Vaccine - Autism link

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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby alwyn » Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:46 am

this just in from natural news: ... ganda.html

(not my favorite site, but he's on top of some of these vaccine issues.) He says that that lovable chemo kid in Marin County, whose parents were pleading for everyone to be vaccinated to 'protect their child' has a grandfather on the payroll of Glaxo-Smith-Klein. He also states that the John Hopkins protocol for kids on chemo is to stay away from kids who have been recently vaccinated due to the shedding of virus.

He doesn't present really good links for proof; I'll be looking for further information on this.

As far as the 'liberal and progressive' friends on the vaccine bandwagon, I was shocked as well. People who stood for paganism and earth rights and wholistic lifestyles and herbs are falling all over themselves to stand for the existing vaccine paradigm, and stating things like 'keep your unclean kids away from mine.' If you present research to the contrary, it's made up. if you link to papers in medical journals, it's junk science. If you quote doctors they are not scientists. If you quote scientists, they are not doctors, or immunologists. It's just 'vaccines save lives'. There is a distinct lack of critical thinking going on, and extreme cognitive dissonance with any information to the contrary. It is really truly sad.

I don't think this is going to be the issue that tips us over into complete fascism, although medical fascism is truly scary, but i think it's a sortie to stir up opposition between people, and it will be one of the wedges to take us apart if we are not careful.

One of my friends who has a bit of expertise in engendering states of consciousness recommended not fighting vaccines per se, but playing up the fight against Alzheimers.... tricky that. It could maybe work as a distraction from the distraction.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby stickdog99 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:29 am

I think the majority of the most prominent anti-vaccination organizations have been compromised if not explicitly set up to make anyone with any legitimate concerns about vaccines look obviously unscientific.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Elihu » Sat Feb 21, 2015 4:15 pm

Another is that I have no money to pay for this recockulous obamacare deadline that I have to meet in order to get my "refund" next year. Today is the day! Sign up and make a payment! I pay taxes! After which, the "exchanges" "close" later on today. I'm as left as they come but this ACA is a total scam and do not view it as an "improvement". Don't give me no deadline of when I can or can't "sign up" for something I view as a scam. If I don't want to be penalized, I have to act now! What a load of shit. It is all one grand capitalist funnel.

i can't believe you thought it was going to turn out any other way. as left as they come? so where would that be exactly? so something leftist turned out capitalist. makes sense to me. i can't believe that i believe my contribution to civilization consists in telling my fellow sovereign citizens that it is metaphysically impossible for a violent government empowered by an emotional democratic mob to orchestrate action in sync with the original emotions that authorized the violence in the first place. that such fallacious beliefs and actions are the tools of our own oppression.

not to pile on, but why let a teachable moment pass? recall if you will and not only that, FEEL what the mob felt as this was impending: 45 million people without health insurance, oooo the tragedy. mob majority wants two things: to feel good so lets get em some insurance and to feel better by spiting the minority mob; because obviously they are selfish and against "good".

alright so let's now compare the reality of, not only what the majority of the mob said it wanted, with what, not only the majority but EVERYBODY got. 45 million people didn't have health insurance presumably because they could not afford it. so what did the mob do for the 45 million? did they buy them some health insurance? no. the gendarme pointed a gun at the heads of the 45 million (including you duece) and said "give it up anyway beeotchez". it would have been one thing if the gendarme would have borrowed the money to pay their premiums, hence "helping them" or "doing good" but what did they actually do? they robbed it by force from the 45 million who were suffering in the first place. and to add insult to injury they gave the stolen blood money to the very minority of the mob they were trying to spite in the first place. congratulations. that's how mob government went and that's how it will continue to go.

i know many here froth reflexively when you see greedy pious lying hypocritical nazis on tv but lets try to get our heads above the emotion. i've described the mechanism of social legislation. you cannot hurt, spite or diminish their influence by giving them more government. as horrible as it sounds we could by doing the opposite: diminishing their government not increasing it. i did not say, "by passing it into "better" or "good" or "humanistic" hands. i said diminishing it period. there are no human hands into which such power can be wielded for any "good of the people". for logistical and mechanistic reasons peculiar to humans.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby conniption » Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:05 am

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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Sounder » Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:00 am

Stickdog99 wrote….
I think the majority of the most prominent anti-vaccination organizations have been compromised if not explicitly set up to make anyone with any legitimate concerns about vaccines look obviously unscientific.

