Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

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Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

Postby MinM » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:09 pm

Hugh Manatee Wins wrote:Pre-internet example of KH:
The USG would much rather that you associated the the keyword "Fonzie"
-with the television show character on of that name on 'Happy Days'
than associate it with
-a JFK investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, "Gaeton Fonzi."

Gaeton Fonzi's 'The Last Investigation', re-released:
Image ... estigation


Gaeton Fonzi tells a story about having in his possession a piece of equipment from a U2 Spy Plane or something of that nature that had all the earmarks of being uniquely CIA-related. While he was working as an investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations he swung by his home to grab something. At his home Fonzi was accompanied by another investigator also working for the HSCA. When that other investigator notices the item from the U2(?) he inadvertently lets it slip to Gaeton that he recognized that as something he used to work with. Right away Fonzi realizes that this guy is basically there to act as his CIA-minder.

That story sort of plays into the audio clips below where Paris Flammonde recounts a conversation he had with Bernard (Bud) Fensterwald:
Show #348
Original airdate: Nov 15, 2007
Guest: Paris Flammonde
Topic: Book 4: Indices of the Assassination of America

Paris Flammonde

•Starting with a description of his first three volumes and how the fouth ties in
•The contributors to the fourth volume
•Book reviews of several authors from both sides of the JFK arguement (Lone Nut/Conspiracy)
•Who this book series is directed at
•Talk about Jim Garrison's brave investigation. What he was up against and what he accomplished
•Discussion of The Military Industrial Complex's constant fight with Jim Garrison
•Paris attributes Jim's early death, just into his 70's, to the strain of this battle
•Paris discusses a few articles he wrote that led to the writing of this series
•General structure of each volume with a few specifics
•Book 3 shows pictures of a great many Warren Commission critics. Q uite a compilation
•Paris' website:
•Paris Flammonde c/o Scanuscription books PO Box 48 Sciota Pa 18360
•Reminiscences about a few researchers he'd met
•The authorship of a work of this size is ebnough to burn out a researcher on this subject
•While Bugliosi was offered a huge amount to write his book, most researchers break even or lose money in an effort to get the truth out
•About Intelligence agency's budgets
•Discussion of Col. Fletcher Prouty and his insiders view
•Ed Lansdale

Guest: Lisa Pease
Topic: Arthur H. Bremer, The Man Who Shot Gov. George Wallace

Lisa Pease

•1972 just before Watergate, Wallace was shot while he was gaining steam in his campaign
•The shooter, Arther H Bremer, was released last friday
•The prosecutor Arthur 'Bud' Marshall, wasn't convinced Bremer was the shooter
•Wallace was paralyzed in the incident
Chuck Colson... E Howard Hunt... Nixon... all linked somehow to this
•Wallace was a right wing leaning Democrat and was gaining campaign steam. He may have been a threat to Nixon
•Was Nixon's campaign worried JFK's ghost would resurface and win vicariously through George Wallace?
•Although there's no hard evidence, the case against Nixon's campaign in this is very suggestive
•Parallels with the RFK assassination... Bizarre coincidences?
•Gore Vidal noticed the Bremer Diary looked like E Howard Hunt wrote it
•Lisa's article, "Arthur Bremer and George Wallace - Déjà Vu all over again" at
•Lisa says she heard that J Edgar Hoover was killed by the CIA... from an ex CIA officer
•JFK disinformation; So many threads to follow leading anywhere but where it should... to the CIA
Was Bud Fensterwald CIA? Many researchers thought so
•How the CIA gained power in the beginning
•Was Bryan the hypnotic programmer for both Sirhan and Bremer?
•Lisa recommends a chapter in the book "The Assassination Chain" by Sybil Leek as a pretty good source on the Wallace shooting
•26 volumes - 4 investigations... There's plenty we don't know
•No one knows his source of income. This made several people suspicious
Jeff Morley working on connections with George Joannedes - CIA - Oswald - RFK assassination
•Why is the CIA hiding the George Joannedes file?
•The absurdity of Electronic Voting
•Diebold has changed it's name to Premier Elections Have a look. They're the same crooks. ... ealey.html
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Re: Fensterwald

Postby MinM » Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:36 pm

What's the deal with the Justice Department’s Bureau of Prisons?

