literally an alliterate idiot

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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby chump » Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:55 am

Changing the subject:

I met ol’ Troy when he was 80. Tall and lanky with the sun at his back, he looked like ET - the Extra Terrestrial (with a pencil thin mustache), cheerfully waving from the roof next door, a senior citizen inspecting the shingles on the ranch style house that he and his spouse had decided to purchase.

They had been living in an Earthly Shelter he personally designed and constructed himself - just outside the city limits; but Sue had a stroke, so they moved to be closer to their several supportive sons and daughters.

We probably experienced the snowiest winter in recent memory the year that the old folks moved next door. For the first few snowstorms, I courteously scooped their sidewalk and driveway after my own. But, one morning we all awoke to 3 or 4 feet of fresh fallen snow; and right when the snow stopped, Troy was starting the Briggs and Stratton 2 stroke engine on his usually reliable ancient snow blower, and sure enough, before I knew what he was doing, he blew the snow from both of our driveways and sidewalks, and several more sidewalks down the street…

I have quite a few memories of shoveling snow and sharing stories with good ol’ Troy… We didn’t really visit very much, never shared a meal or any adventures, but we often talked, over the back fence, or out in front, or congenially conversed while he watched me work at their house now and then… Troy kept constantly busy as a engineer, and caring for Sue - who was shy and embarrassed of her crippled condition after her stroke, but often smiled and squeeze my hand. Troy was also an excellent gardner, and every autumn would bring an abundance of cucumbers, lettuce, lotsa squash, and a ton of tomatoes. I always appreciated the Texan’s perspective and observations, his country boy humor and common sense, and the way he enjoyed keeping employed and staying productive around their place. He was also sort of a neighborhood guardian… such as the time he told the owner of the nearby rental that his latest tenants were bound to get busted if they kept on growing that smelly marijuana… (The renters moved within a month.)

Troy and Sue kept a cute little poodle that was constantly barking in their big backyard. Buddy liked Troy like nobody else, and it was treat to see ‘em down the street - walking and talking, and getting some exercise - with his portable oxygen by his side.

Sue eventually passed away. Troy and Buddy stayed next door for another two years before he decided he needed to stay in an assisted living senior facility. I remember the day the movers left, half-ass listening to 3 dogs a-barking - whom I’d never even noticed with Buddy next door.

I knew Troy’s lungs were failing fast, but it still surprised me when six months later his son-in-law informed me that Troy was in hospice.

Troy had invited me to his small little church, but I always told him, “I’ll think about it”, or, “Not today”; but the real reason was I don’t ’believe’, and the pressure to regurgitate’ the group’s idea of the ’Son of God’ trivialized me to true alterity…. sincerely relating a strenuous pretension in a room full of prayers… at weddings and funerals.

I ironically watched the wonderful movie Elmer Gantry before the funeral, a 1960 mind expanding expose of old time religion based on a book by Upton Sinclair published in 1927. Burt Lancaster stars, with a fine cast of characters, as a drifting grifter with a gift for the gab, quoting some scripture to becoming a preacher, in an academy award winning Oscar performance- that sorta reminded of Troy’s service - praising our ever-lasting Savior - the entire congregation resonating, “Amen”, again and again; which I also repeated, automatically standing and sitting - out of respect for the Christian tradition in which I was raised.

Troy’s many friends and family, and a pack of parishioners, patiently stood in a long, long line to tearfully offer their favorite stories at his massive memorial in a spectacular chapel overlooking the entire front range. One of his nephews (who looked a little older than me), whose long dead Dad was Troy’s baby brother, told a wonderful story that the older Texans had often related at the dining room table - about their dilemma before the ‘Depression’…

“Troy,” he began, “was blessed with an incredible memory and a wisdom born from the ‘worst hard times…”

Troy had apparently written in his diary about the days that he and his family lived near a settlement aptly described as “barely a wide spot” on a rural route road - somewhere between Dallas and Sherman…Texas, of course…

And while he was talking, I was actually drifting… across that prairie - in the 60’s or 70’s, back and forth on a four lane highway - a bored boy riding in the back of a new Cadillac; and recalling the pictures I’d seen of my Dad’s from 1920’s Oklahoma, I vividly envisioned Troy’s situation, growing up quick, planting and picking and pricking their pinkies on acres of cotton to feed their family - where forty years later our Sedan De Ville soared right through that straight stretch of Interstate Highway 75.

