Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

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Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Dec 17, 2018 12:10 pm

Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’


Before there was Jesus, there was John the Baptist.

And before there was Donald Trump, there was Jerome Corsi.

Jerome Corsi briefly made news last week when he launched a salvo in a well-coordinated Trumpland counterattack, rejecting a plea deal with the the Special Counsel’s office, and calling Mueller’s team ‘thugs.’

Even without the overheated rhetoric, Corsi has become an increasingly-intriguing figure in RussiaGate. His career has made him an expert in ‘weaponized’ propaganda.

Disinformation and propaganda— and their effective delivery —is what RusssiaGate is all about.


Trump immediately signaled approval, praising Corsi, Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, manly men, joining him in getting ready to go the mattresses.’

Smash the Gang of Four!


He made it sound like a glorious undertaking. They weren’t rats. Only rats talk. Trump was channeling John Gotti.

They were four old dragons. Trump. Manafort. Stone. Corsi. Like the Chinese ‘Gang of Four’ that clung to power too long after the death of Mao Tse Tung. Before being deposed they’d been the masters—anti-capitalist roaders!— of a vast propaganda machine.

So, too, is Jerome Corsi, on a suitably diminished scale.

Headlines about him missed the mark. He was identified as ‘a friend of Trump ally Roger Stone;’ a ‘Roger Stone associate;’ and ‘Roger Stone’s pal.’

But the gnome-ish Corsi is more than a shadow lurking behind Roger Stone’s white suit; his importance to RussiaGate is orders of magnitude beyond what’s been reported. The reason?

Jerome Corsi has a secret life


corsi-birtherThe first thing to know about Corsi is that hacking and spam in support of disinformation are what he’s all about. Clicking on his website, for example, adds an unwanted search extension (in Chrome).

The 72-year old Jerome Corsi sat behind the controls of a highly successful propaganda machine, using an array of shiny tools created through the largess of prominent right wing American oligarch Richard Mellon Scaife, whose Arkansas Project spent several decades digging up dirt on saxophone-playing Bill Clinton.

Using hackers to capture and then blast emails to untold millions of addresses across the internet, Corsi managed to convince a good-sized chunk of the American electorate that an authentic war hero really wasn’t.


His “Swift Boat” book campaign effectively killed John Kerry’s chances in the 2004 presidential election.

Corsi didn’t rest on his laurels. A few years later he lobbed another grenade over the transom disguised as a book called “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.”

(Trump possesses a very dog-eared copy.)

Corsi brags that he studied with the “father of propaganda” Edward Bernays.

And as if that weren’t enough to confirm Corsi’s disinformation bona fides, he is currently making money offering a monthly paid subscription service that offers “in depth decodes” of Q-Anon, a high-profile disinformation meme.

RussiaGate is about more than just the Russians


In the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, Americans learned that an arsenal of weaponized media— spam, infomercials that look like documentaries, and more—tipped a close election to Donald Trump.

But it wasn’t just Russians that did it. There were dozens of Americans —as well as some Brits—among their number.

One way to identify American conspirators is what they did to bring in cash. All of them ran ‘pump and dump’ stock frauds, usually using thinly traded micro-stocks, by issuing coordinated barrages of press releases through pop-up press release services that began to proliferate.

Available evidence suggests some of the new ‘business wire’ press services may be secretly owned by nominees of press baron Rupert Murdoch.

If America’s recent past is any guide, RussiaGate will become this nation’s next “modified limited hangout.”

One thing that won’t be hung out will be the identities of the Americans acting in concert with Russian mobsters for over a generation. (Please help ensure this doesn’t happen!)

Tell them to remember that both Al Ralsky and Jonathan Curshen were at the top of a big This Decade in Spam list.

Adventures in Poland


e2muySx-300×141Most Americans don’t know anyone doing business with the suspected Russian hackers. Corsi does.

Until 2014 he worked as senior managing director and self-described “financial services marketing specialist” at seriously-corrupt Manhattan securities firm Gilford Securities, whose Mob pedigree was exposed by the FBI’s operation uptick.

Corsi in Poland

Earlier, Corsi ripped off two dozen investors from Minnesota in a multi-million dollar fraud, convincing them to give him money for investments in post-communist Poland.

After Corsi’s group made a trip to Poland, according to The Boston Globe, the money mysteriously disappeared. Investors sued, and won judgments, but weren’t able to collect because “Corsi had moved the money into his wife’s name … There was nothing to get out of him.”

The FBI opened an investigation but never filed charges. Corsi, his money safely transferred into his wife’s account, which his creditors couldn’t get to, faced no consequences.