Chandra Levy attended the University of Southern California to earn a Master's degree in Public Administration. While in California, Levy had served as an intern for Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, and California Governor Gray Davis. There she discovered the private world of high level politicians, many of whom live wild satanic sex lives. She moved from from her home in Modesto to Washington DC in September 2000 to begin an internship at the Federal Bureau of Prisons...

As an intern in the Federal Bureau of Prisons during the winter and spring of 2001, she worked in the Public Affairs section, and Press Office. Chandra's co-workers at the Bureau of Prisons praised her work and noted that Chandra was very computer literate. Her last duties at BOP before her unexpected termination, and her disappearance, involved helping arrange media coverage of Timothy McVeigh's execution, originally scheduled for May 16 2001. Chandra had a government signon for Lexis-Nexis that she used at the BOP. There are extensive personal information research capabilities at Nexis, and she had access to those and other highly confidential services as well in working with criminal related research at the BOP...

What Did Otto Otepka Know About Oswald and the CIA?

Jim Hougan wrote of a wiretap that was discovered that ran from Capitol Hill to the Esso building, terminating not in the basement, where most lines terminate, but on the top floor behind a locked door to which the phone company didn’t even have access. The floor was leased to the Justice Department’s Bureau of Prisons, and the room was marked as a “restricted area”. Goldberg had a source that claimed Walter Sheridan was the ultimate recipient of this tap. In addition, Bernard Fensterwald appears in this story. When he heard that Goldberg was on the trail of the tap, he walked into Goldberg’s office and offered to help. Fensterwald convinced Goldberg to sign a statement that wasn’t true under the guise that this would help him. The situation became a nightmare for Goldberg. Fensterwald also played a role in protecting the tap.

The tap was brought to the attention of Senator Long’s Ad-Prac committee by Bernie Spindel, a famed wiretapper himself. Spindel claimed government agents were constantly working on the tap. Fensterwald then committed a “blunder”: he requested information on the cable from the telephone company. This had the effect of sending a warning to whoever was bugging the hill. Because such requests took several days to process, the buggers had plenty of time to remove the tap that was under investigation. Why would Fensterwald, a sophisticated lawyer who sat on a committee specifically involved with wiretapping issues, make such an obvious mistake? ... hp?t=13671 ... hp?t=20971 ... hp?t=15595

American Dream wrote:




By Manny Goldstein


Take a close look and there is something downright suspicious about former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, now the darling of certain sectors of the radical left. His journey has taken him from the heights of federal power to outer orbits of the political fringe. In the process, he has seemingly transformed from a shill for the most corrupt elements of the US elites to a shill for any foreign despot who claims to oppose the US elites. Who is Ramsey Clark really working for?

Dynasty of Mediocrity

Ramsey Clark was born to power. In 1945, the Clark family made its leap from Dallas to DC when Ramsey's dad Tom Clark, a lobbyist for Texas oil interests, was appointed Attorney General by President Harry Truman. In his Texas days, the politically ambitious elder Clark was cultivated as a useful connection by New Orleans mafia kingpin Carlos Marcello, and many feared Clark's new job would afford organized crime access to higher levels of power.

AG Clark was repeatedly mired in corruption scandals. In 1945, he was accused of taking a bribe to fix a war profiteering case. In 1947, after he had four convicted Chicago mob bosses sprung from prison before their terms were complete, Congress appointed a committee to investigate--and was effectively roadblocked by Tom's refusal to hand over parole records.

Truman admitted to a biographer that "Tom Clark was my biggest mistake." But he insisted: "It isn't so much that he's a bad man. It's just that he's such a dumb son of a bitch."

AG Tom Clark played along with the post-war anti-communist hysteria, approving federal wiretaps on Alger Hiss, the State Department official accused being a Soviet mole. In 1949, he moved over to the Supreme Court. Carlos Marcello biographer John Davis asserts that the kingpin continued to funnel money to Clark when he sat on the high court...


