Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against its

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Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against its

Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:08 am

https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanc ... 40-6736(05)79233-3/fulltext


https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanc ... 40-6736(05)79233-3/fulltext



Access this article on ScienceDirect

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CORRESPONDENCE| VOLUME 352, ISSUE 9126, P491-492, AUGUST 08, 1998
PDF [51 KB]

Biological warfare

Meryl Nass
Published:August 08, 1998DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(05)79233-3

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/01/29/ ... isconduct/

BDN sues Maine State Police for records detailing officer misconduct

https://oig.justice.gov/reports/finding ... ontact-and

Findings of Misconduct by an FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge for Engaging in Unwanted Sexual Contact With and Making Offensive Sexual Comments to FBI Employees and Consuming and Providing Alcohol to Subordinates and Visitors While on Duty
Date Issued
January 14, 2021

https://oig.justice.gov/news/press-rele ... -and-other

Former Police Detective and FBI Task Force Officer Indicted for Bribery and Other Offenses
January 22, 2020

Other Offenses
A veteran detective for the Carlisle, Pennsylvania Police Department, who was also a task force officer with the FBI and a member of the Cumberland County Drug Task Force, was indicted by a federal grand
jury for bribery, drug distribution, fraud and making false statements.
Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, First Assistant U.S. Attorney Bruce D. Brandler of the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Special Agent in Charge Guido Modano of the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General’s New York Field Office and Special Agent in Charge Michael Harpster of the FBI’s Philadelphia Field Office made the announcement.
The indictment alleges that Christopher Collare, 52, of Blythewood, South Carolina, used his official position to obtain sex from two women in exchange for agreeing to take actions in prosecutions. In 2015, Collare allegedly agreed to accept sex or money in exchange for not appearing at an evidentiary hearing so that a criminal charge would be dismissed. In 2018, Collare allegedly agreed to accept sexual favors in exchange for taking steps to help reduce a potential sentence.
The indictment also alleges that Collare distributed heroin in 2016. The indictment alleges that between 2011 and 2018 he defrauded the Borough of Carlisle and the Cumberland County Drug Task Force by providing confidential informants with drugs and allowing informants to retain drugs that they had obtained during controlled buys.
The indictment further alleges that Collare lied on a federa


Prison Writers



Issues: Guild Notes Vol. 45 (2020)

https://www.pressherald.com/2021/01/29/ ... gislature/

Bill would shift control of Capitol Police to Legislature
Rep. Rachel Talbot Ross, D-Portland, says the force that protects the State House and other properties should be overseen by lawmakers rather than the executive branch.

January 29;2021

https://www.pressherald.com/2021/01/29/ ... -them-are/

Trump White House spent $200 million to donate 8,700 ventilators globally. Officials don’t know where they are.

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny-whi ... story.html

Whites-only Louisiana cemetery refuses to bury Black sheriff’s deputy

JAN 29, 2021

https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ma ... story.html

FBI lawyer gets no jail time, 400 hours community service for doctoring email related to Trump-Russia probe: report

JAN 29, 2021 AT 4:50 PM

https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny ... story.html

CCRB member blasts board’s resolution accepting NYPD’s police discipline penalties

JAN 29, 2021 AT 8:02 PM

https://www.latimes.com/california/stor ... n-shooting

Santa Clara County deputy charged with faking his own shooting

https://www.insider.com/cop-said-i-dont ... al-2020-11

A police officer said 'I don't have time for this' before shooting an 18-year-old with a mental illness dead in his home, his mother says

Haven Orecchio-Egresitz Jan 27, 2021, 12:06 PM

https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2021/01/whi ... ack-lover/

White cop’s son gets a year in prison in connection to execution-style killing of his Black lover
The victim's family thinks the killer was trying to stay in the closet "by any means necessary."
By Alex Bollinger Friday, January 29, 2021    


https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/n ... rgery-and/

A retired Nevada cop who headed up a Cyber Crimes Unit has been charged with burglary, bigamy, and forgery. 

Former Washoe County Sheriff's deputy Dennis Carry was arrested on Tuesday on seven different felony counts following a two-year investigation by the Reno Police Department. 

The 46-year-old was previously in charge of the Cyber Crimes Unit at the Washoe County Sheriff's Office before being placed on administrative leave in March 2019. During the course of the investigation by Reno police, Carry formally retired from WCSO.

https://www.wtvy.com/2021/01/29/huntsvi ... -officers/

Huntsville pastors “Adopt a Cop” as pledge to pray for local law enforcement officers

https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/01/p ... ing-happen

Police Robots Are Not a Selfie Opportunity, They’re a Privacy Disaster Waiting to Happen
JANUARY 7, 2021

https://www.zdnet.com/article/that-cute ... o-you-are/

That cute robot cop can instantly work out who you are
They look so friendly, as they roll along your shopping mall. Some, though, are concerned about what robot cops are really up to.

https://midhudsonnews.com/2021/01/29/ma ... le-league/

Cop arrested for stealing from New Windsor Little League

https://www.heraldmailmedia.com/news/na ... 85ded.html

FBI confronted Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter weeks before his death with allegation that he planted drugs, memo says
* Justin Fenton The Baltimore Sun (TNS) Jan 29, 2021 Updated Jan 29, 2021

Ivermectin Inhibits A Critical SARS-CoV-2 Protease In COVID-19? New Study In The Journal Nature!

Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K

https://www.c-span.org/video/?179256-1/ ... killed-jfk

https://wamu.org/story/19/05/12/did-thi ... was-there/

Did This Novel About LSD Trials Get It Right? We Ask Someone Who Was There

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politi ... story.html

Massachusetts congressman has COVID after getting 2 vaccine doses

JAN 30, 2021 AT 3:01 PM

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ ... story.html

Married Texas police chief resigns following arrest linked to cheating scandal

JAN 30, 2021 AT 3:01 PM
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:29 am


Monday, March 15, 2021
Pfizer's Chief Financial Officer tells investors it is "becoming increasingly likely that an annual revaccination is going to take place"
Read it yourself. Thank Lee Fang at The Intercept for providing this transcript of Pfizer's recent phone call with investors. The quote I used in the title is from page 4:

https://www.documentcloud.org/documents ... 2021-03-11

In case you haven't figured it out, the worse current vaccines do against viral variants, the more frequently new vaccines can be sold to us. Feeling played yet?

Are more frequent vaccines a problem? Well, the side effects and benefits of stacking yearly injections of mRNA or DNA vaccines are totally unknown. And at the rate CDC is investigating those side effects, we will probably never know much about them. So a yearly dose will simply be another experiment. How many times do you want to be a human guinea pig?

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Get the infection, take the medicine, get over it and get durable immunity to variants. Not so for the poor vaccinated population, whose immunity against variants is poor/ Cell journal


Numerous variants of SARS-CoV-2 harboring mutations in spike have arisen globally
mRNA vaccines elicit potent neutralizing activity against homologous pseudovirus
Cross-neutralization of strains with receptor binding domain (RBD) mutations is poor
Both RBD and non-RBD mutations mediate escape from vaccine-induced humoral immunity
Vaccination elicits immune responses capable of potently neutralizing SARS-CoV-2. However, ongoing surveillance has revealed the emergence of variants harboring mutations in spike, the main target of neutralizing antibodies. To understand the impact of these variants, we evaluated the neutralization potency of 99 individuals that received one or two doses of either BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccines against pseudoviruses representing 10 globally circulating strains of SARS-CoV-2. Five of the 10 pseudoviruses, harboring receptor-binding domain mutations, including K417N/T, E484K, and N501Y, were highly resistant to neutralization. Cross-neutralization of B.1.351 variants was comparable to SARS-CoV and bat-derived WIV1-CoV, suggesting that a relatively small number of mutations can mediate potent escape from vaccine responses. While the clinical impact of neutralization resistance remains uncertain, these results highlight the potential for variants to escape from neutralizing humoral immunity and emphasize the need to develop broadly protective interventions against the evolving pandemic.
Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Cerebral sinus thromboses associated with thrombocytopenia--very rare--after Astra-Zeneca (Oxford) Covid vaccine
Logo: Paul Ehrlich Institute: Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedical Drugs (link to homepage)

"The Paul-Ehrlich-In­sti­tut in­forms - Tem­po­rary

Sus­pen­sion of Vac­ci­na­tion with COVID-19 Vac­cine

As­tra Zeneca

https://www.pei.de/EN/newsroom/hp-news/ ... eneca.html

Following intensive consultations on the serious thrombotic events that have occurred in Germany and Europe, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut recommends the temporary suspension of vaccinations with the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca.

Compared to the status on 11 March 2021, additional cases (as of Monday, 15 March 2021) have now been reported in Germany. Analysing the new data status, the experts of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut now see a striking accumulation of a special form of very rare cerebral vein thrombosis (sinus vein thrombosis) in connection with a deficiency of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) and bleeding in temporal proximity to vaccinations with the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca.

The data are being further analysed and evaluated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Vaccinations with AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine in Germany will be suspended until the EMA's evaluation is complete. Today's decision affects both initial and follow-up vaccinations.

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut advises that individuals who have received AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine and feel increasingly unwell more than four days after vaccination - for example, with severe and persistent headache or pinpoint bleeding of the skin - should seek medical treatment immediately."

Updated: 15.03.2021

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 3:34 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2021
If you don't collect the adverse event data, and you don't know the side effect rates, you can keep the data-free experimental vaccinations going. With no one the wiser
Here is a list of the eleven (count them!) different surveillance systems CDC said they would be using to get a quick and thorough idea of the adverse events from Covid vaccines.

In case you are wondering who is presenting this information, it is Nancy Messonier, MD, who is the Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC. Want to know more about her? She was in charge of the failed PCR testing that CDC performed during January and February 2020, and lied to the public about the accuracy of the tests and about how many were being performed.

She is also Rod Rosenstein's sister. Trump fired Acting Attorney General Rosenstein, after Rosenstein finagled Trump into firing Comey, then suggested to Cabinet members they wear a wire to collect evidence against President Trump for a 25th Amendment (President is unable to perform the functions of his office) coup. While I am not a Trump cheerleader, I am even less fond of secret coups.

So, having failed at "standing up" an accurate PCR test for Covid and allowing the virus to circulate undetected in the US for 2 months, Messonier was then in charge of gathering information on the safety of Covid vaccines, where she was positioned for another spectacular fail.

Here are her current fails: CDC claims they have no surveillance method to collect and analyze all post-vaccine deaths. Unless the deaths are voluntarily reported to VAERS by a relative or healthcare professional, which is a haphazard, voluntary reporting mechanism, CDC knows nothing about them.

Well, 1500 deaths following Covid vaccines have been reported to VAERS. What is CDC doing about them? It says it is requesting medical records, but has assured us that none of the deaths have been absolutely shown to have been caused by the vaccines.

Even the White House requested an explanation after all the reported nursing home deaths. I have not heard what the explanation is yet. But since we have moved on to a new phase of vaccinating younger Americans, who appear to die less after vaccination, we probably will never learn to what the postvaccination deaths are being attributed.

That isn't the only CDC fail, despite CDC's supposed 11 different Covid vaccine surveillance systems. Those systems are generally based on access to medical records or insurance claims. But since the Covid vaccines are free and administered at large clinics, most vaccinations are not being entered into the medical record, nor are bills being generated for them. Apparently CDC forgot about this when they "stood up" these 11 surveillance systems ('stood up' was Dr. Messonier's term when describing her system, and I just find it amusing). So they cannot monitor the Covid experimental vaccine as they had promised.

And so despite between 50 and 100 million doses already administered in the US, we still know next to nothing about the rates of adverse events, rates of serious reactions and rates of vaccine-associated deaths.

And we continue to vaccinate, in a happily data-free environment.
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:14 am

https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrew ... 3dce9a76b1

EDITORS' PICK|Apr 8, 2021,07:22am EDT|9,512 views
A $2 Billion Government Surveillance Lab Created Tech That Guesses Your Name By Simply Looking At Your Face

https://innocenceproject.org/new-mexico ... ntability/

News 04.07.21
New Mexico Is the Second State to Ban Qualified Immunity
Lawmakers passed the New Mexico Civil Rights Act on Wednesday.
By Daniele Selby

https://www.ticklethewire.com/wp-conten ... .11-AM.png

https://www.police1.com/legal/articles/ ... XZzysJ3st/

Ky. governor vetoes bill curbing police records access
The bill would have allowed any cop, prosecutor and some court employees to shield an array of personal information from the public

https://www.cnn.com/2012/05/15/justice/ ... index.html

FBI agent charged with child porn distribution


Project Groundtruth


Ellsberg Conference

UMass Amherst to Host Online Conference on ‘Truth, Dissent, and the Legacy of Daniel Ellsberg’ to Commemorate 50th Anniversary Release of Pentagon Papers
Many high-profile figures to participate on April 30 and May 1; Ellsberg will have historic conversation with Edward Snowden; five-part podcast also launched
April 6, 2021
Contact: Ed Blaguszewski 413-695-4522

Friday, April 30, and Saturday, May 1, 2021
Free. Online. Open to All.
“Wouldn’t you go to prison to help stop this war?”
— Daniel Ellsberg

https://www.umass.edu/newsoffice/articl ... onference-

https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/ ... ion-police

Wednesday, April 07, 2021
byCommon Dreams
Dozens of House Dems and Progressive Groups Push Biden to Curb Militarization of Police
"It is absurd that the Pentagon has so much funding they can send their 'excess' weaponry to police departments around the country. We need to demilitarize our police and defund the Pentagon now."

https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/ ... gon-budget

Published on
Friday, April 09, 2021
byCommon Dreams
Congress Urged to Reject Biden's 'Unconscionable' $715 Billion Pentagon Budget
"Throwing money at the Pentagon does not keep us safe from modern day threats."

https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/ ... te-hearing

Published on
Thursday, April 08, 2021
byCommon Dreams
Sanders Slams Big Oil CEO Who Refuses to Testify at Senate Climate Hearing
"These companies are producing a significant percentage of the carbon that we use, which is destroying our planet, and we want to know what they are doing to transform their companies away from fossil fuel."

https://www.forbes.com/sites/suzannerow ... ab8d84ed36

EDITORS' PICK|Apr 9, 2021,10:20am EDT|584 views
Saudi Crown Prince MBS Pressed The Louvre To Lie About His Fake Leonardo Da Vinci, Per New Documentary

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/nation ... story.html

LAPD bodycam video shows 2019 arrest of Black man who was bringing trash cans inside

APR 09, 2021 AT 12:18 PM

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/ ... tion-drugs

Revealed: Republican-led states secretly spending huge sums on execution drugs

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/nation ... story.html

SEE IT: Black Army officer driving new car held at gunpoint, pepper sprayed by police during traffic stop in Virginia

APR 10, 2021 AT 11:21 AM

https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny ... story.html

Queens cops bust down wrong door in no-knock raid and traumatize family: lawsuit

APR 10, 2021 AT 9:00 A

https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/ ... 0029236826

Racial Matters
The FBI's Secret File on Black America, 1960-1972
By Kenneth O'Reilly

https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny ... story.html

NYPD cop in botched no-knock raid cleared by CCRB — but watchdog agency says address snafu was hidden from them

APR 11, 2021 AT 4:26 PM

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/nation ... story.html

Louisiana police dispatcher arrested after refusing to return $1.2 million accidentally put into account

APR 11, 2021 AT 2:38 PM

https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/ ... allegation

Boston police officer and union chief stayed on force despite multiple child sexual abuse allegation
Boston police have refused to release records pertaining to the 1995 case.

https://www.rt.com/news/520750-sicily-a ... e-refusal/

‘Up to 80%’ of people in Sicily refusing AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine over safety concerns
11 Apr, 2021 18:17

https://www.rt.com/usa/520708-black-liv ... ader-home/

‘Social justice pays well’: BLM leader ripped for ‘buying $1.4 million Los Angeles home’ in predominantly white neighborhood
10 Apr, 2021 21:10

https://www.rt.com/usa/520655-marines-4 ... t-vaccine/

Nearly 40% of Marines have rejected coronavirus vaccine as Dems call on Biden admin to make shots mandatory for troops – reports
10 Apr, 2021 05:21

https://nypost.com/2021/04/11/internal- ... ops-email/

Internal Affairs used facial recognition software against NYPD cops: email
By Craig McCarthy, Tina Moore and Bruce Golding
April 11, 2021 | 4:51pm

https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/ ... 96f23.html

Puppy named Apollo shot to death by NOPD cop in Lower Garden District: ‘Just a little nugget’
A New Orleans police officer shot and killed an 18-week-old puppy in the yard of a Lower Garden District home while responding to a 911 call ...

https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2021/04/11 ... operation/

Los Angeles cop, 2 others, charged in illegal Super Bowl gambling operation

https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-ne ... rce-rises/

Cops for $1,000 a day: How Seattle spends millions hiring off-duty police officers but does little to monitor their moonlighting
April 11, 2021 at 6:00 am

https://www.fox5dc.com/news/eight-child ... ith-murder

'Eight children without fathers' after off-duty Pentagon cop charged with murder

https://www.theguardian.com/science/202 ... -treatment

Early findings show new drug could be ‘gamechanging’ for brain cancer treatment
Using ipatasertib, researchers say some brain cancers could potentially be made vulnerable to immunotherapy agent

https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/ ... epublicans

The Agenda review: how the supreme court became an existential threat to US democracy
Ian Millhiser offers a perfect short read for a key moment in US constitutional history, after Republicans hijacked the

https://www.trentonian.com/news/hamilto ... f6fb1.html

Hamilton cop back on force after allegedly abandoning dog with cancer in Bordentown
Reinstated Hamilton cop Richard Watkins allegedly abandoned his cancer-stricken dog behind a grocery store in Bordentown Township in ...

