countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

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Postby IanEye » Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:34 pm

FourthBase wrote:
IanEye wrote:
Code: Select all

Getting a "Jeepers" message that my tablet won't support that video format. :(
What's the full url or name of the video? As Ray Charles once said, I can't see shit. :(

eye'll defer to the mods on that.
it is a vimeo link, as the above code describes.
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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby FourthBase » Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:39 pm

Anyone following the KKK thread at JFK Education Forum? There's a woman who seems to have some interesting things to say, cogent and detailed and consistent, but with few exceptions she's getting the cuckoo clock treatment. At a JFK conspiracy theory forum!

p.s. Wasn't there a post here, between IE's last one and this? Did it get self-deleted, or admin-deleted?
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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby MinM » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:54 pm

Image @Zap2it: J.J. Abrams wants rights to Stephen King's '11/22/63'; 'Zero Hour' and 'Do No Harm' get…

IanEye wrote:This is on the heels of Stephen King's latest novel "11/22/63" , which also espouses the lone gunman meme.

It is starting to annoy me.

So, I figured I would start a thread to keep track of these mentions in any of the various media I take in, and see if this trend snowballs as we approach the 50th anniversary of the events in Dallas.

I did end up reading that King book by the way, it is awful. Even the parts that mainly deal with the concept of time travel suck.

This is interesting to me because lately my facebook page is riddled with my friends comments thanking Mr. King for making statements against Mitt Romney. So, King is seen as a hero to the Left, even as he spreads the lone gunman meme.

Perhaps that fits in with 8bit's "Why Is It Right Wing To Think The Media is Brainwashing?" thread.

Perhaps not.

It might be interesting to those who have no intention of reading the novel to see who King thanks first for their "useful source-materials" :


"Useful source-materials"? It would be tempting to label these guys with the Orwellian term "Useful Idiots", but it obviously goes beyond that. Before he was exposed as a plagiarist, Gerald Posner inadvertently revealed his CIA-ties. As for those others...
In that Education Forum link there also happens to be a debate about the merits of NY Times book review of Dan Moldea's book by Gerald Posner:
Ron Ecker wrote:Posted Yesterday, 07:36 PM

Impressive! Includes excerpt from a New York Times Book Review by Gerald Posner. Leave it to the NYT to choose Posner to write a review of a Kennedy assassination book. These people are beyond any decent description.

Actually, as I recall, Moldea's book did a good job of proving a conspiracy, then on the last page he strangely concludes that Sirhan did it alone. I wonder if someone had a gun to his head as he wrapped up his manuscript. ... ntry251248

Of course the evidence suggests that Moldea was blackmailed into concluding that Sirhan acted alone: ... trust.html
I know from a first-hand source -- whom I will name, if legally pressed -- that Dan Moldea had privately complained that the major publishers had "blackballed" him after he wrote a book called Interference: How Organized Crime Influences Professional Football. The blackballing stopped the moment he agreed to write a book about the Robert F. Kennedy assassination pushing the "lone nut" hypothesis...


Much the same way Norman Mailer was blackmailed into supporting the lone nutters... ... ntry218745
Jim DiEugenio wrote:Posted 31 January 2011 - 03:26 AM

In 1973, Mailer published a book, Marilyn, (really a photo essay) with the assistance of longtime FBI asset on the Kennedy assassination Larry Schiller. He recirculated the tale again, inserting a new twist. He added the possibility that the FBI and/or the CIA might have been involved in the murder in order to blackmail Bobby ( p. 242). In 1973, pre-Rupert Murdoch, the media had some standards. Mailer was excoriated for his baseless ruminations. In private, he admitted he did what he did to help pay off a tax debt. He also made a similar confession in public. When Mike Wallace asked him on 60 Minutes (7/13/73) why he had to trash Bobby Kennedy, Mailer replied “I needed money very badly.” ... ... ntry218745


Who knows what Stephen King's excuse was?


Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:
Jim Garrison later suggested that Ruth Paine might have been involved in setting Oswald up as the "patsy". Garrison points out that Paine's father " had been employed by the Agency for International Development, regarded by many as a source of cover for the C.I.A. Her brother-in-law was employed by the same agency in the Washington, D.C. area." He also claims that he had tried to "examine the income tax returns of Ruth and Michael Paine, but I was told that they had been classified as secret.... What was so special about this particular family that made the federal government so protective of it?"

In 2002 Thomas Mallon wrote a book about Ruth Paine's involvement in the case, Mrs. Paine's Garage and the Murder of John F. Kennedy. Unlike Jim Garrison Mallon took the view that Paine was completely innocent of any involvement in the Kennedy assassination conspiracy.

