a relatively short distance away from Seattle, but fortunately it is on the other side of the US/Canada border – where fairly strict gun laws and regulations apply. Accordingly, my loved ones, children, and grandchildren are relatively safe.

My heart was broken for Iamwhomiam when I first learned of his family tragedy.

The massive march of schoolchildren and supporters should be the victims’ voice.

The legislators need to listen – and act – before their own loved ones are the fallen.
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:35 pm

One sad fact far too many are unaware of is that very few of those who are in favor of passing more effective gun controls actually share their view with their own state and federal representatives.

So please, if you are in favor of closing the gun show loophole that now exists and allows for gun sales without background checks, please call all your elected representatives at all levels of government and share your viewpoint with them.

If you feel semi-automatic rifles like the AR15 and AK 47 should be banned, please share your opinions with your legislators.

Because, sure as night follows the day, NRA members will certainly be sharing their opinions with their representatives as well as they will with yours.

It's not really that difficult a thing to do, or fro me to ask for you to make a half dozen or so telephone calls. Emails work, too, but not quite as well. A hand-written letter will always receive a written response, and not a robo-letter recognizing they received your message.

If you find your representative disagrees, ask them why, and to fully explain their position to you. It is unlikely you'll be directly connected to your legislator and more likely you'll speak with one of his senior staff and hopefully, one dealing specifically with gun policy.

Just be true to your convictions and act to realize them.

Get to your point and make your desire known to whomever you speak with and do it quickly and concisely.

It's too late for my kid and many thousands more since he was killed, but what you choose to do may just help to save someone's life. Do nothing and nothing will change and more will die.

"I got five phone calls from constituents seeking more effective gun controls and ten thousand calls from NRA members telling me we have too many gun controls and they do not work."

Honestly, if you met one of the surviving students from Stoneman, what would you say to them if they asked you if you're part of the problem or part of the solution?

Please take the time to make a few calls if you seek positive change.

5.5 million NRA members equals 0.0168 of our population of 327 million. The number of gunshot victims grows daily.

Since 1964, more Americans have been killed by firearms than have died in all the wars we've fought tallied together.
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:43 am

US gun maker Remington files for BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION

Falling sales and lawsuits tied to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre ... n-54011709
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby Iamwhomiam » Mon Mar 26, 2018 2:57 pm

I wanted to add this earlier but had forgotten my source. Here's the Pew Research Center's report:

October 12, 2017
Supporters of stricter gun laws are less likely to contact elected officials

By Baxter Oliphant and John Gramlich

Large majorities of Americans support several specific policies intended to limit access to guns, including expanded background checks and restrictions on sales to the mentally ill. But relatively few Americans actually contact public officials to express their views, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in the spring. ... un-policy/
Just 15% of all U.S. adults say they have ever contacted a public official to express their opinion on gun policy. About one-in-five gun owners (21%) have done this, including 9% who say they’ve done so in the past year. That compares with 12% of non-gun owners who have ever reached out to officials about gun policy, including 5% who have done so in the past year.

Furthermore, Americans who believe gun laws should be less strict are more likely to contact public officials on the issue than those who think gun laws should be stricter or are about right (22% have ever done so, compared with 15% of those who favor stricter laws and 10% of those who think laws are about right). Among gun owners, 19% of those who want less strict laws have contacted a public official in the past year, compared with 9% of those who want stricter laws.

The Center’s survey found other indications that gun owners are more politically engaged than non-gun owners. For example, while only 16% of U.S. adults say they’ve ever given money to an organization that takes a position on gun policy, gun owners are again more likely than non-gun owners to say they have done so. Among gun owners, 28% say they have ever given money to an organization like this, including 12% of who have done so in the past year. The same is true for just 10% of non-owners, including 6% who have done so in the past year.


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Re: Guns (Yawn)

Postby Cordelia » Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:58 pm

Catching up w/reading and words can't express the impact of reading again about your experience, iam....... :hug1:

I'm so sorry about your loss.

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