The inclusion of Ramsey Clark in "Panama Deception" would be somewhat analagous to having Harry Connick Jr. commemorate Jim Garrison.
John Simkin wrote:In 1967, President Johnson nominated him to be Attorney General of the United States, he was confirmed by congress and took the oath of office on 2nd March. Later that day District Attorney Jim Garrison announced the arrest of businessman Clay Shaw on charges of conspiring to assassinate President Kennedy. The new Attorney General stated that the FBI had already investigated and cleared Shaw "in November and December of 1963" of "any part in the assassination". Within a few days of this statement Clark had to admit that he had published inaccurate information and that no investigation of Shaw had taken place.

In an interview on Face the Nation on 12th March, 1967, CBS correspondent, George Herman, asked Clark about the death of David Ferrie. Herman asked Clark why documents concerning Ferrie had been classified by the FBI and the Justice Department. Clark replied: "No, those documents are under the general jurisdiction of the General Services Administration." According to Bernard Fensterwald, this was untrue as the Ferrie documents had specifically been classified under orders from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

In 1968 Attorney General Ramsey Clark appointed a panel of four medical experts to examine various photographs, X-ray films, documents, and other evidence pertaining to the death of President Kennedy. The Clark Panel argued that Kennedy was struck by two bullets fired from above and behind him, one of which traversed the base of the neck on the right side without striking bone and the other of which entered the skull from behind and destroyed its upper right side.

Ramsey Clark was also the subject of criticism a year later when he announced that there was "no sign of conspiracy" in the assassination of Martin Luther King, several weeks before James Earl Ray, the alleged assassin, had been arrested. Ramsey Clark later admitted he suspended Cartha DeLoach from his position as FBI liaison, as a result of his behaviour over the arrest of James Earl Ray.

On 25th January, 1969, Ramsey Clark's final day as Attorney General, he ordered the Justice Department to withhold from Jim Garrison, the X-Rays and photographs from the autopsy of John F. Kennedy. ... opic=14982

Otherwise it is a very good documentary.


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Re: Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

Postby MinM » Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:33 pm


Gaeton Fonzi, 76, of Satellite Beach, died peacefully on Thursday, August 30 surrounded by his loving family. He is survived by Marie, his wife of 55 years, four children (Irene, Guy, Maria, and Christopher) and their spouses (Jeff, Dolly, Victor and Gina), eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Mr. Fonzi’s fame as an investigative journalist earned him a place on the Senate and House Committees which investigated the JFK assassination and subsequently resulted in the publication of his book The Last Investigation in 1993 which is highly critical of the Warren Commission Report. His book was considered by many critics as among the best books on the subject and he was recognized as a respected authority on those aspects of the assassination involving anti-Castro Cubans and the intelligence agencies... ... opic=19448

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Re: Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

Postby elfismiles » Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:10 pm

Thank you MinM (I always wanna say MinMin) for your continual follow-ups on old threads and especially the JFK related material. I often pass along your nuggets to my local JFK expert and friend Mack White (who occasionally posts around here).
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Re: Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

Postby harry ashburn » Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:25 pm

had a brief lunch with Fonzi at a jfk assassination symposium in the mid '90's. told him about my daddy's cousin curtis. was on the secret service team. never said anything about the assassination. never drew a sober breath afterwards.
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Re: Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

Postby MinM » Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:14 am

Thanks harry and elfi...
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Re: Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

Postby MinM » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:32 am

Black Op Radio remembers Gaeton Fonzi

This week's show #594 features noted researcher Gaeton Fonzi

* In memorium of Gaeton Fonzi who passed away last week
* Oct 10th1935 - August 30th, 2012
* Discusses his work researching the JFK Assassination
* Worked on the Church Committee and the HSCA
* This is a replay of show #45

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NYTimes obit +

Postby MinM » Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:16 am

Michael Hogan wrote:
Steve Rosen, on 11 September 2012 - 05:09 AM, said:

The Last Investigation is an excellent book and essential reading.

I believe that Gaeton Fonzi and his streetwise team did the most important work of all of the 1970's Congressional committees, in terms of shedding light on intelligence activities.

Two chapters in his book are titled "On the Trail of the Shadow Warrior" and "Confessions of a Hometown Hero".

