Objective Reality: an illusion

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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri Feb 25, 2022 6:21 pm

Red lights mean stop for a good reason, and the reason is rooted in physics: metal traveling at high speed is stronger than flesh and bones. The habits of matter are undeniable, and extremely hard to break. (They go back a long way.) Yes, I know that the disciplines called physics and biology were formulated over time by humans, but to say that customs of thought are socially constructed is certainly no proof that objective reality is an illusion. Social constructions can be correct or incorrect construals of objective reality, and any attempted construal is usually easily tested.

"The electricity bill is a social construction. Therefore, I am not really sitting in the dark, freezing."

I remember pointing out the obvious many years ago, to much eye-rolling at my vulgarity. "You don't get the point." No one could ever explain the alleged point. These were people who would have been on the phone to the bank instantly if their salary had failed to arrive. They had no intention of sitting in the dark, freezing. They knew that reality is ever-present, implacable, and very largely independent of their thoughts.

Samuel Johnson, kicking a stone, exasperated at the idea of solipsism: "I refute it thus."

Recognising a reality beyond the human, and even beyond human comprehension, might be the original religious impulse. Alternatively, we can carry on worshipping TheScience™ and see where that gets us.
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sun May 21, 2023 4:20 pm

This is Philip K Dick's famous Metz speech given in Metz, France in 1977. Philip gave the speech with a French interpreter beside him for the audience, but for English speakers it can be distracting. I took care of that for you in addition to very subtly improving the video quality and doing modest touch-ups to the audio, making it clearer and reducing the humming without too heavy a hand. In the speech he explores some of his ideas of parallel realities (lateral realities/lateral dimensions), his experience in 1974 (2-3-74), and how they both relate to his novels. A very exciting way to get introduced to the enigmatic, fascinating Philip K. Dick!

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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:54 am

This commentary can fit into several threads, but placing it here --

My concern is how much our ‘realities’ are diverging from each other because algorithms are literally serving up different realities to us. So it’s not that your neighbour is nuts or that you are, we are simply served up completely different frameworks for our reality building.

Truthstream Media

How can anyone talk of building trust when reality is edited is being edited in near-real time? Watch the top two clips in this thread. Versions where Keys missed a note are being pulled and replaced with an edited version. People won't even be able to trust their own memories.

This is fascinating.

Everyone who watched the Superbowl halftime show last night heard Alicia Keys hit a sour note in her opening appearance. Everyone heard it.

[Video Clip of Alicia Keys missing her first note]


However, the version of the show hosted on the NFL's official YouTube page has the audio cleaned up to remove Keys's sour notes (link: https://youtu.be/7hYbrdC_-s8?si=V_I3D7Tv8TS9g-MB&t=238).

Bootleg clips containing the original, authentic audio are being scrubbed from YouTube at a breakneck pace.

For all the recent discussion re: the post-truth world, we need to talk more about what record-keeping should look like in the Internet era. Because things like this audio swap – with no explanation or heads up given – is crazy-making.

https://x.com/NellyTells/status/1757707 ... 39953?s=20

Astute initial comments above Re: 'algorithms' shaping and curating reality and how this corrodes notions of an 'objective' framework for truth/reality. These are themes a number of us have raised here in RI across numerous threads.

Also: the above clips are examples of a manufactured 'Mandela Effect' -- part of the reason old VHS tapes are relied upon as 'unalterable' sources is because they're not 'in the cloud'/online, subject to surreptitious edits.
Some of the findings shared online (after reviewing a VHS tape, for example) may subsequently be scrubbed.
But there remain a few cases (such as the Moonraker braces) where a number of us distinctly recall seeing braces, but upon 'analog' review even the old VHS tapes show NO braces, so there is more going on than 'post-reality editing' here.
Doesn't necessarily mean it's esoteric/'woo' in nature, however.
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby drstrangelove » Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:22 pm

It is possible Moonraker was broadcast to live television during the 80s/90s using a signal which split off a different version of the film into VCRs. Two separate signals, or a signal which split off two separate versions of the film, an altered version projected to the television screen, the original recorded to tape.

That there never were Braces. But a version with Braces was planted as a collective memory through live television broadcasts. We just have the whole thing backwards. The evidence is the collective memory, not the recordings or original print of the film.