Fresno police union slams investigation that led to firing of cop with Proud Boy ties
APRIL 10, 2021 08:43 AM, UPDATED APRIL 10, 2021 04:30 PM
Read more here: https://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/ar ... rylink=cpy

https://www.dailydot.com/irl/video-cop- ... black-man/

Video shows cop shoving snow into Black man’s mouth during arrest
'I really can't breathe. I apologize, sir.'
Apr 11, 2021, 11:52 am*

https://news.bitcoin.com/report-claims- ... rocessing/

Report Claims the FBI Uses Bitcoin Mixers During BTC Forfeiture Processing

https://www.palmcoastobserver.com/artic ... nt-seminar

Flagler's black Police Chief Williams selected to attend FBI’s Florida Executive Development Seminar

https://vtdigger.org/2021/04/11/black-m ... fbis-help/

Black man from Barre has been missing for a year; activists want FBI’s help
By Ellie French
Apr 11 2021, 11:40 AM

https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/ ... 3b4e5.html

Former FBI Director Comey to speak at Santa Fe forum

By Scott Wyland swyland@sfnewmexican.com Apr 10, 2021 Updated

https://ksltv.com/459585/cyber-threats- ... -fbi-boss/

Cyber Threats, Counterintelligence Focus For New Salt Lake City FBI Boss

https://theintercept.com/2021/04/11/vir ... abolition/

Virginia made history when it abolished capital punishment. But for those who were proximate to the state’s 113 executions, closure remains complicated.
Liliana Segura
April 11 2021, 8:20 a.m.

https://theintercept.com/2021/04/10/cam ... institute/

Campus Reform and its publisher, the Leadership Institute, are siccing armies of trolls on professors across the country.
Alice Speri
April 10 2021, 7:00 a.m.

https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/04/09 ... war/print/

APRIL 9, 2021
New Revelations on Germ Warfare: It’s Time for a Reckoning with Our History from the Korean War

The New York Times, which for years has maintained that U.S. airmen’s statements about use of biological weapons during the Korean War were “false confessions” obtained by Chinese and North Korean torture, never acknowledged the following submission sent to its opinion section in November 2020. I am publishing the article instead at CounterPunch, which is not afraid of uncomfortable truths.

https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/04/09 ... and-covid/

APRIL 9, 2021
The Only Treatment is Freedom: Mumia Abu-Jamal and COVID

https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/04/09 ... ing-place/

APRIL 9, 2021
Climate Hacking Experiments Already Taking Place

https://www.madcowprod.com/wp-content/u ... 3/andy.png

Deep Dive into Sarasota Deep State
By Daniel Hopsicker -
April 11, 2021

“Sarasota County is to Republicans what Mena, Arkansas was to Clinton-era Democrats: one-party rule enforcing a level of secrecy necessary for large-scale drug trafficking and money laundering operations to flourish.”

https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justi ... ce-reform/

Maryland Legislators Override a Veto to Usher in Sweeping Police Reform
The law is part of growing evidence the Black Lives Matter movement is changing policing

https://www.vice.com/en/article/4avgvd/ ... proud-boys

The Black Church That Could Bankrupt the Proud Boys
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Wed May 05, 2021 10:26 am

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... ims-report

‘We’re terrorized’: LA sheriffs frequently harass families of people they kill, says report

https://www.al.com/news/2021/05/dangero ... trial.html

‘Dangerous is the job’: Fellow officer testifies against Huntsville cop in murder trial
Updated May 04, 2021; Posted May 04, 2021

https://denver.cbslocal.com/2021/05/05/ ... t-warrant/

Arrest Warrant Issued For Aurora Cop; Josiah Coe Charged With Drug Distribution
By Brian Maass
May 5, 2021 at 7:43 am

https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-nort ... chain.html

Bend cop to be investigated over phrase on keychain
Updated May 04, 2021; Posted May 04, 2021

https://boingboing.net/2021/05/05/cop-c ... n-car.html

Cop charged with murder after shooting man in car

https://denver.cbslocal.com/2021/05/04/ ... ce-arrest/

‘She Is Scared, She Is Anxious’: Karen Garner’s Family Says 73-Year-Old Has Regressed Since Forceful Arrest By Loveland Police
By Dillon Thomas
May 4, 2021 at 4:12 pm

https://theintercept.com/2021/05/04/ani ... iden-skdk/

The senior Biden strategist has worked with a host of corporate clients at the influential firm SKDK, but a loophole is keeping possible conflicts of interest out of the public eye.
Lee Fang
May 4 2021, 3:52 p.m.

https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/lo ... 950831001/

Retired Border Patrol Agent Accused of Being Serial Rapist

https://theintercept.com/2021/05/05/nyp ... -training/

Most officers at the George Floyd protests received only vague academy training that emphasized arresting protesters over defending their rights.
Alice Speri, John Bolger

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politi ... story.html

Justice Department ordered to release memo on why Trump wasn’t charged in Mueller probe

MAY 04, 2021 AT 7:25 PM

General Ben Partin Speaks About Oklahoma City and Waco


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... aith-group

'It instilled such problems': ex-member of Amy Coney Barrett's faith group speaks out

https://www.worldcat.org/title/alexande ... c/38525517

Alexander Charns papers, 1930s-1990s.
Author: Alexander Charns
Edition/Format: Archival material : English
Summary: Photocopies of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files concerning the relationship between the United States Supreme Court and the FBI. Included are files on individual United States Supreme Court justices; circuit courts; government officials; the American Bar Association; wiretapping; protests and local politics; and the Jencks decision, which relates to testimony by government officials.
Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first.
Subjects • American Bar Association.
• Charns, Alexander, -- 1956-
• Civil rights demonstrations -- North Carolina.

https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/ ... _and_Gavel
Cloak and Gavel: FBI Wiretaps, Bugs, Informers, and the Supreme Court
by Alexander Charns, Alexander Charnes
The separation of powers becomes a meaningless cliche as Alexander Charns – using the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s own files – reveals how that agency undermined the independence of the U.S. Supreme Court for a half-century. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover’s goal was simple: to push the Supreme Court to the right on issues of civil rights and criminal law. His techniques ranged from illegal wiretapping to spreading disinformation, from using Justice Abe Fortas as an informant to trying to hound liberal Justice William O. Douglas off the bench. Cloak and Gavel, the definitive work on the FBI-Supreme Court relationship, is based on thousands of pages of FBI documents that Charns fought for eight years to obtain. One 2,000-page file was released only after he filed hundreds of Freedom of Information requests and brought lawsuits against the FBI. It establishes Hoover’s strategies to influence the Senate confirmation process, incite the public against the Warren court, lobby for legislation to counteract judicial rulings, and use numerous informants inside the Court to both monitor and influence it. Charns was given special permission to conduct research using Justice Abe Fortas’s papers, which had been sealed until the year 2000. These papers proved Fortas had acted as an informer for the White House and for the FBI during his tenure on the bench. Fortas ultimately left the Court in disgrace after an ethics scandal unrelated to his informant role. Charns also suggests that Hoover’s death did not end the FBI’s attempts to influence Congress and the federal judiciary – as evidenced by the role of the FBI in the explosive Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill Senate hearings in 1991. Until now, no one has examined the ultimate constitutional violation – the FBI’s attempts to influence the Court by any means available.
https://www.worldcat.org/title/alexande ... c/38525517
Alexander Charns papers, 1930s-1990s.
Author: Alexander Charns
Edition/Format: Archival material : English
Photocopies of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files concerning the relationship between the United States Supreme Court and the FBI. Included are files on individual United States Supreme Court justices; circuit courts; government officials; the American Bar Association; wiretapping; protests and local politics; and the Jencks decision, which relates to testimony by government officials.

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/05/04/ ... perations/

Rockland Maine will create police oversight committee to examine department operations

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... -ways.html

Tuesday, May 4, 2021
List of articles discussing 3 ways the Covid vaccines may damage human tissues

3 papers discussing homologies between the spike protein and human tissue that could induce autoimmune adverse effects.
1.  https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(21)00116-6
2.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7499017/
3.  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41420-020-00321-y
4.  Here is an interesting paper that investigated the mechanisms by which the Astra-Zeneca vaccine causes blood clots and low platelet counts.  My limited understanding is that even though the vaccine used a chimpanzee adenovirus to avoid autoimmunity, the altered virus was grown in human kidney cells.  And the vaccine (rolled out in haste and not very pure) contains over 1000 proteins, some of which do cross react with human tissues.
5.  This study suggest mechanism for the effeccts on the brain of Spike protein subunits.
"Blood-brain barrier function is negatively affected by SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunits.  Brain endothelial cells show a distinct pro-inflammatory response when exposed to various SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunits."

6. This study shows Spike protein damages endothelial cells that line blood vessels. "...scientists studying other coronaviruses have long suspected that the spike protein contributed to damaging vascular endothelial cells, but this is the first time the process has been documented."

Press release:  https://www.salk.edu/news-release/the-novel-coronavirus-spike-protein-plays-additional-key-role-in-illness/

Study:  https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.318902

7.  FDA was notified of potential serious toxicity from the Spike protein last December by Patrick Whelan, MD, PhD.

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... -what.html

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D.

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... es-of.html

Monday, May 3, 2021
Excellent review of the origin theories of SARS-CoV-2 in plain English/ Nicholas Wade

Nicholas Wade interviewed me once, in 1998, when he wrote for the NY Times.  He then moved to Science magazine with 2 other science reporters from the Times. He is apparently retired now, since his new opus is posted on Medium.
What this long report has, almost uniquely, is an absence of specialist jargon.  If you have the time for a long read and want to get into the meat of the origin story as explained by a writer skilled in making his work accessible to everyone, this could be the article to read. 

Origin of Covid--Following the Clues
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted lives the world over for more than a year. Its death toll will soon reach three million people. Yet the origin of pandemic remains uncertain: the political agendas of governments and scientists have generated thick clouds of obfuscation, which the mainstream press seems helpless to dispel.
In what follows I will sort through the available scientific facts, which hold many clues as to what happened, and provide readers with the evidence to make their own judgments. I will then try to assess the complex issue of blame, which starts with, but extends far beyond, the government of China...

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D.

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... t-may.html

Why would you design a vaccine that may cause serious neurologic symptoms that mimic those of the disease? / Cell Reports Medicine

This article from Yale authors supports the idea of homology between antigens in the brain and spike protein, thus autoimmune effects on the brain may be due to SARS-CoV-2 infection or to vaccination-induced Spike protein:
Divergent and self-reactive immune responses in the CNS of COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms
https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medic ... 66-3791(21)00116-6
COVID-19 patients frequently develop neurological symptoms, but the biological underpinnings of these phenomena are unknown. Through single cell RNA-seq and cytokine analyses of CSF and blood from COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms, we find compartmentalized, CNS specific T cell activation and B cell responses. All COVID-19 cases had CSF anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies whose target epitopes diverged from serum antibodies. In an animal model, we find that intrathecal SARS-CoV-2 antibodies are found only during brain infection, and are not elicited by pulmonary infection. We produced CSF-derived monoclonal antibodies from a COVID-19 patient, and find that these mAbs target both anti-viral and anti-neural antigens—including one mAb that reacted to both spike protein and neural tissue. Overall, CSF IgG from 5/7 patients contains anti-neural reactivity. This immune survey reveals evidence of a compartmentalized immune response in the CNS of COVID-19 patients and suggests a role for autoimmunity in neurologic sequelae of COVID-19.

https://theintercept.com/2021/05/04/nyc ... -jean-kim/

New details about Jean Kim’s role on Stringer’s 2001 campaign and her relationship to the candidate paint a very different portrait of the power dynamic at play.
Ryan Grim, Rose Adams

https://theintercept.com/2021/05/04/bol ... o-morales/

Emails to the analysts show the Trump administration’s complicity with a Bolivian criminal investigation.
Ken Klippenstein, Ryan Grim

May 4,2021

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/05/04/ ... ty-plates/

Maine rethinks decision allowing obscene vanity plates

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/05/04/ ... for-30000/

Prison Guard not fired as Kennebec County settles excessive force lawsuit for $30,000

https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justi ... countable/

Why Body Cameras Can Still Fail to Hold Police Accountable

https://nypost.com/2021/05/04/nj-cop-fi ... errorists/

NJ cop fired for post berating BLM protesters as ‘terrorists’
By Joshua Rhett Miller
May 4, 2021 | 2:03pm
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Sat May 08, 2021 12:09 pm

https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny ... story.html

NYC federal jails are run by ‘morons,’ says judge after inmate describes horrors

MAY 07, 2021 AT 5:11 PM

https://www.pressherald.com/2021/05/07/ ... -security/

Several hundred students gather at Bates to call for defunding campus security
The students pleaded with Bates College to transform its Campus Safety Department.

https://www.pressherald.com/2021/05/07/ ... e-records/

Trump Justice Department secretly obtained Washington Post reporters’ phone records
The action grew out of a leak investigation surrounding reporting on Russia’s role in the 2016 election.

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... lness.html

Friday, May 7, 2021
Ivermectin Video: It's History, Usefulness and Suppression. 24 minutes

 The Story of Ivermectin

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 9:12 PM 0 comments

Opinion: Americans will increasingly have to make their own judgments about covid-19 risks/WaPo

OMG, the WaPo has published an article that simply makes sense about masking.  CDC just admitted the truth, after 14 months, that aerosol transmission of Covid is a 'thing.' CDC's pivot to the truth, I fear, may be intended to force us to move to N95 masks--a move that has been floated in Europe for several months.  I don't think there were enough of the masks available to do this, but maybe there are now. If that occurs, here is some ammo to fight back.
Opinion piece in today's WaPo:
Joseph G. Allen is an associate professor and director of the Healthy Buildings program at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He co-wrote “Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity.”

The questions at the end of the pandemic are shaping up to be as challenging as those at the beginning. Do I have to wear a mask outdoors? What can I do after I’m vaccinated? When can we stop wearing masks altogether? And, the big one: What about kids?

Let’s first address the easy questions. The latest guidance on outdoor masking from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is fine, but it doesn’t go far enough. You shouldn’t need to wear a mask outside, period.

The risk of transmission outside is extraordinarily low. Why? Because of unlimited ventilation, exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun, plenty of space and transient interactions. Even if transmission does occur, there are no superspreading events, which can only happen when the breath of one infectious person reaches the lungs of every other person in a confined space. That can’t happen outdoors.

If you want to continue to wear a mask outdoors, by all means you should. And absolutely no one should harass someone else for wearing a mask outdoors — or anywhere, for that matter. If you’re unvaccinated, standing a few extra feet from someone is still a good idea.
Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic
The other easy question: What can you do after you’re vaccinated? Whatever you feel comfortable doing. The vaccines severely limit infection, erase risk of death and stop you from spreading to others. Yes, they are not perfect, and yes, there is the extremely small chance of reinfection with mild consequences. So this comes down to a question of personal risk tolerance. So again, do whatever you feel comfortable doing.

Now the hard questions: indoor masks and kids.
The medical science says that if you’re vaccinated, you don’t need to wear a mask indoors for the same reasons above. The risk to yourself and others is low.

Social science tells us something different. In this interim phase, as vaccinations go up and cases come down, the right thing to do is wear masks indoors in public spaces until every adult has had a fair and equitable chance to be vaccinated — likely around June 1. It takes about 30 days for people to be fully vaccinated and for full protection to kick in. That means it’s reasonable to expect that we will be able to ditch indoor mask mandates by July 4. Independence Day. Seems fitting.

To be clear, the risk is still high for unvaccinated adults, so they should continue to wear a mask indoors even after July 4. And businesses may continue to require masks, either because of their own risk calculus or out of concern about perceptions and expectations of their workers and customers. That’s fine.
As for kids, they don’t need to wear a mask outside starting right now, and, after this school year is over, they shouldn’t have to wear masks inside either. Why? Their risks of getting infected are lower than adults, and it will get even lower as the vast majority of adults are vaccinated. Consider what’s happened in Israel, where more than 60 percent of adults are vaccinated. No kids under 16 have been vaccinated there, yet cases in kids have dropped 98 percent since January.

While kids can get the virus, and there are some tragic instances of kids dying, this is mercifully very rare. Data from the United States, Britain, South Korea, France and Spain all show the same thing: The risk of death for kids under 19 is about one in a million. For perspective, teenagers in the United States are 10 times more likely to die from suicide.

The truth is, for kids, covid-19 is like the flu, and we don’t make kids wear masks in school for that. (We do encourage them to get an annual vaccination, so we should do the same when the vaccines for covid-19 are ready for young kids, too.)
The reality is that the United States is entering into a new phase of the pandemic, in which decisions about things such as masking outdoors and going to a restaurant shift from being a debate about public risk to individual risk. Last year, we were struggling to protect the most vulnerable, and there was a risk of health-care systems collapsing, so we needed mask rules and top-down restrictions on what we could and couldn’t do. But, thanks to vaccines, we now can protect the most vulnerable, and overall community risk is dropping fast. The burden of decision-making about risks thus should move from the government to businesses and individuals.

Updating guidance is not an admission that past guidance was flawed; it’s good scientific practice to change recommendations based on new information. The new information is that vaccines are winning the race against the variants in the United States. Our guidance should change accordingly. And if things turn for the worse unexpectedly, we should be prepared to reinstitute more strict controls. There are no absolutes in a pandemic.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 7:45 PM 3 comments

Ireland finally paying benefits for 2009 swine flu vaccine-caused narcolepsy cases

€1.2m for girl diagnosed with narcolepsy after swine flu jab  FRI, 07 MAY, 2021 - 15:33

A mediator in the High Court action of a 16-year-old girl who sued claiming she developed a rare sleep disorder after receiving a swine flu jab has recommended a €1.28m award in her case.
The teenager, who cannot be named by order of the court, received the Pandemrix vaccine when she was almost five years of age.
She was diagnosed with the sleeping disorder, narcolepsy, and cataplexy, an associated muscle weakness, four years later.
Her counsel Jonathan Kilfeather SC told the High Court it had been hoped the young girl, who is very hardworking and bright, would have gone on to study medicine.
Her case follows the case of a 16-year-old boy who settled his action last November in a groundbreaking settlement that paved the way for the resolution of 80 cases over the Pandemrix vaccine.
It was agreed under the terms of the settlement that 50% of the settlement figure would be paid out, which in the case of the 16-year-old girl the High Court heard comes to €1.28m. 
The court previously heard there are extensive benefits in the settlements which include educational supports, accommodation costs in relation to third-level education, a “gold” medical card, as well as childcare costs.
The girl had through her mother sued the minister for health, the HSE, and GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA (GSK) — the producer of Pandemrix.
GSK was previously given an indemnity by the State concerning any adverse reactions to the vaccine. 
Mediation between the sides took place and a determination was issued last month which was before the High Court yesterday for approval.
Liability on 50:50 basis
According to the determination of the mediator, liability had been agreed on a 50:50 basis.
The girl, according to the mediator’s report, reacted almost immediately after having received the vaccine in December 2009 and by January 2010, her parents became concerned as she was falling asleep at mealtimes and returning from school exhausted.
Since then, the report said the girl has continued to suffer from daily excessive tiredness and excessive sleepiness and would nap for three or four hours every evening after coming home from school.
In 2013, a diagnosis of narcolepsy and cataplexy was confirmed, and a treatment plan was put in place.
The girl’s mother told the court her daughter has very good support at home and at school and her medication has been life-changing. 
She said they hope their daughter will make the best of the situation.
Approving the award Mr Justice Kevin wished the girl all the best for the future.
The judge said the girl can look towards other careers in the field of medicine which would not require her to be on call.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D.