This, in my opinion applies across the board with most all anti-thisorthat orgs. It is a cheap and easy thing to infiltrate and thereby effectively ‘lead’ the ‘opposition’.

We are obliged to look through a dense smokescreen, built on fallacies unseen by the fans, yet easily seen by non-fans, -negative associations, such as is used by a few posters on this board, and front running where (foundation) gleaners re-purpose emergent ideas in society so as to better support institutional objectives, a la what Kool Maudet refers to another thread.

This example from a part of a Jon Rappoport article shows the co-opting of the natural foods movement. If it happens like this at the top, imagine their impact further down in that community.

The secret GMO war: double agents, betrayal, greed?
by Jon Rappoport
December 26, 2014
…….Gary Hirshberg was a founding partner of Just Label It. He is the CEO of Stonyfield Farms, the famous yogurt company.

Of all the leaders in the labeling movement, Hirshberg is the most overtly political. Let’s look at his strange track record:

During the 2008 presidential campaign season, his home in New Hampshire was a mandatory stop for candidates. Hirshberg’s first choice for the Democratic nomination was the execrable Tom Vilsack until he dropped out of the race.

Hirshberg hosted gatherings for John Edwards and Barack Obama, and eventually decided to support Obama.

Obama, despite his nods and winks, was, from the beginning, Monsanto’s man in Washington, allowing an unprecedented parade of new GMO crops to enter growing fields and the marketplace, and appointing staunch biotech allies to key posts in his administration.

Vilsack, Gary Hirshberg’s first choice for President, became the Secretary of Agriculture under Obama. Vilsack is an avid supporter of GMO food. During his term as governor of Iowa, Vilsack was given a Governor of the Year award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization.

Hirshberg serves as a co-chairman of an organization called AGree (twitter). Its objective is to “build consensus around solutions” to “critical issues facing the food and agriculture system.” As researcher Nick Brannigan (twitter) has pointed out, AGree includes, among its foundation partners: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

It would be hard to find foundations more friendly to, and supportive of, big corporate agriculture and GMOs.

Hirshberg is the author of Stirring It Up: How to Make Money and Save the World. He advocates revolution-by-the-consumer as an exceedingly powerful force.

It may be pretty to think so, but giving American consumers a clear choice about whether to buy GMO or non-GMO food, through labeling, isn’t going to push Monsanto up against the wall.

It isn’t going to stop Monsanto gene drift into non-GMO crops. It isn’t going to stop the aerial attack of toxic Roundup all over the planet.

But if mandatory labeling of GMOs fails, and all that’s left is voluntary labeling, Hirshberg could help launch Stonyfield Farms and other commercial ventures into new realms of profitability, by applying that “non-GMO” seal.
the Natural Products Association. It’s the largest trade and lobbying group in North America for natural nutritional-supplement companies. You’d think this group would be squarely in the camp of the anti-GMO movement, if the word “natural” means anything at all.

Well, the executive director of the Natural Products Association is Daniel Fabricant.

Pop quiz: what federal agency gave the original blanket approval, based on no science, for GMO crops, allowing them to enter the US food supply in the 1990s? Which agency has, for decades, consistently fought to whittle down the power and scope of the natural nutritional-supplement industry?

The FDA.
What was Daniel Fabricant’s job before he became executive director of the Natural Products Association?

Fabricant was director of the Division of Dietary Supplement Programs at the FDA.

In December of this year, the Natural Products Association held a webinar. As reported in the Food Navigator (12/19), “5 GMO myths dispelled,” one of its speakers was Greg Jaffe.
A lawyer, Jaffe (bio here) has logged stints with the EPA, FDA, DOJ, and World Bank—all groups that, in one way or another, have vigorously supported GMOs.
Jaffe proceeded to make a case for GMOs, “dispelling the myths” prevalent in the anti-GMO community.