That we actually did all collectively see an altered version of Moonraker in which she has braces.

Conceptually, think the X-Files episode Wetwired, which touches on something similiar.

[skip to 1:45]

Why anyone would want to do this is obvious enough. It ties directly into Hoffman's false reality theory, which is actually Plato's world of perfect forms, just explained as a computer analogy with a touch of darwinism.

I've been researching this now for months. The idea of virtual reality has been around for thousands of years. It is the actual philosophical doctrine behind sacred geometry. This is why 20% of the holy bible is a technical manual for temple construction. Why the Platonic school always talked about doubling the cube. Why there was a cube goddess named Cybele. Why the holy of holies was a 20x20x20 perfect cube, Why Noah's ark in the sumerian version is a cube. Why in the book of revelations heaven is a giant golden cube.

There's a very good reason there are 8 bits in byte. 8 is the volume of the smallest cube that can be replicated. All other cubes with volumes 1-7 have irrational line dimensions. In fact, a cube with a volume of 1 doesn't even make sense. 1 of what? 1 of literally the smallest unit of measurement. Numbers are lie.

You'll see Hoffman & Co, after denying sensory reality, will tell you they can discover the truth through. . .mathematics!!!!!
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby DrEvil » Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:54 pm

Bytes used to be 4, 6 or 9 bits, before settling on 8 as the common value. It's just a product of computers being binary and people needing enough space in a byte to hold the ASCII code set, plus a parity bit (caveat: this is how I remember it from 30 years ago, so handle with care).
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby drstrangelove » Fri Feb 16, 2024 12:58 am

digitalspace is entirely made up of 8-bit 'atoms', rendered graphically as tiny little cubes making up perfect geometric shapes. the address space of the internet is also made up of these 8s, the four octets of ipv4 or the 16 octets of ipv6.

the term cybernetics derives from the greek root κυβερνήτης. while this meant helmsman and related to governance of state, the actual word is an extension of the greek word for cube, κύβος. relating to dice and a goddess named cybele, or kybele, which in greek was written Κυβέλη. Cybele was a Phrygian goddess of cubic architecture, especially temple designs, and especially these inner chambers of temples called cellas, which were cubes. you can go back 5000 years and find the ruins of a temple(marked Palace E) in the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk with perfectly square dimensions and its four corners orientated with the four cardinal points. this was because of the axis mundi theory for the prime mover considered temples to be the center of the universe, a motionless point from which space spanned out in each direction as four sectors between what we call north east south and west. this is why sumerian and akkadian rulers often times went by the title 'ruler of the four quarters'.
since that time this idea of the axis mundi has been the core philosophy behind sacred geometry, which has to do with temple design. a 0,0, or zero point to the universe which is a perfectly rational space that is motionless and eternal. otherwise what became known as heaven.

if you use this idea as a bearing. an understanding everything is to do with a cube with rational line dimensions having a volume of 8 of the smallest possible unit of measurement, and an oligarch agenda for controlling reality by denying sensory experience and exalting mathematical knowledge, everything falls into place. you can trace a direct lineage of this doctrine through 5000 years of its evolution, up until its complete relevance today, as people start walking around with goggles that literally render plato's perfect world of forms. and i do mean literally.

you'll find cybernetics was inspired by the work of Gottfried Leibniz who created binary code. who was in turn inspired by the pythagoreans, who in turn took their doctrine of sacred geometry from the orphic mystery school of phrygian origin. this passed through into Rome via the Severan dynasty. syrian priestkings who worshipped a black meteorite called elgebal.

It's all very complex but also very simple.

sensory experience is by nature decentralised and this collective experience of nature cannot be controlled. only the perception of it can be, generally by shifting between literal and figurative interpretations of it.
by denying the truth of sensory experience and claiming mathematics alone can discover a hidden truth, reality can be completely controlled through data modelling. this is virtual reality. geometry is perfectly rational space in absolute order completely controlled with numbers. sacred geometry is a religious prophesy for the creation of this reality. virtual reality is just the technological implementation for this.

the thing is, this prophesy is real.

this is literally what they did with WTC7. everyone can collectively see a controlled demolition. but using mathematics they created a virtual reality in which the building collapsed due to progressive fires. then told everyone that was the real one. the NYTimes used virtual reality for their investigation into the syrian gas attack.