Unfazed, Jerome Corsi moved on to become a major source raising money, awareness, and support, in Donald Trump’s effort’s to ‘drain the swamp.’

A “China-Israeli micro stock play”

fraud-advisor-scamCorsi’s standard intro on radio and TV shows states: “Dr. Jerome Corsi, Number 1 New York Times bestselling author and the Senior Managing Director in the Financial Services Group at Gilford Securities.”

The company only had a few dozen stockbrokers in Manhattan at the time. We don’t know if Corsi ever met him; his online resume shows a gap during this time period.

But if he did, he wouldn’t have forgotten this crooked stockbroker’s weird name, which began with two initials: M.S. Gregg Berger.

His real name, Gregg StickelBerger, may be more odd yet.

Berger, or StickelBerger, ran an international network involved in micro-cap stock fraud using eight companies headquartered overseas in the People’s Republic of China, Canada, and Israel.

DEUTSCHE (2)His scheme netted a payday of $33 million dollars.

That’s small change compared to his transnational criminal network partner Adnan Khashoggi, who walked away with almost $300 million with major assistance from Germany’s criminal Deutsche Bank.

The U.S. Government later made Deutsche Bank give $279 million back. Not Khashoggi. He walked away without suffering any criminal penalty. The SEC merely politely asked him not to do it again.

Deutsche Bank appears to be a central player in RussiaGate. Even Steve Bannon thinks so.

Number Seven on Russian Hacker Top Ten List


The important thing about M.S. Gregg Berger of Guilford Securities in Manhattan are his connections to his fellow conspirators.

One, Alan M. Ralsky, is America’s Spam King. Another, Peter Levashov, is one of Russia’s most accomplished hackers.

All three were charged in the same indictment. Proving nothing more than that guys at Jerome Corsi’s old brokerage seem to get around a lot. Unless there’s corroborating evidence…

Russian hacker Peter Levashov— Number 7 on the world’s Top 10 Worst Spammers list compiled by a Russian cyber-security company, so they should know—was safe in Russia for more than five years after his American partners were convicted and sent to prison.

Then he made a crucial mistake: he took his wife on vacation in Spain, where he was arrested by Spanish police on a U.S. warrant.

Pyotr-Levashov-seated-blue-shirtThe FBI says Levashov, currently in federal custody, did not participate in hacking the 2016 presidential election. That’s a questionable conclusion, not least because of what Levashov’s wife told a sympathetic Russian reporter from RT after her husband was arrested:

“When she spoke to her husband he told her he had been shown “some papers in Spanish without a stamp, with a bad quality picture of him, and heard the law enforcement mentioning “something about a virus he allegedly created linked to Trump winning the elections.”

But of course, there’s more.

China Digital Ventures

Russian hacker Peter Levashov
Levashov was the long-time Russian partner of American Al Ralsky, originally from Skokie, Illinois, living in West Bloomfield Michigan, whose possible ties to organized crime—in his case, Chicago’s Outfit—remain unknown at this time.

The Berger-Levashov-Ralsky federal indictment charged the men with using millions of spam emails to fraudulently pump the potential—and then dump—of thinly-traded Chinese, Israeli and Canadian microcap companies looking for a back door into U.S. financial markets through reverse mergers with American companies.

The trio had an unindicted co-conspirator that the Feds had already nailed for 20 years in a related case. Testimony in curshen’s trial showed he participated in fraudulently pumping one of Ralsky and Berger’s shell companies in China.

Called “China Digital Ventures,” it promptly changed its name to Paradigm Resource Management Corporation to escape the effects of bad publicity.

Losing your sanction is always a sad day

curshen-badolatoIn addition, Jonathan Curshen and Gregg Berger jointly and successfully helmed efforts to pump and pump the stock of another little nothing company—literally, there was no ‘there’ there—called CO2.

So although the two men were a little puzzlingly charged in separate indictments, one in Miami, the other in Michigan, both were part of an over-arching conspiracy, which also included Steven Bannon’s business partner and top lieutenant Andrew Badolato.

Badolato and Curshen, Sarasota’s Grifter Twins, made money together on a number of deals. They let their buddy Mike Muzio in on the fun sometimes too. One example is a stock rip called “Industrial Business Ventures.”

Muzio is currently doing a 13-year ‘time-out’ in Federal prison for his role in the company. Badolato, the ‘company’s Senior Vice President, walked.