Ruth Paine is currently working for a Nicaraguan relief group in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Nicaraguan 'relief group?' Funny. That's the kind of cover that Oliver North's fronts used to help with the Reagan Wars in Central America...


One decade after his literary attempt to mitigate Ruth Paine's role in the JFK assassination. Thomas Mallon is back to reinforce the Bob Woodward - Carl Bernstein - Seymour Hersh myth that is "Watergate".
Mallon has been all over NPR the last few days to reindoctrinate the unwashed masses:
'Watergate' Revisited: Inside The Criminal Minds
February 25, 2012

This is WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News. I'm Scott Psymon.

Almost any scandal in the world these days is described as a something-gate. The phrase dates back to the summer of 1972, when five men were arrested in the middle of the night during a break-in at Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C.

The subsequent scandal brought down Richard Nixon's administration, made him one of the most notorious men in American history. Anytime someone observes: what did they know, and when did they know it; it's not the crime, it's the cover-up; follow the money, or third-rate burglary, it's a Watergate reference - whether they know it or not.

The Watergate crime and scandal have been exhaustively documented. But now, a great historical novelist has run it through his imagination. Thomas Mallon's new book is called "Watergate: A Novel." Tom Mallon joins us in our studios.

Thanks for being with us.

THOMAS MALLON: Thanks for having me.

SIMON: With so much on the record, what's left to be imagined by a novelist?

MALLON: Mostly how it felt, I think. I thought if you were going to do this as a novel, you had to get inside the people who were there. And so, I tried to tell the story from essentially seven different points of view and see what it felt like. And I avoid most of the big events that people - they certainly occur. But I don't tell the story the way you would tell it in nonfiction. I tell it more as a series of private dramas and try to give certain intimacy.

SIMON: As you will learn on tour, there are Watergate buffs...

MALLON: Oh, yes.


SIMON: there are Civil War buffs and jazz buffs who will catch you on the smallest bit of misinformation, or imagined information. How important was historical accuracy to you?

MALLON: I refer in the acknowledgements of the book to the always sliding scale of historical fiction. And I think you really have to make these decisions book-by-book and almost scene-by-scene. I don't violate any of the big historical moments, dates. You know, Richard Nixon still resigns at the end of this book.

(SOUNDBITE OF LAUGHTER)... ... inal-minds ... rnate-take


Thanks for the heads-up on this phenomenon, IanEye. :thumbsup001:
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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby FourthBase » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:09 pm

I have no respect for those who would let themselves be "blackmailed" like Moldea, i.e., "Hey, why aren't you guys paying me to write any books? Oh, that? And you want me to do what? And then I can get back to being a respected, paid author? Hmmm. Sure! Let the blackmailing begin! Now, where's my check? And I want final say on the photo of me you put on the cover, I have a few ones in mind where I look really distinguished." Fuck Moldea. (Glad he ruined his reputation among the world of critical thinkers by becoming a lone-nut-theory whore, because I don't know if I really want to believe what he says about sports, gulp. Nah, I do. Trust, first. Truth above all.)

Speaking of the Education Forum...

The Boston Bombing thread there has revealed a few grade-A dirtballs, total fucking tools.
I wonder why the good members there even bother. And it's an invite-only forum, lol!
Just abandon the pretense of "civil debate" with Oswald-did-it tools. Cut them off!
A forum like that without the constant need to fend off the tools would be gold.
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alone and on the prowl

Postby IanEye » Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:06 pm


he remains nameless
but we call him the Wraith
he is the 6th Joker card
of the dark carnival faith

Anyway (again)...remember that time I said I was going to find a way to make it on TV via a pointed question at a CSpan book reading or whatever? Well, there are now up my sleeve a countless number of better, smarter, and hopefully less confrontational ways of getting on TV somehow, and most of them (screenplays, music, patents, amateur sleuthing, semi-autobiographical non-fiction, political campaigning, political science, still being the only person in the world to understand core elements of Infinite Jest, coaching sports, and so on and so on and so on) if successful (huge IF) could lead to fame and fortune if the universe is willing -- therefore placing me in a position of decent power for an ungroomed outsider-with-heart, or at least in possession of some kind of insurance policy against the easiest ways of eliminating me, if I ever wind up unintentionally being perceived as a mortal threat to the PTB, which, and I can explain it further, I will try my best not to be.

"David Foster Wallace is dead."