i could go on and on but there's work to be done.
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby DrEvil » Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:37 am

drstrangelove » Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:58 am wrote:digitalspace is entirely made up of 8-bit 'atoms', rendered graphically as tiny little cubes making up perfect geometric shapes. the address space of the internet is also made up of these 8s, the four octets of ipv4 or the 16 octets of ipv6.

the term cybernetics derives from the greek root κυβερνήτης. while this meant helmsman and related to governance of state, the actual word is an extension of the greek word for cube, κύβος. relating to dice and a goddess named cybele, or kybele, which in greek was written Κυβέλη. Cybele was a Phrygian goddess of cubic architecture, especially temple designs, and especially these inner chambers of temples called cellas, which were cubes. you can go back 5000 years and find the ruins of a temple(marked Palace E) in the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk with perfectly square dimensions and its four corners orientated with the four cardinal points. this was because of the axis mundi theory for the prime mover considered temples to be the center of the universe, a motionless point from which space spanned out in each direction as four sectors between what we call north east south and west. this is why sumerian and akkadian rulers often times went by the title 'ruler of the four quarters'.
since that time this idea of the axis mundi has been the core philosophy behind sacred geometry, which has to do with temple design. a 0,0, or zero point to the universe which is a perfectly rational space that is motionless and eternal. otherwise what became known as heaven.

if you use this idea as a bearing. an understanding everything is to do with a cube with rational line dimensions having a volume of 8 of the smallest possible unit of measurement, and an oligarch agenda for controlling reality by denying sensory experience and exalting mathematical knowledge, everything falls into place. you can trace a direct lineage of this doctrine through 5000 years of its evolution, up until its complete relevance today, as people start walking around with goggles that literally render plato's perfect world of forms. and i do mean literally.

you'll find cybernetics was inspired by the work of Gottfried Leibniz who created binary code. who was in turn inspired by the pythagoreans, who in turn took their doctrine of sacred geometry from the orphic mystery school of phrygian origin. this passed through into Rome via the Severan dynasty. syrian priestkings who worshipped a black meteorite called elgebal.

It's all very complex but also very simple.

sensory experience is by nature decentralised and this collective experience of nature cannot be controlled. only the perception of it can be, generally by shifting between literal and figurative interpretations of it.
by denying the truth of sensory experience and claiming mathematics alone can discover a hidden truth, reality can be completely controlled through data modelling. this is virtual reality. geometry is perfectly rational space in absolute order completely controlled with numbers. sacred geometry is a religious prophesy for the creation of this reality. virtual reality is just the technological implementation for this.

the thing is, this prophesy is real.

this is literally what they did with WTC7. everyone can collectively see a controlled demolition. but using mathematics they created a virtual reality in which the building collapsed due to progressive fires. then told everyone that was the real one. the NYTimes used virtual reality for their investigation into the syrian gas attack.

i could go on and on but there's work to be done.

Isn't all this just a convoluted way of saying "people in power lie and try to shape our perceptions"? You don't need sacred geometry, ancient religion, Leibniz, cybernetics and tenuous connections between things with the number 8 in them to get that, it's just human nature. Feels like you're making things way too complicated (and aren't you doing the same thing as them when you're trying to relabel lies as "creating virtual realities"? We have perfectly good and simple words for what they're doing already).

It all sounds a bit far-fetched is what I'm saying, but I would love some good sources if you have any. I may not be entirely convinced, but I do love reading about it.

And don't get me wrong, I'm almost certain that in the not too distant future most people will be living in a world where base reality and artifice are seamlessly merged, so I have the same worries as you, just not with the extra cubes.

Just have a look at some of these AI generated videos that OpenAI just released, then fast forward a few years to when you can do this in real-time and mix it with the real world. You won't be able to tell what's real or not:

Then they can kill you by making you think the light is green and hiding the bus.
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby drstrangelove » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:56 pm







Nah, you're right. I'm probably over complicating it. Pretty straight forward.
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby DrEvil » Sat Feb 17, 2024 2:36 am

I mean, you are. Right now you're just connecting random dots from ancient history up to the present to arrive at a conclusion that has a much simpler explanation. That doesn't mean I don't think there could be something there, God knows rich and powerful people get up to all sorts of fuckery, but I would need a lot more substance than just a handful of pictures and videos. Cubes are so common throughout history you could probably come up with any kind of theory involving them.