His nephew explained that Troy and his Dad were merely toddlers when they relocated to a bigger house on 60 acres. But, their father died suddenly at the age of forty. So, his mother was forced to feed four boys while struggling to tend to a bigger farm.

In the month of October in '27, while his diligent mother and two older bothers were picking the cotton as quick as they could, Troy was in charge of his 22 month old younger sibling, and for cooking the corn bread - on a wood fired stove - when he was not even four years old! Troy didn’t know how tell time yet, so his mother taught him to look at the clock on a kitchen counter, and to strike a match and start the fire beneath the sticks inside the stove - when the little hand moved to the number here, and the big hand had moved to the number there.

“They had no electricity or running water, and almost no money, but the family ingeniously made things work with what was available”, the nephew continued, “Troy had expressed that, “He always felt blessed that he and his family had enough, and didn’t freeze or starve to death - like some folks did;” and that “he never felt deprived, because everyone around ‘em scarcely survived.”

Troy’s pastor stood later to say, “Troy’s occupation was engineer, but the man was much more than a engineer.” Then, he described an incredible project that Troy figured out when others had failed, and then he described what Troy had told him about the time the Dean of his college unexpectedly requested that Troy come to his office to answer some questions. Troy assumed that he was in trouble, but the Dean was amused by the unusual scores on his entrance exam: Troy had received the record high score for mechanics and science, and lowest score ever for music appreciation!

One day, I brought Troy a big hot bowl of beans with ham that had been cooking all day in a 6 quart crock pot, and Troy almost disgustedly wrinkled his nose and instantly insisted, “No!”

Then winking his eye and shrugging his shoulders, Troy wistfully explained, “I’ve ate a lot of beans.”

Come to think of it, he didn’t grow corn… but did give us a bunch of green beans… once.

Most Americans my age or younger can hardly fathom no food in the fridge, slipping outside to take a sh!t, no running water to wash your hands or take a shower, no electricity… no electronic entertainment, nothing for a kid in the dark to do… but light a candle and read the Bible.
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby chump » Mon Feb 03, 2020 12:39 am


I recently discovered this subtle discussion succinctly describing a potential electrical space and existence:


In the wake of recent discoveries, a new way of seeing the physical universe is emerging. The new vantage point emphasizes the role of electricity in space and shows the negligible contribution of gravity in cosmic events. Images returned by high-powered telescopes and recent space probes have challenged astronomers long-standing assumptions about galaxies and their constituent stars, about the evolution of our solar system, and about the nature and history of Earth. The new discoveries also suggest that our early ancestors may have witnessed awe inspiring electrical events in the heavens—the source of myths and symbols around the world. - Prepare to rip up your science books.


Adrian Gilbert, The Electric Universe, Part 2:
So, with the dark matter, what they discovered was that, you know, galaxies rotate, and you know, bright on their mathematics and their computer programming, said, “Oh dear, it’s moving the same speed on the outside as it is on the inside, right? That shouldn’t be happening. It should be accelerating… and it should be blowing off, you know?

So, they decided, Well, there’s not enough gravity here… there’s not enough matter in the galaxies to hold it in… Ah! There must be hidden dark matter. We can’t see it, we can’t measure it, but it must be there because this gravitational effect is happening, so we know there must be invisible dark particles that we can’t touch or measure. We know their there because that makes up the mass balance.

Well, in the electric universe we say, Once you’ve factored in the electric force that’s the real force holding galaxies together and driving them, it’s not gravity. Gravity is an irrelevance, it’s tiny in comparison. Once you factor in this ten to the power of 38 - which is quite a strong force, you don’t need Dark Matter. You can explain it perfectly.

Speaking of Wi-Fi, Annihilation was a certainly an interesting sci-fi thriller - starring a stable of well established leading ladies playing a team of experienced scientists (easily mistaken for a squad of soldiers), exploring the depths of a *psychic driven, sparkling jungle - that’s sort of an analogy to the culture our country is currently encountering…

*ending explained… spoiler alert
Last edited by chump on Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby DrEvil » Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:11 am

Just your friendly reminder (again) that you're not supposed to link to people who promote holocaust denial.