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/05/08/ ... you-think/

Maine might ban his ‘KISMYAS’ vanity plate. The story behind it is sweeter than you think.

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/05/06/ ... edibility/

Gouldsboro police chief resigns, citing report questioning his credibility

by Bill Trotter
May 6, 2021Updated May 7, 2021

https://theintercept.com/2021/05/08/bra ... carezinho/

Witnesses say that multiple unarmed victims were executed by the police in a raid on the Jacarezinho favela.
Andrew Fishman
May 8 2021, 6:00 a.m.

https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xp ... story.html

Informer claims FBI called off plan to foil trade center bombing in New York

https://apnews.com/article/bombings-619 ... 4dd6854774

4 men convicted in 1993 WTC bombing have had sentences cut
February 26, 2021

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl ... 03068.html

Tapes reveal role of FBI in bombing: Leaked phone taps are embarrassing investigators during the World Trade Center trial

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF68-HQ ... 87&index=5

Silenced: Flight 800 And The Subversion Of Justice

https://flagpole.com/news/2019/06/19/th ... f-kennedy/

The Real Story of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy


Interview with Louis Wolf, co-founder of CovertAction Magazine


Saturday, May 8, 2021
Over 200 Scientists & Doctors Call For Increased Vitamin D Use To Combat COVID-19


Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 11:53 AM 0 comments

Doctors for Covid Ethics -- Scientific Conference May 17-18 online and in person

 1st International Conference on COVID-19
– Dangers, Lockdowns, Vaccines & Prevention
I will provide the streaming information and other details later--Nass
The Quality-of-Life Research Center, Copenhagen (host),

OOC – The Organization for Information About Corona Virus COVID-19 (sponsor) &
DFF – Denmark’s Free Television (Danmarks Frie Fjernsyn) (distributor)

invite you to the

MAY 17TH 2021 – 9.30-13.30 (UCT+2) AND
MAY18TH 2021 – 10.00-15.00 (UCT+2)

May 17 9:30 - 13:30
1. Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Søren Ventegodt: COVID-19 Pandemic
2. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer: The virus and the test
3. Prof. Dr. Harald Walach and Prof. Dr. Christof Kuhbandner: The preventive measures
4. Prof. Dr. Martin Haditsch: Principles of vaccination

May 18 10:00 - 15:00
1. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: Meaningful versus meaningless vaccinations
2. Prof. Dr. Dolores Cahill: Short- and long-term dangers of COVID-vaccination
3. Dr. Mike Yeadon and Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen: Ethics in medicine
and pharmaceutical science
4. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Søren Ventegodt: The Big Picture
5. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Renate Holzeisen: Legal means to protect the populace

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 10:55 AM 0 comments

Nancy Messonier Resigns from CDC--she led Covid Vaccinations and Safety Analysis of the Vaccines

I don't know why Messonier was sacked.  Is Rochelle Walensky now taking the reins at CDC?  Is she understanding how she has been undermined by CDC staff who have given her multiple stupid pronouncements to make.  Offhand, I recall her promise in the NYT before Biden was inaugurated to not lie to the public (probably written by Schuchat or Schuchat's staff).  Then her CDC was caught out lying just a few weeks later.  The pantyhose mask gaffe stands out.  The mistaken claim that Covid vaccines were proven safe in pregnancy, which Walensky had to take back the next day.  Walensky probably now grasps that her staff has hung her out to dry, repeatedly.  
I thought I would compile some of the blog posts I have written that featured or included Nancy Messonier. Here they are:
https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... -data.html
https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... -data.html
https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... covid.html
https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/200 ... s-for.html

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D.
Posts: 5780
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:46 pm
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:06 pm

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... eb-we.html


Sunday, June 6, 2021
Peter Daszak. ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive.’ Sir Walter Scott was right
1. In February 2018 Science magazine ran a long puff piece about the Global Virome Project. Its authors included Peter Daszac, his associates Jonna Mazet and Dennis Carroll. Carroll is a former official at the CDC and USAID, an agency that funded Daszak extremely well. Carroll left USAID to found and lead the Global Virome Project, and he and Mazet both signed the Lancet letter. George Gao, current head of China's CDC, also is a coauthor, as well as 5 others. Daszac is the corresponding author. The tone of the piece suggests Daszak wrote it, because like much else he has written, it sounds like a fund-raising letter. It discusses the wonderful benefits to be gained in terms of drugs and vaccines for future pandemics, simply by virus hunting... if the world will pay the $billions Daszak requires. I wonder if EcoHealth Alliance paid Science to run this piece.

I would say that plan did not work out so well for the world.

2. On January 27, 2020 Peter Daszac, EcoHealth employee Kevin Olival and Hongying Li submitted a paper for publication to the journal Biosafey and Health, with copyright going to the Chinese Medical Association Publishing House. Daszac is the corresponding author.

The paper was rapidly accepted and available online on February 5, 2020. It was titled, "A strategy to prevent future epidemics similar to the 2019-nCoV outbreak." In it, the wildlife trade is blamed for pandemics. The authors write, "the drivers of disease emergence are human activities that are expanding on a global scale, including deforestation, agricultural intensification and the wildlife trade...suggesting that pandemics will become more frequent and more devastating in the future." NIAID and USAID paid for the work.

3. The Lancet Covid-19 Commission (for which Peter Daszak chaired a task force) authored a 23 page statement published in the Lancet on September 14, 2020. This was 23 pages of mostly repetitive garbage. I have never seen anything 23 pages long in the Lancet, ever. Did they pay a per page price? It too has clues that it was written by the pandemic purveyors for their own purposes. For example, "The Covid-19 epidemic can and should be suppressed through non-pharmaceutical interventions, including effective community health services, that cut transmission of the virus, to be followed by the introduction of effective and safe vaccines..." This is an unsubtle statement against treating the illness with drugs! Published in the world's top medical journal! Is the Lancet the best journal money can buy, especially given the Lancet's publication of the May 22 fabricated paper on the chloroquines and the March 7 Daszac ghost-written letter panning Covid conspiracy theories?

And, "Uncertainty also remains about the duration of acquired immunity from past infection." Since we know that people who recovered from SARS-1 had long-lasting immunity, why question the duration of immunity from SARS-2? The only reason is as a marketing tool for vaccinating those who are already immune, and then giving frequent boosters.

4. During July 27-31, 2020 Peter Daszac chaired the International Workshop of Biodiversity and Pandemics/ Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Its Executive Summary seems to be a commercial for Daszac's multibillion dollar One Health initiatives to (supposedly) prevent pandemics. Not start them.

But the Summary also contains many clues to where the purveyors of the pandemic seeem to want to take the world's people. "[Disease] emergence is caused by human activities" it declares.

Other suggestions from this group reveal the hidden hand driving the agenda. What are some of the things the group calls for?

'Green' corporate bonds
Reduced meat consumption
Reassessing the relationship between people and nature
Yes, we have heard it before, and Daszak was everywhere, promoting such ideas. I could go on and on. He chaired a group at the National Academies. He was made a member of the National Academies.

But you get the point. Daszak had several roles. EcoHealth Alliance, with extensive military funding, seems to have explored and transferred dangerous viruses among its partners in 31 countries. Daszac also posed as an environmentalist, protecting the environment from wanton agriculturalists and wildlife traders, A.K.A rural people. Finally, he was a teller of tales, tales meant to shape the future. Man's incursions into areas of high biodiversity harm the planet. We must live in harmony with nature. We must eat less meat.

Mind you, he never talked about growing livestock more safely, avoiding antibiotics that encourage the growth of resistant bacteria. He never talked about recycling, or using less energy. No, he was fixated on a few memes, shared with Fauci and the World Economic Forum, that seem to be intended to direct us to new ways of living.


The 'One Health' idea, which is based on the proposition that we should be constantly worried about zoonotic infections, has recently crept deeply into the fiber of public health, and imho it needs to be rooted out. It is being promoted as the justification for changing the way humans and animals interact. While I am all for improved animal husbandry, the One Health idea looks more like a Trojan horse than an animal welfare plan to me, especially since Daszac and his ilk have been its major cheerleaders.

Here is what our CDC, another major promoter of the [deliberately] vague One Health concept, says about it:

One Health is gaining recognition in the United States and globally as an effective way to fight health issues at the human-animal-environment interface, including zoonotic diseases. CDC uses a One Health approach by involving experts in human, animal, environmental health, and other relevant disciplines and sectors in monitoring and controlling public health threats and to learn about how diseases spread among people, animals, plants, and the environment.

Successful public health interventions require the cooperation of human, animal, and environmental health partners. Professionals in human health (doctors, nurses, public health practitioners, epidemiologists), animal health (veterinarians, paraprofessionals, agricultural workers), environment (ecologists, wildlife experts), and other areas of expertise need to communicate, collaborate on, and coordinate activities. Other relevant players in a One Health approach could include law enforcement, policymakers, agriculture, communities, and even pet owners. No one person, organization, or sector can address issues at the animal-human-environment interface alone.

By promoting collaboration across all sectors, a One Health approach can achieve the best health outcomes for people, animals, and plants in a shared environment.
Do you see what I mean? This statement doesn't say anything. There are no goals, and no strategies. Collaboration for collaboration's sake? One Health looks like an excuse to spend public funds while promoting a meaningless concept. But more than that, from my reading I anticipate that One Health will be used to impose changes in the way humans and animals interact... most likely based on the needs of the WEF/elites and not the needs of the people or the animals that will be affected. And One Health will probably try to grab attention in the aftermath of the pandemic, promising, just like Daszak does, that it will save us from the next pandemic. One Health and Peter Daszak are practically synonymous.

A huge gravy train has been built of public health professionals, veterinarians, and government/UN/other agencies to carry out "One Health." The One Health Commission website provides the following list of governmental organizations that are 'implementing' One Health:

Government Organizations implementing One Health

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases
Minnesota One Health Antibiotic Stewardship Collaborative (MOHASC)
National Center of Competence in Research - Swiss National Science Foundation
One Arctic, One Health Project of the Arctic Council's Sustainable Development Work Group
One Health Action Collaborative (OHAC) – U.S. National Academies Forum on Microbial Threats
One Health Awareness Kentucky (OHA-KY)
One Health Bangladesh
One Health Collaborating Center Universitas Gadjah Mada - INDOHUN/USAID
One Health for Next Generations
One Health Sweden
Public Health Agency of Canada
Tennessee Department of Health - One Health Committee
USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats(EPT-1 and EPT-2) One Health Workforce
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) One Health Steering Committee (OHSC)
U.S.Geological Survey (USGS)
U.S. National Park Service - One Health
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Here is what Peter Daszac, the Commissioner in the Lancet One Health Commission, predicted on August 28, 2019:
"In his invited lecture on “Can One Health Help Prevent the Next Pandemic?” Prof. Daszak talked about how emerging infectious diseases are a growing global threat. These diseases are complex and hard to predict. Many of these emerging diseases are zoonotic, meaning that they can spread from animals to humans. A One Health approach, which recognises the interaction between humans, animals and the environment could help disease prediction and preparedness."
BTW, Daszac is not a professor and never has been. However, our co-conspirator Ian Lipkin, coauthor of the Nature Medicine article, made Daszac a Member in Lipkin's Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia.

I think you see what I'm trying to convey. This is a concept promoted by hucksters, for reasons best known to themselves, since their writings lack meaning. Be aware that it may be used as a cudgel to promote pandemic "solutions" and a persistent pandemic mindset.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 5:54 PM 3 comments
Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust and his co-conspirators with a Vietnam connection (Peter Horby and Rick Bright)
Before Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar got the plum job of CEO of the wealthiest foundation in the UK and one of the wealthiest in the world, he did research for Oxford University in Vietnam for 18 years. It seems curious how one job led to the other. Will (as is said to happen in Las Vegas) what happened in Vietnam stay in Vietnam? Or will internet sleuths tell us how Farrar was groomed in Vietnam for his current role? Here's a photo from Oxford:

Vietnam is a country where two other co-conspirators on the hydroxychloroquine suppression worked, too. All 3 had something to do with vaccine trials there. Hmmm.

Oxford researchers Martin Landray (left) and Peter Horby helped save an estimated 1 million lives worldwide in their study on an effective treatment for Covid-19.
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When Dr. Martin Landray approached Jeremy Farrar about starting a large multicenter clinical trial in the UK, Farrar told him to talk to Horby. Landray did so, and Horby and Landray became the Principal Investigators for the Recovery trial. Landray was not in on the scheme to overdose patients with hydroxychloroquine, because when he was interviewed by FranceSoir, an online newspaper, he made several mistakes discussing the dose of hydroxychloroquine used. He simply had no idea about the overdoses. (FranceSoir knew.) Landray had been too busy to look up the dose, apparently, that he was responsible for giving to 1600 human guinea pigs.

Dr. Horby then attempted to give Landray cover in some tweets I read last May or June. Horby said France Soir did not transcribe what Landray said accurately. But France Soir had the recording, so that excuse didn't fly. I blogged about this at the time.

FranceSoir further revealed how the two Recovery Principal Investigators went back and made changes to the trial documents to cover themselves.

Neither Landray nor Horby has so much as apologized for using borderline fatal doses in their subjects. Were the subjects' families ever told? Probably not. This happened in the days when there was no visitation allowed in hospitals, and relatives of hospital patients usually had no idea about their treatments.

Horby is currently on the UK's SAGE committee and is chairman of the NERVTAG committee in the UK, where he continues to exert major influence over the conduct of the pandemic response. Guess what? Two co-conspirators with Fauci/Farrar/Collins on those early February calls included Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Michael Ferguson, who both serve on SAGE along with Peter Horby, keeping the UK locked down as well as covered up.

When the news about the Recovery trial's fatal doses came out (I learned it from others on twitter) the hydroxychloroquine arm of the trial quickly ended, and Landray and Horby simply said the drug didn't work. They acknowledged that there were about 10-20% more deaths in the hydroxychloroquine arm than in the placebo ("usual care," a.k.a. no drug treatment arm) but have never acknowledged any mistakes, let alone wrongdoing. Using the published Recovery trial statistics, there were about 60 excess deaths over placebo in the HCQ arm (of 400 total) that we can say were likely secondary to an HCQ overdose, and perhaps more if the HCQ benefited some of those who survived the high doses.

Peter Horby, a physician, worked in Vietnam and overlapped there with Farrar. Both had to have known the proper dose of antimalarial drugs, since they would have been treating malaria patients (Farrar was an infectious disease doctor), and it is likely they may have used the drugs for themselves. Or they may have used mefloquine, another antimalarial with anti-Covid effects, which was also being suppressed but got no press last year.

Rick Bright
Rick A. Bright.jpg
The third interesting Vietnam connection is Rick Bright, PhD, the head of BARDA who worked with FDA to use the Emergency Use Authorization for donated Covid drugs in the National Strategic Stockpile as a means to interfere with doctors' use of chloroquine drugs for patients. He made the mistake of bragging about this after Trump fired him, claiming that he had been responsible for saving the country from a dangerous drug that Trump had wanted used, and thereby incriminated himself.

Bright had worked in Vietnam, and therefore was probably very familiar with antimalarials; overlapped his time in Vietnam with Horby and Farrar in our cast of characters; and had the job of doling out $1.5 billion per year as head of BARDA. Bright had a critical role in suppressing the chloroquine drugs.

Bright was resurrected and made a member of the coronavirus task force by President-elect Biden last November. Like Daszak, Bright apparently knew his public criticisms of Trump were protected speech--protected by very powerful allies.

It is of great interest that Collins, Fauci, Farrar and Bright were all given the responsiblity to dole out huge pots of money. Rita Colwell, another Lancet letter signatory, had distributed huge amounts of federal largesse when she was Director of the National Science Foundation.

What is BARDA? It is a federal agency within DHHS:

"The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) provides an integrated, systematic approach to the development of the necessary vaccines, drugs, therapies, and diagnostic tools for public health medical emergencies such as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) accidents, incidents and attacks; pandemic influenza (PI), and emerging infectious diseases (EID).

Together with its industry partners, BARDA promotes the advanced development of medical countermeasures to protect Americans and respond to 21st century health security threats."
Here is what Sir Jeremy Farrar said about testing new drugs at the onset of the Covid pandemic.

"…Investing now, at scale, at risk and as a collective global effort is vital if we are to change the course of this epidemic. We welcome others to join us in this effort."
-Dr. Jeremy Farrar, Director of Wellcome
And so the Covid Therapeutics Accelerator was begun, with core funding from :

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Wellcome Trust, and Mastercard.

All 3 played important roles in the shaping of the Covid response for their own benefit. Mastercard used it to advance digital money, since handling money allegedly exposed people to the virus. BMGF and Wellcome used their research funding to suppress useful drugs and prolong the pandemic, while using the opportunity to test new drugs and new drug platforms, like mRNA, in which they were invested.

The Covid Accelerator website is hosted by the BMGF. While this organization did fund some hydroxychloroquine trials, if memory serves, at least 2 were shut down before completion, including one at the University of Washington, which is practically a subsidiary of the BMGF. The early Henry Ford hospital trial, which showed great benefit from hydroxychloroquine, never got any traction, though the doctors involved tried hard to be heard.