One more thing: I'm not entirely clear on what you're talking about with a cube of volume 8. 8 what? Do you mean a tesseract?
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby drstrangelove » Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:18 am


^ those two articles are a very brief overview of how the dots are connected.

theoretically(this whole thing is bullshit), but theoretically speaking:

if you wanted to claim that reality was a simulation. or that reality was made of perfect numbers. or that reality could be perfectly known through mathematics. the material world would have to be made of little cubes, just like how 3d digital space is rendered graphically as little cubes in pixels, even though the pixels projected as energy to the screen we see aren't actually cubes.

so cubic atoms. tiny little cubes which are the basic building bloc of all physical matter. just like minecraft.

if these cubes were to be used to express everything in existence in perfect ratios of these cubes, the cubes must also be the smallest possible unit of measurement.

why someone would want to believe this, or convince others of this, is because it would in theory remove decimal fractions AND irrational numbers like Pi. Which would mean in theory, the world or physical existence or reality, could be perfectly expressed in numbers.

irrational numbers like Pi are proof that mathematics, in a philosophical or epistemological sense, cannot be relied upon to discover "truth" anymore than our senses. this is why the scienctific method has been to come up with theories in our head, which we then demostrate through experimentation and observation so see if they have any bearing in reality.

what they want to do is convince people that mathematics can discover truths which cannot be experienced through the senses, thus removing the 'observation' part from the scientific method, or really, science from scientific rationalism, so that reality can be dealt with solely using mathematical theories which never have to be proven. as how could they be proved if numbers can discover things we cannot ourselves sense?

when someone like Hoffman says, "space time is done for", this is what he means. you'll notice that his false reality theory only excludes everyone else's ability to discern truth. not his own or other specialised mathematicians.

WTC7 is the perfect example of this. We have a body of knowledge linked to sensory experience, and we use this to observe a building collapse due to a controlled demolition. NIST remake the building in tiny little cube atoms to make it collapse due to progressive fires in virtual reality.

The number 8 has to do with these little theoretical cube atoms being the smallest possible unit of measurement.

Since a cube is 3 dimensional, it has to have volume. A cube with a volume of 1-7 of the smallest possible unit of measurement is irrational. Since this is the smallest unit of measurement, you cannot drop down. this means a cube with a volume of 1 is irrational as its volume is the same as its line dimensions.

then cubes with volumes 2-7 all lead to irrational line dimensions.
A cube with a volume of 2 = cube line length dimensions of 1.25992104989487…into infinity
A cube with a volume of 3 = cube line length dimensions of 1.44224957030740…into infinity
A cube with a volume of 4 = cube line length dimensions of 1.58740105196819…into infinity
A cube with a volume of 5 = cube line length dimensions of 1.70997594667669…into infinity
A cube with a volume of 6 = cube line length dimensions of 1.81712059283214…into infinity
A cube with a volume of 7 = cube line length dimensions of 1.91293118277238…into infinity

since i've explained the whole point is to do away with irrational numbers, these first 7 volumes of the smallest unit of measurement in cubes cannot be used.

8 is the volume of the smallest perfect cube because it is the first to have perfectly whole line dimensions of 2, and also a rational ratio between these and its volume (unlike 1).

if you were to make any kind of claims that the truth of reality beyond sensory experience could be discovered using mathematics, whatever this would be would have to be made up of tiny little cubes with a volume of 8.

the reason i'm not crazy is because if you read the works of plato with this in mind, it becomes very obvious that his world of perfect forms, his allegory of the cave, is all geared towards a virtual reality rendered in geometry which can be controlled by select few by denying the ability of sensory experience to discern truth.

then you go read the bible, and you discover the holiest places according to the Abrahamic religions are temples whose dimensions are given to prophets in divine revelations of specific numbers which form perfect geometric designs, that all have an inner 'cella' inside, considered the holiest place on earth, which is a cube.

who do you think wrote those books entered into the holy bible? fucking neoplatonians.

if you'd been wondering how they were going to solve the 'science vs religion' conundrum, the solution was baked in from the very beginning. divine rationalism. the technology just wasn't there.