Considered the more interesting of the two by Caribbean money laundering newsletter Offshore Alert, Jonathan Curshen maintained dual U.S.-U.K. citizenship, lived in both Sarasota and San Jose, Costa Rica, and was honorary counsel—after paying a bribe of $250,00—for the sovereign government of the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis, a former British protectorate.

“Word was that he was untouchable,” stated Sarasota investor Joey Barquin, who lost money on investments with Curshen and Badolato. “They should have called him ‘Teflon Jon.’

No more. When your sanction is revoked—as we’re currently seeing in the trial of ‘El Chapo’ Guzman—you’re usually the last to know.

The Wild Wild West Vancouver Stock Exchange

vancouver2Curshen trained as a stockbroker in the early 90’s at Pacific International, a Mafia-infested brokerage in and out of trouble, even in Vancouver, a city notorious for it’s Wild West stock exchange.

Curshen was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison for the Co2 fraud. The indictment charged that he’d opened an account at HSBC Bank in Vancouver, and during the next nine months wired $90.8 million into the account, and $91.5 million out, to accounts around the world.

“A Vancouver bank inadvertently played a key money-laundering role in an alleged penny stock manipulation ring based in Costa Rica,” reported a local newspaper in Vancouver that undoubtedly knew better than to use the adverb ‘inadvertently.’

And Muzio, and his boss at the time, Adnan Khashoggi, were in business in with Russia’s premier—and also most notorious—hacker.

Russian hacker moves into John Gotti’s neighborhood


In March of 2003 Pavel ‘Red Eye’ Vrublevsky moved his first American company into a house in Howard Beach, Queens—John Gotti stomping grounds— with a Mike Muzio company called “Blue Moon Group” that was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Adnan Khashoggi’s GenesisIntermedia.

Vrublevsky’s “re partners LLC”—the ‘re’ stands for ‘red eye’— listed its business address at 158-49 90th St, a single family residence in Howard Beach. So too did Mike Muzio’s Blue Moon Group Inc. pavel-red-eye-vrublevsky

Vrublevsky was running back-end servers and credit card operations for thousands of sleazy Mafia porn sites, like Muzio’s, through his Moscow company Chronopay.

A few years later both Muzio and Vrublevsky moved upmarket. Even before the presidential election in 2016 Vrublevsky had become the first Russian hacker accused by name by the FBI of election interference, for hacking election databases in Arizona and Illinois.

And Mobster Muzio’s next partner was Andy Badolato, the longtime business partner of Donald Trump’s chief adviser, Steve Bannon.

Curshen and Muzio are currently in federal prison.

Bannon’s Big Mistake

When the press hounded him mercilessly during the 2016 campaign for being registered to vote at the address of a vacant house in Miami, Steve Bannon took refuge in a beach-house in Sarasota Florida owned by Andy Badolato, his top lieutenant and one of his oldest business partners.

It was one of Bannon’s biggest mistakes.

Until then Sarasota’s Grifter Twins drifted serenely under the media’s radar.

Except… I had been gnawed by a feeling that I had heard the name of one of Andy Badolato’s partners a decade ago. It turned out I was right.

More than a decade ago, while investigating major drug busts on two American-registered planes from St. Petersburg carrying a total of ten tons of cocaine, I discovered that Jonathan Curshen had been instrumental in providing SkyWay Aircraft a ‘fig-leaf’ of a rationale for why the company, soon to go out of business, needed so badly to own not one, but two DC-9’s, for which they—manifestly—had no business need.

Centro Israelita Sionista
The Chabad Lubavitch compound in San Jose, Costa Rica
Curshen issued a press release from his office in the Israeli consulate in San Jose, Costa Rica, announcing that lucky SkyWay, already under a bankruptcy watch, had just received a $7 million funding commitment from the hedge fund of a DuPont family heir. No serious reason was offered. Apparently the DuPont guy just liked the cut of SkyWay’ jib.

That the DuPont heir turned out to be phony probably surprises no one today. His real name was James Rice; he was soon to go to prison in the U.K. for passing a $6 million dollar bad check in London.

But maybe this will: Three decades earlier, the same “phony DuPont” story had worked like a charm for a Miami man named Jack Birnholz who was purportedly running a multi-billion dollar hedge fund. ‘Miami Jack’ had multiple connections with U.S. intelligence. He was in business in Eastern Europe, for example, with Robert McFarland of Iran Contra fame).

Miami Jack’s bogus DuPont heir press release followed hard on the heels of his purchase for $22 million dollars of an ‘oil company” in Louisiana that drug trafficker Barry Seal used to launder drug money before his assassination in 1986.