A couple of other things:
- The characters in Annihilation aren't soldiers, but scientists. Can't remember what specific areas they cover in the movie (which is excellent), but I literally just started the first book of the trilogy yesterday, and in it they're a psychologist, an anthropologist, a surveyor and a biologist.

- Electric Universe theory is bogus. It doesn't match observations and has no rigorous math underpinning it. Technically it doesn't even qualify as a theory at all (as defined by the National Academy of Sciences).
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby chump » Thu Feb 06, 2020 7:59 pm

^They looked and acted like soldiers on a mission… maybe they were a military team of scientists?

1965 Scientist claims the moon is plasma

In 1965 this scientist tried to turn conventional science on its head.

Among R Foster’s theories was that the moon was in fact made of plasma, not rock, and that landing on it would not be possible.

Mr Foster claimed that once his ‘profound and decisive’ investigations were proven, a complete re-investigation of the laws of nature would be necessary.

This is the uncut version of the interview posted on 28 March 2019.

The ABC has been unable to confirm Mr Foster’s identity beyond the entry in the production notebook from 1965: “People – Int Tasmanian Professor (FOSTER)”.

We have also been unable to find any documentation of his work.

For more from ABC News, click here:


Tagging along with my organized gal going grocery shopping, I glimpse her scribblings as she clips her coupons and scribbles the items in the same exact order we always follow - up and down the familiar aisles, from the rows of fresh vegetables on one side of the super market, scratching the items from her fairly long list, and checking her coupons as she delicately snatches specific containers from the same locations, contently placing ‘em in the same exact spot in a standard cart, rolling an assuredly a rote rotation, the Muzak surrounding us with casual listening, as she quickly winds through our shopping experience in a warehouse full of stuff to consume. Shopping the same store for so many years, the same ol’ pleasant Sooper employees often greet us to share the same stories that make us all smile…

All in all, like winning the lottery in the land of plenty, feeding our faces is a comparatively pleasant, usually predictable weekly experience. Nowadays, we expect clean water out of he tap, long hot showers, electrical power, internet, media, a soft place to sleep… and most American middle class citizens take it for granted that we can always get groceries - from anywhere and everywhere around the world - for as long we have some dollars and sense. Not many citizens - in all of history - have been more spoiled than the average American middle class dummy. Even in the 80’s, when my wife and I would step in the store with just ten bucks to spend for the week, we ate pretty decent on rice and beans; and I often thanked my lucky stars that we were blessed to be born in such a place.

Later in the 80’s, I learned a little how lucky we were when a physical therapist friend of my brother related a story of taking an intern from the Soviet Union on her first trip shopping at a typical Littleton grocery store: The Russian woman stepped inside, and seeing all the groceries and stuff for sale, she stopped in her tracks and started crying! Tears streaming, she described the stores in the USSR - saying, most of the shelves were practically empty. Sometimes, she said, a shipment of something might stop in the street in front of the store, but so many consumers surrounded the truck and snatched it so quickly, the stuff was sold before the shelves could be stocked inside the store!


“They had no electricity or running water, and almost no money, but the family ingeniously made things work with what was available”, the nephew continued, “Troy had expressed that, “He always felt blessed that he and his family had enough, and didn’t freeze or starve to death - like some folks did;” and that “he never felt deprived, because everyone around ‘em scarcely survived.”

This video was posted on a planetruth site:

Prairie Public

In the 1800s, the railroads faced a problem -- farm labor shortages along their newly expanded westward lines threatened profitability. Not surprisingly, in 1853, they jumped at the chance to support a New York City minister's idea--an early version of foster care that would find homes for the city's orphans on farms in the Midwest. Until the program ended in 1929, more than a quarter of a million abandoned, homeless, and orphaned children were taken from the streets, tenements, and orphanages of New York City and sent to uncertain futures with strangers.

[… con’d]

Iowa PBS

In this segment from the West by Orphan Train documentary, Orphan Train rider Stanley Cornell recounts the story of he and his brother’s experiences living in an orphanage and their eventual trip on an Orphan Train in the early 1900s. After being placed in six different homes, they were placed with a family in Texas who raised them.