The Bangkok-based, Oxford-funded MORU COPCOV trial was put on hold in May by the UK authorities (is this why Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK government's Chief Scientific Adviser, was brought in as a co-conspirator, to control the trials of beneficial drugs in the UK?) on the basis of the danger of hydroxychloroquine, even though only tiny prophylactic doses were being used. By May, apparently, the plan had changed, and the new goal was to shut down the hydroxychloroquine trials. While, on the other hand, some trials were set up under Wellcome and BMGF's funding so their management and/or findings could be controlled.

The fabricated Lancet Surgisphere study, which claimed the chloroquine drugs killed, was published on May 22. Everyone has wondered how the Lancet could have published this obviously fabricated paper, but there has never been any explanation. Now, after the email revelations have emerged, I would bet money that Tony Fauci (shall we call him The Godfather of American medicine?) or Patrick Vallance made it happen.

Martin Landray was quoted in a BMJ article as saying the hydroxychloroquine doses in the clinical trial had been determined by Oxford professor, Bangkok-based Nicholas White, MD, an expert on malaria and its drugs, and principal investigator of the MORU COPCOV trial of HCQ for prophylaxis in medical workers. I think Landray was wrong. Nicholas White wrote a paper for the study that included detailed information on dosing of the chloroquine drugs, and nowhere did it recommend the excessive doses used in the Recovery trial.

However, epidemiologist modelers of malaria pharmacokinetics from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were involved in advising The World Health Organization on the drug doses used in the Solidarity trial. Not by chance did both Solidarity and Recovery trials use the identical excess dosing schedule. Not by chance was Sir Jeremy Farrar intimately involved in both trials.

After I learned of the excess doses of hydroxychloroquine being used in the Recovery Trial, I searched the net to see what the other multi center trials were doing. That is how I discovered that the REMAP-Covid and Solidarity trials were also using poisonous HCQ doses to treat Covid. I contacted The W.H.O. and the heads of the REMAP trial in mid June 2020 and suggested they could be personally liable if they had not disclosed the known danger of the HCQ doses they were giving subjects in their trials. Solidarity immediately ended its HCQ arm. I do not know when REMAP ended theirs.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 12:55 PM 2 comments
NIAID was well aware of the January 2020 preprint by Indian scientists asserting that several short HIV segments were added to the SARS-CoV-2 genome
Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier has asserted the same on French television.

From the Council for Legitimate Government:

Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble After ZeroHedge Spotlights Man-Made COVID-19 Theory | 1 June 2021 | In January 2020, when the World Health Organization insisted that COVID-19 wasn't transmissible between humans, and Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the risk to the American public from the virus was "low," officials at the National Institutes of Health were scrambling to perform damage control after a controversial - and now withdrawn - study suggested that there were HIV-like 'insertions' included in SARS-CoV-2. The study, "Uncanny similarity of unique inserts on the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag," posited that segments of the virus's RNA had no relation to other coronaviruses such as SARS, and instead appeared to be closer to HIV... Thanks to a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for Fauci's emails, we now know that the National Institutes of Health was not only aware of the Indian report, but were actively discussing how to handle it. A January 31 email from AFP's Issam Ahmed asks NIH immunologist Dr. Barney Graham for comment: "I was told by a contact you may be willing to give an opinion of this paper that has just gone live. It suggests the new Coronavirus has four inserts similar to HIV-1 and this is not a coincidence," reads the email.

Right after Zero Hedge wrote about this, it was banned from Twitter.

On the same day (February 2, 2020) that Fauci, Farrar and Collins were doing damage control with Andersen, Holmes, Rambaut, Koopmans, etc., they were also playing damage control over the Indian paper.

The Indian preprint was taken down and never published. We now know that NIAID was intensely interested in this preprint. Did Fauci and his coconspirators act to have it removed from the literature?

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Josie Golding, PhD was another conspirator whose job was to "end any speculation about deliberate genetic engineering"
Josie Golding is a top employee at Wellcome. She signed the Lancet correspondence. She was in on the Feb 1-2 phone calls. She talks to Parliament, which leads me to believe she functions as a producer and communicator of narratives, as well as a manager at Wellcome.

Most likely she was brought into the conspiracy by Farrar to help in the shaping of the Nature Medicine Correspondence, because when Andersen's Scripps Institute sent out a press release for the paper, it quoted Andersen and Josie Golding. Yet she is not a coauthor.

As my friend Ed Hooper noted:

"The Scripps press release (as press releases often do) went further than the paper itself. Lead author Kristian Andersen, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at the SRI, stated that their research “rules out laboratory manipulation as a potential origin” for the virus. Josie Golding, a professor from the Wellcome Trust in London, stated that the article is “crucially important to bring an evidence-based view to the rumours which have been circulating about the origins of the virus causing COVID-19.” She went on to claim that the authors “conclude that the virus is the product of natural evolution, ending any speculation about deliberate genetic engineering.”'

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Here is why I believe the Nature Medicine Authors were longstanding government agents, in addition to having real science jobs.
Probably the reason I looked at the Nature Medicine paper carefully was that I knew 2 of its authors. I had contacted Robert Garry about 22 years ago, when he and Pam Asa were claiming that squalene had caused Gulf War syndrome and was the cause of the illnesses that followed anthrax vaccinations. I purchased a vial of a novel vaccine adjuvant from Fisher Scientific (this was when the adjuvant was owned by a small company, before these adjuvants were traded off to Glaxo and Novartis for $billions) and had it shipped to Garry to see if soldiers had antibodies to it. I think the adjuvant was MF59, but I am not positive. Garry told me the sera he had were negative for antibodies. Looking back, I doubt he did the experiment. It cost me about $100, but now I have the story to tell.

Later, Garry's co-investigator Pam Asa accused me of being an "agent" in her interactions with soldiers and veterans, which got back to me. I didn't talk to Garry after that.

Then, in 2014, I found out that the same Bob Garry was running a Lassa/Ebola lab in Kenema before and during the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. Kenema was ground zero for the Ebola outbreak. Soon his grant was cancelled. Hmmm. To get the lab out of there before questions were asked?

One more Garry connection. He has no real history with human vaccines, he is not an MD, yet Bob Garry joined a Brighton Collaboration committee titled "Sensorineural hearing loss as an adverse event following immunization." This group sets vaccine safety standards (or lack thereof) which Brighton wants the whole world to adopt. Brighton is funded by CDC and recently moved to Atlanta. Is Garry there to help control the narrative on vaccine side effects? Truly bizarre.

Then in 2020 I learned that although Garry is a professor at Tulane, in New Orleans, he had formed a biodefense company in Germantown, Maryland, halfway between Washington, DC and Fort Detrick (which is in Frederick, Maryland). Okay. By this time I felt pretty convinced that Bob Garry was an undercover agent who got called on to carry out unusual operations, while masquerading as a microbiology professor and biodefense entrepreneur.

He was sought for the Feb 1-2 calls with Fauci/Farrar/Collins but could not be reached. Still, he signed the Nature Medicine article.

Ian Lipkin, MD was the other name I knew. Lipkin had done research and published lots of papers on chronic fatigue syndrome and Lyme disease. But somehow he never got the right answers, no treatments ever worked, he never contributed any new understanding. Yet he was extremely well funded. I think his work was central to the false narratives about those 2 conditions, which officially have no accepted treatments.

Lipkin had been in China at the start of the pandemic. He is very close to the Chinese, as is Eddie Holmes--both teach and are celebrated in China. In March 2020 Lipkin came down with Covid after he was home. He caught it in New York. He was interviewed for TV while he was sick, and probably was too impaired to lie well. By chance I caught the interview. He said he had been offered convalescent serum by his Chinese counterparts, but instead decided to take hydroxychloroquine, at the suggestion of his doctor.

Lipkin was the mastermind of the Judy Mikovits XMRV research published in Science that got retracted. Basically, Judy's story is that he double-crossed her: after initially collaborating on the research, he destroyed her and it.

By chance (don't ask me to explain these coincidences, because I can't) I once spent time with Lipkin's ex-lover at an immunology conference, and got an earful. Lipkin too seemed like an agent, while he holds an authoritative position at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia U.

What about the other 3 authors, all of whom I believe came from the UK? When I mentioned this story to my friend Ed Hooper (the author of the acclaimed book The River), both of us were shocked to learn that he had had run-ins with Garry, Rambaut and Holmes himself! The plot thickened. Holmes and Rambaut had publicly disputed the theory Hooper had masterfully written about, which marshalled the evidence that AIDS came from polio vaccine grown for Hilary Koprowski on monkey kidneys in the Belgian Congo. Might Fauci have put these two up to it back then?

Every one of the authors (except Andersen, the youngest) seemed to me to have been a scientist plus 'operative' for many years.

And how did these 5 come together to write this paper? Holmes is in Sydney, Andersen in California, Garry in New Orleans, Lipkin in NYC and Rambaut in Edinburgh. Garry and Lipkin weren't in the same field as the others. The tie that bound them seemed to be that all were willing to carry out nefarious schemes. And all were apparently trusted to carry out the coverup by Fauci, Farrar and Collins.

Here is what I wrote about this topic in May 2020:

Friday, May 1, 2020
Spooky history: 3 scientists who tried to silence debate on the possible lab origin of COVID-19, previously tried to kill debate on the origin of AIDS
http://www.aidsorigins.com/covid-19-and ... ids-debate

Ed Hooper took a very deep dive into the origin of AIDS in his highly lauded book, The River. How did HIV jump species from monkey to man? While blamed by some on the consumption of bush meat, Hooper suggested that the use of monkey kidneys to manufacture live polio vaccines, in the Belgian Congo, was a much more likely explanation. Today, the consumption of bat meat has been offered as the route by which SARS-CoV-2 leapt to humans.

Nature Medicine ran a highly cited (including by the Director of the NIH, Francis Collins) article on March 17 which insisted that it was the final word on the subject of COVID'S origin, and should "end any speculation about deliberate genetic engineering." Yet the argument was full of holes.

While there are many curious things about that article, which I and others have noted, Ed Hooper discovered an astonishing coincidence. Three of the five authors of the Nature Medicine paper had tried to influence him regarding the origin of AIDS, separately, many years earlier. Two of them had debated him and published papers insisting they had disproved the oral polio vaccine theory of AIDS origin. The third author, a virologist who frequently strays from virology, had 2 peculiar encounters with Hooper, and claimed AIDS had been around for hundreds of years.

This coauthor, Robert Garry, also had some run-ins with me about 21 years ago. His research partner on the issue of anti-squalene antibodies in anthrax vaccine, Pam Asa, claimed to a number of sick soldiers and veterans, who then related the story to me, that I (Meryl Nass) was an intelligence asset.

Garry and Asa attempted to misdirect the discourse on the cause of anthrax vaccine's toxicity. They reported it was exclusively due to squalene. Had their claim been accepted, anthrax vaccines that omitted squalene would have been wrongly deemed safe.

You have to scratch your head. Are these scientists longstanding members of a "clean-up" crew, whose role is to misdirect us from a potential laboratory contribution in the two most deadly epidemics of modern times? And to misdirect us about potential safety issues in vaccines?

The Bible says, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

Here are Ed Hooper's thoughts on the debate regarding the origins of COVID-19 and AIDS.
You know, as I write these things down, I can hardly believe that I have crossed paths with so many people who were involved with the anthrax letters and Covid coverups. I think it is because there is a fairly small biodefense fraternity. And while I was never a member, I did important independent research, and a lot of people respected that, and were happy to talk to me. I was on the outside looking in. And I soon learned that when you were dealing with anthrax and bioterrorism, a number of scientists moonlighted as spooks. My first paper on biodefense was published 30 years ago, so there has been a lot of time to accumulate encounters.

Everything I write here is the truth, and I provide details so it can be checked. I am trying to leave a record for humanity in this blog.
Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 9:44 PM 3 comments
Christian Drosten: coconspirator with Fauci/Collins/Farrar; he's Germany's Dr. Fauci,; he's a Lancet letter signer; and he created the world's first big PCR test for Covid
Christian Drosten, a German virologist and wunderkind, signed the (lab origin coverup) Lancet letter, and designed the PCR test for Covid that has been touted by the WHO and used around the world. His PCR test has been challenged by European scientists and physicians. His PhD is said by some to have been faked.

How, then, did he become a full professor at the University of Bonn and, at 35, head of the Institute of Virology at Charite Hospital?

Drosten, from Germany, was pulled in on the coverup. Was this because his PCR test was already part of an unsavory conspiracy? He was trusted, and he had a role. We don't know what it is, yet.

My guess is that during the weekend of February 1, the Lancet correspondence, the Nature Medicine correspondence and the National Academy of Sciences letter were planned together as the solution to the coverup by Fauci/Farrar/Collins. They had a cadre of trusted operatives, and called them in to help. Perhaps they already had a disreputable history together, in which the code of Omerta functioned.

We do not know who gives Fauci, Farrar and Collins their orders.

In 2020, Drosten became the face of Covid in Germany in the same way Fauci became the face of the pandemic in the US. According to an April 2020 puff piece in Science magazine,

Drosten’s podcast has given him real influence, says Marcel Fratzscher, head of DIW Berlin, an economic research institute. “At this point, if Drosten says it is too early [to open up], that carries as much weight as Merkel saying it.”
The Science article also said,

"But Drosten wants his research to save lives. Large cardboard boxes in his office hold supplies of two medicines waiting to be tried in the clinic. One is camostat mesylate, a pancreatitis drug approved in Japan that Drosten and others found can prevent both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 from entering cells. The other drug is niclosamide, used to treat tapeworms and other parasites. In a paper posted on the preprint server bioRxiv this month, Drosten’s colleague Marcel Müller showed that SARS-CoV-2 interferes with the cellular recycling process called autophagy. It’s unclear how exactly that benefits the virus, but niclosamide counters the interference. Treatment with the compound reduced SARS-CoV-2’s growth in cell culture by 70%, the authors write. Drosten hopes to start to enroll patients soon in a trial to test a combination of the two drugs."
This paragraph enables me to transition to a very important point that I have not seen anyone else write about. I am talking about the tremendous benefit conveyed by the pandemic to the drug/vaccine research enterprise. Normally it costs many millions of dollars to test one drug--perhaps over a billion if it is a new chemical entity.

But, as long as you can pretend that there are no effective drugs to treat Covid, you can keep testing drugs on human beings. That is why the Recovery and Solidarity trials continue to enroll hapless subjects, instead of treating them with drugs that actually cure the disease.

Here is Drosten, with cartons of two old drugs he wants to test in humans, one of which was only 70% effective at killing virus in the lab. Why not use a drug like ivermectin that is practically 100% effective at killing virus? It would be both unethical and very expensive to test drugs outside the pandemic if it were admitted that a Covid treatment already existed.

But if you pretend there are no effective treatments, the treatment trials for Covid turn into charity affairs. Very little data are collected, so the investigators cannot be shown to have harmed the patients. But sufficient data are collected for a future regulatory review.

I wrote about this with respect to the Solidarity trial in my long article on the hydroxychloroquine false narrative. Countries donate tax dollars, and charitable institutions donate, and a variety of drugs can be tested. It doesn't seem to matter that almost all fail to cure the patient. The failures keep the pandemic fear going. Testing is likely being done to gather human data for possible future uses of these drugs, perhaps for a completely different purpose. Drug companies own most of the patents.

On the other hand, there also may be a role for these trials as a delaying action... slow-rolling a response until vaccines or whatever are available.

So how do these drug trials help the pandemic purveyors?

They keep the public terrified over the lack of a cure, despite trying so many possibilities
They delay the end of the pandemic
They test drugs for the pharmaceutical industry and its minions at taxpayer expense
The trials are conducted more rapidly than normal, because a large number of centers enroll patients, who agree to be experimental subjects because they are conned into thinking it's for the good of humanity
Probably there are enormous kickbacks involved
The wunderkind Drosten appears to be in the thick of the coverup. Had a Covid cure been acknowledged, he would have lost the opportunity to do the drug trials on sick human guinea pigs. And many fewer people would be using his PCR test.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 4:46 PM 2 comments
My 4 recent interviews: the Fauci emails with Bobby Kennedy, and the Children's Health Defense FDA petition to stop Covid vaccine approval and revoke authorization
June 3: Bobby Kennedy interviewed me on the Fauci email revelations and their stunning implications

https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/rf ... wcHQI43x-/

May 28: Kristina Borjesson interviewed me regarding the criminal behaviors of federal agencies laid out in the FDA petition. Please do read and comment here if you agree!

https://thewhistleblowernewsroom.podbea ... om-052821/

May 27: Kevin Barrett interviewed me about the petition

https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2 ... on-to-fda/

May 25: Steve Bhaerman interviewed me about the petition

https://www.owltail.com/people/WXPha-me ... ppearances

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 3:27 PM 2 comments
Chris Martenson has more emails that help fill in details of the Fauci/Farrar/Collins coverup of lab origin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNxoVFZ ... Prosperity

I will fill in more details on his video later. He makes clear, with a series of emails, that the three primary conspirators pulled in the scientists to create the fake science on which the natural origin claim was based. Martenson also expands the cast of characters.

Why was Farrar so involved in this cleanup? Had he too funded the GOF research? Why was Patrick Vallance pulled in, representing the UK government and probably GSK? Why was Ron Fourchier involved, the Dutch scientist who had passaged bird flu to make it transmissible by air? Marion Koopmans, who recently got a generous grant, was a member of the WHO team that "investigated" the origin of the outbreak in Wuhan. Here is evidence of Koopmans changing her story. She and Fourchier are both at Erasmus. Why were these two Dutch scientists brought into the coverup?

I'm still investigating. Send me what you find, for attribution or not. Thanks!

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 1:46 AM 6 comments
Thursday, June 3, 2021
The real conspirators who lied about Covid's origin, funded fraudulent trials of therapeutics, and controlled the Covid pandemic are the top public health leaders
In very early 2020 there was a lot of chatter about where the virus, later named SARS-CoV-2, actually came from. In an excellent, detailed article for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, former NY Times science writer Nicholas Wade describes how two short pieces published in The Lancet and Nature Medicine in Feb-March 2020 determined how this chatter would be channeled.

These two extraordinarily influential pieces, each simply titled as a "Correspondence," were parroted by the mainstream media for a year. Each was plainly intended to shut down any discussion of a possible lab origin.