Small world. ... e-big-man/
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Re: Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby Elvis » Thu Dec 20, 2018 9:33 pm

I'm all for a thread about Jerome Corsi. A few posts diverging into um, other areas, have been excised. Two alerts will be closed. I am an agent of social change!
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Re: Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:22 pm

Jerome Corsi didn't get the judge he shopped for!


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Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Re: Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:40 pm

Senate panel subpoenas Roger Stone associate Jerome Corsi

By Jacqueline ThomsenJanuary 18, 2019 - 03:45 PM EST

The Senate Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed conservative conspiracy theorist and special counsel witness Jerome Corsi, his attorney told The Hill on Friday.

The committee is seeking both an interview and documents from Corsi, an associate of longtime GOP operative and Trump ally Roger Stone, Corsi's lawyer Larry Klayman said.

Klayman declined to provide details on the subpoena, which he said was received Thursday, but described it as "overly broad." He also called the subpoena "part of continued harassment from this committee."

Corsi told The Hill that his legal team plans to contest the subpoena.

The Hill has reached out to Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) for comment. A spokeswoman for the committee's vice chairman, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), declined to comment.

The panel last year requested documents from Corsi as part of its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Corsi and Klayman publicly rejected the request at the time.

Corsi has been a person of interest in the special counsel's investigation for the past few months. He first publicly revealed last year that special counsel Robert Mueller's team had offered him a plea deal for making a false statement to investigators.

He said at the time that he was rejecting the offer, as he didn't he believe had purposely lied to the special counsel's office.

Corsi has since filed a complaint with the Department of Justice requesting ethical and criminal investigations into the special counsel's office. And he filed a lawsuit late last year against Mueller as well, alleging illegal surveillance and leaks.

Corsi has been eyed by the special counsel's office over his ties to Stone, a longtime Trump ally. Both men have faced scrutiny over comments they have made suggesting they had prior knowledge that WikiLeaks would release hacked Democratic emails ahead of the 2016 election.

Both have denied having inside knowledge of WikiLeaks actions; Corsi has said that he figured out on his own that they would release the emails, while Stone said he had a source that told him the organization had damaging information that would "roil" the 2016 election.

Draft court documents obtained by The Hill and other media outlets show that prosecutors for the special counsel were prepared to charge Corsi with making false statements to investigators.

Corsi had said that he declined a request from an individual, whom he identified as Stone, to get in touch with WikiLeaks about "pending" emails according to the documents.

However, the documents alleged that Corsi later emailed Stone, "Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging," in an apparent reference to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been staying in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Mueller has apparently continued to look into Corsi in recent weeks.

Corsi told The Hill in an interview earlier Friday that his stepson will appear before Mueller's grand jury next week, after he caught the attention of investigators over texts the pair exchanged.

The stepson, Andrew Stettner, had told Corsi in a text that a computer sitting on Corsi's desk had been "scrubbed."

Corsi says that Stettner had taken the computer to use for his business and reset it to factory settings, essentially wiping its hard drive.

However, he said that he had backups of that computer that his attorneys have offered to provide to the special counsel.

Corsi also said that the special counsel's team had sought a copy of his book detailing his experience with the Mueller investigation, a revelation he first made to The Wall Street Journal earlier this week.

"Silent No More: How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller's 'Witch Hunt'" is publicly available on Amazon as an e-book ahead of its publication later this year. ... ssion=true
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
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Re: Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby seemslikeadream » Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:03 pm

You may have seen Jerome Corsi begging on Twitter for contributions to his Mueller legal defense fund. Well it turns out Corsi was until last week receiving $15,000 a month from Alex Jones' Infowars outlet:

Mueller target Jerome Corsi was allegedly being paid $15,000 a month by Alex Jones’ Infowars until last week

Corsi claims special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating payments he received from Infowars

5 hours 22 min ago
Sarah Wasko / Media Matters

Jerome Corsi, a conspiracy theorist who has become entangled in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, was earning $15,000 a month from Alex Jones’ Infowars outlet until last week, according to a legal complaint filed by Corsi.

In recent weeks, Corsi has been in a protracted battle with Infowars, which employed him as the outlet’s Washington, D.C., bureau chief between January 2017 and June 2018. Beginning in September 2018, after Corsi was subpoenaed to testify before Mueller’s grand jury, Infowars took several actions that appeared to be attempts to influence Corsi’s testimony in a way favorable to Infowars host and Trump confidante Roger Stone. (Stone, like Corsi, is under investigation over whether he had foreknowledge of emails hacked by Russia and then released by WikiLeaks in the 2016 election cycle.) Then in November, as Corsi’s legal troubles worsened, Infowars turned on him, with Stone and Infowars head Alex Jones using the outlet to viciously attack Corsi as a traitor.