So you have the leading trade group for the natural products industry giving a heavy wink and nod to GMO foods.

According to the Food Navigator article, Jaffe explained that the process of using bacteria to carry foreign genes into a food plant is really quite natural. Which is like saying that a glass eye is natural.

Then Jaffe presents the tired generality: “Evidence is overwhelming that there is no harm from foods made from current GE [genetic engineered] foods.” As “evidence,” he cites the FDA approval of biotech crops. The FDA—which has basically stated that Monsanto, Dow, and the other mega-giants are basically responsible for assuring the safety of GMOs.
All this cover for GMOs is being presented in a trade magazine vis-a-vis a trade group for the natural food products industry.

Is the war against Monsanto and GMOs and toxic herbicides rigged to fail?

Citing betrayal within the anti-GMO anti-Monsanto movement, an astute observer with large knowledge of the scene recently gave me his appraisal of what amounts to a covert op against the millions of people who want a healthier non-GMO future. Here’s how he succinctly described the men taking us down the wrong road:

“Gary Hirshberg is the pied piper, John Mackey [CEO of Whole Foods] is the money man, and Daniel Fabricant is the enforcer.”

An exchange with Stefano drove home for me how poison pills function. PR firms can simply produce a dozen examples with slight variations, of ‘outrage’ toward some given emergent issue. Then when most ‘rational’ people examine the issue they will tend to support the status-quo, rather than the strident and/or confusion inducing alternatives.


Stefano wrote...
certainly wasn't objective after I saw the kind of site that pushes the glyphosate-shikimate thing.

I do understand your predicament, and apologize for being so rude.

The typical site that I looked at on Wednesday after googling it is something like Research Reveals Previously Unknown Pathway by which Glyphosate Wrecks Health, the top result, which is a shop window for health foods and products. All the articles I read on Wednesday about glyphosate's impact on gut bacteria cited Seneff and Samsel.

Yes indeed, the internets is one big crap fest. I do not keep much of an archive or reference material myself, so when I needed an answer to your query, I searched: ‘How glyphosates work’. Then the facts presented were used to make my case.

Existing empirical and antidotal evidence suggests to me that we have a serious contamination event here. And yet, leading edge thinkers seem pretty much blind to the issue, excepting Vandiva Singh, OK maybe others, but I can’t think of them offhand.

My two brothers-in-law were in town last week. They are great guys, sensitive but not adventurous in their thinking and with little care for deep politics. Still the one brother, maybe from watching a banker exposé vid, was relating the Wizard of Oz characters with various roles in the social structure. All well placed. The second brother then said that he had seen a vid about this also, but the characters had different roles than the ones described a minute before by his brother.

I then suggested than unless a person has a nose for this sort of thing it’s probably best to steer clear or at least to never take any one thing to seriously. I explained that any time there is a ‘popular’ meme floating about, that PR companies have a field day making a dozen variations because (they figger) confused people are easier to manipulate.

You make your last point well, thanks.

This earlier response to Dr. Evil addresses poison pill abuse, (perhaps your case is one of use rather than abuse, as those things are hard to pin down sometimes.)
Given that you chose to settle on a non-element of the story, by bringing up a known fraudster, suggests that said well known fraudster is serving his purpose, and quite well.

This class of ‘activists’ are worth their weight in gold to the big PR firms.

They are dual purpose, first to allow (more discriminating) peripheral news hounds to bury their cognitive dissonance so as to not have to consider disturbing implications regarding the probable truth of at least certain elements of some stories.

Then of course there are the (less discriminating) saps that look to these actors to fix their own cognitive dissonance, only to be led into blind alleys with an eventual result of another beaten soul settling back into straight normative thinking.
All these things will continue as long as coercion remains a central element of our mentality.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby slimmouse » Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:48 pm

Big thanks for the "Bought " video, Conniption.