I happened to read both Correspondences in March 2020 and it was immediately apparent to me that each was designed as a propaganda tool. Neither had anything to do with science. In fact, the Andersen et al. Correspondence in Nature Medicine butchered the science. Each had an unusual concatenation of authors.

I was so intrigued by these articles that I kept searching the net to understand them, and discovered that Francis Collins, the NIH Director, had blogged on March 26 about the Nature Medicine Correspondence, suggesting it should put an end to conspiracy theories about lab origin.

I further found a February 6 letter from the 3 heads of the US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NAS) to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, to "help elucidate the origin and evolution" of SARS-CoV-2. This letter had been referred to by the Lancet Correspondence authors. But it had not yet been published when the Lancet correspondence was written, suggesting again some mutual effort involving the authors of this letter (the heads of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine) and the Lancet Correspondence authors.

But there exists an older email trove obtained by US Right to Know. In it, we find discussions among all the footnoted "consultants" to the National Academies regarding the wording of the letter which was to be signed by the National Academies' leadership and sent to the White House office of science and technology policy. It seems that Peter Daszak was able to refer to this letter in the Lancet letter because (we now know) he was an author of both! This shows that Daszak had a central role, as early as February 4, in constraining the origin investigation. Also note that "consultant" Ralph Baric, Shi-Zheng Li's closest US collaborator, took an active role in crafting the NAS letter.

I wondered why 5 otherwise credible (at least I thought they were at the time) scientists would sign their names to the Andersen et al. Nature Medicine Correspondence, when the arguments made in the paper were nonsensical. I concluded that they had been put up to it by a 'hidden hand,' and when I was interviewed for the film that became Plandemic 2: Indoctornation last June I said so. (The film has been banned and shadowbanned, as have many of my writings, so it is impossible to find using google or a standard search engine. Here it is on Bitchute, using the Ecosia search engine.)

Months ago, in another email drop obtained by US Right to Know, we learned that Peter Daszak, CEO of the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, was the primary but hidden author of the Lancet Correspondence. He was also its primary beneficiary, since his organization had been used as the pass through to send money from the NIAID to the Wuhan coronavirus lab. (Some might consider this method of giving out grants as a fancy way of money laundering.) Daszak, like Fauci (who is the highest earner in the entire federal government) earned over $400,000/year. Daszak was also a member of the WHO Covid origins investigative team, and had been selected as the head of the Lancet Covid origins investigative task force. Six original members of the Lancet investigative task force (formed in late 2020) were co-signers of the February Lancet Correspondence described above. The WHO and the Lancet thus seem to be additional co-conspirators, choosing the fox (Daszak) to guard the henhouse (the natural origin theory of Covid).

Last year, after learning how NIH funded Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance to transfer money to Wuhan, the Trump administration, through the NIH, pulled one of Daszak's grants. Daszak responded very rudely to the President, although I am having trouble finding the quotes now. At the time, I wondered how he could be so brazen. But in no time at all, 77 US Nobel laureates in science signed a letter to the NIH demanding Daszak get his grant back. And in August, the NIH awarded Daszak a huge new grant. It seems Daszak knew his protectors were more powerful than the President.
EcoHealth was chosen as one of 11 institutions or research teams to be funded for work to determine how and where viruses and other new pathogens emerge from nature to begin infecting people. EcoHealth’s portion of the five-year, $82 million award will focus on Southeast Asia and the emergence of coronaviruses; filoviruses, the family responsible for Ebola; and paramyxoviruses, a family of viruses that includes measles and mumps.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, part of the NIH, said the new network will help the world prepare for future Covid-19 like events.

Peter Daszak pushed a theory last year, over and over, that human interactions with wildlife, in nature, are the cause of pandemics. Let me make clear, this theory has not been established. One of Daszak's articles, published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on April 2, 2020, claimed,
"We must realize that in our crowded world of 7.8 billion people, a combination of altered human behaviors, environmental changes and inadequate global public health mechanisms now easily turn obscure animal viruses into existential human threats. We have created a global, human-dominated ecosystem that serves as a playground for the emergency and host-switching of animal viruses..."
Daszak's coauthors were two of Fauci's top lieutenants. The newly released emails show that Daszak invited Fauci to be a coauthor, but Fauci declined, which suggests Daszak was primarily responsible for the NEJM paper.

Tony Fauci pushed the same claim about humans being the cause of pandemics, in the conclusion to an article he wrote in Cell last year:
Evidence suggests that SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 are only the latest examples of a deadly barrage of coming coronavirus and other emergences. The COVID-19 pandemic is yet another reminder, added to the rapidly growing archive of historical reminders, that in a human-dominated world, in which our human activities represent aggressive, damaging, and unbalanced interactions with nature, we will increasingly provoke new disease emergences. We remain at risk for the foreseeable future. COVID-19 is among the most vivid wake-up calls in over a century. It should force us to begin to think in earnest and collectively about living in more thoughtful and creative harmony with nature, even as we plan for nature’s inevitable, and always unexpected, surprises.
What were Fauci and Daszak getting at? Why were they telling the same false tale?

Today, I was sent a link by a reader (thanks!!!) to a specific one of Fauci's emails, and the mystery of why 5 well known scientists coauthored drivel, which the venerable Nature Medicine journal published, was solved.

In fact, the emails reveal that Kristian Andersen (first author of the Nature Medicine article discussed above) wrote to Fauci on February 1, informing him that Andersen and colleagues had found unusual features of the coronavirus, which "(potentially) look engineered."

Chris Martenson has uncovered some additional Fauci emails here (please watch, and I will connect more of the dots he found later) and he shows how a flurry of activity ensued. This involved Fauci, Francis Collins and Jeremy Farrar as the ringleaders, and--presto--in a week the preprint of the Nature Medicine paper was online.

On March 6 Andersen sent another email to Fauci, Francis Collins and Jeremy Farrar, thanking them for their "advice and leadership" on the paper that was about to be published in print form in Nature Medicine. This paper drew the opposite conclusion to his February 1 email, claiming the virus could not have been engineered.

This paper was then used as the foundation stone for the claim of Covid's natural origin. Here's the March 6 email:

The first author of the Nature Medicine paper (Andersen) thanks 3 incredibly important people for their "advice and leadership" regarding the paper. All 3 are MD researchers, and they dole out more money for medical research than anyone else in the world, perhaps excepting Bill Gates. Fauci runs the NIAID; Collins is the NIH Director (nominally Fauci's boss) and Sir Jeremy Farrar is the director of the Wellcome Trust. Sir Jeremy also signed the Lancet letter. And he is the Chair of the World Health Organization R&D Blueprint Scientific Advisory Group, which put him in the driver's seat of the WHO's Solidarity trial, in which 1000 unwitting subjects were overdosed with hydroxychloroquine in order to sink the use of the drug for Covid. Jeremy had worked in Vietnam, where there was lots of malaria, and he had also been involved with SARS-1 there. He additionally was central in setting up the UK Recovery trial, where 1600 subjects were overdosed with hydroxychloroquine. I think he had some idea of the proper dose of the chloroquine drugs from his experience in Vietnam. But even if he didn't, Farrar, Fauci and Collins would have learned about such overdoses after Brazil told the world about how they mistakenly overdosed patients in a trial of chloroquine for Covid, published in the JAMA in mid April 2020. Thirty-nine percent of the subjects in Brazil who were given high doses of chloroquine died, average age 50.

Yet the Solidarity and Recovery hydroxychloroquine trials continued into June, stopping only after their extreme doses were exposed.

Fauci made sure to control the treatment guidelines for Covid that came out of the NIAID, advising against both chloroquine drugs and ivermectin. Fauci's NIAID also cancelled the first large-scale trial of hydroxychlorquine treatment in early disease, after only 20 of the expected 2,000 subjects were enrolled.

What does all this mean?

1. There was a conspiracy between the five authors of the Nature Medicine paper and the heads of the NIH, NIAID and Wellcome Trust to cover up the lab origin of Covid.
2. There was a conspiracy involving Peter Daszak, Tony Fauci and others to push the natural origin theory.
(See other emails in the recent drop.) Fauci more than replaced the money Trump clawed back from Daszak.
3. There was a conspiracy involving Daszak to write the Lancet letter and hide its provenance, to push the natural origin theory and paint any other ideas as conspiracy theory. Collin's blog post is another piece of this story. Daszak also helped write the NAS letter advising how to investigate Covid's origin.
4. Farrar was intimately involved in both large HCQ overdose trials (in which about 500 subjects total died).
5. Farrar, Fauci and Collins controlled research funds that could have supported quality trials of the use of chloroquines and ivermectin and other repurposed drugs that might have turned around the pandemic.
6. Are the 4 individuals named here intimately involved in the creation of the pandemic, as well as the coverup, prolongation and improper treatments used during the pandemic?

Below are my two early posts on this subject from March and April 2020, and a snippet from the Lancet Correspondence, with a list of signatories.

Dan Sirotkin noticed the Nature Medicine article before I did, and wrote lucidly about it. I did not see his article until after I too had written about it.
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:25 pm

https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/08/10 ... -research/

AUGUST 10, 2021
The Hidden Face of Animal Research


AUGUST 10, 2021
If a Vaccine Resistant Strain of COVID Develops in Africa, Will Dr. Fauci Lose His Job?

https://www.courthousenews.com/federal- ... g-gag-law/

Federal appeals court strikes down part of Iowa ‘ag gag’ law
An Eighth Circuit panel found the Hawkeye State’s law violates the First Amendment by making it a crime to lie on a job application to expose animal abuse in agricultural

A 5G Shortcut Leaves Phones Exposed to Stingray Surveillance

https://www.codastory.com/authoritarian ... -tracking/

The hacker who spent a year reclaiming his face from Clearview AI
Matthias Marx has spearheaded an international campaign to place more controls on facial recognition technology

https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/ ... rd-121degf

'This Is the Climate Emergency': Dozens of Sudden Deaths Reported as Canada Heat Hits Record 121°F


Best ivermectin meta analysis

https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-cell- ... on=2292295

The Cell: Inside the 9/11 Plot, and Why the FBI and CIA Failed to Stop It
by Michael Stone, Chris Mitchell, John Miller


FLCCC Weekly Update 4 August 2021- Dr. Bruce Boros
Ivermectin Efficacy

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/commu ... NewsSearch

Community leader handcuffed by Orlando cop over alleged marijuana smell calls for reforms

https://insightcrime.org/news/next-gene ... ce-mexico/

The Next Generation of Criminal Groups Driving Violence in Mexico

https://kansaspress.ku.edu/subjects/gre ... 324-2.html

The Ballad of Ben and Stella Mae: Great Plains Outlaws Who Became FBI Public Enemies Nos. 1 and 2
University Press of Kansas

https://www.wired.com/story/nypd-secret ... nce-tools/

The NYPD Had a Secret Fund for Surveillance Tools
Documents reveal that police bought facial-recognition software, vans equipped with x-ray machines, and “stingray” cell site simulators—with no public oversight.

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... unces.html

Thursday, August 12, 2021
Maine's Department of Health announces all healthcare workers must be fully vaccinated by October 1

I might wind up out to pasture soon.  Sure would like to bring an EUA case to court.  Maybe I will get that opportunity.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 8:39 PM

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... white.html

Thursday, August 12, 2021
"Census data shows the number of White people in the U.S. fell for first time since 1790"/WaPo

https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va ... hborhoods/
The WaPO has been coming up with strange headlines lately, in what appears to be an attempt to refocus attention on the article's subject.
In this case, the WaPo is reporting on results from the census, and telling us that the country is increasingly multiracial over time.  No surprise there.  The census, for some reason, separates out Hispanic caucasians from other caucasians.  And so WaPo turns to the word White.  Is that accurate?
Is the census itself accurate, conducted in the midst of the pandemic lockdown rules?
The data release comes amid concerns over the census’s accuracy. The 2020 count was beset by problems, including insufficient funding for preparation, Trump administration attempts to add a citizenship question and block undocumented immigrants from being counted for apportionment, and the coronavirus pandemic, which caused major delays for the survey. Some census-takers said they were pushed by their superiors to bend rules to close out their caseloads more quickly, and experts worried that Hispanics in particular might be reluctant to respond to the survey.

But Thursday’s data release was largely in line with earlier estimates...

Population growth across the United States was at the second-slowest pace in history, 

While the article says the opioid epidemic and fewer births occurring in response to the Great Recession are the reasons for the reduction in "whites," one wonders whether there are other factors at play.  Early lockdown suicides?  Nursing home Covid deaths early on?  Poor quality foods that contribute to driving down life expectancy?  Do the numbers reflect an overall policy that may favor population reduction, especially of the 'less productive' members of society? 

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/nation ... story.html

DEA agent sentenced to 13 years in prison for corruption, theft

https://sentinelcolorado.com/news/metro ... ng-arrest/

Aurora cop fired for not intervening in pistol-whipping arrest

August 12, 2021

https://www.ticklethewire.com/2021/08/1 ... or-1-year/

D.C. Panel Approves Suspending Ex-FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s License for 1 Year

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics ... NewsSearch

Durham Eyeing Criminal Charges for Low-Level FBI Agents in Russia Probe Origin Investigation

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republ ... 021-08-12/

August 12, 2021
3:58 PM EDT

United States
U.S. senator presses FBI over female staff photos used in sex-trafficking probes
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Aug 25, 2021 11:52 pm

Here is an outline of the talk Ethan Yang will make on tonight's teleconference:

-Covid-19 is a mild disease that only affects vulnerable populations
-George Mason University implements a vaccine policy near the end of summer 2021
-Todd Zywicki, a law professor at Antonin Scalia Law, GMU’s law school, refuses

The Lawsuit
-Files a civil suit in Federal Court soon after with the NCLA
-Argues that his natural immunity from prior infections should satisfy vaccine requirement
-Zywicki was the wrong guy to mess with, joined by Dr. Jay Bhattacharia and Martin Khulldorff

The Arguments-Zywicki v Washington
Right to Refuse Unwanted Medical Treatment: 14th Amendment and 9th Amendment
“The Supreme Court has recognized that the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to privacy. A “forcible injection … into a nonconsenting person’s body represents a substantial interference with that person’s liberty[.]” Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210, 229 (1990).”
Right to Privacy: 14th and 9th Amendment
Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine: Cannot create policies that incentivize people to give up their rights
Due Process Violation: 14th Amendment, flips the burden of evidence onto the victim, the policy is not proportional, does not even consider natural immunity
Supremacy Clause violation: Covid vaccines are authorized under the Emergency Use Authorization Act, which requires informed consent. That is federal law.

Understanding the State’s Powers
Police Power: 10th Amendment, not all rights are absolute
Case law: Jacobson v Mass, mandatory vaccination for smallpox or 5 dollar fine (~120 dollars today)
Lockdown precedent, plenty of arbitrary policies allowed to stand

The Limits or Frontiers of State Police Powers?
Plenty of court rulings in favor of anti-lockdown policies, plenty in favor of lockdowns
-Los Angeles County, San Deigo County struck down dining bans
-MI Court struck declared Gov Whitmer’s emergency powers unconstitutional
-WI Court struck down Gov Ever’s lockdown policy
-Federal Court struck down Gov Wolf’s (PA) lockdown
-However, plenty of times the courts upheld lockdowns. CA and NV limits on church gatherings

Even Judges Are Divided
Plenty of constitutional issues, nobody seems to care, closing gun stores (2nd Amendment), not classifying defense attorneys as essential workers (6th amendment)
The limits of police powers are contingent on the perception of the threat at hand
Roman Catholic Diocese v Cuomo
Justice Gorsuch or Justice Sotomayor, lockdowns are irrational or listen to the experts?

Questions for GMU Case
-Resolved without trial, arguments never tested
-Given that things are much calmer today, are restrictions still necessary? If so what’s the balance?
-Are we even going to talk about natural immunity?
-What about city-wide vax passports (NYC)
-Lawsuits at Indiana University, Rutgers, and UCONN, Umass Lowel, Cal State University all similar arguments to Zywicki

Hello all,

Here is tonight's agenda.

9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference

Draft agenda for August 25, 2021

8 p.m. (ET) / 5 p.m. (PT) teleconference dial-in #
(605) 313-4118 Access code: 464958#

[Note: Some telephone service providers block access to this teleconference service, or require additional charges. If you encounter any of these difficulties, please try calling this alternative number: (425) 535-9195. You will then be required to key in the original phone number above before entering the access code. Please inform us of any technical difficulties you encounter in accessing the teleconference.]

Greetings all,

We were only able to finalize the agenda for tonight's teleconference last night, which is why this notice is only going out now. Nevertheless, you won't want to miss the call.

Our lone speaker is Ethan Yang, who has just written a fascinating article on a lawsuit filed by a university professor who was challenging a vaccine mandate imposed by the university. You can find the article here: https://www.aier.org/article/university ... ns-remain/

Based in Washington D.C., Ethan is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the American Institute of Economic Research as well as the host of the AIER Authors Corner Podcast. He holds a BA in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations with minors in legal studies and formal organizations from Trinity College in Hartford Connecticut.

Ethan also serves as the director of the Mark Twain Center for the Study of Human Freedom at Trinity College and is also involved with Students for Liberty. He has also held research positions at the Cato Institute, the Connecticut State Senate, Cause of Action Institute and other organizations.
After this, we'll have an open discussion as time permits.

See you there!

Craig McKee
Cheryl Curtiss

DRAFT AGENDA for Wednesday August 25, 2021 teleconference

I Roll call/minutes approval/agenda approval (5 min)
II Vaccine mandates [Yang] (20 min. + Q & A)
III Open discussion (as time permits)
IV Announcements
V Updates on 9/11 topics (as needed)
· New articles, books, films, or recent news about 9/11 or other Deep State crimes
· 9/11 and the Deep State on the legal front, including current adjudicatory efforts by Lawyers for 9/11 Inquiry, JASTA, 28 pages, William Pepper’s efforts with AE911Truth against NIST and the Dept. of Commerce
· Censorship and cognitive infiltration: new examples of censorship or harassment of members of the Truth community; MSM treatment of 9/11 Truth
· Google (et al.) censorship
· 9/11 Truth political candidates
VI Adjournment
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:25 pm

https://www.thenation.com/article/polit ... bi-nassar/

There’s No Good Reason FBI Director Chris Wray Still Has a Job
Wray has a pattern of refusing to pursue powerful men like Brett Kavanaugh and Larry Nassar on behalf of women and people of color.
By Elie MystalTwitter

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/grass ... NewsSearch

Senator Grassley calls for man who covered up Oklahoma City Bombing
to investigate FBI

Grassley calls for Garland to assign prosecutor to investigate FBI 'cover-up' in Nassar investigation

https://allpoetry.com/column/12637264-M ... B-by-saiom

Merrick Garland, Coconspirator In Coverup Of Oklahoma City Fedl Bldg Bombing



The End of Policing

https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion ... 364238002/

Serial abuser Larry Nassar got his due punishment. When will his FBI enablers get theirs?