[… con’d]
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby chump » Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:21 pm

School annually starts the sickly season; and many citizens traditionally get sick and some succumb to diseases every season.

Allow yourself to imagine a century with no sickness nor genocide to stifle a successful super species. How many people would be populating our planet if pogroms and illness had never happened? Too many people are probably the problem practical plutocrats are trying to resolve - constantly employing professional specialists and expert scientists to slow the insatiable homo sapiens infestation?

Hospitals, schools, offices and cities are historically subjected to extremely surreptitious tissue testing by some pretty unscrupulous institutions, and some researchers are generally suggesting that the current ’corona’ could be another distressing example of ownership entities striving to facilitate future supremacy by intentionally infecting indigenous genotypes with vaccine related virulent viruses specially designed to radicalize particular people, etc…

Scary stuff?

Can you see the mainstream regularly staging sensational scenes for the innocent masses’ mass consumption? As easy as it would be for a deadly disease to be accidentally or secretly released from a research facility, intentionally imposing a powerful, mutating, poisonous pathogen on our vulnerable species would probably portend an Armageddon-ish de-population…

But, what are the risks and possibilities of fusing the flu with 5G wavelengths? Sinister scientists in special services could craft a ’corona’ in coordination with *chemtrail, electrical, and 5G grids - to get specific targets sick, and supposedly scare the freakin’ ‘citizens’ into suddenly forcing vaccinations and impositions upon themselves??

*Hey… Considering this concept of tricking people to properly agree with a greedy agenda is certainly feasible, it’s probably important to place the propaganda in it’s proper perspective, and not proportion the corporate programming too profoundly into your personal psyche… Try to think positive. Turn off the TV, wash your hands, and imagine manifesting a manageable system besides the mainstreams’ twisted rendition of social conditioning?
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Re: 2-20-2020

Postby chump » Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:58 am

If you feel like viewing a beautiful, riveting, fictional fantasy about two fellas - very much similar to the seemingly memorialized seminal mass shooters, meandering around with the deadly duo romantically murdering a mess of students in the middle of the melodrama of their high school day - with mesmerizing classical songs, voices, footsteps, shots, shouts, whispers and silence sensually resonating reminiscent suburbia scenery, high school hallways, cafeteria, kitchen, classrooms, restrooms, locker rooms, showers, labs, library, closets, et cetera, then for anyone over sixty-one, Elephant is the film to watch!

However, inexperienced cinema peepers
should probably be wary that some of the subtle slow panning scenes in this deeply disturbing cinema excursion require some experience to comprehend the propaganda perspective of the ancient, religious and cultural symbology subtly displayed on the silver screen; and pre-mature minds not comprehending the modus operandi of sneakily programming impressionable people are maybe more easily subliminally motivated and imminently manipulated to impulsively pull the critical trigger as a tragic reaction to an inspirational personal perception of someone special they started to worship when they happen to see ‘em on mainstream media??
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby chump » Wed Feb 26, 2020 12:54 pm

This is the latest of David Hawkins unending description of a secretive company and The City of London directing terror for at least the last century and a half.

If you’re still wondering what’s going on, Dang if Max Igan has mirrored a pretty damn interesting quick discussion explicitly explaining and completing a picture of the patent office, prisoner transporting and the multiple media modus operandi of the propaganda - particularly including the currently happening CoVid psyop.

Edited to add:
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby chump » Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:30 pm

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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby Grizzly » Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:30 pm

Wow, thanks Chump for the Queen's Qinetiq info/vid... Serco! I knew it!

Also, just curious, wonder if the underwear mask is optional as to your own (not your personally) or someone else’s...lmao! :thumbsup :yay :praybow

I'd try
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Re: 2-20-2020

Postby annie aronburg » Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:02 am

chump » Thu Feb 20, 2020 11:58 pm wrote:If you feel like viewing a beautiful, riveting, fictional fantasy about two fellas - very much similar to the seemingly memorialized seminal mass shooters, meandering around with the deadly duo romantically murdering a mess of students in the middle of the melodrama of their high school day - with mesmerizing classical songs, voices, footsteps, shots, shouts, whispers and silence sensually resonating reminiscent suburbia scenery, high school hallways, cafeteria, kitchen, classrooms, restrooms, locker rooms, showers, labs, library, closets, et cetera, then for anyone over sixty-one, Elephant is the film to watch!