Release the intruder,
Inspired by his patient attempts to linger.
Memory is a reclusive countryside,
An uncaring and secretive ailment,
A vault for a black market in impressionistic
Scenes of flowing bodies, hypnotic passing words.
To say little: brooding is itself
A source of images from an early living,
Memory for the idea merely a late attempt
To fuse narrative with what is unrealized.

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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby FourthBase » Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:43 pm

I'm probably not the only person here who is often simultaneously bewildered and intrigued (and subconsciously enlightened?) by IanEye's signature associative collages. I often feel...well, there's something very deep and connective here...what is it that IanEye wants us to see, hear? Every now and then, the ranging subject matter of his collages is more familiar to me than usual, and I think...ahhhh, now I see...I think? And though asked to describe prosaically the associative meanings of his collages, IanEye demurs, because he either can't, or it would ruin the intended effect, which is presumably for us to see what he sees, vaguely or acutely, with our own eyes.

But there, above: I am the subject. And allow me to assure everyone who has previously been baffled by IanEye's preferred method of communication: IanEye, is a fucking genius. Possesses a genius. A genius of perception, and perhaps a genius for interpretation, depending on whatever his interpretations can be defined as, on any given topic or stew of topics.

For example, I had never before realized how aptly those lines from "Now Playing" relate to the underlying paranormal core of Infinite Jest. It's understandable that I didn't, because I wrote (or rather, constructed it ouija-like, yikes) that poem long before I had read the book, long before I knew anything about the book. I am both startled to my own core, and enlightened. Credit to IanEye for that masterpiece of creative association.

Also, holy fuck, that wraith logo, holy fucking fuck!

IanEye, I beg you, please, sir, this one time at least: Spell this all out for us.
Please? Speculate, if need be. Give us your best guesses, connect all the dots, as freely as you wish.
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Re: man's planing

Postby IanEye » Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:52 pm

FourthBase wrote:
IanEye, I beg you, please, sir, this one time at least: Spell this all out for us.
Please? Speculate, if need be. Give us your best guesses, connect all the dots, as freely as you wish.

ha-ha! just kidding.
i am at work right now, i will try to spell it out when i get home.
take care,
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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby FourthBase » Wed May 01, 2013 2:23 am


Was hoping for the inevitably awesome explanation before I went to bed.
Real quick: It's not "you're dead, this is all a dream, you're a shape-shifting DFW", is it? :lol:
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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby FourthBase » Wed May 01, 2013 7:05 pm


Is, uh, that what you had been tentatively intimating, half-imagining?
If so...let's hear it! If I'm a ghost or a brain-in-a-vat, I prefer to know, lol.

Really, though. I'm not the kind of person who's bothered by spoilers. Usually, anyway. I would have raged if someone had spoiled the Lost finale for me. But then I saw it, liked where it was going, then had the crap-ending rug pulled and the bucket of You Can't Do That On Television schmaltz poured on my head. I now wish someone had spoiled it for me. So, as with with life. Do your best to spoil it. I seriously doubt it could be, but I could be very wrong. If I'm wrong, I want to know immediately. Sapere aude. Amor fati.
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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby MinM » Fri May 03, 2013 9:13 am

Jim DiEugenio wrote:I wonder, how many people here have read from cover to cover Tom Mangold's important book on James Angleton, Cold Warrior?

I had always kept it as a reference work. That is, whenever I needed something, I would look it up.

But after reading what I call the first salvo over the 50th, Ron Rosenbaum's horrendous whitewash, entitled Philby and Oswald at Slate, I decided to read the whole thing... ... opic=20168

Philby and Oswald
The truth is still out there.

By Ron Rosenbaum|Posted Wednesday, April 10, 2013, at 2:00 PM

A November 1955 photo of Kim Philby, left, the "Third Man" in the Burgess and MacLean spy case. Lee Harvey Oswald, right, suspected assassin of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, at police headquarters in Dallas, Nov. 22, 1963.

Oswald and Philby. Lee and Kim.

“The Lone Gunman” and “the Third Man.” We’re still haunted by the legacy of these spectral figures, their legacy of doubling and doubt—and, yes, the shadowy counterspy linked to both. At least I am. You should be too, since you live in a world of uncertainties they helped create.

Not just from their overt acts—Philby, long-term, high-level KGB mole inside British secret intelligence service (MI6), a double—or was it triple?—agent shaping the origins of Cold War paranoia; Oswald, leaving a legacy of mystery, paranoia and conspiracy theory around himself, of the sort that has come to shroud so much alleged certainty about historical truths ever after. Is there any major event that now doesn’t come with its penumbra of YouTube conspiracy fantasies? The more you look the less (undisputed) truth you see.

