Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

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Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:53 am

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Year Zero


CJ Hopkins
December 16, 2020

2020 was GloboCap Year Zero. The year when the global capitalist ruling classes did away with the illusion of democracy and reminded everyone who is actually in charge, and exactly what happens when anyone challenges them.

In the relatively short span of the last ten months, societies throughout the world have been transformed beyond recognition. Constitutional rights have been suspended. Protest has been banned. Dissent is being censored. Government officials are issuing edicts restricting the most basic aspects of our lives … where we can go, when we can go there, how long we are allowed to spend there, how many friends we are allowed to meet there, whether and when we can spend time with our families, what we are allowed to say to each other, who we can have sex with, where we have to stand, how we are allowed to eat and drink, etc. The list goes on and on.

The authorities have assumed control of the most intimate aspects of our daily lives. We are being managed like inmates in a prison, told when to eat, sleep, exercise, granted privileges for good behavior, punished for the slightest infractions of an ever-changing set of arbitrary rules, forced to wear identical, demeaning uniforms (albeit only on our faces), and otherwise relentlessly bullied, abused, and humiliated to keep us compliant.

None of which is accidental, or has anything to do with any actual virus, or any other type of public health threat. Yes, before some of you go ballistic, I do believe there is an actual virus, which a number of people have actually died from, or which at least has contributed to their deaths … but there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any authentic public health threat that remotely justifies the totalitarian emergency measures we are being subjected to or the damage that is being done to society. Whatever you believe about the so-called “pandemic,” it really is as simple as that. Even if one accepts the official “science,” you do not transform the entire planet into a pathologized-totalitarian nightmare in response to a health threat of this nature.

The notion is quite literally insane.

GloboCap is not insane, however. They know exactly what they are doing … which is teaching us a lesson, a lesson about power. A lesson about who has it and who doesn’t. For students of history it’s a familiar lesson, a standard in the repertoire of empires, not to mention the repertoire of penal institutions.

The name of the lesson is “Look What We Can Do to You Any Time We Fucking Want.” The point of the lesson is self-explanatory. The USA taught the world this lesson when it nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. GloboCap (and the US military) taught it again when they invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire Greater Middle East. It is regularly taught in penitentiaries when the prisoners start to get a little too unruly and remember that they outnumber the guards. That’s where the “lockdown” concept originated. It isn’t medical terminology. It is penal institution terminology.

As we have been experiencing throughout 2020, the global capitalist ruling classes have no qualms about teaching us this lesson. It’s just that they would rather not to have to unless it’s absolutely necessary. They would prefer that we believe we are living in “democracies,” governed by the “rule of law,” where everyone is “free,” and so on. It’s much more efficient and much less dangerous than having to repeatedly remind us that they can take away our “democratic rights” in a heartbeat, unleash armed goon squads to enforce their edicts, and otherwise control us with sheer brute force.

People who have spent time in prison, or who have lived in openly totalitarian societies, are familiar with being ruled by brute force. Most Westerners are not, so it has come as a shock. The majority of them still can’t process it. They cannot see what is staring them in the face. They cannot see it because they can’t afford to see it. If they did, it would completely short-circuit their brains. They would suffer massive psychotic breakdowns, and become entirely unable to function, so their psyches will not allow them to see it.

Others, who see it, can’t quite accept the simplicity of it (i.e., the lesson being taught), so they are proposing assorted complicated theories about what it is and who is behind it … the Great Reset, China, the Illuminati, Transhumanism, Satanism, Communism, whatever. Some of these theories are at least partially accurate. Others are utter bull-goose lunacy.

They all obscure the basic point of the lesson.

The point of the lesson is that GloboCap — the entire global-capitalist system acting as a single global entity — can, virtually any time it wants, suspend the Simulation of Democracy, and crack down on us with despotic force. It can (a) declare a “global pandemic” or some other type of “global emergency,” (b) cancel our so-called “rights,” (c) have the corporate media bombard us with lies and propaganda for months, (d) have the Internet companies censor any and all forms of dissent and evidence challenging said propaganda, (e) implement all kinds of new intrusive “safety” and “security” measures, including but not limited to the physical violation of our bodies … and so on. I think you get the picture. (The violation of our bodies is important, which is why they love “cavity searches” in prison, and why the torture-happy troops at Abu Ghraib were obsessed with sexually violating their victims.)