Hope that one goes viral.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby 82_28 » Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:15 pm

Elihu wrote:

i can't believe you thought it was going to turn out any other way. as left as they come? so where would that be exactly? so something leftist turned out capitalist. makes sense to me. i can't believe that i believe my contribution to civilization consists in telling my fellow sovereign citizens that it is metaphysically impossible for a violent government empowered by an emotional democratic mob to orchestrate action in sync with the original emotions that authorized the violence in the first place. that such fallacious beliefs and actions are the tools of our own oppression.

My point is and I probably should have made it more clear, by "left" I mean fellow "lefties" require me to get in line. Friends, the liberal newspapers I read etc are all on this pro-obamacare and pro-vax kick. I have a friend who I write with get pissed at me last week because I used our common account on FB -- even though I'm the only one who uses it -- that he didn't like it, for example, Jeff Wells seeing my opinions on this. I told him Jeff knows who I am and who we all are and I doubt he cares what I had to say. But he didn't want to have us associated with "anti-vaxxers".

Furthermore, I've watched half of that "Bought" doc and want to send it his way, but am somewhat frightened to do so. As the comment my friend got pissed about was advice and reasons I had were probably the side effects of the vaccines given to me when I was very young back in the mid 70s by two very good pediatricians.

Thanks for the link to the video though!
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby 82_28 » Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:18 pm

In fact, start at 35:00 or so in the Bought link.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby alwyn » Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:07 pm

The author of the bill in California to make vaccines mandatory got many political contributions from pharma. LIke i should be surprised at this. Watching people fall in line for medical fascism is truly scary.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Jerky » Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:40 am

Things that make you go HMMMM... anti-vaxxer medical professional "suicided"?

Anti-vaccine doctor behind ‘dangerous’ autism therapy found dead. Family cries foul.
link ... ries-foul/

Dunno if I should put that in its own thread, or on the "accidents and suicides" thread, or here. So I'll start by putting it here.

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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby DrEvil » Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:13 pm

I for one applaud the new law in California. Vaccines are one of the greatest health related innovations in human history and have saved literally millions of children from horrible deaths. Something like 150000 children still die from measles every year (158000 in 2011 by WHO estimates), but noooo, we can't vaccinate, because there's a miniscule chance that there will be a side-effect. Anti-vaxxers have blood on their hands.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby BrandonD » Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:46 pm

DrEvil » Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:13 pm wrote:I for one applaud the new law in California. Vaccines are one of the greatest health related innovations in human history and have saved literally millions of children from horrible deaths. Something like 150000 children still die from measles every year (158000 in 2011 by WHO estimates), but noooo, we can't vaccinate, because there's a miniscule chance that there will be a side-effect. Anti-vaxxers have blood on their hands.

As has been stated on this thread multiple times, it appears that the basic theory behind vaccination science is sound. However, there does exist legitimate evidence that the "chance" you refer to above may be greater than minuscule, and that the side-effects may be quite serious.

This is a nuanced subject, and should be treated as such.

Do you believe the members of a profit-making medical industry - being "regulated" by its own CEOs - are too morally pure to place profits over human health? I don't consider this a wise assumption to make.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby DrEvil » Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:29 am

BrandonD » Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:46 am wrote:
DrEvil » Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:13 pm wrote:I for one applaud the new law in California. Vaccines are one of the greatest health related innovations in human history and have saved literally millions of children from horrible deaths. Something like 150000 children still die from measles every year (158000 in 2011 by WHO estimates), but noooo, we can't vaccinate, because there's a miniscule chance that there will be a side-effect. Anti-vaxxers have blood on their hands.

As has been stated on this thread multiple times, it appears that the basic theory behind vaccination science is sound. However, there does exist legitimate evidence that the "chance" you refer to above may be greater than minuscule, and that the side-effects may be quite serious.

It does not "appear" that the basic science is sound. It is, and it works. And yes, there's side-effects, which are miniscule compared to the benefits. It's not about the unlucky few who experience bad side-effects, it's about the vast majority who benefits from it (by not getting a horrible, crippling disease, or dying).

This is a nuanced subject, and should be treated as such.

No it's not. Seriously. Go have a look at the numbers for mortality rates for preventable diseases.