The two of them (and the shadowy third whose identity I will disclose, I promise) exemplify a century of double agents, double dealing, double meaning, doubly ambiguous doubt about the public narrative of history, ambiguities that cloud or complexify conventional wisdom about the accepted narrative and suggest we are lost in “a wilderness of mirrors.” And every once in a while something new turns up, a new twist, a declassified document, an overlooked defector, a forgotten witness.

As it has recently with both these enigmatic figures. A half-century after their defining moments on the stage of history, two new books have disclosed unexpected perspectives worth exploring.

1963: Fifty years ago, the year Kim Philby defected to Moscow, purportedly erasing any doubts he was a KGB mole. Although, in fact, the doubts persist in some circles, mainly in the form of theories that he was a triple, not a double, agent. That is, who was he really working for all those years, us or them? More piquantly: Is it possible even he didn’t know—that he had been set up and used? Questions too about exactly how he distorted the “facts” he communicated to both sides at the origin of the Cold War, thus shaping or misshaping history.

1963: Fifty years ago, Lee Harvey Oswald does something in Dallas, the president’s head explodes, and soon Oswald is dead too. According to polls, more than half the nation still believes that if Oswald was involved at all in the shooting (not just, as he claimed, “a patsy”) he was part of a conspiracy involving two shooters, even “two Oswalds” or an “Oswald impersonator” or two. But the true locus of mystery and generator of conspiratorial doubt is Oswald’s mind, that lonely labyrinth in which even he may have been lost. Whose side was he really on, was he a double agent, was he a player on his own stage, or was he being played? By whom?

I’ve spent a considerable amount of time exploring both enigmas. I thought that in my 12,000-word Philby investigation for the New York Times Magazine some time ago, I had exhausted the number of mysteries Philby set afoot with his double (or triple?) dealing. And I’ve written frequently on JFK theories, recurrently changing my mind on that morass of mystification; to my current belief Oswald was a shooter, though not ruling out the possibility of a second one, or silent confederates egging Oswald on to do the deed. But what an amazing legacy of paranoia he’s left us, what a vast spectrum of theories that seems to keep growing, concatenating.

Things seemed to have slowed down on that front, the high tide of conspiracy books receding (though not ceasing), the two camps—lone gunman vs. conspiracy—fortified in their opposing certainties with little or no new evidence on the crime itself emerging. I basically gave up thinking there would be anything new to emerge despite the likelihood that (as Jefferson Morley’s valuable investigative lawsuit claims) there are a large number of important documents on the case still classified.

But in the course of one week this winter I came upon two recent books that made me think the two cases deserve further thought.

A coincidence no doubt—as is the fact that the names of the authors of the two books—Lattel and Littell—are so similar (and end in the syllable for “tell”). In this game one has to learn to distinguish between the meaningful and the meaningless coincidences.

The Oswald-related book, Castro’s Secrets, is by Brian Latell, a former top-level CIA agent charged with the debriefing of a high-ranking defector from Fidel Castro’s highly secretive intelligence agency, the DGI. The defector who came in from the cold in Vienna in 1987, a guy named Florentino Aspillaga, offered some remarkable inside DGI information about Oswald, the DGI, and Fidel that, if true, argues for a paradigm shift in Kennedy assassination theories. He also discloses substantiating material from a previous defector—information that was new to me... ... ating.html

Jim DiEugenio wrote:...It goes way beyond David Martin's book Wilderness of Mirrors in showing just how pathological Angleton was.

And really, there is no other word to use than pathological. This guy should have been fired back in 1961. Because after he fell for Philby, he fell for that con man Golitsyn--who almost no one on our side bought into. I mean, a guy as much of a rightwing nut as he was must have thought Kennedy was a commie symp.

And its clear that Dulles and Helms both enabled and protected him. DIsgracefully.

Its also clear that as Cleveland Cram noted in his review of CIA based literature, Epstein's Legend is nothing but a whitewash of Angleton's role in both the Nosenko and Golitsyn affairs. I mean, they are so one sided as to be ludicrous. Once you read Mangold, whatver respect you had for Epstein, which is not much, is just about gone. What Epstein was doing, and what Rosenbaum continues, is the support of an illusion. The whole portrait of Angleton as the Ivy League,literary minded, workaholic who was so insightful that he protected America from so much communist skullduggery.

THat image is severely shaken by this book. Angleton blew the three biggest cases of his career: Philby, Golitsyn, and Nosenko. He was, as Dick Morris stated about the election, wrong at the top of his lungs. ANd in so being, he did not just, as Epstein says, foul up the CIA, the damage spread to England, France and even Norway. Plus, it was his denial of Nosenko that caused the FBI/CIA split

In this regard, the Rosenbaum piece is a real piece of black propaganda for the 50th. Bob Morrow was onto it. But many of us are not. What Rosenbaum is trying to do is preempt what he suspects will be a renewed focus on his hero, the nutty Jim A.