And the “pandemic” is only one part of the lesson. The other part is being forced to watch (or permitted to watch, depending on your perspective) as GloboCap makes an example of Trump, as they made examples of Corbyn and Sanders, as they made examples of Saddam and Gaddafi, and other “uncooperative” foreign leaders, as they will make an example of any political figurehead that challenges their power. It does not matter to GloboCap that such political figureheads pose no real threat. The people who rally around them do. Nor does it make the slightest difference whether these figureheads or the folks who support them identify as “left” or “right.” GloboCap could not possibly care less. The figureheads are just the teaching materials in the lesson that they are teaching us.

And now, here we are, at the end of the lesson … not the end of the War on Populism, just the end of this critical Trumpian part of it. Once the usurper has been driven out of office, the War on Populism will be folded back into the War on Terror, or the War on Extremism, or whatever GloboCap decides to call it … the name hardly matters. It is all the same war.

Whatever they decide to call it, this is GloboCap Year Zero. It is time for reeducation, my friends. It is time for cultural revolution. No, not communist cultural revolution … global capitalist cultural revolution. It is time to flush the aberration of the last four years down the memory hole, and implement global “New Normal” Gleichschaltung, to make sure that this never happens again.

Oh, yes, things are about to get “normal.” Extremely “normal.” Suffocatingly “normal.” Unimaginably oppressively “normal.” And I’m not just talking about the “Coronavirus measures.” This has been in the works for the last four years.

Remember, back in 2016, when everyone was so concerned about “normality,” and how Trump was “not normal,” and must never be “normalized?” Well, here we are. This is it. This is the part where GloboCap restores “normality,” a “new normality,” a pathologized-totalitarian “normality,” a “normality” which tolerates no dissent and demands complete ideological conformity.

From now on, when the GloboCap Intelligence Community and their mouthpieces in the corporate media tell you something happened, that thing will have happened, exactly as they say it happened, regardless of whether it actually happened, and anyone who says it didn’t will be labeled an “extremist,” a “conspiracy theorist,” a “denier,” or some other meaningless epithet. Such un-persons will be dealt with ruthlessly. They will be censored, deplatformed, demonetized, decertified, rendered unemployable, banned from traveling, socially ostracized, hospitalized, imprisoned, or otherwise erased from “normal” society.

You will do what you are told. You will not ask questions. You will believe whatever they tell you to believe. You will believe it, not because it makes any sense, but simply because you have been ordered to believe it. They aren’t trying to trick or deceive anybody. They know their lies don’t make any sense. And they know that you know they don’t make any sense. They want you to know it. That is the point. They want you to know they are lying to you, manipulating you, openly mocking you, and that they can say and do anything they want to you, and you will go along with it, no matter how insane.

If they order you to take a fucking vaccine, you will not ask what is in the vaccine, or start whining about the “potential side effects.” You will shut up and take the fucking vaccine. If they tell you to put a mask on your kid, you will put a fucking mask on your fucking kid. You will not go digging up Danish studies proving the pointlessness of putting masks on kids. If they tell you the Russians rigged the election, then the Russians rigged the fucking election. And, if, four years later, they turn around and tell you that rigging an election is impossible, then rigging an election is fucking impossible. It isn’t an invitation to debate. It is a GloboCap-verified fact-checked fact. You will stand (or kneel) in your designated, color-coded, social-distancing box and repeat this verified fact-checked fact, over and over, like a fucking parrot, or they will discover some new mutant variant of virus and put you back in fucking “lockdown.” They will do this until you get your mind right, or you can live the rest of your life on Zoom, or tweeting content that no one but the Internet censors will ever see into the digital void in your fucking pajamas. The choice is yours … it’s is all up to you!