To read more about the dispute between Corsi and Infowars, how Infowars suggested Corsi testify before Mueller’s grand jury, Infowars’ subsequent attacks, and how Stone and Corsi garnered Mueller’s attention in the first place, click here.

The latest flare-up in the Infowars-Corsi dispute occurred on January 18, when published an article stating, “The Washington Post is set to publish a false story claiming that Jerome Corsi was hired by Infowars at the behest of Roger Stone as part of a ‘hush money’ operation and that this is a line of inquiry for the Mueller investigation into Russian collusion.” The Infowars article claimed that the outlet fired Corsi in June 2018 for poor performance and gave him six months of severance pay.

Corsi subsequently also claimed that the money he was receiving from Infowars wasn’t a hush payment, though he alleged that he was fired just last week. Corsi’s claims came via a legal filing in which he added The Washington Post as an additional defendant in a lawsuit he filed in December against Mueller and various federal agencies; he is claiming Mueller is violating his Fourth Amendment rights and attempting to force him to lie about Trump. (Corsi is being represented in the lawsuit by crackpot attorney Larry Klayman.)

In Corsi’s January 21 amended complaint, he says a Washington Post reporter called “to question him about information that Defendant WaPo had obtained from unspecified sources in the Office of the Special Counsel that Defendant Mueller was investigating monthly payments, which were characterized falsely and maliciously published as hush payments to Dr. Corsi so he would not provide ‘incriminating evidence,’ about Alex Jones, InfoWars and Roger Stone before Defendant Mueller and the grand jury.”

Corsi’s complaint alleges that rather than being hush money, the payments were legitimate, but that after the Post began investigating them, “the very next day Plaintiff Corsi learned from [Alex Jones’ father and Infowars employee] Dr. David Jones that he was being terminated and would no longer be receiving $15,000 per month.” Corsi’s claim that he was terminated only last week is at odds with Infowars’ claim he was fired in June 2018 and was then paid a severance:

The complaint goes on to allege that the defendants -- The Washington Post, Mueller, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the NSA, and the CIA -- are attempting to bankrupt Corsi in order to force him into giving false testimony to Mueller’s team:

In November, Corsi shared a plea agreement from Mueller’s office that would have had Corsi plead guilty to lying to the FBI while being questioned about the WikiLeaks matter. Corsi said he rejected the agreement. On January 15, it was reported that several Corsi associates, including his stepson, had also been subpoenaed by Mueller’s team.

Corsi, Stone, and Alex Jones are all inveterate liars and conspiracy theorists, so it is difficult to evaluate the veracity of their claims in the ongoing dispute, but the fact that Corsi is alleging in federal court that Mueller is investigating Infowars payments is an eye-popping development. ... eek/222588
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby seemslikeadream » Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:05 pm

Mueller grand jury continues to meet. Jerome Corsi’s stepson, Andrew Stettner, will appear before the special counsel grand jury on Thursday.


January 23, 2019/7 Comments/in 2016 Presidential Election, Mueller Probe /by emptywheel
Jerome Corsi’s already frivolous lawsuit against Robert Mueller yesterday got still more sanction-worthy. On top of adding new defendants (including Jeff Bezos), he and his crack lawyer Larry Klayman asked for damages of [takes off glasses and peers closely] $1.35 trillion billions, of which $800 million million would come from Bezos, which — these fabulists claim — would be just 5% of his $140 billion net worth and not, instead, more than the richest man in the world is worth.


Admittedly, by the end of the day they had fixed these errors, now asking for an utterly modest $1.35 billion in punitive damages.

But I’m interested in what the amended complaint says about Corsi’s stunt.

Corsi justifies adding Bezos based off what is either an Infowars fabrication or an attempt to pre-empt a WaPo story that Mueller believes InfoWars paid Jerome Corsi $15,000 a month to keep him quiet.

In an email sent yesterday to lawyer Marc Randazza, the Washington Post’s Rosalind Helderman states, “I’ve been able to confirm that Robert Mueller’s investigators have been asking witnesses about the financial relationship between Infowars and Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone’s role in helping Corsi get his Infowars job.”

Asking why Infowars hired Corsi, Helderman states, “Mueller seems to be exploring that the job was hush money in some way.”

Corsi was hired by Infowars in January 2017 to set up a Washington bureau. His contract renewed in January 2018 but then the relationship was ended in June 2018. Corsi was paid routine 6 months severance pay.