Do you believe the members of a profit-making medical industry - being "regulated" by its own CEOs - are too morally pure to place profits over human health? I don't consider this a wise assumption to make.

I think they have enough brains to realize it's good for business to sell something that works and saves lives. It makes everyone happy.

And how exactly are they "regulated" by their own CEOs? And in what way (regarding vaccines) are they placing profits over human health?
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby alwyn » Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:19 am

#medicalfascism coming to a state near you. Merk, glaxxo smith klein, et al, won their initial battle in california today when governer brown signed SB277 into law, effectively making the future generation of children into pincushions for (according to the way the law is written) all 60 doses of vaccines currently in rotation, plus whatever else our corporate overlords wish to put into your children...currently +100 vaccines in developement. Medical exemptions, while still legal, are impossible to get, and the needs of the truly immuno-compromised children are not being protected, because, as yet, there is no test for a susceptibility to succumb to the vaccines' adjuvants. Heavy metals that are poison, by definition of the EPA, in amounts that surpass the safe levels for human consumption in food are willy-nilly injected into the infant immune system.

Mothers who have watched their children be harmed by this, are not being heard, and their claims are being denied under the guise of 'pseudo science', which, if you look at any actual vaccine studies for the last sixty years, you will see plenty of, and condemned with derision for what they are calling 'anectdotal' evidence; which, n.b. , in any non-fascist shift of linquistics, isactually a first person account of experience of personal harm.

We can't pass a law to save water from our fracking companies. We can't pass a law to feed our homeless! how is it that a law for forced vaccination, (if you want your constitutional right to an education), passed with unprecedented swiftness in the face of a non epidemic in which NO ONE DIED!

It is a scare tactic to get you to give up more of your freedom and integrity. We aren't hardly afraid of the Arab Menace any more, we've become numb to 911; I guess microbes are something that is truly terrifying! People! it is a hijacking of the emotional cortex to divide people into anti vaxxer - pro vaxxer camps! We are all pro children! An 'anti-vaxxer', under this law, is a mother who refuses to give her newborn baby a vaccine for a testable sexually transmitted disease, which, by the time the child reaches sexual puberty, said vaccine has worn off.

The side effects for this particular shot cannot be talked about by babies, as they have no voice but what their parents give them. The side effects listed for babies by the CDC are minimal at best.

Hepatitis B vaccine side-effects
What are the risks from hepatitis B vaccine?

Hepatitis B is a very safe vaccine. Most people do not have any problems with it.

The vaccine contains non-infectious material, and cannot cause hepatitis B infection.

Some mild problems have been reported

Soreness where the shot was given (up to about 1 person 4)
Temperature of 99.9°F or higher (up to about 1
person in 15).

Severe problems are extremely rare. Severe allergic reactions are believed to occur about once in 1.1 million doses.

A vaccine, like any medicine, could cause a serious reaction. But the risk of a vaccine causing serious harm, or death, is extremely small. More than 100 million people in the United States have been vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine.

This information was taken directly from the Hepatitis B VIS
(This information taken from Hepatitis B VIS dated 2/2/12. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.)

the VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) is less searchable even in the last month or so, so getting access to real reported information is going to take some time...but here is a short subsection of longer studies: links to journals included in footnotes...

Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis
NEUROLOGY 2004;63:838-842
A prospective study

Miguel A. Hernán, MD, DrPH, Susan S. Jick, DSc, Michael J. Olek, DO and Hershel Jick, MD

From the Department of Epidemiology (Dr. Hernán), Harvard School of Public Health, Boston; Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program (Drs. Susan S. Jick and Hershel Jick), Boston University, Lexington, MA; and Department of Neurology (Dr. Olek), College of Medicine, University of California, Irvine.

Background: A potential link between the recombinant hepatitisB vaccine and an increased risk of multiple sclerosis (MS) hasbeen evaluated in several studies, but some of them have substantialmethodologic limitations.