Or … I don’t know, this is just a crazy idea, you could turn off the fucking corporate media, do a little fucking research on your own, grow a backbone and some fucking guts, and join the rest of us “dangerous extremists” who are trying to fight back against the New Normal. Yes, it will cost you, and we probably won’t win, but you won’t have to torture your kids on airplanes, and you don’t even have to “deny” the virus!

That’s it … my last column of 2020. Happy totalitarian holidays!

CJ Hopkins
December 16, 2020

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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby dada » Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:55 pm

I think that a piece like the one above only serves the "globocap" forces it wants to stand against. CJ Hopkins becomes a support of his percieved enemies, reinforcing and spreading their message. He hates the system, yet this system he hates is exactly what he is.

I take a different view. I happen to know that everyone cannot but act the way they do. A billionaire or a trillonaire has a narrow set of parameters in which to function. So it comes as no surprise to me the choices they make. This is not to say everyone deserves sympathy, or that anyone is absolved of responsibility for their actions. But a dispassionate view of what is happening around you frees your thinking. Without it, your thinking itself becomes the ties that bind.

I'm reminded of the movie Bridge of Spies. Tom Hanks is the lawyer defending the Russian spy. Hanks asks the spy if he's worried or angry that the trial will likely lead to his execution. The spy responds by asking Hanks, "will it help?"
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby dada » Fri Dec 18, 2020 2:16 pm

I'm also reminded of the words of our prophet Zappa: "The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."

I'd say that if the prophecy is now coming to pass, it means that the illusion is no longer profitable to continue. So they are hemorraging. Revealing the brick wall is not a show of strength but a move of desperation, not a flexing of power, but a reflexive reaction, showing weakness.

It may not seem like it from where you are, staring at the brick wall. But we may in fact now have them right where we want them.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Harvey » Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:22 pm

dada » Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:55 pm wrote:I think that a piece like the one above only serves the "globocap" forces it wants to stand against. CJ Hopkins becomes a support of his percieved enemies, reinforcing and spreading their message. He hates the system, yet this system he hates is exactly what he is.

I take a different view. I happen to know that everyone cannot but act the way they do. A billionaire or a trillonaire has a narrow set of parameters in which to function. So it comes as no surprise to me the choices they make. This is not to say everyone deserves sympathy, or that anyone is absolved of responsibility for their actions. But a dispassionate view of what is happening around you frees your thinking. Without it, your thinking itself becomes the ties that bind.

I'm reminded of the movie Bridge of Spies. Tom Hanks is the lawyer defending the Russian spy. Hanks asks the spy if he's worried or angry that the trial will likely lead to his execution. The spy responds by asking Hanks, "will it help?"

Government tells schools in England not to use anti-capitalist material in teaching

The government has ordered schools in England not to use resources from organisations that "take extreme political stances", including those which which have expressed a desire to end capitalism. The Department for Education (DfE) issued guidance on Thursday for schools to set the relationship, sex and health curriculum. The DfE categorised anti-capitalism as an “extreme political stance", equating it with opposition to freedom of speech, anti-semitism and endorsement of illegal activity.

But former shadow chancellor John McDonnell told the Guardian that the measures effectively outlawed reference in schools to key events in British history.

It comes as part of lengthy guidelines for implementing the statutory curriculum. The guidance said: “Schools should not under any circumstances use resources produced by organisations that take extreme political stances on matters.

"This is the case even if the material itself is not extreme, as the use of it could imply endorsement or support of the organisation.”

It listed examples of “extreme political stances” as “a publicly stated desire to abolish or overthrow democracy, capitalism, or to end free and fair elections”. It also included opposition to freedom of speech; the use of racist, including anti-semitic, language; the endorsement of illegal activity; and a failure to condemn illegal activities done in support of their cause.

Mr McDonnell said it symbolised growing “authoritarianism” within the governing Conservative party. “On this basis it will be illegal to refer to large tracts of British history and politics including the history of British socialism, the Labour Party and trade unionism, all of which have at different times advocated the abolition of capitalism," Mr McDonnell said. “This is another step in the culture war and this drift towards extreme Conservative authoritarianism is gaining pace and should worry anyone who believes that democracy requires freedom of speech and an educated populace.”