However, inexperienced cinema peepers
should probably be wary that some of the subtle slow panning scenes in this deeply disturbing cinema excursion require some experience to comprehend the propaganda perspective of the ancient, religious and cultural symbology subtly displayed on the silver screen; and pre-mature minds not comprehending the modus operandi of sneakily programming impressionable people are maybe more easily subliminally motivated and imminently manipulated to impulsively pull the critical trigger as a tragic reaction to an inspirational personal perception of someone special they started to worship when they happen to see ‘em on mainstream media??

Oh Ernest Truely, SO annoying, such a strange casting choice from old GVS. Ernie probably has google alerts on himself. I never ever fell for his spanking nonsense.
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby Elvis » Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:03 pm

coffin_dodger » Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:38 am wrote:
Name them. The people who control the issuance of money.


Thus this pathetic dodge and artful retreat.

Tracy R. Twyman via chump wrote: In fractional reserve lending, a bank can take the money from its depositors’ accounts, and lend it out to various persons or institutions on interest. It can loan out the vast majority of the money deposited (say, 87%), leaving only a fraction (13%) in the bank’s vaults. This fraction is called the “reserve”, and it is the only “actual” money sitting in the bank, backing all of the various loans - the only money that is really ready to be withdrawn, should the depositors choose to withdraw from their accounts.

This is completely wrong. Banks do not loan out deposits/reserves. Reading that guy is a waste of time.

And all the sources in that post, Wm Greider included, miss one huge factor: state money gets its value initially from the tax obligation that comes with its issuance.

chump wrote:Money is said to be magically started when the USA Treasury prolifically issues bonds and bills - backed by (nothing but) the full faith and credit of the United States government, that people are apparently perpetually purchasing for peace of mind instead of prosperity.

A musical scholar audaciously insisted that USA citizens are not responsible for the national deficit, and the deficit is actually a savings account

No one said "the deficit is a savings account." The federal budget deficit is the difference between the amount spent and the amount collected in revenue. Treasury bonds are savings accounts.






Fiat money is not alchemy, it's arithmetic.
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby chump » Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:25 pm

^Nothing personal, but someone's officially full o' sheesh^

Finally Friday, 4-24-2020

More than a month ago, my woman and I wandered to the grocery store - where we witnessed some buggers bogging their buggies with of bottles of water, and happened to notice the TP shelves were completely empty. We didn’t need any at the time, but I quaintly quizzed the cute cashier why they were experiencing a toilet paper shortage?

“Yeah!?", She replied with a quizzical smile, "We stocked the shelves earlier, but a guy came in and bought the whole pallet?!” Then, her face squinting, she shortly retorted, ”I like toilet paper too, you know!!

Two weeks later, my lady decided that we should go shopping - at 7 sharp - on a Wednesday morning - because (outta respect!) the store was supposedly recently stocked and specially reserved for seniors citizens! Say what you will, but just as I'd personally strongly suspected, we were instantly stifled when we showed up, because there weren’t no way that we were gonna wait with the lengthy succesion of senior citizens surrounding the premises at 7 A.M.... But, just to see, we walked to where a rather large woman was judiciously guarding the grocery entrance, letting a few folks in a time, loudly pronouncing they could only purchase two packs of TP per person per day.

( ...and the toilet paper was soon sold out again)

Sorry if I upset your sensibilities, but even considering the disassociation of social distancing, probably a plethora of personal problems, and the sudden hospitaization and unexpected passing of several of my favorite friends and brother, I’m about as bummed as I ever remember - just seeing right through the Propaganda, wondering if anyone is seeing the same, sorting the data and making some sense of the sudden corona on our common horizon, FIVE G wavelengths, incredible chem-trails, vaccination machinations, Amendment Rights, military spending for inner and outer space probe patrols; while complex people with separate issues - friends, family and everyone else, endlessly proffer their semi-perfected personal piffle from some their favorite semi-professional cyberspace profiles... fwiw:

This 'Epic Epidemic' our conditioned society is presently experiencing is - unmistakably - a many-a-media, mainstream missive and unprecented propaganda - pervasively orchestrated and repeated ad nausea - for Somebody Specials' business reasons!