When you combine Mangold with what say Newman and Lisa Pease have written about Jim A and what the files have revealed, you can see why Rosenbaum is on a mission for his MSM masters. BTW, he did this before in 1983 for Texas Monthly.

Let's make sure he does not get away with it again.
Tom Fairlie wrote:Rosenbaum can occasionally be entertaining but this article was dreadful. It was painfully boring, adding almost nothing to the world (not to mention being a terrible critique of the two books as well). What tipped me over though was his citation of Epstein's assertion that Cuban intelligence was behind Oswald's actions. This statement, even if just an inference, is so insanely wrong that it burns the whole article to the ground.

Judging by the comments to the article, I doubt it will have much effect. ... opic=20168

Angleton and Cheney
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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby Project Willow » Wed May 08, 2013 1:22 pm

This old, short story form, pro-Warren Commission, slam-the-crazy-conspiros article has been dug up and is making the rounds:

The Man Who Saw Too Much
Hugh Aynesworth can’t escape what he witnessed in 1963.
by William Broyles
March 1976
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Postby IanEye » Sun May 12, 2013 11:13 am


David Foster Wallace wrote:Here's Hal Incandenza, age seventeen, with his little brass one-hitter, getting covertly high in the Enfield Tennis Academy's underground Pump Room and exhaling palely into an industrial exhaust fan. It's the sad little interval after afternoon matches and conditioning but before the Academy's communal supper. Hal is by himself down here and nobody knows where he is or what he's doing.
Hal likes to get high in secret, but a bigger secret is that he's as attached to the secrecy as he is to getting high.
A one-hitter, sort of like a long FDR-type cigarette holder whose end is packed with a pinch of good dope, gets hot and is hard on the mouth — the brass ones especially — but one-hitters have the advantage of efficiency: every particle of ignited pot gets inhaled; there's none of the incidental secondhand-type smoke from a party bowl's big load, and Hal can take every iota way down deep and hold his breath forever, so that even his exhalations are no more than slightly pale and sick-sweet-smelling.

Total utilization of available resources = lack of publicly detectable waste.

4B, i have been reading your thoughts on David Foster Wallace, specifically regarding his novel, "Infinite Jest". The idea of a "wraith" seems important to you.
i am not a huge fan of ICP, i think they were on my mind because of the most recent episode of "Walking The Room" which featured the comedian "Gallagher" who has been known to associate with numerous Juggalos. I recalled that ICP had an album called "The Wraith".

A wiki search hipped me to the fact that ICP's image of the wraith had been appropriated by Lockheed Martin.

David Foster Wallace wrote:The Academy's tennis courts' Lung's Pump Room is underground and accessible only by tunnel. E.T.A. is abundantly, embranchingly tunnelled. This is by design.
Plus one-hitters are small, which is good, because let's face it, anything you use to smoke high-resin dope with is going to stink. A bong is big, and its stink is going to be like commensurately big, plus you have the foul bong-water to deal with. Pipes are smaller and at least portable, but they always come with only a multi-hit party bowl that disperses nonutilized smoke over a wide area. A one-hitter can be wastelessly employed, then allowed to cool, wrapped in two baggies and then further wrapped and sealed in a Ziploc and then enclosed in two sport-socks in a gear bag along with the lighter and eyedrops and mint-pellets and the little film-case of dope itself, and it's highly portable and odor-free and basically totally covert.

The term "nerd" seems to be morphing in meaning over time. Juggalos could be seen as nerds these days.
The Professor Blastoff episode on nerds ponders the etymology of the term and it's current definition, plus it features comedian Jackie Kashian, who figures in later.

^ - couldn't figure out how to make justdrew's code work for this one. just click the "Blastoff" link above.