Minister for school standards Nick Gibb said: “Our new relationships, sex and health education (RHSE) guidance and training resources equip all schools to provide comprehensive teaching in these areas in an age-appropriate way. “These materials should give schools the confidence to construct a curriculum that reflects diversity of views and backgrounds, whilst fostering all pupils’ respect for others, understanding of healthy relationships, and ability to look after their own wellbeing.”
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby dada » Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:03 am

It's the same thing as always though, isn't it? Are schools for teaching kids how to think? Are they for expanding minds, and filling them full of knowledge? Are they for getting good grades, going to good schools, and earning higher salaries? Are they for making workers, cogs in the machine?

All in all, just another brick in the wall.

I had to say it, couldn't pass up an opportunity like that.

When the ideologists censor the curriculums, what do we do? I don't know, I'm asking.

We are in the twenty-first century. Maybe teach them the truth on the Internet? We can try, I guess. But after school, kids don't want to learn on the Internet. They want to play with it, watch stuff, buy stuff. Socialize. Manufactured leisure.

Innovative leisure. How about like a virtual Socrates. I don't know, sounds dangerous. A corrupting influence on youth and society.

Ain't this dystopia a mess.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Mon Dec 21, 2020 8:38 pm

New World Next Year 2021

•Dec 17, 2020
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby lucky » Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:44 am

Good ol CJ -couldn't agree more and agree less with Dada
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Marionumber1 » Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:57 pm

conniption » Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:53 am wrote:
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And the “pandemic” is only one part of the lesson. The other part is being forced to watch (or permitted to watch, depending on your perspective) as GloboCap makes an example of Trump, as they made examples of Corbyn and Sanders, as they made examples of Saddam and Gaddafi, and other “uncooperative” foreign leaders, as they will make an example of any political figurehead that challenges their power. It does not matter to GloboCap that such political figureheads pose no real threat. The people who rally around them do. Nor does it make the slightest difference whether these figureheads or the folks who support them identify as “left” or “right.” GloboCap could not possibly care less. The figureheads are just the teaching materials in the lesson that they are teaching us.


It's good to see one of these usually-irritating "color revolution" takes be cogent for once: the supposed deep state war on Trump has nothing to do with Trump being any kind of actual threat to established powers, but is rather a staged production with Trump's full complicity that is meant as a psywar on the people. Such is also the pattern with rigged elections, which are rarely about the deep state favoring one puppet over the other but rather about shaping the public's perception of the country (in general, making it appear decidedly right-wing) through the "objective" voting process.
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby dada » Tue Dec 22, 2020 6:46 pm

My argument is that if the globocap forces are all powerful, why bother with the charade of freedom and democracy, at all? And on the other side, why bother doing away with freedom and democracy. I mean, they're all powerful, right? They should be able to keep up the farce.

So they're doing what they do just to "teach us a lesson." I think we could get into a bit of Freudian psychoanalysis with that one. But we'll skip it. What happens, though, is we arrive back at the illuminati. We're just calling it globocap. Essentially the illuminati in all but name.

CJ Hopkins agrees with the forces of globocap, they share the same narrative. The only difference is he doesn't like it. He's joined the ranks of the controlled opposition.

For the controlled opposition, the totalitarian takeover is a permanent state, always on the verge of becoming. It's all very romantic and sexy.

But every year is year zero. You don't have to agree with me. In fact, I invite disagreement, and don't expect anyone to agree. Kiind of surprised when anyone agrees with me at all.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Spiro C. Thiery » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:44 am

dada » 23 Dec 2020, 00:46 wrote:For the controlled opposition, the totalitarian takeover is a permanent state, always on the verge of becoming. It's all very romantic and sexy.

But every year is year zero. You don't have to agree with me. In fact, I invite disagreement, and don't expect anyone to agree. Kiind of surprised when anyone agrees with me at all.