Corsi was hired at a time when the Roger Stone-Corsi conspiracy theory nexus tied to Wikileaks was not even being circulated. Corsi was fired because of his failure to adequately establish a Washington bureau, his failure to maintain White House press credentials, and his generally poor work performance.

Recall that Mueller also seems to be investigating whether Stone sent Randy Credico work in a bid to get him to sustain Stone’s claim he was the go-between with WikiLeaks. And Stone has said some of his campaign finance expenses were about throwing people who needed money some work.

In yesterday’s complaint, Corsi names not Helderman, but Manuel Roig-Franzia, along with Bezos.

Defendant Franzia is an individual, a reporter of WaPo working under and at the direction of Defendant Bezos and is on information and belief a citizen of Washington D.C.

Corsi names Franzia (who has done extensive interviews with Stone) because he’s the one who called Corsi about the allegations. Corsi claims that the day after Franzia called, Alex Jones’ daddy stopped paying him $15,000 a month.

Furthermore, on January 17, 2019, Defendant Franzia on behalf of Defendant WaPo telephoned Plaintiff Corsi to question him about information that Defendant WaPo had obtained from unspecified sources in the Office of the Special Counsel that Defendant Mueller was investigating monthly payments, which were characterized falsely and maliciously published as hush payments to Dr. Corsi so he would not provide “incriminating evidence,” about Alex Jones, InfoWars and Roger Stone before Defendant Mueller and the grand jury. These hush money payments to Plaintiff Corsi were maliciously and falsely represented to be made by Dr. David Jones, father of Alex Jones of InfoWars.

Defendant Franzia grilled Plaintiff Corsi about details of his relationship with InfoWars, David Jones, and Alex Jones. He indicated that his sources in the Office of the Special Counsel, and working under Defendant Mueller’s direction, told him Dr. David Jones was paying Dr. Corsi to influence and/or suppress and/or misrepresent and falsify his testimony to Defendant Mueller’s prosecutors and/or the FBI regarding Alex Jones and/or Roger Stone, as well as other government authorities.

Defendant Franzia told Plaintiff Corsi that Defendant WaPo that he had learned from the Special Counsel that Dr. Corsi was still today being paid $15,000/month by Dr. Jones.

As a direct result of Defendant Franzia and Defendant WaPo’s actions, directed by Defendant Bezos and carried out by Defendant Franzia and WaPo, working in concert with Defendant Mueller and the other Defendants, the very next day Plaintiff Corsi learned from Dr. David Jones that he was being terminated and would no longer be receiving $15,000 per month.

So rather than being cut off because Corsi testified against Roger Stone, he was cut off (in this fabulous complaint) because the WaPo is going to write that up.

While Infowars claims the hush money timing doesn’t make sense — because the payments started well before Corsi was subpoenaed — they actually time up to when Corsi may have deleted his pre-October 11, 2016 emails and when SSCI announced an investigation in January 2017. And Corsi seems to agree that his six months of severance got cut off (which he calls “terminatied”) sometime in the last month, in the wake of his revelations about his grand jury testimony.

Even as this is happening, Corsi is both trying to reassure Stone that prosecutors told him they would not be able to use his testimony that his August 2016 memo targeting the Podestas was a cover story.


And trying to back the Infowars/Stone claim that he was getting paid $15,000 a month not to work as part of a severance agreement.


And from this intra-rat-fucking fuckery, Corsi manufactures a $800,000,000,000,000 claim for punitive damages out of Bezos. And he does this, remarkably, even while claiming that Bezos’ company, Amazon, is a victim of the relentless Robert Mueller, because Amazon got a subpoena for a copy of the hard cover copy of Corsi’s book (which must differ from the online version that is already out).

Defendants have also threatened threatened, a distributor of Plaintiff Corsi’s new book, “Silent No More: How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller’s ‘Witch Hunt,’” published by Post Hill Press, with a subpoena to obtain a pre-publication copy of the hardback in-print version of the book when Defendant Mueller and the FBI federal could very easily obtain an already in print copy of the ebook and/or audiobook version of the same book on the internet. [my emphasis]

So Bezos is both villain and victim in Corsi’s fevered imagination. But being a victim won’t get him off the hook for $800,000,000,000,000 in damages.

I find the targeting of Bezos, coming in the same week that National Enquirer did a hit job on his affair, curious timing.


I also find one other detail of this amended complaint worthy of notice.

A big part of Corsi’s lawsuit is premised on the nonsense claim that Mueller leaks.