David Foster Wallace wrote:Avril and C. T. know nothing about Hal's penchants for high-resin Bob Hope and underground absorption, which fact Hal obviously likes a lot, on some level, though he's never given much thought to why. To why he likes it so much.
E.T.A.'s hilltop grounds are traversable by tunnel. Avril I., for example, who never leaves the grounds anymore, rarely travels above ground, willing to hunch to take the off-tunnels between Headmaster's House and her office next to Charles Tavis's in the Community and Administration Bldg., a pink-bricked white-pillared neo-Georgian thing that Hal's brother Mario says looks like a cube that has swallowed a ball too big for its stomach. Two sets of elevators and one of stairs run between the lobby, reception area, and administrative offices on Comm.-Ad.'s first floor and the weight room, sauna, and locker/shower areas on the sublevel below it. One large tunnel of elephant-colored cement leads from just off the boys' showers to the mammoth laundry room below the West Courts, and two smaller tunnels radiate from the sauna area south and east to the subbasements of the smaller, spherocubular, proto-Georgian buildings (housing classrooms and sub-dormitories B and D); these two basements and smaller tunnels often serve as student storage space and hallways between various prorectors'4 private rooms. Then two even smaller tunnels, navigable by any adult willing to assume a kind of knuckle-dragging simian posture, in turn connect each of the subbasements to the former optical and film-development facilities of Leith and Ogilvie and the late Dr. James O. Incandenza (now deceased) below and just west of the Headmaster's House (from which facilities there's also a fair-diametered tunnel that goes straight to the lowest level of the Community and Administration Bldg., but its functions have gradually changed over four years, and it's now too full of exposed wiring and hot-water pipes and heating ducts to be really passable) and to the offices of the Physical Plant, almost directly beneath the center row of E.T.A. outdoor tennis courts, which offices and custodial lounge are in turn connected to E.T.A.'s Lung-Storage and -Pump Rooms via a pargeted tunnel hastily constructed by the TesTar Ail-Weather Inflatable Structures Corp., which together with the folks over at ATHSCME Industrial Air Displacement Devices erects and services the inflatable dendriurethane dome, known as the Lung, that covers the middle row of courts for the winter indoor season. The crude little rough-sided tunnel between Plant and Pump is traversable only via all-fours-type crawling and is essentially unknown to staff and Administration, popular only with the Academy's smaller kids' Tunnel Club, as well as with certain adolescents with strong secret incentive to crawl on all fours.


A lot of your writing here at RI concerning Wallace is in the "David Foster Wallace is Dead" thread, that thread always makes me think of the "Dick Laurent is dead" quote from Lost Highway.

I tucked away a memory of your "Now Playing" poem because you had said that you assembled it in a Burroughs style, and I always find Burroughs approach intriguing.


When I looked up the poem, that particular passage struck me in the present, it seemed to resonate with me regarding this marathon incident. the lines about a "black market" and "flowing bodies".

David Foster Wallace wrote:The Lung-Storage Room is basically impassable from March through November because it's full of intricately folded dendriurethane Lung-material and dismantled sections of flexible ducting and fan-blades, etc. The Pump Room is right next to it, though you have to crawl back out into the tunnel to get to it. On the engineering diagrams the Pump Room's maybe about twenty meters directly beneath the centermost courts in the middle row of courts, and looks like a kind of spider hanging upside-down — an unfenestrated oval chamber with six man-sized curved ducts radiating up and out to exit points on the grounds above. And the Pump Room has six radial openings, one for each upcurving duct: three two-meter vents with huge turbine-bladed exhaust fans bolted into their grilles and three more 2M's with reversed ATHSCME intake fans that allow air from the ground above to be sucked down and around the room and up into the three exhaust vents. The Pump Room is essentially like a pulmonary organ, or the epicenter of a massive six-vectored wind tunnel, and when activated roars like a banshee that's slammed its hand in a door, though the P.R.'s in full legit operation only when the Lung is up, usually November-March. The intake fans pull ground-level winter air down into and around the room and through the three exhaust fans and up the outtake ducts into networks of pneumatic tubing in the Lung's sides and dome: it's the pressure of the moving air that keeps the fragile Lung inflated.


@11:22 a guest on The Dana Gould Hour quotes Ice Cube:

here's a murder rap to keep you dancin'
with a crime record like Charles Manson

then, later on they talk about the JFK assassination...

David Foster Wallace wrote:When the courts' Lung is down and stored, Hal will descend and walk and then hunch his way in to make sure nobody's in the Physical Plant quarters, then he'll hunch and crawl to the P.R., gear bag in his teeth, and activate just one of the big exhaust fans and get secretly high and exhale palely through its blades into the vent, so that any possible odor is blown through an outtake duct and expelled through a grille'd hole on the west side of the West Courts, a threaded hole, with a flange, where brisk white-suited ATHSCME guys will attach some of the Lung's arterial pneumatic tubing at some point soon when Schtitt et al. on Staff decide the real weather has moved past enduring for outdoor tennis.

doppelgänger inmate/patient at hospital/prison

@ 01:10:50 Michael Moore shares his thoughts on the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, and how a guilty man can also be innocent.