This is more or less how I felt about Snowden and Assange, though the latter has, ostensibly at least, the sheen of not having been a spy. Whistleblowing amounts to little more than dual messaging to the yet broadest spectrum of those who fancy themselves politically aware that, Hallelujah, the truth can be revealed, yet still there is nothing you can do to go about changing that truth. It's an interesting balance, whereby Hopkins and any number of people who vent about it, including myself, take on the pathology of that end of the experiment. It's not comforting, what dada says, because it is essentially true.

But it is not that the Hopkinses of the world should change their approach of "telling it like it is", rather we as observers of this reality should, as dada does here, consider this and its ramifications. At some point, some new strategy needs employment. The extension of the unemployment benefits of the old strategy has been always on the verge of bankruptcy, to paraphrase the permanent state mentioned above.

As regards the sexiness of it, take a look at this Frankie Boyle bit and the reactions and framing around it. How does it make you feel? What does it make you think?
Seeing the world through rose-colored latex.
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:57 pm

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Are You Ready for Total (Ideological) War?

CJ Hopkins
January 11, 2021

So, welcome to 2021! If last week was any indication, it is going to be quite an exciting year. It is going to be the year in which GloboCap reminds everyone who is actually in charge and restores “normality” throughout the world, or at least attempts to restore “normality,” or the “New Normality,” or the “Great Normal Reset,” or “The New Normal War on Domestic Terror” … or whatever they eventually decide to call it.

In any event, whatever they call it, GloboCap is done playing grab-ass. They have had it with all this “populism” malarkey that has been going on for the last four years. Yes, that’s right, the party is over, you Russian-backed white supremacist terrorists! You Trump-loving, anti-mask grandmother killers! You anti-vax, election-fraud-conspiracy theorists! You deviants who refuse to follow orders, wear your damn masks, vote for who they tell you, and believe whatever completely nonsensical official propaganda they pour into your heads!

Oh, yes, you really did it this time! You stormed the goddamned US Capitol. You and your racist, Russia-backed army of bison-hat wearing half-naked actors have meddled with the primal forces of GloboCap, and now, by God, you will atone! No, do not try to minimize your crimes. You entered a building without permission! The building where America simulates democracy! You walked around in there waving silly flags! You went into the Chamber, into people’s offices! One of you actually put his filthy populist feet up on Pelosi’s desk … ON HER DESK! This aggression will not stand!

OK, before I go any further with this essay, I need to explain to my regular readers (in case it wasn’t already clear) that I’ve decided to forswear every word I’ve ever written, and all my principles, and my common sense, and join the remainder of my old leftist and liberal friends in the orgy of online hate and outrage they are currently mindlessly indulging in.

Yes, I realize this comes as a shock, but I have seen the GloboCap writing on the wall, and I don’t want to … you know, get ideologically “cleansed,” or charged with “extremism,” or “insurrectionism,” or “domestic terrorism,” or “populism,” or whatever. I’m already in enough trouble as it is for not playing ball with their “apocalyptic plague,” and whatever else I am, I am certainly no martyr, and I have a career in the arts to consider, so I have decided to listen to my inner coward and join the goose-stepping global-capitalist mob, which is why this column sounds slightly out of character.

See, back in the old days, before my conversion, I would have made fun of my liberal friends for calling this “storming” of the Capitol a “coup,” or an “insurrection,” and for demanding that the protesters be prosecuted as “domestic terrorists.” I probably would have scolded them a bit for taking to the Internet and spewing their hatred at the unarmed woman shot dead by the police like a pack of soulless, totalitarian jackals. I might have even made a reference to that infamous scene in Schindler’s List where the crowd of “normal” German citizens all laugh and jeer as the Jews are marched away to the ghetto by the Nazi goons.

But, now that I have seen the light, I see how bad and wrong that would have been. Clearly, trespassing in the US Capitol is a crime that should be punishable by death. And comparing contemporary American liberals to the “good Germans” during the Nazi era is so outrageous that … well, it should probably be censored. So, good thing I decided not to do that! Plus, the woman was a “devoted conspiracy theorist,” so she got what she deserved, right? (“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” was the official liberal shibboleth, I believe.)