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opin ... of-the-fbi

Larry Nassar was just one of Comey's disasters as head of the FBI
by Tiana Lowe, Commentary Writer |  | September 17, 2021 02:20 PM

FBI Coverup of 911

I think this is one of the most important interviews ever done on The Whistleblower Newsroom. 
Please share widely: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ep0RktILdowV

Show Description: 
A stunning interview with author Ray McGinnis about his book, UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: WHAT THE 9/11 FAMILIES ASKED AND THE 9/11 COMMISSION IGNORED, in which he documents questions the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Independent Commission gave to the 9/11 Commission, the Steering Committee’s futile efforts to get answers, and  the results of his own search for those answers, which show that many of the so-called 9/11 failures resulted from high-level malfeasance within the U.S. government.  

Kindest regards, 


Arigo: Brazil's Surgeon of the Rusty Knife

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/09/17/ ... n-climate/

Democrats probe oil giants for misleading claims on climate

https://www.theguardian.com/environment ... r-recorded

Truly peculiar’: loggerhead turtles born in most northern spot ever recorded

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... posts.html

Some recent safety posts on Covid 19

I have been asked twice to identify past posts on vaccine safety.  You may have noticed there is not a huge amount, because most of the data are simply too good to be believed.  While I have done some writing about this, my best writing is in drafts for a legal case, and I cannot post it until that has been filed.
Here is the first post, which lists considerable evidence that the spike protein itself is highly toxic.  
https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... -ways.html
Here is the latest post:
Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease after COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It/ Global Research
Here is the CDC's data on myocarditis, which should scare everyone
https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... ne-23.html
This is a Telegraph article explaining how the UK's major vaccine expert group found that myocarditis was too frequent to recommend vaccinating the 12-15 age group.
https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... epeat.html

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/nation ... story.html

VIDEO: 2 dogs found duct-taped in hot car in Missouri parking lot, owner who did it not charged

SEP 17, 2021 AT 10:51 AM

https://www.rt.com/news/535163-kabul-dr ... civilians/

‘A mistake’: US admits Kabul drone strike killed 10 civilians, incl. 7 children, and NO ISIS-K terrorists; no one will be punished
17 Sep, 2021 19:01 / Updated 1 hour ago

http://www.alex-vitale.info/the-policin ... oject.html

The Policing and Social Justice Project  a collaboration of faculty, students, and community based organizations that uses research and advocacy to produce safer and more just communities. 

https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny ... story.html

No charge for burglarizing Activist Lawyer Ron Kuby’s office, and leaving good stuff behind

SEP 18, 2021 AT 9:34 AM

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ ... story.html

MAGA flag missing, note left by ‘Antifa’ appears to have been written by a child: cops

SEP 17, 2021 AT 3:42 PM

https://www.nhregister.com/news/article ... 467862.php

New Haven cop charged with DUI in crash that killed fellow officer in Las Vegas, officials say

Liz Hardaway
Sep. 17, 2021

https://jalopnik.com/an-officer-in-detr ... 1847691810

Detroit Cop Arrested After Crashing In A Stolen Car And Fleeing From Police
A Detroit police officer is under investigation, and charges are pending in the case of a stolen Dodge

https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/attor ... her-679704

Attorney of cop accused of murdering wife: He did not intend to kill her
Diana Raz, the victim of the suspected murder, was a couples’ mentor. Her husband Amir allegedly killed her during an argument in February

https://www.thedailybeast.com/former-or ... affic-stop

Florida Cop From Hell Charged Over Nightmare Anal Probe
Andrew Boryga
Justice Reporter
Updated Sep. 16, 2021 5:40PM ET / 
Published Sep. 16, 2021 1:11PM ET 

https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/09/16 ... ear-beach/

‘I Was Profiled, I Was Threatened’: 911 Audio Shows Distraught Nikkita Brown After Cop Grabbed Her Near Beach
Lawyers say the Chicago Police Department has yet to turn over vital evidence, like body cam footage and police reports taken after a Black woman was grabbed by an officer telling her to leave a closed park.

https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/mia ... e/2553927/

Miami's Top Cop Being Investigated by CIP Over Damage on His Vehicle

https://nypost.com/2021/09/18/family-me ... -ceremony/

Daughter of 9/11 victim kicked from ceremony says cops treated her ‘like a criminal’
By Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klein
September 18, 2021

https://meaww.com/robert-black-millersv ... -tennessee

Who is Robert Black? Tennessee cop allegedly fired for exposing Millersville PD racism
Black has filed a lawsuit against the department after he was allegedly fired for creating a fake Facebook account to expose systemic racism
By Srivats Lakshman
Updated On : 18:17 PST, Sep 17, 2021

https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1489460/m ... very-rider

Cop playing with service gun, accidentally shoots dead delivery rider

Read more: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1489460/m ... z76qLgq5H2

https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/chand ... ase-312960

Cop arrested by CBI in bribery case

https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20210 ... lity.shtml

California Legislators Continue To Anger Cops By Introducing Legislation Demanding More Transparency And Accountability
Legal Issues
from the GOOD dept
Fri, Sep 17th 2021 3:53pm — Tim Cushing
An immense amount of reform has hit cops in California over the last few years.

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cit ... 302660.cms

Court nixes pre-arrest bail plea of decorated cop

https://odishatv.in/news/crime/woman-co ... ft--160016

Woman Cop In Odisha Sentenced To 2 Years Rigorous Imprisonment For Graft

https://www.nydailynews.com/news/nation ... story.html

Arkansas deputy charged with manslaughter in fatal shooting of unarmed teen Hunter Brittain

SEP 17, 2021 AT 5:10 PM
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Sep 29, 2021 11:59 am

9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference

Draft agenda for September 29, 2021

8 p.m. (ET) / 5 p.m. (PT) teleconference dial-in #
(605) 313-4118 Access code: 464958#

[Note: Some telephone service providers block access to this teleconference service, or require additional charges. If you encounter any of these difficulties, please try calling this alternative number: (425) 535-9195. You will then be required to key in the original phone number above before entering the access code. Please inform us of any technical difficulties you encounter in accessing the teleconference.]

The Covid 'false flag' and Richard Gage

Greetings all,
We have another great teleconference for you this month — tonight, in fact!
The first of our two speakers will be attorney Tom Willcutts, who will explain that he considers Covid 19 a false flag attack engineered by the ruling elite to bring about fundamental changes in world governance. He draws close parallels between the pandemic and 9/11, including pre-event war-gaming, narratives that were developed pre-event and deployed in a coordinated fashion in the immediate aftermath of the event, and pre-knowledge insider trading tied to the event, among other similarities.
Then we’ll vary our usual order of doing things by going to announcements before we bring on the second of our two speakers, former AE911Truth CEO Richard Gage, who will discuss the circumstances of his departure from the organization he founded as well as his plans for the future.
You won’t want to miss any of it!
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:51 pm


Dr Cyril Wecht exposes FBI coverup of President Kennedy Assassination

https://kesq.com/news/2021/10/25/cop-ch ... -children/

Cop charged with sexually abusing 2 children

https://www.ticklethewire.com/2021/10/2 ... -76-times/

Grand Jury Indicts U.S. Marshal, George Police Officer in Death of Man Shot 76 Times

https://www.expressnews.com/news/local/ ... 556290.php

City of San Antonio's top earner: Ex-cop fired 7 times in 2 decades, accused of shooting at Tennessee deputy in July
Brian Chasnoff, Staff writer
Oct. 25, 2021

https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/27/politics ... index.html

AG Garland confirms 'new evidence' in review of decision not to prosecute FBI agents handling Nassar probe

By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN

Updated 12:16 PM ET, Wed October 27, 2021

https://hudsonvalleypost.com/new-york-c ... on-valley/

New York Cop Investigated For Death of Girl in Hudson Valley

Bobby Welber
Published: October 25, 2021

Read More: New York Cop Investigated For Death of Girl in Hudson Valley | https://hudsonvalleypost.com/new-york-c ... m=referral

https://theintercept.com/2021/10/12/fac ... dangerous/

Experts say the public deserves to see the list, a clear embodiment of U.S. foreign policy priorities that could disproportionately censor marginalized groups.
Sam Biddle
October 12 2021, 1:16 p.m.

https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/10/25 ... idow-says/

Dying Ex-FBI Agent John Connolly Is Headed Home to Massachusetts

https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ma ... story.html

NYPD cop admits felony charge against Eric Garner after chokehold death was ‘total mistake’

OCT 26, 2021 AT 2:27 PM

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/10/26/ ... n-driving/

Maine corrections officer accused of drunken driving

https://progressive.org/latest/fifty-ye ... ds-211015/

It’s Been Fifty Years Since Frank Serpico Exposed New York’s Dirty Cops
The Knapp Commission, which began public hearings on NYPD corruption on October 18, 1971, marked a turning point in efforts to clean up the criminal justice system.


Raymond Luc Levasseur Papers
Digital 1966-2017
10 boxes (12 linear feet)
Call no.: MS 971
Read collection overview
Raymond Luc Levasseur went underground with a revolutionary Marxist organization in 1974 and spent a decade in armed resistance against the American state. Radicalized by his experiences in Vietnam and by a stint in a Tennessee prison for the sale of marijuana, Levasseur became convinced that revolutionary action was a "necessary step in defeating the enemy -- monopoly Capitalism and its Imperialism expression." As a leader of the Sam Melville/Jonathan Jackson Unit, later called the United Freedom Front, he took part in a string of bombings and bank robberies targeting symbols of the state including government and military buildings and corporate offices. All active members of the UFF were arrested in 1984 and 1985 and sentenced to long prison terms, although the government's effort to prosecute them (the Ohio 7) on separate charges of seditious conspiracy ultimately failed. Levasseur served twenty years of a 45-year prison sentence, approximately thirteen years of them in solitary confinement, before being released on parole in 2004. He continues to write and speak out for prisoners' rights.

The Levasseur papers are an important record of a committed revolutionary and political prisoner. Beginning with his work in the early 1970s with the Statewide Correctional Alliance for Reform (SCAR), a prisoners' rights organization, the collection includes communiques and other materials from revolutionary groups including the UFF, the Armed Resistance Unit, and the Black Liberation Army; Levasseur's political and autobiographical writings; numerous interviews; selected correspondence; and a range of material on political prisoners and mass incarceration. Consisting in part of material seized by the FBI following Levasseur's arrest or recovered through the Freedom of Information Act, and supplemented by newsclippings and video from media coverage, the collection has particularly rich content for the criminal and seditious conspiracy trials of UFF members (also known as the "Ohio 7") in Brooklyn, NY and Springfield, MA, as well as Levasseur's years in prison and his work on behalf of political prisoners.
See similar SCUA collections:
African American
Civil rights
Communism and Socialism
Massachusetts (West)
Political activism
Prison issues
Background on Raymond Luc Levasseur
A Vietnam veteran, human rights activist, revolutionary, writer, and political prisoner, Raymond Luc Levasseur was part of a revolutionary Marxist organization that waged a militant struggle in the 1970s and 1980s against racism and imperialism. Raised in a working-class family, Levasseur was born in the mill town of Sanford, ME on October 10, 1946. His father Paul had emigrated from Quebec with his family when he was just five years old, and like many of his generation, he left high school under the need to earn a living, working as a mechanic in the textile mills. Levasseur's mother, too, left school early, also to become a mill operative.

https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/ ... edom-reads

‘It feels like the start of something’: Reginald Dwayne Betts on his groundbreaking prison library project

https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-s ... mp-1642518

Steve Bannon Suggests Merrick Garland, FBI Involved in 'Coup' Plot to Oust Trump
BY AILA SLISCO ON 10/26/21 AT 12:00 AM EDT


Proof of the FBI and OIC cover-up was published in a 538 page book Failure of the Public Trust (2006 ed.) available to download here.
Corresponding exhibits of documents to footnotes in the book are available here.

https://allpoetry.com/column/12637264-M ... B-by-saiom

Merrick Garland, Coconspirator In Coverup Of Oklahoma City Fedl Bldg Bombing

https://theintercept.com/2021/10/12/fac ... dangerous/

Experts say the public deserves to see the list, a clear embodiment of U.S. foreign policy priorities that could disproportionately censor marginalized groups.
Sam Biddle
October 12 2021, 1:16 p.m.

https://theintercept.com/2021/10/12/nyp ... veillance/

There’s not much evidence backing U.S. officials’ claims, but civil rights advocates question whether police should be using drones at all.
Alice Speri
October 12 2021, 2:06 p.m.
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Nov 08, 2021 8:27 pm


Sunday, November 7, 2021

My interview with Dr. Mercola out today is very popular: What You Need to Know About Comirnaty

Please watch it within 28 hours before it disappears. Maybe someone can teach me how to upload it to this site?

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/arti ... ccine.aspx. or


Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 7:22 PM 0 comments

CDC lies again--it will now try to impose universal Hepatitis B vaccination of adults!

The criminals at CDC began 30 years ago to appropriately target iv drug abusers, sex workers and others with a high risk of Hepatitis B to be vaccinated. There were not enough takers, according to CDC, so the public health officials set their sites on newborns, aimed and fired.

Hepatitis B is a viral disease transmitted via intercourse, iv drugs, or from mother to baby. All mothers are supposed to be tested for it during pregnancy, and less than 1% are positive. Mothers and their newborns who test positive are treated for it with vaccinations and immune globulin.

But that did not suffice for the science-light, pharma-heavy CDC. So some dim bulb decided that ALL newborns should be vaccinated for hepatitis B, within a few hours after birth. This practice was never shown to be safe, but it pleased public health officials, who could impose the vaccinations on babies while their moms were still recovering and dopey from the birth, the babies were stuck in a hospital, and the newborns were basically chickens to be plucked.

No one ever explained why newborns whose moms were negative needed to be protected from a disease that only affected those with more than one sex partner (primarily gay men) and those using dirty needles. But the CDC decided this was a great way to get everyone vaccinated, and it would protect those newborns when they did become old enough for sex and needles.

A bell should have gone off when it turned out their immunity waned after a few years--even though those poor infants had suffered 3 doses of a vaccine they had no need for, starting in the first moments of life. But the dim bulbs at CDC ignored it.

The thing is, rates of Hepatitis B in the US are low. They are high in east Asia, but the US is not east Asia. Rates have fallen since vaccine has been available over the past 30 years.

If you look at CDC's Figure 2.5 below you will see that reported new Hepatitis B cases are 1 per 100,000 per year in women, and 1.5 per 100,000 in men in 2018, the last year for which CDC provides data.

Elsewhere CDC says,

In 2018, a total of 3,322 cases of acute hepatitis B were reported to CDC, for an overall incidence rate of 1.0 cases per 100,000 population.
The rate of reported acute HBV infections declined approximately 90% since recommendations for HepB vaccination were first issued, from 9.6 cases per 100,000 population in 1982 to 1.0 cases per 100,000 population in 2018.
So why in heaven's name would CDC want to start vaccinating everyone when rates are very low and have fallen dramatically? However...

On Wednesday November 3, CDC briefed its supine advisory committee on the imaginary need for hepatitis vaccines. CDC briefers are trained to scare the pants off you to get the votes they want. Here is what was said:

CDC medical officer Mark K. Weng, MD, MSc, FAAP, who leads the ACIP’s hepatitis vaccines work group, presented data on the importance of vaccinating adults against HBV.
“In the U.S. every year, there are 20,700 estimated acute hepatitis B infections, and over $1 billion dollars spent on hepatitis B-related hospitalizations,” Weng said. “There are almost two million people estimated to be living with chronic hepatitis B in the U.S., of whom there's a [15% to 25%] risk of premature death from cirrhosis or liver cancer.”

How did he get these deadly numbers? Well, CDC claimed that only about one tenth of the cases get reported, that is how. CDC used its dubious estimates to claim cases were ten times greater than reported--something they never claimed before. How do they know this? They never tell. They can't give us a number to multiply the VAERS reports by to find out the rate of adverse vaccine events, but they are quick to come up with a magic multiplier when they want new vaccine programs to be approved.

What happened? The ACIP sleepwalkers voted to vaccinate all adults for hepatitis B--even those who are monogamous and don't take any drugs. Why? Because they can, and they get pharma contracts when the advisory committee members behave.

So, this is what is next. Get ready to fight against more mandates. The elites are making war on us.

ACIP recommends universal hepatitis B vaccination for adults aged 19 to 59 years

I have written about entirely unjustified Hepatitis B vaccines for babies before, with additional information and graphs. Please take a look, to be prepared for what is coming:

Indisputable: CDC is not making prudent vaccine recommendations

Public Health Gone Awry: Birth Dose of Hepatitis B Vaccine (IOM chimes in on lack of good vaccine data)

Why Would You Vaccinate a Newborn for Hepatitis B?

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 7:15 PM 0 comments

Official UK government report claims that 98% of adult blood donors have antibodies to COVID.

https://assets.publishing.service.gov.u ... eek-44.pdf

"Based on antibody testing of blood donors, 98.0% of the adult population now have antibodies to COVID-19 from either infection or vaccination compared to 18.7% that have antibodies from infection alone."

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 6:17 PM 1 comments

Walensky, CDC Director, treats MD Senator with contempt for asking simple questions, like where is the proof that immunity in the recovered is not broad strong and long-lasting?

https://rumble.com/voq7dn-what-percent- ... t-sen.html

Physician Senator Cassidy asked Rochelle Walensky a few questions the other day. It was remarkable what she did not know or would not answer.