They are about CIA covert operator David Sanchez Morales, aka El Indio, who admitted involvement in the JFK assassination to two close friends in a drunken, unguarded moment.**

From post-WWII until at least the mid-1970's, Morales was the Agency's go-to guy for dangerous and unpleasant work.

In addition, he had nearly unchecked authority within the CIA; the ability to conduct off-the-books operations; and access to networks of outside assets far beyond the oversight of officialdom.

Fonzi had just begun to sniff out El Indio's trail when Morales up and died, shortly before he was to be called to testify.

David Atlee Phillips helped conceal El Indio's whereabouts and importance when Fonzi asked Phillips about Morales in an interview.

As well, Fonzi put in a lot of work investigating Phillips's connections to the shadowy entity known as Mr. Bishop.

The relentless and dogged passion with which Gaeton Fonzi pursued the truth in his endeavors is a fine example for us all, and a lasting contribution to history.

-- Steve

** Jim Garrison received a tip about an "Indio" who was involved as well, from an anonymous source in 1967, if I recall correctly. Does anyone have more detail?

It's always good to read a Steve Rosen Post.

The New York Times published their Gaeton Fonzi obituary today: ... .html?_r=1 ... 8235&st=15

Gaeton Fonzi, Investigator of Kennedy Assassination, Dies at 76
Published: September 11, 2012

Gaeton Fonzi was one of the most relentless investigators on the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the late 1970s, remembered by former colleagues with both awe and echoes of the impatience he inspired with his pursuit of the full story behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

They called him Ahab.

Mr. Fonzi was also the staff member most publicly dismayed by the committee’s final report, which concluded in 1979 that the president “was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.”

Of course it was a conspiracy, said Mr. Fonzi, a journalist recruited mainly on the strength of scathing magazine critiques he had written about the Warren Commission and its conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone in killing the president in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. But who were the conspirators? What was their motive? How could the committee close its doors without the answers?

Mr. Fonzi, who died in Florida on Aug. 30 at 76, nailed those questions to the committee’s locked doors, figuratively, in a long article he wrote the next year for Washingtonian magazine and in a 1993 book, “The Last Investigation.” In both, he chronicled the near-blanket refusal of government intelligence agencies, especially the C.I.A., to provide the committee with documents it requested. And he accused committee leaders of folding under pressure — from Congressional budget hawks, political advisers and the intelligence agencies themselves — just as promising new leads were emerging.

“Is it unrealistic to desire, for something as important as the assassination of a president, an investigation unbound by political, financial or time restrictions?” he asked in Washingtonian.

He never got the answer he had hoped for. Congress never authorized a follow-up to the work of the committee, which, from 1977 to 1979, also re-examined the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., concluding that it, too, “likely” resulted from an unspecified conspiracy.

But historians and researchers consider Mr. Fonzi’s book among the best of the roughly 600 published on the Kennedy assassination, and credit him with raising doubts about the government’s willingness to share everything it knew. The author Jefferson Morley, a former reporter for The Washington Post, said “The Last Investigation” had refocused attention on a handful of reported contacts between C.I.A. operatives and Oswald — tantalizing leads that had long been fascinating to conspiracy buffs but that had never been fully scrutinized by a veteran investigative reporter.

The Central Intelligence Agency has denied that any such contacts occurred, and Mr. Fonzi spent most of his two years with the committee crisscrossing the world trying to prove otherwise. He considered it impossible that the C.I.A. had never made contact with Oswald, a former Marine who defected to the Soviet Union in 1959, repatriated with his Russian wife and baby in 1962, and settled in Dallas, where he openly espoused Communist views.

“We called him Ahab, because he was so single-minded about that white whale,” said G. Robert Blakey, the chief counsel and staff director of the House committee, now a professor at the University of Notre Dame Law School. The white whale for Mr. Fonzi was the meaning of those supposed contacts.

Mr. Blakey was criticized by Mr. Fonzi as overly deferential to the C.I.A., and he now concedes that Mr. Fonzi was probably right on that score. Mr. Blakey said he was shocked in 2003 when declassified C.I.A. documents revealed the full identity of the retired agent who had acted as the committee’s liaison to the C.I.A. The agency never told Mr. Blakey that the agent, George Joannides, had overseen a group of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Dallas in the months before the assassination, when Oswald had two well-publicized clashes with them.