David Foster Wallace wrote:During winter months, when any expelled odor would get ducted up into the Lung and hang there conspicuous, Hal mostly goes into a remote sub-dormitory lavatory and climbs onto a toilet in a stall and exhales into the grille of one of the little exhaust fans in the ceiling; but this routine lacks a certain intricate subterranean covert drama. It's another reason why Hal dreads Interdependence Day and the approach of the WhataBurger classic and Thanksgiving and unendurable weather, and the erection of the Lung.

during an extended discussion on the influence of Scots Law on Irish poetry, Brendan Behan defends the use of terrorism as a means of civil disobedience.

David Foster Wallace wrote:Recreational drugs are more or less traditional at any U.S. secondary school, maybe because of the unprecedented tensions: post-latency and puberty and angst and impending adulthood, etc. To help manage the intra-psychic storms, etc. Since the place's inception, there's always been a certain percentage of the high-caliber adolescent players at E.T.A. who manage their internal weathers chemically. Much of this is good clean temporary fun; but a traditionally smaller and harder-core set tends to rely on personal chemistry to manage E.T.A.'s special demands — dexedríne or low-volt methedrine55 before matches and benzodiazapenes66 to come back down after matches, with Mudslides or Blue Flames at some understanding Comm. Ave. nightspot77 or beers and bongs in some discreet Academy corner at night to short-circuit the up-and-down cycle, mushrooms or X or something from the Mild Designer class88 — or maybe occasionally a little Black Star,99 whenever there's a match- and demand-free weekend, to basically short out the whole motherboard and blow out all the circuits and slowly recover and be almost neurologically reborn and start the gradual cycle all over again .. .

@03:45 "Political Talk With Two Guys From Boston" shares their thoughts on the Boston Marathon Bombing. Then we segue into an extended discussion of the "Chechen Sasquatch" with Bobcat Goldthwait.


Throughout the episode there are references to the Manson family and the JFK assassination.

David Foster Wallace wrote:this circular routine, if your basic wiring's OK to begin with, can work surprisingly well throughout adolescence and sometimes into one's like early twenties, before it starts to creep up on you.
But so some E.T.A.s — not just Hal Incandenza by any means — are involved with recreational substances, is the point. Like who isn't, at some life-stage, in the U.S.A. and Interdependent regions, in these troubled times, for the most part. Though a decent percentage of E.T.A. students aren't at all. I.e. involved. Some persons can give themselves away to an ambitious pursuit and have that be all the giving-themselves-away-to-something they need to do. Though sometimes this changes as the players get older and the pursuit more stress-fraught. American experience seems to suggest that people are virtually unlimited in their need to give themselves away, on various levels. Some just prefer to do it in secret.


@17:17 Gore Vidal observes that Norman Mailer reminds him of Charles Manson.

David Foster Wallace wrote:The other nice thing about the Pump Room is the way it's connected by tunnel to the prorectors' rows of housing units, which means men's rooms, which means Hal can crawl, hunch, and tiptoe into an unoccupied men's room and brush his teeth with his portable Oral-B and wash his face and apply eyedrops and Old Spice and a plug of wintergreen Kodiak and then saunter back to the sauna area and ascend to ground level looking and smelling right as rain, because when he gets high he develops a powerful obsession with having nobody — not even the neurochemical cadre — know he's high. This obsession is almost irresistible in its force. The amount of organization and toiletry-lugging he has to do to get secretly high in front of a subterranean outtake vent in the pre-supper gap would make a lesser man quail. Hal has no idea why this is, or whence, this obsession with the secrecy of it. He broods on it abstractly sometimes, when high: this No-One-Must-Know thing. It's not fear per se, fear of discovery.


@ 54:45 a small circle of friends are having a discussion on parenting and family, and by eavesdropping we find out how deeply the roots of Jewish Communism go in Hollywood before segueing into mentions of Kitty Genovese, the Son of Sam, and one of two jokes this episode regarding the Tsarnaev brothers.

David Foster Wallace wrote:Beyond that it all gets too abstract and twined up to lead to anything, Hal's brooding. Like most North Americans of his generation, Hal tends to know way less about why he feels certain ways about the objects and pursuits he's devoted to than he does about the objects and pursuits themselves. It's hard to say for sure whether this is even exceptionally bad, this tendency.


IanEye wrote:one steamy summer day many years ago, i was riding along on the Green Line of Boston's MBTA and i dozed off from the heat.
i experienced simultaneously the feeling of my blood pulsing through my body, and that i was within a giant bloodstream of the city itself.
this feeling startled me, and i rose back into consciousness, once there i couldn't process both experiences/feelings at once.