1. How many CDC employees are vaccinated? A: We are educating them.

2. How many CDC emplyees are working from home? He thought 75%? A: I don't have that information.

3. Do you see empty desks as you walk down the halls? A: She changed the subject.

4. Teachers are back in school teaching. CDC employees, with the best PPE and vaccinations should be back working. Don't they trust these protections? A: Subject change.

5. Why haven't you done a prospective study to look into the value of immunity in the recovered? (He asked this at least 3 times.). She tap danced as fast as she could away from an answer.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 9:28 AM 4 comments

FDA makes it very difficult to identify the temporary members who voted at its recent VRBPAC meeting on 5-11 year old COVID vaccines. I want to make it easier for others to correctly identify their conflicts of interest

Below are the permanent members of the committee--but most were not at the meeting, which was stuffed with 11 temporary members whose votes were assured, plus 7 or 8 of the permanent members.

I have put a line through those who did not attend, and added the temporary members who replaced them at the bottom of the page.


Hana El Sahly, M.D.
Expertise: Vaccines, Infectious Diseases
Term: 06/21/2019-01/31/2022
Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology
Department of Medicine
Section of Infectious Diseases
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX 77030

Paula Annunziato, M.D. ***
Expertise: Industry Representative
Term: 02/01/2020-01/31/2024
Vice President and Therapeutic Area Head
Vaccines Clinical Research
North Wales, PA 19454
Archana Chatterjee, M.D., Ph.D.
Expertise: Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases
Term: 06/21/2019-01/31/2023
Dean Chicago Medical School
Vice President for Medical Affairs
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
North Chicago, IL 60064

CAPT Amanda Cohn, M.D.
Expertise: Pediatrics, Vaccines
Term: 02/01/2020-01/31/2024
Chief Medical Officer
National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA 30333
Hayley Gans, M.D.
Expertise: Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases
Term: 06/21/2019-01/31/2023
Professor of Pediatrics
Department of Pediatrics
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, CA 94305

Holly Janes, Ph.D.
Expertise: Biostatistics
Term: 02/01/2020-01/31/2023
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division
Division of Public Health Sciences
Seattle, WA 98109
Michael Kurilla, M.D., Ph.D.
Expertise: Infectious Diseases, Pathology
Term: 08/06/2018-01/31/2022
Director, Division of Clinical Innovation
National Center for Advancing Translation Sciences
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20852

Myron Levine, M.D., D.T.P.H., F.A.A.P
Expertise: Infectious Diseases
Term: 05/09/2018-01/31/2022
Simon & Bessie Grollman Distinguished Professor
Associate Dean for Global Health
Vaccinology and Infectious Diseases
Center for Vaccine Development
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD 21201
H. Cody Meissner, M.D.
Expertise: Infectious Diseases
Term: 08/06/2018-01/31/2022
Professor of Pediatrics
Tufts University School of Medicine
Director, Pediatric Infectious Disease
Tufts Medical Center
Boston, MA 02111

Paul Offit, M.D.
Expertise: Infectious Diseases
Term: 02/01/2018-01/31/2022
Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Infectious Diseases
Abramson Research Building
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Steven Pergam, M.D.
Expertise: Infectious Diseases
Term: 02/01/2020-01/31/2024
Medical Director
Infection Prevention
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Seattle, WA 98109

Andrea Shane, M.D., M.P.H., M.Sc.
Expertise: Pediatric & Infectious Diseases
Term: 02/01/2018-01/31/2022
Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA 30322
Paul Spearman, M.D.
Expertise: Pediatric & Infectious Diseases
Term: 05/09/2018-01/31/2022
Director, Division of Infectious Diseases
Albert B. Sabin Chair in Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
University of Cincinnati School of Medicine
Cincinnati, OH 45229

Geeta K. Swamy, M.D.
Expertise: Infectious Diseases
Term: 08/06/2018-01/31/2022
Senior Associate Dean
Vice Chair for Research & Faculty Development
Associate Professor, ObGyn
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Duke University
Durham, NC 27710
Gregg Sylvester, M.D., M.P.H. +
Expertise: Alternate Industry Representative
Term: 02/01/2020-01/31/2024
Vice President
Medical Affairs
Seqirus Inc.
Summit, NJ 07901


Fuller, A. Oveta, Ph.D. African Studies Center International Institute Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Hildreth, Sr., James, Ph.D., M.D. Professor Department of Internal Medicine School of Medicine President and Chief Executive Officer Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN 37205

Lee, Jeannette, Ph.D. Professor Department of Biostatistics University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, AR 72701

Levy, Ofer, M.D., Ph.D. Staff Physician & Principal Investigator Director, Precision Vaccines Program Division of Infectious Diseases Boston Children’s Hospital Professor, Harvard Medical School Associate Member Broad Institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02140

Moore, Patrick, M.D., M.P.H. Distinguished and American Cancer Society Professor Pittsburgh Foundation Chair in Innovative Cancer Research University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Nelson, Michael, M.D., Ph.D. Sawyer, Mark, M.D., F.A.A.P. Professor of Medicine Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Chief Division of Infectious Diseases Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Division Vice Chair for Education UVA Health & UVA School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Charlottesville, VA 22904

Sawyer, Mark, M.D., F.A.A.P. Professor of Medicine Professor of University of California San Diego School of Medicine Perlman, Stanley, M.D., Ph.D. Director, UC San Diego Pediatrics Professor Residency Program Departments of Microbiology and Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego Immunology La Jolla, CA 92093

Perlman, Stanley, M.D., Ph.D. University of Iowa Associate Director for Vaccine Policy Iowa City, IA 52242 National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Professor of Pediatrics Mark Stinksi Chair in Virology

Wharton, Melinda, M.D., MPH University of Iowa Associate Director for Vaccine Policy Iowa City, IA 52242 National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

Portnoy, Jay, M.D. ** Acting Consumer Representative Atlanta, GA 30333 Professor of Pediatrics Medical Director of Telemedicine Section of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas City, MO 64108

Rubin, Eric, M.D., Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief New England Journal of Medicine Adjunct Professor Department of Immunology and Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health Associate Physician Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA 02115
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:12 pm


High Vit D, low deaths - John Campbell


Vit D, part 2 - John Campbell

https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/16/opin ... trump.html

The Federal Bureau of Dirty Tricks
Nov. 16, 2021

https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrze ... 1686c7f4dd

Nov 18, 2021

FBI And Other Agencies Paid Informants $548 Million In Recent Years With Many Committing Authorized Crimes

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/artic ... 46751.html

Can the FBI Be Salvaged?

By Victor Davis Hanson
November 18, 2021

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/martin-l ... _n_4631112

How The FBI Invaded Martin Luther King Jr.'s Privacy -- And Tried To Blackmail Him Into Suicide
Danielle Cadet
01/20/2014 10:28am EST | Updated November 14, 2014

https://whowhatwhy.org/podcast/the-fbi- ... ssination/

The Plot to Kill King


Ray attorney: Bullets fired from Ray's gun don't match fatal bullet
FBI tests from 1968 sought in King slayin

https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Vince-Fos ... 140&sr=8-1

The Murder of Vince Foster: America's Would-Be Dreyfus Affair
– September 24, 2020
by David Martin (Author)

https://defensesystems.com/articles/202 ... sight.aspx

FBI wants input on cyber reporting legislation
* NOV 18, 2021

https://www.motherjones.com/politics/20 ... -evidence/

Did the FBI Bury Oklahoma City Bombing Evidence?
One lawyer’s relentless quest for information reveals fresh hints of a coverup.

https://www.foxnews.com/media/fbi-respo ... stleblower

FBI's response to DOJ's school board whistleblower confirms 'threat tag', helps make critics' case: 'The Five'
The FBI said it typically uses threat 'tags' to track traffickers, but they are 'merely a statistical tool'

https://rboothokc.medium.com/the-lies-b ... e8edb1846c

The Oklahoma City Bombing: A Case Study in FBI Corruption and Failure

Richard Booth

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/11/18/ ... dents-car/

Veazie police officer violated department policy when he crashed into resident’s car

https://bangordailynews.com/2021/11/18/ ... ison-ends/

Hunger strike at Maine State Prison ends

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... -injection

Oklahoma governor grants clemency to Julius Jones hours before scheduled execution

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... hires.html

Wednesday, November 17, 2021
My testimony to New Hampshire's Education Committee on 11/16/21 re: an amendment to a bill that would ban Covid vaccine mandates everywhere in the state

https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/11/18/ ... -surfaces/

Brockton school police officer placed on leave after allegedly kneeling on student’s back during arrest; video surfaces

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... -were.html

Thursday, November 18, 2021
Only 70% of healthcare workers were fully vaccinated by September 15, according to US government data

 From a paper published in the American Journal of Infection Control, we learn

"To protect both patients and staff, healthcare personnel (HCP) were among the first groups in the United States recommended to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We analyzed data reported to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Unified Hospital Data Surveillance System on COVID-19 vaccination coverage among hospital-based HCP. After vaccine introduction in December 2020, COVID-19 vaccine coverage rose steadily through April 2021, but the rate of uptake has since slowed; as of September 15, 2021, among 3,357,348 HCP in 2,086 hospitals included in this analysis, 70.0% were fully vaccinated. Additional efforts are needed to improve COVID-19 vaccine coverage among HCP."


Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 10:50 AM

https://www.theguardian.com/environment ... as-nothing

The forgotten oil ads that told us climate change was nothing
Since the 1980s, fossil fuel firms have run ads touting climate denial messages – many of which they’d now like us to forget. Here’s our visual guide
by Geoffrey Supran and Naomi Oreskes

https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/11/18/ ... derground/

A commuter’s guide to art underground
Since the late 1970s, the MBTA has brought public art pieces to stations around the city — and it’s past time for their moment in the sun. The next time you catch your train, take this map to see some of the best art in transit.

By Dana Gerber Globe Correspondent,Updated November 18, 2021,
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:27 am

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... A-ATF.html

How FBI agents made informants MILLIONAIRES: $548m paid out, including $1.4m to parcel company worker, $926k to Amtrak employee and $655k to airline worker

https://www.blackenterprise.com/after-e ... y-was-set/

November 25, 20211410

https://www.wbrz.com/news/fbi-investiga ... -a-decade/

FBI investigating child rape allegations that went ignored for a decade
Nov 25,2021

https://www.mrt.com/news/article/Ex-FBI ... 742850.php

FBI internal affairs chief pleads guilty to child molestation
Feb. 16, 2004

https://www.ktbs.com/news/former-bossie ... 6bf18.html

Bossier cop gets 20-year prison sentence

BENTON, La. -- A former Bossier City police officer who possessed child porn and sexually abused his dog was sentenced Tuesday to 20 years in prison.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... i-failures

Parkland shooting families reach $127.5m settlement over FBI inaction
Families of those killed in 2018 Florida attack reach settlement over agency’s failure to investigate tip a month before massacre

https://www.mrt.com/news/local/article/ ... 649146.php

FBI agent to run for state senate
A former FBI agent from Amarillo wants to be the state senator for the Midland-Odessa region. The District 31 seat in the Texas Senate...

https://news.stlpublicradio.org/show/st ... s-excesses

In ‘My Fugitive,’ a lawyer’s daughter trains her eye on the FBI’s excesses
St. Louis Public Radio | By Sarah Fenske
Published November 24, 2021 at 12:42 PM CST

https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public ... 5CCD96AB14

Durbin, Feinstein, Grassley Press Inspector General, FBI to Act on Larry Nassar Case
Nov 22 2021
Washington–Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) joined Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), along wtih a bipartisan group of senators, to seek additional scrutiny of the FBI’s approach to child sex abuse cases following its dereliction of duty in the Larry Nassar case.

https://foxbaltimore.com/news/local/sta ... -fbi-agent

Statewide violence demands coordinated police response in MD, says former FBI agent

by Shelley OrmanWednesday, November 24th 2021

https://fcw.com/articles/2021/11/02/fbi ... aring.aspx

GSA addresses plans for FBI headquarters at House hearing
* By Chris RiottaNov 02, 2021

https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/fl-xp ... story.html

By By TOM JICHA and TV/Radio Writer
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Frontline does unto J. Edgar Hoover as he did unto others.
The PBS documentary series tonight peeps into the bedroom and other seamy aspects of the man who guided the FBI for almost a half-century. Two wrongs might not make a right, but they do make for an explosive and deliciously scandalous hour.

Frontline contends that Hoover was "personally corrupt, sexually compromised and tainted by ties to organized crime."
It also alleges Hoover used surreptitiously obtained evidence of John F. Kennedy's womanizing to blackmail him into offering the vice presidency to Lyndon B. Johnson, a Hoover ally.

http://content.time.com/time/subscriber ... 93,00.html

Partners For Life


Two Female Cops Get Fired After Doing This

https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/202 ... inion.html

Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Missouri Circuit Court Judicial Opinion: Unelected health officials are unconstitutionally making laws,

The Brownstone Institute wrote today about this decision of November 22, which is music to my ears.  I have been ruminating on how a CDC-sponsored package of legislation (which began as the "Model Emergency Health Powers Act" in 1999 or 2000, crafted by public health law professor Lawrence O Gostin) became the framework for a takeover of democratic government and a march to totalitarianism.  At least one judge in one little circuit doesn't think this can fly.  Let's hope this is where things start to turn around.
Here are quotes from the decision:
Plaintiffs produced ample evidence that health agency directors throughout Missouri have used the power granted to them by 19 CSR 20-20.040 to exercise unbridled and unfettered personal authority to in effect, legislate... 
DHSS regulations that permit an agency health director to create and enforce orders and take other discretionary “control measures,” which are predominantly set forth in 19 CSR 20-20.040(2) (G)-(1) and (6), are unconstitutional and are therefore invalid…
Plaintiffs presented evidence that these orders issued by health agency directors go into effect without public comment, and become effective once posted on the internet. These bureaucratic edicts are for an indefinite duration until they are removed or edited based on the opinion of the bureaucrat who wrote them…
...DHSS regulations that allow one person to make and enforce laws, and close things down with no standards other than a completely unappealable and unchallengeable “opinion” regarding public health protection...
Missouri’s local health authorities have grown accustomed to issuing edicts and coercing compliance. It is far past time for this unconstitutional conduct to stop...
https://brownstone.org/articles/covid-r ... urt-rules/

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D.


The O variant - John Campbell

https://www.sunherald.com/news/local/cr ... 60612.html

May police shooting death of Louisiana infant. Here’s what we know

https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/palm ... story.html

Sun Sentinel
Nat Geo's 'Hot Zone' depicts 2001 anthrax attacks in Florida
A yearslong investigation by the FBI was completed in 2008 and concluded the letters were mailed by U.S. Army biological scientist Bruce Ivins, who died of a...


Federal Bureau of Invention? 
Microbiologist Meryl Nass Responds to FBI Closing Anthrax Case