In fact (and I hope my liberal friends are still reading this), the police should have shot the entire lot of them! All these Russian-backed Nazi insurrectionists should have been gunned down right there on the spot, preferably by muscle-bound corporate mercenaries and CIA snipers in Black Hawk helicopters with big Facebook and Twitter logos on them! Actually, anyone who trespassed in the Capitol Building (which is like a cathedral), or just came to the protest wearing a MAGA hat, should be hunted down by federal authorities, charged as a “domestic white-supremacist terrorist,” frog-marched out onto Black Lives Matter Plaza, and shot, in the face, live, on TV, so that everyone can watch and howl at their screens like the Two Minutes Hate in 1984. That would teach these “insurrectionists” a lesson!

Or they could shoot them in one of those corporate-branded stadiums! We could make it a weekly televised event. It’s not like there is any shortage of Trump-supporting “domestic terrorists.” They could use a different stadium every week, deck the place out with big “New Normal” banners, play music, make speeches, the whole nine yards. Everyone would have to wear masks, of course, and strictly adhere to social distancing. Folks could bring the kids, make a day of it.

How am I doing so far, leftist and liberal friends? No? Not fanatical and hateful enough?

OK, so what is it going to take to convince you that I have changed my tune, got my mind right, and am totally on board with the New Normal totalitarianism? Trump? Sure, I can do Trump. I hate him! He’s Hitler! He’s Russian Hitler! He’s Russian White Supremacist Hitler! Yes, I know I’ve spent the last four years pointing out that he isn’t actually Hitler, or a Russian agent, and that he’s really just the same ridiculous, narcissistic ass clown that he has always been, but I was wrong. He’s definitely Hitler, and a Russian agent! He is certainly not just a pathetic old huckster without a single powerful ally in Washington who could not stage an actual coup if Putin nuked every blue state on the map.

No, I soil myself in fear before his awesome power. Never mind that he’s just been banned by Facebook, Twitter, and numerous other corporate platforms, and made a fool of by the corporate media, the international political establishment, the Intelligence agencies, and the rest of GloboCap since the day he took the oath of office. Forget the fact that, although he holds the nuclear launch codes in his tiny little hands and is Commander in Chief of the US military, the most he could do to challenge his removal was file a buttload of hopeless lawsuits and sit around in the Oval Office eating cheeseburgers and tweeting into the night. No, none of that means a thing, not when he still has the power to “embolden” a few dozen pissed-off Americans to storm (or calmly walk) into the Capitol and take selfies sitting in the Vice President’s Chair!

Look, the point is, I hate him. And I hate his supporters. I hate everyone who doesn’t hate him and his supporters. I hate everyone who won’t wear a mask. I hate the Republicans. I hate the Russians. I hate everyone who won’t get the vaccine. My God do I hate them! I am so full of hatred and mindless rage that it is making me crazy. I am so consumed with self-righteous hatred, propaganda, and manufactured hysteria that, if Rachel Maddow, or Chris Hayes, or whoever, told me that it was time to round them all up, these “domestic terrorists,” these “insurrectionists,” these “conspiracy theorists,” these “anti-mask extremists” (and anyone else who won’t obey us), and put them on trains and send them to camps, I’d probably be OK with that.

How am I doing, liberals? Am I back in the club? Because, I get it. I swear! I’m cured! Praise God! I’m ready to pitch in and do my part. I believe in GloboCap’s final victory! I’m willing to work, if our leaders order me, ten, twelve, or fourteen hours a day, and give all I have for GloboCap victory! I am ready for total ideological war … an ideological war more total and radical than anything I can even imagine!

Sure, our imaginary enemies are formidable (and this war will probably last forever … or at least until the end of global capitalism), but, in the words of one our greatest liberal heroes, George W. Bush, “bring it on!”



CJ Hopkins
January 11, 2021
Photos: (1) 1930s German film footage; (2) CNN ... gical-war/
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jan 12, 2021 6:26 am

Quality writing by CJ.

That woman whose name he couldn't be bothered mentioning was Ashli Babbit. According to the video of her death, taken by someone in the pro Trumps crowd, she wasn't shot by a pack of police. She was shot by a single guard in a suit. Who had stayed behind to defend a barricaded door while a crowd including Babbit smashed at the barricaded door after the police moved out of the way. They were standing between the crowd and the barricaded door. Someone in the crowd said something to them and they moved out of the way.