I kinda concur with the ‘idiot’ Igan:

“What we’re seeing here is more of an economic and political move than anything else. It’s not about a pandemic. It’s not about a virus. It’s about a re-structuring of our economic system…. That’s what we’re seeing here, folks!”
- Max Igan

“Military industrial media entertainment network, or MIME NET is the evolution of the military industrial complex, where now the entire spectrum of media, entertainment and information is mobilized for warfare in the digital age”

A preponderance of people, especially puppets, are pretty oblivious to the subliminal nature of their regular programming when they experience the resonance of present day media… Staring at their “smart” phone for super sophisticated information to formally fill their formative minds, not a small portion of our prolific, oblivious, and probably plastered population are tuning their attention to the variety of versions of televised traumas, frivolously following those mainstream portals of micro managed maniacal crises - vividly described from several perspectives, triggers embedded and laboriously elaborated everywhere imaginable - code words and images strategically implanted in a vicarious litany of voraciously vetted, purposeful programs variably presented to a pliable public predictably reacting to the script presented to specifically trigger expected reactions the ’Proper’ police can probe on the run?

Elon Musk : “If you assume any improvement at all… games will be indistinguishable from reality or civilization will end, one of those two things will occur… or we are most likely in a simulation.”

Recently reading about data collecting corporations - Carbyne, Main Core, CodeRED, et cetera, sillily sensing my searches are shadowed, and sadly intuiting our civilization is presently experiencing what could be described as a multi-faceted, tacit invasion - expertly executed by specially selected (electrically trained) ideological, servile soldiers (probably consisting of 10% of the total consensus), eventually reminded me of the Stasi style constant surveillance and psychological social control of German citizens in the 60’s and 70’s, and how the tight Teutonic computational technical methods have exponentially probably evolved since the fall of the wall, paving the path to some savvy experiments presently exploiting a multiplicity of psycho/social probabilities presciently programming populations…presaging their patter like Schroedenger’s kitties.

Doesn't it seem more than likely that the modern day money makers are traditionally exacting some dreaded new deal, cultivating a terrible ‘depression’ under the cover of spreading diseases, predictably widening the federal deficit, as sinister experts are secretly spreading specified strains to various spots and populations - (possibly) targeting particular people, culling the week and worthless weight, swiping their possesions and Social Security to cover the spread on business decisions bringing about the new dark ages - so those bossy barons who bake the bucks can cook the books and buy up those bargains with made up money to finish enslaving what’s left of humanity?

Recent history certainly suggests the 'Royal Coronas’ crafty crews are pretty damn clever at creating crises - then promptly promoting unpopular programs - not for the 'people' or 'protecting the planet' - but for capitalist plutocrats' corporate profits!. So it certainly isn't out of the question that a quintessential cast of characters could play the ‘pandemic’ as a (noticeably excessive) exponential 9/11 to scare the citizens into total submission to the 'Coronas’ conception of social control.

Experience has taught me that introspective, responsible people are separately experiencing the ever pervasive propaganda that's too damn depressing for the casual discussion we’ve come to expect at typical social or special occasions…where sensate citizens are especially resistant to some very unpleasant realizations; for instance explaining that something besides passenger planes dusted the Towers in 2001… It'd probably be easier to simply shut up when such a subject rarely arises, because the conversation turns to sh!t when I speak to dispute the official story that’s seldom discussed… at the dining room table, with all that implies as we’re sitting there sippin’!

Thanks for assisting to sort some perspectives - out o my system, so to speak.
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby Elvis » Sun May 03, 2020 9:53 pm

Yup, money is made up. Did you think money is a natural occurence?

chump wrote:someone's officially full o' sheesh^

You didn't say why or how. If you understand operations of the Treasury bond market better than Frank Newman, by all means please explain it to us.
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Re: literally an alliterate idiot

Postby Elvis » Sun May 03, 2020 9:58 pm

Think of those city kids who never know or even thought about where milk comes from.

It's analogous to people's understanding of where money comes from. They never think about it and are usually surprised when they find out.

That's because of the propaganda. Because people aren't told the reality, they come up with all kinds of their own ideas about it.
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