Methods: The authors conducted a nested case-control study withinthe General Practice Research Database (GPRD) in the UnitedKingdom. The authors identified patients who had a first MSdiagnosis recorded in the GPRD between January 1993 and December2000. Cases were patients with a diagnosis of MS confirmed throughexamination of medical records, and with at least 3 years ofcontinuous recording in the GPRD before their date of firstsymptoms (index date). Up to 10 controls per case were randomlyselected, matched on age, sex, practice, and date of joiningthe practice. Information on receipt of immunizations was obtainedfrom the computer records.

Results: The analyses include 163 cases of MS and 1,604 controls.The OR of MS for vaccination within 3 years before the indexdate compared to no vaccination was 3.1 (95% CI 1.5, 6.3). Noincreased risk of MS was associated with tetanus and influenzavaccinations.

Conclusions: These findings are consistent with the hypothesisthat immunization with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine isassociated with an increased risk of MS, and challenge the ideathat the relation between hepatitis B vaccination and risk ofMS is well understood.

Received March 31, 2004. Accepted in final form May 8, 2004

“Multiple sclerosis and hepatitis B vaccination: Adding the credibility of molecular biology to an unusual level of clinical and epidemiological evidence” Comenge Y; Girard M (Med Hypotheses, doi 10.1016/j.mehy.2005.08.012) .

Babies are great test subjects; they have no voice. Science only decided babies could actually feel pain recently. This is a scary aspect of the merely scientifically clinical; they will argue for their pet theory over the voices of mothers screaming, my child feels pain! The side effects for adults getting this shot probably tell a clearer picture; adults are articulate, and well able to document their experience. Here's a list of side effects that happen in adults for this particular vaccine, that, mysteriously, don't happen in babies.
In a group of studies, 3258 doses of RECOMBIVAX HB, 10 mcg, were administered to 1252 healthy adults who were monitored for 5 days after each dose. Injection site reactions and systemic adverse reactions were reported following 17% and 15% of the injections, respectively. The following adverse reactions were reported:
Incidence Equal To or Greater Than 1% of Injections
General Disorders And Administration Site Conditions

Injection site reactions consisting principally of soreness, and including pain, tenderness, pruritus, erythema, ecchymosis, swelling, warmth, nodule formation.

The most frequent systemic complaints include fatigue/weakness; headache; fever ( ≥ 100°F); malaise.
Gastrointestinal Disorders

Nausea; diarrhea
Respiratory, Thoracic And Mediastinal Disorders

Pharyngitis; upper respiratory infection
Incidence Less Than 1% of Injections
General Disorders And Administration Site Conditions

Sweating; achiness; sensation of warmth; lightheadedness; chills; flushing
Gastrointestinal Disorders

Vomiting; abdominal pains/cramps; dyspepsia; diminished appetite
Respiratory, Thoracic And Mediastinal Disorders

Rhinitis; influenza; cough
Nervous System Disorders

Vertigo/dizziness; paresthesia
Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders

Pruritus; rash (non-specified); angioedema; urticaria
Musculoskeletal And Connective Tissue Disorders

Arthralgia including monoarticular; myalgia; back pain; neck pain; shoulder pain; neck stiffness
Blood And Lymphatic Disorders

Psychiatric Disorders

Insomnia/disturbed sleep
Ear And Labyrinth Disorders

Renal And Urinary Disorders

Cardiac Disorders

Post-Marketing Experience

The following additional adverse reactions have been reported with use of the marketed vaccine. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to a vaccine exposure.
Immune System Disorders

Hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, bronchospasm, and urticaria have been reported within the first few hours after vaccination. An apparent hypersensitivity syndrome (serum-sickness-like) of delayed onset has been reported days to weeks after vaccination, including: arthralgia/arthritis (usually transient), fever, and dermatologic reactions such as urticaria, erythema multiforme, ecchymoses and erythema nodosum [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), lupus-like syndrome, vasculitis, and polyarteritis nodosa have also been reported.
Gastrointestinal Disorders

Elevation of liver enzymes; constipation
Nervous System Disorders

Guillain-Barré syndrome; multiple sclerosis; exacerbation of multiple sclerosis; myelitis including transverse myelitis; seizure; febrile seizure; peripheral neuropathy including Bell's Palsy; radiculopathy; herpes zoster; migraine; muscle weakness; hypesthesia; encephalitis
Skin and Subcutaneous Disorders

Stevens-Johnson syndrome; alopecia; petechiae; eczema
Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders


Pain in extremity
Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders

Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate; thrombocytopenia
Psychiatric Disorders

Irritability; agitation; somnolence
Eye Disorders

Optic neuritis; tinnitus; conjunctivitis; visual disturbances; uveitis
Cardiac Disorders

Syncope; tachycardia

The following adverse reaction has been reported with another Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant) but not with RECOMBIVAX HB: keratitis.