The video shows politicians and other people behind the barricaded door. The crowd sees and starts smashing at the barricaded door. The people behind the door leave and one guard takes up a position behind the barricaded door. Historically if the barricade fails and the crowd charge that guard will die. He has chosen or been chosen to hold that spot against the crowd he has no where to retreat. he fires one shot when Babbit is the first person to breach the door. Its at close range and probably hits her chest or torso. Everyone stops then, like they realise it isn't a game and some heavily armed cops show up and start clearing the corridor. Its tragic for her and her family. She died within a few minutes. Never seeing her family again.

And the guard was not gung ho. he held his line until it was breached then he fired one shot. He wasn't hidden or silent or whatever he was there screaming for people to hold back pointing a loaded handgun at them. Unlike Casey Goodman or Andre Hill, Babbit wasn't entering her home or the invited guest of a friend when she was shot. She was charging thru a barricade as part of a crowd storming the seat of government.

The best thing he does in this piece tho is compare people objecting to what happened last week with Germans who turned a blind eye to the Holocaust, while turning a blind eye to the people in the crowd he is defending who were actually celebrating the Holocaust. Not denying it or challenging its narrative, celebrating it as a good thing. He reckons the people opposing this are facilitating Nazism! Awesome. He also claims the people objecting to what happened are the ones who are irrationally calling for people to be rounded up and executed while video shows people in the crowd calling for actual named individuals to be found and hung and other video shows people in tactical gear and carrying cable ties (to use to restrain people) searching areas for people who may be hiding.

Seriously this is dumb fuck propaganda. Its written to make you stupider and less able to think critically.
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Harvey » Tue Jan 12, 2021 8:57 am

Hopkins is too mild. And I can't believe your response represents the state of RI in 2021 Joe, but it does. We're fucked.
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby norton ash » Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:00 pm

Sorry/not sorry satire that is insulting to everyone. Worth the exercise, but a very unhappy piece of writing.
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:12 pm

Harvey » 12 Jan 2021 22:57 wrote:Hopkins is too mild. And I can't believe your response represents the state of RI in 2021 Joe, but it does. We're fucked.

Seriously it was shit house writing. And propaganda. Yeah everything is propaganda but this is just poorly done.

No one where I live is calling for the end of freedom in the US as a response to this. Most of us are just laughing at a country that is broken and a pack of idiots who were prepared to do what a billionaire conman asked them to do on the basis of what? Helping him cos he was in Home Alone? talk about acting against your own interests.

I wouldn't think my response represents the state of this joint tho.

There are people on here who think BLM is a scam cooked up by Soros to destroy the west and this MAGA shit is great. They think everything is faked and controlled and run by people. Except when its something like Trump, then its authentic. People are incompetent morons most of the time. This was a classic example. People were calling for this for weeks. Go to GLP or somewhere similar and there were people breathlessly talking about how cool it would be to take back America, people who have posted there for a decade. They were talking about their plans and taking back their country.

cos Trump is a lazy shithead who doesn't do things properly, is impulsive and has spent his life and his presidency getting other people to do the work he didn't organise a proper coup. It was half arsed ego tripping rubbish that appealed to his vanity. The same people who saw this as a chance to take their country back will be right behind someone who does the job properly sometime in the next decade. And watch the businessmen and corporate scum fall in line behind that.

I've dealt racist cunts in RL for fifty years and not being white I don't slip under their radar. When they start saying things like "This is our country and we're taking it back" they mean from people like me, not the rich bastards who manipulate them. And even tho they are talking about a different country ... they sound exactly the same ('cept for accents).

If I was an American and believed in my country (not the state or the fed or whatever but the place and its people) I'd be furious, cos the only thing that holds it together is the myth around their constitution ... and the guy who took an oath to protect that constitution just tried to break it. I'm not an American and I don't believe in their country but i can recognise power grabs and there are plenty happening here. None are being made by "the woke" or the left.
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