Meryl Nass Source
The FBI's report, documents and accompanying information (only pertaining to Ivins, not to the rest of the investigation) were released on Friday afternoon ... which means the FBI anticipated doubt and ridicule.  The National Academies of Science (NAS) is several months away from issuing its $879,550 report on the microbial forensics, suggesting a) asking NAS to investigate the FBI's science was just a charade to placate Congress, and/or b) NAS' investigation might be uncovering things the FBI would prefer to bury, so FBI decided to preempt the NAS panel's report.
Here are today's reports from the Justice Department, AP, Washington Post and NY Times. The WaPo article ends,
The FBI's handling of the investigation has been criticized by Ivins's colleagues and by independent analysts who have pointed out multiple gaps, including a lack of hair, fiber other physical evidence directly linking Ivins to the anthrax letters. But despite long delays and false leads, Justice officials Friday expressed satisfaction with the outcome.
The evidence "established that Dr. Ivins, alone, mailed the anthrax letters," the Justice summary stated.
Actually, the 96-page FBI report is predicated on the assumption that the anthrax letters attack was carried out by a "lone nut." The FBI report fails to entertain the possibility that the letters attack could have involved more than one actor. The FBI admits that about 400 people may have had access to Ivins' RMR-1029 anthrax preparation, but asserts all were "ruled out" as lone perpetrators. FBI never tried to rule any out as part of a conspiracy, however.
That is only the first of many holes in FBI's case. Here is a sampling of some more.
1. The report assumes Ivins manufactured, purified and dried the spore prep in the anthrax hot room at US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). His colleagues say the equipment available was insufficient to do so on the scale required.
2. But even more important, the letter spores contained a Bacillus subtilis contaminant, and silicon to enhance dispersal. FBI has never found the Bacillus subtilis strain at USAMRIID, and it has never acknowledged finding silicon there, either. If the letters anthrax was made at USAMRIID, at least small amounts of both would be there.
3. Drs. Perry Mikesell, Ayaad Assaad and Stephen Hatfill were 3 earlier suspects. All had circumstantial evidence linking them to the case. In Hatfill's case, especially, are hints he could have been "set up." Greendale, the return address on the letters, was a suburb of Harare, Zimbabwe where Hatfill attended medical school. Hatfill wrote an unpublished book about a biowarfare attack that bears some resemblance to the anthrax case. So the fact that abundant circumstantial evidence links Ivins to the case might be a reflection that he too was "set up" as a potential suspect, before the letters were sent.
4. FBI fails to provide any discussion of why no autopsy was performed, nor why, with Ivins under 24/7 surveillance from the house next door, with even his garbage being combed through, the FBI failed to notice that he overdosed and went into a coma. Nor is there any discussion of why the FBI didn't immediately identify tylenol as the overdose substance, and notify the hospital, so that a well-known antidote for tylenol toxicity could be given (N-acetyl cysteine, or alternatively glutathione). These omissions support the suggestion that Ivins' suicide was a convenience for the FBI. It enabled them to conclude the anthrax case, in the absence of evidence that would satisfy the courts.
5. The FBI's alleged motive is bogus. In 2001, Bioport's anthrax vaccine could not be (legally) relicensed due to potency failures, and its impending demise provided room for Ivins' newer anthrax vaccines to fill the gap. Ivins had nothing to do with developing Bioport's vaccine, although in addition to his duties working on newer vaccines, he was charged with assisting Bioport to get through licensure.
6. FBI's report claims, "Those who worked for him knew that Nass was one of those topics to avoid discussing around Dr. Ivins" (page 41). The truth is we had friendly meetings at the Annapolis, Maryland international anthrax conference in June 2001, and several phone conversations after that. Bruce occasionally assisted me in my study of the safety and efficacy of Bioport's licensed anthrax vaccine, giving me advice and papers he and others had written. I wonder if I was mentioned negatively to discourage Ivins' other friends and associates from communicating with me, since they have been prohibited from speaking freely? Clever.
7. The FBI's Summary states that "only a limited number of individuals ever had access to this specific spore preparation" and that the flask was under Ivins' sole and exclusive control. Yet the body of the report acknowledges hundreds of people who had access to the spores, and questions remain about the location of the spore prep during the period in question. FBI wordsmiths around this, claiming that no one at USAMRIID "legitimately" used spores from RMR1029 without the "authorization and knowledge" of Bruce Ivins. Of course, stealing spores to terrorize and kill is not a legitimate activity.
8. FBI says that only a small number of labs had Ames anthrax, including only 3 foreign labs. Yet a quick Pub Med search of papers published between 1999 and 2004 revealed Ames anthrax was studied in at least Italy, France, the UK, Israel and South Korea as well as the US. By failing to identify all labs with access to Ames, the FBI managed to exclude potential domestic and foreign perpetrators.
9. FBI claims that "drying anthrax is expressly forbidden by various treaties," therefore it would have to be performed clandestinely. Actually, the US government sponsored several programs that dried anthrax spores. Drying spores is not explicitly prohibited by the Biological Weapons Convention, though many would like it to be.
10. The FBI report claims the anthrax letters envelopes were sold in Frederick, Md. Later it admits that millions of indistinguishable envelopes were made, with sales in Maryland and Virginia.
11. FBI emphasizes Ivins' access to a photocopy machine, but fails to mention it was not the machine from which the notes that accompanied the spores were printed.
12. FBI claims Ivins was able to make a spore prep of equivalent purity as the letter spores. However, Ivins had clumping in his spores, while the spores in the Daschle/Leahy letters had no clumps. Whether Ivins could make a pure dried prep is unknown, but there is no evidence he had ever done so.
13. FBI asserts that Bioport and USAMRIID were nearly out of anthrax vaccine, to the point researchers might not have enough to vaccinate themselves. FBI further asserts this would end all anthrax research, derailing Ivins' career. In fact, USAMRIID has developed many dozens of vaccines (including those for anthrax) that were never licensed, but have been used by researchers to vaccinate themselves. There would be no vaccine shortage for researchers.
14. Ivins certainly had mental problems. But that does not explain why the FBI accompanied Ivins' therapist, Ms. Duley (herself under charges for multiple DUIs) and assisted her to apply for a peace order against him. Nor does it explain why Duley then went into hiding, never to be heard from again.
15. FBI obtained a voluntary collection of anthrax samples. Is that the way to conduct a multiple murder investigation: ask the scientists to supply you with the evidence to convict them? There is no report that spores were seized from anyone but Ivins, about 6 years after the attacks. This is a huge hole in the FBI's "scientific" methodology.
16. FBI claims it investigated Bioport and others who had a financial motive for the letters attack, and ruled them out. However, FBI provides not a shred of evidence from such an investigation.
FBI gave this report its best shot. The report sounds good. It includes some new evidence. It certainly makes Ivins out to be a crazed, scary and pathetic figure. If you haven't followed this story intently, you may be convinced of his guilt.
On the other hand, there are reasons why a conspiracy makes better sense. If the FBI really had the goods, they would not be overreaching to pin the crime on a lone nut.
JFK, RFK, George Wallace, Martin Luther King, all felled by lone nuts. Even Ronald Reagan's would-be assassin was a lone nut. Now Bruce Ivins. The American public is supposed to believe that all these crimes required no assistance and no funds.
Does the FBI stand for the Federal Bureau of Invention?
Dr. Meryl Nass, MD is a leading expert on anthrax and anthrax vaccine. She has offered her research and expert testimony at several Congressional hearings in the U.S.
Dr. Nass's website anthraxvaccine.org offers in depth insight into anthrax, anthrax vaccine, biological warfare and related topics.
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Re: Why would the Deep State use a biological weapon against

Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:05 pm


Sunday, December 5, 2021
WHO says no deaths reported from Omicron yet as Covid variant spreads/ The Guardian
Here's hoping that omicron turns out to be little worse than a cold. It has been detected in 38 countries and many US states, but no deaths reported yet--and we know the fearmongers are looking for deaths.

As others have said, and I also thought: wouldn't it be great if this is a mild strain and we all just need to get it in the expectation it provides some cross immunity for the strains causing more severe illness. Wouldn't that be nice? But we still need to know whether it causes the severe late sequellae of SARS-2.

Are the travel restrictions and lockdowns being imposed so we don't all catch a mild case and thereby obtain some immunity?

It does look like it came from a lab. Did it fall? Or was it pushed?

Dr. Malone points out that the preliminary data available suggest that this strain can defeat both recovered immunity and vaccine-induced immunity. So let's hope it mainly causes a cold. Be aware that cases of Covid that occur in the recovered have generally been mild. From the Guardian:

"The Omicron variant has been detected in at least 38 countries but no deaths have yet been reported, the World Health Organization has said, amid warnings that it could damage the global economic recovery.

The United States and Australia became the latest countries to confirm locally transmitted cases of the variant, as Omicron infections pushed South Africa’s total cases past 3 million.

The WHO has warned it could take weeks to determine how infectious the variant is, whether it causes more severe illness and how effective treatments and vaccines are against it...

The new variant could also slow global economic recovery, just as the Delta strain did, the International Monetary Fund chief, Kristalina Georgieva, said on Friday.

“Even before the arrival of this new variant, we were concerned that the recovery, while it continues, is losing somewhat momentum,” she said. “A new variant that may spread very rapidly can dent confidence.”

A preliminary study by researchers in South Africa, where the variant was first reported on 24 November, suggests it is three times more likely to cause reinfections compared with the Delta or Beta strains..."

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Ursula von der Leyen suggests dispensing with the Nuremberg Code. And she is a German doctor; may she be fearing Nuremberg 2.0, the 2nd Doctors' Trial?
The optics are not good. Nor were the optics good as she snuggled up with Albert Bourla, Pfizer's president, from whom she made a multibillion buy of vaccine.

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 6:37 PM 0 comments
The physicial barriers to provide separation between the vaxxed and unvaxxed at an outdoor Christmas market in Luxembourg is summarily dismantled

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 10:00 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Someone told me it was being predicted that Hillary Clinton would be President. I said "Come on." Now I'm worried they could be right.
The WaPo did a hatchet job on Kamala Harris today. They didn't really have much to go on, besides 4 staff members who are leaving.

But they managed to get in a "bully" quote, say she burns through staff, she won't read her briefing books and then blames staff for not briefing her.

They managed to fill many column inches with this. Not that I like Kamala. But I can read tea leaves. When a story like this runs in the WaPO, Kamala is soon to be toast.

And if Biden the empty suit then "chooses" Hillary as his Veep, and then retires, dies or the media finally admit he has no brains left, we get Hillary. Who sure knows how to pull those deep state levers of power.

What an interesting time. But how many Dems still like Hill? Won't she expose this totalitarian takeover to the world? Tune in tomorrow...

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 11:33 PM 0 comments
What do our brainwashed friends say to this?

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 11:07 PM 3 comments
Dr. Chetty discusses different treatments for viral replication, allergic, autoimmune aspects of COVID, as well as treatment for GI vs Respiratory effects
https://odysee.com/@voicesforfreedom:6/ ... a-Chetty:b

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 6:48 PM 0 comments
You just might want to save this graphic as you follow the mandate cases and others

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Hong Kong: 1 in 2700 teenaged males develops a clinical case of myocarditis after the 2nd Pfizer shot/ Clin Inf Dis
Epidemiology of Acute Myocarditis/Pericarditis in Hong Kong Adolescents Following Comirnaty Vaccination

Gilbert T Chua, FHKCPaed, FHKAM(Paed), Mike Yat Wah Kwan, MSc(Applied Epidemiology) CUHK, Celine S L Chui, PhD, Robert David Smith, PhD, Edmund Chi-Lok Cheung, BSc, Tian Tian, Ma, PhD, Miriam T Y Leung, BPharm, Sabrina Siu Ling Tsao, MBBS(UK), FACC(USA), Elaine Kan, FRCR, FHKCR, Wing Kei Carol Ng, FRCR, FHKAM ... Show more
Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciab989, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciab989
Published: 28 November 2021
Age-specific incidence of acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination in Asia is lacking. This study aimed to study the clinical characteristics and incidence of acute myocarditis/pericarditis among Hong Kong adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination.
This is a population cohort study in Hong Kong that monitored adverse events following immunization through a pharmacovigilance system for COVID-19 vaccines. All adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years following Comirnaty vaccination were monitored under the COVID-19 vaccine Adverse Event Response and Evaluation Programme. The clinical characteristics and overall incidence of acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination were analysed.
Between 14 June 2021 and 4 September 2021, 33 Chinese adolescents who developed acute myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination were identified. 29 (87.88%) were males and 4 (12.12%) were females, with a median age of 15.25 years. 27 (81.82%) and 6 (18.18%) cases developed acute myocarditis/pericarditis after receiving the second and first dose, respectively. All cases are mild and required only conservative management.The overall incidence of acute myocarditis/pericarditis was 18.52 (95% Confidence Interval [CI], 11.67-29.01) per 100,000 persons vaccinated. The incidence after the first and second doses were 3.37 (95%CI 1.12-9.51) and 21.22 (95%CI 13.78-32.28 per 100,000 persons vaccinated, respectively. Among male adolescents, the incidence after the first and second doses were 5.57 (95% CI 2.38-12.53) and 37.32 (95% CI 26.98-51.25) per 100,000 persons vaccinated.
There is a significant increase in the risk of acute myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose.
Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 4:02 PM 5 comments
A broad stroke speech by Dr. Robert Malone (given in Tampa a couple of weeks ago) and ultimately uplifting. Please listen.
One listener gave it a beautiful visual embellishment. https://youtu.be/INHpQL9fgto

Another created a transcript (below). Enjoy:

Dr. Robert Malone (speaking):

Mattias Desmet, he's a psychologist. He's also a statistician. He's at the University of Ghent, so this is Belgium. He's a European, but he speaks fluent English. Many of us are very impressed by his thinking. Bobby Kennedy, for instance, has met with him personally and spoken to him about his theories, as have many of my peers. I think Mattias is onto something, and he calls it mass formation psychosis. So when he says mass formation, you can think of this as equivalent to crowd. So it's crowd psychosis. That's what we're really talking about. There's easy ways to fix groupthink by just bringing in dissenting voices, making sure you give them platforms, but mass formation psychosis, this is like hypnosis, it really is hypnosis. This is what happened to the German people, if you live in Europe, or you have a relative who's a Holocaust survivor, or also, if you live behind the Soviet Union curtain, Eastern Europe, etc.

This is a fundamental problem that people have, is understanding how can for instance, the German people who are highly educated, very liberal in the classic sense, you know, Western, thinking people? How could they go so crazy, so deep into crazy land, that they were doing what they did to the Jews? How could this happen to a civilized people? And this is the explanation for that--it has been a major focus of academic inquiry for decades and decades in Europe.

So with what we're experiencing here, you have to have a set of preconditions, and then walk with me back to remember 2019--it seems like forever ago--the precursor for mass formation psychosis is, you have to have a situation in which the population is decoupled from each each other, they don't have social bonds, everybody on their little cell phones and everything else, okay? Where we're fragmented into our communities, Facebook communities and other things. Yes, they're tribes. But we're now in a situation where there's sub, sub, sub tribes, everybody's fragmented, nobody's feeling connected, okay? There's got to be a lack of sense making, the world has to somehow not make sense, what's happening in the world, it just seems to be overwhelming. Things don't make sense.

Remember how we were all kind of thinking this back in 2019, and we had the elections and what was going on? Clearly, there's big forces at work there, and nothing made sense. This leads to free floating anxiety, which is the source of the greatest psychological pain. And my wife, for example, experiences this all the time, many people do. So for her, she has this chronic sense of anxiety, she wakes up in the middle of the night, suddenly alerted to some things that she's been dreaming about. So this sense of free floating anxiety, things don't make sense. We're no longer connected to each other.

And we also have free floating discontent, that things aren't right, and I don't like it very much, and I'm not sure where to put my finger on it. A lot of us had this feeling. Now think about what happened when the virus broke out. The world obsessed over this virus. Suddenly, every software person in the world was an expert on molecular virology, and epidemiology. I had to deal with them. You know, it just--we all suddenly became obsessive experts, spending all our time on the media trying to figure out what the heck is going on, because it didn't make sense. And we're trying to protect our children, everything else. When these conditions happen, and then the entire population gets focused on one thing, it forms something akin to hypnosis, where all they can think about, they're totally obsessed with that one thing.

This is what happens with hypnosis is, you can hypnotize somebody and get them to focus on just one little tiny thing--and you can do surgery on them and they won't feel it. This is a fundamental phenomena of the human mind, is this ability to become hypnotized by focusing all of your attention on one small thing. Once that happens, people lose their ability to have rational thought and judgment.

Even if you weren't obsessed, you had all this fear porn coming at us all the time, 24/7 to every channel. Now was this intentional, or was it just selling clicks? There's a lot of signs that there was an intentional component here, that we're sitting in a situation in which we have been actively managed, psychologically, by some entity that has financial benefits or power to gain from doing this. This gets to the point about global totalitarianism.

But regarding mass formation, psychosis, once this happens, there's two key things: everybody gets focused, they have this fusion as their discontent is focused on a thing. And then leaders step in that seize this moment. And when they're identified as leaders, or they're promoted as leaders, then the crowd can see no evil, they can hear no evil, they can speak no evil. And those leaders can say anything, it does not have to be true, and the crowd will believe it.

Furthermore, with this kind of process, mass formation psychosis that we saw in 1930's Germany, and we've seen in other situations, outside the centers, anybody who says something that is contrary to these narratives must be attacked. These situations must have a common enemy.

This was well described in the 1984 book of George Orwell, where there was this constant threat of the Eurasian forces. They were nebulous. One never really knew where they were, if they were going to attack, but they were always used to drive fear in the crowd. So this crowd now that's formed, has central leaders that are lying to them all the time, like Tony Fauci. And as you see, there's now a world in which those people that have been hypnotized in this way. You can tell them until you're blue in the face, what the data are, what the facts are, you can show them video clips of Tony Fauci lying, it doesn't matter.

I was in Tampa the other day, and a physician asking questions came up in the line, brokenhearted, she has many other physicians and medical professionals in her family, and she's disaffected from all of them. And she said, it doesn't matter how much information I provide to them, how many papers I provide to them, what data I provide to them, they can't hear it. And it's true. They literally can't. They are hypnotized.

This has happened all over the world. It's been actively promoted. It is the consequence of all this censorship and propaganda that we've been subjected to. And when it seems to you that the rest of the world has gone mad, the truth is...they have. And the question is, what can we do about it?

So I spoke to Mattias about this, about where does he see this going? And it's really a bit grim. He thinks that this mass psychosis has developed to a point where the global totalitarianism is unavoidable. It will sweep over us. We're seeing it in Austria, number one, they're locking down during the holidays. And they say, "you will be vaccinated." Now that flies in the face of the data, which shows the vaccination won't stop the spread of the virus. It doesn't matter. They will impose the vaccines on you. They're talking about doing this in Germany, they're talking about all kinds of mandates in the United States, like you say, including for the children. Think that through, okay? So this is happening. And Mattias believes that it's now to a point that it is going to progress through the population, whether we like it or not. We have to continue to try to provide information, accurate information.

There's a couple of things we can do. We can substitute the fear of the virus, which is irrational, for a greater threat. We can break through to people if we help them to understand that what we're seeing is a coordinated global focus on deploying a global totalitarian solution. Totalitarianism is a bigger boogeyman than the viruses, by far. Losing control to Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum and BlackRock and Vanguard is a bigger threat than SARS-CoV2 is for you or your children, by far, okay? And people can hear that, they can see it. Mattias has tested it, and you can break this, this fusion in their mind, if you give them something that's even a greater concern, which is loss of their freedom. When you make it clear to people, that they're on the threshold of losing their rights, they get activated.

So this is one topic area that a lot of people get. And often the breakthrough thing is, they're gonna force my kids to take the jab. And suddenly people wake up with that one also. But the problem is, all those underlying things haven't been fixed. The real problem, to be blunt, is that our society is sick. It's sick in a bunch of ways. And I think the only thing that can come out of this, to get us away from that, to start to heal us, is this idea of think global, act local, that is behind intentional communities.

Meanwhile, while all this craziness is going on in the world, the rest of us that are able to see through, for whatever reason--maybe because we got fired from our job, or we experienced mainstream media first person, and realize how corrupt and twisted that world is. Or maybe we experienced big science and all the corruption within big science in a very brutal first person way. Things have caused some of us to be able to be a little more skeptical about what's going on in the world.

So we can't get beyond this, if we don't find some way to heal ourselves, and I think we got to start that healing process locally. The message that I've been trying to promote in the various speaking engagements, is a message of healing, not division, and of trying to empower people to start building local community--telephone call lists, you know, work through your church, whatever your organization is, build on that. Find physicians that will administer early treatment. I think that now is the time to build local community, start to form networks with each other, or providing information to older people who are often home alone, scared and not able to access the internet.

There's a few courageous leaders politically, and a lot of scared chickens. Basically, the Republican side is unified that these [vaccine] mandates are wrong. Now, we're having trouble breaking through the other side. But angry moms, I think may be the thing that saves our democracy. So there is hope. But we still got a long way to go. But I think we've seen some significant progress so I don't want to leave everybody thinking it's all doom and gloom.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai (from the soundtrack of a video by Robert Malone)

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 3:40 PM 0 comments
French citizens overwhelm a few police and enter mall without vaccine passports, in a festive mood.
Probably taught the police a bit of a lesson, too, that this is not a "crime" and that they might want to reconsider their role.

https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-fr ... ping-mall/

Posted by Meryl Nass, M.D. at 1:48 PM 0 comments
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