At the time of the revelation, the C.I.A. said Mr. Joannides had withheld nothing relevant from the committee. Mr. Joannides died in 1990.

“Mr. Joannides obstructed our investigation,” Mr. Blakey said. Asked how that had affected the committee’s work, he added: “We’ll never know. But I can say that for a guy like Gaeton, a guy who really wanted to know what happened to Kennedy, it kind of tortured him.”

Gaetano Fonzi was born in Philadelphia on Oct. 10, 1935, to Leonora and Gaetano Fonzi, a barber. (He later shortened his first name.) After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, he was a reporter and editor at Philadelphia Magazine. In one article, he and a co-author revealed that a former star reporter for The Philadelphia Inquirer, Harry J. Karafin, had extorted money from local businessmen with threats of unflattering coverage.

Mr. Fonzi died of complications of Parkinson’s disease at his home in Manalapan, Fla., his wife, Marie, said. He is also survived by four children, Irene, Guy and Christopher Fonzi and Maria Fonzi-Gonzalez; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

In Florida, Mr. Fonzi worked for Miami and Gold Coast magazines, writing investigative articles. He also wrote several other books, including a biography of the media mogul and philanthropist Walter Annenberg. But the Kennedy assassination remained the story that consumed him.

“He thought the murder of President Kennedy was a turning point in history,” his wife said. “He said it was the point when the American people stopped trusting their government.” ... ation.html

John Simkin wrote:One of the fairest articles that has appeared in the New York Times on the JFK Assassination. Clearly, Paul Vitello has spoken to Jeff Morley before writing the obituary. ... ntry259701

Jim DiEugenio wrote:Wow, I am kind of shocked. That was actually kind of good. ... ntry259721
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Fonzi, Fensterwald, Flammonde, Freddie, & Franco

Postby MinM » Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:04 am

Show #594
Original airdate: September 6th, 2012
Guest: Gaeton Fonzi
Topics: JFK Assassination Research

Play Gaeton Fonzi (1:22:32) MP3 download

In memorium of Gaeton Fonzi who passed away on August 30th, 2012

# Gaeton worked for Philadelphia Magazine at the time of the assassination
# He read an article by attorney Vincent Salandria critiquing the Warren Report
# A local story due to Arlen Specter's work on the report, the single bullet theory
# The report was contradicted by it's own evidence, black and white contradictions
# Gaeton knew and interviewed Arlen who hemmed and hawed over explanations
# Gaeton's article, it is difficult to believe the Warren Commission Report is the truth
# Gaeton worked on the Church Committee and the HSCA
# In 1980 Gaeton wrote an article, about misinformation and decoys
# Calls from people like Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming offering to help
# A report from the Key West Airport director, Oswald and Ruby early '61 or '62
# Clare Boothe Luce admitted giving false information
# HSCA/CIA liason George Joannides and the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil
# Gaeton was hired by Richard Sprague and Bob Tannenbaum to work for the HSCA
# Sprague pressed David Atlee Phillips on Mexico City and the tapes of Oswald
# Congress could control G. Robert Blakey, interested in organized crime
# Make the Mob the fall guy, not the Agency, Blakey knew his priorities
# The acoustical evidence forced a conclusion of conspiracy as the Committee ended
# The American people have been deceived twice, by the WC and the HSCA
# David Atlee Phillips, perjury before the Committee, David Morales
# The mystery of the Kennedy Assassination, we know the truth
# The length and strength of the cover up points to the seat of power
# Salandria, the assassination was barbarous and openly arrogant
# A message to the people that their government was powerless
# David Morales, "We took care of the son of a bitch, didn't we"
# Ted Shackley ran JM/WAVE, he was not forthcoming at all
# Gerry Hemming, a likeable and very intelligent guy
# Jake Esterline, we never got to him, Ed Lansdale, not in my area
# Bloody Treason (Twyman 1997), an encyclopedic presentation, some disagreement
# The Last Investigation (Fonzi 1993), Specter didn't rebut anything
# Gaeton met Jim Garrison, liaisoned with him, straightforward honesty
# The Committee's distortion of Phillips and Valenciana testimony
# Ruth Paine was never interviewed by the Committee
# There has not yet been a valid investigation of the Kennedy assassination ... id=1274427

Gaeton Fonzi explains early on, in the interview above, the impetus for his interest in researching the JFK assassination. Namely the the inconsistencies and implausibility of the Warren Commission Report...