One of the paragraphs that got amended (the Ali Dukakis reference was always there) now works in a detail about last week’s BuzzFeed story, using the BuzzFeed story to substantiate Corsi’s claim Mueller leaked about him.

For instance, and as just one example, an article published by ABC News titled “Conspiracy Theorist Becomes Key Figure as Mueller Builds Case” contains confidential information regarding the grand jury proceedings about Plaintiff Corsi that could only possibly have come from Defendant Mueller.3 Consistent with the leaks concerning Plaintiff Corsi, it was recently revealed that a major leak concerning President Donald J. Trump was made by Defendant Mueller to BuzzFeed, namely that the president had ordered his private legal counsel Michael Cohen to lie to congressional committees over the Trump organization’s business dealings with Russia. After calls for a U.S. Justice Department investigation of this leak in particular – notwithstanding that the undersigned counsel had already filed complaints on behalf of Plaintiff Corsi and others concerning the Special Counsel’s continuing and harmful criminal grand jury leaks among other allegations of prosecutorial misconduct and illegality – Defendant Mueller, to try to cover his illegal tracks and head off a Department investigation by the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General — falsely repudiated what BuzzFeed had reported were indeed leaks from the Special Counsel.

That is, along with all the other shit in this complaint, Corsi is now suggesting that BuzzFeed’s story (which public evidence suggests likely came from SDNY sources) is proof that Mueller leaks because for the first time ever Peter Carr issued a correction probably in part to make it clear that Mueller wasn’t the source for the story.

And, curiously, Corsi makes that claim based on the representation that everyone was calling for a leak investigation on Friday. As far as I know, such calls really began when Rudy mentioned it on a Sunday show, which Ben Smith then pointed back to in his Reliable Sources appearance later that day.

Don’t get me wrong. I have zero doubt there will be a leak investigation into this story. But Corsi seems to have more knowledge of that than other people. Which I find curious, for a guy complaining about leaks.

Look, I don’t expect anyone to make sense out of this gazillion dollar lawsuit. It was never a serious lawsuit — not even when it made unsupported claims about NSA surveillance and media leaks. But yesterday it became far more of a messaging vehicle, a messaging vehicle targeting the same targets that the President is targeting.

This may be all this pack of rat-fuckers has left. But the specific form of their conspiracies deserves some notice. ... targeting/
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Re: Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby seemslikeadream » Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:10 pm


Corsi was working at InfoWars from January 31, 2017 until June 2018, but remained on the take until this month.

The Jan 2017 timing is significant bc it was in that time frame where he deleted his emails from before October 11, 2016, which show discussions of WikiLeaks emails.


In other words, he got hired right after SSCI announced an investigation/NYT said Stone was subject in it. And the emails he deleted that we've heard about are not going to be the most damning ones. ... 8330747905
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Re: Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:45 pm

Jerome Corsi and InfoWars retract and apologize for spreading Seth Rich DNC murder conspiracy theory: “Dr. Corsi acknowledges that his allegations were not based upon any independent factual knowledge"

Corsi also echoed the apology to the Rich family on his personal Twitter account: “As Christians gentleman [sic], I have sympathy for the suffering the Seth Rich family has gone through..."

And yet, at least three other Corsi posts making the same conspiratorial claims about Seth Rich’s murder remain on the InfoWars website

Jerome Corsi, InfoWars Retract and Apologize for Spreading Seth Rich DNC Murder Conspiracy Theory
Despite the apology, however, at least three other Corsi posts making the same conspiratorial claims about Seth Rich’s murder remain on the InfoWars website.
Julia Arciga

03.04.19 4:07 PM ET

Shannon Stapleton/Reuters
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi on Monday officially retracted and apologized for an InfoWars article he wrote in 2018 claiming that murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich (and his brother Aaron Rich) leaked DNC emails to Wikileaks during the 2016 election.

“Dr. Corsi acknowledges that his allegations were not based upon any independent factual knowledge regarding Seth or Aaron Rich,” a statement on InfoWars read. The website claimed that Corsi based his false claims off a Washington Times column by retired Adm. James Lyons, which was also retracted late last year.

“It was not Dr. Corsi’s intent to rely upon inaccurate information, or to cause any suffering to Mr. Rich’s family,” the statement read. “To that end, Dr. Corsi retracts the article and apologizes to the Rich family.”

Corsi also echoed the apology to the Rich family on his personal Twitter account. “As Christians gentleman [sic], I have sympathy for the suffering the Seth Rich family has gone through. I hope all will understand that. God Bless,” he wrote, while going out of his way to note for his more conspiracy-minded followers that he was not “threatened” into retracting.