David Foster Wallace was a dork.

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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby FourthBase » Sun May 12, 2013 12:09 pm


Thank you, good sir.

Will need up to a week to absorb that.
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eye think about this world a lot & i cry

Postby IanEye » Wed May 15, 2013 1:50 pm


sleep trance
dream dance
shared romance



H.G. Wells discusses the utilization of dreaming as a writing tool with Scotsman Robert Louis Stevenson.

all you hear is time stand still in travel
& feel such peace and absolute
the stillness still that doesn't end
but slowly drifts into sleep...


eye'm not sure all these people understand
it's not like years ago,
the fear of getting caught

BELCHERTOWN (CBS) – Shortly after midnight Tuesday, seven people were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir.
State Police say the five men and two women are from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore, and “cited their education and career interests” for being in the area.
The men told police they were chemical engineers and recent college graduates.

The Quabbin, in Belchertown, is one of the country’s largest man-made public water supplies. Boston’s drinking water comes from the Quabbin and the Wachusett Reservoirs.
State Police say there were no warrants or advisories on any of the individuals and “there was no evidence that the seven were committing any crime beyond the trespassing.”
All seven were allowed to leave and will be summonsed to court for trespassing. The FBI is investigating and routine checks of public water supplies have been increased following the incident.
The seven individuals currently live in Amherst, Cambridge, Sunderland, Northampton and New York City. Police have not released their names because a court date has not been set.


At the town of Enfield's final ball, the band played Auld Lang Syne.
When the song ended, the town became a part of Belchertown, Massachusetts.

eviscerate your memory
discorporate your entity

The Quabbin's creation required the flooding, and thus the disincorporation, in April 1938, of four towns: Dana (located in Worcester County), Enfield, Greenwich, and Prescott (all located in Hampshire County).

During the time in which the reservoir was forming, the eventual bed of the reservoir was used as the Quabbin Reservoir Precision Bombing and Gunnery Range. The range was used by planes from both Hanscom Army Air Field and Westover Army Air Field.



Much of the novel Infinite Jest takes place in a city called Enfield, Mass., but geographic clues make clear that this is not a reference to the actual Enfield, and is instead a fictional stand-in for Brighton.
The Enfield Tennis Academy and Ennet House, major locations in the novel, are located there.


if we share this nightmare
then we can dream
spiritus mundi



many miles away
something crawls to the surface
of a dark Scottish loch

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Re: countdown to 11/22/13: JFK disinfo in multi-media

Postby FourthBase » Wed May 22, 2013 7:38 am

Still absorbing. In the meantime...

many miles away
something crawls to the surface
of a dark Scottish loch


I refuse to be spooked! (Let's meet this lake-dwelling Something!)
Especially by the band syncopated by the son of the OSS's co-founder.
But, hey, even the children of super-spooks can bang out a good tune! Great tune!
But, ah, Sting, there are more upbeat ways to read The Roots of Coincidence.
And before there was synchronicity, there was...Kammerer's law of series.

Cross-posting from FB (Friend me, IanEye!) something I think I've mentioned here before:

Funny vivid dream to recollect, dreamt one night in the months leading up to 9/11/01. I dreamed that Boston was being invaded by an enemy air force, including kamikaze pilots diving incompetently into the harbor down the street from me in Southie, where I still lived in the dream. Me and my neighbors were all like, "LOL WUT?" Next scene in the dream, I'm standing in a half-full Red Line car, watching a television monitor (apparently in this hallucinated alt-universe I accessed via our species-wide nightly DMT-ish trip known as REM sleep, the MBTA was equipped with TV monitors, lol) on which Sting is trying to reason with us citizens, who are apparently being held as prisoners, again, on the Red Line. What he is trying to convince us, is that we should surrender to our invaders, that everything will be okay, that they will take good care of us. In my dream, I am furious beyond all description at Sting, for being a traitor. Ah, but, he's not an American, is he. I had a few more dreams involving some kind of world-at-war aerial invasion, one where there was a small BLS reunion at...Southie High, wtf, lol? Anyway, months later, after 9/11, when Sting was fucking EVERYWHERE with that "Brand New Day" and "Desert Rose" campaign to sell luxury sedans, or whatever it was...oh, they were supposed to be standalone songs? Ha, could've fooled me. Anyway, every time I'd see him, the dream-fury would rise up, and I would sneer at the television. "Fuck you, Sting!" LMFAO. Totally true story. Can be verified by asking old friends.

And, as the term "kamikaze" implies, the invaders were Asian. I had assumed then that they were Japanese. But, looking back, Chinese makes way, way more sense.
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