Fast forward to September 9, 2012. Where actor James Franco endorses the Warren Commission Report for the Huffington Post:
Don Jeffries wrote:Posted 10 September 2012 - 02:03 PM

And I kind of liked James Franco. Seriously, yet another public figure comes out for lone nutterism. Richard Belzer put it beautifully when he said, "90% of the American people believe there was a conspiracy. The other 10% work for the government or the media."

Franco shows a startling naivete here. He almost seems unaware that the Report he is so smitten with has been eviscerated by numerous researchers for more than 45 years. It's like he's trying to inform an unwitting public that "hey, this is some really impressive stuff here." What comes through loud and clear is his disdain for those horrible "conspiracy theories."

The more we see how Hollywood normally responds in lockstep with the establishment on this issue (Hanks, DiCaprio, etc.), the more impressive Oliver Stone becomes. Making JFK was an act of heroism. ... opic=19486

I always thought it was remarkable how many Hollywood names had roles in JFK.

To some extent, I think that helped Stone's movie reach a wider audience than it might have otherwise.

Stone was asked:

Q: Why did you put famous actors -- Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Donald Sutherland, John Candy, Ed Asner -- into small roles?

A. They help us along the road because the material might be in some sense dry and arcane to many people. Each actor has a little riddle or obstacle for Garrison, who has to work his way around it to move farther into the heart of the labyrinth, where the Cretan Minotaur lives. (Sklar, page 300)

Stone called his movie a "politically difficult project" and remarked how brave it was for Kevin Costner to commit to such a project at the pinnacle of his career. (Sklar, page 230)

JFK The Book Of The Film, by Stone and Sklar, is an underrated gem. It gives readers great insight into the role of the media at the time Stone made his film.

Edited by Michael Hogan, 10 September 2012 - 03:10 PM.

Don Jeffries wrote:I agree with you about "JFK: The Book of the Film," Michael. It's a very revealing read. Stone first offered the role of Garrison to Harrison Ford, who turned it down because, not surprisingly, he didn't like the conspiracy slant.

While many in the entertainment industry love to wear the "activist" mantle, they've been noticably silent about the JFK assassination over the years. When Freddie Prinze was trying to organize a JFK assassination telethon back in 1976, to raise funds for a new investigation, he was frustrated by the almost total lack of interest on the part of his fellow celebrities.

While I certainly expect it by now, it's still always a shock to see a new young celebrity spread such disinformation. Franco should really be embarrassed. ... opic=19486

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Re: Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

Postby sunny » Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:16 am

Don Jeffries wrote:The more we see how Hollywood normally responds in lockstep with the establishment on this issue (Hanks, DiCaprio, etc.), the more impressive Oliver Stone becomes. Making JFK was an act of heroism.

I agree--on par with Jim Garrison's investigation and for me, that's saying a lot. :lovehearts:

JFK The Book Of The Film, by Stone and Sklar, is an underrated gem. It gives readers great insight into the role of the media at the time Stone made his film.

I can't believe I've never heard of this book. :shock: I must get it at once.

elfismiles wrote:Thank you MinM (I always wanna say MinMin) for your continual follow-ups on old threads and especially the JFK related material.

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Re: Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:13 am

your black op radio link does not work
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Re: Fonzi, Fensterwald & Flammonde

Postby MinM » Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:38 am

New Edition of Gaeton Fonzi's Last Investigation
Started by John Simkin, Today, 10:05 AM
Marie Fonzi tells me that there is a new edition of Last Investigation being published by Skyhorse Publishing Co. "You can see the beautiful cover on There are newly released photos of Gaet - my favorite is the one of him in front of the Capitol under the photo of Gonzales where the caption says Fonzi was never in Washington. I wrote the new Preface, which is filled with excerpts of Gaet's speeches and articles." ... opic=20393
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