I use as example this vaccine because, during the height of the Reagan Years, this shot that was mandated by law that every child that is born in california must receive AT BIRTH! The price per vaccine is US $ 11.08 each, for the CDC, but $25.00 for private insurance, and, with a typical year of births in california, 572,011, with say, 80% compliance on the vaccine, that is somewhere between 5 and 11 MILLION dollars just for the one UNNECESSARY vaccine in ONE STATE. Now tell me how it's not about the $.

Vaccine manufacturers have not done true safety studies; indeed they resist such data, because it does not prove their talking points. Their indemnity against prosecution means that the taxpayers foot the bill for those lucky enough to win a judgement in court

I thank God my boy is old enough that this will not effect him, but if you think i'm going to stand down while idiots with 'science degrees' paid for by corporate interests keep injecting heavy metals into our most vulnerable, y'all have another think coming. It's not just California, we are a test case for the rest of the nation, and if we don't stop it here, y'all are next. This is not really about keeping children safe, this is the safeguarding the assets of a corporation that is up in SUPERIOR COURT for OUTRIGHT vaccine FRAUD!

Meanwhile, they railroad those truly frightened for their children's safety into condemning a whole other set of kids to a half life from the reactions that said companies are indemnified against! VACCINES ARE NOT WRONG! THE WAY WE ARE DOING IT IS! :wallhead:

We will NOT stand down. And this battle is not over. Now wake the eff up. and donate here: [urll][/url]
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby slomo » Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:38 am

alwyn » 30 Jun 2015 22:19 wrote:Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis
NEUROLOGY 2004;63:838-842
A prospective study

Miguel A. Hernán, MD, DrPH, Susan S. Jick, DSc, Michael J. Olek, DO and Hershel Jick, MD

From the Department of Epidemiology (Dr. Hernán), Harvard School of Public Health, Boston; Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program (Drs. Susan S. Jick and Hershel Jick), Boston University, Lexington, MA; and Department of Neurology (Dr. Olek), College of Medicine, University of California, Irvine.

Background: A potential link between the recombinant hepatitisB vaccine and an increased risk of multiple sclerosis (MS) hasbeen evaluated in several studies, but some of them have substantialmethodologic limitations.

Methods: The authors conducted a nested case-control study withinthe General Practice Research Database (GPRD) in the UnitedKingdom. The authors identified patients who had a first MSdiagnosis recorded in the GPRD between January 1993 and December2000. Cases were patients with a diagnosis of MS confirmed throughexamination of medical records, and with at least 3 years ofcontinuous recording in the GPRD before their date of firstsymptoms (index date). Up to 10 controls per case were randomlyselected, matched on age, sex, practice, and date of joiningthe practice. Information on receipt of immunizations was obtainedfrom the computer records.

Results: The analyses include 163 cases of MS and 1,604 controls.The OR of MS for vaccination within 3 years before the indexdate compared to no vaccination was 3.1 (95% CI 1.5, 6.3). Noincreased risk of MS was associated with tetanus and influenzavaccinations.

Conclusions: These findings are consistent with the hypothesisthat immunization with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine isassociated with an increased risk of MS, and challenge the ideathat the relation between hepatitis B vaccination and risk ofMS is well understood.

FYI, for those who don't know, the first author Miguel Hernan is one of the most well-known modern epidemiologists specializing in causal inference, up there with J Robins and T Vanderweele. It's an old study, but still ... I'm impressed that any well known HSPH faculty have reported adverse effects for vaccines.
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