A lawyer for Aaron Rich told CNN the retraction was an "important step toward obtaining justice” for the family. “We will continue to litigate our defamation claims against conspiracy theorists who refuse to retract & apologize for similar false statements,” the statement read.

The article was one of many featured on Alex Jones’ far-right conspiratorial website describing Seth Rich as a Bernie Sanders supporter who leaked DNC emails to Wikileaks as revenge against the committee backing Hillary Clinton as the party’s candidate. Corsi wrote that Rich was the “likely perpetrator” in the leak because he was “implicated in breaches of email systems,” and he was killed for providing the dump to the website.

The Daily Beast previously reported Corsi did acknowledge the fact that hackers—not Rich—were behind the DNC leak in August 2016 emails to his friend and long-time Trump confidant Roger Stone, who has been accused of obstruction of justice, witness tampering, and lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his communications between Wikileaks and the Trump campaign.

Corsi’s original article, titled “Anti-Trump Left Tries to Revive Dying ‘Russia’ Narrative by Blaming Roger Stone,” now redirects to InfoWars retraction and apology. However, and despite the seeming contrition, all three parts of Corsi’s “investigative series” into the right-wing conspiracy theory—including articles titled “Seth Rich Mystery: DNC Leaks Came from Inside, Not Russian Hackers” and “New Evidence Suggests Seth Rich Was DNC Leaker”—remain on the InfoWars website. ... itter_page
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Re: Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat Mar 09, 2019 10:01 am

Infowars & Alex Jones Sued by Conspiracy Theorist Corsi
March 8, 2019 BRITAIN EAKIN

Alex Jones, host of Infowars.

WASHINGTON (CN) – Escalating a feud among conspiracy theorists, Jerome Corsi and lawyer Larry Klayman brought a federal defamation complaint late Thursday against Alex Jones and his Infowars website.

Though not himself indicted in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Corsi is named as “person 1” in the indictment of Roger Stone, making him a likely witness to the alleged crimes committed by the longtime confidant of President Donald Trump.

Stone is not a party to Thursday’s suit meanwhile, but Corsi and Klayman claim that Infowars has given Stone a platform to “improperly influence the Mueller investigation.”

Among other things, Corsi accuses Jones of having published defamatory statements about him, including that he “seemed to be extremely mentally degraded to the point of what I would call dementia.”

Jones allegedly made that remark in Oct. 26 video, going on to say that he saw Corsi on the ground at a steakhouse, and that Corsi’s security team “thought he was dead in the elevator.”

Corsi claims that Stone also falsely accused him on an Infowars video of being willing to falsely testify against him “and help the deep state bury” him.

In the same video, the complaint says Stone “maliciously” said that Klayman had never won a court victory and that Judicial Watch – a conservative watchdog Klayman founded – ousted him over a sexual harassment complaint.

Among other insults Stone hurled at Klayman in a Jan. 18, 2019, video, he said: “he’s … incompetent, he’s a numbskull, he’s an idiot, he’s an egomaniac, and he could be the single worst lawyer in America.”

With Klayman representing him, “Corsi may get the electric chair,” Stone said.

In addition to defamation, Corsi and Klayman say the false statements have brought economic harm upon them as competitors in a right-wing media market, diverting “financial support and sales” away from them to Jones and Infowars.

Corsi and Klayman also named Alex Jones’ father, David Jones, and Infowars host Owen Shroyer as defendants.

When reached for comment, Klayman said only that “the complaint speaks for itself.”

Robert Barnes, an attorney for Jones, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Corsi filed a separate lawsuit against Stone for defamation last month. Klayman is representing him in both cases.

Stone has pleaded not guilty to charges that he lied to Congress, obstructed justice and tampered with witnesses. Mueller is apparently investigating whether Corsi connected Stone with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the 2016 presidential campaign. ... ist-corsi/
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Re: Jerome Corsi: RussiaGate’s ‘Little Big Man’

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:27 pm


emptywheel Retweeted Big Cases Bot
Rut roh.

Conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi says ratfucker Roger Stone is using Michael Caputo as a cut-out to violate his gag order.

Big Cases Bot

New filing in United States v. Stone: Leave to File Document ... ument.html


In his complaint, conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi suggests ratfucker Roger Stone may have ties to the mafia.

I hate when right wing nut jobs fight!

Hard to imagine how anyone could destroy Larry Klayman's reputation so long as he calls ratfuckers "joint tortfeasors."


Meanwhile, this must be Amy Berman Jackson's polite way of saying Roger Stone's legal arguments are a hot mess.

Image ... 2042566671
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