the problem is, all the evidence is there, right in the religious texts, that god made the world out of cubes. or that to create earth as it is in heaven, is to remake the world out of cubes.

i swear, no one actually reads any of these books.

for all the nonsense people have written on sacred geometry, my theory is the only explanation which relates it to a real concrete political agenda, which can be evidenced in the past, NOT through reference to occult texts, but to literally the most well-known ones, while also directly relating these to what we are currently experiencing in the present.
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby BenDhyan » Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:53 am

95% of the mass of the universe known by science to exist is actually undetectable by science. By undetectable, I mean science knows it exists in theory, and indirectly through Gravity, Casimir Effect, etc., but it cannot detect it directly. We are talking about the quantum vacuum, aka as zero point energy, dark matter/energy, etc..

My point is that since physical reality only constitutes 5% of the universe, the 95% must be the source of and main cause of effects of objective reality. This leaves plenty of room for some to imagine that much of objective reality is illusionary, but our science is yet young and there is 95% yet outside its apprehension.
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby drstrangelove » Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:22 am

i'm not worried about extrasensory phenomena being measured empirically. i'm worried about the concept of god being measured empirically so that 'faith' in god becomes 'knowledge' in god. i only really care about the underlying basis for political action. ruling classes should never have free reign over what is and isn't true. they will always try, but the safeguard has always been common sense, which the elites have always fought against using perception deception.

science has always been based on sensory experience. if something can't be sensed, the knowledge of it isn't scientific. if someone wants to suggest departing from science as a basis for knowledge, as hoffman does, they should tell everyone what the new safeguard is. generally, the rationalists like steven pinker or sam harris claim that since math is open source anyone can verify it. but math isn't the issue, it's the data fed into it. or the point at which reality is converted into number. the godhead so to speak.

this is why the oligarchs target information authorities where the data is aggregated and centralized. it is why the W.H.O can claim, and rightly so, that they don't impose any laws on domestic populations. they don't need to. they need only inform governments of a situation dire enough which justifies those laws.

ideally, a new political system is needed where leaders with ratification power publicly interrogate the data provided by information authorities BEFORE it is actionable. if the data holds up under questioning, then it can be actionable to inform policies.

the good thing is the pandemic has opened many people's eyes to this issue. there is now a grass roots movement of literally auditing the primary literature of information authorities like the W.H.O. it's like when people started reading the bible for themselves and centralized religious authority started to fall apart.
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby DrEvil » Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:02 am

ideally, a new political system is needed where leaders with ratification power publicly interrogate the data provided by information authorities BEFORE it is actionable. if the data holds up under questioning, then it can be actionable to inform policies.

Couldn't this lead to a sort of authoritarianism too? Step 1: subvert the information authorities. Step 2: your information is incorrect therefore you are not worth listening to and the only way is our enlightened way!

Sounds very familiar when I put it that way actually. I'm sure BelSav has an opinion. :)

I'm very not opposed to politicians taking facts into consideration now and then, but experience tells me they won't unless it's to their benefit. Personal beliefs will "always" trump rational debate, because our beliefs are who we are, and narcissistic assholes can't abide the idea of being wrong. We're too fucking stupid and stubborn as a species.

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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:03 pm

Any process managed by humans in power inexorably leads to authoritarianism, it seems.

Some of it is the ‘hell is paved with good intentions’/‘power corrupts’ factor (as touched on by DrEvil)

Another element is that positions of influence tend to attract certain ‘greedy’ individuals that mask their semi/fully malevolent intent under the guise of earnest/collectively beneficial pursuits (there is a reason a spectrum of politicians are psychopaths).

But increasingly it seems there may well be certain sinister forces influencing events — that perhaps in addition to the folly/greed incentives by humans (or otherwise at the ‘direction’, to a degree, consciously or subconsciously by external entities), there may be angels*, demons* and/or satanic forces* in play after all.

(However such entities are defined, classically or otherwise)

Such entities would have been/are involved in deception/obfuscation of certain aspects of ‘reality’, perhaps for a very long time.

Topics I never considered at length — other than on the fringes — until a few years ago.

But on this last point I’m a layman at best — others here may have added perspective (or derision) on the prospect of non-human influence.
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Re: Objective Reality: an illusion

Postby BenDhyan » Sun Feb 25, 2024 10:25 pm

Well said B S ...
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